Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 5, 1907, p. 4

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s t juton 3fxct jlwjstf tiiikhiiav hin inikit fl ww tub oiianov hcfoic win- winl tii hoard in nchool ulio iihiiiit miinjiun itliiy niii iliuv tint town it llic held nn iclil lukilii tho hay hut ulir ilimt tin unit any mute muse of thlb you btn hhn vi nt nwny iim mary unit an came lint k ion n i if muile him iiuhpi weiir tnado iv it loltitfnn iilwnyn willi it umili hut now liii il renin n iiveiy our iniiut lu thflatmt style hhti dont i llo imrcfmclt nny mure nor illnib tliti iipplo iron kim vvint nuiy na rniry june hut t uiiio litiik leutine marie mil fmlr iu nil in irliiklua nowalie cull fin mnrslinl wavon him u nnlii nil tluicthiimtu mtul vtyluli ulif imiihvch iiit ma nnil iiy mid mlhlly proud n nil fillus lilil ul lut i wo fiinnciliiuii wish for mary jane in alldt lonime marli- 1 air kulit lliincn vnlf in hi hep uittlwr wowimviioim uoiipntilon x dhurfkbn jahthlritl oitimiluht uljle after dusk nn wb j wild nlloufto ujo into tlin hoiiap snye u wiitor hi lutinii uur yoiinrer lioy wtw omothlntf dark moving behind hie ling li unci the older hoy reach itl in nn far nil hucould nnil with the hulii of lilu father who utood nt the olhi ouil of tint krnnol ho drow out llutturlng ft male pihtrldjri which act ed tio iieorly wu could not make out what nna tho imitlui for alio did not mom to 1m hurt there- w ore no blood- blaiih on her feathers no marks any- wlute init sho couttl in ithi t walk nor fly ami what wan tho btrnnpiat of all who llil not npnrar frightened and ami every mil i think knows that iiiithluu hvlnp lu uhjrr limn a part rlilte wi tiiarmhtl nt tho night ns who sat ipilutly in tho olilur hoys linnd hienlhliiff viry find hut nlmwlnp nh- uolutoly no fiar hmldaiily our younger hoy ixchilm- il oh i know uhiit ails hoi 1 hhoe ill link 1 hliou lieuu eiitlnu pokulierrioe 1 hurt anoiikh i we hail nil rend about pui ti itlgc httlih drunk on pokohor- i leu inn had forgotten it wu took her into tho limine ami sho mil on the talile whilu wo ate our btip- iii how i ml one r i hn my funny she 1 inked witting thuro hy my pinto nl- lmvln me to htniko her smooth hrown iiiottlud lmtk poriutthiig tho wild- womlu thhi fniulllaiitlcb from each onu of ii w poor holplcas drunken utile ilauill un hill would partly open and si nit i and if we put her upon hci fed hiio would nwny nnd tetter with half ciohihi oyoii nnd drooping tnll ami willed how wu laughed i ami how wo ngretuil thnt wu had no cnitiuiii ami so were unnltlo to take hot picture 1 nut another such chonco would aiiyunu ho likely to hnvo in n lifetime as i hold lior up against iny fnco nnd felt the toft faint little puffs of hrenth fioin hi r hill ngnlnnt my check nho utenili the very spirit or llntcs- tirnco of all thnt in woodsy shy r- nintonnd lnnccbulhlo nnd yet there idio was right in my hands doxmy dizzily ill link tub tallest vbt an american visiting dublin told oomo startling storteo nhout tho height otuonio of llm now york hulldlngj an irishman who wan listening tood it an long nn ho could nnd than queried yo haven t noon our newest hotel liavo yo p tho american thought not woll tin id tljo irulnnnn itn so tall tlint wo had to put tho two top a tori us on hlngcb what for p nuked the american ho wn could let m down till uio moon went hy bitld iat w a btbp at ati mb lie sutlsflrd to go aland one stop nt n time on not exnot too much of yourticlf nil in n minute no ideal that lu woith botllnguprnn ho reach ed at a humid kxpeol todorllmhlng ho path lit ovei nlow pi ogress if you am sure that you are going ahead hcunn alhletuj on u love track can jump almost luniedlhlo dlntanceu hut tho boot of them n hnio a long jump hefoio tlmm would not atnit off on n jump ho goou farthest