Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 5, 1907, p. 3

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s the finctt quality cnkn- krlit in nndpiiro fruit nivori tlmls groins wklto swan jolly powder n flchnoin flivoru bolli fruit nnd wine jllnililliiiln hrr nil leave it in a cool pi ire ak jmir jjttimi rrilc int the lioilkrit qflciq co llmlid a toronto j our ntdujcor rotftirv j knvns wodding layrlie fawnta iiliiiriarfi ami fine cnini 8p6oni woddlriy hina i up to dato s geo hynds a q jowollor m 5 mill bl anon g t ctoit 3fre truss tiiiiiisdav w ill miiiii mn hricf local items mlukclllniint 7 in luili dulu hiioolii i uiiiiiilrcfl nil mnn- day a now hlfnni hullii im bolnjr in- atnllvd liy mihmh v ntnrey hnn tin- tax lolliclm hi nltmil to tfot tinny tami 1110 due nn hthnupt and kith o a new pionu nt hn bum petition td fin- mi luidph stiict from church to a u n it nt l ii lake oirni foi ualn liin lot nnd hum on thu timer of chinch nnd niriii huccti a hctiiji of nitrarllvn sporting tfiit are aniiniinriil tu lalti pin co in tho pink nn hatuidity mcnlnp nt h iii look i oivhf to delay in iu living dd inuitu of cuinont llu pavement con tractors imvii boon wtardid with tholr work thin icl all witliui najfoot of uooruc- town wiiu in hiti ulil plnco nit in tho methodist hnndny hchnol orchestra on sunday afternoon at tlio lucuption ueivim of thn kpwotth loukiio on tin tdiiy evonlnp fourteen nuw inciuhoih wero rocelved a very intercut liitf uurvlm was held i william anderson dhlvory wjir- kuii cunio todtlif uith a load of coal on mill htn ut tuesday moi iiiiir ono of lliu rcai win ulii navn way at thu icccnt examination for li matriculation jnniru lnwiion pnam d in ninn mibjictw nnd nil not ho ie ipilrud to lako theso nifxt cnr mr li ii hiwickbuniir him tlib- pfiutd of liin qiitdtthid iiiinidlhh to mi tionigi wallace ticket ujont of thn otll hliiktnung in now in pintf- m hiixo who hrim hiim in tho old iron biislncsu hiri fniuovmal yearn id extending hlu inuintuu uin ndv will he found in nuw udvcrtluomontii column ijiihorilay waa liy wnorny oli- orved on monday it wan notlcanhlo hownwor tlml while nearly ovciy olio uino liolidnyud many lahorirn were at tholr imial work turnip whipping uunuon oponml on tiiiwrtfty w j akin nnaanknwoyn hrnnglit in tlio flmt lonil nnd thttyweto nn iiniiaiinlly linn uamplo ror anrly tnr- nlpn m i hurry in tlio ahippor ho re tlio now rlnb houuu ut fnhy lnku u iihant comptulfd and piowontu pilto an nttrnntivo npjioaiaiio the inter ior of tlio hocond utory will ho quit cozy it u hiipjillnd with a dro placo nnd other comfortiihlfl ncccuiorlcu lultinmptny nnd whlikuy got jftinob mallott tlm whltowriihor from oiiolph who whitened tlio interior wnllu of thu iohonl a fuw wnoku ago into niiriuiih tionhlo on thn charge of hnmklng npen fiiljihl nun tho ingiilar mouthig f tlm wonmtiu inntltiitn will hit held nn tlio lawn of minn mnuiln mubiilouoii friday ttflarnntin ith hiht at thron oclock a fiordlnl invitation lu extimded to nil tliuludldh of arton and virlnlty to lu prvrnt an httviouung inuutltig in ox- poctpd it in prolmhln that tho itiihainnh lirrfl ivliruhorlly arinnifo for yiddish survlcnu in ono of thn pnhllo linlln a itnhhl from toronto wnhenpootod to limit thi mnmhoih of thu faith in anton to morrow evening hut owing to poraniinl ilhioun thn vlult hnu hoen pnutpomd news l local import oulph central rlr hiinikinlwr thndutmii of tint jmlph unlral iiir stipt iuiiimt itlli iklii and llltli thu hunt iifur imrvihl hull lay hlimhi furti gotkl olng on p in irahiu on heueiiiinr uith gnl ti letniii up to htpimnlhtr aith if uirkwoml prrylilcnt i win luidlaw uiriotary thra vlalorlm t hmm bll un hiitmduy