Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 2, 1908, p. 4

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f tiivfthimy ianuaiiv 10iw tub old v at all waning liiul midnight oradino or j iviupt hi 11 innnlln nf tllo llollm ii la nital the old yjar u whin ir m going nwy l i im dimiluht night ur tliu flvir hi mill xvilli tlm ttn uilriimli to tlnr in nil vlimiltmilliitrtfiiroulti irih tho night wind in ulu log a uittl fur it well and tin iiiinnwimii tiro kuuing iiim jnwillid hiiinl kr hit inn linn uivuy tn lliw ahadnw lund wlwr-tliokhm- r hi nat n- iii umlhiiuilimr ami forovt 111 it vigil tut kriplng ami wu weri fuigiltliig tin ihiir olil yiir- furguuiug lhl fih nil itiut wnt 1 1 luil unit whs l rm tfoyr tailing ho iilf1iy lliu hnmiy diylliv y niivrrrmliuc which hivuiiijlhvi nh v or hi new- if tlu iiiiiiiimiu won- rhghtud willi m pilmalhv ahd what uuve v elihuui fur hip itliul nothing to giiimr ah ii hlimli whon i think there v mnny inlay that wo blowings received nnd fin fr trhdlorepny the iftw tm iientowtwl wttnout urn when hllghtjng dudiuli ilurud to vutor our door lie rebuked and efiilud tho malevo nt gllpbt with the wearing unreat mid thn fam thutiinprffiinl lie has brought m ua frifnilw hint are truest umlttnut and we wiiio hirgihng tho glvar lid will imvnr count hack to ub lie limro though ww hmg for his cmnlng with iyvu unit uruw wil though w nigh for him nvor with etimhvlcbh n grtit when the eiil of tlm pt on hie old year is bet ho may never again cron tho rlvir id wbal u ohlyui have w given bin awayf hliuh who good iliwolutionb liesnlutlnits nro ftfiully made lmt they rra ordlly broken unllui liiont fragllo things llioy nro broken tor lark nf me only thoifl hint are put in overyday uu mi soon us hiwy tire made arc likely to laat t whl hi thnea ihnt qra intended only for tun at anuio rtiture time nro nn good iib lit nk mi uu soon h they nre mado in fiict hie most durablo rean liltlonu are thnan thit liurdly iwroinn raoliihiim t nil hut hiki the form of dcudai whllii they iirentlll in hm noik ing tlipro 1 hb ft rule no mkchbw fur rmolvlnff t nil iinhub tho rcnhttlon u recorded ill onco in act not wordu if there in boiiouu nnrpoao to roforni thoro will ho nn ilclny moat viiwp nnd roflnliitlon ro not wrloiiai nt hnut nuibt of those made t tho hlnnlnr f the yr nro not if they wore hie world would b bet if r vim y vmhlj ni khmi purpone that tiiki- i im foni of wctlon hint hewn ithilmn died- from ly to day fur even a few ninntha iu likely to pab our of lire nnd it ib biife toaay that tin iu i no one no wiak that iip cannot form bm piirpouos nnd trani ut them at oncn hi to notion founaiktlon prlnolpl ptruti when we umluruiku 1i i your auluuirlpllouut wo give tlmm oni undivided attention nnd bout cure the patient wolfaro la our ilnt oon lderatlnii beoond i we guarantee mind ruga to 1h of rull btrenuth tut well aa pure and freuh thlwl i our utiauiintira are nipplui with jiut what ttioyiuikfoi i uulwtlrul i nfit la novel ullnwed palnna ovlhhv compound if you are u hiitfumr from kidney dlauuuui liver coinptntnt bluwl trouhloa rhauuiutliini neurulula or nnrvon prostrutlon we confidently ronom- luend the iim of palnea oelry ooni pound thu rollahlo anil novur 1u appointing modlolne ibti true dlaeafie banlahor and bynteni bulhlor we upply tho gontilno palno celory oomnotmd at drown acton ont under prohibition the 8tat of maine d0 nntrocolvo n dollar rfvniib from the saloon yet liai a larger prrflentnb of ths totul population in tha puhllo bohonla than any other of the new england htataa or than now york with lu vonly million dnllnra of rovenuo from the aloon more teacher are employed in proportion to the nation population than in any other bute in the union tho grealfr the hrliallon in hie throat tho more dltiunlng he cough bmomaa oonghlng la the effort nf nature to evpel thia irritating unb alance from the air pnbg blbklaa antl ooniiimptlva hyrup will heal thn inflamed pnrtu