Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 2, 1908, p. 3

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y the ilcft niellownaas of the baat mock mjactly luiulcd with 0m full flavor javaplvcs to greigs white swan coffee rry quality that da r hhu and tatlifwa our rmlhod of iot lrtf develops and jw mrvet n hlt lie flavor we put it tip in htm uichment conlalnars hot from lha roactars awl again mai it in llna to fcormofllidtllgriliiil aroma laloat aiu your grocmfor while fjn coff tfceluuclrfc sotu giuuk hcodqtiartcrs special for xrnbt arft ooid riifd watch aa oo k k peer bat broooh 3so k iarl taat miar idoo solid gold cuff llnkrf i3ho strllnvsllverya mrulxjoltmrn bpoone geo ftynds jeweler acton tuu118dav january 2 1006 brief local items january 1008 wo wish yon a happy new year municipal election next monday total eel ipsa of the tin on friday forenoon anton aohoou re open next mori day morning ah kind of went her thin ek the aloigtilnb tl stops liowovor a- a nd now for a year of prosperity willi plenty of work for everybody the globe aayi the barroom le ri parasite upon lha community in which it operate impraaalve wa toll night servloo were held in tho mollindul nnd st albane churches good morning i tide i renewing time have you renewed your ynuu piuefla itiliwrlptlon fnrjoohp on oltrlatma night a team of aoton hockey 1st went to krln and won their flret ratno by a score of ft 1 la a warm contest with tho krln it ok- handler the young man who pent sunday afternoon in katlng on the pond did not rive much in the estimation of tho eltlaeue who witnessed their sabbath breaking proclivities lost since iinllow6ui a large picket giito painted brown and a mall sate with woodon frame and iron picket information respecting umo will lw very miiali appreciated the funeral of tho tato mre sam uel oniliani took place on monday to the cemetery ar krln itev ii o pi lest liiul ohnrgo of tha oorvlco he wa assisted hy neve v s moaipine brampton j 0 wilson nnd matthew wlleon aoton through tho effort of oaiurultted in the varloue churches and the gen erosity ttf numerous oltlxen it may lately lw aald that in no home in aeton wn oliilsliriae paaeett without an ahnndunoo of ohrlitmni oheer oal auliited to provide tho comfort end give pleasure gonvralty news of local import irunetwl of the lott d taylor mr arch mcgregor arrival finm ilrendon mait lt fevldny mtul llu funeral of bin uuolo the lata dintcnii taylor wn held of friday nfl i n in tiim reninlna wro cotive 1 fi n johnston o undertaking parlor to knov church school i loom where a brief service wm conducted by itev j o wlleon ii a tlie remain were in trred in fair view cemetery old time bh4atm weetther ttte chrutmo of 1007 will be remembered aa mora nearly reaomhllng tha prevailing wealhur condition am quantity of enow of a quarter century ego than for year 1 he weather was mild t and there was an iihumlance of llgltt feathery now on tree liedtp fence arid roofr good sleighing pro vailed aiid wa ukvii ahlvantagu nf by everybody whoouti coitimitid an oijt fc theday vary gutierilly poft in fatally re union nnd happy feitlvl tie lii almost every hornet x ma uo tej aoi ptwiuon mr t jatmo moiitt imnclpal of st fleorgp hohootjina boon unpoint ed assistant city pf u by the jtlelpti council tho mercury inyet tin application of tj moore for tho prist moil of assistant cltjik wa accepted the eatery being placed at mwo per ntimim payable nutinly duties to commence on fob ie iww mr moor wbo u the on of mr t t moote late principal of aoton public school ha been teaching for twenty one yon re during flftean or sixteen of which he ha held the prlnolpamilp of st george school guelph ho bus had a very successful ceroor and in tha nw position to which ha has lwen p pointed he will prove himself a eupsbteand satisfactory officer the vnuk phuhh extend congratulations entered into rest the o rim ilmdee iim deed durlntf tha eva hal utkhm oitizbnb rev m o