Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), November 21, 1907, p. 2

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xhkik itnbmhtxiunn nainrla nnvauiliar if hi el narmllnr 4ui ubiiiii j amiiua totonln ikunoan llnl mam i inn fly ilia tnwatilp of uhtixiitf hi ma ttwi year liomon hatuitay n v iiliar itltli m i until inn hallfia ilia ball v i wife of joai it ii linyd ailiwoii kiiiilay 17ili nnxambif at ilia allunaor tila iiuuiar um v h hiiillli aoiaii i laitt llil win allan ulaol mia willi 1 imi llitlam aim m ilia auyu and hutbar un i m ibulmru luliu uki yaar lliirn at halkirk alllinaaaalilrr huuluu i iulii hep i in bar hfl hkmpbkbohai wlniilpatf nn w lay nov until oiiiilim kan lemon ami of avl i hail lar an il i acuu in trtih year death of lieutcol allan paa pmoatmily away on sunday in iii- b8p4 vmf if ijt ctott xtt ra3 uiuuhdav nov i ii1ku 21 wt oionotllav notes in oitler to fiiellltnlo in kit shipping taiatipvtriimtiit tolls on vstu pusg ihtf tlirouku thn ran- iiiiao lxnn almhjlut llilir was a grunt booh tol canntlliitt chlppliru interests oml jydfclnif by tuuultu it appears to hkve lfcon jiutavhnt was lectfsaaiy to turn tlio thin f tho grlili carrying trail through cnnudlmi channels tim ht lawrtiico inulit la pntranlxud to a much natur muni thfin omor boforu canada is inoro ft ml itroro handling american export grain them talnu n difference in ftrnln rates of saioral conts it bushil in fiumof ihr canadian lakentid cnnul itiutu tlio nctltin of tho council nt mod day evening s meeting in taking slops toward the securing nf n now mnp of tho corporation though somewhat tiirdy is to lw co nun end ol the need for a i n up enihrnclng nil surveys up to into la vu ry grout no mnp of tlio corporation has luicn executed ilnco thn incorporation nf tlio iiiiinlclpnllty thirty four ytitrs ago tlio present limp loos not inrludo tlio stiyvpys of uhrlstlo nnd henderson w 15 hmltb adam cook a portion nf iloardiuoro tc go a or j iyfo s nil of which nro tvltliln thu limits of thn corporation imtaro nut shown on i ho mnp of tho town lly thu iropnrutin nf a new map including thmo tlio work nf tho assessor will ho greatly fiicllitntoil nml limlruniunts trnimfiirlng pro pel ty will ho iniicli mnro ruidlly ex- ooii ted tim council should promptly placo tho order for tlio proposed now map so unit it rimy ho ready for tho uo of tho assessor next march a new town map at last tub outta ahttcka oofl 1iobb bt1ll unbatiufaotohv we guarantee to cure your cough or cold it 15 already jmaping fruit haltom aootf rmdt dvuw will drlntf 0000 to th county thl vmf tlio good itonilu lly law punted hy the county council nt its inst ineatlnk iiiir lifon ucci ptid hy tho ontnrln oavernmint and tln county wlllrecclvo itutib 1h0 for money spout during tlio last two yours for roud machltlory nd tlio piircluuo of tho nelson toll road tho champion says mr mclenn of tho dfipnrtiuont of inihllo works wb in town yeotordny iiu enmo to ilalton to inspuct tho rondu inctudod fi tlio now county system op which tlioro will bo payinonu duo by the govern morit for work already done at tlio request of w anion tord who was licru ha want to lltirllngtnn to inspect the toll rond purchased hy tlio county soma time uro iho amount payahla to tho county for mads nnd machinery at tlio ond of tlio yuar will bo about 3000 thto rotronctlvo mnasuro will no doubt ho pleasin to rntupayors nf tho uounty bonernliy tho iljn nod slifiif bus i wion iiriiui d it bus been permitted to few mon to pnjoy iho iifitd hoaltli and kom nu 1 1 till vluor up to tho ftfo of nlnnty years that wan col allans prlvllvgo up to throo j sum nfto bo was a halo and bonity old niitlpiiian and njoy- cd life very fully two or tbreo yars into- bo liefpin to fall physically but within elifhtrtiti months bo was nhlo to come down town in the morning for bis gtoln and to lie about tho hotisti avpiy day a yoak iro last wlator to bnd a sovero illness and has uliico bseu coiiflitod nlihosl conthiunuiily