Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 30, 1908, p. 3

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tli rich nietlowni of the best mocha yutw blended iih the full flavored java gives to greigs white swan coffee ewyquslllytlialdfl until md aatiafiea our method of roaat iugdavalopaandpr mrvts all thla rich flavor we put it up in scaled parchment container hot fiom ilia roailciaand again hal it in una ao none nf its delightful aioma it lot i aiu your rocm for while bwancajiw tit fcuhcc uh4ltw to special fbr xryin- lsowv ooldd watotiss gents gold hilsd ualtoh boo 14 k pearl hot brooch w30q f4 k pearl bat rinse v300 solid qold buff unit 3 bo htarjihgrhllvactca and coffee spoon geo hynds jeweler acton wellington mutual tire insurance companv tli general annual mealing of the wei llnntotl mmuai rre insurance company will be held in the company a eflice guaipli on wednesday 13th day of february at p m to receive ihe report of ihedlrec tore wih financial auiiemum lor ilie year the elecilon of dlreciora for il e emulng year end oilier butlntaa relovani to the liieetlnff john davidson secretary iibt rarton 3fnt rau thuiwday janimhv k 100h brief local items a bui lug olub 1ms been organised in quelpli iltillim rarmors institute line 022 member tide year sundays storm gnvo usahuutnlne inchtfs mure snow miltnn plro urlrndo will hold a celebration on dominion day tho robert simpson oo of toron lo will build tlislr mum mulli now store with milton in lok tho nn mini meeting of hal ton press association wll1 ho hold at georgetown to monow it ban boon snirgoulcd that the bell piano fuottirliim at guolph be retired es n annex to llio win tor inlr building ihagth in to try and make ptlnce rupert n modol city with soma oily would iimko tlio g t it a model railway we do not envy the balmy climes whero uimnor sopliyro blow we love tho good idd wlntir times said our ldy of tliohimmvh kdltor a 8 rurfctoi of tlio oak- villa bur was reelected picsldent of trafalgar agricultural society fur the seooud year last woob horn look bark contlntice to come in in urge quantities messure reard- mortf a oi havo u5 or 00 men at work unloading cars nt the o tu atntlon dolwotxmn wellington county has tin ted a night school fur young men with itov a w afolntouh dr dow andjur4idridgeas tutoreon alternate nlghte tho aoton tanning uo la grad unity putting the man who wore laid off to work mguln a number of the former workmen returned to duty on monday emptying coul uuliaa in tha oantro of thestrrots u u vliiltitlon of munici pal by luws officer oarnahan lua been instructed to sue that tho practice isdlscpnllnued tliesnniml iinollng of tne halton parmers mutual flro insurance co was held in tlio town hull on monday aa usual tho woathot wiu atormy and the roads bud theapponlmontjf mr john har vey at mnosaur for lio municipality will give general satisfaction aoton haa no oltlion butter iiiiifinod for thla important work grey county lost its oldest journul lit in tho douth of g j jackson who rounded the markdalo standard thirty year ago and afterwards started the obauworlh nowe apeolal mootlnga rnr fiultgrowara fvlli b held in halton ua follow i qeorgatown jlluroli 23i milton mnroh iff mt nomo mmioii 2a duillngton unroll uoth dulogate a glitord menfort mr hlohanl mrtttliewa mil lor nf stawarttowii whb preiwnted by real dente of that pluoe with a liandaoino ok aeoreury nud mr mmtlhewa with a- rooking nbalr prior to tholr removal to otinnlngtoii whvro mr mutlhnwa wlllumratea mill t1m fourth convention of the 0n- irilun seed grower aeauolutlon will meutat tlm oaimdlan building otu wa fib onl and 4th 1009 when ad- dreamw on topic nf vital inlenwtto oanadlan agtloulturalla will be de llvored by prominent m on judging from hie number of drunks to bo aoen on tho wtretrta and eohllng from hntela on sunday the liquor uwa tnint hv bolng violated with oomlditrablo impngnliy what ta howl there would bo in certain quarter if tlioie onlidltliina prevallwl udder local option i quick eaee for the wort cough quick rahv to the haavhihl cold and safe cures to tke even for a child tmt ii flhlloha cure sold under a gdaranleu couflbs lb cure eoktif nnd coughn w ugl qtildker iban any 0lw m cold sielneor money back myearo of smmew boatnend shuoha cure sflfl m news of local import the