Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 14, 1907, p. 4

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vr titltc aftnit tt ms llllllu 1 mm i 1iiu ii ii iwi7 a gookinowiool 0llfdk clin til 1 till fill v iii 1 ibim liiiiliiliniiil- mi 1 ilmt 11 wiiiill widp r il 11 1 ml rlriuir tvllmo hul nj un lliilitllm ami i 1 1 111111111 111 un my tin ml mi hi i11i ml i 1 inn iiln why hiiiiuiii dill ll 1 wlllllllll cm in 11 k il un i luttifattuk iiiklnun luukup mk 11 komi imiuliiuitk 7 twll inn trim i nny iml ilifii her aiilitd crt ititllthmiiiutidrvml and itu uimulliliik hint my mother roiild not iid i jan uhi liiow u l up of tea j mil imiiujli fl yen ntmnf xun ahu hrrw ji cup of leiiv till ui iriutl ymitvlmf t end uuylw o km 1 1 tiiy litvi ithiii ii lit ahvii fit tan iv iilfu mmibwi vmy caii yonf helen inlirht wjiimn in uoeuui t1ih uomktauoht bjmdic thn publication of the foregoing brought- tliu folluwtuir reply 1 jan she iiiabii it lino uoufll this dear ulrl tlmt yuii wed to day f can film make a line souffhff toll iu trust hay t tiiil mn can nnui my bread flnret huoults tiny inilead 1 and if i m well content why not youp can alio mrfko a salad cream v as delirious as dream f can filio in 11 lo a hnlud cream 7 toll in true i no but alio can cook my steak or a roast without mlstakr and they taste just n my mother ueud to do can aim frit xo a cafu mousse or ft plnnihliiro produce can alio freizo a cjnfo mauser tell ma trust aii i tni auro tlmt alia cannot 1 yot there cumvi 1 happy thought hho enn learn whats really worth her while to do yevol it noltarte hwad or tm1 house viiniiim l it fiiuhlyvbhtrurned 11 tun i 1 1 11 1 m nf 1 ret iir tfni j mi in r n t tint imrilwtlly into 11 ntlc liniklulriitttu 1 1 tin 01 1 it iiiniulntl nnd nubrd tin the nrroaf of her huahrind on it rlwiitff of imniiiub her tito hrntiil litutiunil wiie iitroalftl iiml brought iwfor tin iiingulratr hi wan u limil li hiking nil lann tarn at fritnif itpuulvt in hphttimiici nnd utwuit thrtii fiiiiilliu diunk 1 bit wife on tltti ciintrniy win btlht and dull cute kud in 1 lihiula win wiiiilimi uud knotted with luid work tito trial win khnrt imi aa h callrd him niidtt no dtfrnc ha wa nppurantly too laxy tn take tlm trou ble llin uint had cooltd down con aldtualily nnd riivo lirr lealltiiony with cvxraitiu m liictaiit ab la tn eua totn in riiflhfciibuai 1ut the null t of thn laluouci um ottnrly tilhulii wnil tlif iiuiiflhlratf nfiar lotuiritf hltn diiirjily nnd llidltipnhtly on his liiutal ity waa abpiit to prtwrm the rircaa aary pmiulitiiant wlihtrtha pahvfaced victim pokn up milk thn flnai aa huhfua yovi can your linnpr aha mid aaklotiuly 1 il have tpuy1t 1ibrb andthhri vour mother takta in waalilng aald the unity little twiy uiannlnff to t rudo of tn ursi nhn diua ropllrd the plinil uhl mn drttiitl liavtilt nut an iiiiik itu yum fill in 1 u out f jmii lhat man umy aitm to you aima- whnt uncdiiciitid 11 ml yel he nmkea a floe iiviiih by u n why i hhmild nuvcr take him for a writer lie unt 1 in rnlaiib pig he rtftet- intrihl notion allow 1110 to inform yon tlmt i am the last of the groit fnmlly of thu van hihens lut thnuithtlubsly delighted to here it i am sur do you know that theieu a place where divorce cumoa txiforo mnrrlagep iinpodulblo i not at nil lla inlhedlctlonnry wibb and othbrwiif maggie i yoautii why didnt nu put thli water- molon in tktiuulioinurl told youf i did mum hut it lau t cold no mum you boo i had to ukotho 100 out to get it in juutlcn atarnly you are charged with stealing nine of colonel henrye hem inati night hnvo you any wit noeaoe v dratherbwaghack bpnlogotlcally nuisali i i apecka lno rawtuli pujuillar dut uh way hiitltnlntneverhoen auatoiu tu talt wltuoiioe along when t gooi out chicken a ten i n salt mike say pat kin yes toll mo what kapei them