Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 9, 1908, p. 3

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tl lily year dtparictica iim taught us ths enact i loud nf mociih sml leva coflvs that gls n imicloui mellow lluir our advanced method of rosiliiia ilev1ii prfservet i ha llclltieu and flavor of ilia 1cmii greigs white swan coffee packed lint from i tut rotiters in seated parchment mtd tut up in i in bo ai to jireicrvu lie ueiiintt end atrngtli from ur mills to you vour ror telle it or emit net it lloluj t4 news op local import special lot xrtidft vfooo wntol ommn oofd fljictcl wtors oo 1 k pearl et bwodoh omoo 1 k prl sat ring b oo solid gold cuff link i3ho btarllnu oliver tm and cofraei spoon ad wondarful attuatton of fanoy china and uia geo hds jowoler acton tuuhhday ljnuakv 0 1000 brief local items tho rink will soon lw randy forthei skater klor skating link wae destroyed by die ott saturday morning there i is litian tour neeks of good sleighing ill in winter unymiy tho holiday itro ovtir uml the student nro buck lo llhdr books egnln tho anniialcangrogtloual mealing of knox ohiirah will lift hold next thursday eienlng torontos now mayor mr joseph oliver in 11 nnllvo of krln village joes liono tlto worse fur tlint a n it miter of now month re have been rorctted wt tlio viosbyterlun and uutlmdlst churches thu post week tlio officials at tlio poat office ore having n well earned breathing spell afn r nmimth of chrlstinasand holiday rush mr ii hlnclulrhaa juutmovtdlntp hu commodious cement block houteon willow street he and hi sitters will ho vsry conifortnbte in tholr now hums while coming homo fiom church on smutny morning mm gun cam pboll fill on the slippery walk nnd sustained a sovwro cprnln in the wrlat nnd hunt w itnnt propilutnr nf tlio un licensed in it 1 kb fdnn milu wue ii nod 20 itnl aosta for selling liquor on ohrlstniiie night inspector oakes did ulo llllslllos a imratod stcuni plpo nt tho lohool on monday gnvo the aovun teacher nnd llioli pupils a luilf hollduy cm mon day uupiitra wore mndo nnd ovary- thing was in good order tuouday morn ing wlillo waiting for tlio akatlng rink to it put into commission the young paopla hnvo hoen having glorious aport on the bonvnr mpftdqw aouth of fair vlaw oumntflry whoro vxoellont tkat ing hat provallud pr nop aunoilnleiidonfc of tlio guorgotowu vloml co waa in town on saturday the floral go through their egont mr k a rotwrtaon u building up n aplandld trade in out fluwera nnd funnral iloalgna here tutu mcmdny night n team nf junlori jlrovo to eiin to piny the j union of mint town the play waa fairly flint tho acton until having the httor nf lh gaum in the flrtt half tho aonre wna 10 tn favor nf aotjn hut they could not keep up thapnoeanilnlhtwtdtsrirrto nvon up tliu bcoio iipidj 14 krln will play a relurn intitoh u annn tho rink la in nlmnc khatohbull mr wllllnin aloxmulor of nuaaa- gitweyat hut n in it two yenr old aolt taitweek from detain per dr l ii wilson anil family of armailn mloh ar vlaltlng frlonda in namagaweyn nnd bdon mil it mr and mr diamond nf guelph vltlted nt mr jus llnde inat weak 2 s tlie oentral lcmlgrutlon board of london is ig autea that the bulk of emlgrattte prooowl to canada not ai wag boonubo thnro hi n predilection for tbli country hut uocaubv it vnay to adoure pnaaage and work la guaran teed tito board appoula for fundi to tart hoye on fari in canada it u gmtirylug to note that whllu ihoonnaduii miigaalno aa a htorary prodiiotlon line for anmo time been holding iti own with the hlghelaai ningiuhiei it i nnwahnwlngaraarked advuuoo nitlatloally the ohrlitinm numlurgave omphnsla to thla featuw antl again tho january number con- talna aomo partloutarly attractive u- luatratloni tlio drawing of louiia holronn llluitratlngnn arllcle on old aoadla for li aro eapoolally good the number oontalna a very valuable and illuminating article entitled mulal mining lit canada by impli stokae an authority on uilrtlng und contrlbu- uonk by dl louie freohette virna ethoard a ii