who keeps on one step nt ii hint ndwb op tho dav hmaltpov has coat toronto to ilato thin yearn idll according to or hhcmdltwillmmtanotlicr 91101 hofore nil lliu preouiit i imou are dlbinlunod tho third loading nf tho deceased wlfon wutei hill hnn passed tin hoiibo of louis tin klsh tioopm in iei slu contlniio t doutioy pinpoily and murder defence- loss vlllagmn llm ciiiianlhtiiainulilpoiuiipnny hna made a ruiluctlon in itit second cnhhi nnd steerage rales amoss tho atlantic not iilte uo much ment in spring time t uho tho enronls cm they heat thn hlond inab heaoanahlo nilvloo from nn old puirlfthmei if ouo uses some euro an to fond tho lint wfluthm will lm passed an comfort- nhly an nny othoi snasnn in fact a poraon poasoiihod nf a perfectly bal anced sot nf nmirftn can ho happy nnd oninloitaliln mider nltnont nny con ditions tho llm song ih rlolica of others ploftmiuo power of learning hut the truest unua evur bounded nio the grand chords of justlee to not with oommnii nanso accord ing to tho moment the bent wisdom i know i ami tho taut plillosopby toon onoti ilutloe- take urn world as it boiuofl hiibmlt rflbpeotfully to ones int iiloiu tho good lions thnt hna glvon ua ho much linpplnoau yitb it whntnver it la nnd doapue nireotatiou ilornca wnlpolo fall raih datbb toionlo aug aihitl j hunt 014 kept 171h10 hopt 20 hipt jmis7 odt 1 a a ot 1 oot ii i octh out 1011 oot 1011 oot 10 17 lildnh uuhlugton onkillh georgetown wntordoiyn llnpkwonil i niibngiiweyii fjniodunln htu bix or ildwartl kvitrcflt hale devoten bin editorial mgtt hi lliu noptomtmir ninuuir of tlm wouihuh jlomit onio- lutnlnn to the aubject of letter writ- ing ii rahn tho attention of bla ynnilorn to uu simple rules tlmtitvery one will do wall lo ramniiilwr i i know what you want to nay j huy it ii itunyonr own hingungft 4 hhorluonls iir bolter limn long oneu ft tho fowor wnnli the ltlr 0 iauv out ull fin paisnges ab on of tin iidga in u licent vtlib ijoltorwrltlitk conteat or halo bad exceptional opkirtunlty ofasanilnlng utterti from ovar 110000 woman mmiy of iliwo li nayn war rultil out at oilcetweuunt the baud writing wm ij of food tli greatlmbofllngaln bowavar of latter wrltei ein to ba thnt thty do not know what they want tetany whan tbay begin their latter nrid floundar ilmut to tho- dlnguat of tlur raudar 4ntll tby hit tim i mibjct ttw inlnutoa spent in thought upon a it tor before you begin to write will an bnnee itu inloratt to tho radar ninny fold v nvv sv castor i a t yqnrn iirm ortlo llio nlgtlul jjf nnil imtf brioit mtulu tiiuler 1 fcjttxltrfim mnvliili lneo ttn i hpvevt zca4k ahowiioono toilosivyon bubmbrobd at tho ploso of wrvlce one hnnduy lunriutig in a wanhlngton church the paitor went down tlio nlnlo an la liln custom to greet tin ntrnngure in the congregation with orje such be entered into conversation during tho con ran of which be anked t may i ask air to what denomina tion you belong t well wan tho wply i am what you might call a inibmerged preaby- terlnti i iwg your punlon nald the puz alwl divine i wan brought up a preaby tar inn continued tho ntrnngor my wlfo 1b a iliiptlst t iny eldest daughter la a methodist t iny son in tho organist nt a unlversnllst church i my second daughter ilngn in an kplscopnl choir and my youngest attends a congrega tional huiitlny school dnt you contribute doubtlusa to some one church p bttggatted the paitor i contrlhutn to nil of them nnld tho tiangur that in partly what submerges mo diont want duok8 a bidy intent on railing so mo chickens purchased sonic eggs for tho purpose hho inipilrotl of n friend how long the gga should remain under tho lion and tho friend replied i the weeks for chlokeneantlfourfor ducks some time after thoy mot again nnd oio friend naked how the chickens turned out after three weeka the lady re