to lila vooii whorrf uio loving duvotlop and caro n bis daughter ittu0 h hmllv waa tnost tutfnlly bfstowodt and bis ovory wish nptlelpntvd ittr sevornt manths bo bad ikiii noticeably falling and utt week it wns objorved that tbo endwnt uear very peaorfully bn pasted away on hunday afternoon at tho rlpo old an of ninety two years and two inonthv ho was conscious until within a fow hours nf his donilse ills birthday was on a hunday and his uuily cnrcee terminated a tho sun wai sinking in tho wost on flumluy mtor- noori as m truo soldier be lived i as a truo soldlur hn dlud and full military honors wore paid bis remains at tb6 funernl yestonuy afternoon ijouicol william alun flrst saw tho light of day in ths parish of hal kirk caithness hlilro hcolund on thn2it siptemlwr lhlfttho notabls period in tlio world history marking tlm downfall of napoleon on iho plains of waterloo having an in here nt ambition for the army ho enllsudnt the ago of 1h at wlok hootland in tho wa lloglniont of ughtnnder tbon known as tho butherland highlanders but now as the imuciitb loulsr argylo and hiitheilaud highlanders the colonel dlsohurgod tho duties nf corporal and bis muiihor in tho roglment was 010 in conepipnce of tho makenxle itolielllon lu 1hi7 thn reglnisnt was onlend to canada and landed in hall- fax on tbo oth march iks it was stationed at various purlods in d iff or ont parts in what was then uppor and lower canada until ibm when tlio rolielhon having luivn subdued it re turned to tin old country tho colnnrl inid howovor formsd vsry ngrocahlo nsboolatlons meanwhlla hi l hit newer country t received favor- nblo lniprolons of tbo olimato arid other advantages and decided to re main hero ills only regret was tin parting from bis comrades tlio officers and men of tlio ftlrd for lie bad mado lasting frlundslilps with many of ilium ho appllud for and recslved an bonorahlo discharge on tho 0th may ikk at a cost of 15 starling in 1bj be wm united in holy wed lock with catharine campbell wltb whom ha llvod happily for noarly half a contury first in cheltenlian whore tlm inotnhor of the family wore ikirn t mrs c 8 smith acton j john o alhtn of goldflelds col and james allan who dlod in chicago 21 years ago the colonel and mrs allan moved to acton fifty yours go this spring nnd this was tbolr homo until called to tbolr eternal abiding place mrs allan passed away four years ago inst raster hhe woe a udy greatly beloved by all who know bar combined with tbo colonel natural liking for military service his innat ability rendered blin a apt pupil and be waa not iow4nacqulrlnaa council me i on mmidny uvuiilng in royjiihir sntialon mmnhttru nil piouont huovo hwnckliiiiiior in tbo huh the comnilttvo on wiuuici pit sunt ed their 22ud report nnd thu follow luff nccouiits worn oidorod to ho puld j hiiuheon niiulmcr uport ro walks 91j0d tamos atularuun rt pairs utreots ii ml c c hpelght miscellaneous 10 ml joseph hall work on streets i m onttft lerolin llulihi rco coup ling 8wi15 mlit report was ndnjuvd lt was reported unit thn jiobq pur chased from the gotta frircha itohlwr co last ytat and whlih imd huh sent i o tlnv factory for repairs was back again npd u tesl proved it sllh to bfriinsatufuainry movnl by or gray fcoconded tiy alex hell tiiat tbd clerk advlso uio gntt jerchu itubber co that tlio hose returned lias piovcd to bo inipor feet one ongth bursting under w pounds pleasure anil also that- tlm water soaks through iho fnhilo ns it did before being sont down foi rejutirs carried moved by ur giny sooondedmiy alex bell tliat tbo court or luvlslon for prmannt pavements lo holif on dec 0th at 0 p in carried moved by t gray seconded by c o speight tbnt the clerk mako en qntrles as to tbo coat of a new map for the corporation of acton and report at tbo next mooting of tlio council carried moved by t gray srcondi d by alov ilsll that throe fl mnpora metres lie purchased from tho cunndlan went- ingbouse co carried council tbon adjourned