Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 2, 1908, p. 1

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i wht jvttjcrn ftt ft volum1c xxxiii no 27 kvarv utmehmioh w u advaite aoton ontaiiio tiiullsday moiihing ianuauv 2 100h huiciiiioh irk rmprani slkgiib copies thuej2 gbht8 bvuiiy rhuilbday uoiinino ay tlfm pr lrm ruam lvlbtlatf omm i ill flthcet acton ont torllitlotim discontinued whan the lor which they liave been paid hu pi fed the date to which very sub- wflikloh iri ild la aeivoud on tha ad i oh li lab ilsementa 10 rwmte par nonpareil line for nrt irfaartlon enu par line for nl inaeajir- uaementa nratti 1 vubeaqi auvrtl memento raoltona will br knd ohmrga eooorl vartleotuenta muat advert laijmen to leen nth each month it jjaalrd a without pjlo dl- rtiud fill torbu dlitajly transient d- t bo peldtn advance rorbld ii ad- odvanoe ard bne for ehana hanesa for enntraet advevtteemaritav at b in ilia ottlae by boon ori txcb- tye account payable monthly rnatlsh auoe 10 rivet street lon- dn n c where uwn u nnd j lardy a co will raoalvo for ua natte subscription and advertlsementa nd where our reader can free ok char our paper whan in england li p hoona editor and propria tor sjubiubb filrtorp t iios gray w d c m mcgill l it o p hdimroadm li tn auaoow uiuui raman lfanic1 amociitiom tc 3fflarrdfuk rireat aelon out e d ault m d c m eje nee- a hiiuu offles tours 0 to lo w i lo fl and t la 0 pu nlaliloalls answered from vmldanae prader- lah hlrsel 40toh ont a utiiuit l 1io hli m d graduate ol uolverally of toronto seoomibor to dr jomw w ftflobowu omseatreellanee en willow hlreet al rear el uarabanialiauh d u drydhn it buhtbr01ymd koki corner woolwlah and ilaliar b treats tlvbhvu orrtcm hook 10 m b pm andsiofpm bdmdiv- 10 att uilpm lxoal a j ulokinnon lumauma 8oliotto oomvmtixeix ovyiohuui fliraat in stovala dloab iiah vonrtb division oonrv ooouif of haj en 0nayaiidarainlvlraaiidurauiinnao mm mauu aiani uonaytolmh ala a virion parry hi an a it look d kit j m i1kll dd8lub dumrr aorom ouea at llaaldanaa oornar 11111 anil vradarlab train hotfoli oudoitm aw tobonto uwtvaatmr iha ulmt anamthailo uaad if daalrad at roehwood- toaadayr viscxllammqxtm jx and j ifahdyaco advirtllina cohtractoitamd nw cohrkipowointi 30 plaat slreoi london e c england a vila of tult 1 apar ean u aaan ira of obanta by vlaltpr to loudop to boin advloa gntus f kanoib ndwan kooioimdib aoaminl booka ol all kind iiafjodlaala atavavy daaarlpttonai rnunrttmtaharoniuvdoii m abbiaob moenbeb o p uo0u itmv or llauuioa lunihua fflvauoqaa no wltnaaau raqslrad latoad a majdacm lo uia avanltm rrmpraw offlaa aottom yjth dbmbtrbbt xiioimaan aootiohirr for tb oountlm ol wallbuton and kultoa rdaralanaltbarjun ruu ofllaa anion 0 alao mpnuy to loan on iha uwl lavomblo aaand k iba lowaai votaa nl intatraaiiln una 01 mm and upwuda w ordara lift wltb tbt vrrm tanaa anton will raaawa linntadlala a man u on jamhs mcdonald dorhikp auotionxir o auatjn flalaa aonaaoud on maaatubt tarwa 1 latulaallou paairantaad in avary aaaa vor urm dalaa ala apply tolloicttf ftrbinahqil oor mataaua ui and hiom baad aumcpii oat talapjiona 1t oaatpb him nay bo arranged at vrrh puua offlm r kebr llcmlxi auctiohirk rov tha oonnllaa of walllnitton and llajton blaa aondualad willi aatmaation and nnoa yowooabla tarma rrdar by altar ta u atoaa v o talanbon u noa or qanrlufa nv at man pfrnaa oiboa ailon will raal immadtato auattuon ft mfss j drtnnnooqd tambar of voloa prodnatlon open rov ooncart hnaamant qlvao prltau fosaona to p 04 la in aetoa vy ttiaaday ijjirfisiitkaiisrassrvj nanaawe lu miht nmtmr mth nd sblnglm alys oa bhd cbmp dll linn oat to dnhif p 8ayeh8 sons charles j western eyesight specialist of toronto vullfl atto hvery nhmuf vr luta n nevt vult iiulr at jlvowu f