afternoon thu uunlor hauo lull play em of georgetown and acton pluynd u match in thn park here hi whkh thn vlllury irutnd with tin honin tram in a tilor f hi in d un lalmir day tint junlom nf juelpli phiyt d in ni ning and afternoon irmtche hunt with thn alton jnnloiu hoth ganu u worn won hy alioii tho uenrca mngtl to u nnd jo to 1 olihlur in rik4lyahlp owlngtn hnr approiirhing uiaitlngu mui uue holincj hat rttulgnud imr position iiu forclady t tho janadn iiuivv woikn mlila llolmea fulfilled tho dutlm of- that ponltlon with tho rrnatiiht uiitthfaotlon to w ii hlorey k hon hlui imii unun unccewlud hjf mihb latin dllla who ilau lienn nt ifuvotuvlllt kv for sum tiilic and i a inout ropipntnt id nxpert glove maker an bitsltah hniloturim anu ml a 1 nlcklln who for many yearn has liecn nuuhtuil with the gloie hiiajneyuormeujiru v ii h lorry at noiib lino reejgued hu position there to accept tlm nuunoy fnrciinadnof thn high claim glovun ru ami foe tn rail hy a ij tlioman of wnrcmter ling mr nlcklln will makw aunn his hrad- iptartnro nnd ok poet to handle hirg rpmutltlou of th bsd kngilah gloves ilu will htlll handle tho htomy loveg throiiifh hlu ngoncy mr nickllnn many filondu wlnh him every miccesa in lila now venture cure smu irinulmhaanaiullovnallthii troubtm tnl ill in lit ilium hlalu of ilu ylun auclt m lliiim nuniiliroloem i intro a fcr tttiiia ltln in llinkm1 jba wlillq tlidr moi iuuuuluiuuiiuecoliusthiaatioiviincuilii mulmi yrcoltjilltlo i war ihua im tiiiahy vnliiijiotii ciillnollftntitr nitmilpro flhuuniiny narniitiliiliithlmuioyum nuulala tm liowtl jivoiilluuivonly head vdnlliitfl tnrrrlill inraiui cutcu arhtt thy irniilil hti inet pr li nltir fniin llililllriliiaf mruilyilm rftml yihnr- 1 1 1 a v n lii i i nfn i hutnifi iltirrniiblmfij11lri ifiilyniilritvuliiiriiilnhiwilimiliinaiiiluuo upiirilryiliijiinilllllnltifwultloliinvlii- libliimhiinny inyi lltamliiy will lhlw wll- llniftoilumliliautllkim iliitaftorallalcktimil ache wan omloiviilil tl dun ara eryama1l an1 olnlfd onnnrliviililluinavakilma niilllinahaii alilcly ypfftthut ana ilo nut tpll- bf iimir flullo uuoa pmwiuf ww tushl fimilloom hismoi a drunktn fnuin on tit btrui a drimketi indian dlutnrhad tho poacu nnd ft ightannd n nil in tier of cltuona hy hla conduct on tho atreelu on hatiinhiy lie wiw tnkan in tow by oftuor carnahnn nutl locked in tho cellti when ho remained over night ipon promising to lm good he wim allowed hlu freedom ho cainn from nhout london nnd wnu sojourning nt hpcynlrin tho query naturally nrlaeu win anppllad tlir- i tit inn with whlakny thin free traffic in whiskey to nil and tuindry will gut no mo one into troulilu one of thaae inn dayii thn puoplu hero will aoon ihi toady to curry local option with a rush pell prom train at qaorvtown whlln coming homo from f he toron to nvllliltlun mi the ntk midnight regular much overcrowd od nnd two hour a late on monday night daniel curtain of hiclph wna thrown off tho platform nf n pullman ut onorgetown un mi at allied ucrloim injuhea tho train had ulackenud tip nnd when pul ling out the coupling hroko na ho wa pawiing from one cor to another tho unfnrtunnu mnn fall onto lh track hlu hack blilking one of th rnllu un wan picled up unconacloiib nnd tnkan on hoaid tha train a incnangit wmi aitnt to juelpli fur n phyulrlan to ut at thn btatlon he found that mr cur tain waa luidly ubnkon up tirulsod on thn ntinu and lmdy nnd slightly injur- ud uhnut lliu frtcu daatlt or mr jamm stawart aftui a very brief ilucaa death rohbed thn home nf mr imnan stew art lot ll con 2 ksipioblng of kb ilovotod wife and mother inat hnndny morning tho twrenvod hiiblinnd nnd thn nevon mothurloua children hnvu tlm sympathy