Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), August 29, 1907, p. 4

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tiiuhhday audimran low talk iiappimkbs tumiiiiiiiiiiniii nnl now mid i lien hht nvury illimtmhl slay anil if i ymir llfinelliil atloast tliliir or wlint von niiy thems do room lime fin itlm wlm xvlilriru i on lil way tin uuu hkiiihiiiimt won tlin wiilil i huil fiintihli wlthmit vimr wimh trtlu bapphlish nvory rhanre vim itnnil talk it itiat nnil strong 1 lool fit it in 1 io by wnyu an jrnn grimly 1ithii iilnnp imlfupu i lhftiiliti now wh vlult nevei lomcu i irtittulu it smimin youll nnd- that villi and- hupplne i arc llmmu how tub qthtfw stalr woh i ho lmml llnru rh hcwikfreopur and tlinrnuliliir wtvt looking out tlto ofllce window ut it kuntf jf uritf miqw in tho trot the boss lliu kimft was nut in sikm and clio mun oonefntlyi wurn takliib tliliik easy look ut tlto follow in front thorp with tho pipe ilu l ninlabuod the bookkeeper uuh ronlly taken aim stroke now another ho must bo loulnff hhi tnlml til hut laughed tho bond dark that lio wont throw that shovelful lwfore you can count ton one two throe begun tho cashier you lose thoro it hoes hut now buii rebllnp thin follow back bore aid the lhhikkinr hasnt done a stroke sincu weve been watching and look ut unit burnetii rluclur with the old fur cup on youd huvo r di ivo slakes nnd sight across em to sen whether ha la moving at all and ynt wild tho hand clerk slicking liiu pun behind hlu car nnd pulling one foot on tho chair thats only ft haitipio of tho way these city employees do tin taxpayers nut of tnonvy ilyht along the lunt a good man on tlin wholo street depart ment gang nnwtf wo could throw out uotuo of the grafters there in tho city linll nnd put in a decent city government wo could get a buncb of live man who would push tlto snow off thn ut renin hi n hurry its un outrage said tho bookkeep- tn nm ihb trouhla lunt altogether lhn ninnj llu tho tosses tltat boss out thotu doesnt care a rap whether tho inon laop at work or not ho got hiu job through ida polltlcnl pull out in our town said thu cashier iv hnvo n man who known his hnil- nrnh whnn i cama in this morning lhn streets wore clean luou ctlnd tho bookkeeper ex- cltwlly that old buck iii front there lintt his hiiovoi ready for nnother ptroko tho three ninn laughed then thoro who n stop behind tboin tho bend of tho ilrm had coma in aa hlu throo omployooa turnnd nnd nnw lilm they gnlvnnlotl thonutelveu into notion and bornmblod hack to tbnlr deska tho head of tho firm hndagrlm bitillo on hlu faoc ho had board a good pnrt of tin ronvcrsntian that was bnouoh a young frenchman in the opho inoru clnaa at nn american colloga wu invited tn a muilcnl entertainment ftlv en by bli clubmatob where thoro woiosung in honor of tho foreigner n nnmher of french nohgo nhd thoy wci o riven in the lieat amerlann- ironch i bay old mant observed nno of the aopbomoroff after tho antertalnmont i biipponn thoiio fronoli songs mado you feel a little homesick eh no reaponilod tho rrenehmati only sink his off davs at n inception whoro mnny literary people uere lielng entertained nn in ipniltlvn lady wns talking with tumoa whituonthltlley on tho aubjoot of the poor pi icon paid in tho profession of lltorrtture 4 dub you mr itlloy said sho auro- ly you hnvo no can bo for complaining von mum he a very rich mnn i undor- stand you got a dollar n word for all yon write yoo no inndniu snhl klley with his slow drawl i hut amotimsu i sit nil day nnd cant think of a slnglo word vlolatino tub uh1tivsj theatrlcnl folk nv n iiilc enhitot re slst the temptation tn rescind to sr pin ime it is iiiuhio to tbelr rwre to get a imnil gratldes unv nmbltloii of thn hinnli1iit tuitor and the niiv alike and thny rt piompt to rnilei their anknowlmlgiiient regartllfss if the shook it limy nlv ut the