Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 21, 1907, p. 1

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kt jvttjcrn ttt 1tft vollmk xxxiii no 21 kvatr bulmiill ion i in ailvomc aoton ontauio tiiuksday morning novlcmimit 21 1007 fcwi i m i i am hinoijm oopiksthllkk oicntb tithe ctoir jtm jreas b kublihiiko l- lil riluuhuay uoitnino at tun kr irvum uihim 1riailntf dhf jim mthicwt acton ont ttruu of hubuerltfllsa ofcj dollar per your atrlclly in uilvanoe all pub- icrlptlona iiimcoh tinned wlitn ilia llm or whli li liny liuvve boon paid jim llril i liu ditto to which svary ub- irl tloii in paid in demited on tlui jrt4 label 41 wrl imibu luil trnnnutit vec 11 hi nil llrikla ncr nqinarall i1n tr rlri lrimrlnii 4 utnli pr una- for uii uulmfljueih itiaortlwn ailvortlsomi ul without apaalno 41- rssuous will ln inxertud till tor bid ind flirirod accordingly rranvlent d- vt rtlsuniint must n yiittl in rdvinat ailvnvtlseinonta will i p changed ones jnih month ic uomlrail for hni nftctior than nmve mimtlonei tit com- iinltloii mint tiu paid or ragulsr ay a bin mnnllity intro mi hardy co will recnlv for u n suliaorlptlona- and ndverllaeroeni and where our readuru enn free nt charga n our paier wlion lw lcnslnnd ir i uoonrc vdltor and proprietor fluslntftb birfttory uxd1cal a ittiiuh l hour m h uuwerally of toronto ttorobtbqn to dh jonu u ulcmmlld omaaetvatilaiicn on willow bumi hijlil iuironii tljlui u 1 to othoo lloursh told a in ltobpm and lo u p 111 npiips cray m d c m mcgill r n a v icmmddrou i t 1 h oluoow ubmuubobitiiu ubihoii aaciitiow etc dmerr4rldk 11 treat aeion out e d ault m d cm bucoqr lodr uokssflua ollloi hourib la 10 r bo acton i o fl and t to ft ont rn drvden mta ida tuboat add hasb corner woalwlob and tlaker suula w oukwit orricb hooma10 tn to pm and lot pro box dat 10 ft tu to 1pm a j mioklnnon liakriannrflomcrroii cohwtamoia 0rio ull htrmal in hlovalt tlloak lanrsetown llranoti llulu ntraat open a insula anl uaturlay oiatk o7ak vourth dlylaloncourvjooodlt or llaj dll j m iihll ddhldfl dkmtiat aotom olboo at lindane comer 1111 mi predarlck atriali iiowoh oluidatb o toiokto uk itu mi itt tba la tut aiiaaalliallo uaad if datliad at hookwooil t6ca lajr ujsckllanmo us el and hartdvco anvbhtiring cohtlactom amd nkwicomtuarounihti jo float si reel london i c eogund a pll ot uila iapar oan bv vlaltora to loudon to rill b slvan it raquirad tnanoi0 nuham imqsdindvh wwndltambt oi asaaant iiooka of til klnrfi mad a to erdajr i wrlod lau o r tar d amhp 1 1 a n aaratni i y boo nd iuuttiomiiani promptly dona m alluiaor mcbnoeo n p uoonn uartim or uahhuoii lukmibi rrlvtuoajoanowltnaaaaairaqtilrad laanad w m mimbthukt lloimmd adotlohin tor lb otiaotlai of wallliifton and italton draarblaltattbapbbm latiaa ohaa a a ton ft alittyvaaldaiiaaln aoton wll ba prompllr at- uddutoliia yiaaaonabla inrai of 500 and upwarda w ordara lat wllli tlia fui pmu aeton will rlva imniaduta atlantlon jam1cs madonald l1cbnbbd auotiohkir fitialyli a on rw anlaad in a vary oua kortarnn dalaa ato apply folio 07 hmhinknoh nor motauoa ui and e or iload iuuilll tint tatanjinoe 14t tlualpb halaa may da arranaad at faaa 1mkm otnaa aeion r j kiirr llchhleo auctiomibr taaannau aiatma ordara by latiar ulmom or oanrltiaa or tail at vk i jtaaa offlaa aolon wilt raoalva lintuadlata atudtlou irdan bv uturlo mlmm v 0 tauplion t arnolds ijivery station h01ilisianlks mill hi aeion slyllill fllgi tlouula or ilnla upplloil on klnrlsii nnile covhtlshciar ibavkiullb dieks rlvn ipclrl bllanllor henry arnold charles j western eyesight specialist of toronto vlbljiacti every niitilli i r lul f nek villttitiirln llrownd dwgtlnre attend tile best it pays jbmaot ah antduitaa ot ihlaacljpol mj uhaoliilalv u nl hln t lloni simlenlb n imhic l hi any limn cataloffiio dtu j w bjlwott principal coriwyonaa ind alasaqdarbu your chopping will be done quickly and welt on cither plates or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest pricci harris co umltad is it footwear vou aro look- ins for if thats the case go to williams shoe store 1 carry a full line of boots hlioen