ivnff btwc thi 0onne of study in klilot toronto ont at up lo lh hlflheil itarwlird of imcalunca wintlk tl km oipns january 61i1 will lo day for our largo calatogutf or w atw donur yon kdd lluudw su your chopping will bo dono quickly and well on cither plutcn or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris dt co ltmlld excelsior bakery we are headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of first- class quality we also carry a splendid stock of groceries and con fectionery t statham son mill atpmb aotan oublph business f2 hajaoif fo blttek vppr wymdbmm am guttph ont tlte best system orrttio u tlu ouilph business oollhob w ia yttatna of eommaralat tralnlna ibaanalnb uoalnaaa oollaca alona in tblf provlnoa 10 ntborlaad to taaab and praallaa it bhbl yonu h and wonwo of anry and ttairaatayoanat uanaalvaa ban al modarat ipauao for tba but noaiuona obarlm in iba utiam world tbulmtitiitlonboidannnlqna mltlon amoo paoadlan boajbaaa callaiaa will pay yon lo invaatlfalo tlow and why mntar now tr day ovaanln malta coma dlraatto tba doljaia ottua alaaonla bloek unpw wyndbani riltanalsi or addraaa m mattoohmiok hjb prtnaldai aefon hoar and faad stora and grain elevator all kinds of grain bought and sold highest cash prices paid on dolivery r noble proprietor n p mmbb ikanr tha berlin steam granite and marble works oapbh hvauh designers and builders of statues mausoleums mon uments markers and head stones and all kinds o artistic cemetery work 5j william hemstreet agent acton tm bonds fiilvcrwarr cutltiry lamps skater sweepers sleighs carvers rizors cut glass tools braes 1ettlcs nickelwaie hockey sticks snow slioii boys shovels mmm ouit pricks ark alwavh rlailt the bond hardware co llmlurt h4uupboil07 o0klvii the qu il1ty storf get it at savages our boaullful array of gift um tirallaa ebony good and tina jowalry of all linda wll meal llm raqulramanli do your alfl ala aant and alaborala ormodaal and pruilcal ourcontprrhanaluo dock cannot fair to aallify ovary daalra bauct youriooda and almplyaay lay i ham ailda w will hold ham lo your order if you vlliti unill lime ol delivery christmas slkclals in diamonds i15so ijsoo tiooo 7300 100 00 solid cold rbal tcarl brooches boaullful gooda from ft 35 lo 75 store open every evunlng savage co hulillili ia gublills ruluulu juwell13rs new term from jan 9nd rnlarany day for long or about eoaree haw aalaloaua fmdr write for it if you faave any lde ol wilfr s1v lioaluaaa i rrlrtatpil cat ool1ae yt nllaoa w tv ntral paper makers ocoboitown out book niiws and oolorbd iapkitb jno b babbjb georgetown floral go u georoetown cut flower growers funeral and weddlnr orders a specially all ordr pad wllh mr k a robrturi drmmul aolon will roclv prompt illantlon k to mskoka and parry sotipd toroolo wtahljo parry sound parry sound wartllfo tor6ato np 3 f j 50 p m 900pm no 4 wlntur time taolii noitknoumo no i to 00 am jiopm oirriinounp no a toootim r 1195rn1 300pm t daily tjtctpt sunday 0bwnt4elllniag varior oam batweot to a to and vurt souudi urrlng wmll t mtu- otacm 1 all lallottfl aleo ootttey king and toroolo bir and union station rtrto matn 5iyo old iron xutf and rub bar aoofprloe paid soooaa paid ttovo and ropalrtt for find ntftohlatry aupplledt morris saxb box 435 actop ont 3dftrg llailtcot h flmlt liall to llioif o vjrglikryoar not yt t j tl ly h lunglli on thy tltroi tutn with thoiiti rcy uvea anil olimr aiid j ijouu voice nf ilnlcot lorlo i iihii bill io llio llifliiitthmh tit llliihl on iimlfliu thine oynullifulkliiul 1 ilitiii lira ntiro of w and aln 1 liy ynuiip lianita yot hut hleftaslnha inliik tin iiionnroh who in ifihl away with i ti tho catneomli of yonra whi linruh mill ruth ivan in hit il ty hloiiud loaa to lovi m joys thmi tnara wn look fur hiobblnfa ninnlfuld