which emnlo muoniia and restore them to a healthy state the oough dhuippeai ing under the our- tlvo effttoln of the medicine it la pleasant to thn taste nnd the price 29 cents la within reach of all aninira for sore throitt take one ghiba of hot water nun teaapoonfnl nf soda mid three drops of oarhollo held qargle ones every hour olive oil la very good for wak pen pie or thnw who aufftr front indl gestlon it shniihl ha taken with tho food whenever poualhlp tope and outside plocea of oetory washed nnd dried nmy lai rtihhud huo nd make cuoelleut seaannlnff for gravies anups and dressings tiny japanaso ov ohlnnse innterna are aonstdered eafor to uis on tho ohrlstmaa treo than un protected eatidles auggnats an oxuhangn save fuel by putting ntam qunn tlty of salt in thn water in tho outer pott of doilhle itoller salt water holla at a lower degree of heat who flow th lioat lilaolr sloweciiohtycyii ilti g bettor far the ttlhmt louglin hut tho eloquent deeilwq hmllas there is no vital power in a religion you can pigeonhole info one day of the week if ingratitude toward men be a bate in what shall wo fay of ingratitude l to god f t iv betur a great heart in frail hody the following e1rti hi- iimb wttn mill ly hie fruit do i to ill the domln i i iv 11 lnu il will lie ol intureut to all who have tipple it atom for repacking i you will note by llio aalo mta- louoo parllciihiily from fjvrrpool nid ohohw ttnit litem la n aiirphu of ihewiiiillrr gliidem of no 1 apples ml the l il in tit nt prnutint thatiffoct in ing or coin air to greatly lower the price for t hlu chua of npplea tlilx la no indlcalliii that you should in way mlu join vigilance in thn sxain innlloiiof ihn grade ilrand tfaltmly innikid iniy imrrol tnsrksi no in whkh hie iiiph full short in volot nf nuf in mdt r to maintain the rep iitallnii of junollan npplea it is oiore nirphmuy that euiphiiiiu lie given to hie uintltr of alio in a year like this when thn guiienil rrop la underalsed than hi nn ordinary four wheu there ahould iwo noitiutl ipianllty nf targ apples doctors using- patent iwedltlnes the honest physician u auxloub to cure nnd uses tltr beit available remedlut tho jiropoai d lobulation uirough tho dominion iarliamont for the reg- illation of tho manufacture stid sale of patent or proprietary nisdictnu is of the utmout hnportanoe anil it la rorciving a great dial of attention not only hy the proprietary madielns mamifii turer hut also lv tlia leading ilnttura and tlrtigkiata rvory matiu fopturor of rehalile and lifgh claks renudlen irolcomii tlm hill aa a etsp in tli o rlttht direction thn thteuuloa liaa tirnircht nut the fact that tlis bait pliyriciaiu in canada and on tli eon iinunt approve of and proacrlba lsy- cliino in cniri of thn mmt illfflcuh clinrnrtor in a recent instance of very finrioua throat and lung trouble tho patient had hern lialng 1ayelili tiro leading united state spfioiallats were conmufted in adihtlnn tn two eminent canadian pliyaiclans upon learning what the pationt was ualng a sampla of rsychine waa taken antl snalyaed with tlio remit that the plij aioiana advind ita cnntlntisnes they proaerumd no other viedirine but isj chine with the remit that the pa tteut lias fully recovered and la tnlendid wnlknijx and talking ndver- ttion it for the wonderful ouratlve power of a remedy that will stand up before tlio keoitoat professional oritiriam and anabaia as a liulldar up ol thn tiin mid reatorer of all waated conrtiltena 1avchine has no enital and tho heit and mnt earnest phyaiclatu rconiae tltia fact alllio di jmnf liinir wr tn a teirllu i i r rii yir before ill r ilixellly orowlnt ll bef iii lulil h o hi i s liwlhililn illlutl ii nel ii ei erk nlie hfr a lor m x a jvaipanu uiui ii iio k uorpolii oat tajcliine pronounnd si keen lathe grcatcat of touiii build i on up the in teni inrrenahik tlio nppotitu p infr ina tho blood aula ditreatiort and acta directly upon tlio throat aid lungi giving tone and vigor