Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), September 19, 1907, p. 2

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uauutlilt i 11 l iott- it i parni w lav aibiia in lv u mi llrlu wur inu11 uii i llluii m a orriiiiii i i hyrrnummii tuhirnv hi uuilir i iii lytlv 1 t i haul lliiru1 y hinlth if toionlo ut mauil ilauultlwr ol urn hluai huaiiuw h luuli li mshil tiium4mai lli lioiiin nl 111 liill prllli llfahlliinralfatitiif acliil lilt watl iaiuy ihilt h y 11 ii- w llatar altlll urll to will i uiiflliur nl julm lllouiaa i a all ft aoliili vdihai iltallili oil utiola katil mill joint alaibla vol lmitlr ilull an 1 lla com uiualui in lilailtli yuar tulihulilaiily mi mimlay huptuuiur hill alliar roulfitla itli lluv riafalaar comily i u i tun alliall xi v alittil wlfa ol l i iuii mod ltyt tihtihiav hritiimiikh 10 1w7 cditoillat noylcbj f tbloni1oil oftlclitl ouimkihbllbh t u n brnolamntjon uiihrpti ii oraatlng thocolunynf nw ttttiuid tho dotnln- ion ot nov ciilnml on tliuauuia style hb the dominion of cucludn the tnllcil hiutia niivy hiipiirt me nt limtncctjvtlitik ton despatch from cardiff wiiu tit u nuwu agouey coi tract wl willi wlsji frrnii for iimlkjo ton of ll uesttstifuiu cnul thn ilr lwcry ti extern ovur hhw the trice agmed upon bus lift ii kept secret this is luvursing tlio older of tiling wllhus ruclnhin iskettingconl from yirltluli territory vo lliie iii this part of urituli tnrmdn are dependent almost wholly upon ilicu hninforour coal supply it is halog reported in soinuuiirteru that the money situation lioru lu ap proaching n moro satisfactory condl tlon authorities state it would upjieni tlmt tho critical pciiod is over ilunki nnd other iliiuiiclnl institutions havn taken every enre that tlicro should bo plenty of monoy on bund to tnko aire of lli crop moving wltli the result it i stated tliut they will ham a larger reserve than will ho needed and tho mono in working ennler in tho largo flnnnclnlctntiouof thu country ilrnil- streots premier whitney li reply ton ipiery an to whether- ontario u known well in knglunri milil i net wuek tlmt it lu gen erally uddlng t it in quite clour tlmt there is u general tlenlro on the part of all clauses in oront ilrltnln to acipllre knowledge of ontario nml to twconie iwttor inrormed with rowptiot to lu conditions und pouulhllkutb nnd not only so hut to do everything tlmt can iw doni to strengthen tho homln tlmt hind iia to the umpire men may dif fer iihnut the monnu hot the gencinl desire u to that end a morbid nnd somewhat ntarmlng report has just homi puhliuhcd tho casuulty returns of the canadian rail ways for tho nlnu months ending the flrat of april show 100 killed nnd twi injured ns follows ij pasuongera kill ed and 310 injured i ilj employes kill led and h17 injured ml other persiuiu kllloil and 7lf injured tlio love crou sing accidents show ii killed nnd 22 in jurtid two were killed mid ti injured by trewpm t w were killed and so in jured whllu working on tlio railway tracks i tl wore killed ami 100 injured in headon collisions slutyono bodloi liava boon found on the railway tracks nnd bridged during the period in nuea- uon oh thu bowling oi1bbn thera is certainly no club n town tlmt has hail more nmtchos and mote genuine plutuuiro nut of tbolr contests than tlio members of acton lawn bowling club ibis uoason ftltice the first of june hardly n week has pawed without two or moro mntchos lulng played and this has contributed both enjoyment and nn oxporlanco which is developing a large number of excel lent player bowlers who neod not ho nfrald and aro nob nfrald to moot the most intrepid trophy mon on any green last