now yiir from thy pur aluloaa hand i wo trust thy hi nrt will no or gr iw cold toward ua nud our native land i orliitf hinting to hi inarta uowanro from iv on ml a i ho cruel old jrar in id ti tho oil nf pi iiecf ilnoaa drw 11 or hui woch nb onth heart thruuh id i lid wi omni 1 1 ivo a tyrant uutu o ir ito 11 1 rofuao i o i iynl hu lo nun u ho inline dolljilit to lllnct upon 011 1 honrtakien mlivry i fli kind to n- thnt wo mny any winn coniub tho tlmn for time tn go oilurllnk yr wo giliivo today ilpciinm wo nil limit litcd you no i srucl ynmilu itrablng pollys home gomlnu 11v human ii miutin hi trie mru haviiitf n rood limit in the githnginmn on ni w vi ti u nvi it w ij wi ii d mil liglitnl mil llnio riia tho aoimd nf itnpliut iiud hit hum nf mot ry vole u h mm hum waulunliip n mnndolln t lho pi too 11 ml thnio wna alluttiilntt rmuulo unvtb onnpnny tint coma in in uiinl to apt ml the j oviiliir tin lliroi mohorly rlln tint in tho thnu old 01 outu nil hnd light hih lino yi mid llvoly vlvnolotia iniuniib lli it pinvnd voiy utlrnotlvo lo lho young iuo lo in tho iiht vlllugu it mohuly nohndy know 111110i1 tilimit ho ant nub in lho kl toht 11 innat tho tluio it who a dingy lltllii m find ofton hi tho evening ho hud nn light only tin filnt light of tho itovu pjt miulroily niu it lltlti thnld alm inking old 111 in ii hid fmlod liluoojiw ho n tall 11 d 1 in 1 h ii 11 rn 1 liundii ii hnd woikod hntil for hli gliu nml hnd ungindglngly given llipltl hln hi bt it bcomwl too hid thnt now hn wna gittlng old nnd ihoy won gronit to wnmnitlinml llloy did not onro whon mm motlwrly wna nllvo thhigti upio dirfvruut ho hiul hla ooinfortiihlo cihulr thou li tho altllng room 1 hu tllpptm ton nnd there wna tho iouhqq fur hlin to n at mi whim ho wna 1 1 rod but 4ia hu ghtu giow up pintly itrnng willed mid ultngnthor uolsuli pa mohirly fouml hlmsolf liunuhl from hla cnuifortithln qtiartora a mimhii of oiibhlnnn tun flno f r uaf ndnnud tho sofn nnd hla nrmolihld hnd th tld on it ho war aoon in iido to uoilofattrnd that lt war not wanted it wna nnt long hoforo ho lugnn to alay in lho kllohen find hy mid by ho bit no whoro otao ho knew ovttry flguro on tho dingy piipoiotl walla nnd the only clmlr ho lunl to alt on vm tin old atiitlghthiioked wooden ono in which ho could not roat ho iiud to long anuiullinna for hla oht corner in tho kitting room with iti llghta ita inuglitei nnd ha uiualu hut to hlftgflulln hints lho glrla gavo aonnty oncnuingoiiiont lley did not want pi mound thoy told them aolvoa tho lonely tlird old mini hud niifny i thoughts nu ho nnt in tha kllahon night uftor night in eolupdc und ho aoinvtlinoi nam to pumltr tho pica tloti in hla liomt 11a to whethir nftoi nil it paid to lirlng up gltla who woro tuhnmikl of ynn uftor yon nfo- old polly did not know about tho changed ooiidlihui of hltalra pully wa tho jnungoat und mblt ilk bur ninth 01- tlihii nny nf lho utln v italng 1 aumll pilot und hrown oyed j shu hml been atuylng foy throo yenru nut in ptimylvnnlti with nn invalid hunt for whom alio bad hvmt nhinrd poor aunt naaott waa dnwil novr und polly hnd oouio homo ngaln in tlmn tntnijity tbonuw yutiv foallv itlea in hor old 1 1 mmt alio wua tip tnlri now hnay in lho aiuitll buck room that tho gltl hud forgotfttnlo ruiiko iondy for hor as pa mohorl uiit utonu in tho kltchoit to night ho wim thinking of polly in hla entiling fathotly harfrt thero war n faint slurlng bono thoro wilt roma clmtioe hint ho might ttiko ooinfort with thl hla yoiingeatduiibhtor hu imd folt thnt from tin tluiu hbu wuh ufo alio whint uu 11 lho oihif gill nnd alio had teomod ao utirolgntnlly glud t o hltn hu pit liiu preaaurn nf iter young nrma yot nlrnut hla naok mid linrklavua tdlll ly oil hla fthruwod oheek in tha tin kntua nf ihu old