rub bers etc for people of all ages and sizes foil and winter stock now ready for your inspection -wmr-wlllloma- tbe shoe uin excelsior bakery we are headquar ters in acton for bread calces pas try etc of flybt- class quality wc also csujy a splendid stock oi groceries and con fectionery t statham 4 son mill atpmt aoton new pictures at waters bros new ideas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always fresh and of the best quality waters br08 cuelph art btorb the oi citizens work g garlic sucy acton hand laundry willow btroot near poit offloo nml i own hull i m laundry man ol lonji siiparlanco ind blva hpaclml ml lantlar onra to trllclaa of all kinds brought lo b liu nil rind tililru lron to tliay will no hurt your neck bland up collara ironed to i hay will nol break in ihavylnn all ladlaa nd ganllomen ironlnif dona with anllre ullifacllon rtttl promnlly go lo charll buoy ntwl ul him know when iipoleari uid oil gotl7 irjlalr wllth ojm ynrl v 1 wo yard wldilil bn t 1 m1r yrd wiilili rpecltl ruticilon on a nuniliar of holla whlcli mini lm aolil m tnaba- room or nw 004 qualjly kiixrin lecj ol it iiuc1s alt vi ways khlir the bond hardware co lutall fhon 07 ouelrif xlmtuu 1 wasii yy p vfejli tr about your watch to tuold unnacaaaary wtiar nml l air your watch ahould ta cleaned ra olla i nn i bdjiutad every eltthlaan month score of waicheiara ruined by nested score of walcheb are rulotd by inekiper i o need uorkmen avoid both by tat log your wilcli mpik inn lo savhro co walcli repair by mtparla no anpranilcbi in thl dcparlmenl savage go iatabluhed hh guelph 8 riliaili v jliwfi llrs w h walker painter paper hanger decorator main street acton oppoilm siephamon a dhcumiih all work hubtaniced the work of year in acton id proof ol fl ex order lofi nl a t drown a dru blore will receive prompt attention w h walker aoton short line to mtiskoka and parry sotipd fall time taplu nohtiitiaund no i no j toronlo 900 am 16 3 p wbiibro 1335 pm 1000 pm 1arry sound 3 15 p m koutiiiiounn no j no 1 tarry bound fn 43 l m t wbnafo 1 ijpm fi 13 n m toronto 3 3 p 11 10 am t dilly except sunday obwrvatoaclnlns vartor oara balwean toroito nd vanrr bound tonrlnft mala a 1a carta onice all blbllona alio corner hln and toronto nnd union ii at i on phono main 3170 paper makers a no nan town on r tlook news and oolouud iaieita tnokuabheb oublph lousiness oucfle vamfo hloelt fjijter wyttahnm bl oualjib out the best system 1 to nimlai lha oublph bubinbsb oollsoff tbli ayileui ha bvan thowjuutily tailad ami baa demnnttraiad 114 uplnrlty ti allotlmr jai kin n vlaauiiu t in tbl pro vino i praatlr- i mo unbriia nuoy bdu m mm u ploprleior waitld ntl he will riot fall you yatania of eonibiatalar fahi ilia tl liualnaaa oollao alone in tbl pyeyli a 11 1 hoi i tail to laaen and praotlea it itylfihl ynuna nun and woman nf aueray ami eharaatarmu nt ilemaalvfa bare at modoraii pent for tba boat potllloji ofioytutf in ttia buahiaaa world tbla lliallluilon ntilitaailiiuiua pouloil atnoui catiadlau iiufjnw coilw it will pay you to luvmtlbau mow aiid fly r knltr now toy rta or avrjilon aoiiwa coin rtlraet to tba oollabo ota alanitile lllotk uppai ftrtadbatumuualpli orarldraa m hoooilmiokba prluotobl or i nj h niu pliiplii rnvo over rountry lift uin hick t iiuiry und nouownd atilfi i hn u f iiuiiiri tlio hrftcink uir llli tolio ut giotn th fit tlio mttadimvh ir n 1 liii j i hi utnl i in o lu i hit iuoiihihih ilu u 1 1 1otlt a lirruful nml 11 flahlrik mm hut 1 1 tt in tlif country u aolufthjuk input iiiuk mild n lmlf t tin ftniiiml utort no wuli 1 tynrkp tux n fliml nil lump a two iulht wiitu tntfi pout 01 l 111p 1 row to milk t tlio d 1 n of thiy w and ihulhia mlxul wltlf tlio rl ivcr hny hoiiitr h oplo tit i it of tlio count ir footl hi ktovliiv on it n hi iitlludu iimi tool ffttali imttlaa jnt off tint vine i ijk 1111w pntiuni y u lurrn nnd urip i imi clidiy pli and tlio ciinrn ytl 1 lm itiirytiit npplaii bo nvvtc und nul low hut funil in thn country turnnflnbtov akuiw with wood from the nmplo kmixo and 11 ivomnn ah j nit ulnff nwny whltti iloliiw hot h iltinpr il