in tho entire ayatem at all ilriirglata tide ant it or tr t a hloeum limited 170 king street weit toronto thou mim be true thyeelf if thou the truth would teach dr bonar to curb a cold in ohm dav take a foaatlva ilromn quinlnayabuf a diuaalati rafond uia monaif it it falls i i ruqnlna w or ro ilanaiora on aaeli liosueanla linro tollvo well that thou mayeat die uo too sir j denhsni if your ctilldien inonn and are rest- liriuilnrlngiloep conptsd whennwakc with a loaa of nppotlte pale conn teilatire picking of tho uoee etc you may dope ml upon it that the primary rauao of tho troiihlo la worms mother graved worm elf term inn tor effect ually removes these peats nt ones re lieving tlnrllttloatifferer no man is freo who still has a fault that innbtrra hltn booralrs 6tih aianatar wa evn bos l toe isanlat jxatlvo btwrtftquittide rabuts raeaadv that w fjm a qooil name la to lie prl there have lieen inillathme of dr tiiquihs kcloatrlo oil which may have heen in jitrliiua to its good name hut if so tho injury linn only been temporary goodness must nlwnys come tn the fiont nnil throw into hie shadow that which iu woithloaa ho it has been wlili kotuctrlo oil i no imitation can maintain ltielf against tho genuine article nuhlo hhiod la hut on accident of for timet noble actions characterise die great gohltmt tbaiittml heart in n greatbody dont neglect a cough or cold it can have but one rrsdlt it leaves tlih tliuoat or lungs or both affdotbd dr woods norway pine syrup is the medicine vou need it la without an equal ss a remedy for doujlii oohls itroiwbltle saie throat riln in the cheat asthma whooping oauuh qainay and all affsotloai of the tlirnat and tilings a alinjle doae of dr woods norway pino hymp will atop tlio ensgu aoothe tits itiroat hud if the oough or oold has be eome settled on the lungs the healing properties of the norway line tree will proclaim 111 greab virtue hy pnlmplly eradlnatlng the hod effdets ami a perslit ent uso of tho reptsdy osnnot fall to bring nihttiiiroomplftts earat do not iw hurohnptieil into buying sn- eallcd norway pine syrups but be sure and hiatia on having dr woodi it is pub up in a yellow wrapper three pine trees flto trrulo mark and pries ffi te mrs henry sesbrook hepwerth ont whusi m woods norway phe 6rup in oar fatally for the vast three years and i obnsldsr i lbs boa maedy pliable yet tough you might begin jottr ncqunlutnuco with storey a goods by luvcutiiiu iu a pilr of these homclildc mitu theyre excellent examplen of how tough and pllahli tulttn uuiy ik mode by our chrome proccnn with the nddtd sntlafnctloit of knowing they will not bocom etlff when scorched orxcnldcd dont forget to buy storcya nnd the 11 remember you by wearinc longextat ell stores w h storey- 8c son limited acton iiq nranchae jonathan iiodoiok vti chailaradby dominion gjvernmsni islablmiad 1ba4 the merchants bank or canada hfead office montkual interest addel four limes a year rresment sis u montagu allah vice prealdm gsoeral usnsgsr u i iiruuhn capital paid up id 000 000 00 dspnalia over ft ooa 000 00 surplus 1400000000 toial aitatf 13100000000 avincbtbank deioit0 one dollar or upwsrda will open sn account money withdrawable any lime no delay rarmkns samz notk9 we havs apeclsl fsclllilsa for collsctlno ihsae we will cash lliam al once it daalred al s low rats of lottrsat joint accounts when requmied w will open account 1 tn two nantee so tha ehher one may draw the money husband or wife etc acton branch oo mum drum o why is a hook inclined lo la ubrrlaonif a llrcii0 it generally has itu tmok up q why wilt a hook keep prmu l p a ihciiilao it ul way oonlilr itu binding ywi uulkiok like n colliiid genluman a when it u well read q when do a lamik renoille a favniltehiilmalp a when it haa dog eara q how do you know slioaa gnaaip v a ilecaitso they hafve such ng tougnea j if a a hoe went to school why would he never gut 100 for his leuaontr a iieatia he is generally lo lai fmiiid at