bricks together p pat sura mlko its the mortar mlkonot bo a blamed tight 1 that kapoe thorn apart a vault admittkd alt kinds of things happen in newe- papor nfflcoa hero is nno chronicled by thu atlanta onpatltutlon t a georgia farmer ha a son who writes verso hut is too modest to sub nilt it for publication one day when the farmer wns going to town ha took m bundle uf poems along with hltn and handed them to the editor theyre protty fair said the editor ills rhyme is all right but theres something wrong with his feet welt bald the farmer i wont deny it t he has got corns i rittino h cash the- pvofeesor in charge of a prince ton claau room had houu annoyed by tho tnrdy onlronoonf a student lie pointedly conned talking until the- man took his mat after lecluro tho undent apologised ivofouiinr snlil ho my watch was in ml nil tea our of tlm way its both- ered mo a good deal lately hut after this i ahull put mi tnoro faith in it ita not faith j on want in it re pilot ihu prnfcabor 1 ita works it rally amaziho ail atniilonn tourist on the itiniinlt or vesuvius wan appalled lit the gran- dour of the ul out lit ntiakkhl ho exclulinrd it remlndii nm uf iladoh dy jnve hnw you ainurlosii do travel t exclaimed 11i1 kugllali mend who btnod nun 1 hhoi t stories tho novum lim nunihet of llod and ounlhpartlaiilmlydovotedto hlggame hunting and ketpa this subject well to the front nil hough a hunting number wan luaued hut inonlh tlie utory of hnw ono settlor treuts the deer a linokwnoils lucldont rarely if vr eqiimllod n personal narrative related by tint bottler hlnibelfi is well worthy of poriisitl tlm sury o f i ho game war- den and the tragedy uf the deer is likewise lo ho commended tho many other contributions auutulu tho attan tlon of tho readers lull 01 ted in various hianoheu of sport uud iiibo keep alive i ho interest token in ounadlun sport ing iiiiitttira work e not a mnna punishment it li llin reward and tu strerigthj bis glory and bis pleasure- oeorge band when llfuti all love tis um 1 aught oils tis naught sidney lanier majtniho to a plow hit vamfc among thu curtoue marrfsg cue toiim prevalllua in china la one which is thus described by a writer irt the family herald 1 notlonpf ago a very pretty girl the daughter of a prominent ch i nean offi cial was married with great pomp to a large red flower vaie repreeenllng a deceased bridegroom who had died n few days before hie wedding was to l celebrated ilia inconsolable brlda elect declared that she would never marry anyone else but would devote herself as a widow to tho dead mane family so the ceremony with the flower vas wae gone through with to enable the girl to outer tha family and the town proposda to build an arch to comiuetn orata hor devotion doctors using patent medicines tha honest pfiyilclan i anxlouc to cur and ums thr btt avail labia pemadtuu tim propositi logialatlon ui rough tho dominion iarlianiont for tha reg ulation of the manufacture and sale of patent or proprietary medialnee is of tlio utmost importance and it la receiving a groat deal of attention nnb on by the proprietary medicine manufactnrora but also by the leading doctor a and ilnilmmu kvery menu facturor of reliable and high clau roniortioa uetconira the hill sa a step in tho right direction thn diaeuuioit hab brouclit out tin fact tliat tlio belt rhyafciana in canada and on tha eon- iiient approve of and prcicrilio pay- oluiin in oasoa of the moat difflcuh oharaotcr in a recent inttsnee of very acrioiia throat snil in on troulde tlio patiout hnd iton using iaychlne tno loading united rtatea apocialiits er con mi tod in addition to two eminent canadian phyiiciana vpan loarninn what the patient waa tiling a eaniplo of pyciino waa taken and analysed with tha result that the plijaicians adruod its continiianoe tliey proacrilieil