friday tho jtonlo club came down train guolph ngolit nnd iv aplon did afternoon wiu spoilt tho result waiiavlotoiy for tho visitors by five points tlio return in a toll will ho played this afternoon on mundayftfternoon two links went to loorgatawn nnd won n keenly contested match thero with a store of 4qtot7t acrus ikohciktoun ii miirohinont ilr molcinluy d m henderuor mr klllott geo hynds a j miiokinnoti 1 liodormld 11 w kennedy tklp l7 uklp john gibbons i nickell jus malntosh w h ohluholm lo in mukiiy flnlay jos holmes n a mccalluin skip lit skip majority for aoton- 17 oeoiiobtown tlio congregation of the congrega tional church georgetown linn railed itov nag wiltunghby to hotho pad- tor iini anil lias been nceepted nnd the induction will tnke place ubouttbo first of novuinbor margarot lively inn unman led woman enmn bnfnro mngutmtu avur- ren on monday charged with bidng drunk nnd illsordurly him wus stmt to the county jail for six months harvest fosilvnl stirvloqs will lie held inbt gentgos on bundnj ontoltoruth holy uouiiniinlon nt ii am kvonsnng at 7 pm the lord illshop of niagara wilt pronch nt the oven i rig urveo und hold confirmation rookwood u hohalf of tho lrosbyturluu ohuroh jtev dr torrance of uuelph preaonlml blbtos to uill tlio scholars who have miodeedvil in nieinnrulng the nhorler oatecblsm nn sunday jubilee services were held in the rden mills iveshyterlau church on niindny uev w a j martin of rant ford wns tlip pieneher tim filonds hue of kuv ii taylor mirprlsed hint nt tlio parson age inst saturday evening nnd present ed him nlth n hcnullful inl inmiv upv mi tiiylm ok nreeil very ulneefo ly bin tltnul foi iiiu 4vldoueo f the penplc nnd will thi union op tug churches ubajtaintlail lroi tn ml by th comittltt uutmivrl mttrm vt lo b ailjumud much iiahukkn aooomplimiikd tlie juliil loiihiilltuiuiiii inn lii union wlikli wan in ueunlon uijii y n week hi toronto cum huh d it lahorv monday night with a fitting or nnluri tlmi that inin b ha hi- n in roinpllhbed hut with tho reiilintloii that a great deal of c miufdi mtiim iiiuul ji t he given to many impoit int inatturu it wax ilcclilnl lo hold thu iu nt meet lug in hiplembii itmih and lu the meantime the dinvrent inlnlalers will bo sent rnjileh of tho n poits unit thoy may llnd mil the attitude of their con gngitlonn atthehung uriihimi the following i ijinlul inn uuh adopted i mom1 by c i maiony uviomlrd by jildge ftduu and le-olvful- i ltdt tbu joint rommittieanlhejno tobed union of tbo ihebytorlan methii- dlut iud ongregktlonal intrtjbit on the completion tit thin its fourth ses- hlobfetlh that llntm u ubimdant tu- cajlou forlbonuugivliig 4i god in view of um brotherly intel loiiruo ngaln enjoyed and tbq uplrlt ot ritndor putlolft dollhriatloii and niut mil regard and row imnhm tlut has haraoterucd all tliqmutlldhigx of tho reunion llfu iiicllcal unaiilinity in the do- lluloii of the oiuinlttuo nffordu n fair prospect that hi due thue tlio matters in hiuid may bo uiilmilltcd by the vurlohu chore iii under thelrconutltu- tlon and uuages to theli ptoplo and tbslr cuiirtafnr their consideration wo are persuaded that decidedly utihtitantlal progress has loen made to- will du the end in view nod that such unlutioiih of dlfllcult prohlnma have breu found no far au we have prose cuted our woik as to enable us to affirm our om let ion tlmt tho proposed union oppi ars to be prnrtlrable when ue f onsidirtliu dlnlciiilism und peiplexlty that must 1h expected to ainu lu an i ifoit to bring into one tho systems ho tnilouu and of no long standing wo may well hogratllled at the unanimity which has in en obtain ed the niioatiniih