Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 9, 1908, p. 4

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c t t tf i ffilic ton jtr mffi tiiui1hday 1anuahy fl hwh mtamoiiima you dlu old your your inn in an t your knull mil in tliu midnight sky why linage oer you with regret why watch your pflln with ft aluli i yott cover with your funeral mil dear jnya tlmt nniinot coma again you take fond hop n dreams plim surea nll tint iili tin mem ml i u tlmt remain 1 hiailtbkn uldbldvbanh not a monday pnunad hut thn pi t irli at at otueyn litoli kivii limit- r jlmuile oiinnitou amoik ii liu alxtriod hljmdml iiilutra ho w one nl tha few who bud iievur vmlftl tin j saloon und hla vxuiupln nv r lit younger rlad witu whol6piirf mnl strong- tw two yli fil i htm jteaeln in iho huiiiluy mii i h uuau 11 iuiyw hit rimliird mihiih him uraw in uuiitlwm und uihulmi whvttlhiiioof uf thu iitliutht to of llieiipiuir vnrld fh in on j i mm in ahd killed him ho rent hlmk rwr above fell nliiii the jyrihnhur hum and crushed it tho ljjut of thn hliilk htnuilurini oommuiid a universal lluto h twccliat about tho mine tines union a wouk on an nverimo it start from thn shaft anil tho word that it la com i tig owlu cvwry woinan to bur door hi all hired of the initchn of enemies when it iiaaitoa thu foik of tbu mild two thirds of tho woman fjl a loud lifted from their itearu tu 1m shifted to those of tho othar third then na it movos townrd oupya or martin or andemnne patch no woman in tlmt patoh known j iy in any earthly thing till it hua pnseid bar door and on that tiny it p luudd aliuuty after ahanty until it atnppml at i lid omiipi on shank far down tbu at run a i if una of cabins and thoy bora in on a strelchor tho llfeloaa form of jlmmlo jlmmlo and hu fntlipr woiked to gothur and both ward iniluhttlnno in i nine had donald shunned tha saloon aa jlmnitn did limy bud inner since known iwttjtr condition hack in old root hind donald and til wlfa bad attnndud tho kirk and hi tin luombms of it tint tbny bad lost their ioiikiohu fallh nlthmili they hoped for iwltcr day a and thoy had their lmpoa to jlmmlo jlmntui and hu fatbui weru direful miner hut tboro nro tlnios whim tho carefully tlnilwrod roofa liejjln creak and tha minor wnrned by tha ominous sound baa only tlnia to run feollnpon hu hunk h hn runii thn rtiub of air that nccnmpnnua iho fnlllnr of the roof ixdilnd tbla tlino tboro waa no warning anund dnnnld chanced toluokupaaarookatnrtadand apranp to aavo jlmmlo but ton lata tim prohohoi lutially arrlvod hard behind tba nmbnlannn 1 and ha had laaniml wall mich worda of comfort aa wore pnaalhld in iii one and aoitdltlnna but ha felt that bo could not go to thn odinomu lioiud hu own liuitrt waa tooeruahadt ida own fallh lay undar tho fallen latu jlmmlo the flnoat truaat young man in thn mine tho paatora hoat liulpar tho trtioat ov dturdc of lempaianoa and sodllnnea waa gone what could ho aay to tho borrowing piranta or ovon hta own anul f ilut go l f n did and whun ltd ontoifd tho rooin tlivro waa no word ho onuld apaak 1 but ha throw lilmaulf on bin kneoa lhablu tho btrotoh er one ami voutid each parant and with qlioklng volcn ha praynd donald und hla wlfo ntut hi in with atony imparturlwhle taarloae facaa tboy warn ilttlo given to aotnnnatra- tlon and thalv grlaf waa too hitter for tear rut thn nilnlatera aohhlng prayer tho warmth of hie arm and tho comfort of liu fellowship wont to their hcartn and thay wept or their knoaa with lilin then thay roue and thamnthdraald donald lot un aya tbimk qod for thoao olghtnou hliwuad ionra wu havn had our jauilo and let u think of tttenrand ihiiuvo thatqud la guwl ynuthh omnpanlun wit amd humor he ho you pertl in breaking off ih igmqmnl v j hht mnut dnullm 11 what do you ikt nifi j a i lhioh ubtiit 10 hatter think it over 1 it may ha your laat ohanee ho did you htrur me ulnglng under your window hint nlghtr i bono your fatbnr didnt hi nr it nlio yn be did hut you neednt woriyi tin thniijrii h waa the cat mr lnr iu i dont like farmer tom a he too uplnloua mr llnalua what bo dono howf mra hmi vnnhialo now dont nil tin jji1 1 llliitui i- inrt ly ow highly wild