no other medicine hut paychlno with tha result that the pa tio nt lias fully recovered and is a tplendid trnlkinn and talking adrer- timimout for the wonderful curative powor nf a remedy that will stand up heforo the keenest profeailonat eritiriam and anslyafa as a builder up of the ay torn and reatorer of all waited condition payohine ttaa no onual and tho heit and moat earnest phjaiciais rooosniao this fact atllio awefamy innir werti in a urrtija its i liairueilrijlliumr bomrai uuiilm my lunaa am 1 in t ilsadlly rowing wnna holds hre all night tlio food housewife always feels like beilowtnp upon the pnnjore a cheerful goo j morning why because tlie pandora always lisa a nice bed of hot coals an a reward for checking oft tlio damper cloaely ho fore retiring lo reat in five minutes after lurnlnfl ort the drafts she will have a good mportrf fire should atie elaep two or three hours longer than usual there will still bo a lire ready tpr her tha fircjoji flues anil cletniiorn sreso aoierriifically nrreilged that he pandora cn he regulated to hold a from 24 o 30 ho re pandora owner novcr lisve their alecp dialurlied wild droems of makinif n new fre in the morning if your local denier doe a not hatijie this moat perfect of nli ranfloa write direct to us for free booklet mxiaryk taasia yj umuhbl wual vtmwvir st jaa c bleioht liooali agent chirlsredby dominion government citabllihad 1664 the merchants bank or can montreal awl nnlliftbmnrinitmpniiritierulit thai minlwajrwer- imyeliiiie flwli ilfwlmnniilihejrhlit thay j in ma 1 hen iiait to ijiemmllfliialormarejhaa lata till xuoilii lihitwrmia il i an linlhliij lit no i tnovuijtmwitiliio tf nwir 1 ii comdlnly it ill weniltra inr ma i now u tronv m i waa lfur my tleknaai una if nm uorpetfa ont paychlne pronouneed 8ikeen is the greatest nf toiiicb building up the sva- tern incroaaing the appetite purify ing tho blood aide dice tlon and aots directly upon the throat and lungs giving tone and vigor to tho entire system at all drnggtats ma and or dr t a rloenm limited 17v king street west toronto iiuad of i ice iritereil added four limei a year rraiklant sia ii montagu allan general manager capital paid up 16 000 000 00 surplus i4 000 000 00 savings bank deposits ona dollar or upwardi will open an account money withdrawable any lime no delay rarmkrs sale notes we hive apechl facillllti for collecting thete we will cash them at once if desired at a low rate of intareil joint accounts when requeued we will open account in two names so that either one may draw ihe money huiuand or wlfo etc acton branch 119 drenches jonathan hodoton esq depodis over sl ooa 00o 00 tois aiuts i31 oooooo 00 w s chisholm manager he who receives a klndneas should fiever forget it ha who does a good turn should never remember it de moathsnes do there a will wisdom polnta the way tho sick man pines for relief but he dislikes aondlug for tha doctor which means bottles of diugs never consumed he has not the resolution to load his stomach with compounds whlob smell villainously and taste worse hut ir ho has tho will to doal hlmaelf with his ailment wisdom will direct his attention to parm sloes vegotable pills which as a specific for indigestion and disorder of the digestive organs have no equal tha constant virtues of the good are tondornsss and ibve arnold ills alga alar om w bos ol toe gsai axative bromoquiniive u tu rased last at aam t smm thb obntud oynio n optimist is a man who polishes up tha dark side of life clothing may not make the muu but they sort of classify htm lot of people view life through ihe wrong end of tho telescope the heaviest collection plate doesnt always indicate the moat religion thu woman who is ambitious to run things gsnornlly practises on her own husband aihltratlon does not alwayu work sometimes the