kllaban he hrualiatl it t oh 1 fioinhliii tlo wna thinking of ma miehy fan mid of her genth laitdri wofilnuly wity ii wlahed tltti ifbiri wero hmro hk thfllf mother jiut than polly oamo u fitio went quickly to hu rlito 1 why pi alio rjrlul what nro ymi alttdig hi llu kltohen for knd in the dark wif la anything the mht- inrr in lho frltm hy darknaa p uolrarly took tho llttlq hand atrokad niwl it nothing polly h aald v i nlwaya alt hero atwnye alt hotcf ehn oiled in aurphie don t you ff to tho altllng mom na you uaod tot pmobory ahook bin bond no ho faltered hut why iniulid polly you don t moan to toll mo you don t alt in your ami clmlr uny tnoro r pa moberly n phln qtiiverod tolly did not know and it waa bard to tell hi r polly waa like hor innthur ahco ii boa to koop that ohnlr for company ho aald atowly oh i don t mind the kitchen ao much nmv bo added na oboorfully na be cool t at ituibt i won t now aluoe you vo comp home i do mlaa tho old clmlr tonip hut it a alt right flio glrra don t want mo in thoio polly he wont on buaklly thuy nre young and thori nlwaya c 1111 pnny you know i dont know na i blmuii out niuolt 1 111 old and worn nut mid behind tho time nn i enn not bi ar i hlaino em p illy lulil hor eoft che k ng tlmt tho wrlnklod one youto nociild or worn out ni bo bind the i iiiob either 1 alio baiii ita a aliniiie f 11 yon to at ty out htiro i her aweot glill li fco wna lill of indlgnttliiu rut 11011 mind pt alio wont on i toll yon tin re nro helti iilij 11i11 nil wip going to tin 11 ovi 1 11 111 w li if to night and im ri uly foi old liui o uiifiuta nnd wo ouur iip m tho now your to inoriow i mi o tino now and im going to link nftor jou boo if i don t wh it would m 1 think if uho wofo heio to no ynu sitting hoi a nil lonaln thnilaikuidkltohunv why it wool 1 btu ik hor he u 1 1 o uiio with me p 1 1 whoial anld pa mohorly hcultnt ingly in hleaurprlao into tho altllng room oil i can t go then poll they ilnnt want nto yea you can i wnut you im wouliln t rofuo me anything on thla my unit night hamep pa molieily got up tho old wooden ohnlr was uiiconifortahle and ho rnio etlflly oven with lho uld of polly u nrui ni i oouldnr pdl ho mild you ymi rw too touch llku your mnilier a thoy loft tho ilmk kltrhun lo golher pa molu rly grnapid polly a bandtlghtl mm urruld poll he wbuporod wod boltoi not hut polly only aqueeitod hla imnd in a reitaaurlng olnap nnd aomehow pa moberly folt ationgor polly npomd tho altllng room doot and a atronm of light fliahod out into tho little dark entry tho glrb were having a gnotl lima indeed a young luily in a blue dreaa occu pled tho pliulo atool a young nmn with hitlr pluaterotl down ovor ida furuhaml nooupledpa moberly n arm- ohtili he bud a ninndnlln in hla lmnd and wna atrumttilng it to the young indya nooninpaiilment alloo nnd llull nnd hurt lot were altllng nhout wltb the llvollrat nlr of onjoy illollt aa polly and pa mohorly entered tho room tbolt aomplnuouoy euddonly fulled into natonlbhtuont nml dleniay what did polly mean nnd what did pa nienn hy intruding on thefr 00m patty in thle faihlon p polly ndvanoed etenillly into the centre of tho room at 111 holding her fntbeia lmnd how little mid ahy nnd iwnt pu loohad the glila thought and how dot or in hied una the nlr polly wore like a yuung captain going kito battlo it win na if ma mobil ly bad oomo to llfo alice rote the young ludy lit tho plwno turned tho young nmn atopped ida mandolin in all ttio uiontha ho bud come to the moberly hotter thle wnithoflrat holiiid neon of lho little white haired man who lived there and who wna that protty brown haired glil wlh floahlng eyoap alice broke tho alienee my alatet polly mr hryant aha audi a utile narvoualy and my falior till la our old friend kva ilront pn ynu know rvn p