rriaert a naeibjma on sunday morning itev ii o priest tendered hi resignation as pastor of the baptist church to accept a call to strath roy this call ha beon under consideration fot uome time mr prloit wa so happily situated hero that he hesitated very much to go but tho strothroy wmplo wore perslstoitt and he finally decided to accept the resignation was there fore accoptod hut with the doeneat re gret by thn georgetown congregation mr priest will cloaa his pastorate bore mi january 10th in his leaving georgetown lance a scholarly preacher and the baptist congregation an earn est and devoted paa tor herald the people of acton will feel equal regret in the removal of itev mr priest from tha pastorate of the church in aoton ha has been a most careful and tender shepherd of the flock here and is be loved by all inureatlnjr sunday sohool oervlea sunday last wa rovlew day in the methodist sunday school and a feature of tho service was tha presentation of dlplotmu to tha primary graduates the graduates were i misses jessie irene thompson agnes la tit la scott vlolette margaret thomas ethel may crajff and isla taylor nnd master gordon dauer william harold thomas clifford illce and james kwlng faulkner these each passed examinations and committed to memory the nnmoa of the book nv the illltte the commandments the 21 paalni the haatltudes the lords prayer and tho golden text for the year the diploma neatly framed were presented by maaar ii p moore supt and w h speight secretary and the gradual ware then address ed in helpful and timely words by tha pastor tha ohrlutma offering for mtaalona by tha achool wa taken and amounted to 3270 a tptol of s140 40 for thu year two nw tasvehasw at a meeting of tho hoard of edu cation on saturday evening now teacher were seleoted from numerous application for tho two vaonnclc on the staff of aoton school tor assist ant in the high school department mis k m hammond of brant ford ho been engaged mis hammond i a firsts loss professional teaohor and come very highly recommended she ha been principal of west lorno school having charge of the continua tion classes and oversight of tha four rooms of tha achool inspector atkins of klgln county apeaku or her a a young lady of splendid talent and a capital scholar the discipline of the school has vastly improved under her management and her teaching has been exceptionally good lie says sho is b graduate or brentford collegiate institute and ibera made a apeclul ttidy of languages for tho third department mis tina mcqueen is a graduate of the normal school and baa had four year experience her testimonials from trustee and in spector are also very satisfactory tha bownatoty nuptial at lli residence nf mr nnd mr jas brown main street an into rent ing event took place on thursday dec 2uh whon the marriage of their youngest daughter mis nellie to mr thn a storey naaaagawrya son of mr robert storey aoton waa cele brated tho ceremony waa perform ed by itev j o wilson u a in tho presence of a large gathering if rela tive and friends of tho young couple mr j a con ok the brides cousin heric h bride during the week- played mendelssohn wedding march aa the bridal party onterad tin parlor the brde charmingly gowned in white net and carrying u liouquet nf bridal rose nnd maiden hair fern wil attend by bar slater mis alyce white tho groom inother mr ii a storey waa besfman after the ceremony a sumptuous repast was served to about ixty guest mr and mrs storey amid a shower of ilea and good wishes left on the 845 pm train for toronto and other eastern pointer tho bride- wore a tailored suit of brown cloth with hat to match and sat nf mink fur tha gift of tha groom many beautiful and useful gifts were tend ered the young couple by their friend wbo join in wishing them a long and happy wedded lira friend from m djutmnoa attended aa follow i mr and mr 0 k wood and children preu inani mr and mr t a oonlck mr w nlokoll mrs johji newton