independainttaiuphon mr calhoun hie indupmmlvtit tilf phono proiuntur whm jii town uut milk lie hojwe togttt tlta locul pro poaltlnu into ahapo the qomlng pi lug the organisation for local lum idhit ing from milton la now about utiui plated amrametit vie nest sunday the llihd imrtirly andrmiiiiutl aervlcu of tlo pmui nt uonferuiice yenr will im held in the methudlht olmrcli iiuxt hunday llio uauul lovo fchut will be hold in tho achool loom at ten a m huv mr darker will preach at ham and 7 p in nntl at tho clone of the evening uervlce i ho muorkiiiout of tliu fjnrd u muptrwlll beatlmlnluterml herb atyfe pr h lleekeylait tho toronto utar pnllxbad ifurb iyleaportrtjlt liut tliurwlay add re marked i herb pyfe tliv oentre for ward of the guerli pto loam la fuar tboiighhe dldt lhow it in uaturdaye gamp ito la repbftihl to be the aiwod- leat dim ii in the canadian frofeaulonal iuagutf a i wall known ilorb la an aoton toy and loarnbd to akdto on ielry jjiko here aeeraretowrt v k aoton a almrp hookey umitb iraa playnl between acton anil georgetown ten me on the rink here litut friday night doth toama playtml hard ami in much tho annin ecyle aplrllrd hldlvldmil playing and riuhoti mid but uitlo com blatlon p6lbly luck of practice aclounte for thla atyloof hockoy ttie gme roaulttiil in a tie 2 2 jack llrooke nf georgetown roforced tho game an inspiring bony etervloe inelead of the usual preaching aur- vice laat hundny evening itev o w ii irker conducted a moat hulpful nven lug wlth popular liymne the paitor gavo a vlvltl and interesting dvacilp- tlon of the origin influence and uno- futnoaaottho following hyinna i all hall the power of jeauu nainp iead ktndly light jeans the very thought nf hun and jimtua i am tho ohnlr wa auluted by the flunday rchojd orchoatra and tho congrega tion sang with spirit and inanlfuai fervor the liynina referred to town clerk moor lllneee blnoo ida lllnota and thu operation in the hoapltal at toronto last atlguat mr t t moore town clerk gradually gained in health anil htlely began to readme hie cuatomitry ruddy cminteii- unco mid a largo dvgrua of pliytlca vigor tho wound from the operation never lionlrd eatlafuctnrlly however anil llio past fortnight cauicd con- aldorahla annoyance and anxiety a dlagugila lout saturday night oautcd hie phyalclnne to decide that a second operation wae deal ra bio ho wont to the hoapltal at guolph on monday and the oorotlon wua auocaaefnlly per- formoil ytiaterday it ii alncorely hoped that hie eyatein will promptly reoovcruil from tho eeoond troatment and that ho wilt aoon bo fully rostored to health tha mlnleurui aawoelauon tho rtgular monthly mooting of the minis terlul aaaoolatlon waa hold in the oaalnn room of the prcahytorlan oliuroh qoorgotown on monday fnro noon arrangoinonta woie completed for n publlo moating on fobruaryulth at georgetown to iw nddreued by tho itev george j jnckaon ii a of to ronto hvgrota wore oxpreasod at tho removal of itev h o priest da secretary of tho aaaoolntlnn nnd tho president wua instructed to convoy to him tho gratitude of the association for the excellent work that ho iae done aa secretary and fot tlio interest he baa taken in tha work of tho auo elation a highly interesting paper on christ teaching concerning god waa road by rev g w barkor of aoton friendly oonimontand helpful debate fpowtjieiiirll entertained to dinner by thoftuv if oamoron the pastor of tho church allaarad case or bmahtox aotona medical health officer was advlted by telophona on- sunday by dr mooullough of rockwood that a lady who had toon visiting filonda here wa aukirlng fiom nu ullmont which much reaemhleil amallpov lis ad vised a visit to tho family to see if they had been ottootod an exami nation proved that tho liabo and uia mother had indications of smallpox or chlokenpux a mooting of the hoard or llralth whb callod foithwlili by the medical health o 01 dor nnd with commondlble precaution order woro glvon for tho itouao to be plncurded and a etrlat qunranlln olwet vd until the provluolul nuthnrule pronounce upon tha matter tho homo la isolat ed and in tho outaklrta of the towm and the enso is of eo mild a type what ever ailment may be that no medical attendanco la doomed neceasitry kra- moaaa medical health officer wua hero on monday and dlagnoaod the cato aa a mild tyta of umnllpuv