llluulnnnf tbn play a wellknown actor bad taken lhn pnrt nf tliohtto in m drama in which it whb liernuminy for hlui to 1 kllm olv in thn nimt in tho last see hi th last hct hm hud wlui tremnndoiii ip upplatiuo hy tlylng in a niimit tenllnlle i it miner thoniirtuln wus down hut the hand chipping wne insutent ami lui apmiarej itefoir thn curtain bow ing and hllllllug flu bite k i yellfd n dt eply intel et- d hutjiorruhtl llttti l fn th gal lery iolvt yuu ktittw youre tleil r mha0 an nglulnnaiumn irjuhmitii m hootohnun were one dar which of tjie three couutilc ihiwd the fastest trains wilt mild the kiigjlbbhirtiit iye leu in one of our trains and the ute- pjraph itnlas have been like u jiedge ive ueeii the inllvstnnis appear like tombslnitec snld the scot ho sitlil iwt ri wan one day in train in my ennnthry and wo patsml n add of tumlim and a field of carrot also a fluid of cubliage and wtrtioy then n pjind of water tlntl we were go ing thatipiluk i thought itwashiotlil a uh roft han do i onjoy tho freedom of o latch key t exclalmntl the liachelor maid bitterly ihik at that buiioh holding uloft a ring full of keys fifteen- and i hnvo to carry all of them all tho time this ono la the toy to tho studio building this to my own studio this to my club this to my hamper at thu club this to inyduk this to the secret drawer of the desk this to a trunk this tn nnotber this ut my letter box thle to my sewing muchlno- o yes tho woman who comes to clean my studio would do her annual sowing thoro if i dlilnt this to ho piano to koep the woman from using it of course this nasi tlvely 1 forgot what it is for but i know i need it often im simply worn out lugging around a wilatlug big enough to hold them all i ainure you my dear that if you uver boar i have committed matrimony you may toll all my filends 1 need a mnn to carry my keys for me the bun hundtty clothes may cover a tmiltl tndo of bins but tlioy cannot hide them the cream of society la not obtained hy removing tho milk of human kind ness thoy advertise themselves im mediately they waro offored to the public iarntelueii vegetable rills be came popular been use of the report they mado for themselves that rep illation has grawn until it now ranks among the first medicines for use in attacks of dyspepsia biliousness com plaints of the liver anil kidneys rheu matism fovor and ague and the innumerable complications to which these aliments glvo ilsa asfaft inbfc ttreparallon for as tflmjlflllnbtscroodandhetfiiln klhtstobuitiriardllowtliof bbbbbb uuuittad promotcswimlonjchmrrul- kmindntoiibln3 ndilw opummorphlra n mlnupl nor njuicotic amrftclttemedy foroimllm- lion sour stomachdlnls worms onvulsionsrvrlsh ntu tndlohs ovstier new vojik uuer copvor vnahkh castoria for infant and chlldrnn the kind you have always bought bears the signature of use for over thirty years castoria tho man who most doservos our pity is the poor fallow who lias no pity for the poor bwa his itnisur ln evrv bes at lbs fsaulm nxailvo bromoquininc tstuu m eula snaslay the great man novor knows spy little mon i thny ore nil great men to him oa1oitia 6us tits ugmltie ef 1m tkt vw hw ihrifl btttjw jj m ma twi hw imp huany n joy reuinins undiscovered until our eyes are dimmed with sor row pule elokly children should use mother graves worm kx terminator worms are one of tho principal causes of suffering in children nnd should bo expelled from tho system news op tub da v tho nvnllablo output of tho tilbury gas hold la placed at forty million foot per day tho plan to open theianiostown kx- position on holidays has failed owing to tbn refusal of the fudral govern monti to uftnallon tho project mr oulllngwood uohrelher states that tho urand trunk paolflo rails will bo laid from winnipeg to haskntoon this year it in expected that it party of engin eering nnd tolehco students from various universities