mh mr hj i4 lnmlol1uim iutb uki in a mlam m wlliol lot of rye with ihitiuoau mairl hln m n woman who baa m id a ohi ilnd roi b rlwiiefr i b i ti ii i what la hr hllf t uulajio bdutm uho au wtihtva n tkhn 1 a nufoot omrln ful lira ion in law- 1 tell you tha though my daughter la wall uduuiltd aha uiluoi coov fiitura hni in law lhatdiami tlnatler much uoloilgnuahl iuni iry eoueiburatb why graclmii pa aild tha only daugbtrr what in the world are utoea queer arrangimpnla you hao placed in tho vuatlhulu iho old gonllmiian rubbed hla gouty foot and softly chuckled not much dearie ho responded you teo i noticed how long it takea for you and that young man uj aay good night ao i fitted up an alealrlo banter to keep your feat from getting cold and a pm table alarm clock to in form you of the breakfast hour g cvoves we invite you to exmine at your dealer a pair of storeys cowboy gauntlets they are one example of trie velvety softness combined with greatest pliability and toughness imparted to our cloves and mitts by our chrome process j perfect fitting warm 00m- frtblebtty storeys and invest wlselv- inafst oh storeys at all stores made et- actondnt by canadas oldest glovers wn storey son a albnaui ej in axatlvo broniqquiolde vabtet w 1 raud uta j dhnbroub buildiho bkioibtv a building aooloiy which baa bean started hi larla vnnlioe to awoep all tho chlumayenf the monibera iouaea provldii medical attendance free of charge to all ti uanta and to give ovary tenant a chnmco by lottery once a month of gutting three nionthy rant returned to him whenever a baby la horn tho fiarunla will if they have lived in thn hotiso for a year or more recelvotbioetnontba rentaa the bahya birthday pneont it la known kveiywheio there la lint a city town or hamlet in canada whore dr thorn qb eoloctrlo oil is not known wherever introduced it made a foothold for itself and maintained it soma meretmnta may suggest aome othor remedy aa equally beneficial such rucnminendatlnna ahnutd be re calvid will doubt thero la only one keh cli to oil and tbat la dr thomaa take nothing else wonni hon1v nuhnp wllllame of oonneelleut for many years president of th epla- copal church lived all hla life unwed a friend inontlnnod that ona of the states waa imposing a tax on bachelors to uo inoroaaed n certain par cant overy ton yenra of haehelorhoor and added t why duhnp at your aga you would have to pay a hundred dollars a year well aald the hlahop quiet ly ita worth it 11 1 1 chartaradby domloloa oovararaent estabhsliad 1ba4 the merchants bank or canada liuad opiice montuual inieraat addad four llmara year 0 uraiicbas jouatuah iiodobok en rmldenl sia ii mowtaqu alum vice pmldani- oaneral uinigar e f hiadiw dspoalla over t 003 000 00 toial aiula ijj 00000000 capital paid op 16000 000 00 qarplua 4 00000000 savings bank deposits one dollar or upwards will opett an account uonay withdrawable any time no delay rarmkrs salk notrs wa have special facilities for collacilng iheia wa will cash lhm at oece if desired it a low rate of interest joint accounts whan requested vie will open accounla is two names bo that either ona may draw the money hoaband or wife ate aoton branch w s chisholm manager tocuhuaooildihohb day taka a ltl tlramedulnlaa vabult drudfluia mluofl the inonay it u una to eni k w urovmilduaturaooaub ueahanl oivino it awav two highland farmoiu mat on tin ir way toohurob mmi aald d maid i wnsa wondeilng what you will la aakln for yon hit abuip over at yonr ateadln r man lepllud dotigul i waaa thlnkln 1 wad ita wan tin fifty ahllllna foe that ahoop i will tak it ut that said donald 1 hut ooh man dmigal i am awful aurprued nl you ilolu htiblnoas ilu the sawlmth biiblnvsn 1 oxolahnnd daugal lian selling u aboep like tbat for bfty altllllna la not luulneiu at all 1 it a jubtobailty 1 while inoto prevalent in winter when illrtd err changes in the weather try thn alrongnat consllliitloiia cold a and oouglib and allnienta of tho throat may onmo iu any season at flrat eight of dorangemont uso lllokiia antl oonaumptlvo ayrup instant re lief will ho evpoilvuced and imo nf tl0 inatllolnn until the oold dlsapiioara will protect tbt lungs