dove of peace is mis taken fur a otay pigeon new york tliuea obt it latam ono night paganlnl was going to ihe pails opera house where he was to uatoplsh everybody by playing ou one string doing t ha took h cab and wlion be arilvednt his destination the oabhy wanted ten francs what he exolalnied ynu tire onisy i havw poly had you five inliiulos i know it is imioh aald the other hut for ynu who make m fortune by playing on ona stilng it must 1m tun fianoe wall aald pigaulnl handing blm tho tight fare when you can nmke your cab go on one wheel come to me and 1 wilt give you ten francs nrrlmimuortooiptsnai6rfotrtlib simplest task 1 no task is too elropl for the mott splendid impulae cham- fort wo all have mluatnns in the world there is a work to do for every man on earth there la a function to perform for everything on earth animal and inanlmnte kverythlng has a mission and the inlsalnn of dr thomas rcfllootrlo oil la to heal hums and wounds of every dwsorlpton and cure coughs colds croup and nil affections of tho respiratory organs life alone can reklndlo life 1 what others claim from us is not our thirst and our hunger but our bread and gourd amlel do not delay in getting relief for the little folks mother graves worm kxtarmlnator is a pleasant and sure cure h you love your child why do you let it suffer when a remedy is so near at hand p it coats more to revengo injuries than to bear thorn tluhop wilson veiy many persons die annually from cholera and kindred summer complaints who might have been saved if proper remedies bad been used ir 14 tucked do not delay in get ting a bottle of dr j d kellogga dysentery cordial tha medicine that never falls o effect a cure titos who have used lb say jt acts promptly and thoroughly subdue the pain and disease more terrible thanwar voro urrltle than war fanilno or peo ulenne is that awful doitroyer tlmt imlra- oaded oipnuor ounsmuniliin that uinually swoup4 away mure of eartha in- tuultatit tlian any other aliiglo diams known to the luitimn race it is only a eald a trifling eouali say the unless as tlie irritation iijkii the ilelloato miiooiib meinhrano eauaei tliniii to haek away wild on irritable tlokllitu of the throat when tlio irritation set lira on the rnuoous surfoeeof the throat aeoiigh la the ri4ult to prevent jlronolillla or con euniptlmi of tho itinga do not nealeot a eouuh hnwsvar alight as tlio irritation anrusdlua throughoiib the dulloale lining nf tlie aonaitlve sir jmbhauoi bonn leada to fltal rhulta if on tlio tlret npponraiicanf a miugh os eold uu would take a fsw doaaa of dr woods norway pine syrup yon would aave yourself a great deal ol uunuhimary buffering fi wood a nor- way fine hyrup onnialnaall tin life giving firopertles of the plnetreaiof norway anil or althmt urotip whmnlng cough atai fell throut and lung affediloiislt is aaneeb fla do aitrewhen you alk for dr wnoda norway pin tiyrup to get it dont be humbugged into taking something else prloe 23 ota j mim lena johnaumrolade on writes i i have uaod pr wiwlv nor cures dyipopilk bolls tlmplei headaches constipation lou or appetite salt rhoum eryslpelot scrofula and all trouble arising from the stomach ltvar bowe or b wrltou i i lullnm i wnulil liavn hoon in city bto inns uiro m it 1114 tuna ur tern 1 wm rundown tn biinh an satrnl thai i tnuiil anan ly tuov atioub tlie houu iwaaauhjaut t mttn baailartin b4xkaehea ami dlaxt iimhi nty apnollu wan anne ana i waa tiaatila to do my luiimwork after iiutiitr two bottles w k it l i round my h fully rmlored rmlynwoniiuenj all tired and ieuswemaa visjtt vouh stoiioolsi you bear it great deal nbont our nrhoolh tulk mi 1 nb about them think hoiilt ttlhult thniii and miradven1llie wnnitir not n tltt inoin aliout theiii than if limy wertln china how nmny heads tif families parents bual leu 1111 n