tho f3t q why are aboes bumii lor lo olhur wearing appniel a ijecausai every ahie bava vile j why lanigit oralwi rudep a wauw it alway at irs j if the dock went on slrlku wlutt wtmld happen- a the hande would slopwork q whldh one of the dishes- on the table understands the game of ruao hall a tlio pitcher q vliat game is tho btovav fund of alokor q why doea thrj window dtd n doctor f a decauaai it always has a patu w s chisholm mnna ujb lovkd halr btillx three months after facing the par son together they were seated at tbo tea table do you jove me still t queried tho young wife after the manner of her kind of course i love you alll he an swered now keep quiet while i read tho paper f a kingly gift earl greys appeal on behalf of needy consumptives strong words of canadas governorgeneral at the official opening- of the king edward sanatorium for consumptives near toronto his excellency delivered an address that must have an important bearing on the future of the sanatorium movement in canada wo quote the proomdlnata thl aftvrnoon oommmoad with as beautiful and reveirem rmyer from your old frlond dr o4t h preiyed that thej llrxhl of the lord might ohlna upon u yheit prstyof l abundantly emwered ha also prayed that tha white platrua might ba removed well whether that prayer- will be anewered or not depend upon youreelvesv la it not a atandlna ahama and raproaoh to tha itovarn- manta and individual that thare la not mora eara takan by tha paopla of oanada to protaot thomaalvaa ajfalnat tha ouraa of oonumptlon on hit way out to the king edward sanatorium to named by permission of hie majesty king- edward vii the gov ernorgenerala car was stopped in iti progress outside the canada cycle st motor co by a area crowd or itu employees a contribution of one hundred dol lars was handed the governor- general a donation to tho toronto proc hospital for con sumptives ttma a ktngfy gift said his uxcoltoncylnmaklncjtcknow- ledgment wi ths avy addressing the large audience that attendedthoso opening exercises referring to this event garl grey sold u ladlaa and tfantlaman whan tha worhlnjfman of canada ara aattlna an eammple of thla oharaotar i hope you will not bo alow to follow and i truat that tha axampla of tha oanada oyota motor oa may bo followed a i am euro it will in avary factory and manufaoturlns induatry throughout tha lanov we ca these word to the people of canada in our appeal today on beialf of the muskoka free hospital for consumptives hll s freehostta ron consumptives strsi htui chavlmhilur 1b j single applicant adinlsilon because of accommodation could be provldod for three an institution that has never refused her inability to pay seventyfive patients can be cared for today hundred if the required money were forthcoming to make this possible our appeal is for 50600 to be used in extension of buildings and maintenance of patients where will your money do more good every community and every individual interested his lmoeuenoy earl gray has shown his interest and sympathy in tha work at muskoka for needy consumptives by aeoeptlng the position of honorary president of the national sanitarium aaioolauon contributions may bo sent to sir wm r meredith kt chier justice osfoode hall toronto vf j dago esq 84 spadlna ave okjs bobertson seeytreas nittlonal sanitarium association 847 klrnr street west toronto canada uangasinalllmff in a bandy placet put in every laroben clothes pin they make the best wedges for a rattling window for burning and itching feet halhu thetn at bedtime n hot water and afterward pour alcohol upon tho tolling places our greatest glory is not in never felling but in rising every time we fall confucius it is better to lie sometimes hnposed upon than never to truit baxo the demon dyepapl- in otden times it was a popular belief that de motts moved invisibly through the ambient air seeking to enter into men and trouble them at the present day the demon dyspepsia is at large in