oarmnii nnd other well known writer ita eatiltr to tlilva aomo pnan to drlok tlmn it u to hold tbenf baek cxlvl1 bhilolia cure ojlllon 3 for the worat cold theiharpeit cough try it on abuar- antee of ytfur money bock if it doesnt actually curb quicker than anything you cure cures coughs ever tried sate to an 1j t nothing in and colds lyjrtsflsj qijickly sbiw many yoharai and btudanim acton tamli out mi mtt4nhhlnly large number nf tennhera tiidiilt til university and thaologlcal oollngnf i im norjnal aahoolf high aahnola nnd ihini tima onllpgea altout n oarloail f li it left tn rvaiiiun tliflr dulls after th hollduya on haturtlay and monday tb hmkaipaaia club ttaaumaa tlie flrat avenlng of the hlinknrnjro club for the laou wai hild at tlto homo of mlaa minnie dennett no mfln diy evening murkatn keuntiily la tho president and mra a t drown hooretary an enjoyable aaaaon with this etandard pact lu antlclpntcd a voioui t knok ohureti mies maud jonliin nf ornngflvllh who has been vltltlng bir alator mra john xwoti tho laat two wnekh aangliv knox ohurfh with uuoh no- ovptanou taat i4udny momlng lono hweetly holomp thodght mcaa jordan la a bilpll o jtfnlwl munlay toronto ah4 tarvlakigiruateirjoiirag ingprogreaa as a vocalut hiip has an exceedingly sweut votco and aplcndld onrapaaa mr daildlawui ne wm hauaad mr chaa davldrtoii cmiuolnia newltarh which 1ms been uitdar nn tvuotlon forth psat two montlts te well under way the frartio work has been completed and wn raliod inat week it is an excrltrnt futuio and went together well doing uiucli creillt lo mr n mokfurcby the contractor if the weather la fiivoralilv ho atructnro will apeodlly 1h flnlshod mr davidson le proud of iu new barn which la much larger and better than the ono destroyed by fire inst july death ofrobt ounntnirhamauelph mr robert oitnnlpgbain insurance agent guelph very widely known died on new years kvo at 0 oclock aged 71 years lie had a pnrnlytlo iroke nn friday from which hn novev rallied the deceased was aomewhat bluff in manner but kindly at heart and very fren in duponalng olinrlty in hi death guolpb lonoi h good and progreaalve cltlxm ho leaves a widow but no children mr cunningham waa well known lu acton ho attended the fuuoral of the into col atlnn on ujat november in re- newlug hie subscription to the fiiuk pituhhnn tho 21th decetnlwr he wrote i tho fnkk inbfl la u decent clean aheet i with you much aucceia in the year on which we are ao soon to enter bob oumays admirable kntarprl mr ii j gurnny ofoalgar alta arrived in anion nn now years night to spend a few days with friends here and with bis fathei afamllynt mlmosii on the atth november fire broke out in the drygnndii store of gurney u u of which mr gnrney is tho lending member of tho firm the premises wore guttod and the firm sustained n loss by fire and waur or fwoo tliny earrudan iniurnnce of 1000 after selling off the aalvago the promise were put into the hands nf caipeilter painters nnd other tradesmen for re pairs and mr gurney came east to select a new stock ho has been at wholesale houses at montreal new york and toronto for several wovk tho store was ro opened the dny he foreohrlstmas another hew teacher at tho mooting nf the board of kdu cation reported in inst issue miss tina mcqueen whs enghged teacher nf tho third department of the itihlla bahool a few dny nfter her ougnge ment miss mcquoon not i hod tlio board that sho bnd decided to accept an offer received from toronto thla vacancy waa promptly filled by the engagement of miss quonnlu mc- intyradaughterof mr a x molntvre president of the li towel business oolloge miss molntyro la an ex perlenced teacher and will no doubt make a very satisfactory suooomor to mis smith miss uammnnd tho now assistant in the high school depart ment took her place also at the open ing of the school nn mondny the uu mra orahsm mrs samuel graham who tllul at tho family oddonce on bower ave on baturtlay 28th bucombor was born near maltan on april 13 h itesl sho wnajolntml i wodl wjth her lata