men of tuluda rvttr nroae tbf llirn1il of thn school 100111 how many oir offer u word of en- oouragenieut to teacher or aoliolar and let them know by your prearncp at iraat tccaalonnlly in the tflhool rimm that you aret an interealm mity rily dealrous that they aliouhl proa per and that yotl have tlalr lnt wet far at heart t how many have personally recognlited tjie lusd of the school ha who has tho training of tlm rjilnd and the building of and estab lublog the character of your boy or glriy how tunny hav ki it illy conn- seletl or ndvad with hlni showing you ere with him 11 th great work wishing dim welt and cheering him wth aod spend p how few can an war in the nfllrmallve and yet you often hear of the school and feel that it i not what it hhduld lw and what hi w frill it worn will ithrlp it to imi eoustanlly finding fault contlnu- nlly growling and denouncing it with almost every breath and when soma trivial or tiven grave mlalak is made will it belter matter to poitipoualy parade the aamo before tho public p now this is merely offerud aa- a hint and while wa presume many will- read it it is hoped some will think about it and at least a few lie induced to act upon it and vlalt our schools at least occasion ally ftvaotm tub harm sun no tlie story is told of a boy who was in bathing and who gat beyond his depth a man on shore heard hie cries and asked him if he could not swim to whlob the boy said no what a foolish boy you are to go into the water without knowing how to swim replied tha man but the hoy replied help me out and scold me afterwards three tryirts times in a womans life when hilbtjbns heart and nerve pills om alawml an abaalala a toward bm future baallh tha oral whan tha u jim liuihlins sw- kaetl into iha full littom ol womanhwxl the meowl pwlod thai eonilltutm a iriu drain aa thm aytin la durin tirnny the third ajuj the eae nwxl uahta to imim kaaftaiuiaarvetmubualiilurtas hriiollt la all three parlatl ulltiurni hrt and karve villi will prove of wondwful valoa to tld var ike uma lira famm kins cornwall oafwrttii i waa trou4d vary anueb with kaarl irouus tha eaiue btto laarataatanl duatahaaaef ufa h i hava bmnlkunf yeur llaarl and nerve mi for tarn lima awl mmi inaoallaua iun m u 1 etn trulblully r ibay ara iba bwl ramady i have aver ueed lo hulhuiif up the lyitem you are al llbarty la um thl ulemeal for tha intuit i of alb autferera piueboeant per box at three lioumfimrll u all ilmura e tha t unburn co united taraala oak way pine flyrup for throat troubles eftai taklnr wllkt loflb uluthahftaaa taking numerous other remedies and i wiist soy that nnthlng eon take tpe puos lof lb f wonm nob b wlutouba bottleof there is no playing fast and loose with truth in any game without growing the worse for it dickens tlioro never was and nover will be a uulvonud panacea in ono remedy for all ills to which heab la holr what would relieve one 111 in turn would aggravute the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulter ated state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual and judicious use the frailest eyatenu are lod into ooavaloeconoe anil atrvmgth by tlio influence which quinine exert on nature own restorative it re- hovpa those to whom a chronic state of morbid dupondenoy and lack of interest in life is a dlosoo and by tranqulllilng tho norvee disposes to sound and refreshing sloopimpart vigor to tho action of the blood which being stimulated courtuts through tho volns strengthening tho hoalthy ani mal function of tho system thereby moklnfc activity a necessary result strengthening tho franio and giving ii fo to the dlgoetlve organ which naturally demand increased aubetanoe result improved appotlta north- top at lyman of toronto lm 0 given to tho puhllo tholr superior qulnlnx dy tho opinion of scientist tjie win