mr itaao newton marnud mr j b nickel brantfordt mr and mia biaok quelph t mr and mrs fred vorey toronto miss joan stiolt c wl qooial and pkvtaohal mis bertha colo of toronto spent christina at tho home of her father mr henry coin mia quid rolioiuon of htratord vultad her brother mr k a robert on on saturday mia vltlii politor of dundalb wa home tar a week and roturna to her dutle trmnriovi mrs a it woodyntt of ouelpli pentmonday with her friend mre jno stephenson mr curs ebbago i spending a few weeka wllh friend in gloversvllle and schenectady n y mr birmingham teller of the mer ohantu bank spent christmas at hie borne in montreal mr and mr henry bauer and children of brampton visited the home here laal week mr o h moore foreman of the oilndaa star spent several days at lltomedurlng the week us and mr j b lake of the powitson news are spending the holl- dafawlth aeton friends mr and mrs john w bows and daughter spent christmas at the home of mr william hamstreot mrnd mrs walter carroll and babe of toronto apent a week at the home of mrs wm carroll mr and mrs kdward wells orparls spent christinas at the liouie of their son mr 0 m wells here mr and mrs w h noble toronto spent ohrutiuoa lit acton mr noble reoinlned for a few day mis margaret cunningham of guelph spent a day or so this week wltb her frlund miss may nail mrs crtswell arrived a week or so ago from knglnud to join her husband who came to aotdn last an miner mr john moore br was up from to ronto on saturday hi friend hetv were glad to nee him in much improv ed basil h mr and mri nell moqlll and chil dren of karriloops b o are visiting at the home of her sister mr fninlr tswaokhmner young st j mr and mrs w ii denny and i jeuss lou attvndwt the wedding of ljnbert watson and mlw mo in tyre i in pownfe nu phrlstmae day i mr nnd mrs edward t moclookllti i and ftahe of toronto spent ohrislmav i at the home of mr thomas rbbage iijtre mflolneklln rid ha be will remain lon few weeka irkr it 0 nrlwti and family fy mr t jiitnea moore nnd family ejplh fair x 0 nelson and family im j i konopdy mid ramiiy social and personal i mua ail i fi iintu wm homo fn cilluttllhn mihm m ly minirn uim in goorgnlowi forchimiimh mr j ii biyd ofloronlo was n town for hiiuliiiaa mr lolui monlu of gnlt spent hoi huys wild acton h limits mr alhril hwliidlux of newmaiket whs beiii for lha holidays mr ink illln i homo fioin johns town nv for h fmv wim uh mimh i uln wuldluiirrlvthlbomtiust wnk rioiucartwrlghtmiiii mr giiirh iiii lonhram or wing lltll will llcllllll ft jhlutlllhh all k ijjnr abrtih nu of pownwion u vlathk nt hit futhci a imiiui mr i liuence 1 ornlny of loronto spoilt 1ulliliy in towit tbl woik v nnd aim kilwlk rmiicn of to rou to p oia jliriuliiitis at idylwim mr hilton jilunx fit flimlph spupt the btlhliiyunt liuvfulliii ioiohui mininlmra win brown a lid ill gnrul uriuln tofrouto for olru ni mr m a ciimmhiu l spondlng lie hulldiiy at bin imimo in walkotldn mr tomph k kdiiy of llntulllon vui1 hi ii for olnlr ias mi ailhiii t umyih nf tbn ii ink of tliiwii oljiih vnu hrrofor clulst- did mih fulni j guesth nt mr n win of sun v moornv ust mi ii v wnlluco wm homo from muutiuil noiirnl iliiys during tho hctk mr nnd uru w h ij uuy nnd miss 1 nta mu sp rulltik u ft w days in norvnl mr clint ncn ltln of ttinmto apoot ho linlliliiyh wllh tho muhoa libig mr anil mrs j id ic knloy of ilnmllton sk nt bulldiiya wltb acton friondu mr oiid mm william lnlnl of toionto wete in town foi the imllihiy mr w i orovoe of toronto was n guest nt ilia homo of mr j a m iwot butt wnk mi mill mr it ibort walktr nnd chlldiin f piialmi upont chutmas in town mi homy hluluiibnind of granton u itt u fm ilnyw uilli his filondu horu thlu wtll mrx llii of pituton was tha guost or in r diiughtur mra dr more thlu wn k mi aupjnu koniuidy of brnco htldgi upint ciiiimiiiiiih wllh honda in acton mr mu mm h ii wowloii of gooigitumii i in in tow it our thn ho 1 1 in j mr ami mm i