of tho community jumea htewnrt nnd aunlo mclean dnughtoi of john mclean for home tinii a resident nf lot ti con l nbipiduing weio joined in holy wed lock ulxteon yeara ngo luat lunn very happily they have lived together in the family renltlf not on tho second linn hnvon children were horn to them- bix daughters tho youngest but n fow hours old when tho mother tiled nnd ono son tho funornl yesterday afternoon wna inrgely nt- tended a bad if omacomlng a year ngo last monday mr and mia hector johnson of job na town ny roturnod to tholr homo nftor n ory plenuant visit with filnmlu hero ii at monday mrs lohntmn roturnetl to acton ucrompnnylng tho roinnlnn nf hnr bolnvetl pnrtnur for interment in thn family ptot in knirvlew conietery hero aftor n long mid painful lllnaua mr jnhnunn paused nwny inat friday nt thn ngo of thirty- two ilia aliment was diabetes and ho miifercd much from its inroads mr nnd mra johnson woro mnrrlml nt tho homo nf tho hildos father anthony htophenson ijuip willow htront four years ngn lost ohrlstmao nnil they proceeded at onco to their now homo nt lohnstnwn ny tholr inarrlod life line lieen very hnppy in her great borrow mrs johnston line tho heartfelt sympathy nf her numer ous friends here accompanying tlio inmnlnh were many llorul tokons of esteem from fi lends in johnstown and other pointy of which tho following is u hut i pillow from ioof johnu- tnwni broken wheel sliopmntaa of lucnu kennedy i wreath nf nstere and lilies brothers nnd sister t a pray of lutois nnil blocks mr and mrs ii llnlnow spray nf asters from phlla- thon olaaa of the m k church i wreath of natf rs ami illlea iottlo kblingo t wreatlt of nsters nnd llllot mr and mrs m hpull new york i sprny of iiutora nnd rnaau park dills i spray of ostors mr and mrs v k lovoyat spiny nf nut o is mr nnd mrs m hntton i sprny of roaoo mr nnd mrs walter itlptnn uovorsvllte spray of nttters mr nnd mr pretoiloiut sprny of nsters mr nnd mrs f arnold wrontli of nalore nnd llllos autou ioof i wreath nf roses and h store tho futnlty i sprny of lilies mi s james motam nnil mm o 1c aklns mid land t spray of nsters mr and mrs w i fienoli hurillu t sprny ofnstora mrs cj k tenner tho funeral wns hold from mr fltophunsons resldenoo nn tuesday afternoon nnd wns cn- duntod hy itev ti w darker who wits assisted hy hev j o wilson ii x the pall bearers wore i messrs john kenny jr a m hmlth ltonald hluoliilr john h konnetly frnnk hwnokhntnr nnd tlourgo illldonhraml thoinomlieifltif anton todtfiii ioof nf whloh nrdiir deoiutsed wnk a mom- hor ottnntliid in u body nnd paradifd in udvnuoo nf tho lienrso in tnmnmnd ofcnpt c rl jamb p conductor killed on oln ildwnrd waiiahorough of toihihi jiinrtlon a brother in law of mi 1 box li pilre arton vmis inxtanlly llllid in nc 1 it rear end nolluloii at mnn- vein idiout 7u iiillih east of ioiouto on tlm jhtti utt mi waimlunoiiifh wns coiidiu lm ami wau goio ent o ot hlu tiiln mr pilut waa down to hie fnnuial on 1ihluy nammtsihweya aihow oou nth holidary m j carton of thn nan snnurya agiluiltiiinl hot lely wna in town mi halmduy oidniing thopilo llau etc torthiboiintyh fall with h will tm held nt ttimphi llvllle on 1 m n- duy ol tobor hth tin i n will be a fine list ami the fair pioiiiuih to he un- iiaually nun t hhiui hiim ytm i hu dlrcuoru are putting fm th iitiemmma elf hi ta tonxcel all pmvloiiit yoara two dcathw in ono family 1rflin ihn ibaymi advurutlf we learn of thn ilejltli in mm y luiimugh mrs lufiac miuaih on the 211 li vntinat mrs mo 1 nunc wnu n b intel of mr john mnnii who died jeio on the hth august nlm wan luiirrlfu in her sorrowing husband only yeanf ujjo tliefanllly hnmculdrd in miiryhnvoitgh tliv pant thirty