ij hv tiny nn ni at anu ntnirn witli ltd himiiu so lirliilit and fniu hip nun with mi npp iii 1 hn fuluu in the city mifflil l unow hint llfn in tilt cniintrj u aoiiibwhut nlnw m 1 win n thoy jnyfully comn nut flli 1 11 j lu v ulunihl fay cnnio in fnl the kxhlhitirm wo in 1 il 11 chiuioff ov ry now and then lliui kdii tn hod nn lint ulioltn nf srlfrt ynmtlu krablnn i sctlt grultnmh 8 pride q iiv atlnliu imikw kit rtrtllft liltlu now hiirhind viiiuko 17 ncatllnp lu thn lienrt tt thn l iiiiu nn 1 uiut t rimii nil tlio uorld on ono cold nlyht in jinu ut 11a iiliintly nnd hulftly mil white f ilhiij 11 iki u full nnu hy hit wiup ping it in n hhiutiil of pun 4t whllo at rood y thn unuw luy thick upun thn jikhiimi and tin pi oplo aliook thuli iiiikin jib ihuy lutt mil to tlio wind and kiillmiri rlimti lonml tin li ohttr fnl fin with 11 kiudci pi 1 linpa tmvaid ihu li 11 11 1 1 lo hud whuro n ay cliuiku nnd jimiik llnihii ivtio uufuly linnuld nnd tinlolly tlutplup lu hutlt gnihnin cottnffo thu tcmf ivi a dlitttout nut hum nil wuti unit r no toy wuio sciittt ltd upon tlio fliioi for thu cmpfiil liounti wlfo tn kill lit 1 up with inviuff tnuoh 1 lit child h hnnthlnft hioko the nt illness 80th flnihain anil hla wife mil iilonw tlio lit hnrncd inlkhtly on ihohcnilh tlio fclmttoib util clniiiil light iipjulnbt thu atom hut n tin fnrt n of hntli utin n wot n nnd itukioua look i u omh 1 whuro alto la to night ut 1 ihl bmbt f 1 0111 tlio inolhtiu llpn nii ihoiirh imcnnbclniiul voe thp irat tiinu in twulvo long niitnthu alio ngnin nppionchul thu foihldilou suhjoot ptitlilr who onuniiod ah mild alio coino buck to night would youfnrglvo licrr lot 11 inmiioul irnniiiloiib lines nuft- uiilii tlio old uinrib inniith 11 tonr truuihlcd in hie vyv thon tlio eiuno huvirv otprobelon uniuo luick alurnrr than in fnip nu ho nni wired 1 hnoyou forgotten your promise novti to hiotilho that iminip iorglvo hut y no i nul though alio lay djing nt my loot i lot hor not como hoto fot nhl ut cninfoit ohi who has htqnght duguioo nnd dulionor upon nut niinio i ltilmpb unt thn inutliur ttpuotl in pit j log tuiiua peihnpa hut lior boniouco mm uiifliilalied fur n wulllng ciy without tlio oottago doot ciiiibud both tn utnrt from thulr bdittu nml gtuo nlenoh olhorn though thoy hud cnnjtirud up it ghost it ft nioniuiit it omiiu ngiiln fitlntor nvnrti llio wlfu initknl into tlio hualutmlit fitcti wit li unxitiub lit nil hut thn father m heal i nmiquiitd u luhhii our alice liuuxoluliuod woninn imvn you no until tljut yon can hliiud thoio und tt iipi jmiuiip quiuku light 1 and i in on lug opon tlio dour ho went hurt lot ly nut lulu tlio night luttiinlng lu a fi w inouipiitb hen 1 lug lu iiib iirnift ihopromliuto uuninn who had fa 11 an nl 111 out ut hlu v ui y duo 1 with trmlut cuio ho luld hut- upon his hid 1 hut tho hluo ojuii uhlch n poncd tn tho light hiul in thorn nn gluiun of coiiboioiihi nourf nml tho lung hnlr which vwtpb tho pillow w in wot with miow on iiib kiucb hoiililu her knelt tho tnnn who rt fuw inoiiiaiilb he faro tmd ppurncd het in iiij thought calling hor hy thu pub umnob or hut imhylinotl imploring juut one word lit nnawcr hut no nuuuur onuil onco it look of rooog iilllnn bwopt over thu iwuullfiil fuon t once nu tho diiuu wha hrcnklng who atritchitl out herorilia lo liut nlothur whlapcilngi it wit nut ha you llioitght i i lovutl hint bo hint hut tho boiituucu ilhxl itway iniflnluh edi nnd whun at ittnt the in inn i tiff biln dlupollad tlio inht flights btoini it bhono upon hio calm julot tiltiop nf nnu fnruvet ht tout alloo iiud gvou hot llfn foi itiiolliei und tho inihy blueplng ut hui a ida would iiovut know 11 motherij lino uovniuutly lha uulghhora followed thn dtiid to itfl lust roallug plaop uuk lug no ttbbilniib lint with ouitoiv alimtrniuul omnet in nil ihu vlllngu tiniiu hnd iwon go growl a fvollto irt hui glil who now lay in itar oofflu 1 and uluii hut liltlu innio tiuui a join ngo bihi imd dlbiippojnod fmui among lhetii nt uin b1111111 tlmu ullh thu yutiiig hnd liuiidaoiiio btihitgvr who iiud tiuuii wpimdltig hlu biiniumr 11 mid tlio 1i1ih thoy