no ifs or buts just a atralglit btatomcnlslihoba cure will euro your couch or cold nntl da it quicker than nnythtnif you over tried or your druggist will return the purclmeo price get a bottle today and cure that cough or cold shlloh 6 andugba sliuoli cure is f srtd mini cough nnj cold niwklne for claidrn jit lis boensffpctlogt cuss for 3 years au drujr- glus tie joe nd if oo ti klmtolt of acrovf lnui i11khu will ynu pleano publish tbo follow ing t perhaps ono nf tlio most pleasant events of tho season took plnco on imday evening novcinhoi loth when the niomlwra of tlio scotch block uoof itlrujfi numliorlng ninety persons assembled at tbo commodious res donoo of mr thomas mlchlo to bold their annual oyster supper durlng tho foro part of tho evening tho mom- liers enjoyod thetusidvos in games of various kinds and social intercourso than they betook themselves to tho spacious dining room and tharu sat down to ono of tho most sumptuous repasts that tho nppottto of man could desire consisting of oysters and all the other good things for which thn scotch uuiok is nlnno famous r aftor suppor mi cxoollont pro gramme consisting of violin solos readings short speeches nnd voonl hutos was rendered at tho alnso of the first half of tbo prngi amine mr nvll gillies in n ntmt speech re viewed iho woik of tho lllng from its inception hponuing in conipll- montnry terms of tho work which mr mlohlo as its pioneer secretary had done ho siild it was inrgnly duo to his energy and ability that thu ring was what it was to day ha than meritioncd tho oyoollont sorvloes ho had render d them ns their hntchor for thu pitttt jeai voicing what bo knew to lie thu opinion of all ts pat rons when ho said tbnt wo bad a man killing fni us who was second to nnno lu tho province and further to assure mr mlohlo tbnt these wore lint mere empty words but that wo meant what no sold ho would tisk mr llainpahlro on behalf of tlio ring to predont to him ns n tnkon of further proof a vnluablo doublo onrvlriff sot consisting of em on pieces mr mlohlo nlthoiirh tnkon com plotely by suiptlso replied hi a vary fitting way thanking tho nioinliem for their kindness to him iiu laid that it would bo his aim to try nnd give even boltei satisfaction another year jio welcomed nit to his home and hoped they would nil ho spared to gather togothor lu another year the mooting after a few more slings and speeches of a complimentary and humorous ohnmctui was brought to a close by singing atihl luting hynivj and god have tho king the members duperod fwsllng rat- isfletl that not only hud they n first- atu btiuhec hut in mr end mrst mlohlo they had tho iiiostgenhtthost and hoitcsu that one eonld wnh to your blnoarvly w j luupfuimu ftootoh block november hlh 1007 thorough knowledge of the drill and general dlsolpllne nf tho army this soon brought his usefulness under the notloo of tho authorities in canada where he found ample scope for thq nxoralso of his untiring enorglos he first 1mcbiio drill instructor to tho 7th west york mllltla which at nnco afforded ample ovldencu of his steal to promote their knowlodgaof tho servloq by becoming notably proficient not only in tho drill but in all other mili tary movements essential for officers and m to master as qualified soldiers during the penlnn raid in 1800 col allan distinguished himself whlln noting iu a commissioned officer in tho hatalllon composed of halton and pool volunteer wbloji wont to the front on that occasion reaching itldgeway in llmo to tako charge of the prisoners and to lodgo them in gaol at toronto it was tho veto ran oolanols remark- able prlvllego to iiavo llvod to sea no lets than five dirforent tnnnurohs grace tho throne of great britain ho was honored with various commission one ns captain in tbo 7th ilathlllon of fuel mulltvllnqor into nf klh vehni ary 1ba0 hy hlr ijmmund walker head another ah major in the roiorve militia of the itsglmeutal division of tho county of ilalton bear ing date lutli