pi noddidoordlauy nnitandld polly lint aoiiieiblng nnuaiiiil wna in the nit mid every nrt o felt it putty lod pa mohoily tip to the young nmn reclining in tho chair do ymi tnhid taking anntliet ohnlr mr ilrynnlf uhe eittd planenntl ynu aee tbla ono la pad favorlto ma gave it to hint aieo and dflla anil hjtrhet llltabed but polly w n rjnlto iindlaturhed the young man wua lulonluhed but bo roae qtilokly- with a atninmerod niogy hut polly eitlntly wheeled the ohnlr nearer tho pleaaant fire sit here pa bhe anldnryvqtlnnale ly and let me turn thn light ao it won t hurt j our o ea she ndjuaied the light in bet llklnff then puahed pit mohoily fteutly into hia old pleat hla white hiilr ahono in hie lanipllght nnd tla ii pa trenv blml there l mi polly in n pleated tone imt thet uitpff llgjrdlonb nf all onlookrmi abb tjtnop4tl and klaaed thn withered flbeekt then lin turned to tho other co nn miltb yon playliig won t ynu kvaf alio anlil gently noitody apoke 1 tin 11 thn yound lady luvimtl to tfio piano nnd thu reatratnt wna quickly qver pa mobcrlyu eyeh grew ihnlal how oft the clmlr won and how ploatant tlha fire and how comfortnhth wttn tha tolicb of the little firm hatid upon hla shoulder and tbeto waa somothlng olae he know nnd overy one elio ktiew that hie lonely hnure in lho kitchen wero over now yoaru morning would find tho straight- ha ok od wooden chair had won pusbid lutlk lo bo occupied no inoro lho firelight tionld piny on the dingy wnlle hut pa mohorly would not iw there to eeo polly hnd oomo thoro to take euro of hint nnd polly war bravo it waa na if ma molwtrly had come tollfo ngliln and thn mor row a dawning hrought n happy now year indeed dives voun nkbt the at try la told or nn old irish woman who livid thn llfo of a miser all nl nn in nn old iioubo that wne lltei niy tumbling down uromid liar onra mho 11 veil not a great way from 11 c mite whom it wah tho habit nf quvon vie to ha to spend hor summer mmilhe ono day tho queen war dtlving hy lho hn 1110 of thn old woman in nn open carilugif when thetoonmo upabiiddon rain atoym flndlng tho queen without men nn unibrtllit for shelter hho unlored her foot m 111 1 to go to tho hoimonf tho old worn in haul hy and nuk tin loin nf nn unihrell 1 at hie tinan u knock kin- opened thu door hilt allgbll nnd proilngnt him wllh 0 uyi nuked gruffly 1 whut d jo wnntp woull ye lund ua no unilirtlli for tho i uly in tho oarrlngo p ho naked will j o be sure to bring it hnok alio anld 1 nnd being assured in lho iifllrmntli alio wi nt teluctaiilly to lurclmol and hrought him tho oldest of the two umbrellas u hlch she posscbmil nnd ngiln opening the thiol alio pusard it nut to htm wllh lho repented injuuollon to iw nine to inlng ii linck ngaln wllhnnt 1ij tho ijuitn proceeded wltb her dilvo buck to u10 castlo 1 but whon she rnu ed tho umbrolhi alio found that it wna ao old mid decayed that tho wind tore it to pieces and lho queen did not uriipii hir wetting llm neitl iluy tliu qiieuna footman catlid nt the hotnn of tho old irish 11 and presented bet with a now silk umbrella with gold hnhdlo bay ingi title cornea with tho compliments of hurtnnjiaty qui on vlolorlo to whom 011 loaned tin umbrella yeeter day which una destroyed hy tho wind ho you mean lo toll mo thnt the i uly who wanted my umbrella wifl quoeu victoria p exelaluud tbo woman it wne inn am replied tho foot man will why dldn tyetillinop why i lout her tbo worst onn i limit if i bad known alio wna tho queen alio could havo had my htt umlirolla anil to think ive eat nt thla window for twelve yenra hoping to aoo tbo qupenpnsai and whon alio did come nnd wnnted my umbrella i lunt her the worst one i had i and aha bitter ly blamed heraolf for not giving lho queen hor beat so it la says h nunuchniim with many oluullnne