kvuiars twnimia nnd tbn n daflhlei mn vu tlio fnnuial wa one nf ihn illicit eyrr sunn in that lmallly a boelal kvaitt at ouelph the mat ibie of mihu chi iulln to ml jumhln tlilx wiek wax rieridi dly ihn social etrnt of lliu iiionth thn uiuii frleiiibi of tlm pnpubi young poojih nm delllitt d to think nun rhtgo in till case ihmu not uitnii a unvming nf oil tin as mr and mth oainbln ulll reiimln in the n si niiiny of i in iii idea of late have goun in dm nit holiiea that the ikmvu uf nn uockl inent la not nlwayti an iiniuicd p au- ure liielph hi raid social and personal muu ida mrnabb is home from i iino foi holiiluyv mi william hitwnn vulted frlumla in hamilton thla week mic w mmuoh wee in toronto miveiil days this week mian mary pmut of toronto vlultetl iliiulw line over hunrjay mimu mario iomlovit watlinm from lluivale dining the weuk mi inhu me mu re by wna home from trafnlgtr for the holiday all i llatllo oram of toronto visit- id alton filends this week mia miureir of inglewond viil- id fileuilu in town tlll week mi jaiupa c chnyne of detroit vhiti d fi lends burn utt week mu maitlo ileunett was home from kettlohy ovtr the jiolldny mr hud mrs a t drown vlaltnd fi leudri nt pwia during he week mix a myytlrf jfulttjaws was home fioni calndon ltst for f jibor day alia holier t inne of ilmehous vlajhid frhiulahi llamlltnu last uyek mm howard price of himlltop vlulted arton frlciila during tlieyvcek mr win hull has roturilml finm b visit willi mend in hnll a place of safety and secur ity for the accumulations of all wno work and save dcponitn of any amount accepted nnd in lores t pni- tlics a year at highest current rate georgetown branch it f nmvar uvoiiat aowlbye to mr and mm coleman very eujujable ntnnlug una ipent in the lliptiat imihii last fildny evening when the nieinbui of thu ilaptiat vouup peopli i nlon khiiiit ml fur thu purpoue of uiij log food byu to mr and mrs william coleman aul miss iuua mm olunian has foi soma lime ik en pitnlduut of lliu cnlon nud hui ilnparturu wuh iiuiki of with great regret this family has been one of thn uiont netho workets in nil departments nf thu ilmrih tliero was a short piogruniiim after which ice renin and take worn hui viul a niimlier of innmhnia spoke ol theh regret nt losing this family ami heart felt replies were mnda theh many friends wish them success in tlnir new homo in hnupolor baen ilurned at milton hhortly after midnight hint night c w mnrtinhbain on mai tin htret t took he the ulbt opumtoi ut the opil station un w tin- hi in but could not leave hlu poat on arnmnt of n train which waa pisvlng thvough nnd thn alarm did not uoimd until 12w hy that time nothing onld bn done to unvo ihn building oi tlio run tonts about 50 tons of hay and a fow implements belonging to jaupci martin of llllladalu and n boggy a wagon a niowoi and about hi ghhk- ens belonging to v w maitlu wero hui nod inaui anru on bai n vumi nothing on contents it lu bullovi d that thn barn was net on urn win n the uplt operator 11 rat noticed it thn lilao was on tho outside of tho north corner of the building milton i ham plnn oakvllle aquatlo club thouakvlliu aquntic klub isa oi- ganuod on monday tho dev ice of the now organisation u an oak haf with the loiters o a k in the tunlni tlm ofllcera worn elected na follows president p a dath 1st vice pros allan h chisnolm had vice pros david tlondeison rd vicepros miss denttlw hulli- orlnnd huctreaa ii m halt i atst hooti ens miss muilelhenv- on oil hatiirday a regatta was hold and there wns a large mtniborof spectators in nttondsneo two upoclul features tho lad ion crab nnd swimming races oxoltoil pnrtloulnr interest whon tho inttor event wna announced