will visit ounadu shortly bubnily and with clear eyeslmlleve tn your own time nnd place thoro is not and there novor has been n better thno or a hotter plnoo to live in only with this bell of nan you ike eve in hope nnd bedove in work only to a self respect whloh stands erect in conscious privilege erect for expected duty oan god speak his great nnd blessed mes sages nnd be completely understood phillips books tlto virtue nf a man is measured by bis ovcrydny conduct pascal to do the common duty or ma1f day uncommonly well that is success honloo tall fair datkb jjohdon nudlnli 110 rl u a tnn oakvlire georgetown waurtlown ilockwnod nassagaweya- si edotiia hrln aug2nhrptl hptill hont i71h10 beptafl hep ahw w 18 dot 1 opt ut ooibl oct 1011 oor1011 oct 1017 its nn use talking about looking up if your llfu will not bonr looking into as tho oil kuha in tho pain hubs out applied to tho seat of a piln in uny part of the body the skin absorbs the soothing hnlmont under brisk friction ahd the patient obtains ulruoat instant relief tho results of tho use of dr thomas kolonlrla oh have lur- prioed many who wore unacquainted with its qualities nnd once known it will not bo rejuotod try it ifitripe fruit change of u water golds improper diet cauu duilttnoea dy8ehteuv colic cramps pain im the btohac0 8xt1ihbr coiiplaint etc tltem annoying iwmel complaints may be quickly and effectually cured hy the use of dr fowlers sxtraot of wild strawberry this wonderful remedy lias been on the market or over sixty years and in using it you are not running any risk lie sure when asking for wild fltrnw- berry you pit da fowiwns anil tlont let the unscrupulous dealer palm off elienp sulutltute on you mrs aordon llshner nowlntton oat writes i liavo iisad on fowutra kktiuot or witn stuawiikhky for dlnrrlioea and never found any ether medicine to equal it there are many imitations but none so good as dr fowlers i mrs 0 w jlmwn orond hstlior mlliwrltes i leonsiderdrfowlkne j evrnatrr or wnn stuawhkrhv to 1m ilia heal remedy for hummer oompulnt as it euretl me of a vary bad ease i ejus li highly to anyone chartered by dominion government hlfllilliliml im the merchants bank or canada iikad office m0nth1sal interest added four limes a year iq ii ranches president st it mohtaou allan vico president jomatiiam honoson usq general mansrcr li f hiiiioin caplltl tatd up fioooooooo depoillsover ioo3ooo oo surplus ioooooooo tola assets 13100000000 savings bank deposits one dollar or upwards will open an sccaunl money wlllidrawablo any lime no daisy rarmers sale notes we hive special facilities for collecting ihoao we will catih litem at once ii desired al s low rale of interest joint accounts when requested wo will open recounts in two names so that slther one rosy drnw ihe money husband or wile elc aoton branch w s ghisholh hanaffor thfe triumph of the time canadian national exhibition 1007 toronto i0o7 auitust 20lli co september oui ouf countrys retourcci consdisn proflrcu llluitrsted our countrys industries 100000 in now hullclhuu 400000 in premiums si 8000 in premiums 40000 in spoclul attractions 40000 indusliist aclivlty national nl i lutoncal all thais best in exemplified portrait collection atjricullure and in ait finr9t op till wouihh i1andu magnificent dittlb hicc iacii un iuv a iikll unrrutaijmkni fieatumh suji srs ut rouad tnp sud icurew rtut u viy lio of rvl fmsii ulnrmtikhisiliraii w k ceorce j o onn or mh toronto if you keep your tools loon the blaster will not beep you long idle was a total wreck prom heart failure in mull oup lhn nttlnn ol milburns heart and nerve pills in quieting the henrt reutnrlns its nor mal iwmt and iuimrtlup limit to the nero centres is uiyond all qiuutlon iiumel- lous mr darius carr geary n ii urlus it is with thu unuitmt of phtuure i write ymi n few i11104 to let you know tho rreat hleulnit your