of doctrine of the dif ferent polleleu and modes of adminis tration of tbo tenure of property of tbo imnovolent funds ospsrlally mich as the aged und infirm inlnlsteis und widow funds the publishing inter ests the col lego nnd educational works and tho legislation necessary to glvo eltoct to tho union nnd secure all tbo interests involved have heavily tjixlil our most i xperlunced men nnd clear em thlnliem and must continue to demand theli utmost attsntion till sallufac tpry conrbniuius ulinll have hiidi nnd klndiid imivttonwwbich have niluon doniand aluotbeleruest nnd piayciful attention ofvjwlur peo ple and tho exercuo ooifno pittienco till this gisatwoik in tho provldoucn of god shall bao benu rompletrd babys danqbi1 moro little lives ato lost during the hot weatbnr mouths than nt any nthei time of thu yjar in the summer months llttto ones aio tbo victims nf illairborucholorn infantum dysentery and stmnnch ttouhlos thnso como budduiiiy and without warning and when a medicine is not at hand to give promptly tho short delay may mean death during tho hot weather months ilahya own tublots should be kept in every homo wlioro thero is a young child an occasional use of the tablets will provont stomach and ihiwul troubles or if the trouhlta como unawares a prompt use of this medicine wilt bring tbo child through safely mrs j hennrd new glasgow quo says t i cannot speak too high ly of jubyvown tablets one of oiy children hnd u suvcro attnok of diarrhoea which the tablets prompt ly cured hold by medlclno dnnlom or by mall nt si cents u box from thadrrivihininb medicine co ihock- vlllo out jwet vou way bo able to rx vjot olona without waterproof suit or slicker iiul can you afford to tikse urhents ark cuahanteeo wattnrnoo solo bv au hcliabk thalirt how do you know you do hot need buju trccentle kidney pill if there i nnlu in he buck nud thmugb tbo lilps you need huju if tbelminlrt niul nnulcnnre swollen yon need buju iltlicre-aroiicnth- nches or ncumlgl i you need buju if you are nervous nud do not sleep well nt night you tired bflju if there is n coustnutdeitirelo urinate yon need buju if tho urine u reddish cloudy milky hat nnd scalding you need btlju ksncc- lally if you are tortured with in flammatory or muicnlnr rlieiinint ism belatlcii laimliago you cer tainly do ued buju if yon have any of thdnbove symp toms dont hmiltnte ddut delay take buju und cure yourself taylor fit teraqla jaj iib y n1il know in rllr ihsairaal hasihmmkmarti oiii ihmaaah kskl vt p tf tk nm sfl lo say doit tlianslit liaa cninirfaiarvjlaanttasrwl caljlnff rsllaf i wou lit rol ailalas si the wreck was caused by criminal negligence thai vatdint or ths cadaxjon ivrvuk inuait coneludamf the luipicst into the cnusn of the reck un the catedon hoi uridine wan co n eluded at toronto on tuesday at midnight thu verdict was an fol lows i that itichaid hill came to his iloath from injuries lecolved in u ivieck which occurred on the third day of heptemhfr 1u07 on thaciu at n point known as tho horseshoe curve in the township of caledou in tb county of 1oel- the said wreck imhig caiiard by the excessive and dangerous rate of iitd at which tho train on wlikh uald llkh- a rd ihdl was a passenger wan belhg run by t ho enghieei hodge and the conductor matthew griies and we find that tho said wreck was mused by hie criminal negligence of thu said george hhdgn and matthew grimes aud it is our opinion that hie 6ph is in bin hie for nutllgg incompetent nml inex potion cad men id charge of thn paksetiger train running on such a ttlfflcult tle of tond warrants wern issued follijwlny tho venllat of coroluir jotmsons i my for thn arrest