Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 30, 1908, p. 2

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favhl ah ii 11 nary in mini lli i luliar i lurnyrix ilmouiu ai rliu nhl nr of hm til id partm haul mir 01 mill till i 11 nw vui tvui11 li mv ij i hurl ii i atitilr lituultitrr ui uii llliiulmti lormurlt of i i kir l iuli hwllinuicjti nm iww of sualloii dif vanhdmuim at litmiltwu 1 1 mi umiuy ijili january tliu wlfo of a h yauliuriiiali a toyaair hmitm al oniigl on hulumuy jati nti v unrarl widuw of hi i ltta june it hlllltll mm m yuh noaaiaou umilay ji mil 1 lirwbe craw ford widow nf llm lato tiiliur tturrla lrra uar mnyr hwaeauaijhmtii aolnri on monday urtli ji mur lloliarl vmuun infmil aou of fraiiu mwuktiaiiiair woulif ffibc retort xtt lxcs thuuhdav ianuaky lui juisj kditonial ntvtb y mr m v ah win i illim ut tho fix patdtor nlitntli iiilioiml u it scut 111 till llouul tpf olllllrthhm f ik llio uberfl litluiujiw fji h mi it- union la at vii ueuiliiy in thu bytiilikilun by svausvjorllyiif 111 milton ooiiuoll lit huvljitf lu lluriy over tho hiilruniiiidilpijf tho ilmlili light onniiplttto n wnll itu adoii councillor mcuiiniiull w iu uhiiliuiiui lutyeurmnffilt unit in uliuiilittiiiwitlif honor ukiln tlu yum in lilx hni ncn from tli n llrat inmitlnu hii wiiu imp plantotl liy nnuthiir momlmr mxl inn in ooibdiioncu tnndoild hlu nndgim tfon all fears unit a large nmmiiit of tlm low frnilp grain iulit hn i ft in western ulitviituru nut prnvi u inwi to tho ownere hns luun niimmri anil tho grain itself u rottik cmstwiu il an tint iih tlm rallrouda enn imndh it tin gorvoral freight ngont nf tlm cj it boa stated mint tlm company had ntic cooded in pliirlng very inrjrn ordtnu for tlilu wliiiat in i pi aid mini li is holng l upldly hpi l f h t ln nw vmlt ami ii iimi i- li v that all thf flfvaiiii will ink i i this china of win it ihiik in fiirn ili arrival of warm wtmlhni tho opponents of prohlliillon urn vary aablifuoua thinn daya in i in aolloctlau of atntlutlau to prnvn thai more liquor li on nullum in ihn tinl tory oovontd by prnhlhltoiy lawn limit iawlitiru it u all vi iy iiiioihhiihk ami th innut intorituihik tlilnu f all il to wltntav tlu plmnmimiial unilvlu of tliu lirtwnra and llijinn dmliiu in promoting tttiiiiiranii li kuihiioii i omor ilmt tlmy may lm tililn ihnu in ell innro of their wan our u mh i- no tlouht nro all wiiikuhiu of miu notorlouu activity i nawhvlllo ad vocato tua duiliiion govt inniiiit iu luulofi very cmimniidllili utip4 to aid in uttloia in llipwtmt wlin limt tin li iiah 1jat bomhoi it haa boon dixldid to advance to lliomi imtlluiu nf allothi and tho siibkittuliikvan win m- rrnp woro a fiillnrt miftluu ut funds tn nnhlt them to purrlinm mtd uuiln tikwo rdvnnciia will m hindi hy wiij of a lnnn almnt four million ilnllaiu la nflodod tn limni n tlm wliolo snlipnir sciki nnta will llkiy tut purohahi d in drltnln rind prnhahly in koruii nod hwodon po an ti intrndurit dlvrimpd floronl crops in wtulurn provluci a the following very impjiitant an nniineiuiuuit u a nitalu ludlrailou of thopaauinfr of llm hind lliucu whirl imvo honn hm i limci i lmtli in amoilaa and kuiopu fin bw ral monthe tho into nf dlurnuut nf i hi dunk of england inn huun to day r duood from ft in i pur ci ut iiiim inoiinu thnt ouphal whhh nftoi th pinlo in new vmu lat hiptcinhpi wunt into rntlroniont foi llu win it ix again out innklnk for wmk tn do ami prvrtnrod to riok for li a of a ml urn than fnntierly it la well within the mark to any that ninny vt ry profllahli undortaklnh nil over the win id huvi iwoii tainponuily nhandnnnd diirlujr tha taab alx niontlm la nauun tint tlglit neaa of tho