two fair contestants enmu forward nnd were exceedingly ndiuired hy tho men until they wero disco vend tn ho tod dath anil jack oywnn fotchtngly ntthod in cninploto cobtuiiien independent telephone line tlm work of promoting independent telophono linns rnillntlng from aetnn nnil coining n radius nf llvu or six miles of tho ndjucont territory is being exploited hy expuaioncod telephone argnnlers the proposed company is to he known ns the acton home tele phone co a number of namos of buhuorllieis hnvu nlteuily been srnuri d one hundred subscribers tiro roijnlrsil before tho work of construction of thn now tines is proceeded wlttn the promoters promlso an nil day nnd all night uorvlca to aiibsorlhoro at intes now flhergotl by the dal i co for tholr shorter service nnd n very low rate is glvon to farmers for connections with tho linos a central of1jce will ho opened in acton if the uohome goes through nnil it is intended that tliero shall be connections with tlmehnuse hllvor croak nnlllnnfad oupi inge crowsnns oornsrs knntohhull nnd speynlde a marriage and triple daptlem a pretty wedding tonk plnoo at thn robldnuco of mrs lardlnur ijiko ave on monday whon her youngest daughter luxlo was united in mar rln go tn mr alox w nowlands hard ware uieiolmnt of ottawa foimeily of tnronlo tlio bride who wns given nwny hy hor brother mr m oardnor of owen mound wnu prettily gowned in olmmpngno colored silk trim mod with cream silk nppllipio the hrlilo wnu ntlondod hy her filond miss k clements nnil miss if nowlanils sister of the giooin tho bildoumiildb worn prettily gowned in lihio and ouch carried bouiimls of whltn roses nud asters tlm groom wns attended hy mr h k dm una hov o w dai knr poi formed tlio boremony tho presenu woio nuinoinun nnil costly the grooms ptesent to thn hi bin was n hnmlsonio fur coat nnd tn tho liildoauiutds each gold bronchos set with pearls tho btldea golngawny dress was n nutty groy tweed with lint tn nintali ilnfwnt leaving for tholr futuro houin in ottawa they will visit toronto and niagara falls after thn junrrlagn n trlplo baptism took pi are two nieces and onouophmv of the hrldn bolng bnptliced ton kdith williams left on moh- i vlult hor s later nt peekskilh jill dn y ny fi hamuli ihown or wlniillteg lu i illlng mm purmu and other friends mihuioud mtephensoli nf torontor upent a few days nt homo- dm lug the wtilk mi and mra imiik oardluur nnd lilldiun of toionto wetu in town tin monday hov i athor arnold was the gunut of ida in other mr henry ainold this weuk mi t lime of valencia wnu n guout nf hbi luotlier dr lime on tueudny mr and mia v c henderson nre apeiiiliug the tvuk with friend in i oi unto mm dlla hodilmauoiidoyuhomf hamilton iu upending a fow woeks ut villanme mr albett lalug or dtirllngton vet inout h visiting the miaaes luting agnrn hi mi ono luldunbiaiiil arrived home riomoioviibvllle ny on ha li inlay foi auit mi ami mm imwaid davis nf day city mlih weiugimutii this wouk at vlllanoii miss maud htuwait of owen hound was a guout at lliu homo of ur alex heioid this weuk mi iluuuell limbert of toronto was a gm tt at tho hothe of mr w ii hpulght dining the week mlaiimiidud jimliin d oiangevillo was the guest during the week of her ulutii mrs li itiwann mia itobt perry nn n nnd children mil muh cuiu penyimin are vlultlug rvctoit fi lends this week minn aniiin wllaoii of darrle was u gunut nt tho tiomo of mrs murray mntlhimild the past week mi and mrs liiomua ilrunt of toionto wmv htio on monday attend ing mls oanleneis wedding dr hartman of autorn han charge dr llore u pructluo duiing his aliuoaco on hlu honeymoon tour mrs jauiea junntlc nnd miss jittntlc upunt a few days during tho week in town