j w blllott ko aiunng thu number of prominent ban latere aildwl to tlm hit of kings ootmseu by the pro vino lal govern ment appears the nanto of mr john w isiiloit of milton in future hu will woar the bilk gown and we think there are few if nny who will flud fault with ihu lioitoi thin con ferred on so honorable a renldvut of thla county mr km lott stands high lubls profession and baa been engag ed in many important omb he is a diligent student nf tha law fair with those opposed to him said assiduous in the interests of bis chenu tho pnttu pnsaa extends jo hhn its heartiest congratulations invited to home of iom0loyer on wednesday evening of last week oltlwns were surprised to hear the atenin whistle oh olmpmane tannery blown at sd0 not kmtwlug but that short time had been declared nt the works tltere however it proved to e the signal for dismissal early tho employees and ladles having received dainty cards of invitation to spend the evening at thu huuio of their employer several enjoyable h6ilravare mr nnd mrs chapman nnd daughter having iniido uilhfh preparation in entertain their qfuoste the tlirlo quioklyitiissedltmmusemenl various games unci nantlnatluna nf many ourlou oolleetod by the family- and n dainty luticli was served several oboruse were aung and the guests aepaiatod about wldnlght having ex pressed their grateful npproalatloii lioth fortnnlly nnd persunalty tor the t dr duek of tr-afslara- honored dmiii bis rtdlieinuiit from tlie mlinl- oimi oitiinoil of the towtudilp of 1 rafalgar dr amtoii buck wmil tend red a compilmoiithry haiiqliet and prvsented with a beautifully uluinluai vd addrese and gold watch by the rat payers of tho municipality at pustvlllo last thursday night dr buck bad served in tho council for forty years itefoimcr rastewell to hv h c jrut uuv h c piloat ha and his family left georgetown for their new home att htrathroy on 1 huraday 1 ho evening previous an oyater supiwi wuv tondored by reprtfuautiillvoa of ihu churches of tho town at which veiy kind words of farowfll wfie afkikoiu llio baptlut congrvg itlun piesontcd mr priest with an outfit of table cutlery and silverware lnallnflfjiartr cut oak cabinet hunlstpal baurlavet ouhlristtbrt at litst uieotliig of llurllngtou council the dfltcera of the imiulcljuillty were engaged at tllafollowlngaalatlmj clnrkvind tteuuurer o t fjprlngur salary 2fio 00 rwr year btveet coin- iblssloner win aimutrong salary b ida 00 per annum auditor o s hllltnan asseutiir j it cutter eiflary8aou mrdkal health ofllur dr vataon aslmy 1ooh bull hlngcrr- mrs- june hiirkltoulur salary floookugljicor jmb parkins sal ury ttai 00 lulin largu salary 8 15 h hair oausrht tn maehlnery while working at one of tho machines in he carpot mill utguolph inst thursday mlsa iloatrlce thump son a young woman of 10 years mot with u painful accident she went around to ihu i wick uf ibi machine to udjuat a part when hoi- hair cuugl t in auutsctew on a iuiolviig shaft it wound round a shaft and in an in slant her face was wgahiut u fatal uiov ingpulle onuof i bo moil u iking near heuid lin sciiumu nnd had iho nihcliliiery pioinplly stu pd hut not liefuro mi ugly cut bad 1h i n huulaliud and thu girl u ma aplii p u won rvem the ouslpli oanketv doforf a largu and onlliiiulunllo crowd of aioclatiira acton defeated iho guolph ilniikei ecoiv 7 to i ou on tho rink hero hut thurmliiy night the teamallnid upas follows i unelph moklnuon goal i itldduh point i oaiilfleld cover point i iliiohunaii rover gordon centre i hit into it ft wing gordon right wing aoton mokaohvrn giuilf brown point t mo intouh cover point i ityder invui i malone crntrot taylor left wing i hynds right wing hofuioe huib fyfr after the first half acton put up n flnu exhibition of hockey at tlio end of thn first half tho guolph money changers wero on tho top with a score uf i to 2 hi the lust hull acton got down to husluoaa in uld- lime earnost acored flvo goula mid shutout tho visitors cmupluuly thb oountv aorioultunal boofktv the offlmn kleeted to duptrinund the p years bualnse the annual meeting of halton agi i- cultural society hrouglit reports from the officers which shnwod inst yema fair to im ono of the wet yet held tho society has paid all claims and have a small balance on hand nftor paying w00 on the mortgage tlio election of ofllctra