mnnuy market tho aontliiiont ngnlnnb the hnr rnnm oontlnuoa to grow i n in tlin laige eltlaa notion in lining taken tn largely ourtnll tholr uuiuher and inuunnce toronto city council on monday night dteldod by n vutt nf 1ft to 8 in reduce the nmulwr of tnvnin llconuun that may 1w laanod in toronto tn 110 a bylaw t thin effect wjb introduced hy aid ualen it wm no fullown i that tho tavern llcemwa laiued uhall not exceed the nuniher nf one hundred and tan in any one yenr at preutmt the limit in 100 hur n n uiitl tar or fuel the iiloenan uoiiniiuuliiiiern liavn luuu- ed only 144 uaunnen thin uiunnn that thirtyfour hoc nuns nrn to hn cut nlf no may 1 eitcppt thnt tho hnlder thereof will probably hugrantid three nmnthr eitontlon hy tde iloenn uoininlnhlon rt na la outomary in diilii canou thb bank or hamilton ah inof in poflt ovic laet vmmrm noordit llolda itm own in bvivy naaiioot the bank of hamilton premmifi n tatemont which uhuwn n witlnruoliuy itioream in pmfltu ovon over the rrc ord of laat yeur iwlng nt the iate nf 17 percent oo thu paid up no pi tut in oonieqiienoe tho bunk iihln to carry forward to crwdlt of profit and iom the voiy bnitdaoino imlnncn nf 217010 h cnmpimd wllli 8111370 uat yftf tho general titatemeiit tiowa little chiiiign irnni litut year thedupnelle mo practically the uaiuo and in thl reapeot tho ilauk of llmiril ton line fired iwtter thini tlieiiinjoilly of htatllutlnna ihoio buvliig boon u daoroaao in the deposit item hi moat eaua tlm capital stock nudtenorve oontlnuo to equal uo enoli nllim oall in ma imvo hern leduned hy tainooo wltllti oitniiilhrnhil hfirnn iiiimi bwm allghtly luoreiuub iti lew nf the coririhlime ineviilltng in netful tiloitlha lite hrtmk of hamlllmi in to be ooiigrutuhttud on holding hmjuvowo etipably the depth fioiu whlnh uiu wnnla mreapnkeu in he nioinhie of tieieplb at whlob tiiey will bn bennl iiillan hawthorne nood oontilll ulently uqit ly npd yon wll dover lutio oinuii fcnaay that lift u not wmiti mvliig hinoi council down to business prflllmlnary iturey at opvnlna aioon tjubmldaxt and fomrmm wm thn mad joiik ii ah v bj v thi avsauwoii an tho 1jtuk puunnj predicted the council had u good mimii gallery at the ting on monday evening they hardly got tbnlr trouhloa worth at tlila hitting botvecr after a preliminary evohnnge of nompumonte ihrtween the itoevo mid ohnlruinii of committee on finance liiinlnoma went forward with a hound all thu membera woro present promptly at eight after the reading of thu inlmitae dr nay mild ho doilred tho minute nf the previous uioetlnga to imj corrected mid the i cuiiliithtna recorded which weiii jint jilierlwd in the reeorda iwforo uley were coitflrfued ylnuqutn were hurled biok arfilfortb a utlnn of order lb uilltilclpat law n the ntututen drj unurnlera oplplmi in in pmciudtne olo nnd tboprovieed inga of past nieetlnga al i uok auid dr cray in that the majority ruto lt our jiieetlnge iteeve aftdi hearing tho aollcltoii opinion and paying for it you ars not willing to ncccpltho decision dr ornyi have no knowlodgfrthai tlm council nrdured tho eolloltore oplulnh or egited to pay for it but i want mir- inlniilea made correct heave i mn aurnrlaedv jr gray now mr iteeve wo dont want to hear thnt oyer again lr lute iinlhlug to do with the matt or we want to do builneia lftove yea i know it le herd for you to take a plain statement of facta dr oray i made a motion and it wan put two voted for it and one agatuut it- tho iteeve and he declared it lout i want that matlnn presented and entered upon tho ml nu tut the tn atuionl wo have received here in this matter from the iteeve le disgrace fill it ive iii adjourn thin meeting