plied i looked nnd there- were no chickens bo i took tho hen away aa i didnt wnntducke tub worth or binobmtv mann the plenaant things you any lie appreciative but first of all be ein- cero tho pcrnon who ampoou that ho is being flattered is pure to resent it tnitend of being grateful he is auspi cious instead or crediting you with tho desire to make other liuppy he wonders what aie you have to grind the flatterer may micccod aa long ab bo la not found out hut na aoon ne hie in- sincerity la suspected his pleasant speeches heoomo worthless all thnt gives vnlue to kind words is sincerity th lcliul ymi hnvfl alwnym iloufflif and which 1mn locn in mho fvir ovr no ycnrm hrw home tho nlgtiuturn f r hlm imr- iitrnnny byoiiln till all ooiintorrolui imitation tiiul miintnaexooil nr hub kxportmonu thnt trlllo with niul onhiuigor the lienlth of infunu mid children e pork nco nornhiht kvperlnioiit what is castoria onutorln u a hannleiui ntihstitito for cantor oil lorv ttortct iriip ml h kith in o hyriihl it u jpioumaiiu it conhilim uulthor online mirthuo nor other jjurvotlo kiihstanoo itw nffo u itm aiirtnintacu it tleatrjm wrih oirul alhiys ifovcrlmhnwiil it curoji ularrhooa iumi wind colic it relieve toethlnjr troubled citron ooiihtlpiulou nnd kflatiifeney it- fumluillfttes tlio hood rogtilnten tho tiuminch nml ll6rel slvhitf linlthy mid imturul sleep tlio ojilldreuti panacen tho mothoru friend genuine castoria always boar the slgnnturo of the km you have always bought in use for over 30 years charteradby dominion government i sniiiltieil ihc the merchants bank of canada iiiiad ofi ich montkual intereit added four limes a year uy llranchos preildeht sir if montagu ai van vice presjdent jonathan iiodoion iui genqral manager l i huiiulm capital paid up 6ooo 00000 depot lis over 4100300000 surplus 14000 poo 00 total aigcib iji 000000 do savings bank deposits one dollar or upwards will open an account money wllhtlrawahle any lime no delay farmcftb sale notes we have ipccul facilities for collecting iiivm vve will cash them alonce i dailred ai a low tale o intereit joint accounts when reuesiecl ue will open account in two names no that elilier one may draw hid monay husband or wife elc acton branoh w s chisholh manager opportunity hi a visitor who should be made welcome without regard to to clroumbtnnceb it is a pity there isnt a conscience thnt will work before the sins instend of immediately after thera are innny who would ilnre to inarch up to n cannon with tho crowd who are nfrnhl to stand nlone and buttle for the truth the truly wise will halt before n fact nn innttcr how humble or 00m plant olovbb if you wnnt othem to love yoil tnko it for granted thnt they do if you are lonplnff rnreonfldenne mleve hi it if there u one parson loan nit wo live than another it is tho oun who is continual ly bemoaning the fact thnt ho is with out friends thnt no one likes or trusts him if you want to draw bone and butterflies plant clover if you wnnt friends radiate audi siinihlno and sln eerily nnd kindness thnt you will draw i hem to you with conscious effort study vourbblr look innhln to find jour beatehaneie for miocobh study your own qualities ns carefully an you sluily thn openlnra in the bualnnsn world there are entuo ndnptnblo people who onu do equally well in almost nny line hut tlio chances nro you uro not of their nunibor save wiibid of time and ohtort by sludylnpf yourself ill fitting imolfl and shoes cause corns hollo wuyu corn oure is the aitlclo to use qtl a bottle at once anil cure your onrnn most of our sweetest comforts grow up botweon omriiou young tains ianpienr ho fore it no one need mfferpalu whan they have avail nhlo dr tlionias holeotrlo oil if not in tho house when reiiilretl it can bo procured nt the nearest store as nil merchants keep it for