una then pro ceeded with and the following wore ehoson for tho ensuing year i president j u wilson 1st vlcu phis m dico and vlco pros j f brownrldgo dirootors a sluik wj clomoiilv w n soutt f grounleov j breckun win harru d s ilolioruon w l elliott dr itnbcrlson j d mcgib bon j ii peacock goorgo andrew a moglbban kd mooann and james dent hon directors- t harriermr cline p flshor h w cook g a ho nut roe t ooorgo qastle audllorsw i dick and o 15 hollnrako the board of dlioctora met and re- vleotod j ii peacock secretary nnd dr itoliertson trcuauni it was decided to hold the spring show on april 31th and tho fall show on oct sthandoth on motion of w j clements nnd m dico it was decided to invito hon m monlolth minister of agriculture foi ontailo tunpon iho fall fair on oal nth ei1in tho annual meeting of tholownship nf erin agricultural society was hold in tho town hall isrln on friday the 17th inst the auditors hsport wits read showing total receipts of 9100107 and expenditure f 10027 leaving n uilnnoo on hand boflmo tho election of officers was as ful lowsi president alox moklnnon t 1st vicepresident kd marshall i 2nd vice president it b young boa- trees p moglll dirootors james klikwootl d s motavlsh it mohnrry a o momii ian j w burt john wilson john mcklnney olias baldwin and henry held houurary directors geo itahln- sou wj sutton o ii wulker a j llndsayt fred itoyoe and fred mo mlllan xu3itors w oonboy and ii u smith i social and personal j mr itubt mooru is mieidlnga wmk or an with hocikwiwal ft lands miss sarah pi out went to toronto on hatuiihiy to vlult her slater mrv i iluiuhy and children wont to norvul on hnturdsy to visit lior mother mrs j bum ii and mrs hoht moore spent tho past week with friends in toronto mi wuliy bingham of it ii an sask u vmllog rilunds in the old ho i ii a htiif alius hut tin oimti of loronto spent n couple of days dm lug the week with acton filundrf poutni isli i matthews who has iwion amaityi to ihiiumalum lately spent sovmal days the past wuok at tha baths nt plosion mr and mrs joe m afoore and mi he of the georgetown hwaldwere i town rail himdiiy vulllug town ltiklutnt mi v h cbuhoiur muuflger of the muiclmuts bank huu terti eufflng- luduli suvite ijttiick of the gllppv thu past witk alt ffilm ivoodat acton loft new voik on hatiiklayfoi a few wn ks visit lo lyniilou kitg and dannid ilatut on the h s muuivtiuiin mi lauuu hitidirson and fanilly iv ii i ittfiitly ridiiovcd tu aoton from n lakjgaivujir hm now comfortably v ll it d in thuli new home no maria st mi alurnly suuiorvlllu arrived litniiu fiom saskntohewim a couple of wiokangu and will spend a month or uu here lie tins gooil things lo say of ihu west ftov t albeit moor ouiiemlhtc i i tui y ol thu lord u d iy alllanci who was lalil lulilu fruiii nvmuiik la it- oupliating at lliu hanllai linn at clifton spring- n y mr mill mrs fl p moore wire in toi unto nu luisduy tnuiilng nituidlng tlio aiiiiii il l lloinu nf ihu offlcvis nud luaihiiu or nmih paikdiilo huu- dayhlinl f which mi n ii m oro is hnjiki hili uduiil iun l a miif i mei iy of george town has nicipuil an invltiilluii tir the pashualu of llio muthihllut chiirli niaguia i ills mid huv j w mug- wood of nlagniu tails has accepted an invliollmi to oikvllle ihu pirul piikhh nateuds congratu lations lit mi anil mis w w bald win uiu mfu annie lllugbiim upon theli union in holy wedlock ou new vials v tiling at ibe lniinu of mi nud mis iioih i l l illugluini 112 goio st haultslumail mi and aire bald iwlliishluim catliciiit ht steel- ton great clearing sale k2kaa2aksfiaha remnants odd sizes remnants broken ranges remnants short lengths sninelbliig mom until it piugntlve in purgi is tlm only ifftct of many pills now ou thu inuiket purmelees vtgutablo pills mo uiotu than a pur gative tlitj ntitugtheii thcbtoiniioh win io oihir pills n taken it tlioy nliansu llio blood by iigulallng thu liei vinif kldiiiyf nnd lliey stlmnbile wheiu ollni pill compounds depress kothlng of an injurious nature usiil fur muiely piugnllvo powers enters inio tliilt composition afuukd coiiplus in norway may trnvil by tail lor 1 faus at thu mooting of the council on monday uvuniug tho municipal officer was hirtiuotvd to an est all who are guilty of iitiniv hailing or playing linukty on ihu stitetw absolute security genuine carters