it h i unhfuyftii proceed to liuul iji gray i imvo n molliin itefore iim council tho iteovo will 1 confirm tho ninnies dr orny i move tho minutes he not ronnrmud ciiun wllllnms i will not agree to nnlli mlng tho minutes until the two mollonu ilia solicitor declared should h ivo hucn put be recorded on the minutes tin itfovu it in not necessary to uroid thodrn motion aa the motion i m wod nt tlm inaugural meeting fixed ijiim meeting foi to night dt gray oh inaugural nonsense the ketvo i nave always iwen eiily when bnuteu on a thing to glva in 1 m uorry to anotlmtiome otliern anuot di giayi decidedly object to tho ll eveu remarks i stand hy tho rules ipiveinlug thin council no matter how long ngn they were passed it wan finally agreed that tho motion tihlrhtho iteovo alone voted against ut the uecuitd meeting and declared iohi nluuild imj inserted in tho mlnuteu himo tho tnn in at ions he declined to put which tlm solicitor dnclured should have hoe n put uuulneae than proceeded with dla pitch thu couuuuloa on flnanos pasaed the miiiuwiiik hcconntat c iniidlaii weal inghotlso oo mipiilie 825 jll ritriiuci ac wheelar enrtaga anil expreue u l5 jaiiuia curnalmn conl and ilieata chaiity 4 75 tc hill nnaloliailty ii 00 i o hill coal iraenglnn 10 40 t v martin wnrk nt cemetery 2 i john mcgibbon is warden reeve wavekbimr wu riomlntd and hop toorithktum nxe vssr tub artanoiho oommittbatav the llrnt meeting of hie county council was held in the cnmt limine milton on tnenilny all the niembere werv present t itoeva hurley of georgetown who hae been wry iii with lung trouble alnce the tnunlulpal election lielng among the nu miter the first hmlueae of the council after aiihscrlblng to the declarations of qualification and of oftlce wun the eleo tlou or the warden for lwh iteeve hwaokhiiuier wun the first nominee bin iqminaor twlng iteeve ie it 1 1 of nelson ind ileve hmltb or ililrllligion iteeve mcglhhun of kqlierilng wiii nominatml by rx wardiin voitl nf oik vlll and deputy luevo tllwnp on of lfsqiieulng lltcso wersahe only nominations r a ulioirg plea wae made mr mr mo gibbon who has ljn in municipal twrntssfnr a mniibetof yearn and whq in likely aooh to relit heevo hwacfthamer geiroualy re- tlretl ih favor of mr kicglbhon who was llun ekfltrd iinatiltiiuiialy iteeve hwaokliumr action was uppreelateil by tho insmltern and be imte boon free ly asuurei that hie chance fur the lioimr next year ere exceedingly bright the standing committees for the yenr ware then appointed ne follows t fimakckj c ford m smith k r kurl itoadh no nihihiiw ii hweck liamer win thompson davidslnolalr and david featherstone cotlntv doiluinoh j v fuil j erwln and david keatberatonu put m no win thonipeon j c fort and j g hardy knucmotfj o hsrtly w o pettlt and e f knrl tllbcut oommuvicatiosh- w o peltll jan krwln and david sinclair railwayu anp slkolai llcoiula- tiok m suiltb ii a swacklihinur and john f ford a strong effort was made to block the putting into effeot of the good roads dylaw patted by inst yeara council natsagaweya sent a depti utlon with a petition having 400 ulgnnturoe it waa felt however that the matter hud gone too far to recede tho government having approved of the by law and made provision for repayment of one third of moneye already spent for maohlnsry and per tnausnt improvements after three sasslona during the day tho council adjourned at ten p in special clothing sale ft5 00 ii p moore was appointed olurk and treasurer pro tern during the absence of t t moore tho rievu nnd cnunclllore wllllaina and speight were appointor a corn- nil it co to look into tho matter of per mitting moving picture entertalnmenta the