milhiirnt henrt end norvojniu have itoon to me 1 win s tntnl wreelt from heart fnlhiro nnd my wife adviued mo to tnkn yout lillu after mlnjr two luixes 1 was reittnred to perfect health i am nnw flj yearn old and feel almost as well its i did nt 20 imee 80 eents per imix or il for 813ft at all dealers or mnilnd direct hy the t mllhum co umlted toronto onl utiperstltlou often is only a synonym for intelligent sloth bsststb ysllmlm ijtsth trcsm a fust life makes a innso oharaetur content gives chavni tn cery clr- giiinstanco dr j i kcllogra dyaonlury cor dial la prepared from drugs known to tlie profession as thoroughly rellahlo for tho euro nf chnloia dyeontory dlarrhoon griping pains nndiummor complaints it bus heon usod biiccobb- fully by modlcal prnctlonctu far a number of yonru with gratifying resultb if stilforlng from nny summer oomplulnt it is jnjt the medicine that will euro you try a bottle it sells for w coots thoio is not inuch vbtuo ia tho idligtnn whoso vitality yon hnvo to provo hy argument castoria for infant and children the kind you have always bought bears the ttfgnataro of tho bofct way to malto folks hungry for lioavon is to glvo thorn a tosto of happiness bore roundation phnalplasj first 1 vlien wo undortnko to fill your subscriptions w glvo tboin our undivided attontlnn and liest care ttio imtlonta wolfuro la our first con- sldoiattun second 1 wo gtiarnnteo our drugs to lie of full strength as well iim nuro and freab third 1 our oustoiuors nro auppllwl with just what tlioy ask for 1 siiliatltnt ing la novor allowed 1alhufl okluiiv oomiounn if yon aro a sufferer fnn kidney disease hvor complaint blood troubles rbeumatlam neuralgia or nervous prostration wo confidently recom mend tho use nf ia1ne celory oom- pound this reltablo and never ills appointing niedjolna is a rue disease bantsher and system itulldor we supply the genuine pained oelery oomponnd at ilrown aoton out lloautirul is tho activity that works fnr good nnd tho stillness that waits for good gnllyer there novor was and novor will lw a unlvonml panacea in ono ientedy for nil ills to whloh flosh is heir what would rollovo ono iii in turn would aggravate tin othom wo have howover in qulnlno wlno when obtalliotl in a sound unadultor- atod stato a remedy for many and grlovons ilia ily its gradual and judloioith uao tho frailest wyatotns it led into onnvnlohcennti and strength by tho inlluonun whloh qulnlno oxorui 011 nnturos nwil rout n rati voa it ro lldvna thoso to whom it ohronlo state nf morbid duupondnitoy and lack of interest in hfo is a dlaaese and by tranqulllalng thu uorvea dlbmeas to sound nnd refreshing soepmiaits vigor to tho notion of tho blood which being stlmulntod courses through the veins strengthening tboboalthy ani mal functions of tho system thereby making activity a uoooosary result strengthening tho fmiuu nnd giving life to tho digestive organs whloh naturally domain increased siilwtanco result improved aptllo north rap it layman nf toronto hnvo given to tho publla tbolr superior qulnlfttt ily the opinion of scientists the wine hpproaohos nuareat porfeotlon of any on tho inarkut all druggists sell it mowhb mibd dr hewnnl xvobb at n dinner nt utelhiirnn karins his srnt vermont sttttn un id in n oertnlu poor marks- vlslthig ids kngluk brother-ln- law hn shot thn head beeper in the leg the first morning ho tried pheasant shooting the man limped wy cursing horribly nemt day h lutd wrtohd luck though thn bead koeper without malice hud assigned bhn to a fslt ly kkhi plnae hang wng bang went bisgiiu evety few twtmntu but not 11 id nl fell before it ilu was iniinh mil hnrfcsued it scenird uw that ut each nun of the misses lhn under keepers smiled nt omianother oddly finally hu nurtridgeu gave nut ifnhiirrlutlto the nearest keeper and demanded tnorr tlttro rxltit j6 more sir tho- inilsj answered nt niorav