they give qnd the pqnreat instead of the heat if wo mild glvo our earthly ruler tho boat bow much more ought wo to glvo our houvonty vnther who la king of k inge tho vejy heat thnt wo pnaaoea i now ybartj onbatinofj a hnppy now year to nil thu world tho ohrlatmaa carol good roitono and hupplness go with you lho old curiosity shop ringing in tho now yeai tha ohlmob aro ringing great belle nielo dies deep mouthed nohlo belle tho chimes 1 will llo in the present tho past npit ihefutiite i will nnt shout out ilia iosboiir that thoy tenoh tho oliiutnma carol igory hlobslng thnt ihn prnycre of true and oarneat hoiirlaoiili call down f 1 nm the amiroe of nil ti uth nid ilnner- ity oheet and ptowpei jou oliver twlal a tluio whon tfiobt men ohorlith good roanhea ami am row fur the wasted past 1 when limit mon looking nn the tdiadowene they gather think of that oven lug whlott timet olnao op nil nnd thnt 16 mot tow which has no beyond martin ohuulewll auspicious lookino of a political tranraothni that hnd n tibploloiie look senator uuvvi itlgn aald 1 though in the thine there u nothing on which we can lay our hnnd it certainly apttare fluhy it remind a pie of r washington waller a geutlu matt after eating a good dinner anld to the waller 1 i nnt feorry i cant give ynu a tip hut i fjml i hnvo only jitat money enough to pay your hill the wnlter aelaed thn hill hurriedly just let me rub it lip again ar he mnttec eoj twunty vkai1s aoo 1 hi iltkk plltoih offtirod oongrntula tliina to tha pirtlolptnta lit two quiet widdluga at lhrulmnatlde on weelneaday lire dial mr wll llnni hmlth fort nmn of toronto tan tilng co to jminlti oldnat daughter of mr wuiiamoirroll all late or acton weru nun liwl in toronto by mev ate fiipion the bible nnd groom were nttonded bymlae jriris pwrklnaaud mr wnpfllghtbilui or attain on weefneadny dee flth at the nrlii p fnnilly realdenee mill htreet aotoif ituv ii ihtllllpfl united in mar lagej mlsa manilla nelson daughter of tbo lato jthn nelson to mt- t jnimn mooiti trncber at lalle achoot prln und ami of tho t moore principal aoloh public school mr john mclean haa i teen nleoted truatioof lome hohonl hie ilqard la now coinpnaetl pf measra win moore llioa caiueroii and john mc ijeno mr joseph laahy haa iteen nominal ed for lqneing council at tho nomination on monday moiara w ii storey dr lowry and joseph pyfa wore nominated for i leave thn two latter declined for council im a meaere john cameron jay drown win leniond w k smith john konney hen j d paareon holier t wallace joseph a mpelgbt jiiitos monro alex socord dr lowry and d henturenn were nominated only three of the latter allowed their nanus eventually in aland and mr storey did not feel inclined to under take the conduct of municipal biitlneae under the olrcumatancea and also with drew thiro will havo to he another nomination mlaa h ii siulth late teacher of lome public hohool who boa been a v nl tied member of knox church choir wne plonuantly aurprlaed while enjoy lug nn evening with tho choir at the man se up n invltnllnn of llev and mre it ir by receiving a complimentary ad druaa rend by r lowry and aheautl ful nlbtim presented hy mr a mann mr d henderson conducted tha pres- onthtianceremonlea and the addreee wna signed on hebntf of the choir by dr lowry a t mann jae nalsted nnd john lawson mlaa held tcnohor at lunnoekburn on lo tvlug her aohool there wna pre aentod by the scholars with an eddreas and an elegant album tendered hy cumcron warren and ada somor villa mr mobor smith or lowell mich is visiting his former home here mr juiison cook end lome of min neapolis aro visiting at the old home jud is doing well in the west mr nnd mrs ii qrlndall of ouelph and mr mid mre john heotstreet of sholhuine nnd mr and mre alfred honibtroot