mo of electric current nt the town hall a ily law wns pnsied giving power to burrow money for ourrentoxpenxen tho assessors bylaw waa patted john hnrvoy being appointed uieaaor nttbonalary of 970 00 moved hy c c speight seconded hy w williams thnt the salary of t t moore cloik nml treasurer b increas ed to 0j5o increase to date from jun umy 1st ims carried unanimously henvn swaoklmmor stated that willi looton of streetavltfe vltlttul town inst week nnd mndo a proposition for the eatnbluhment of a factory in acton for tho manufacture of furni ture plush and artificial fur ha paid lliey would start with twentyfive lunula and inorente the number prob ably within the year to one hundred moved hy dr gray seconded hy o o speight that the committee on finance report at noxt meeting of council ro the offer to ineatu a factory hero for the mnnufnotiire of pluth and artificial fin carried council then adjourned nbwl op thu dav clifford fisher nn indian aged six teen tn t fire in the burn of tlm mount idluln institute and burned up a lot of look in tlin hope of escaping during the oonfuulou according tn miriiim directory the population nf toronto ulu5720 jumoa pallptt toronto junction rinnmo by escaping conl ge waa found dend frnneln john paget hat been award- d 82 600 damagen ngulnat tin torniitn lliilhiray oontpany for injurlea re oelved through hidng ejeotod from n ant nookwooo tho nilfwlonnry unnlvertai y tervlcoe of the mel hmllat church nnthleolrcnlt lout sunday were mott inoeeeaful nnd ginllfylng the siilteorlptlone aggre imtnskto on hiuienicof t70 over itet yiilihiid tlsron two yeare ago the vlnen weio eonduflted hy rv d ii toy i in tint itaainr at the rwpiest of the oongiegatlons riiekwoiht line what la alleged to im a eauo of htnnllpux and a xuvpeet or two the piovliielal authorities imve been imlllhil how the inhtter origin ated in dlffloult to aeeertaln p m dm ry le mil tblpplng turuiw ho hat had n buey eeaton a nf flallrd fctuldeti elleneo in only plated h alton oonbikrvative0 theaiimml meeting of the liberal conitrvatlve association of halton waa hold at milton there wns a large turnout nil parte of tho county iwlng represented oftloort for 10ob were elected as fob iowa president j a smith burling ton vicepresident dr r k ander son milton i seo c k uolllnrakr milton i treat j m ruttedo milton vice presldenta ntatagaweya w l elliott j c diacklook john litter nolenn john a pot tit john brcltnn w irving w potter geo ricliaid- eon john ii shield trafalgar samuel alhertton capt mcdonald john deerlng john a rlgge w ii spears wm pattoraon w o robin- eon evquealng time ohlaholm jt martin rnbt watson jr oeo r thompson james newton ii hdroyd rurllngtnn jus s allen oukvllle wm ferrnh georgetown john win loughhy acton john williams mil ton john irving ajddreosen were delivered hy d hen derson m p and dr a w nixon mpp mr henderson attacked the french treaty explained it provision and asserted thnt canada would gain nothing from it and that it would prejudlonlly affect certain industries retain mont of confidence in r i borden and hon j p whitney were carried unanimously balliharad a very tad bereavement hae come to mr james a itmond youngeat eon of nathaniel lamond of the fifth lino thlt woek in the lota of hie young wife through death from consumption mr and mrs ismnmiand tholr babe same from edmonton alt to the old home last fall to visit the friends bare mrs iitnnnd wt in poor health and inatend of the change lielng a benefit she gradually declined and on tues day death oamo her borrowing hutlintid and a babe of tlx montht tur- vlve mn iimoud waa a christian yming woman member of tho motho dlst oliiirch