busbandi sninuci ithhinn oil february flth 1h17 tind for 2h enrs their was iv very happy homo tmtil death removed tho head on january 10th 1s7a afuir their marrhiga mr and mra graham llvod fur sovornl year in caledon and then romovod to krln where they resided nfjtlt his death and in fact until nine years ego when the family came to acton do ceased was a lady of vary line charac ter a frlond toall a neighbor esteemed hnd a mother beloved she was a de vont christian a member of the baptist church and her homo wuy al ways a welcome lodging place for all ha mlulster mrs graham u sur vived by a fiimlly of nlno as followy i dr w h graham dotroltf joseph and mr walte of copper cliff i samuel of british columbia ida of north dakota i mr james mcintosh and mioses hmina nnd martha in acton all the members of the family wr homo for tho funeral but mr samuel of biltlsb columbia tho ro main were interred lu hip family plot at hrln cemetery on monday imtb ult knox vs new ye hnurtalnment the annual entertain met it of icnox sunday school held on new yvars night was a decided success from the buanoul standpoint a good crowd listened to the varied programme with evident interest the cantataentltlod santa olatis included several solo dialogue and recitations ami each part was well performed by tliaje re presenting tho vatlou character the chorus of santa clans workman was especially enjoyed by the juvenile portion of the audience a hug dilll given by sixteen small girls was ah interesting feature of tho pio- gramme an entirely hew diversion wo mode by a pantomime given by one gentleman and fourteen ladle i judging by the close attention given to tble number it waa highly interest irfg to those looking on the scene of the greater part of the pantonihne wae laid in the pallor of the matrlm- onla agent where the young bachelor wm seeking a wife the olltnak wa reached when he at last discovered one who uould ewejtp wash scrub te to hie mtlifaetloh itv j 0 wllaoo ba pastor of tbe ohuroh dublih on theavetilng of tlie lutli l i cuibrr mis mflkwnn tlio tuncbrr lit 1 1 a mm cert in dublin siliool in iwhulf or tln library the weulbor wm vnry mid and stormy nonucmivittly imlng u poar stabl accomototulloti ihn mt- tetidanco wneiuit uptoexhotatlou nl though the school was abont lllod the programuie wns vnry aultulilu and intvmstlng siucllomt of a vmltd nature were given by pupils mid worn intermingled by nddwsu hougii mid scotch dance the slum tiniong tint pupils wore junius gltilhiiiii ji wlm made nn extclleab apunlng mldreus uml later hang willie uou iimif miilbol land isna cirly and oeorgu h mini vllle llindiincni wtiio mlnnlohuiki i and peter furgusnu uhllu iinnttfl wnt suped by piper itiss and the ai thin faintly hdtgers wire mn oioio mldgley amt afiv minn ii ilji r celved hearty npwitiitfi hihmuuuiunh es werevlvthi by win ilamprfbliu luid wm l mutun clmlrmnn wn mill in mib mclcwen who wan lenvljig dublin paving taught there three year was prosootwl by paopte of tit aectlon wtllik beautiful ting bmcclot and lockutaccoiiipaulod by a suitanlo address it wo rfad on baliulf of ibe ptiplttby win l miillln and thoprcs outatlon waa made by flossy jm klennor htowart and kg la glblions mis mellon wav wry it ipulai through ul ihn tlcollon ami luiwd eatrylng with her tluilr lht wuh fur bur cut urn suociy following is tlm ihlress i die vu tim hkit for three yuara wn h no utood in tlm relation of tuurhrr mid miplle and ut wish to tell ymi bow tftatirul we m forthekliidtllrecldm ilu wuucomi und tlm kflun aympitliy which i it nude all our intm rimrsi ptlaaaut nt well us pro n tu bio ir is ncin coly ni s sary to ujieik lieu of ilia xpl mild record you have untmt ami ninliimtimd for our sliiooi it is owing to juur ability und anllinulaani lhit it stiinda today in the front innk among the school of button ami wi do nut nvt d to seek far foi ibe uiirtt of hiiciahs by patient kuldanctt lu om dlflloulllt you iiavo ruled tlitnugli inhlng btilf control uml or ui cun wm luvt gone on from monjth tn stieiihtli