niitiaensu why yonyogotat leait a thousand in that box lint keeper hushed uud slammnretl ah but tliom nlnt fur you sir theyre for nnothnv gent ttieyri got shot fh eur sir oonvkenejatiou dohtsi fmt vtty vou was but vnil voro dont sky ho dont hut lie doesnt dont uny tfiit as i knowv hut not tluit i know dopt say ho is older than incbut ilu is older than i dont sny lletween you a lid i but iletween you nnd run dont say nho is some better but who la somewhat tatter dont say this is the finest of any but tills is finer titan nny dont say whoro are you stopping f but where am you staying r dont say idlsllko her worse than ever but i dlsllko bor more than ever dont nay i was raised in nnw kng- html hut i was reared in now ng- latid dont nay i rarely over go any where but i rarely if ever go any where dont say either o the three will do but any of the three will do tumors conquered serious op avoided unquelliled success of 1ydu ii mnk- hame vegetable compound in use case of mrs isnnle d po fine nf the nrslet triumphs of tydla y rinkhuuis vrtitahln cotiimunil is the mnqitcthib of woinsus dread eiirniy tumor tiir arottlh ut a tumor u nt sly that frequently km tin ere is not misjwwlod unlit it in far bjlvonre watch the kidneys they are the moat important secretory srgstis into and through the kidimjs flow the waste fluids of the body con taining poisonous matter taknn out nf the system if the kidneys do not act properly this matter is retalnrd the whnlo syiitem beeomes dinordernd and the following symptoms will follow tain in tho small of the bnck nnd loins frightful dreams specks floating before the ejom rm tines under the ejee and iwelllrtg of the feet and ankles or any urinary trouble when any of these eymptoms manifest themsehps you can quickly rid yoilrsell of them by the use of the liest of all mndlcfnes for the kidneys doalfs kidhby pills mr john l doyle button west out writes- i waa troubled with a pain in my buck for some time but after using two boxes of doama kinnkv pillm i was entirely cured and can speak highly in their favor lvteo no cents per box or 1 for i12a at nil dealers or the doan kidney till co toronto ont a orook is mado by bonding the mind on solfsatlsfnctlon chamberlains cough remedy always cures and li fleiiul and 8if wlion n mnn 01 to bo eicprt nt raising tho ilmt lio i nuro to do it no wall n to dlioke lilmiolf bui 0 f ojlonia lmtiil ha who works in faith will work faithfully to ounio a cold ih oh ib dav take a iithlve llronisqulnliia tablet al drtirsuts iitibf tha mooy if li falls to eur h w urovassltnalnreetieubi ilai siuts life is early blighted if it knows no clouds thoy cleanio tho hystem thorough- ly iarnieloee vegatablo pills clear tho stomaoli and itowole of bilious matt or eatiso tho excretory vessels to throw off impurities from tin blood lulo theliowole nnd flxpst the deloter- lous mass from tho twdy they do this without pain or lucouvonlonco to tho patient who speedily roalltos tholr good offlooa as anon at they begin to take effect tlioy hnvo strong recommendations from all kinds of people more sine are slain by smllos than by scowls llollowaya corn cure la a specific for the removal of corns and warts wo have nover board of its falling to remove even tho worst kind paoplo who bunt trouble always shoo away tholr joys a bad stomach that is the secret of dyspepsia this disease assumes so mnny forms that there la nrnrcly n oomplulnt it may not resemble in one way or another among tlie most prominent symp toms are constipation sour stomach variable appetite distress after eating etc burdock blood bitters is a positive euro for dyepepsla mid all stomnch troubles li stimulates secre tion of the saliva and gastric juices to faollltate tllgustlun purifies he blood and tones hit thn entire ayatein mrs xi a mesrll ilrwk vlllnge nh writes t r suffered from dyspepsia loss