the funeral will he held thla thursday afternoon at one oolodk to the cemetery here rev g t watts will bo in charge he that would 1m truly happy mutt think lila own lot beat whenever you tee a man in dlatrea recognise in him your fellow man seneca there never wax and never will be a universal panacea in one romedy for all ilia to which flesh le heir what would rellove una 111 in turn would aggravate the other wo have however la quinine wine when obtained in a immd unadulter ated xtate a remedy for many and grievous ilia by ite gradual and judicious uao the frailest eyetemi re led into convalescence and atrength hy the influence whlob quinine oxeru on naturea own restorative it re llevoe thou to wliotu a chronic elate uf morbid detiondenoy and uok of interest in life le a dlaaeee and by tranqulllalng the nerve dispose to sound and refreshing sleep impart vigor to tho action of the blood whlob being stimulated course through uui vein strengthening the hoaltby ani mal function of the system thereby making 4ohvlty a neoeeaary result strjmgthenlnfl the frame and giving life to the digestive organ which naturally demand itloraaaed substance result improved appetite north- rop lyme of toronto hav glvn to the publlo their superldr qttlnltmt by the oplnlori of eoletitlete the wlhe i appmeobee nearest perfeotlonrof any rfn ort nufrket all dafcv 141 tb for the next so days wc oflcr any suit or overcoat in the store al a discount of ib jr also 30 small doyn suitn nizm 25 to 33 to be sold ut cost- cajrtmd inspbet llicsq bargamtf r gt j j mcoh ouifitttir miltlsf act6n furiincd coats and capes l brown cont ilniunttr lined alalia httbln collar mid rovors regulur price do no hale pllce no 1 black cont miinuru lined alnuua hablu collar and revsni letiutli o in bust 3 regular price 175 nnlorlco ijrj 1 idncu cupe hnmxtcr lined a out r i mi kable ollar length vi hi hiiki j reii iarplcei5 unleprtcu jlss t block cape llanmtvr llnid tiiiikh cellar nnd fevers icagth in in hnot i tegular price j vale pderf bi 1 blnsl hrocadif apnhnnlntcr lined sable cellar ami iqvnrf lengtli jf in hiist 4o pjrcggm hoaahi prlt j wftcu hllkfcope roy ouj wklu o xx jral ir b have arrived many a skin is getting rough and hard tlicso das when they ought tu stay smooth nnd soil robertsons fragrant almond cream prevents chapping heals chaps is fragrant quickly absorbed not sticky or greasy very healing try it e a robertson phmb druggist stationer optician the palace drug store acton cloak department wo imve turned our ioarcli light apim on our clonic department and the following in what it ha revealed if ou are 111 need of anything advertised it 111 youru for very little money and you can depend upon every garment n bring firhtclam a little money will go a long way in our cloak department ah of our furs and coats bcsidcb tlioto adver tised todny are being sold at very largo rcducliomi from their former price minurcl linlui thibet collar and trli nn prl st fahuvs glriircu uvciou dm l mauling wilon m a i tli hiinility niomliik i ruco 10 in mnnilny ovnrilnn iirkkn 710 tiiihiilt i bo i rim church wber isllr tf59 wt iialeprue f blncu hillt cujii very li 11 iudic grvy ihinlrrul lined alimlm knhln tollar ami trlninihiih lunilli i0 in bunt 3 4 rcjfiilnr price ijti on ialt prkt 5 no skirts 11 iniliea oreui skirls jn bluv nfivy utuj light twetd rnnn largo nltcti tiiii idr prfto 5 loi no ialo prlcu i ni i lodlcm klrlh in black navy hrbfcn and tfyht iiruy refill nl ircu 3 nn tu kw mj pike jj s 13 ladfi ukuifltiruln hutk hkv gmen and hrolii unliir j7 s hftle prlto is nt x oiouv hblin in blub navy brown and green upcclnl pritcm ti lfi ti 50 mouses and vt