the same way seeking habitation in those who by careless or unwise living invite blub and once ho enters a man it i difficult to dislodge him he that find himself so possessed should know thaf a valiant mend to do bottle for him with the inisee n foe is panneleeeveaetabte p1iu which milburns laxaliver pills ere mild sure and safe and sxeepsrfeot regulator of the ayaum they gentiy unlock the seustloos clear away ell sbgats aad waste matter from the system and give ton sad vitality to the whole intestinal uses owing oonaupa- iuavtuakttsadsdss piiiousbsss dyspep sia coated tongue foul breath joan die heartburn and water brash sirs b 8 ogdsn woojitoow nb writesi hy hoabsad and myaelf have uaed mil- bums iauuvst ellis for m number of years w think we oanoos do without them they the only pills we svr teka frloebsoants or arm bottle for 9100 at all dealers or dlraotott rseelptof pries the t wlbbra co limited toronto wfrvy v wiatvrta4ylotlia trial v itawsbsfflsm 1 h lju x lliifti a mnglo pill dysprpsu is a foo wlthwlilah men are oonutanlly grap pling lmt amnnol evteimlnale huh iiiuki nnd to all appeainnoos vmi- milmbid in uue it nmkes iu appeur anoe in another dlrectlnn in many the digest i vu aparntus la as delloate hn the mechanism of a watch or scloiulllo inhtrunient in which even a breath of air will make a variation with such persons dumdera of the stomach en sue from he moat trivial causes ami cause much suffering 1 these pur melees vegetable pills are rerjom- mended a mild and sure olkahly imroaaiblib intbe lli itlshiusetini in london two men were discussing sonio kgyptlan oolns tttsin there said the first man must be three or four nindrrd years oldeh bill v three thousand more likely estimated his companion aw go nn bill 1 why were only in 1007 n i judge nob thy neighbor until thou artlahletttuatiotthial a truly ideal wife ber husba bk uelpeb vlsorous health is tlio oreat hource of cower to inaplro nnd incoiiras all women bhuuld eek it riiii f thn tvl i h- oil mid ili in t nun of thla o tilury in nt nrlltle bus luld vjinir 1 uio and tiabivir kiiimm i iiiivii uttulnrd in thu morld i own nil to my i iroin the day i flmt kw b hn bar lwn aj liihilrnllon uiid thn nuutit it jiulfl of my lllo j44t be si a jftrej- to lw aiicti aurcikumi w to rfatn thn inyo anilm 1ml rati m i h r iiuhi nn i lolnaplmiiim toililc tin ni nt of tlm- a ii kjinuld hi d voiiiuiih nnrl nit i tiily inwoitiui uu u hat in r on ml u aro rjwjiilhi ll mm i 11 itlly tlr jlark ahadims ui p ur ui1 r iu r f nhi has tmi kuche lit u vv i iiliiiiiiui pilrm in rfilitooefl irirwnt irjll or in hltn f nlio alioulil nlortalonn i i ml i uiiliuaiutrin- im m mrhiuily- u i ili tornju nnd voliwnjt puhli hy nwikt a hltt r from si yoiinu ulfii- i u r mm mnklinm i vrrlnro myililm n twirn ihnviif fird oa kmi fnv i in u mr bun itli inllninninlloii fuiiiilu suikiilhi uuiluu- ilnwn jmliia iai mini ami wntitiwl timd- nclif ll alttili i my flunmili to i could nut enjoy my uiuils nnd half my tlmo was ajmiit in iwd i yillfti ilnlclinm avurilnl it ronipmmd nin in mo a will wnninn uixl lfula mruuful dint i nm cliil lo wril- mid ti ii 11 of my mnriiliiua ninvry ii hroujiht m iniillti iiiwiiroaiidvllriuiy mm fli- ilt aiiulty 1111 btiiitli iwli htntt liiiomn wuili ulmt tolia 11 linkhnmii ikhihlo compound did for tm alnxli y it will do for cvury elck un i ailing uomnri if nu liaio bymnttmih joii dont un- dtrutand wrlto to mim jltikliain daushtrrin luiv of iydin i ilnkham at lynn mara ii r muuu ih free and afwba helpful fob mad i one of i tin adhraji n rortathi flr tin pl inrlpitl iwrfortifr wm n knifo thiowrr who inad a rpecullv at ihitmlitg kiilvra nil around a tody liiloit bnurd nt ihelmflk of llm llie pnrtmr orthlamilute wa mid iik imiii nmlw11 vrry p1n unit wihiikih a nm mi the hiiiiikikii i hoy hail not thought it toeihle for noy one to imi whii an plavln and llvn through it i ho mail mriimvd lirr to the imanl nnil t m hili i inoineot throw him kulfr