laihrtiaty 1r00 by sir john vnung govoi nor general white holding one previously appointing him icnuign and adjutant in the 7th ilatal- lloti of ynrk mllltla dated 10th june 1h17 authantloaled by the aiitograph of the blstotlo personage governing the provlnco of uppur and lower ounndn- the right honorable james karl or klgln end kincardine lie held a further commission hy which ho was appointed major in the auit halton volunteers infantry hatttllloii dated lib nnvemlwr 1071 by tho night honorable john ttnfnn lhigar thon governor general lly another aommlsslnu he was appointed lieut col in thu active mllltla nf tio dominion nn 10th apt ii 1877 by tlio itlght hiinnniblo tbo karl of dnuvrln tutor on tbo khh juno ibm by sir johtrhutlieiliind douglas crtinpltsll the martinis of lome governor gen- arttl he was nppnlnted llsutool in tho 201 h ilalton hatalllon icvor allvo ti hn necessity of keep ing abreast of his military duties the colonel nttottdod a rehool of military instruction nt toronto during 1mi and on the 21st septemhor of that ymr passed nn examlnallnn by george penooab commandant and obtained a first olaas oertlfloate col allan was awunled a medal in recognition of hi service during hie fenian hald hiso h long service iln oration more recently grantvd in lew of the irriporunt duties he had perforrcted n military itm it is but just to day that these honor war well da ervid yoll may bo able to oot clono without luntf waterproof sun or sucker llut can you afford to7 yhtse catthcnts cuabamtied watiafoof lih sold sv au sfuatu ocaumt the colonel retired from actlvo lor vice nearly h score of years ago hut up to tho very close of his long ufa i took a characteristic pride nnd deep delight in recalling events of hlsynung days among tho bronmy braes of his native land and his subsiipiant inter esting experiences in tho army and in the canadian mllltla the rehearsal of these events always gnv hi in pleasure and those who wcro privileged with tmlng hie listeners novi r llrtd of his well told reminiscences llut col allan was nioro than a soldier iio was n good citizen alwuys interested in local matters and pioud of tho progress of tbo town which hail been for so many jours his homo over fifty years ego bo was appointed a justlco of the peaco nnd tho duties of this inaglstoilat otiloo wore always performed wltb a judicial fairness which unbiased minds lnvniiiildy np predated for many yenm ho was an adherent of knox church and was a sermon taster equal to tho wisest of ian molarons will known characters at drumtochty col allan was a life long liberal of tho old school ha was uncompromising in his fealty to his party and thn lendois among tho politicians were counted as personal friends sir oliver mnwat hon atex mckonulo hon g w lias nnd other lending utatesmonworo regarded by him as princes among men and ho was favored with llulr prsonsl friendship and enjoyed an occasional interchange of visits with thorn although strongly allied to tho liberal party tho colonel bnd ninny frlonds nn ttio other side of politics the father of tho lato sir joh a mac dnnald premier taught ictmnl nt halkirk theonlonovs boyhood aliome end ho and sir john wcro hoys to gether this friendship ripened into a close intimacy when tlioy enmo tocnn ada and hlr john and the colonel daw eye toiyo in everything but politics the colonels list of personnl frlonds included many in high social and political positions a numhir of years sgo ho was honored with a weeks visit from the lato hon mr lllssell post master general of tho united htatei mr lllssell wns accompanied by mr g rover cleveland afterwards elected president doth in his own homo end at tho rwaldanoo of his daughter dignitaries of church and state have lioon frequently ontortnin- ed acton bus been foitnnnto in luivlng n ono of its first clthiens for so ninny yours a man of the steillng ohnrnoter of li out col win allan his life among us wae appreciated most hy those who knew him best the