of aiitetlte and lad hlootl i tried everything eould vi but in no durpntu t tlien nnolly stariwl m use niinmak pwd hitter ii prnm firf day i mt tl goad effects of the medlelne i oan eat any thing now without any iii after sffeoto and am strong and wellsgaln flnralled wsnjmng pains f may eoinnfroin its early stages or tlm yr- miiee of daiitftr may 1m made manifest by pritftim moiithly jhtrlifls setompaliled by unasiinl puln from thn olmlomnti throtiah he nrnlnanil thighs if you hate injslt rlmw aluu if tin re hm hidleallous of hillsuiinatlnn t dls- vlaeemetit seetiro lydla i iink hams eaetahle riiiwuuu rlnhjawy and iteuln lis iisoi sirs riiiklmui of bttn mann will ghe ou her ad v lee if eil ul vtrlte her slioiit yourself hhn is tlm dausbter-ln- lawof lydlu r ilnkhiiin and for twenty five years has lxen mblilng shk women fno ol charge iwrmrs plitldinm i tnkn llm ihm rly in ennnrmlujsui you on the kiirfenb i lint n itml wtlh yittr woiuli rful kiivlli ino flslitu ii iiinntlioaiio my tieriiuls rjr ifilt wi hiidly that iirtitiuhexamuinir a filiyklclsii nnd vina titliflhat limit nt iiirruaii orxrnlhn mis and ins vrffitnliln compound a trial after trylna fueliuilm as uintim he tumor is eiillrrtv ifiiir i have ln n rxainhuil hy a hams vrffijnliln conini i 1 it hits lo lirouaht my liod around nnrn innru nnd 1 nm rnilrcly well kannlo d vx 7 cliesuut btrwit uralfirl 1 the old citizens work ghorllc sticy acton ii and iaun dry willow street near test odils nnd towm hall i am a laundry man of long experience and nlve special and lender care to srllcl of all kinds hrcurltt to be isundrled bhlrls ironed no they will not hurt your neck stand up collars ironed so they will noi lireik in llie vlna all ladles and gentlemen s ironing done with entire sallstcllan and promptly co to charlie suey and let lilm know when wanted and he will not fall you is it footwear vou are look ing par 7 if thats the case go tp williams shoe store i carry a full lino of boots shoes rub bers etc for people of all ages and sizes fall and winter stock now ready for your inspection wm williams ths shot mut lillirunat aoton paper makers oeonaxtown ont itook nrwb and oouhikd papeiib df snsroniiannsr muodbtav children said tbn teacher tell the name of something belonging to themilimil kingdom carl in stantly rnlsed ids hand wbnt is it carl r a little wurrttin auld carl til teacher smiled who can glvn m the natiio of another anbnul v carls hand fairly wriggled with excitement well chr an other little wurruui i 1 wonder if i snore said ktbel why dont you lie nwske some night and listen v nakrd her big brother immwl mild chut scornfully if i should ilu nwnke i wouldnt snore of courue i sup- ikiae though sho abided thought fully i might wake up suddenly mid listen for the echo vsanv wvlchcd some trains taws then said wlh h tberti wore three tratnb passed in aecessioih then wherj mm brqthsv laugho he x claimed l vell yoti knpjv that i mean in concession vou cannot count the stars and make mud pb- kt the aluetlme make yout trinls stepping- tones to sbnlethlng higher and lietter mjbidsjd a cjiiibell tfte slrugullng author boldly entered the editorial sanctum 1 have eonio with my latest story be announced that sof ejsoulntod the busy editor iritis hear bow it runs well this is from the first chapter i casper- had been standing as motion less as a block of granite huddonly ho dropped on bis knees iwfore the beautiful girl with the alabaster brow anil boldly proposed it was than that sho answered with a stony staru and bunded him tho marble hoart- then hut the busy editor reached for tho clipping shears voting man ho thundered you havn mado a mistake take that story down to tho nearest stoneyard this in an editorial office tut iuani tttlnk imiuvay paijholeiiin tim cnrcat shoo- 1 ly iltliraitation 10u houses cattu e1c ml on prl ianoliium to u pjiti