with mr charlie mts william nlckell nud master willie of huruln wtiu guests during tho week of mrs jain a lit own lev and mm haiker went to pieutou yeutorday uv nttond tho wed ding of dr hiiro nud miss hngey w ii young 1b buck in oakvlllo after hlu summer holiday wo hope he will stay right here oakvllle hltir miss mabel daikor of klllnrnoy man has boon tho guest of her brother hov 1 w darker tho past wook mi and mm wulter itlpton bt olot uruvlllo n y aro spending u week or so nt the homo of mr thomas kbbiige main hi mia j ii ounlllfo mluies mlnnlo and mabel nud m astern goidon nnd fjornn have boen guests nt tho melho dint parson age this wook mrj oeo campbell and mrs otil- iloi attended thn funornl of the into mr wi umbo rough nt toronto junc tion lauttliuisdny mr nnd mrs d handurson mp mr and sirs c c honderson and mr and mis i m honderson attend- oil tho wedding of miss joan christie at luolph last wednesday mr m uurdlmti of owou hound mius d newlanile ottnwa and misses f clameuth and 1 oraham of tor onto wtiu among tho guests nt tho netvlands ourdiner wedding on mon day llov o w harknf wont to toronto nn thursdiiy to vlultmr t t monro nt thu wentein hospltnl mr monro is improving and will ho removed this week to his daughters rnslilonco on oiveiis stieet the engagement is announced of miss union it holmes uughtei of mr and mrs joseph holmes ilnwor ave nnd mi harold d davis of tho advocate mlteholl onu the iiiarriaga will take pluco on hep to in- her lilst mr holllmake has boon 111 for itbont a week with eiyslpolns in his face and hlu family linvo boon anxious about him his boiib h j of ingor- soll and hov f w ot hamilton wero hero nn rlnturdny milton champion among those who attended tho funeral of tho into hector johnson from n dlstanco thero wore ida father angus johnson his brothers messrs honnld nnd angus and his sister mrs thon konnoy of johnstown ny mrs jnmoa molani and mre ohae k aklns midland and mrs freuoh unci daughter sartiln committed top tflal w ii hutlodgo nf htroetsvllte a piovlnclal constable has been com- mlttml for trial on a alinrgo nf attempt ing tu oxlort money hy threats tlm mnn upon whom it is nllegmi thut the attempt wau made wna rt prisoner in itutledges custody ohnignd with hoise etoallng hut ledge is the owner nf thn stable nt toronto junction to which ihlnvuft brought john if i hot im stolen hoian and tried tu sell it hut lliny weio not nrrohtod llmugh hut- lodge wau instructed in nrrost them champion mr itul ledge was at one time in thu butoherlng hushiesf here business training free a lifetime opportunity for some young men sonic young women with ideas utisiurnk hyitemn cenimcnlul school miniled oundad upon practical up tt dati bimneah linen formed fmni nctv hllcutific metlmtlh in tuth bijsluuhn iih iiiikimcuh is tloiie bailing thuir ivlriiltionu hpen forms aed supplies identical with ttioile now illicit in the- mnht mmlern bimluotui hoifhia iuih nn idta regunlltis advertising to work out thin idea they ucd yeur annlslaiico i ell for it in our r use get lluuy itch till 1 obti nd arc willing- te nay you yeh to pay you well for it is our brain fertile in it activi b ft in good working order we want a good catch iihraie to use in our advcrtitiiiia wc want the bcht catcli ilirnr obtainable we now have some good a oca hut they may not lie the bant we want the bent the lieat in none loo good for duhlnciut syntewn commercial uclieol tbe hint for iiiihi- ixoku training we now have tlio lieat rocms bent equipment tlio imhi teachers the lient ntiiu nf work and will undoubtedly gkc by fnr ibe bkt eeumo f tralnt na wtfalwi want te do the best advertising hint young people from all nartii of ttie