in a preparntlon fui th battle tif llfi mil our siicooimi mn ihorulnnsa in tin coming yutir will ha a lusting im iimr lal to your earnest and ut if dun lug labor at thla hour of parting nt a token of reffii rd and i utnnni wnnsk ymi to accept this brncelet t luunnd i ii hut though you urn no longtr our teaoher the stronger bomlu woven by mutual interest nnd nlma will not lie eaally aevored you will ulwaya buhl n place in our tnainorlee n hiving ninde your work a n dlvlnn musloii by doing it in a right spirit und cheer fully spending ynm atrrngth in dill pence and patience on our labnir wherever wo go however we limy l employed as nfton its our thoughts re islt the scene nf nnr rlilldlmo 1 nnd jwell upon tlu n hint uiui ko i mr youthful nrogrrsti mn uhmuoiiim will recur to the old school imnso uml in recalllnp the well remembered tnnl dente of school life it abiding inllii ences tnwanla truth and i iplit we aluill ever fel devoutly thankful tn god fu his gift of a patient faithful seu deny inn tenober with christmas greetings and iteat wishes for your future suocoa we bid you farewell slgneil on behalf nf hwitlon by tamkh gimiwa anouflkicttii trusters autx jou i oadwaohs con nans christmas passed of i try qnlntly in our burg there were hnwuver nmuy happy family re unions mr olios davidson is ruining a lac now bank barn this wook nn tbe site of tho una destroyed by ire last sum mor tho contractors nro messrs s cuinplaill and n momurcl the woik la bulng dune with block nnd tvokle mr m oiewson oil hicatei and ox pert has been nffured a tempting figure liy an american nil cnmpnny to go to oklahoma u h a tn looatu oil wnlls for them mr crewaon la pantlder- ing tho offsr und will likely oxoept it doenest regret i felt by all o vr the death of mr john stephoiison of acton ha wae well known and eslium- ed by all in this neighborhood by hi death acton has lost ono of hor beat cltliena mr m crewaona little daughter kdnn has lieen voiy 111 lately but is now recovering mr goo kltchlng of bunllngtnn liuslieon bpemllng the pailfewjvifik with ills undo mr john sopor mr wm palmer nr kdon miiu spent several dnya inst week nt mr ii dampers mr end mra wm prick and tho misses frlok of toronto spent the holidays with mr itobt giblmns mr and mrs a cnrrle of toronto junotlon spsnt christines at tho homo of mr geo graham the election have aoolod down wu are again back to the old routine mue mabel alexander travelling for the m blng co advertising house of colorado who has lieen spending the christmas holiday with her parents mr and mra w j alex- nndor nassagaweya left on friday for wheeling virginia she loaves thore on the 10th for lo angelas on miss alexander bus bean very sue oeatful since going to the states mlaa louise who la a pupil of mr hayee school ptilom manor n y4aft on mari- duy miss hoove attending bubop strnohane school toronto leaves on tho lllth it is four years since mr alexander family were all at home mr and mi hubert grippe of portage la prairie have been welcome visitor to their many fi lends dur ing the past few week mr oilpps ha dona remarkably well in his now home mr and mr j ii oilpps apent new year very pleasantly with mrv mophed ran nassagaweya a valuable compendium the new issue of tho canadian almanac for loofl which forms tlm sixty- first of the series is unusually vsluable ami i indispensable to ovoiy office and library in tho dominion many of the lists glvon aro not found elsewhere and in nn other volume con ao much information about canada bu round in o small a apace tho cana dlan almanac has been published con tinuously since 1818 and is ludospuns able to every canadian engaged in pro fesslonal or business life it contains 488 page price 80 cent publish- ed by tlie oapp olatk company limited toronto social and personal xli mtrudu of winnipeg is visit ing anton mmul mis mopbli culemin wn at ii pvler foi nmv ynnr mis get tin nulla spent new year with friend in malton xir d uumwmi m pi returned to ottawa nn i uehitay morning mr ililnul k johnston spout