of george hodge engineer and matthew grimes conductor who bad chnrgn of the lllbited tmln in whose wierk snvuii hvus wore lout and scores of passeugeis were injiiied the wkn ants rhuigo tlu men with eilmlnnl ni gllgeuce in having allowed tho train lo lm itiu at au exomtslve spud on i be daugwrnus gi ado ui ve the iliaige lu imilvahut to one of i n an ula lighter namblaaawuva thu nussagaweja toot ii ill club will hold an assembly in the township hall at llrookvllte on friday night the interest in the coining fall fall to be held at cainphellvllle on tues day hth octolier ronliuiies to grew tlio officials am nit only exorting thoiiisslveu to make the fall a succusu but pranutctve xhthltoiv ibroiighout tnr hhvnuhln iin- hiiiiklug preiaratons ftir this inlewmttng anuuul competition in llvostncliurni piojrtclv etc as thu resilfc of jt scaffold giving ftwuy durfng hie conulractlnn of a lli6 on he farm of mr mcflberschi near k leu mills on monday mr wlhuiu iclinrilsun m ns precipitated to the yet mid ailutnnco of hhuit tiny tvtt and mimtniniii a sehous sprain to his urt leg pandorh range holds fire all night tlie good liounewife nlwnys eels like bestowing upon tlio pandora a cheerful good morninp why decnuse llie pandora alwnys linn a nic tied of dot coals nn n reward or checking oltllio danipcra closely tiefore retiring in rest in five minulce after turning on the drafts site wilt liavo a good strong fire should alio aleep two or three hours longer than usual there will alill i ha a ire ready for her i the firebox fluea i and dampera arn so i acientifically arrnngrd f that the pnndorn can be regulated lo hold fire from 24 lo 30 hours pnndorn ownera never liave their deep disturbed with dreams of making n new fire in tlie morning if your local dealer doea not handle this most perfect of nl ranges wnle direct to ui for fran bookie mxferyfc tsratle ifsolml wlsslha vsscssvsr st jshs haaulue c c speight local agent iriy tiil isi niich employed luigo ind sntln etc the new c n pui plo plum shade 1 greens nrogood at- ind navy are stiong ito nro staple and good owns iuo partiuulutly frtwrj chsb h iustv it costs only 3 i day to take buju tid your uiniiey refnniled if they fail to cure une n large box at dniggtsts or sent on realpt of price thk olafun ohkmfoal co liwircd winokon ont 73 11 fip rat tull fair will lie hold n on tho 1st und nd i o ulcer ii ure making a 0 onmiro ii muiktd mic- tho prim list i un live nnd a ery laige n 1ch iiuh haen ariangd concei t m ill ho u fen tin o action copies of the bo sucuicd fioml a ry gooigetown m ut um onion 1 in trsrsljtar morning mis it v ovontb hue trafalgar died very suddenly ik fast with tho family others wort attending ins morning duties mrs only stricken hho wan nit llftuon miuuteii when ltd to imvu expired been in rutin r poor hlio was a highly and hnd for years liocu eiiccesbful exhibitor of tho fall falta lay nuptial g item of interest was malls itwllltiowovei interest still i a voiy nok place on wedlinu- th ut ten oclock at diydun hit llio id mis paul kennedy iglitei iftnlly iwtu tinlt- to mr gliurliis griggs r lvachlhnd iic to mendelssohns wedding deonteiod tbo thawing f on dm arm of her mr nixon of kouoiu li ceruninny whleh took un iirch of gieeu und niil itottof winnipeg iiilug llttlo llowit- girl wn waa of cream silk do in dimmed with nui- ffnn tiillo voll nnd is aflee tho ceremony breakfast wus served leutu being sealed at u vltb centre diieoiatlonu lilto cut lliiiyeis thn loft mldut showors uf ishes on the inolfln ex- omuln iuaohland hc of interest en louto veiling gown was of h titininud with green 1k hum waist initlliat ii gioointi glfl in