upoko pityingly rttthei limit wllli ivniuo hut wllli thn aprlnglhuo tho wild llowimgnw in rlh luxililaoru over allc iridium i gntve nnd lu hilh oriiluuiiu ottugti milii more thllduh lulighlr broke i ho idkncn 11 rhlld u ri y tit itiiiudt d foot iiml rt t hwlftly llm yenra roll d 11 la 1 1 1 it nppolntt d roiirm u hn d time nnd hnrvtut illowtd ench otht r rapidly huvntiuii n uuiiltiiurb pnurd tim llfo wh loh lii opened in torin mid ilurk iieud ueenied nvu hft lt m nt it very portal nml to tuivo llvad in dtoiniil mihhltu hiiich i lie man who had invd atein a f uin r itnd to thu gill on tuily kind tmd gi nlli nnd to ghinily nn- ahit cuthd tho awoeboltl htdy whous frtcu horn trncoy of aneli11 it f ha few linvf known alio know bim hnil imflo fmmowi wluh to hnvo it girintud and novy sio ft it hot- yon g life who vowned indeed with jo for lu thu twilight n tho nurly buuiimr tinin will hotvurd had confubbcd ida low nud won from her hot niibwur nnd hur eocret yon will mo grnihlfallipi p alto quealloned her voice tritiiulouh with hupplnuaa yea dour he had riplkd hut why should ho not glvu iilu lonuentp my natno la old mid honorable i mil biiro lie wilt not houltnlo to glvo jou to 0110 who hna dono miiiglit to milly it ho that night with a lu art heating high wlthhnpt tin glilpicttl up mid d iwn thn wijlk nlont uniting thn rotnrii nf thn lover who had gone to pluiid ma ciuiko 1 nml tin hindi rnso nnd dh d nn hur oheeu 11 uho plctun d hia ongtr fin 1 fnncitd hlu liooynnt trend hiutonlug in hui to porh ip diiuv tint mm through hliind in lug her a willing ttunut to hor gimul futhnrn bhh flitt to bo pi lyfully hcnldid nnd then to itcilvo hla hleao log how hnppy biio whh i hot ah ulin heurn hla atop i a biidtlen uhyneua tnkna p iuuobuiou of 1m 1 mid uin ihimvm in ii if down on i ho guon award making nn unit ion till lie uiaticu litiiiido hur white la ho ungt r dullght tlio torront of wnrdu with hlchhoato hmik ihoallunup muto und atlll hi btnutla tin re mid ut hut with wondoi lug diend iho tui im lit r head mid glmioea upwi id into hlu face in la ivhltin hb uho imtlu nil il wtut fioitih 1 ti hoy with no tiiun of emu 1 ho rolmnid a man no sign of until auuiiiu lo hu in thoye haril llnm mound hlu month 01 in tin ojfv uliluh luu bo atrnngi mi expiihlon had i hi t n a la ggm i lorenct hu aaj a nt inut ho mill 1 nut hnvo hjiiii n il ntu with gkiitu kiiiii hn hnil 1110 till jou to comu to lilin mill noin look opon my fa on ugalti will klin mnhhi d in 1111 nut to li y tin why thmild hu imvu mild aulh drtadfnl tliiuguf ho nuatit it nil mid uioro wlun t told lilin ih it iho nun n i olfutid jim wait uu ntd nu hnuonhlu nu your own ho laughed mid wild 1 a uoblu h guc j lndoid hid tho gltl paino to nu mid put uiioh lliuughtu out nf hur hind bhu ahull novt r man y i loreoco it in unjiiht cruil you ahull not atiluolt to it i uiibh willi tfu joiing ghl itnawiud 011 du not moan ihuko woidw it will hunk tny lutut lo gho yoti tip hut i nuvnr rnn insert thu old man who hnu nnlulud ho tnuduily over my childliuod mid glilhuod ti1110 nmy iiofun hlni will and though it ctiuiu j mini liunci you kin my lovu can novt 1 full you i will go tu him nml boo what my pleading can t ftoct if it u hupulobh oh will help 1110 to lw utrnng i urandfalhoi lam luu anld tho nwoot j tinng olce nu 8tth gtahani ralaed hlu head fiom hlu moilo mid 1 glanced at tho threshold where aha utood wtio hud iniumipud him bo hud hor mother utood clghteon long j uum liofoi e and tlio btot if linen whlolithitn hnd galhemd mi hlu facu 11 gain bhw the light what lu ihubtuiy young unwind him boon lolling um v what do chll- iron uiioh ub j nu know of lo e t wo me hoth clilldien gnndfuthor nml wo lovo enrh olhir oh grand fallai tho cuntinuul hnutinlng fc t niml mid llinvliig hoinllf ut his feet lliluk of the llmo uliun jou too wtro young nud join dun ginnny 1 think of yotii on 11 child who una hurled in iho ohuichjind tho dmllng mnlher whom i not 01 va you lhl unt might hur j oiiug llfo yon iluuh child i the old man 1 xiliiiu til rising luiullly fium hlu oliah do not speak of hot i uiy jou ahull novel 0111 