thn holldayh with lir auterat alllston mr iltiiry hull who wn yury iii last wi i k im ulilu to bu about again mi and mi h iniuel brown wl for lluli homo at wlmilptg on tuesday mlus hiiy orandon of tllnvrrsvllle n y vullrd acton fileiuls till week- oil thn davluoii or gnulph feunl mojid y with mr ii p moore mr hut nui of gnulph vultd filiiub in- ai lii anil mojton during the u ufa mum nil hntur it several diiya vmtlrtg in i olyttr it ifrlddv duilhg tin wink muhur iohn u ooldnnia and fiee uiuu oikumivsiit nuwyoar ivfli itoakwood rrleitil mihh fulton of lvjjton was the ginatt nt ms win jihuitoneiiiuliiig thu 1 dlday so isou mr goorgo dnuglus of nqfi i ig hnulii t n snrmusly 111 the past wook ium i now improylug ml u miigglo dron of toionto jet i- lu tliwn this wk ehjnylng i r- u t lib formor frltmili mus jackuoii of moshoroiigh was a u ieil of h r rmuiid mrs j b mao- kenli hiirliigllie weak mis diuy campbtll 1 loionto is spndlng u wai k ukh her grand iiuntant vletnilm villi mr l h iiiiiiisoii or yoiuton iuk u lulling nt thu lu ne of lu i uncle mi win johnstone mr and mrs j w iliutmnd spent filduy or inut wonk at the hoiua nf mr and mi imin kltohlng mlsu m htuwnrt of monlstot re turiu d on h nt unlay to comnu ncu her duties at b luixirklnun ho1icmi muh m mil lord in of oiunytivl le linn 1 1 ii ii iidliig a couple c f will s wllh in i buiui mm i luvuou mi iimlmii w j iltmiphrli nml mi ol r fkiiholowo vlltud f i lun i in in no ni w iui u da mi ami mi minn gninlilo enjoyed call fittin mi win molavub or midland dining tlm h tllday woek mr ii ml miu mid master myrvin kltchlng of n uug weya apent now yinni diy ill urn builio of mr j w ilmmiml mi mul mn i a wuldlu nnd uou of mill uit mn ml4 lliiwkhih are thn guiou r mi iiml mis wm white 1jikn am mm 1 h 1 m mid ilillliun or h uul q ii hue in n xiindlng a a uplit of ullih at iii limnu f mi aiut miniblillnui av miu i ilnt hliutiu und mlu holiiitumi iiliiinid f ii no nw yulk inat filduy omlug in thu critical itluimi of ml ittlktl agnuw mi lameu mc i mi uc uliu has been ut nlngn m tn tho p ut two or tin lo jou tin uul lioiuo ou tllday and will upoi il huvi i il months lam mlsu mn m lu iu mil is hiii homo finm tlio oultt go ut 4t 1 liiiinuu foi thu boll dayu hur m my filend horo always woluonio boi vuilq to tbu old homo mlsu hoi tlm hmnorvllli of decker villi allihlgnu u vulling nt ttio home of im limit miu wllllti u amliiuon p 1 1 hi ami ollur fikmlnin town nnd viliuii mra lliiinlmi ami litllu boii nltesta dick and llurb m f llrii nptnn and mr allart loiduu of uuillu wuio holiday vlslloiswlth tlioh sister mra i a ulckspn mi nnd mrs w t burt wera ut coolngsh on now yours day nttnnd ing thn guldun wedding of mr nnd mi lames burt the father and mothor of mi buit mr and mra itolieit oilpps of poitngo li pi nil le mnnltobu aro vulling at tlio homo of mr william amluison pool ht and othtu filond in town and vicinity mlaa mj rile waumi luiu bum on- gugud to tuuo a position on thu staff or tlio giorgutmvn high school nt a salary of vu00 hlw will loiiv u stnynui to go to gooigitown tbu 1st of fob i iimy mm iwariim m b o warren dr win ten wyohwodd pntk mr and mia w k stono and family toronto and mr and mrs b d war- the only way to vtart m saving account la to atari it good inten- tlona do not bear interast neither doe idle money thelumk of ilatulltnii pay interest at high eet current rate compounded quarterly georgetown branch it jt uhwat agnl ruction skle 0p 8003 wofttu op highclass runlttlltt and carplt3 at j mstruthcrs old stand upper wyndimrti st guelph 11ms ingram auctioneer liau revived luntrultlous to chso out tlie entire stock ef ftirnlttir ami arjwtu on tliutkday friday nml hntnr day jan ctb loth and utli hale held nt a p in in the afternoon nnd 7 o p m gootln will bo stared free of fmrge until required f g- brpoiiglies go -s- guclpli old folks eukuuv iud nmimi fttmuf- no tuhtl n i il lo ut llit bhunuium lsllkilrulnmjlalupilmif siunuh uvtt klauvt nj dowtulu tooj dtjin il lot tka mftstih uul vor u lv ut natures remedy be