it lb w through tli all uud almk ijulveiiug in tint iviard vohtffrom 11 in i mi k orott hcnttl youve luiaaid lir thk wiiono onk hid teti plrofio girl and the ludgcir tltirk towhoinhe had promitfitl inn himrt eluj hand went an ted by thn tliuiuic drtumrpg of th tinppy dnya ulidii they would imi tnit t row tmi little ilotajl to nniitherthe talk finally diirtriiolhnbii1j of lighting fires in i hn moniliig o tlilp liolnt 6i yiulog iiiiin wju licldid i lii hutnl ns hlu linn ipluloiittiiit it wns n wlfns pluro to gut up and lljfht the fltew ttnd ut tho poor vard working liuu lutiid riit after thla ihclaratlnn thin wns silence for about a ccotul 1 lion the glil llirmt ottt her linger en clrdud hy a ring and murmiirid etvattly but firmly i itlng nff plesav you hrtvn got the wrong iiiiuiter i poverty ennnot bo cured by umklng charity a pastime nothing looka umre ugly thiiii to aen a person whoao hnndu nro covered nvor with warta why hnvo iluaodlbflguru mrnts on your person when n sure romnvor of nil miitu corim etc can tie found in ilullnwuy u cum cure conscloncu la tho lilghout m all courta victor hugo suffering women who find life e burden can lava kaalllt aaa akanslu raatnratl by the uu ivf mllburns heart and nerve pills tha praaant aanerallun of woman and ehu hava mora limn llmir aliato of mlury with oma it la narvounm and paliulallon wllb alliarawaab illny anilfnlninbilli wtiilewllb elhara oiare l a naimnl co input of ilia lyalam llllhuma lltarl anil norv 1 illi lona up lbs sarvai alroobtlian ua lioait and niaha it beat atroiiff ami rviular create new ml bloo i cor piiuua and imparl that hnu of liunvanoy te the liilrita thai la die raaull of renewed mantel antl phyaloal vigor hit d o ponosliue orlllla ont wrltaei for ovar a year i waa troubled wltli nenoua- nau an tiaarl trouble i uetliled to itv 11 11- turn e heart ami narva tula a tilal tuid after uaini five boxra i found i waa eomjilately eurad 1 elwaya reooromadd tbam to my friend rrleattocnttprlnn or three imiee for si 31 all ilaatcra cr the t uilburo oo umjud toroqto out to tighten tho mnchlno hult wlihottt removing put a diop of miiclilno oil on liolwltmid tmn for a fuw anrnntle thoro novur was and nmor will tc a uiilvontal panacon in onu nunoily for nil ills to which uobii la hulr what would rellavo oiio hi in turn would aggravnto tho others wo have however in qulnlno wine whon ob till nod in n sound unadulter ated stato n roinetly for many and grievous ills hy its gradual and judicious ubu tho frailest syutoms ro lod into oonvnleooenoa nnd strengtb by tho mfluouto which qulnlno okortu on katuroa own rostorntlvec h ro i loves those to whom a chronic state uf morbid dospondonoy and lack of interest in life la a illnuoso nnd by traniii it islng tho nerves dlhposoa to sound and refreshing sleep impaits vigor lo tbo action of tho blood whiob being etlmulntcd oouiaes through the volns strengthomng tho healthy ani mal functions of tho system thoroby muktng datlvlty a iiociannry reuult strength unlng tho finnio nnd giving life to tho dlgestlo organs which naturally demand increased hulistnnco result improved appetite north rop a lyman of toronto hnvo given to tho puhllo their superior qiiiidno by the opinion nf aolontlhte tho wine approaches nearest porfectlon of any on tho maikot all druggists suit it a good deed is novur lout hu who sows courtesy i oupa fiiimihililp uud bo who phintaklndnoaiigiitmorb hn pi pleim- tiro btuitowrd upon u giiituful oilnd wasnavor- ateillu hut generally grnt- itudoliegots roiviirdlliiult burlitclc blood turns bad blood into rich rod blood no other remedy ponsessos such perfect clooa honllng n purl fylng propertlos bxternnllyt heals sores ulcers abscessoi and nil eruptlona ihtornnlly rout ores tbo stomiich liver bowels nnd hi bod to hentthy action if your appetite is poor your energy gone your ambition fast bbb will restore you to the futt enjoyment of happy vigorous ufo ih was working wheio have you