ii wordun of iitile spout jliiulmim nt llm old hnmohttu mr limiamiduiild mid mi wm whlth i th of nthwiffowoyn mo hoilouuly 111 hsu alftrlo looiloo of kim wood epent invornl d iu dining tho wink in tho old huim mm t lin won on of toronto la aponding ii nctk or no with frlcnda in tho old hmni mom tlnin iiaual deaths huvn otourud in aoton mid vloinlty dining tbo not wrek and much sympathy ban boon fell for tlin leret one john stui iiunmw when we went to pros last week mr jobiislophenaon blacksmith who bud imoii sorlomnly iii for aavorul duye was reported a much improved with bright hoprs of rmiovory in a ftw days a homorihiige took pi ice in tbo nftir noon however and bu suilduuly explr mi his allmont was luflammiitlon of the tongue it la supposed nn ulctr hnd fotinnd in the throat nnd piercing a blood voaael nu internal iminorrliugu etimul grant slrrmy uvvvry whtm fot at this biirdeu call lo ft highly imterinbd and liaoful cldx n and llm head or one of i lip iidpplost iioiiiub lu town john slrplienaon was a son of tha lata jam htiiheniiii and vas bom in nelson tuvniip vhen nlnotoon years of age- hw ctiuiu to aclnu iiinj learnod tbk blaakainltblng bualmaa willi bis brothrr anllfooy por inure than thirty yoaratheae brother hove wotkeil her tngethvr their curt fill work and 1 heir upright clinracti r u on thetji it v lu tirclo or frlende tbo ih coaaod made frlondu of all tho ptoplo ho met ami on nil side lire brarti px presalon of personal loss by tils do mue twenty eight yrnra ago bo imiril d mary ann mckimu ii tl multler of ll into david mekeown nnd thelru i is boon an ideal homo v groat am i w canio to mr mid mu htepttnum twenty yoiiw ugo i mt hiiiiiiiki whon tholr dhiightrr olura uuddn1 dlod attor a dlatrouulug atcldt nt hut tor eighteen or nineteen year miss joi it- has bon a great joy to thoni nnd now in her mothers greut grief and sorrow he le a comfort beyond t xpreaalon mr stephenson wa a man of atoi ling character ho lived a consistent cbrlatlnn llfv nnd has bean for ihci thirty yours n valued iiiombii of tbo mctliodut church for tmtny jlii- lie ha occupied an nfilclal position nnd his placo was uover vncnnt whon ho could poaalbly ottoild the funoriil last lliuiadny was vny largely attended it whs conducted by itov o w barker assisted by itev j o wilson b a the remains wore born to tho grave by messrs juintm moore william brown john hurvey alex bell jumes it wairen and ii p moore many floral tilbutoa toatl fled to the oatetm fult for ibis good man dow 1 1 diiuit n after a brier illness from pnuuiiiunlit donald douglas or lot 21 con 7 nns sagawaya died en siiuduy lhu doalh of thl much respect rd young innn has been keenly fslt not only by hi ho mediate family but by theconimunliy bir douglas waa tbo son of george douglas and was horn nt ciilthnosa scotland forty your ago when a lad of four year ha came to canada with bis parent and settled lu naaan gaweya when bo grew to manhood ho loft tho homo flrealdo and purchased farm and built a homo on lot hi con thirteen yrars ago ho wn j ilnod in holy wedlock to moiy mcpliodlun nasangaweyn tholr happy llfu its uutnlluil fur only two your bm ci cuw5s whon this iwlnvod belpmnto wna called away one son william gem go who is eleven years of ago is loft to mourn the loss now of both bis parent dseensod was not only u prnapomis furmerj hu whs an upright god four ing man a good neighbor nnd a worthy cjtlion ho wna a member of knox church acton the funoral on tuesday afternoon was very largely attended and was conducted by his pastor itov i o wilson d a intermept was mndont falrvlow comotery messrs robuit wallace jno black w finnk goo nellee win thompann anil donald waldlo acting a pall bearers ai kiundbn knvnicnv on christmas night donth enmo to alexandor kennedy at his homo nt edmonton alts after a brlof illnoss mr kennedy was ono of tho pioneers of this vloinlty ho was born in king usslo scotland in 1r2f and camo with hie father the late