your doctor ttsi ukbl may inj iimm x vlll ip tout mum i uuh haj tttuutlo ikil itffl lmialiio or ik puxhau better than pills for liver ills get a m box tor sale by e a robertson druggist acton great clearing sale remnants odd sizes remnant broken ranges remnant short lengths run uoorgutuwn spont new years nt codnr crook fai m miss maggie smith was in toronto to nttnnd the blblu con fir once for a fow diija at now ycnrs tho confer onao was wi y intuicstlng nnd sucoesa- ful sha met u lib ipnny of her former friend who welcomed hit a mllo or oodpaee nt home tho indie or tho methodist ohuich who have boon tingngod for aomo time in culloctlng a mile of copper for the parsonngu fund will miiko their first repui t nt n aoiigrcgntlonnl social lu tho church this evening an enjoyable mufucul nod lit rury programtuo will tta given thura will bo a collection but no ndmlaulun fue im whftsfaatas j tb proot of lb iuldln i in iii eraife morning imfnmirrfflffmlfft itthki two la uiali iuitfl nd mjt ml jljtltg jlj1l ilu ibaotaliwkkaalmm j jhlflw bwlmw auuibo cure fhaebanluvfalltb itoau bimoom atiil eftha ayslfm i sueeom lim wa shewn la m sick wtcuisjjilu livsr w liablliiwmupsllmcurnbi head r weoukaslmestpr tealfsstevm suuur irem tliladuusmlnsminmslall u tbinleuoweattana buvstsraluk ache ijitesiarawissi wo uko stock thu end of tlm month nnd 111 order to clear out nil hrolcun hms and uhort enda of cod and ln fi 1 rcduco ns far as possible our stock of winter goods wo will in augurate our great annual january sale on friday morning january lolli for the bnlnnceof the month there will bo bar gains galore daily ns we ret time to go through and arrange the lines to bo cleared for triday e will have ready the remnants in flannelettes urappcrcttcs prints cottonb linings drchs goods linens shirtings ginghams linoleums oilcloths carpets mattings nbhont laces and embroideries iach following day other linis will be put forwnrd all lints on sale will he marked at prices to eitectquickitjlinjj the store dally this month and keep in touch with this great annual money saving sale henderson oo mill street ac ton forced to raise 25 days 10 read this document and be on hand wednesday january 8th 1008 manufacturers forced sflling fjnly aw tharsiu t of partial cropfalliir anil fininclil alrlngsncy in lit north wait and somawtial dprmil irad ccndlilons in other province our koyaltallorlntfaiil cinaihsn atll co in common with all oilur mmufac turr a found ihamtalv dluppolnlad ihl season in ih amount ol ituilnm ra ivm1 til ran 0 ili atfenls in many bmllons of ilia dominion th tsaull hss limnin lnilirlmifml liocl of msil up rmwu urul msurlauonnur ttnd we iirv incl itit to offer limn cotosssf siocka toflaib whw o6r nllr rtsll hia l ol siarleann isncy dry gtvodi hllua prm comii hosiery indrwar mllllnary man a ami woman a nirnfaliuia iors and 1ur coal 10 lie paopu i ol ibis prl of llmjtrovinc at ruil el an normoiie skenno prlci for ian dy i 10 rats 35 000 twi will basuouiloly no reasii th aellr stocks arb nirlil ai awrlttc pries ijjjftt fn lpucutyour sbro ihlscfllms ostcr ln letnoililna keep ybu kway from this grail sal th vowda will com for 3 mls nd mcif balp opona wadneadajr janirary fitb tell your friends to come this iiupendou tale u orjtirtusj by ourulvas uvry price iiuoimi in aarj immense circulars is genuine weamplov nos bsenclesqr hi advarluloft our own nm and repulatlon wrt your utiidls we hav mt ouraalv a trrrrendoiis taikand weiupandon thadrawldr power nl njitnomlrial valud id 1 1 accomplish ii wsaholild tali in half lhaamouni wantxl on ilia flritlaurdeys e r bollert st co- snlyndhkm strbbt cu9lph f0rwintrv weather riio keanly cold wentber reminds yu if ou tmva delayed giving us your onlur that you cun t dulay it any ianaer our linndnomu ovarcnntlngs and hull liih will pleana ilia must wartfcula irtcnor wo mnu llicin tip right too or ynu don t take tlieiu w gooper thf tailtor corner mill and main rt acton ont the right house iiamilton8 iavoritb shopping tlacu great january sale of good hosiery