approaches nearest perfection of any on tho maikot all druggists sell it genius u often but the capacity for receiving and improving by discipline oeo eliotr- vounaatlon pa4nelplaj flrstt when we undertake to fill your subscriptions we glvo thoin our undivldod attention and boat caro tlie patlonta welfare la our first oon alderatlnn second 1 we giiaranteo our drugs to bo of full atroligth a wolf aa pure and fresh third 1 our ttustomora are auppllod with just what tlioyask for 1 suhatlttit ing la never allowed p oblhftt rommttni if you are a sufferer from kidney disease liver complaint blood trouhto rheumatlam neuralgia or nervous prostration wo confidently recom mend tho use of palnoa celery com pound tills reliable and nevor dis appointing medicine la a truo dlscaso luuilshor and system builder we upply tha genuine palnea colory compound at brown aoton ont if we w011ldbe quiet under our trouble they would not be so painful to beartempletbn a womans ordeal drfcans doctors oursiions th umu wrll 4a mr mnltham t ym m kn ltclv valuabla advk abmtm- lly cull4iu wd lf llirm ai ikt no nioro u rrlbln onb il t i iliili lid miixiiik hiiuki unnnn lllilll li imp ohliuul lu uiihvu r m rtulil fjiuhthiu in kifanl to inr prlulo imm mill u in n tlimii qimmllonn aro uuvttl by bur luiiiily plialcian and ninny toiilltiilo to mifer rallur than to inbuilt oxmillliutioiiii tblrb vn ii inly phyni clfliu pniirfmi iti oriir to iifiuikfiilly that lint itituuw ami tliln lu ibu raoii tliy w itiiniy pliniilniih fall in i utit ft nmlti illwowj tlilslu alibi tho rmwui why tliounimle upon thouujtlilh iff umrtiii am rorrt aimin ling vtth mrn i inuliinii ilaiurbli r inlaw of ii1u i iliililmiu t t tin mam lo bur tin nut lonflilii uvt f y ib tall of tin ir iiiik v uml from hi r gnat knoliilnti obliilmil from ytara vl exuriim in tniitinu fi main ilia mrx ihnkliam ran tuliir kirk momon tuom wlaely tlinii tlm loiul plimlilnii itoad how miji i inkliuin helped dtllo i iiuniillciuiij montnuil ol ml latotirollo ht ihuihi qik ikurllk mnuliumi i auflirfhiririlulitiiiflnllh with wt il hi tlit v rlnlnuxt would rum inv tnuiltti tint imitlilimuiitortliobatbioctitiiiilllllrlil i yili i 1 liiklimi t inl in miixmml and till tn ipcd me un ruplilly tlmt 1 coul 1 bnntly mkvo my oihi firtinio i woul i jlmlly have irlttlnrtthl tho uolllou cum mi i nm nuwt truu nil fiir my dplrndiil mliiiht liuillli nti i uhnll rertnlnly mnmmcwl tlio viirouilila ini piiiuiil in nl nintt b mix to all my frlondj ami fnviuaintnncca fir it u dirving of alt urn iirnliia i can ulvoil kinnntaiua nf proof relabtluh tho fact tliat no medicine in thn world equals lydia 1 iinkhnnia cuotabln com pound for rfatoriiik otiitna health tiiky whnoi really aoiiibo a good atoiy la told of ihe t fforla on hut put tifn kindly duihiacd allmuy rllixi n in in bin nl n lu lwtmi a man ami wlft wlui worn idling tin ir tinubleu on ibo hldmviilk ona hnturtlay uvimlng fjutik brrc my mini ttkculmcd thu alliiiliy iiian at our intervnuliig in thn nltirtalltin which waa glowing more and morn violent this won t do you know i what hut in turn bt it of yourup do innudid tho main combatant angilly its my luimlnraa only ao fur na i limy be or ttci i leo in oottllng this din pule anawerod the ullui i illdty anil i should like vrry much to do that ihli aint no dleputc milklly ic turnvd tho ninn nodlaputel catno tn aatunutbvd toniafroin llir- would bti jvaacumakor why you i tell you unit it nlut no duputt luaulvtl tjho nmu siiij tldnka stio nlnt gobik to jphtf weeks wage and i know- ah itlnt i that niu t im illapur amazino pnopoirrtonsi within about elgfit years the vogue of the picllith pout card has grown fiom ijlinoat uutliliig to anraxlng pro portlona once he traveller wmn leltirsi now ha aeuda a lost card with n fow wonla that trll the aory iho ninnufactiircnf