little liver pius muet bear slenatura 6r s teuml iyravr ddmr tmy hull n4h ur touksiutntfub foiuusuar foi dinikut mn iiuouihii foitobfmilvu ron eomtintibn niuuowihn nitnieamruuuoi cure biok headaohk wo take stock the end ol till montli and in order to clear out nil bolten linti and short ends of goods and in fict to reduce as far as possible oqr stock of winter goods we will in augurate our great annual january sale on friday mornlnjr january 101 for the balance of the month there will be bar gains galore daily om we pet tntio to go through aild arrange tho lines tp be cleared portridav we wjll fiaveread the remnants ill ilunnclettcs wranperdttes prints cottons linings dress goods linens shirtings ginghams linoloumsoilcloths carpets mattings ribbons ircesand embroideries eacl lllowing jay dtlier lines will be put forward all lines on sale will lie marked at pi ices to effect quick selling y the store daily this month and keep in louch with this great annual money saving sale hendehson co mill street acton immense vamjes u you ar llui oul ol ttttu uv an m taual aj oo will imi lllr im k nwwnlnf tlay will mtk voo u ul tlflil naltar a rawwy tinnilunt ilia siomtin uvu kldrwyt aj suilllii ih utooj jmi in vok ihwouauy ana kimay v ii hm t vtiloat or tlduatlnviinblf nuklof ihium better than pills for liver his tat nr tafcltu la injjf ttli sltb tuaottka uu of ah0u siiiow camtuilom iwt ccmphlnl skla vlutu pbnpua aai cawtsmaiui hauiu tlillouuuu btuumiium toquj livm w irutllvt kmy mj h boufcftt atblsf irooi iha jihwt iwf mt tor sale by e a robertson tirugghl acton phpfllc is now ready for jour watch incl clock repairs prompt ness uid good work is what we strivo to give nickel alarm put in thor ough good order same an new for fio cents gc d pringclb the jowollor guelph seeds free to inlroduco our new flwede turnip tho canodlsn ocin wo mill iio to eicry inmilrcr for our new 1008 catatoffuo a pnctflic of these seeds abaolutcly free the uluuinljtuu4nu4mriot uearcuulpli lilppcd-anrars- tliliic tiirmpa to tlio tnitcd htntcs inst season caun dinu ocin tilcr grovin long or nnrrow la frco from side shoots nnd in of mimirpatwcd quality if you prefer wo will scud a package of our santa rosa poppy or cindns pride tuinato instead of tlio turnip need write totny nud finiiio your choice 3ajinurwbwjdarch hunter seed co ltd london ont for wintry weather the keenly cold wpnther remind yeu if jon have dolnyed givhig nt your order tlint you cant delay it any longer our handsome ovortoallngtinnd suit- lugs will ploase the most ainrtlcule dresser wo make them up right too or you dont tako them wn gooper thf taihor cornr mill anil mnln si atlon out on the two proceeding weeks and n little more we have as you know presented values that have far ovorshadowed any of our offerings at any other timo people have come from long distances to share in them our store from early morning till evening has been continually thronged by eager buyers but trade conditions have never been so favorable as this week the cold weather is here in earnest and you surely mil have warm clothing in view of how unmerciful we have cut pntcs wc believe- that wa tro fully justisficd in looking for greater business than even this week wo have seen ome signs of attempts by oilier merchants to match our values but io far it has only becnn case of trying to succeed they must have courage to cut much deeper- again we offer sensational bargains in ment and womens clothing and furs e r bollert st co- intvndhkw strbbt cu6lph important announcement lull vears ngo i cams iron toronto and utnrted into basinets in the 1 uriiltute line at so upper wyndhnm street i wunt to thank tlio thousands of customers and friends who patron lied mo during tlmte years nnd made tke business a siicceiuifti ono during 1007 my health failed end in novemlmr i decided i would make a change which i did retaining nn option front mr nurrough to ffet nonncutloii 01 my old premliea on february ist ff i ho duuired my health linn improved very much i like the hoy a i city tnjtter thnrt any other olty 1 know of my connection with uuelph a old home week as secretary but more particularly the very large nuatbur of tried and trim friends i feul i linvo in tho city and county have influented me to take ever my old stand on fubruury 1st and resume the furniture