funural yesterday a ftornoonwns in progros as wo wont to press pm- tloulara thereof will ho glvcn ft next issue learn dressmaking by mail in i our spnre time at homo er take a peraonal gouneat bohool to enable nil to learn we teach on cash or instalment plan we also teack per- seual clnsft at ucliool once a month class cnmmeuciug innt tuewuv of sncu month r lessons teach how to cut fit and put tsgether any garment from theplahi- ht nliirt wnlut suit to tlis most elaborate drr m the whole fnniliy can learn from oho course wo have taught over seven thousand drossmaklngi nnd guarautee to give five imhilred usltors to aayene that cannot lenrn between the age ef 14 and 40 you cannot learn dress making as tliarotikh as this course teaokeu ihyou work in shops for years tleware of irri- itatlons as we employ no one outhldo tho school this lu the only experienced dress cutting bctiool in canada and ex celled by none in amy other country write nt enco for part hilars ns we have cut our rate one third for a short time address sanm1pb drribvcuttina achool 31 lirlo st btrntfprd out canada wanted at onobwa liav 1mus4 trt initvuol ant amp or a nonilm- of amsrl ohdo urllaa lo uuli our sour in arasamak tun lisvlnii nua tatelikr tor ilia uarat town wliar tliav ufa si a 60 to oj tiiom wl hava worwat t ilraaamaliliif or llhsa dratili irarrr4 1laaasilo not spils uoimi you si havou your wbola lima addrsm cur yourself at home for 3 cents a day if you have kidney or madder trouble the greatest physician in the world can do no more thftu cure you and you might have to pay him 400 or 500 for a single examination buju will cure you of every trace of bladder irritation and jclduey disease for jc a day bu ju itlie cenlle kidney pill no physlelnii will promlseto cure you and they nil send in their bills whether they cureoraot tohohyo oh june i ijxm dally papers to try a ltox of your bajtl rills and am pleased to tell you lltatafter taking only twolmxes of them the trouble entirely disappeared and i have not been troubled since ambhd caavkr rsjjbj is guaranteed to iithke the nayswellaudstrong if you honestly think after a fair trlnl that baja his not helped you return the box nd we will refund your money 500 a large box at druggists or sont on receipt of price fiatoai toom who lng ean ths bosool tho oonraea of study la ioeavliott xorontoaonf aro up to tlis hlnlieit standard of i xcellonce wintliu tbru opens januarvotu write to day for our largo catalogue j w elliott foornsryonsobiid alexander bu uuys hood hot wat uk bottle wliii our guarantee lor two years from the dnlecf purolmio we ruarsnteo it not to leak or get spanny with ordinary uu not to harden or crack or rip open at ths seams think of llnl a hot walsrljoltlb for iwo dollars and s ruaronlw ihsl the bottle will last two years e a robertson phmb dthiayfflet btatlonsr nd optlelan the padooe drutr htore aeten agent far gecraetown floral co by mail at college s businbsb coll9cb touonto lraslloal snil llioreuali tloinniaralals o a frts gifflvw ill lliorouali i 1 tlsllwsr far on ti a 1 rlnefpa rf acton flur and feed store and brain elevator all hindu of grain bought nnd sold ilighob t rnili pices pmd on doliveiy r noble proprietor n f moobo nhr hemnaht saucqf 5 ladies jackets saturday 9 3rcl november soundii a link mriiilft but uhjsnot rtumants nf jacktti as wuli tb anything else remnants o kormlu coa i rnis it rl prices th in wh wo an offciui loik n hlnkv lwjjs and c rr forjc laoteicomi former lellliiit ijqoi0s700 ior l 30 i adioo coai furnur ill r j 1 from i7 00 tofjou jfor i 301 adlsk 13i1 amortliyhi wcii mil ing at 1 jo for j 03 i h pun la jiriy 111 tinman i muci from former selling prlcei from 6 00 1 1 1 ior 350 i anlea foals rnicr nllji 1 rlcn irom tooo to u 30 tliew coats are uol ihl umuon liyl 1 our lalldnb points are hon si m i iu and comiohtaiill warm 1 11 llylii h ivi n inliiit to malm a wlmirs drive to i vn 1 nil pliaurp cointfln on saiurtlay an eltci piqia lif ly j im