hto udldsiiildlohoikii and r was ihn recipient 11 1 if hi pfosaillh iloiii lo nnd thu west mi ami mis win iilok und tho miuulh frlck of toionto spent tho uceku end ut mr 11 gibbous mi c mcliuighlln of acton spent won day with month here mih nicklln hr nnd mr iloht nlck- lln of acton spent hnnihiy nt mr j mihuijh mus loxu tlninhlu spout n fow days this wuolt with uuelph friends mrs hugh und mrs c mclaughlin of acton lulled filunds boro on tiioh- day tlinlumtit hpinu nnteitalnnient on tut mtlny oieulng was a splundld sue cihu 1 ho a gondii ucu taxed thu church to bold them nud tho programinu vn highly oojoyablc helpful nnd inter esting nddiombis wmc ghen by itev gio w iluikur acton i ltuv j t hall itockuoad nnd tho pastor itov i 11 taylor miss llule hioltli or acton sang very wuootly ngood night song and tltuo iii i in maldouu front im tin miiu also sang a emipla nf nuiii- hots llocltitthms weiu ncceptilbly uindeied by miuu mlunlo itunuett acton mr uny hlndley gfpringe and mi iliiillnghnui crowunnu cor in is tho muthoillsb hnnday hohnol oieheulrn played u long ropurtolio of select hum which wero highly nccept- utile thucouuiilltoe in charge deserve oiedit foi tho itmiked success of the event npuily every one inuigfnea ho is getting nuno than his shuio of hard knocks fall vvc f mill stoc tttt xx hi cure mllawallllia tmnb ula nt tlia alfm ii lirauliicm iiltrm afirr rmt wmithtlnifll bua ihjlq anown la cuiloi 1iiim hllllob rnllnii iln in llin luiuaikjibuiauccuu nlmha yrt farlnttilla ijvw 1mh finally vuliialiinlttlunirpalljineutlnk ami iw vmlna la anijylnijrniwlatiilwl prncfalullwinlrafrilialoauriallniulalath ilu r bud riuiilnto thafowl uvmilriuuyuiuyi itrii1niutr tjili miim um rill ata my mall aan rv lit liti 41aaiwiilauialablwa twv ara at lolly yaarlalla bn1 do hot otlim a unn uwm hw rat kill emaudota buiimh st oeorg baking i a p iootl no a lime national cream ti guar cent govci mont cunt soldi autum millinery success mum la tlinrc anylliing mote gratifying linn to kootv natltlvely ilia your edorli invo ixcn aiimitcd tiy it is tfilai is knowleufia which mulct ti a plea surs for us lo invite you io m our ntw millinery o dvlllclu ihrmoii ixsutifu tliowlnu ol autumn llsli w have ever had on display mhny new idaaj tn form arrange mnl and fa 14k see if some liator faaiuro a044 not spjvaal ioyoua beliir juu what you wlnld llltlpvnr mhllneryfrom pari new voik niitflondiin what ave arc showing new ureaatoous ftllli coalaaikll un new goods ol nil kinds allluilock the earlier you nula your wltctloni ilia ouror you are of setting wliai you want weddltift preni heoulrmenlt a ipocililiy from our mens department look here you must bec ueadytovcar clotlnnf nooncr or inter sooner and you profit as otlirr men arc doing you clothe yourself for twothirds the lormer coat and you continue lo keep pace with what is known as good style later and you will be like the tardy runner home at last be- caus0 the earth is round but home without tile prize let us show our mens clothing tcrdiy that you may profit to-day- character jood style and proper workmanship in every garment a jrtat dcat of value for the money come to ryans mens store g b rya3st co 0uelph ontario the one opportunity of a lifetime oias in b lifetime oppoutlnitv kuoika nt the dsor of ever hum 111 licing und if not at once grasped passes nn same m en in in end able fortnight open the deer nnd biic that opportunity tn thslr future advancement nud delight others carslessly tttotiglitlcbily or indllter- ently allow it to powi by und it becomes a life long regret llimlnei bystemh commcrciul school strictly tlie imrst htlioil decidedly tlie only mlionl