sale ilbou- matlsin nnd nil bnilly pains dlanppenr when it is applied nnd should they at nny tlnm return oxiierlonoo teaahes the iiber of the the oh how to drnl with them choose tho lira thnt is moat useful nnd habit will innko it the most ngro nhlo iliicw 8wa iii afoul imi rybu lb mim iautlve fkcoioquitii fumka iuewu it lisunjilortui nlmt lrnglli nnil ihililitc iff jiiirpn nnil onoriry will mtnin fiom llio firllnff thnt- wo nro iii llmwnyoriliilylohii ilmlor 2- if the rohehost medicine of the day it u n purely veftntnhle commiund poti- uaalna perfect re buliitliirjf poweru oer nil the orjtnin of the sjhtrin nnd controll- tnff ihnr mrntlnns it ao purifies the blood that it currs all blnntl humors end dlwnkes nnd this combined with its uiirlinllod rrfrulnlinjr eleansink anil nnrlmnir influence renders it tinequnllml for nil dwnaes of tlm okfn mr itolwrt tarton millhnnk ont wrilee homo time njro i una troubled with holla mid pimple which krpt hrenk- ink out comtantly after taking two botttea of uimlnok dlood hitters i am eompletely cured kvory duty which wo omit obscures some truth which wo should havo known itmkln checrf nlnosh is health t llu opposite iluoase ilnllhurtnn castoria for xnfantf ftttd ohlldroil flit kind you han alwm bought hear the ebnftturo of jm9 ttlnil yflti thiw alwyi bought however things ntny seem- no evil thing succecdi nnd no good thing lu n fn i lure iing follow foundation prtnelples first t when wo undortnkn to fill your aulmorlptlnnh wo give thout our undivided attention nnd iwut enro tlio pntlontu wolf nro hi our flrnt con- elderatlnn booond 1 wo guarantor our ilrugn ui lie of full strength ns woll aa pure nnd fresh thlrdt our oufitnmerfl nro euppllod with jiibtwhntthoyankfori sltluitltut- ing la never allowed iainuh ckiihily cuuihuni if you nro n snfferor from kidney disease j ivor complaint blond troubles rheunintum nouralgia or norvoun prostration wn confidently rooom inontl tho uro of pnlnon oelory com pound tide rollablo nml novor dis appointing iimllolno in n trim dluonjio imulahor nnd nyalom builder wo supply tho gonulnn 1nlnon oulnry oompound at drown anton out orontnoos doitondb not ujion tho thlngu wo do but the way wo do them thoru novor wan nnd novor will be 1 universal panacea in one remedy for nil lilu to which flesh ih heir what would rollovo ono 111 in turn would aggravate tho other wo have however in qulnluo wine when obtained in n iiound unailulter- ntoil nuito a romody for many and grlovouu ills ily itu gradual and judicious uuotliu fialletit syutoms usi iwl into couvulouccnco nnd strength by tho influeneu which quinine exnrta on natures iiwit lohtointlvob it re lievos tbosn to whom a chronlo htntt nf morbid doepondunoy nnd inck of interest in ii fo ih n dlnsoso nnd by trnnqulllzlng tlio nerves dlsp04wis to bound nnd refreuhlng nloep imparts vigor o tho act ion of tho blood which iwlng stimulated courses through the volnu utmigthouwg tlm healthy nnl- mal funotlniih nf thn uystem thoreny making activity a nnoosjinry result mtrenrthenlnp tho fuimo nml giving i llfo u tho dlgohtlvo orgnnii which j nnturnlly demand ineronsod biilwtnnco i tohiilt improved appetite noith- lop ft lyman of tonmto havo glvon to tho puhllo their nu per lor quinine ily tho opinion of sclentutb tho wine npproaohih nearout iwrfiwtlou of nny on tho maiket all drilggliitn soil it ilowpnnrnn tnutinment may do n noble deedtlhiikebponro thorn u nothing which more do nates a great mind thud the abhor rence of envy nml dotinotlon addison a hound htomneh mentis a clonr iload tho high pressure of a nervous ufa which biiblnors 111011 of i bo present day are ennstrnlned to llvo nmke ilriiuglils upon their vitality highly detrimental to their honlth it is only by the most careful ire at men t that they are dblo to leep themselves nlert