y i l and i naj giio 1110 aoiuo rtaann ot yoin lufnanl if it hn juut i will iihldo hy it hut 1 hnvo no light to condemn tho man i lovo unloaa jou cmt eonvltido me it la jnbt hlir too hud iluon nibhobpnke aa alio utood otmfiontlng him tho light hltittliig in hluejo wab lulluctod lit hoi awn flion you will hnvo it- the wcciot 1 have kopt fiom you nil jou lift on the hututatono at join tnolliot a gruvo lu lint mm woidt w u ic it win nil to which she hud tho tight now can jou iimleistuud why you nro lint nul from uu inmost mnnai huuit yttut inolliui loll my homo and gave up nil fui a ulinngui hn hud won hur love how do jou know ho did nob ninny hot v iho ntd mini imighid think you who would lutvu borne biioiico mid dlfgiuro hnd it hden sop hut ii will imod mi ho would not flloro hlu in ma ugnlnul inn avon woro lliu ttu xa1 1110 go to him nnd till my btory 1 thon imwi iho ubiui to him wlmtl toll thu btoty or my ulinnio p novpi lloie nothing linn hceit known 1 nn ono know hut hint my gill wau ilulitul kdo hna heen roi- gottun 1 itfid imi pitbt nvvei ithull it itn roaiirreoted flouinee i took jtm n htilij from join duml iiiohiiia nmib jf yuii do mt uuli um to aludltiira uf hlood hint juli uem nut hililod willi hoi novui iigitln hiunhin tliluj mutia uitiilb ho who dared taunt me though hu meant it not wllli hlu linnnr nnd ililbullh ti rirord that night a unto wiih put into young howard a hnuda llo torn it eagerly opon it ib over will ahe wrote i have accepted my grandfiillior u do creo it la at tint hut juut i cnu only pry fa to hna more jiapplneuu in atom for yrlhi fur 11111 biv emly gtuv ha- alilo my motlur the ntimnu r died 1 tho liurvoat f rjtn ldoaanuied wild went gatltorrd 1 the whiter aiiowa felt jigalh thu spilog crut uuea puuhed up to aeti they tnlghtiihow thflt hondvi hut jn hoth qrahbma totugo nil enpd tin clijltigfl t tho mnifthu cuiiid nnd go yet leave rto algn yet it whu not ho hlnce hint fatal day lloruncu hiul made no outwnnl moun lilit day hy fay iter chcoka puhd ond4ho tight faded from hnreynu nifd often when the twilight fell she would uteul nwny to alt liusldo that grave yvhoai head atony horn tho 0110 word- alice ihil tho tjuio crime when aha could not go bo fnr when hor thought fallod her utterly and wlioit hy tho open window alio could only look wistfully toward that apot hub thongli tho old man knew that he who hud iiiurdoind tho young spirit wna sopping the young life thu utnn pride of iiib nice fothudn relenting imll nnd white as a lity alio hnd grown whun ono day hoth graham burst into ilia collage follow d by n stranger iinulnuu nod inger hlu wife tookaal up with wonderment 1 hut when she amy hull face her too grow while it 1a nut aa you think mother hi hi ckci limed till a la nunhlldu husband coma lo punish me for my wicked cruol pride comn to demand tho child wiioho hfo i have wrurktd no father iinuwerod llioatiaugii i have linen thu one to hlnme it wuu i who begged allen nut to nnkmiwh dgn our marriage because i know my father had other vlowi mid would prohnhly hnvo d i scanted me i hnd gone to ida ack bed when alio cniuo to you with a fpellng i snppusi of homo alcknoub she could not tiflst i roliirn oil to outl her gone nnd wau frantic with grief thon thn iiawb of her death 1 cached me hut i did not know iho hnd left a child i thought thou ncknotvluilgiuunt could do her no good nud bo i li t it pnse hut my conscli nro wool i not lit mn rcut and i came tn find hoi grim when i uarntd nil mychlldt whoiolubhor here father 1 anawcrcd n clear young voice nnd turning he etnapid in ills nt ma tho now fainting girl who hnd tamo forward nt tho bound of volctu an unseen listener hut hnppl uuuu provtd a wnndorfnl cure nnd ore in my inontha the rosea enmu back to llm cluck to which nnttua hnd reatoied tholr rouudnobb and wltn floinncu utood huforo tho nltnr ft happy bride it wna hur fnthci hnnni oil nnd neknowledged who placed hot luiud within will ilownnl a whoso gladly claimed tils own again hilton 110 face iihono tho glad happy light which lighted hint nf ttia old mnn iiiibu pildo hnd bo nearly hllghtid two young