from attack for anyone with throat or ohmt weaknosa it cannot iw siirnaaaed a lono houtb in reply to an ndvertlamnnt for a tneamnger boy ouo of tha appllnanta was a dull country youth how far la it from tho earth in tho moon p aa the first qiipatlnn put to hhiblii his flretexaiti how far u it from the earth to tho immiir echoed tho lad iaayguvnor if youro going to put tna on that route i dont want the jolt hb took the dlahk iiif- mugglne bojiold in iuaalaef made imfaliis ieongratulateyoubaoanse of yoltr eharltableneiia t mugglne i beg puilon r dlgglmyou ani derulny clfarl- uble in taking all urn hlarrm opj your- a misa a hot a proud joung father telegraphed tho nuwh nf hla hnpplness to hie brother in thoio wnrda 1 a handaomo hoy bau oomo to my housu and claims to ha your mphow wo aro doing our beat to glvo hlin a proper wel- tho brolhar howover failed to aac tho nolutt and raplled 1 i hava not got a nephew the young man la an impnauir ilavo you lilod nollownye oom oim p it hut no equal for removing lliobu ti ouhh mt mo evoreueuoep ai many havo toallflotl who havo tried it a dippbrbhob ti10 ptopln 1 lived wld haforr maam sahl tho new nook was vary plain wall awlied hei now employer uto wo not plain bore r via are maam hut in different way they wua plain in tlinlr way o itvln not in their inokv maaiti you cant begin to pppreuat the full value of our house coats until you have put them alongside others at even higher pileea our label on a christmas baa or package la the hall maik of satisfaction if you want your gift to be thor- eughly appreciated tbla la your store duyersare sending ua their friend r- e nelson 03 wyndhsm st cuklph aoth aoriid a hulldara uhnrar had got hurt not much more than a aoratrh it la tiuv but blaemployir bud vutone of iwlng coiupalled to keep him fat lift and had adopted the wlae oourao of sending him at once to the hospital after the house lurgeon bad examined lilin cart fully be aald to the nuraa i aa aulwulanvoue abrasion la not nbavrvahla i do not think there u any reason to apprehend tegumental cloa trlaatlon of the wound then turning to the patient he aaked quhudcallyi what do you think my man to which the latter made reply 1 well youre a wonderful thought reader doctor you took tha vyrjf words out of tuy mouth tbate juat what 1 wm going to aay s mad as uw aal lomklv whata tho matter with yon v aaked ida wlfi im feeling lonely waa the reply dont you ilka this townr i dont like ibu earth whala the nhjecllnato itr pop are too egotistical if theres anything i hl its egotism and when i ee king golnp about confidently and doing thing wrong and diplomat a trying all wrta of insincere tricks with complete effront ery and lawyer seeking applause for arguing on tha wrong side f the case and everybody displaying utter sulfleh- naaa without a blush i am forced to tha conviction that i am tha only consistently high toned and moral gentleman on tbla glob and it makee ma feel lonely avamitaaa or aixa the man who feede hog should have them aa near even aa possible to do tbla lerteceuaary that they should be about tha eamo age this of course arranged by properly breeding theaowe to bring tho utters aa near together aa possible they feed hatter when they are of iho same alm they look better and thoy salt utter to tho dealer for the pork market it adda value to the hunch to hava them of uniform elaa and smoothness in fact thorn aro partloe engaged at the itoek yarde in buying up bunohas of mingled sites sorting them out into even laad lots and making a profit by ao doing they maka ibis their busl ie a man who wants to buy a bunch of ihlppera alwaye seloete the smooth even alaed hoga or pigs mkw raoibov oattlk by crossing and teloctton a new variety of cattle known aa the horde lalsa race haa iwan developed in south western franca the two parent varieties are tha holland and the breton cattle hie ona famous for tub abundance of tholr milk tha other for their provision of butter tho borde lalee race whose flrat hard book ap peared in 1880 le aald to combine the cvoallancee of ua two progenitors its moat ebaractarlsllo external mark is the black and whlta tiger pattern