duncan kennody sr to canada in 1ki1 tim rumlly settled on lot 81 con i the rami now owned by mr t p watklns but which was hold by thn deceased until 17 years ago arter leaving aoton ho lived for a year or so at norval hu then ruinovcd to guelph and two years ago removed to edmonton where two daughter reside alexander kennedy was for many years a man nf prominence in this section in educational mat tors hn was especially active ho was ror years n member or aoton school board anil was repeatedly its chairman when the lome section wa sot apart from acton he was n member of the new board and of tho commlttoa which built the new school ha was n prom inent member nn older of knox church as his father wn itofare him mr kennedy was twlco man led ills second wlfu survive him and tho following children i mr owens and mr prod rosa edmonton william in michigan robert j in wlunlpog and hugh in vancouver knox church session has forwarded a litter or eondolenco to mrs kennedy and family weddlna at aienwllllame tho methodist church glenwllllntps witnessed the marriage of two of it popular young people on wodiuwdtiy december 18th in the persons mt miss ann eleanor roberts tho daugh ter of mr and mrs h t robert s and mr joseh roland allon who has boon a resident or the village for sonio yearn at one oclock the guesta asaembliid lu the beautiful little church whore tho ceremony was performed by rev c herbert wall the pastor bf ilia church tho bride was attended by miss jennie mokhinon and was given away by her brother mr tims rob erts mr fred armstrong was best man miss sophie reed played tho weddlnginarch both bride and groom are woll known in the glen and a host of friends present slncereat wishes for their happiness and future prosperity herald a place of safety and secur ity for the accumulations of all who work and save deposits of oiiy amount accepted nud interest pnm 4 trnci a year nt highest f urrcnt rate georgetown bjiancix 11 j iiewat aknt shilohs soluk enso for tho worst cough quick if to the heaviest cold and 8apk sold under a giinranteu goudbls to cure colds and cough v r quicker than any oiliur iioicls medicine or your money back slyaare or aucceaa commend sliflob cure sttc aoci1 us quickly the man behind 1 ho i teicrlpilon cuio ia j ist aa important na tliu mm who writes he ireicrlpllan it li iisaleis far a prescription tolieuthlon if the druggist does not filhlie rfeacripildaejiaclly-a- wrilten thai la somothlnn we ulwaja do give you wlni la ordered and the ittiiredlenis are of the purest uiwy and preparad wllh accur acy anil cleanliness so thai i lie medicine will rve llio bail pisslbe lesulli our experience of prescription work warrants us lo do this aoeuraey purity and cleanliness la our watchword let us fill your private and family iteclpes e a robertson plini b urugglsi stationer nnd optician the palace drug stare aetoi security genuine carters little liver pills muat oer signature of ja wrapper detew 00000 to be sclticed 800000 in furniture and carpets at j m struthcrs old stand upper wyhtl- ham street guelph between now and jan uary i8t jqo8 buy jour xmag presents in kurmturcand stive 20 per cent call and ecc f g- brrotigtfes go -s- giclpl for liver ills nttare i bmuey u uilw iktn pdlt uouu h uli in lh tit i way ifuxr ihtntibt slomion jlji dlfiillnn itmdvtpiptu cuiamlth uvxr jj imvoi tiiiinf cimtiliiiilnn uttullv wnji ttbl1 u ill ihll it rutf tury in cnrrlcl lh tvtug irauu ll tuttt in ih4 stdouth nj uirthii lhroul iim llvtr kljiwyt tni loiulliuidj tnnllilnc ii ll t- k tmu n ivjvi mi hani inj nilihtr ukn atn om hiv nv tumjj lur illui cita1m box for sale by i a robertson druggist acton great millinery opportunity f the next ten days we put on sale an exceptionally fine showing of trim med hats ladies misses and childrens in all the latest shades styles and trimmings this lot comprises over two hundred hats ad nearly aft are specially trimmed for this sale prices in moat eases less