rjppcr- a dox blncl nnd trunm limlru hiihihcm rjfiilwr price li 7 wale price jjc 1 tabln of hilli illninieh in black cruum nnvy and brown reiciilar prlccn 1 1 1 j mllinif at jmtf piflo or i ii i s l3 li5 t jiitmo nf wllprn print ami wrup periitto regulur prfci rm nud fiaj lhnrlng kttlo prica 75c cucli waterproofs onrukof totlfen undmimt water proofh hnlf pricr urpnlnr prluu wtrc ijlra 00 in no jwj fl on 7 on ft 00 tsulc pritnii 0 no 6 to 4 5a f t t miss j j allan eyesight specialist anii refractory optician will be at the dominion hotel acton tuesday next february 4th hours 9 nm to 4 p hi is it footwear you are look ing port if thats tho case go to williams shoe store i carry a full line of boots shoes rub bers etc for people of all ages and sizes fall and winter stock now ready for your inspection wm wllllama tb sho uui uiu strut iolon new pictures at watere bros new ideas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always fresh and of the best quality waters bros quelph art storm lousiness sollctfc jetaesmf btttk vppr wyuhm st cmilph omi the best system lbs auklph businb8b oollbact tills srmsm bss ba tttbrnnibly uslfd and bm ilmnnnaiimtml lis titrlatiy to aljoutaif ktlfiun ut jcuiiuwiii irslnlie it ouslth lslaes uollsts aleaa in luls nrevluee u tiutailssil to usab aud rraum ll drtahl yauas min sud weueaelsui eapfom rev l 1 btdlllms wol vetlum swol l fa yea mat mow to lerayaiml laederau pmrjov ia idtmtifsm hbw and wbyr wsfflakssftsa m mru00nhiokau pwiiii it iuihiiiii olil mill muk new pitaiil 11m hii whan drtliomu boimiiio oil iihii tint m mull nld of illttilmtliin lint nuw it urrltory la wlilimipriid tltom who flnt wtmg- nlwhl its otinillv qiimlut artill vnlua it aa mclfl0 and wblla it tauliia ita old rrland it la evf umkjiig nuw it la certain lliat whnavef otioo uaaa u wllloftllwllhuatlt i v clothing just this wcck we close our ovcronetlnrd off clothing sale next saturday night at o 30 pm so that vc have only this week to participate in the greatest reduction in mens and boy11 clothing ever made by us this 11 the way thn reduction figures out co through our stock vluc1i is all marked in plain figures pick out any suit or overcoat marked say at 800 iooo iaoo 1500 18 00 or 2000 and they aro jours to take home at the follow ing reductions 525650775975 il 75 artel 1300 all boys clothing reduced 111 the same proportion romcmbcr tho sale closes saturday night february ut igob g b ryan co quelph we do what we say warmest kind for cold weather tougher horsehido will never be found because the best is used for storeys gloves nnd gauntlets and yet the skin because carefully tanned by the chrome process is made pliable insuring extraordinary wear resistance waterproof nnd the best working gloves on the sold at all stores insist r underwear bargains at nelsons tho greatest valuos in the trade you cant afford to miss them r e nelson 03 wyndham st cuelph tedd boots fop boys ami olrle nail value in ilia country all alios oinranlood sold lealhsr sliftenor iventb should see them before select ing any other make geo stovel hill street fur bargains wo undoubtedly 6 ivo you ihe beat araifna ours are regular furrier sawn mo ita our regular stocb reliable and up to dote we ere oherina the btlsnce of our stock at assc- rlficn now the ax cllomenl is over you cm surely flnt ihe place 93 quebec si opposite itio herald office wo do more thnn we could say in space if you have tho money- 1 lila li your chance we need ihe caihat la rontolnos fur estab lishment 01 quebec street- gullfii onl sheep dip disinfectants modougalls littles english sheep and cattle wash zenoleum aotoh ont old iron rotfa snd bubbara oood prlceu