tlio cards has bo come a glaut1nduatry of ocr inati development it has given the poutn services of iho world a new problem our officials aay they are nlmnat ataggered by the lucreaio it has made in the volumo uf tho malls onodaylaat month the ocean eteam ship adrlatlo arrlvotl with 03000 cards in hor mall bags it le aald tha government li encouraging the uao of thacarde nlthough they are pushing l bo old fashioned ones to the wall for tlie reason that tha department gate tho same revenue from the stamp nnd saves tho coat of tho card and the printing ho who wishes to tectire tho good of othore has already secured his own 1 confucius tlir filmni trunk pailwav pasisichumi tiiainu ii wli iml li i ill ul i it n nu t i ii ii n allliliil i nt aut i well mado good fitting- tlmt wc know itovv to nmke frioei hint will pais with honors the moat criti cnl lxnininittioii oh rcgnnla q tin lit of nuitih pliability and strciiktli ttcatucw of stitcli- iiiki id nil round ptrfcction jou can prove yourwelf by ahkiiik for moixyfl at our dcnlcrh tlmt they will outucar your most sanguine expectntionn is our firm bclkf iuaiflt on storeys nt nil mores w h storey son limited acton ontario canaas oldest glovers to ourjb a oold ih ohm day aws revaa alfnature oa aaab lloxt5etnui tho heat preparation for the future is the pionnfc wfll sron to the laat duly uoll iluiiti oeoigf nlaoilonald a cleai hoalthy bkln rrnptlnns or tho skin and the blotches which blsmlsh beauty are tha result nf im pure bjood eatised by unhealthy action of tho liver anil kidneys in correct ing this unhealthy action and restor ing the organs to their normal condi tion parmehv vegetable pills will nt tha same lime cleanse the hlnod and the hlnleuo and eruptions will disappear without leaving any tree tho depth from whlob our words are spoken is the measure or the depth at which they will be beard julian hawthorne there are a number of varlatlea of corns hollowaya corn cure will r i move any of them oull on your drug- f slab and get a bottle at ontm the essence of love is kindness and indeed it may be beat defined as pns slonate kindness it l stevenson dickie anil consumptive syrup is agreeable to tha taste and la a certain relief for irritation of the throat that causes backing coughs if used ac cording to directions it will break th moat persistent eold and restore the air passagas to their normal healthy condition tlioro is no need to recom mend it to those familiar with it but to those who seek a sure remedy and are in doubt what to use tho advice is try d sy were you lightened williardp asked mr grimes of his llttlq boy whom he had sent on an errand after dark well i should say sol answered the little fellow tlio streaks of aoarodnms just ran up and down my legs neglect ruins 100 watches where us wear out one 10 ep your watch clean and il ii natural for it to go si for your heart to beat prini lias ekperlence antpsblily to repair and properly adjuit watcliei poi ilbly at great as any person in canada viw- gb d pringrle the jeweller guclph flsausshbanbtb byaolsis cd canadian northwest homb8tbad rroul ationb any even numbared aeellqe of oomldlon lande in uaoltnlia haakatoliawsii aurt alberta aieeyalns u aud la not veutrvad may be bomuuaaed by any pertoq who le the aole ol a family or any miieovarlfl to the enfant ol onequarter aealii aeree niera or lau i onequarter mo lion of ik bntr mail be maita peraonallv al ihe loeal land offlee tor ibe dlatrlol tu whldti tha laud i altuated tba tiomeiteailer la i eonttuloue eouneoted i uie followlou plaua i 11 oulll year if ihe father ormolliw if the father li iloimn ol the liouimtesiler raeltlaa upon a farm lu the vlelnlly ol uia land entered for the mcjulremanls aa to rmtaenoa may ba llnetl by eueli nereoua reeldii mot 01 aaiieelavbo o ulhaaaluarliaihl