lleu olli wblls at aba tho wlmlo ib by no iiionna tho only btmrpo nnitin imnjii rmmbrrllrtto- known to fame tho liumhlo niunhnden yields oil nnd fettlllzer worth 1000 000 a j ear giving employment to 1h00 flatu rinen nnd 1000 einplnyos of fifty faculties thu peopto who nro bo prodtahly engngid in alnnghterlng 700 000 001 or theio ouiiob uvory yum naturally claim that they woro created provldonllully for tho cvpieub purpose slnoo they nro nob ob for food nnd jet tho fcupply booms inexliatibtnble no one knows whence they oomp or whither thoy go all wc know la that amy spring vast schools of them appear in the gulf of moxlto heading tun th in closely pneked innabeu near tho an r face tittutly liicnpiililo of either dt fence or est ape all hint la iteodud iu simply to scoop tliim up with hlg liolnoa oonundnuhb 1 why does a chlckun liobb tho umtlp 13 ohlnk oltnnk under tho hunk tun it 1 awing rout r 1 there woro ft frog n duck a inmh nud a skunk went to n fair thoy cnoh had to pa j n dollar to get in hnw many gut in nud how did thoy get in p what la it tliat n rich mnn wnnta a pool iimn hna nnd nn turnout man stents p 0 wlintlslt hint oootirs onco in it minute twlao in it iiinruont and uuvor nnco in n ihoinuintl years p akhu uiih 1 to get tn tlio other ildo a a lady milking a oow ii the fntg hnd a green hnok the dnok hnd a hill tho iamb hud font quiit toi a tho uktink hnd a cent and it win a had one 4 nothing 0 the leetar in thu art ok bkip iibadlna skip reading nn acoouipllalimoitt ol our own time ail ordinary mnn or wnninuof to day can extract nil tho rvqnulto liiforitiutltin nub of a nowapa pei in tlinn five nttnutoa hy hie exorolaa of thl now seiuo furtt ib lit tlo oiao than till tm eyes race down 11 column pick up luutlhotlvoly nn oa sontlal word ltoro nnd there ami tlio hrnln 01 1 b in lliulnlorvnlsliitilllgonlly pioiluolngit preetu wltluli is in flic lent for hie purpose nothino doino mlbtruah june 1 enw a milkman kliu yun tlilu morning in tlio futuro i will tuko tho milk in i won id t ho no tun mum lloa ptomuud never to kiss nnyhndy hut 1110 llulilmluj aro you otar hntlioied with trmiipaotit herop hubbnlib no i itmo i ulgn on hut gate rending wo nro strlolly vigi tittlitiiv hdt nurdog lint twbntv ybaitbi aoo chponlouaj carrully corlld and concjtibd tram that pm praaai ofnovantbac 7tli 18s7 meburu giuliani fe grahmn hnvo opened out in the meat hnsltie u thn moat uhopetnrtid ih side ken ney ilros uhooatorc dllhinl tpitalngnuv hth 1hh7 maty ami widow of tho uto jajutfs itrown mi iliollui ot mv jhiiibb lliowm finnm heri ngrd 7lf yearn 0 moiilhu 1 lf1 llo m hiawribaiiufto ruca lug wllli luflulahuid ovirro yeawiugo lud livid on tin fnrni hnju taken up ilttt ii hur dentil iff rlnimlimul died 1 1 j earn ngo hoi docoiue will ihi regret ti il hy luiudii du who1ihtid hur kind iiikii nud enjoyed hm hospitality in yruru goiio by id 1 afiso noted nu pall in nreruj ifof iinton nnd thv ird ymr at 11 di nta iittliq o a u lu investigating tin lloukuiuid ciimv blurted nn hutur- dty in die mnlu cne whlctt lu 1 feet toig mid hy wnimlufr their way lu through piibngi a boiiio leaa than two ft ct in illunrtnr which opened into chambers riached a distance of 112 ftut from thueulrniice j hvynrogtdng to lovi utlg lie hie pot hole which nro liquid with ai feci ty formed a id on nud aro biippohld lo ho mudn hy file hon of aiuiill atones under a glacier the 1 11 g ono lu i atlinntid lo hu 25 ft nt diep mul ntaily nu turgu na hie oun nt lucrui hwltzunrd auppintetl lu la tho largest in hit world iivo nun h duniuld ilickwood mut ii potty moiruton who publicly dtd i red i luy would piiy no hcott act om v have bud duueta warrants lu um d fot llm collection of u nud 9100 fot two lliilu 11 apeellv ly 1 gh iini t f cvowaona coin ere 10 purls atlrtlug uvaugnllullo seivlcca tn tho mi thodlul ohiirch nndu tho tend imhlp of hi is hwann anil iltrnby pastors also depti rntoj iho possibility of hnlton nplitling iho honlt act aa owing to its active tmforcomoiit tho woid hnltdn wuu n good roply to thiiao who said prohibition was not enforctd in maine or miibbnoluibotts