paid second liana steven and rupalra for farm machinery nitpplled morris saxi hon 430 acteti out rullfloiiiuud ur ca s1uo0odo thb wbllinoton mutual inbuhanob oompanv vaubuahsd 1840 itead offloe oublpb ont influiunob an osih snd uulusl plaa any idinnnee rsqulrtd will lie promptly alund w ii dbnnv affsnl voons 81 aston attn snsut for the union raiursnes oo rngund ggj save 20 per gent oour whole stock of ilelahj and bihy cullers is reduced we do not want hold them over till nem season si we have cui the prices they ani bound to go at llieie prices come early and fist your share baby cuttarw rearular sfl00 now vioo naeev bovsi islkhm rear su10 now ss aporv boysi auiahsi ooow 7a olteel blelchv vsjrular 110 now oo bteel hlelshe rejrulak si7s now 180 pratts food for horscp cnttlo sheep nnd uogs ib lb basra mkmibi loa now 7 lb box reatulat otte npw small pko restulhi soo now 70e boe 8bo pratts iood li died hy lie best alock man in ilia oounlry it li mide liv the oldest stock foxl eompany in america li is endorsed by averyloly lint uses it you run no risk by using li r f jfopstoifc go- mill street ardvare acton xmns oltcr 23 bo ior 3 monllia courw will iwlor decambor al flllaan year ekperl- iritism canadiat e3usii1bsb coll9qb yonaeanil nioor 8lraeli toronto ilrlu iiiti5rmrnto wanielt immkiiiatkiy arnolds livery btaiion iioilu blvlllks mill ai acton stylish rlga double or single supplied on lor l nil noiloe commiercia travulumtv or- uk us riven speclial attention henry arnold pffljjrllifor iii 1 f fiol mater aiily fttaikif hotiifi hanti1 aitilraii if matuotfl lloilmtrift 11 t u t uj 0 out u0nja8titay j ii tiiolllrofc i 1 in jan jjo1 ww fa it ii u and iwiijlinu iiousey for 8ai1e card of thanks piu 1111 forslnixxl ilolrra in ni raaa tar i aalt 1 f l ii anl in liar iiiani rlnrjita suil nlal liorafnr llirlr bin i aiiijatlir ilurlng bar lata taraaniaiit aiiil ilia urual aurrdic ailia tiaa ljan oslleil miriii 1 1 imar 1 1 a inauf bliiil wnrilt nd ilaal an i ii a 1111 rut rum laliara if ainmattir inotmlj biracili 1 john htk1iibkb0v ot liataall laii farm fur sale itallu tuawo rnlla from tdrriiilr- ooa liun diad acftir louriwii i nl riot ra rupniuu ituiiitii xivrii timiindi hijuu urge l ialo taitf eltiit liun irul nir an immadlsi air 1 mnetlou tlri larrii ikahhlittkiiy igmij ulnar wmi toroalo notice t0chki1t0rs in the mattel of the ratateorthomaet eaatonlateortlio vlllajreor aoton in the county of halton rjentle- man oeoenssd not pi 11 lifrrtr wln liunnsiit loll bo iturt uiiaii luu ami ainoniuiib soli llit ll crmlmnaailrinltmraiavinudllfiia-alaallhsk- laitinl tltoald llioinaa taiun wliu iliail on or ftlioul tliu ruvalitii day 01 1 1 co in t lyt r r iitilrml on or tiwfnru hi tlurit day o jsa tiarv 1 to aond liy iioat iraaii or fallvar to a a luao kin 11011 of oil flliuoof aolnn iu tlis c 1111 my 01 imitoii holtolior lor itin biimuton i itm laat wiii ami aalamanl of hi aald ds caul tliolr clirlailaii mul luriianie sildraims an 1 iluaorl tlom itm full ariloulara ot llialr olalma tlio slalom unt of llialr odounts and lbs nature of tho 100 irllla ii any lialil by llian an 1 luntmrtalia tinlloa iliat slur tueb lul in on il 111 oil tlolw llm ail i iiocutora will nromsd to dulrllmlu lhaaaaala of tii iltiaaual nlons tho partina omnia i ilmroto listing ragard only 10 ilia ol lm ut wliloli liny iiit tiiaa lists nnticp su i lliat llirt talil lliaaulors will not h lubla lor lliaaall savula 01 any part lliaranl ta any liaiunn or puraona or wlicw olalnia nollos iii 1101 ravo jjuou roielved lis ttisui at tlie tlmsotauuu alrirlbutlon a j mackinnon llnlinlior for ilia kstotkart dluj tbla mill 1u7 ut january iu0 bh notice to creditors