giving u complete course of modern baono isnf accottntltif now oiem tho door ol opportunity to you ioose teuf accoutitlnt in the system of ut day and fross present pros pccu will lie the hynlani nf the fuuro iery young man every young woman of buhlneu should therefore have a tfioroutti knowletlge of it iliihlnein tiyhtenm cnmmerelul hclioul ha outlined a hiipcrter courie in both hiuiiiebft and shorthand departments we want thin fuct to become known neipnper ndvertuing while good in its place is met the nwly kind we want to send out within n jcar u large number of walking nnd talking utlverllhetiieiit m the pernoni of yraduntes whoie succehhihi ring their course and in their subsequent ponitioim will commend turn school to their hnitlieru thilr biuter their relatives and friendu our proposition in our new roonm la the new systems huildingh we can nt once nccoiiinmdale two hundred enerfotic nmbltious students onrn u n new school we know it we arc liuninii beiiikii and know hew siisplcloiibly new tliingjb uru looked upon until they have been tested our testlnc time hnu come we do not fear results we will meet yon half way to the neat two hundred who rotrlgtor we will give n bonus iih folio wh to those who reater for six nihnthu day clnhhvn pnyliifc feei in full tlierelor nccordinp to 4ir regjulnr schedule we will rivo au a bonus three months tuition extra or nine months in nil to those who regrister for three months day clasuen puynir fees therefor we will give as a bonus one months tuition extra or four months in all if you wculd bo one of the two hundred htarl now address wwrrwa 4652 spkdinh k3e toronto chnhdh t f sluricht pbincipkl some men know what they want thla otay ii you canl wliai you want com in and lnitct oiirkin 11ats ila up to you g j wallace menai outrtuf mill 61 acton richelieu end ontario tlon company fall excursions iioo- lo montreal nnd heturn ti do toronto to montreal and itatui includlnk meals and berlb via lumllion mite steamers leaving hamilton at 11 n clock poon and toronto ai 630 p m tuetdayi thursdays and tialurdays par tickets and berth reservation ad dress ii potnerclmnae a op a tnronio tho palace drug store c mangos proprlotorfthlp e a robertson piimb has purchased the drug and station- tionery bueincss of ii g hunter and will continue the business in the war ren block next the merchants bank mill st acton the new proprietor will endeavor to servo the public to the best of his abil ity by keeping a slock of the best procurable in drugs nnd etntlonorv and by courteous attention to overy- one prices will be found moderate give us a trial is all we ask g a robertson phmb druggist and stationer arnolds ijivery john 8t acton btytlsh itlga double or single supplied nn shorten notice commkrpial tiuvfxmirv or dm us riven special nltenilon icnrv arnold proprietor ljuslncss ouefjc juaaotfio ttluck upper wyuithmm bi omtlph out the best system mis oublph dubinb8s collgoit 11 11 ami woman at susray ami kilter now far rlay orsvaiituu eouiti illrmt to llta tmllsaw oiflcs maon1 liar wyiidusin ht qiislili or sdilre m maooonmiokba prinolpal rcton ui yery bus lin tlieunilaralmibilrmpmlfatlrsnllallllisjislreii assol ips public and informs tusm that well equlppid and btyliah nigs oan always be seeurad lliliiisbua k eomtortatite ton niasia s rains batwaa 10 am and bio 11 m 1 csralul atunllnnblvsa losi aryorjar tlia wants ot cemmsrelaltrsisl- urstullrtnsl john lniiuipc7s pnopribtoit notice of removal acton fcouiveed and vseed store has removed to the post office store where wc solicit your continued patronage ctoij jtfcccl rc ttodt nobln prepruter n v hoorc nanaiar learn