of glovereville are visiting nt mr w heristreote successful sunday school entertain meuta were held knox waa in the town ball and a very vailed program was probonted including nddreaaee by llov mr phllllpe and mr d hendsr- 1 son itov j w hue presided tha dlaolplos wne hold with a full church and tbo scholars gave admirable ser ine itnove fyfo provided and jlevs plillllpe iuo and munro of kvnrton gnvo nddressos the methodlsta held theirs on ohrlatmaa night having a gorlilmmtrwvarwil live santa caub n tea a lengthy programme wltb ad drosaes hy hove line it d cook and itoovo pyfe kov it phillip preald ed wit and humor hlxon who invented the gas motors p dlxnn judging from my last gaa hill i should any ananias hmv tongeiuta man go without irp i do not know the longest pull man trip i ever took occupied eoven days ho if ynu refuse me i swear i will never lovo any other woman shu will ynu awear it all the same if i accept youf cook dinks eiiffore from hay fever doosn tbep hook i should any he d 1 he cant oven pass n graaa widow without snooting it wna a ansa of love at 8 ret sight with me then why didnt you marry her i saw hor ngaln on several 00- oaslona m e you fund nf wagnerian tuuslor well niiswered mr oumrox pm imtoxaotlj fond of it hut it doesnt disturb ma as much aa it used to i thought you were married and yet youre towing on your own buttons i am married but i keep my inde pendence let mo tell you ho why nre you going to marry that old foaall p she i love the very ground ha witlke on ho i know but isnt there any olhurway of getting up mrs qrny what book haa been the most helpful to youp mre drown wehautrs dictionary the hnhy alia on it at the table and it savea the pi lee of a hlghctpdr or oounsa you know yon know the liquor t raffia abeorba the money that ought to go cor food and olnthlng and comforts it oute down the huslnew mans reeelpta and ologa the faottiry with unsold goods it weaken the wot kore power to earn and makes hint a degraded weakling instead of a man it make ua all poorer titan we ought to be as fjood as mbw how about thpee good reeolutlona ynu mad the ftrat of the y tm ohtheynresulltfowd thmbvimo vsaif scant leavtw upon tha rapen shake golden in tha aun t old year thy nine aro many thy aand in uluioet run tha ikeeeh tre branen orange hums llko a aunaet il wn 1 old year thy grave hi ready t dolfsceptrr robe and crown tha aim a yellow mountain i shedding leaf by leaf 1 tha rains in guata of paaalou pour fourth their qunnohleea grief the wlnde like imtnsheoa uimirnng wall in the at niggling fod 1 old year put off thjr splqndnur and don thy funeral hood lnjr down tliy goldan giorl til barajiougha bar tba alty- hkalatnns wild and warnfug quaking to aae thee dl thou boat lived thy ufa remember t now lay thee down nnd ret f the grate khall grow ahoya thy head anil tha flower above thy breast thib door or a possils mbavifht new yearn day a tha universal moving day out wn go whether w will or not from no 1007 into no looti and january first as the very nama indicates ir the door of our new house jamir waa au ovd tells tie the doorkeeper or janitor of heaven and fanua waa the common latin word for houaedoor i do not wondar that we are to be evicted from our present home for even tn the term of a alngla year we have proved our- aalvaa pretty bad tenant uowaelflah and thoughtless and wrong headed and wrong hearted we have been and what a mesa we havo made of the premises i i do not know what use our landlord father time makes of tha old year when we have done wllh it hilt what a house cleaning must be neceesary before he can 1st it out to other occupants and on the other hand what a one thing it la to havo a brand new year to move into aa pure and ap divas aa the celestial regtona and quite aa