covering the body in tha puro breed tha head la entirely black tha name comes from tha city of bordeaux tho metropolis of tha wglon where tha new race la bred who she was sketch of ti1e life of lydia l pnkham and ntruo story of how tho vegetable compound had its birth and how the panic of 73 caused it to ibo offered for public sale in drug stores malvft nninfl wiu ao vu ttom li lynn ml i cbnutry lull piht cmji 111 ill v quaker tatiilly vot ifltno ycara eho taiiijlit whoiil and ing froai a good vot fotno ycara el jwwmo known an o wnrnon of ult ulert three trying times in a womans life when milburns heart and nerve pills an alma an aliaalau aammlty taar4a w falora btsllk tha ana wba tha u iam bwlilaa fraai am- wmmi into tke full blaow el wataaakeeil tu sateaj perlea tkal aeasututaa a spatial drala ea the ayausa la derlsc beatuaay tbf turd aad tba eae taeat usus la leave aetri sad aarve tnubus udaria vkaags el uls- in au tbiae atlb uubttrae heart sad nerve nils will wove el wesdarnd vahw te tide vnr tha time icra iubm viae cornwall oolwrius xwaafamiuad vary auau whfc imait troubla uta aaum balm te a sjraal axleal duatosbaatee4ufs i aavakaaatauaver hasrt and nerve mia foe asate tlaae aad awaai a eentlaue mag aft sa i aaa tnluetty say tbay sra ike um remedy x kave ever used far building up tke aveuas yea are at ubarty te um ibu atsusuat fat uw beeaal el etaer aabarers ftrlae w ewu tee be ar thfm beaaa far 1 ji au dmlwa wuit uiltaara oe lbajud tweale oai more terrible thanwar hon terrible than war famine or pea ulenne la thatawful destroyer that iyn beaded monitor conamnutloii that annually awtwps away mure of earth e in babltaiiu than any other single disease tmnwn to the human raee it la only a cold a trifling cough aay dallaatomueaas nrainbrane eauaeatltarn to back away with an irritable tloklina of the throat whan tlje irritation aetthsoji tha at norma aarfaee of the throat aeougtt la the remit vo nravent jlmtwhltla or con aumntlon of ilia lanigs do not negleefe eouiib however llluht aa the irrluth euroadlntt uiroualiou iv the sensitive en pu 0 mhin lewis to f slil resulta if on thu hrat appearanoe of a ooiigh o eolu you would lake a law domstlf dr woods n o r w ay pine syrup you wonfd save yourself a great deal of aaneoawary btttferlng fit wood nor way llna hyrup ooj pfapertle of astht the life giving i norway i and ill ai jnsall of tha plnotnteiol afetesaatt ink a man to climb far must each day aurntount at least uno fear rourjaauott lphnalralaei flrat t whan wa undertake to fl your kubaorlptloni we give thoui our undivided attention and beat care the patlenta welfare la our flrat con elder tlon second i we gtiarantoo our drugs to ite of full atrangth aa well aa pure and fraeh third t our customer are aupplled with juat what they aak fort aubatltut- ing li never allowed fainht dkuutt ooupodkd if you am a aufferer from kidney dlaaaae liver complaint blood trouble rhournatlam neuralgia or nervoui ptoatratlon we confidently veet mend the uae of palnee celery com pound tbla reliable and never dbv appointing medlone 1 a true dlaeaae banlalier and eystem builder we supply the genuine palnea celery compound at drown acton ont whether or not all love la blind seir lovectrtalnly la ve the aafr pteaaant and effectual worm killer mother grave worm mxtarmbmtort nothing roiiiau it procure a bottle and take it horn irmiblvvant hvidlbnott ata term of the olrcultcourtlh ohio not ao long ago a horta case was on trial and a wellknown horsemen waa called aa a wltneaa well air you aaw thla horse t ask tfd thfl counsel for the defendant yea sir i- m what did you dot i juat opened hla mouth to find out how old ha wait un 1 waya to hi id i aays old aport i gueae youre pretty good yet at thla juncture counaol for the op posing aide entered a violent objection btopl he crlnl your honor i object to an conversation carried on between tho wltneaa and tha horao when the plunllh waa not present i the main ingredient or true man llnesaaraaforgetfulueaa of self and a regard for duty the wlae man know enough to ohange hie opinions with conditions only the fool li invariably oonalatent if you like your neighbor