dressmaking by mail in your spare tllno nt home or tako a fomonal goana at softool to ennblv nit to learn wo tpuoh on ansh or inbtaliiidiitplan wunlsotonoh a personnl olau nt school once a month class conimonclnif last tuesday of onoh mouth those loaionu toaoh how to out lit and put together any grrniunt from the plain set shirt wnist suit to tho most tdnborato dress thn whole family can learn from ono course wo have talight over bflventliousanddrebh makliiff and pjunrnnteo to give hvn liiiniuuil dollars to any one that cnn not learn iwtwoeii the ago of ii nnd 111 you can not lerini droasuiaklup hi thnroiigh na this eoiirae tennbes if yon work lu shops for years ilownro of imitations ns wo employ no ommutsldo thn school thla u tlia only experloiio ed ureas jutting school inoanfuluanil nxflollru by non in uny nthor country wiltout iincfi for particulars nn wo havo cib our rnto mm- third for a short tlmn adifrflsai mnddrb iihubscuttino kch0ou 111 krlo ht hi nit fort ont unnin ilr hi amifilionnnita st ah jliiirel mohniml i i1moi in ir hulllay i v i wjii i i t li i l0 k wuilli ilol wantkik ft u a iii l if mi willi iiiui laiiuntiar c for hajik ahunur ill i i 11 i nt ui vf llunir ailun aim iy n if il j minaiiii iionevfor salib km i i i oiiui lli j 1 1 1 nt l dial lunjrfi r mount good house vn0 lot vott oall u j701liillriilarahilna w i i aoli lluatiiu ir4lio m i i isi hi aaiu salesman wantki alkhuamoliilrotlur s at dellwr ol ry lllmal iula mis nkw ji11ick 1i0usk ron balu niw utory lilnu homo o i it jrlru nt lnil ecu mut ilia vol i an i tt tun 111 cluoni lliaap lor luimmllatu lain 1 ut 1 aillculaiii at ply 10 11 j i tahmill lot and barn tor sale iil l u lrali lul ht oninar uf lti llmelianl i l hirtuta ii m in luufl roptlr alimtol on lurimr on nor liaa liiovod iiy mil dmito to mnllu iirlco lalil apply to 1 viii allltah m k lluar liiiorocrwicuiit ioit salk iim fjno1 lnvlliiih hotiua itnatnl ai f 1 iohi ton llaln htrait j mi ulmrcli htti ami i an willow htreul it attn iiumliar ol fa nil k fur lii an i to fanl 1qr tartlciilii 1 1 uj iiiiuw nwvut 111 ib viijiuo iji ag in a iiumliar ol faniu fur ii an flo rout rllouliu ai ily to ia u w llns the ijuck ok mux vy llmutiilaraliliimlnillhilialiirsut lliu yll a tun upt lull i wt a i cfauitltllin hofll w ujall wm illlowj j v m him ilousk anj lot 1 on balu 111 mi ixiiiit- latvlroinlf hllclicn am 1 m llttr inn urraiiti nooao lior ewes and lamlh astray stiiameil irom llio remix m f llio uhaorlu- r nu llio uih july ui onti anl fuur lauilia onool llnortihi a lilms ato 11 iron n r ilia latnla lim hltcli fatt ny infurliiftllnn wlilol i iii in j to iliolr rocour will la mill ably rosirdott 1 atlvtsbom int con i i rin or aclonl o tf herbert itaswieltuy usoduii ottawa lliolmi ii roil rupbarrlna a liaya ilia only 1 lio liuat leal t lolilor blllollu wrltua 1rof ilutl olialpli 1110 aupply in can nl a to offar ii tiutit jui oxprs paid tir valilmt lalnuoiltlca ttiiiow aiinnlaltv lilulsvn illlofi t mlrmrltn out debinaqlu house and lot ron sale lor 111 0 ui lalu apply on llio farms for tale t2ioir lucool hii- onitiiiua tin ii aclnn nn 1iilldliiua nil hid place apply lojoiisit ail i iii km vnloiiui- u h lit umi 17 tolioroiuli ht i totonto w ii hi iish 17 itnilnrtilllltl m r foruiiln for hale building lots apply to ileardmoltk co rockwooo chopping mills carload just received livli rosks llouk bran shorth stone choppinr plato choppinpf oat tfoll- iiir prompt attention harris co 1 old iron ntitfii nnd hubbora mknt6d oontllilll 01i1i beunul haiiil htovei mid uualn foi fnmi nmglilnery auii1ed mouklh haxp wv ja a talon u11

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