anil notlvo in their various railings many of them know thn value of parmcleoe voqeuhlo nils in reguln ting tho stomach and consequently keeping tho bond clear however goad you mny be yon have your faults 1 however dull you may be you cart find nut what aomo or thorn nro i nnd however alight they may he you hail bettor ruakn emtio arfort to get rid of them- oolton if your children are troubled with worms give tliem mother flrvv worm kxtarmlnntori safe sura ami effectual try it ami murk the im provement in your ohlld milburns heart and nerve pills saved her life mm jolnvc yemutn i itlle ttooher nu writes umi trnulilnl ith a itnh use pulii tlirouah m heart u trlul ninny remi tllrs hut they wenied to do inn mom harm thai om i was thin mhlmtl h a friund to try mii- humu hi art and nerve 1iiu nml after lining twivlmkeu i was eoiuptetely cured i ran tint pnxe them onnugh for the world of uoml they did for me for i believe thoy wivml my life 1rlce au cintu per ikix or d boxes for i12a nt nil il ih re or mulled direct by the t mlllmrn co limited toronto oa llcmitlful is tho netlvlty that works for good nml tho stillness thnt waits for good collyer known to thousnuda parmeloos vegetal do llll regulnto tlio notion of the scoiotlonn purify the blood nnd keep thn ntomnoh find bowels free from delnterlmia mutter taken ncoortllng to ilhootlun they will overcome dyepepahi erndlontn blllouriiees nnil lenvothn dlgosllve organs healthy nnil strong to porforni tbolr functions tlielrmorlte nro well known to ihou- stinds who know hy rkporlenco how bnuofloliil they rtie in giving touo lo thn system tub mom atmobrhbrb a hoimn in riot nenejtutilly 11 home an 1 legant ediflm richly fiirnlahud bowing h thoiibntid slyns of wealth nml luxury may natufy the aenae but not thn httiirl thnt wlilrli makiia a hoiiin is its iitlnomphntr it lahpliltual not mautrhil 1 whdi our home was nlevr said a young klrl rerautly i wish we roiibl imvm pretty things ilka other ople hut bfl nml nil who read the words run have in their home tho umut wnnt if ul thhiks to lie found flllu r in vnrth or heaven love penre tho abiding presence of chrut lllch furniture does not add to comfort llki kind words thn moat costly pictures over painted runuot udom a homo ilk bright faces hetter u dinner of imilmj whore lovn la than n utalbd ox nod hntroif themwltli what your hoinn la depends not oil wlult ypil jinvc hut wlmt youaro raotb attowt oorratb coffeo owulohlly cailie from tl inland of mocha whence in the year 1iii colfmi trtoawori trnrisijorled 0 holhinim this areola of dltt was ttuil aciqiitiriinlly cultivated athurihiim by the iiicfj hi i7ih though criffeo was not known elthir ta the o reeks ru itomaiir it was used ns n iwvnrngo by the persian in unrly times the first coffee hoiiiio of which thera is any reconl was opened in conutnntlnoplo in 1511 nnd coffoo was first brought to rruucii in hwu hy thovenut the famous traveller thb bovanbwhhbd the little son or a lawyer in i jay ton waa sented by bis pnrenta in church while tho preacher was discoursing on tho glnrloe of american civilization using ns an illustration the position of womanhood wlmtmnkeeour ameri can women bo beautiful p ho exclaim id with tho necessary rhetorical pause following rowder answered tho little follow in tones loud enough to 1m heard by many in tboaudlenco and theio enmo nearly being an explosion for diarrhoea dysentery and all summer complaints dr fowlers extraot op wild strawberry 18 ah instantaneous curl it has been used in thousands of homes during tlui pnjt sixtytwo years and ha always given sntlufnctlon cvory homo should hnve n bottle to u to be rendy in case of emorgoncy price 35 cents at all druggist and dealers do not let some unprinclpalled drujrjrut humbug you into taking so- enlled strawlwrry compound