or mkhlgnn under the inrgo type caption la it niwlng meeting a threo quarter column ropoit is given of n meeting win n om of tho inrgostnudloiicob over soon in the town halt n sue 1 noted on the 7th to hour mrs you m una upon tho repeal of tho hcott act itoevo vyto called tho mooting to order nnd mr i henderson bankor was up pointed chad man on tlio platform e t ituv a k hiibb on irei ituv o h morinw co huoy polloamagl truto young hov it phillips ho v j w utoiindltov it ii ouok mrs youmnnu upoko for ovor nn hour fol- oivcd hy tho glntlomnn out of town named mis youmnnu asked for an expression of fuvoi for thn act and nearly tivt 1 y now iosd including tunny who had previously votod ugalnat tho net tho georgetown hoi ntd gives furthct intel eating information ro psquealnga pool fund lluniiclug undor liceuao and no license in tlio four yeut s previous to the soott act in hu ton in kwqueulug 9120100 was pild fot liuonueb nml j otu ml paid fur tho suppott of tho poor dm lug tho past four yvnra only is02 8o liau heon re quired for charit thu woodstock goal roturnu tor tho county of oxford for tho your aiiow hint not one person win liiprluonod for d ru nka nn orb bub hint six woro for hronch of tho cnniidit tsmperonco act hik ilynninllo oxptoalon havo ooour ml lu orungovtllo in two yar ib ib noteworthy that they always occur after liquor men hnvo boon fined on nov loth tho house of inspector an deraon was ngrtlu blown up llo hnd only loft tho honeo a few inlniitos bub was badly stunned but his wife who wna nlnnn lu the hutiao was badly shocked a nolo wna fotiud tacked to tho funop wntulnglilm to dcalst from ills ilfoitu nn liotiuw of the not nnd stating that lu tnlglji oongrntulato himself that hu hnd not boon hlnwn to kingdom cnnio buforo tlila m mniuii at tho residence of hto btldt oiluiuhy by itev d ic llrow- noil itov oliilutoplur t mknian of wateidown to mlnnli 1 mi of hto into t m hnwalntigh nnd sister or itov i 15 t oor and itov thus gee iltnin in aoton nov 10th to mr nml mrs goorgn ilynda chairman public hohttol nomtl n son ijuun in lsquoslng nov ijth to mi and mia win mullln a son how hb dibd an mshnian is ton lilmhlo to lie oniiglit uhon ho doesnt wish to bo np piohonddl oardlnnl mannlngdellgbb ed to ull iho following story ns mi llluetiullon of thu iintlnnnl el naive niius 1 an iilahnmrt thiiaonaf ono who hnd heoti hnngod ltnvlug t too n naked liow his fnilioi hid lliiiu eluded tho adtnls- ulun of tho foot 1 huie thin my father who wan n vtiy ronklosb man was jlit btandln an n platform hnrangnlngnninlr whan rt part of thn platform suddenly gave wity nnd ho foil tlnoiigh and thin ib wan found 1i1b nook was broken bb- in pni l na well ns in 10 mo other pntts nf llm world thoro mo mm of fashion who aim to do oveiy thing nu tho lcngllsh do it a foppish french man who know no kngllsh hut nover tholoub culled liliiuelf it gontlomrtn wont bo fni in hlu anglomnnla hb to willo kvq nflei iho imtmm of men to whom ha winto letter on hie hnok of thn onvtlopeu ily mild by a friend naked him what litis meant why iho kugllih do it hto uthor nnswiredi yob but what does ktf meanr why jou aee tho idngluh nro of it veiy cold tmiipviaiiionti shd nduilro mild things itin rq whloh meatia 0 iiiliiiiin uugvoutomnpllmmitl maidbnhood where the buds aro white mid pink on the tiies the lairutfog green in tho lunsl of oh i think in tho years ytnru that iiavu been neath tho blue of itelfuct sklos willi tho tuillu upon ber lips with the wonder in lur uyea and tho world nt finger tips merging from iho dewy mm u dailihg is tho 110011 d ly ik at andtliu ttiirtidflr of thh storm willi lu unlnk pulitlng heat watching builduwy figures glldo ih a iiuw wot id juut unon t hlllldoia dim rtgrut nhldd vov the morning prayer a lid am g lo tho futuio vflgiu fy reucinu with a liurful ulamo behind i lisduilog whllu thi new hour tiaoliek wth gnnt eyj a tliitl sink to hud thht vnat toiuotlilnif fot whloli bmuub al ihejoiiglugth tho lit at in thn land whuro mnnklnil at t ku 1 the still gient unknown part mlnnln pveljji liendirson t the oumidlun magnxlne tub wapun- amdtiiu