in the matter of the batata or john stephenson late or the villa of aoton in the county of halton olaakemltli deoeaaed notickia licrcliy nlvnij pursuant tn t ha hit llavlul hlmuluaof amark- pan dllaplar luii an 1 atiiaiiilinu aci 11 ni all ormliloia and oijmra lnvuu olahiia asliit ilia sauis of ills ibiipn wiioiiiihi a duiorlfloui lh lull nloularn f tltaireulrm tho aiaioniant ol tualr sonottms and tba nsiurv olllioaaauriiloa ii any haiti liy lliacn ami furltiur iko 11 nloo lliat attar aooli tut maiilioiioil ilttiit hid sal 1 kiuauitlx will irooesd indlnrlliuia his uinli f urn iuatad stnoiif llm partita ontltliwl llirlo itailiib iraiiard only lo uia olalnia of wliloli lm shall man iiava tintlaf ani lliti ttiuoaid lxnoutfl will llol b i labia for tliu laid ssisu or any pari tliaraol to liy imnoii or purauti nt wliofo olslm doum iiii i botm yfii 1 at- ll ultfulllullqii a j 1u0kinnon hulloltorfor tha uxeeulrl dated tbla twouty nlulili hay of january uh svnoisls of canadian n0ktiiwe8t homeqtead niloul ationb ais oyou nunilorml ronu of dominion lamia in manitoba hiakatoliawsn and alboria oifiiitliiat an t bi nut rrred may so tioiiimtmkliid uy ml ihiraon who is ilia aela osd of a family ar soy mala evar ihysarsof age to tba oiioul uf oiioquartar ssotloeof lad a orat uioro orwi tlio tuiniaalaaiur 1 rcnulrail a par form ilia txmrlltlnim onuuooipil ilmrumltb umlar ona ol hie followliitf puua id al limit mx innuitia rmliisnee upon snd ouliivitluii of tli n tan in 0101 ysar for llirae yuars ii aliomeatunlar mat ii lio to dulra hf loriti tlio rfpilro t reel luiion ilntl liy urlutf on uriulufl taint ownol id ly by hlni nnttlms than nlulitv ho aorra in oilt- iilln ilia vioiniy of lila lioiiinatard j hut ownanlilp iu land will uol uisal dili riilriiibiil 1 h tlio rallmr or innlhar if ttia ulnar la dnoaaiail nf a hnni mi tailor baa iarnisnanl raaliteiioo on arm i no laud owuul aolaly bf blio lint llian olulity hj aero in aitaot in uia vlolully of ilia jin in ni sad ur upon a lioiufutmd anierad for by lihn in tlie vlolnlty aitoh borne staaiur may psrfiirm tils own naldanae dullas by llvinu wllfi tliu fattiar nr inolliar i the lornt vldtuyfii tlio two prodlnf at a linniaslaodar intoiiilltifl to irlorm tils rmliuiiottitutlu lu ounnlaiidh with ilia above wulls llvlna wllli artiuia nr on farm ins land owiisd by lilmaolf mint notify u10 aosnt for tlie dlairlet of auoli inmntlnii till months noilo in wrltlnu aboul 1 lia alrun lo ilia fiouimualnnar ol liouilnlon itanils al oltawa ol intoiillon to apply lor aieni w w oouv nsihily of hid mlnlitarof die interior m ii vjnsiiiliorlsiul puliljoatlen ol ibis ad verluamuut will not da palil for suffering women wbe flntl lira a burden sen vv haolut sod stniislli railond by the um af iveilbum8 heart and nerve pills the pran anrajon of woman and strls hava nmro llian tlialr abare of mlmry wllb soma ii la nervounm and palpitation wllb ellitirswbktliiysnihalntirufpu wlilla wllli elliara lire it a ennral pollaitaa at tba ayitam ulltiurna ildurt and kttrva villa i ona up tba nsrvaa ittoiiitiitn tlm arl and make it beat iron and hauler eraals new red blood see puaala and imparl tlial sanaa of buoyancy u thn lrlls that li ilia raault of ranawiml manlal an 1 pliytloal vigor lira tf o denothua ortllla onl willast lar nvar a year i was iroulilail wllli mrvoua new anil tiaart troubla i tlaelilad lo tlve mil burns llaarl anil narva 1llls a trial and aflat utlns ave iwkcs i found i wm eomptalaly f urad i always reeomniand thsm lo my frlanda vrlaesomntsperboxnr throaboiaaroril sa ell daatsra or tfas t uusunt odttlnfted varontd oal afcri t

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