coimtry will know of tho nncclal ailvanttsh provided fnr them by thin nchool the kmeticc of lhkcu tittl kdtication tho pith t practical principles we are prepared to give to thrt e persons six nionllm four uientlth nitfih respectively of thin lwnt buuiecsri training freo nf any aad two monl tuition charges ncc lively of lulu bent buulncsx trulnlnr fr tlio three pemons mentioned will be lie first three lend un tho three bent catch pliruticii or nliolild the one m ice led as the beat be sent by three pernonu they will rank iu order on received first received lielnr given first place iteceml received hecoml place uiwl third received third place airothercoulcnlanthvlio ind iu the iilinue selected oh the lieiit and who liubiicqueiitly enter our ncliool for ut leunt u three moiitlih coun0 will be civan one monthn an a iioiiuk free of tuition chnrgth the conditions of the competition nre easy of fulfilment all conlentantii inuwl be caiiilldates for a buhiaensi truinlmg for nt leunt a portion ef the hchool year of 10071106 or in other wordi all peruuhu coniitlig must be ollglblo fur aed ptiriktms taking ik fore june loe nt least a one nienthh eourke in dily or lvenlag ciuwich its home cnmnierclal ucliool or lluuiiicim cnge it cista nothing to try except n little brain excrelue and a fuw moment m if tlmo in writing us talk it over with your friends those who are n t competing get their ideas with your own remembering that tun h radii nre better than one the shorter the phr iileuu arc conveyed s the heller m lung a one or mere good in enter that you may the lietter snow iiomelliiiig of tlm upeclal advantage uf this sehoolaud tlum cut ideas to use in the forming of the nliruho wo will lie leiimid to muil all couleutants upon rcinicttt a twek- let descriptive ef oiir ucliool and its course of bhidy fall termbeglim tuetulay september 3rd mention tliis paper when writing address- bitjrjbtjrvrcjasst 4sv9bnristwab cownvtlswctat sclwot vaum nulldlnar 44b8 spadlna avnu toronto big annual summer sale clearing all ends and odd sizes and broken assortments of summer goods remnants ends of muslins lawns prints ginghams cot- tonb flannelettes dress goods linings shirtings laces embroideries ribbons etc at greatly reduced prices hilllnery the balance of our summer millinery will be cleared out during the next xyeolt see tho big snaps fall good- are arriving daily and all summer goods must vanish quickly henderson co hill street aeton a situation si esood salary awaits every erailuata or ilia central bualnuiei college hi itsrliuea pro title posltlvcr it huto rauy lima cats lmuaa it write whshaw principal voniaiidaatd ale toronto notice of removal acton flour feed and seed store has removed to tho post- offico store where wo solicit your continued patronage actoit seed cjtore rom nobltl piwur n r momtn riimgw summer complaints hot weather brings a host of troubles- diarrhoea dysentery colo eto theso can bo rapidly rcliovcd and cured by using our strawberry compound 25c bottle a t brown chemist and stationer acton ont old iron lutfa uid rubbaml iakriteo good prices paid bewail hand sloven ami repair for fnrw machinery supplied morkis sank box jio actrtn out september activity qtept ember opens with every indication of very great business activity holiday inter ruptions are over helpers are back in their places great loads of fall goods have been re ceived and arc clamoring for your attention iripc iilducemcntare apparent on every hide it iii well known that great advanocs in the price of nearly all ntaple dry goods have taken place you wont see it here just now most of ojrr pur- chnffco were made when the markors were at tlieir lowest and wc are