lived normcenblo jackets 11 111 our ilirt oncollenl oppnimnot of yflvir new rtn 1 hi ii ton i y tftlnk ll tlio barilttat pntbllilo wenrv- ihli wi aii olccinsoof llioo blcnuiljih ii t 1 ir 1 i 1 1 riarnaii it n ilie istusrcola r i clgr r ih rolegtnr iluhl ptolsctnf a uppler hu i kinl k il ol comfort nml lorvlaa for a vpry plus a re tin ill 1 nn 1 ilyln karmonu 1 wonly teven to 1 ii r uiji t li tl prlco jiiolnnijrel newfoith fadlcn miie ami clill irini 1 irolltr 1 per crnt ail n b st albinos glircl wjov li r 1 h i in t mntlhcw wllinn f a l h fwninit 1 rvlio ni 7 nrloeli sim jy m rnlnj l 1030 a cnriu1 unci inn 10 ull jflrlh vt atinrtiitb foh bale ii j uomaiill ior 8alk i t fan iii tl fimnily if llalim ranili g in i iilncjii 1 j fns0ij avilylo if w ii ukn aiujii oot for salu c1x iwalutnil 1 nawl llob vrouilieav out with every jacket winch l iu l not need in the next wocks selling saturday is the daj i3e hcic it tunc oclock fojtquirkbalk l a iltllant hoiiii cnl atova ko t laiaa i m rta nearly now haml two vlbtera vary llluljllnh oualiili c b ryan co guelph ont bargains in slices for everybody geo st0vll aclon lias larger store larger stock more customers all brought shout by iho very roaenn sbl prices we have been glvlnu tlm satisfactory goods wo havo supplied and the courteous attention we htve given to every cuilornsr a fink new stock ol fall and winter boots rubbers overshoes socks etc has just been opened and wo cordully invlls your inspection bocsuaa we can suit you perfectly both as to price nnd fit we specially hank on our slatlk shoes in all slius they never fall 10 give salutation the tfdd hool for boy gnd girls is superior it u solid the leather goes right through 10 the toe for 30 days this big stock will be on sale at a good discount off regular prices nrratninarsouniyaniincatm doni geo stovel hcton lost a i lack fni r lul wlt 1 ria rrtllar iliilnv i lusait hi i a alovatt ran i j a llnluiaa anton on irluy rjqv ith vlmlar filaaa soi ihiniin ryoak valimwo fiiillflliifj lots i- or balb jiilln ilaur the right house hamiltons ravorhl biioi 1 isc 1 ic1 buy your winter coat now a great sale of manufacturers stylish new sample coats for women yme secured thom at a grcn rtdiunon in price the saving ia jours hinih an two aliue every good sort in every popular stjlc is among them tweeds broadcloths kcrsejs and ciavencttes in long and medium stylcb with ioosl or i fitting backs all wanted colors and bltck these figures bpcnk for tlienisclvts 750 regular value 10 705 1250 1260 18 1500 regular value 2fj 1750 28 2500 36 being samples they arc superior in fit finish and style dont miss them thomas c w atkins oohnin kino st east muqhboh hamilton ont i uu nicn 1 1 mi rut i t u ii l flul mom central business golleee of toronto has ilht llmu muda of jouus wemsu on tin wv to inhspsnilanss ami siiess m us sla tou tlis rldha tart writs far oaialomifl and plan to atwnil ths nasi sis mouths wllh uf sny tjins artdrms w ii sod osrrsrd uis toronto old iron katf and rubbora 3iknt6d qoott prlootl paid iwocontl band stovon ami ropalrs for avea nmchlhory supplloil 3joruih baxic bti43o acton out thu wci linuion mutual imflunanuli cor4panv untnblluticil 1010 heart onico auelph ont mini htionrilulrilulltl 1 rum til a h in ns ajrmi vuumiht acti auo njjonl lr r rhi dillon h nirnnao to hi ulan f acton pump tile works o b hdbaaif proprietor our pre minis nro now fu ly ecpilppml with nil ilia latest mnchlnory nml appllunces for mnnufacliirlnk imnns ami jump suppuitm tu tor welt eta tint eutwrtin sio stvhin rtt riuittg toot aacf ript bwppum orders promptly lllod main aruuut acto cj coat sfcwkd shirt this is the only shirt for fit convenience quality and pattern full assortment just opened q j wallace mens outfitter mill street acton st georgos baklng-powdeif- a pure canadian l product no alum ammonia lime or phosphates national croam tartar guaranteed loo per cent pure government require ment is only 88 per cent sold by- a t brown newspaper