he la de cided i it you dislike him he la ob atlnate it all in the point of view so popular ulcklea antl consump tive syrup hi a medicine in the treat- inent of colda and emighe and ajlment of the throat due to exposure to draught or auddan ohange nf tem perature that drngglitaandall dealer in palentuaodlcinaa keep auppllea on hand to meet the duraand it la pleaaant to take and th uae of it guaranteee freedom from throat and lung diseases flattery la turned to good aooouut whan used aa a guldepoet to all one ought to be there la truth in all oread bach la augment in th circle of truth com pleted some humane are labeled content- ad whan lost ambition is meant english walnut ihrlla glided and filled with very tiny dolls and tied wlfh r s hang on the christmas tree and will please the little folks a purely vegetable pill par me- we vegetable pills are compounded or root herbs and solid extract of known virtue in the treatment of liver and kidney complaints and in giving toil to the system whether enfeebled by overwork or dart rtged through e oeeaee in living tbay require no testimonial their excellent qualities are well known to alt tho who bv uaed tltom find thay commend them- ealyeeto dyspeptic and lw aubjct cures dyipeiulcbausj plmvlu htiduhui conitlpitlon lonorapput salt rheum eryilpli buroruu and nil tronblm khilnirtmm tha bteramh uyr owu or blood milburns laxa liver pills llowau conotipation ilsffisasa cure biliousness hbasw clean coated tongue anu llltoniraiiua i alter knnuliiliro an 1 n1on nil of a wonderfully njmptlutlt i itnru in 1811 alio mnrrlul imnc i mkhn a bulliltr anl rnl entalo ojm mt r ni their ly marrim life wn inurllil by proawrlty and hnpplnorn thry hnl lour clilllren threo sonm nn 1 a dan jhkr in llioso good vhl fanhloruil ilijn it waa common for molhira o mako llulr nwn homo medicines from rootn nml herbs nsturos own roniodh tailing in a nhyilrfan only inaprflally urbonttniion ily nulltlou and oxporlcnco innny of them kilned a uomlorful knonlmliio of the curative propertlrn of tho arlnun rootailid herba hot rinkhain took a ftnnt inltroul in uie study of rootti and httrlw their clinr acurutlc and iuwer over dtat ruo blio malnlilnetl that just as nalnro ao iwunt fully nrovldea in tho hnne and orebanls veffutahlo tacuu of nil kuula so if wa hut toko tho rwiiiia to tlnd thtim in the root and hnrlw of tho hold thiro arersmftdlea exprcflsly dtalgnntl to euro tha virioiia ills and wrakncsub of the body and it wm hor pkamiro toaearcb the out and propo shnplo and ojfoc- tlva medicines for her on fiunlly and friemli clilcl of thee van a ram rnmblnatlon of tiia fholccnt medicinal roots und liorti found beat adaptotl for tho euro nf tho ills an 1 wenkhtwes nwmiar to tho female lux and lailla li ilnkhams f rlende anu nclililwr learned that her compound rcllevat and cured and t iwcnmo qulto popular among them all hila to far v ns dono f nx ly i ithout money and without prlco no a inlwr of love hut in 1a73 tho financial crisis struck lynn it length and aoverlty wcro too moeli for tho largo rca ol the rtnkham family burlnm suffered moat from fearful do- prewlnn so when tho centennial year tlawned it found tholr property an opt easy soma other sourco ol incomo had to be found at thbi jwlnt lylla i phiklunn the grand trunr railway paiisenobii thalmd oil u i iii 1 wl lili r irc thu old cilicni woru cltuillc sucy acton z thnlr imitluir comlilifid wreck tor rcatora tho family fnrtimo thoy argned tbat tha ijiiwllclno wjilrk waa ao goofr for thtilr woiiiiur i rlihula and iwlghhore was tniually lipiwl for thn women nltlm wliolo world rilil iinkhania hail no tntinny eiul lluln crtilll their first laboratory wna tho kltiin uhrru rootaand herle were aumjud on lim stove grailuilly fllllus a groon n imltltii thou ramb the miration of solllnj it for nlwaya iwforn thoy bad glvtnlt uuay freuly thoy hired a lob prlutt r to nin off auinc painphleta sotting forth iho merit of thn medlrlne now rjdtud illa i vlnkham a vcirntahla conioiiiid ami thcaft were dlstnluld tint piukham eons in lloaton jrl nnd ftrooklyir tim wonderful turntun properties ol tho inwlli inn wro to a urcat extent sell