tlie or iginal is dn fowlers tlui rent are sub stitutes mm o dode uthbrldge alu writes wo liave uwhi dft powlsna cxtiiaft or wild btrawnmnv and found it n grant remedy for diarrhoea summer complaint and cramps wo would not like to be without it in the bouae lie sine yott10 right nnd then lako another took chamberlains cough remedy always curbs and it plnunl nd sij a man never catches up with his goml intention for to morrow o wtv m w o as a -a- bern tae m kn veujunalmjfl 8a0th signatu af keep your promlnes oven though doing ho cniibos you inoonvenlonco to curb a cold in onb dav taka a lntlvo llromoquliilpa tatilet all arumlrla ratuniltna nienir ifltuils in euia fit w omvhblonaluraansaoli hoi luotnta it is good to begin well but t utter tlll to end woll f ciioumburu nnil melons nro forbid den fruit to many persona no comtl- tuted that tho least indulgence is followed by nttnoks of cholera dyuoti tory griping etc theso persons are not nunro thnt thoy onu indulgo to tliolr hearts content if thoy havo on hand a bottle of dr j p kelloggs dyson t ot y cordial n medlolnn that will give linmodhito relief nnd lansuio euro for nil summer complnlntu dnio to say no to refnso to do n bad thing is to do it good one ffk ddan5 kidney pills cure all kidney troubles mm illmin llevoy mnnnorn out writes 1 1 wan tmiihltd for ikn jonrs with my bark i riiil a great mmiy remedies imt nil htllnif until i vas ml- vlsed hy n friend ti mo dovnh kionkv piuji i did hi nnd two hovm nmde n oninpliln onre i enn henriily reeom mend theirf to nil trmilihxl with tliolr bnek vou mny publish this if you wind prion fa onnts per ihx or 3 forslsff at all dnfilem or luiilled ill wet on receipt of prlwi hy tlw point kidney pill co toronto oak a healthy old age often tie bist pa of ufe help for women iasalng through chance of ufa 1roviih n i inth nllifltid ih in h at luiwt inmly iam in ulilili lo nirill our mlkminii hi life und it i ji ih rally air own fault if wo diu pntiuutiimly nervmjs eibatintlnn invites irlarawiy tbla stab tin nt kiln ltl trnlh when irthing umiiuim a hurli iml yoiriamtift vmlka f 1 w nlmkn uith nut uxrnivt- fatlftiieaifd oii bmik nut into pi mpirultiti tusily stul ymr urn iiiikiu il nml ur fii iti ami mky it tho 11 ant tvnatunjiiiit you tauuot iwar to i mi rinwwl in nnlliiir jou nro ih iaiiir jnur iiiitm bnvo uiven out j rut lu 1 1 laiimingiiputiiiiai i to uili up uominn iurna njntun ami during the h rinl nf 1 linimii ollilo wo knoh of no im4u r ntisll inn limn i jdla i rinkbum imrtnil himt irnijlm mrx mary i lumnii v0 veirotahlo i j ft an llius- main htreet vimiirajiiholw u rlt hear mm iinuluia lyiha 1 iliiktnn um i noiuid has lieen n lilnliiu lo nio tlimimlt that dellmli prrli kimuni llm t imimn ofllh jorl ynrwltli liirll my 1 nitre nxlim i hul iit iiihiim vvhi i ulnimtir liirvmu ixhnmn pnliuml ilimlltutiil ry rrejinlar in tlio inotillily ltn nnl tlm iiiikxi nil mi uift to ixi la my h ml i liml frriuciit imliltiitl 11 ml tliritlltij if tlm limrtl in f t n wlilfllem whoimi lit lo in hhtl r i mriw1 no nlif from tlm hiift rlim inrldi at to thii ihtiki 1111iii i nk iydln i 1lnlliiinn ijtrlnlln t miuimul hut i ante my nl f fn 111 tie llmo i tixk llm llrt lixtlle i cniilii illv hiirvml n ilnre tuok jirr t nnvn imliiliuhly nixl in iiiiii linm i vnin a mill woman mm ilnkhntu dniiuhti r inlaw of jvh 1 iinkhuiii nl liin mnxa in- tia all piiu hill uilliiir w onu 11 to write her foradvliv hi r un nl expcrii 11111 is at tin lr sen ire fneflliwt pbboiam lamb vurb of the eitnnlve furs noun la iwtter known or more eommonly ued than irnnn imiih and nttout none are there more absurd cirors rurrent mvn world h work- oua of tho errors ul- moat universally wlleved is that thn curliest nnd glossiest ami blacken ii rlnn lamb is obtnlned by killing the mother to gat tho unborn kid