not holding for the extra profits on the contrary to encourage early buying we arc offering many linos cheaper than ever before how long well be nblc to do this wb cannot say hut wc nre going to let later business take care of itsell and stimulate the prcscrtt the cool weather favors early buying- youll do well to heed its admonitions youll certainly save money by the extraordinary inducements we now offer e r boll6rt st co- sluyndhhjut strbbt cublph notice our semiannual halfprice hat sale opened this morning hats nt halfpricc at r e nelsons cuecph ontario wo want every mother to see our new lines of boys school clothing 1 7 clothing for boys ssnembled for your convenient inspec tion in tliln store is worihy o every prudent parent attention the very newt that in made that descrilies tho new nuits and coatn the kind of npparel yon want your boy ilrewed in the kind he in proud to appesr in the new 2piecc suits at 250 to 600 tlioko liiiita are the most luitibible attire for ucliool wear we hnvu ever ban to offer sturdy nilwool jsckols and knickers lu beth plain and fancy niuturen tailored throiigwoutwitk exacting care for boys from 6 to 14 years no detail has bean olerlooued to muke these sulta the grentest vnluesevereltored k handsome jpiecd slits at 350 to 800 for tli larr tail iu tlirco ploco sullu ur very sninrl tlico i o botroy t bnndor ilia moht klltocl lailarntoti in hi hnlli und fabric ihy nre not ocelled the iidweat modlii in iil nnd dinibl jroantcd ntylii are hero in wide rneefpntterin mil mnterllbiliofaucy ioiiii mlktiire for ii v c ww slwi loto 16 we cliallooke comiiarlhon na tlio suit juit ill d l i crltorlon of wlmt i d e macdopald bros tle won gaclplj the right house hamiltons pavoritli siloiminr 1lacl room- size wilton rugs save a fourth rif r u jll vondfol urli tliy re perlmi find deltble in every wynollilnn wron but tlie ptlce nnd llil i fulltf birsrrrrozyr a v- cns sale prlcelij75 9iq- tj 30 ifcal vaiub jioo jo oo j8 oo 13100 all wool uugs save a fonrili pure all wool room alio rufli wovea in one piece n self and two- lone effects in crimson and sroin iiirii class ilaslrahlopallerna ilias obv i imi anil ioj by 13 feet t3 00 real value i15no imoo rest vflue lit on nhw union uuos at loss cood union room alia rufli in crimson end areen shsdea siiei la ut any room 1 at regular value 1373 430 regular vohio j 30 lack cui1tain8 ilargalna anoiber lot fresh from the ordinal pacltsne will 00 on sale bnturday mornlnr quality la rood nallarns very nest and attractive all whlie 3i yards ions jo inclios wide ti if real value 30 f 1 hh real value fj 00 l3s blankkts at ll to plnemiallly punnelelle illanla while and grey in medium and lime alias neat wo jen borders in pink or blue our regular 135 linos lo morrow sale price per pair liig nuw fall costiimk8 just arrived a splendid lot of atiinnlub new fall coittimoa navy brown ami black plain shades blue and black brown and black and rreen and black checks also some handsome atripet all the newest atylea in military and short coal effects sat in and molreile lined sklrlssrefull plaited some aro braid trimmed folds around bottom materials are broadcloths in plain andocarcneob effects sneclil values at lii 00 10 30 lirfjo i1000 isno 11730 la i50 00 wonsted suitinc18 lurgalni- 8m art ilnullsli worsted sultlngi for fall skirls and costumes in fath- lonahle elrlpe and check psjierna slunnlnrireys fawns ireenat bluea and champagnes 46 incbae wide and vary superior in pialiiy and finish on sale tomorrow el a aavlnjr o nearly hall c real value h30 mk real value lias thomas c 1st atkins oonmn kino st et huoihoh hamilton ont

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