ddlb hoio u a story that irwierlck uouglnsa liaml o ti 11 iiboilt llllilbi if 1 onco win n he wna in dublin he felt very totiesome ho was wandering about the stunt whun ha waa nttrnrt- ed hy two votlns in the window of second baud dealer irotlorlck en tun d nud aaktd hie pi ico of one of tho instruments klvo shillings sor said tho irlih diialai prcdetlek tuned tho violin and im- gnu to ptuy itncky itond to dublin houn the proprietor wife hoard th lunula nnd entered tho roar door thin iredorlck started in on tha irlah washerwoman nnd tho ennpte in gnu to danre for dear life when tho umslo and dancing stopped find cilck hmdeiul tho denier flva shllllnge hut hlu pel fm mn nee on the violin hnd greatly enhanced its valuo in thn mind of ihu atorokoeptr mid as ho hurried a way to a plnen of security hn ox- eloluud 1 if n bin ok nngur can gib audi cliimtsjiut of that flddlo 1 ii uiivir sell it ut liny prices hegorrah i thbbbonbt pioin his farm judge illnnk was in tin habit of supplying tho preachers of nil tho churches with flour corn hay and vegetnblib ftco of cost ho also kept the country supplied with venison fiom tho hcnl of tloi whloh ho kipt for ninny years llo built a big biiiokohouao in ilia rear of his gi ootid j ono night unseen himself hu saw n tnnn emerge from thu smoke- hotiho with a bldo of pork on his ah old dur ho rocognlxud tho intruder hub said nothing a weik afterward tho fujluw uppronchod him baying judge i understand you hnd some mint stolon from yoin flmokuhotiuof tho old judge raised his hand daprc- cntlngly nnd said 1 bill no mm on autth knows any thing nhnnt that but you mul mo argonaut wit saved him an instnnco of wit serving as a buckter is iitontlunod hy tha uttlynlo knqulrer t a mnn was up iteforo n judge tho other day fur sttnling coal t hn tail- road utectlvo biild hu caught tlio fel low hi a coal car hut the man said ho wuu only slot ping thoro hooiiuto his wlfo hnd looked him out nud ho hnd no money to go to n lintel pcotty hnnl bed wiunt lb v nsked tho judge oh no sir ho answered it wna soft coal and tho judgo wns bo atruok ylth tho joko that ho let lilin go novel mendtiiatiom ono of tho dlfllciiltlob in tho way ol ncqnlilng eknot information in goorgla 00111 tb ta thiib indicated by tho atlnnta uoiibtltntlon 1 hnw far wna it r tiaked tho lawyer of tha wltnoib from your house to tho toad whoro tho difficulty ol cur- red bout a ncro on n half suh i menu how niiiiiy jartlap doy wuxnt nny ynrds doro at nil anh oxooptluof my jard on dnt wiu bout n acre en a half font do runtl 1 oonnttoteo a commercial li livelier who mnkoa frequent trips to the west from now york lu on friendly tonus with the poitor of the sleeping enr who ro- jolei in tho nniiiu of lnwronqu ioe well lawrence niinoiinoed tho salesnuin gltxhilly i hnvo good nows for yon wo ve hud a hhtli ln our family twins by georga oat nm no birth ah said lw- tonco dats a aocllon wanted bvary main woman and child in aoton to cult at our atom for tho gicnteab atrength enntor und health restorer which wo havo over sold vlnol it la not n patent mudlolne hut thn moat valnnhte end liver pre parol i on made hy ait extinctive and concentrating prooous from fiouh ooda 11 1 era without a drop of oil to iiutist ato and tipiub the stomnoh nnd rotnrd us work and tonlo iron whloh la n needful const ittiont for tho blood nddeil wo do nnblielloio theto ta a person lu this vicinity who cannot hu lm no il tied hy vlnnl nt this sojtbon of iho your vlnnl la dellolnub lo tha uate nnd ib lu rooogulxud nu the grcnt- obi strength orsntoi fni old pnopto weak silckly women and oliltdron nursing inothnrs nud nftor a sovaro bloknebs vlnol la uurqunttod fur hnokltig chiiigtiu ohronlo colds broitohllu and nil throat and lung troubles orentaa ntt nppotto nud mnkou ihnoo who nro tun h1i11 fat rosy nny healthy iv11 havo hnd bo inuoh exporleiion with vluot nnd aoon so many wnmlor- full reaullb from its ubo that wo offar toroltirn mnnoy without queation if it does not hoaompllah nil wt olalnt for it 1g a itubortatm dtuugut aoton out

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