heou hum r ieo beon up to ma two ears woik sab ijp lo your two ears in work y yes sab what doing ham i lifilln a watahmellon aali 1 is it footwear you are look ing for if thats the case go to williams shoe store i carry a full line of boots shoes rub bers etc for people of all ages and sizes fall and winter stock now ready for your inspection wm william th 8ho vta uluslnt aoton tltr fihafl trunk railway rmjuvatacti luatutt i ioi t llllllllll tilt ow in n work 6lmiillc sy ackin hlmi i aijiikv uiim lr i n r i i nil u i jowil hull i an r liim iry rljn i i ni iiaitbe ntclj jntf ka ntrita un i trinlrt cr nil kinif ijronoliiiou ui ihu mill l hurl your llanoil l i liny u nol i realiju ilia in all ibtljr ii i iiinilruiciiu irontru don willi null aiultcl ei nhl luonaplly co in tliarl olir an icl liini inovi wna uaiilbil mil ik villi lot lall ybu arhoxds livery slmton lltjljl s1a1h is mill lit aciqn commihcial 1havi i ii ls ok lilllb tiucn apcul alionlion htnrv arnold proprietor w h walker painter paper hanger decorator main slrcel acion oppflili bliplienaina iii icuamlltt shop all norlt imriniceil tlis work of yoara in acton il proof ol ita orlari inft ai v 1 urown a drug lore will rccoiiu prompt nllontlon w h walktr aotoh kcton the old and reliable granite and marble dealers werb weaahdireaitooureuelembiaatwioie aale prince tliui eating our euelotuere if par oeiil we iibv tli baal appllaeeae and llie only meeiianloa jo ha domlnlan who een oner hi larint and beal atoek of j ran it dominion ov uor than uy tbra uaalera tn ilia weal we are ujliltuat deetara end am- ilov nn aiania and da not aaaey orpealr iramiltoncrson cov norfolk and wrwulob fits qumtp evfrtom ib eden mills the beet quality oi manitoba penally end pastry flour forsnlo at lowest prlooo our own hake chopping pone nnd oat a rolled every tlay tesil far sale caih for wheat and oala henry hortop new pictures at waters bros new ideas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always fresh nnd of tho best quality waters bros guelph art btork acton jump and tile works o b adbbaqb proprietor our prem1se ire now fu ly equipped with all iba tstsat machinery nnd kppllances for manufacturlns jpuvpsajtf ramp bappu tum tot wtit autmm eujveru sie slesja j mil toblm and pip sappu orders promptly fitted main street acton li z6r y bus liki the umlcriljtncil totpecltully loliclti ihn paironn0 ol llie pub lie an i i ii lor nit iliein tint well k quip pod end stvllsh lllt can nlwajs bo becurod m bit atnbloa a com for i able buj mceta all trains between iu oo n m and g 19 p m corrful attention tlven to every order rim uinla of com morclinnvellcra fully mel john iflcm-l- ir3ucs phopribtor w- ginsop painter paper hingcr sin writer picture frimer shop mill st acton op- posite willia l hepairs promptly made to furniture tinware etc no unnccessarj delay knives ground scissors faharpencd courteous attention and reasonable pricci wgimson w60deictravinct dhotoeaitjravin halftones orallrcuasorriiuiwiiiaiuuivciitismo pudposcsinalouues halazwts c jijofjestoac m tononfo expeniehoa hlmullfn rui imkltiduluvl 11 huu w vconbvvjfqtlt ebchee v su weetilnstoe xl write fur our ii icrclliirf itu lu bill nwouaiawlils4 mil ut u rattoh ikrictt 1 r model of ywir la mllftii orliiuirovmi till aiul uf wttltallym our 011i11i1111 n in ulirllirr tt it riottwy 1 iphrailoijth4fisli itatllsmfreimriritpl n tiityfily imacokil 1y uai vi rlleiaulio i mad e iirnlah t jitlly eiiiilnpril oflva h m waebliiaioii i iliuiiifllnrautei lemtcliviorkaiiuiiiukjy cur nww i ttade tlieliiicuili 11 iffalleitrffaraa pioeilrwl llirrimlialatlmi 1 v apeclil ml lee will nn 0 itviaitre illahllmtrd ihrouajim litleiili pioeilrwl ttirniah alatlmi si hon raealve apeclil rial lee wilt nut efeari pvr 100 it w aiie per illaliltinlrd ihroua tbennmlillnti seeclahytlalirit lmalnaaa e uanufe turira ami himlmtera marion ac marion patent experti ind setloltarej

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