than half of regular prices and an extraordinary oppor- tunity is given to secure a great bargain 111 milliner henderson fe co mill street acton h h unsworth kmtmmblmm gltristnjas novelties we are right to the front uilh tho right goods for tho holiday season tolummiu rmnuuhik tlimi mutt in trim lhjflf if tliou lliu truth trtuild uibfadr burnr ron dinmut ran biuoauttk roitoiribuvn roi crnitipatios ron uuaw tut ramcemriiuoi ratfstaaa ladles collars anl delli at ajo 300 73a and ii 00 each ladles cloves si 130 lo 33 per pair furi nuffs collars muffs an i gauntlets st i jo to 13 oo bhswls fascinators golf jackets la lies skirts j 30 to 6 00 ladles waterproofs jjoo toluol wool apd silk waist inas put tip in fancy liones just the thing for xnue riiis nt i on iol3oo wslat or dross lengths select what you with nnd wo will provide iree ol churfte lanoy bones far aame towels rmrs mala cnmlorlurs tnhla linen and napkins i ji lies ilandlerchfefa nl 3a e 100 13c 390 a mil 300 each men s nuckwbar mens and days tlel at 230 each men a ties and silk handkerchiefs nl 30c to 7 jo each mens soft dreaa shirts positively fail colors and lust filling shirts on the market at 1 1 00 each hoya soft dress shirts fail colors and best fining nl 30c each men a nnd llnya scarfs 300 to r 30 each men sand hoyi gloves ai 33c lo i 30 pair groceries now llalilna and currants h4it ijuallly 3 lba for 33c new ieels beat quality at iftb a ll nov dales l trunss nuts canned goods novsr for a complete clearance of all holiday goods itoit n short timo now vie uhall make cyery effort tu free dqrselvca of all holiday goods itt thq time for bargains whatever your needs visit this store this week prjces in many lines arc cut exactly in two also specia dibcouqtn on mens and womcris furs jind ready-to- wear clothing jet e r boll1ert co wynbham street guelph prlnijic is now ready for your watch and clock repairs prompt ness and good work is what we strive to give nickel alarms put in thor ough good order same all new for jss cents gfc d pringle the jeweller guelph the right house hamiltons favorite shopping tlace our great january sales start on thursday january 2nd with the most remarkable bargains in the history of hamilton retailing dont mips get ting your share of the savings the big clearances include womens coats womens furs underwear hosiery separate skirts childrens dresses womens blouses dress goods dress silks underskirts flannelettes millinery added to these are the tremendous whlli goods and carpet sales it will amply pay yon to do all your buyblf iamilton at this store during these rtest in hamilton at sales f thomas c w atkins oanninkinostbmthuohson hamilton ont hmatmsmbthh cure biok wkatmttht h h unsworth j hct0n seasons biggest values in ladies furuned coats one fact every one will recognize when they view these coats in their superb quality we have never shown better coats than these look at the materials the cloths are perfect and you can choose from black brown navy and green colors the fur linings are extra good choice of squirrel or marmot nil perfectly matched furs those beautiful coats are very stylish and arc warm and comfortabe just what you want for winter wear as a result of placing our orders early we are able to offor unusually good values soo these superb lurlincd coats 4250 50 55 60 65 at each price we guarantee to give you absolutely the best value obtainable at that price heres an exceptional value uiu iwsullful hmvy bwvr cloth coal in tuvy ind bloak wllh una mb col inr lint w ro ulllnf now u only superior values in fur coal a big loob uralujly mtald lo intur portal quallly intl prlcal iii iowmi oi namil on qul fiualliy gutimflli trtm lmba co1 17 and i03 ilaoliaran coala at 13 60 nil i70 muakral coala aalra iod valu al 17 15 nut smi coala at 3j 50 and j5 aalraohan coat at lau a 50 38 50 40 s md 150 d e macdoijald bs thfe bloil ghelpd w idvk4im

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