this in ahooreit nonsense tho gn at daslder mtutii in ivralnti inlnh is to avoid the prevailing reddish tinge that ran its aeon by hiildlnk the fur up hetwreu you and the iluht i nuked uovlllion irertts who hitvii laruo sin p ffirnm at ilokbnrn in ierslu to htipply tliali purls trade n you ever in nny clr ciimatancee slay the mother to et 11 kootl imittfrom oin iinlmirn kill w no mtyer was tbt answer llm way that faliuf luiriklftn ims nriim about 1 persian lamb uthlst when tlm suin- msr bent lkcomi great lief dera llilvn tielr abaep fioin the valleys i bo cooler heights of ho uiountqlnu on the rood boinetlmea a eve djes of 1 v lufiistitm tbu course tlio droveru jake tlio pelt of itotti mother and kid outonowi mo tfouh place promotion is the recounltlon of tin fact that ono is too bltf for his presun plnejt the one who dooh just what iv asked of him ami just well enough to avoid reproof hnn no reason to- expi 1 1 promotion thorn lu nothing to hull cato that he deserves a better place or more snlaryi llut when a worker shows that be known something nltout the business beshloa the routine of hi own desk when ho finishes his own work and has tluui to help on tho extras it becomoa plain thnt lie will bo useful higher up rhow your employ or you itnve outgrown your prusont work before you ank for nn advnnre iioomb to lit in italy in italy they have a novel way of ad vertising vacant apartments in place of the card inscribed iloqmb to let or apartmentff which one wees in tbla country 11 white cloth about tho size of a borvottc flutters from tin casament notirylngthepaasers by that the rooms can lm rented the old and reliable granite and marble dealers vr to r raanufuturars and itlraet itnixmud of all blinltoluonuuiiutalauillfsailalnna warb we sell dirtel to ourouilomaira at wuola tale irom iltui aavfna our eiiaiomara 0 iw cant wa liava ilia liat arruanam and uia only nimliaiilcsla uio uonilnlon wlio eau opr- la pneumatic tools irorty wa oan ot refereiioaa from liudiuada of our oualomate in toronto and oilier rilaeaa ousr olliara tiava to aland law aalta in oirtar to cnllaal wa liava ilia larumt aud uaat aloes of irani ta in tha dominion or inara diaii any lliraa daalara in ilia waal w ara lafilllmau daalara and hamilton sons cor norfolk and woolwlcli hta oublpii titliogpapliers the david smith eng8tlltho0o formerly of holnh smith st co 06 ob 60 church street adjoining toronto luilway chambers tohonto o bnorravere and llthoorraphera dank and commercial stationer mmu oturars of hlsh claee 01- hdaraand advertlelns novaltl everton5m2 idem mills tha beat quality ot manitoba pamlly and paatry flour for eulo at lowost prices our own make chopping done nml oats r611ed every day feed for sale cftih for wheat and oaib henry hortop notice lafonlalnea fur store u now located on quebec street eail oppoilie the heraui office will be open for reoutar luilneia about aufpiat mth lateil styles etc phone m ixafoptaires hat apd for store new pictures at waters bros new ideas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always fresh and of the best quality waters br08 guelph art btork arnolds livery john st acton stylish rigs double or single supplied on shortest nolle commercial travkcmerv or dc hs nlven pedal attention henry arnold proprietor in repairing a watch to do it well tlio workman mini hive natural mechanical ability pond training snd experience wb iiavli ti1bm all mr willinmi my foreman nnd my sell have hid each over thirty years practical experience on all clnises of watches jooil and had we feel thai we have the ability nnil all ilia lacllltlcs for doing extra good work nnil we wlili yours our prices are juit the iitrte ns oilier peoples hut wo iteliave we cn fllve you let ter bmlaiiictlon than moat placea gfc d pringfclie watchmaker guclph aaaai