fit for angola aa for men ltd wniiieit nothing la cleaner than the fullire and january first la really the door of a possible heaven if we make anything leaa than a heaven of our new apartments it will be alto gether our own fault and not that of the janitor since we have to mnve anyhow why should we nnt take the opportunity of changing our way of conducting our bualneaa at tha aims tlmep what a lot of broken and out worn office- furniture we have accumulated i and we ought to beaahamed of ourobeotete system of push and pull violence and deceit each for blmulf and against everyone else let us open a new set of booka and adopt the best up to data method it is only in ao far as we have beein generous and kindly and helpful in the past that we have got atiyround satisfaction out of life let us encourage those quail ilea at the expense of the other i suggest tha inaerlton of the following bualneaa notlee in the hat of similar announce ments which alwaye mark the begin ning of a new year t we the people of 1000 hereby give notlee that on the occasion of our enforced change of quarteteon the flrat day of january next we shall cease doing bualneaa under our old firm name nf greed grab and graft having formed the uew partnership of freedom falrplay and frlendllnwe which will act au anglo ssxon repre- nitallve of the wellknown house of liberty equality and fraternity wouldnt that sound wall p but let ua not lie dluoouraged if wo cannot affect thla great ohange all at once at any rate on thla and every suc ceeding new year e day we can each of ue resolve to contribute our little part toward bringing the good time nearer and then who knows p soma day it may actually come true and january flrat at laat prove to be the real door of a new heaven on earth for juatlco la the architecture of heaven and ita cnurta are warmed hy love rrnest orowhy sprains ahnuld be treated aa qulokly aa possible wltb hot water after which the part affected should he rubbed with liniment much fuel may be aaved when boil ing etnthee by havng two or three layers of aaheatoe wrapped around the wash bo a ora3ev hah round batlnjr sua bgtf shall and au people sure ansaaed a eraay man waa recently found eat ing an egg ehell and all and it was de clared additional proof of hie insanity aa every one reallaee that the ahell of an egg haa no food value nnd la both indigestible and injurious it la just aa eraay for aane poteon to swallow a lot of cod llvar oil to get the benefit of the medicinal elements contained therein oa for the eraay rutin to eat tho egg shell and all solent late agree that tha oil or greasy bartof ood llrar oil hoe no medicinal value whatever and only upaeta the stomach and retards recovery hue it la the modlolmi elements envelop ed in ihu oods livers and their oil whloh represent all the tonlo and curat ivo power of that famous od remedy vlnol oontalna all lho medicinal cur ative elemente of cod liver oil hut hi entirely free from oil and is therefore the beet elrengtb creator and tonfo re oonstruatorpomlble lo obtain the reason vlnol is ao fat superior to the old faahloned cod liver oil and emulsions la because it is made by sclentl0c extractive and concentrating process from fresh oods livers ooinhlb ing wltb neptonau or iron all the metftv olaal healing body building element of ood liver oil but nn oil vlnol la unexcelled to restore health and create strength for run down de bilitated tired overworked people pld people weak worrion nursing mother puny ailing oblldrani convalescent or for people suffering wltb hard cold hacking eoughe incipient coneumptlon and bronchi tie try it if it falle we will return your money h a rob- tfrumn drtijrglau abtun ont mii j vijjw tat h js 1

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