huulnvs unplug the neat tue years will prove as plrasaut and profitable to my cuhtomeni nud friends and also to myself as the past ten yennt i shall lw glad to see all the old customers end if each one of my old customer will bring a new one business will be all right a yull stock of new uptodate rumlturo carpets llnole time ou olothl and milting will be shown 0 130 wyudhnm htreet dont buy your daby carriages gocnrlu or carrlora until you see my utock february 1st ioofl j m struthers guelph tblbphonb 283 the right house hamiltons favomte siiopnng 1laci tremendous reduction clearing sale of stylish dress goods is abou half pric goods and suitings during januiry colors and ulacka plain and fancy tweeds wor steds venetians broadcloths armum panamas cheviots voilics taffeta cloths pophncttcs cypress cloths etc etc the seasons newest weaves a hundred pieces for selection ioc the yard reduced from 75c and 100 4lc the yard reduced from 85c and 8100 00c thejard reduced irom 1 and 135 88c tho yard reduced from 150 select for now and spring wear thomas c waticins oornia kino st cast huohson hamilton ont great sale of fashionable furs rt the lion foundation pyjnolpla flrstt when we undertake to all your subscriptions wo glvo utoin our undivided attention and boat oaru the patient welfare la our first con sideration uooond 1 wa guarantee our drugs to beof full strength a well aa pure and fresh third 1 our oustouier are suppllod with just what thoy ask f6r j siilwtltut- lug ii uevor allowed iainbs oattjwy ooltround liyou are a sufferer from kidney disease liver complaint blood troubles thoutruitljnnr8nlrjiorworvofts prostration we confidently reouin- mend tho use of pahioe oolory oom pound this reliable and nevet tils appointing medicine is a tine disease banlshor and system builder wo supply the genuine palrtas oulory compound at brown anton ont miss j j allan sywlfiht specialist will i at tha dominion hotel next uesday 4th l7ubruary from 0 a ni l ui tuesdaj 4l k gain eftorlur of such fursaararely moot with price reductions of more than iojorcint yet wo lm so per cent wo must close out our stock in the next 30 days the values here speak for thomiolvos so so per 100 mink spts stole and muff 40 ore y lyme bets 30 i4 red iox ttet grey nnd brush tall 18 all lllncfc thl lie t set snocinl nt lit this not includes a inrce double ruff 70 in long nnd n beautiful hluokmuitof bluck thibet 970 alnskn bnble ruff nud round muff 53 isabella lnx heth urge double rult and hal muff vjn 9ja stone martin kobi reduced to fltao 913 50 iroy lamb nets state and omplro nui a ft yet vto linve clipped olf from ao to childrens 9g so orey lnmb storm collars 97 jo- pretty marmot thrown 9o 30 for j is s6 marmot tlinmrt inrgo slse uced sit as marmot muitu round and lint shape at 3 94 so 9a ami 9 pur coats note those splendid valuoa in fur and furdlnsd coal a s conu for its in navy brown or green lined with squirrel and sable collars 93a muhbrat conu 35 made of good full fur vor luxurious rich ceabi prices cut in half 75 persian lamb coats 95s 130 ietalnn lnmb conht uo jus persian lamb cojiht 93s astraciian coats 9is 00 itistoad nf 933 9ls lustead of 950 38 30 limtoad of 33 o instead of 60 155 itihtond of i70 ladi1cs iuulinicp capk8 933 cuon for 9o ss capea for lh so ijo capes for tjj 1 only mana 9sn furllnod ovorcoat pontljui lnmb collar marmot lining also 481 for 940 1 dry goods and cthinoo guelph h h tins sarorth what shipment3 op new spring goods havb arrivsd we must have much more room for ship ments expected soon our lobs bot your oain this is uo fake bale you know aur reputation far keeping clean stocks no goods carrlsd over from oae season to another wool sulbtlnfasin white aad gray 73 in width regular price 75c to clear at 60 or iev flannel oood qualify regular price asc to clear at 180 tr yard wool moiklclllaokblik fin lib 38 in width regulnr price 7s0 te clear at 33c drubs goods another bumper clearance of drew goods regular price 300 to 830 to clear at 3 jo vbi linos lilnclt nnd colored velhuge regulorprlceaso toijc to clear at 170 ruosaiaja in with fringe lo clear at 170 ench 1 many genuine liarbjalns in balance of winter goods flrokeu hlses odd lines and ftemnauts hltfhest prloea paid for parm produce h h xjnssrorth

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