water pray nllit nil morning rmci tmo run can joljpstone go- hill stheut acton ssr excelsior bakery wo are headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of first- class quality wo also carry a splendid stock ol groceries and con icctionery t statham 9b son mill atmae aetot hcton ii i6ry bus likie paoeienoc1i tllalna tin lu i alllit nsiiu richelieu arid ortarlo navlga- llpn company lw 1 hijlri h toilqjij mom iii alii t i mo i hi itl miii 1m tf i in tjlly sfjiiir iiaulmoohistill tl iim fl xi in i mm iitiuik tmli nun va llnsi tf lit vr if lrtvolu a j i a torttutl v hiacaba navlcattoh co tfatqdsrslflns4irmpetttlyseliellltisratroii ae ol lttbpablleantl infamibtbsm tusi well kaulpped and stylish pigs oan always be aeenred thlssublas a mmteiruble lias mssts a trains bslwsaa 10 s ui ana ib v- oararal attaalma liven tesvsryorasr vtoetsaaueioomuejrelaltnsl- lers fall toss john iiimlijtwcs pnomibtoh notice our semiannual halfprice hat sale opened this morning hats at halfprico at ouelph e nelsons ontario in repairing a watch to do 11 well tha workman rrtust have ruiurtl mechanical ability good training and ssperlence wk 1iavu tillim am mr will urns my foreman and mysell have hid eaeb over thirty years prut lct experience on all classes of welches rood and bad we feel thst we have the ability and all lbs licllllles for doing eslra good word and we wish yours our prices are juit the same u other peoples but we believe we oan give you bel ter satisfaction thin most pieces d pbingfclie watchmaker qujlpfi rjufrrflo mlaiiarn fnlln new york nn all united cnileii poliifu timu tllili psllir ftiniit hun lf ii i it n a t arrive at turunt i ii jn m 1 i 1 ihtu hlim uh i synulsih01i canadian nojitjiwest homebtiiau iii culation6 ah oyoti iuml i u ttnn n tiomlnlni alborta vu nl milnunnfl i ii t iu may tie liulilmtsbiliiil hy tuy i urinn wlin iu i tln lissd ol a fa mill at nny initio uvir ix uaiio qi to ttio hlu ii l n ouu ijimrl r utljii iif 1q saioi mora or ki knlrjf mint l innu iuiully at llii locih uud nlllco lor tltu dluttlil in nlilili lliu unfl u ituslail tinniaslnilor is rinlrrl lonrln ltli i icr cl jcsri ij it llm ulhtr or iiollir if llm f almr u looooil lit km hull ii nt i i r tiial inn iinan isllll iii ilia viliiiiiv ul hid hm 1 nt ri1 fur tlin tufj ii ire lunula ou tn r ii u m i ijiny lm nailfloil ly aiirli viimiu niiliuj ultli i i ilhet or inultii r i ii lliu lie i u r n lit i nn mmt rtblloiica sfsiikaltt r is ii jkst hli un ii llm nouio i tt hint lioull i u t ithii lo llin coiiiinl nldirr ol i mini u r mil i nt otlkwb il iniuiitloiitii i iv f ir iimt u w tuiiv luiul of ilu liilm nr lliu inlml ir nil una film i ulllmui l il a toitumusiii will tint ho n lit for eh nassagaweya lumber mills lumber latli and sliinglcs always on hand clieap bill stull cut to order p sayers sons nassaoawkya iq mamto dretons copvniohto 4o anmls sshrtlllb a unlrli mill ilnsotliillnl nial niilnblf siixirliiiii iuir iuinn u jr h in i hor n iivlilln a urti ml y i till il t i niinli- aistis iiffliiifciiiif scieniilic jflineiicaii a hbhiltnnittw lllinlralm vrnklr 1 nmril mr iilllnii i afiy luii ul i tinuj j h imri roiirniuiillisl tlulil tr till nnwnnlii itr our imsifiniu immius nvet rellup sixl mowyirn sr swlntiud ssiiii us a reusn sbsch nr mnjtl of your ln- jntoii arhiiiroviiil wcwtlnsll voiir ffmoiir niihijnn ns l i1iclln r rrolinlily klsulalils hvlntcit iippllcstlaeslinvsqiiri it iurpni fully imuiciilnl liy ti wtj enmlmi ii ty sliiiin oflkr u sioiitieau en ml cti itiilluk aslirtmilai iliitntliii lllulieair niriililtfil its rrnnirnl llitnniili tnrlnii ik eslvsspmlsl rutl will mil charts itil ki hntmis ilunlthilci ilinisaboul i minion splally pateiil imnliim at msntifs tttrrsaitfitimliiti j marion marion j patent experts jhtt solloltorm i ftii nswvorkt iiirtity nitrfstl

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