mlvcrtldlntr for whoever uaotl it re- coninniiiclwl it to othora and tho demand jrn lunlly iik nimed n 177 hy coinbliim efforts tho family bail rncd cuniidi money to commence nowwpnpor advertising and from tliat tliim tho in th nnd stircciw nl he enter nrlm ncrurumirtd until totlay lydlall iinklmiii un i hi r igetahlo compound hno iwioirn hoiwhom wonl every w in n nn 1 in my tons of roots and borne t i tumu illy in its mnnu 1 li i iinkbnm bcnulf did not live to mi thn gnut rucccoaof thin work foho pawhil to nor reward years eco but not till nhe h 1 provided mrami or contlnu hi in i i uru aa effectively aa sbo couu hnoont it ion if uurii h r 1 i i nn i eventful exptrl tint ilm wan ttr tncthodtral in her work and eho was ulwujs careful to pro- m ro n nrord of very ensn hint ramo to htr attention ihn raw ol cvory sick woman who npplkd to her foraitvleo and thero wcro thounanda received tarful btutly and tho details including uyinptnms trtatment end result wore n conlod for future roforenco and unlay tlicpn n conla together with hundretla of thiiusanda mado elnce are avallablo to olrk woipcn tho world ovor and repre- ntsiit n vast collaboration of informailon rcpnlhifi tho treatment of woman hla iilch for autberitlrlty fcnd accuracy can world with lardia u rinkbam worked hor daughterln law tho present mr pink- ham hho woa carefully instructed in all her bard won knowledge and for year she aaalaud her iu her voit corrca- pondenco to hor hands naturally fell tho direc tion of tho work when ite originator pnmotl aw ay for nearly twenty ave fcare nha bin continued itland nothing ntho wtrunhnwh when uio flrat lydla ilnklmm dropped hor pen and tlio prcacnt mra linkliam new tho mother of a larro family look it up with woman anistanta soma aa capablo a hor- aelf the present mr plnklinm continiira this rrtat work nnd probably from the oluco of no other person havo ao many women iwcn advlaotl how to regain liimlth blek women thla advloo la yonra for health freely given it yott only wrlu to oak for it such la the history of lvdla e ihnv- 1mm a vcpetahlo compound i made from rbai willow slijt nuflriust cduti on 1 jo- lalnuiiv ll4il i am a jtmulry nantof i njfbunfilenc tilil nlvo ipfclil bin in irr clirn iu avllcua oral bin u hrotinhi it m imuvlrixo si ira irmln i ao ttiiylll not hmj your hack btnml ipf llirjtlrnnad iiity will riot i rali in ily v injr j all lartlo if i u nw iii ilnfnjf done willi efitlru jiiufjcl ion nii pfmnptly oo in lharliu sucy and icj him know whan ilc 1 mid ha will n l ail yo arnolds livery btatio lion l si aim a mill hi acton styluli htj uoiihlo or ilnitlo aupplled on fclnrieil noilcn c6mmphcial ifuvntiiti on ijllts riven tpcclal attention henry arnold proprietor w h walker painter pap hanger decorator main slrcet aclon op pail ijiejilionaon a iii icktmltli all work kiuramrc 1 tho work of voir in actan h proof ol in ex gallon go o lirt la a v i drowns drug taro w ii rt jlvj prompt allbnllon w h walker aoton yk li molclno for omen imonu an j tho totliaworia i nttlna monument to tho noblo voman ttu uiroo win ami tho ilmuhtor wlthlwhom namo it bun newspapep barsaiil 165 willis aa far removed from wwiii- naaa aa courage la from cowardice thoy never knew failure oanful obaarvatlon of the effect of iarmo- laaa vegalahle pills haa ah own that they aot immediately on tha dtaeaaed organs uf the lyetem and atlmulate them to healthy action thero may be ease in which the disease haa bean long eated and docs not sanity yield to medicine hut oven in audi caeca these imlle have been known to bring relief when all other ao oalled remedoi have failed these aaaertlona can ha tub- tantlated hy many who have uaed the imlle and medical men apeak highly of their quality immediately aftertable clothe come from th wringer fold them lay mldo rolled in eheata for two or throe hour then iron while damp there never waa and never will be a uulveraal panacea in one munady for all illeto which flesh la heir what would relieve one iii in turn would aggravate the other we have however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulter ated etata a remedy for many and grievous ilia hy its gradual