mwaabemsbpaanamkm critical e kami notion ot the piece goods in our stack always plenneii ua mid rarely falls to pleane ih other renn kahhleiiahle goods proier1y out properly tailored proper jr priced then thitijpi we guarantee you dont order any tlotlithj until you hnve examined our slock wn jooper rtiti taikor till flrani tklnh dailav i no id all ira hod ccmpaiy r thatliriaaatil ul it ii t i ay lllvw xfjhqjtu 1icikti villi ut ji ii jttnr ir lr f jil ih llrmlilr lllt 1 1 1 jifa i wlltfltfl liahiito jl7 il it i j i t 1 in lnv tr 1 1 t t u ti cir rtaai ihaluut ll fu lirklhu tr kl ijl 1 t imppn knr tlrlinia au lui i r iti i i i i v lu aiv it ii lf u n 1 r ii i i 1 a a til a turomr niagara navicayighco duftato nlnanru pnllnhow vork mitt all united utatvu iolnto iii umu i i l 11 111 ll 11 arrlv at toroutu 1 1 ji a in 1 ii 1 1 1 1 1 i hip ni i l 1 111 hi i j 1 in ttlir tlrlict dlllr frnu 1 hur trn haiiklliilliliim i uduiimcnh wuart synulsik ok canadian noilthwkst homcsttad nt culations an even niinl r i 11i ti ot lltiiiiliilnii i anila id mniiild 1 kut i anrt allierta occitlinf m nn i nut riarrvi i may l homos ton ir i hy any 1 utiioii wlo la tlio lula licail ot a bdilly ur nny jiutn nv r 111 naiaol ulil ofllro lur tlii dulrkt in illicit lit inn i in tlio liainualca ur lu re inlti 1 lo iirrt r n ilia condition 01111111 iu i tlxiuwltli 1111 lur no of illofoitowlliu i iftllb i at limit nn nidi ii niiliiru moil nuil cultlvallon ot tho lun 1 in mil jimrlortliniu juara ij if tlin ritlur or moll r ii uio tllier in ooooaaol of tlm tiouii n i r mil in 11 1 un a farm in tlio vlolnlty ul tlm lm 1 ntcnil for tlm raiilrkinuiita aa l n k 114v i huilol ly and ioraona rinilliiij mill llfu lallier or mutlirr ij if tho set ii r liaa liu 1 rum 11 il riklilriina 111 nn fannliiu ian 1 ihhiu 1 1 lilu in vicinity of ilia luimcacnl llm r juiti un nt nn lo 11 sf lnco may bo tntlnllnl uy rial kneo upon did aald la nl nu montlia nollco lu vtrlllnii 1i1111 1 ln 1 ivuii in tha lnmiiilxloiier uf ihmlhl m t itrtda at ottawa of intuntiuii lo ly nr 1 aionl w v ctm doruty of tlio mlnutcr t tin interior n i unauiliniucl initllcttoit cl ihia ad drluaniiiit will not hp 1 ul fur m pmrpehwawm thalf tones or amy cu35 of hgiiavin advct 5xa i mjwemm ov i mmmimivnr viillprra winild mom limn nil 1 v lo tho imimni mill- ma of a in 11 i u a hinii icn orcollittc cscr tolinnuo jimesoyoiiraelmwm ron a li iii d tcat3 im wall paper fur a7 flinvcrulnna in vll ivrhutiliodi ip ti llmta u i lo td j bcil tlwla nu 1j any tl nnyqml ny nt iny p mlu il1 any puckci hotl 1 saninlra ilio 1 nml citmimraclioriiillvlir willed w tlioul uli lion to liy wm gimbon ialntir ami lvr ha nji r aotoll tfiaor mahkb dcniqnu copvntamto ac rainifau qnikly- naiwrinlii ur t lm ii frirn tslpliir no f fcr vms ft limjjit vso icffillluiuf vrllliuiih llntll lilt till scientific jmnctscdit a h anrt tom mr tllualraterl wroklr i nroait f lr riilulliji ur mirailuiilllln 1 iitiul l n tln rnari fmrnn nllafl lilii liyii hiil ilnr tco now york cotnr mill nl mnlli hi acloa out paifs tpbomptly secured ji for our lntptctin ma llalp ami llnw nu ar atndld satiil ua a reuah abacli 1 iitorttl ot vfiurln vlvrflfb3j ltnvtrttt atndlv niumi c w ii i inwill iiilutnii in irlnr it a rinltlwl nalanlaliu itiifectail app1tcatlnnaliivafi baati wireaahniy intmciiied hy iliw a mhhwt fully eiiiliiiifl illlia lu mnuliai anil uaahluuiniii liiiipflra imlo tumuii fy itlaiiatcli wmu nml arc lira inmn iiiilnailai llietu4nllii llltfieblirfieni iatelit troruti i lirrui ii mulmi a ma hon raeatve racial notlcait iii nul chatif hi nvar nio iieuhiiiu tlmiltiittit t itouulinm thanoiulnlnm l emlahyipntaut 1 in in ma ur mnnufae tiiteraninl kiislutta j marion marion j pasnl expert tntt sollultera i snirllljijllljljjilj

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