bargain si65 tho aotati pros pi ahii ttio family hsrid aitd weakly lur of montreal llio 1 ri9 ircmi will itiruluti iu with o crj tiling ot intercut iu this locni tcrrl- tori kxory home in this tllutrlct shnultl iciclvotho locnl paper tlio lumlly harnltl unit wooltly star of montroul is the nckuowloilaoil bent family and form papor lu cnnndn it miijjiilfltunt noun sorvlco its numoroini hidtliil tlopurtmeuts its intorchtlnc miiriltiu ftiuturcu uh crout hcrlnlw wun pnmihir short storlod nmto it tho ruutoht dollar a worth to bo hnd tin cninhl tint ion of tlio 1roe ivchh nml tho pniiihy herald and weekly hliir provlduu llio gnrntim nmount t1 nlmluhomo innilly rcniling nnd rolfnblo nuwft from nil parta of tho world hand your iiubscrlptlon to this acton prick prkhb acton am woodeatgravint dhotoenravinc r half tones juofjestijoi cloriling cleaned and ireaskl l nhti lloji nlnil relcainland rrj 1i viltliil mij ftturilaji i ouhbtov haturilata jo iioartlmuro cratcont iiousk and lot i- on sale ntt twoolstoii r dq0a lvrrlaa ami rati lianlm apply dll ault aelon wanted hid rrlll 1 naliimn tor mm wilu liniaa and hmuy to rto i iialimaa amnin larmaie nomjiorloiioo nocaaiarv uuiidh would stilt lainiir of any man wanilni a fiooit bualnau for ilutr writ ullnn naiiia and ill fas ilanon hon a tjurroapaiiiiiila l antfas niw a raaa k courahy caro ol aclon kraal rau afllon o dl mir ka04 nnd lnnilm astray stiu i d from tlio prainliai of ilia mbserlb- aron llio uilijiilyaisewaaaudfourumlx nua at tlia awaa tian a filaolt faoa lhra or ilia lamia i an black uoof any inforinstloa wiloi win load la ilielr roeovarr wlluu mil alii ro warded atkimioh intl con i rrla or aolonl o if canadian hct0rial tho notional lllustratad masaiclna exouib1tuiv printed on rna floated ppr plotnruaot or ull liiiowu aopta nt curtail i toiii of tliliins boaiultul an l curlout about ui ou tan t aijnaro ineliaa ol loturaa la eaeh luua aiotli to canadlaiiaaitlia nieat lllua- trat 1 pai i re ol 1 nml in appeal to tue h da 1 1 all imjiu nod polltloal aluquiialy oo aas 10 liil its at uallioaoen il v onail 111 im co iu hi i alar ui montrssl mlto into itdoilar 5arliii ilolpilal rub- farm f0k sale on to ntnt tfll mi inralnnmoffera oi iala ills farm lot jl ooi t raiinnalns oonntitln 1ht aerm more or loai ouo hundred and lnotit- acres undir cultivation 11 aoraa hardajnod biuli liltnoo sooil taatnra land hank bar li eom loitalile liouio uimm water oroliard taorollaa f t en uuotraold ull liu lti inr f arm of jaars vor paitloulare apply oti lua notice tocred1tok8 in tbs mnttsr or ths batata or han nah j storey lata of ths villa oraototi in tha county of ilalton widow daoaaud not icc la lieralr qwan i iirauanl to it 60 ihut oliai lijandanihiillnsaata that all orodltora and olhura havlnu oulma apaliitt iu latonf llauiaji j blorsi lats of itisafllsaa ol aqioii in tlm tionnty ol ilalton widow dicsmoil wlm ilia i on or atmit hie tlilrij flril day ol oototier 1uit are ra illaillsalo taild or ilalivor to a j klaoltiniionol hie laid vlllsne ol anion rtjllolior or tlis uiaotnov ol 111 a said dioaaiad on or liodra tlio msinlb day of dnumlior irtm u iilr iuim adjraaiai and draarlptlniii touullivr tultli a lull statement at llulr claims arm hie mature ol tlio iiiourll it ant held ny tlioiii aul nrlhar tako nnilcn tint eftar sail his idomlnlav ot noeolilhor iw7 llio kieoutor mill i round to ilutillnito llio suets ol iu said ilaonaaol amonu tlio partlia antllll ilia re in i tvlna iuril mily to ilia atilais ol wtilou lie hllill then lisvo i ail liotleo a j mickihkon holloltnr for w ullani a uiorer kieoutor luldt tills nliiolchh day ot nofeiiilier 1007 for uym building lots apply to reaudmoniijco waggoner extension ladders iv vst s lit fl n jfr rjjinu m kuy n vnkknor kktonslnn lndtlsr mid h ivo fruit host on unrth for nm inddor uurpositt writw for prico lint nnd tlluoouitu or call the waggoner ladder co os vorlt st i londo 6ni umllwl

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