and underwear flssrtmb yfttfarisi dually wblsswal n us iii- 1 i ii f kkfr r fine furs at reduced prices at macdonalds in accordance with our usual policy to re duce nil stocks before talcing inventory on feb 1st wo announce this oflenng nf fine furs at re duced pricef many very unusual bargains are offered for at their rogular prices inoro value is crowded into maedonalds furs than youll find in any city in this part of ontano our furs are guaranteed genuine more than that they are carefully selected skins of only the host quality nnd aro made up into gar ments boas muffs and nock pieces possessing n distinctive charm not to be found elsuwhore in guelph af any price see tho window display d e macdojrjald bros w- fhw on of rhaftreilflat reduction and special purchase sale svsr announced by tlta ulglit iiouu all are nice new ruui in winter and eirly spriog qualities thoy aro perfect fttling torts llist tlie flight house is fsmaus or ausolute price reductions end special purchase sale tola maba this sale of oreal interest lo every woman of hamilton sites for woman mine sml children sale begins 10 morrow women engl lab natural wool underwear a reduction and cletrtnjr tale of an overstock in lovely perfect fiulna unsbhnk able britannia veaia drawer and comblosllona for woman winter welihts special values at regular price they art rreat bargalps at mate reduced prices mannfeotarerb ovarprodaotloni about hftlf khrioe woman winter vests nil drawers nice quautlse oood wutlna sod par- fect fin ing hygean sorts some are allgbily imperfecl but htve been naaily darned asopoorlesatlnderwear atlooaarment a special lot all perfect and nice fleeced qualities lor winter wear regular rood value and sold everywhere st ajc a garment january tale pi ice 10c the garment english cob h mora btooklno ffpeolal a special purchase at prices below real valuta t all slits in medium to hsavy winter welutits nice fine qualities of eogllih csthmere in fiat block dye per fect fitting and extra good washing sorts some are of llama wool all are ok inordinary value lay in a supply 85e of 8 pl foi m ml value 40o sndus 40o vary smiajrvatvaiua otto mud 000 odd louofgood btooklntfa rodaoad many doien of engllth black cashmere ttocklngt for women mlttes and children marked 10 greatly reduced prices these are broktn rangee lefi over arid ar baiisr value than can be procured today at fanner prices attheae re duced clearing price ihty are indeed rare bargains all carpet will bo made laid and lined rreo durlrny the january sale a straight saving of 110 to 14a on every yard you buy this soplles to the regular naw spring unas as wall as to the big reduced lots tlilagreat january sale of carpets provides- some wonderful bargains don t thomas o w atkins oohhir kino st bast huohioh hamilton ont n jju h h unssarorth midwinter clearance sale many bargains at dig monty stvlng 1rlcet 100 numtroui to mention but the following tt will give a alight ut of the many bargains offered 1 tjria ooodaiooo ytrds drau ooodi in plain and fancy oolorlogs regular 50a lo vi 35 per yd to clear tt 370 per yard mullnary small balance of trimmed end unrlmmed hats as well as other millinery no veil let to clear at ball price vara yaw jsckelt rufft muffs to clear regardless of original worth ladle drew flkiru in btaok navy and tweed effects itegular 4 3 to o 30 10 dear at ts 50 tabls llnenit ulttchell anduubletched ol ben quolllei to clear at big money saving prices glovoi 300 pairs coahmire and woolen fclovet regular 330 lo 400 to clear at 330 per pair lndlek and ohlldrona underwear broken sites and styles to clear at very low prfcos men and hoys uttdarwovrbroun tliea and styles to clear at very low prices men and bpyijqverooau a sirs igbt reduction of so toss per cnt or each garment grooarlfli watch the bargain table tn tbe grocery section come iy and you will not b tliappolnied wanted butter mj d poultry hltfheit frloai paid h h unsarorth wcton rhfr 3jsllfizmt v 1 d fflyrwpp aw

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