and judlolou uj the frallmi ayatame re led into oonvaleoenoe and atrangth by tha influence which quinine exert on nature uwn reatoratlvea ft re- have those to whom chronlo state uf morbid deaporidenoy and lack of interest in life 1 dlaaeae and by trarvqulluung uw nerve duttketjo sound and refreablng sleep imparts vigor to the action of the blood which being stimulated ooureee through the vein euengthening the healthy ani mal fttnotlon of tha ayetam thereby nuking activity a reoeeaary reault tmnguurnlng ute froe and giving hta to the digestive organ which naturally demand inoraeed eubaunoe feeult improved appetite north- ropft iyman df toronto have given to the ptibuo jbelr rapertor qulnlo by ha opinion of eolentlau th wn the aoton pr pra wn th vamlly herald and waekly btak el umitrasl tiib pree trena will lurnish you with everylblng of interest in thla local torrl tery bxsry borne in thla district should recfllve the local paper tlie family herald und weekly btnr nf unntreal la the acknowledged family and faim paper in camailn moktilflcenthowu service j- itanuraorpua apeelsl departrrienle itaintereatlug mnlno features its great ueriahi and popular short utorice nfnk it tko grcntout dollar a worth to be had the combination nf the 1roe preao and tha family ilorald and weekly star provldea tna greateut amount of wholesome family rending and rdlnblr new from all parts of the world send yeuraubsorlptlonto the acton urdu ppks3 acton ohi aoton pump and tile works cd bbdagh proprietor our premltte sre now fuuy eaulppatl wllb all the latest machinery ami appliances for manufacturlnk piftttpaeatf fump stippllwa tiltorwnaolurtimcilvrtm eo steam ptpm rittlux toola and ije supplfrw ordere promptly fllud main strbbti acton is it footwear vou ara look- ing for if thats tlto csec goto william shoe store i carry a full lino of boots siiocb rub bers etc for pcoplo of all ages and sizes fall nnd winter ttbok now ready for your inspection wm williams th sbo urn hill blrml aoton hcton ll er y 1mb bus liki tho unttcrelftnc i rcspecllully solicits iho pairoimra of tlio pub ilc nn 1 infornm them tint well baiiltipad and otvllah it ira enn ulwaa ha becuruil at fits tables a enmfon ililo 1 un mcelt all rains hotwlon loooam ami 6 10 p m careful niitntlon riven 10 overy onlar 1 lio wnrfls o cam marcltltrivclhrra fully mei john lniiulihjuts pnophibtor w- ginisop shop- painter paper hanger sirn writer pigtuicjurtmer mill st acton op- poiite willfims livery repairs promptly made to furniture tinware etc no unnecesbar dulay knives rround scissors sharpened courteous attention and reasonable prices v gimson everton 5 eden mills tha ewt quality ol manitoba family emd ptry flour ror caloat lovyt proo our own hk l chopping done and oiti rolled every aay feed for sale dash for wheal aoffoals the old and reliable ra nlte and marble dealers sla prleaa uius hllai our eiislonian esiit wa liava ilia wal avp1fsaae sud ttia tjion omi atla tools iirepairl freni uunilrada of a id arwtdo noil m out l uloo wiio ssu omi fly w saa ilvt wb ara rosoulaeturara and dlmi iiuimxuii ol all kinds ol itonu mantel sud luwmou work wa li dlraai to our euileiuara al wliala 40 pi- jd mi only mselianlos in iha do m i u loo ate nuaumatla toola iiiaas r its a laar srsai kff i bv ssodliti outlnokbi saj la hi im fro nf u u nil ada or wore thfn any ihw tha vaal wa are saiultuata daalara and aw to roll to an stand la suna in oramw i opt lbs isrsmi awl bask sloak ol u ran i la la ths liimjulori of uiorf tjnjn i art braa daaura in ol uranll io not annoy or i wa awploy uaoliaulaa onl stlllon f or past eui mutouubji ily sml df hamilton sons oor norfolk and waemeu su duaxhi new pictures at water bros new ideas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always fresh and of tlie best quality photoengraving halftones on war cuss t puftposesxa e jwqmswg maww drian ooivnlaht ao ifcpjss sicritific jftticr can 3 uiwilraln1 vnklr inii eg- raakoauao lirapsu hott br w spmtal nolle wilt nut itturiiwii ilutt llliitui throuib athintlnlaii c 1 ly irsunt buslntn qi uanaf- tltnalnaar s marion marion pfclnt

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