pernianeiit retmaiiee nmi farmlna upil owned by iiini in the vlolnif if bie bouetead llir t i farming lanilnwiied by ii l tj q lad by milbufcns laxa liver pills are a dambtnallne nf the aetl v principles el tlio moot vabiauin t trointtln reiiititlle fnr ilw kins aneluiaortlerf of um uver rtoniaeh owl iheia cufie constipation cunt biliousness mteba it the braalh and elear away all wast wrllinaehoutrbe elrwn to tba oeinmlfhloner ol pom in ton finila ei ottawa of inumlon to ailjb for ilent deputy of uia bllnuur of the interior kll uoautliorlid pnblleallon or hit ad vartiienient will uol be iwid for hh new pictures at waters bros new idcau in frniriing artists supplies oil and wator colors always fresh and of the boat quality waters bros guelph art btorb nassayawe lu mills lumbev iatb and shingles always on hand cheap 11iii stuff out lo order p savers 80ms hasuoavjllyji p 0 is it footwear you are look ing for if thats the caso go to williams shoe store i carry a full line of boots shoes rub bers etc for people of all ages and sizes fall and winter btock now ready for your inspection wm williams th fihoa uan will blme aoton a newspaper barman th a o to u kreo vrtmtt tb ramll llei ftl wiid id7 weokly bint r tf muliiratl iiil i rcc 1 u i wilt lirrm b j n with ovcj- tlniik of inturttt in itili loiul terri lory 1 koryhirntiiri hut dim let should rrpolvo tllc lolli imptt iho i niiiil fkrul 1 itu t uglily suir of miuitrc it la hit jilkuiiwltiilired lnt fufilllyuni fitin pijcr in citntulfi lift ningmfittnt hcu ticrlci in nuuiaoiirf upcciiil ilepirtnieiili itw inttrlkllng magmiuu fcutuui uhj rent icrmlt dud paniilur iiliort iqtich imikc it mil imntet dollar h wotil to be imd tlio cmilblnull u if hie i rco picm and the imiiily ikratd und weekly slir provitlih tlm yrr umt ninmint tf wlitlckdino liinlly iiuliiig nnd rtllablo hewn from nil j ms uf llic uorld hdid your huliij tion tn till acton 1 ki j iri ss a hi cm exceksior bakery we arc liradqunr- tcrf in acton for dread caltcs pas try cc of first- clasb qu iht we alho enrr a splendid stock ol groceries and con- icctioner t statham tfc son mill otieor aoton mm pal makers ukonah ro v s ox r hook nlwh and goioitld 1aiilth jjfq h11aht1eu w- gibson painter paper hanger sign writer piulurc kramer shop mill st acton op posite williams livery repairs promptly made to furniture tinware etc no unnecessarj delay knives ground sussors sharpened courteous attention nnd reasonable prices wglmson i tn vrann ltpeiilenob acton flour and food store and grain elevator all kinds of grain bought and sold highest cash prices paid ori delivery bnoblf proprietor n p hoorb tuft trade mmikb draiano copvniamt 4o annul miiiiii a m rl ni uni tf rrliin nm nuloiilr mromilii i r mi n nu wlipil or i fcsffijiwi ivu hwifja niil r iuiimi fiuriiry i fkui niiiffpntii i intniil lukoii linuijli tltinil till rucalre tpttmtmiut will mteuruo lutiio scitntific jimcricari ahn1onlrllliimrrlrl witollr ijirool fir riilallt ii of any irfuijuinj iirul inn iut rrf nurtjhiilli i dtiiduralt pew iielr traeea wnsetibs v hl wxhuaun t li lofromts imqnklh rciire eumti niluii hflhctrcfra r inserntir loth invent s anil hnw ynu are ewlndttd reueli ahetcli i r model or ymirlu yitllou orliinirqvemuit nixi ivewillle i you free our opinion nainuliriiirr ii iriuliir claulabu livtcted arpllcatlene tiavf m uliilly i rnieciijeil by it conduct fully fiuliicit iffwa in mont andwlitiiiorii lhniilinre ly mnalcu work j broad ar theiii uriiutied relent rrtvhiro 1 mirruan martoi o wa rlon receive aiwclat nollee wll nit chars n ovt loo nwiipaimra tlulilbiitid untuiglvnt umtthinibilnii specialty l patent lniliiea n mbnufae- uireaiiii luihliltei marion marion patent expert jnd 6 olio i tore issssbsmsusssi imrilviniilmtod wmnf wt ifaaw

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