Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), January 30, 1908, p. 4

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rwv ttht jjctiw 3ttt tojg tllultway janhjailv 0 1w which company oomkii hilllla llh ll hate i iiumi win ii e htwy ill- lunula inny llify to iiuvm lliu otlui iciiln i nr wlillp ihiyu nniul wnltwiid wwkj uut ivn uikhil uiiiilii up niy inliul i in iljlfnml rniii lh il rm ii m fr iiif 1 llltiwt 1 llki ill mocoihi tuiiut mt to t nlnntt wltli cim iy ip o trying kor its tuti qli to nit nnd watch tlio vltuals when you dassetlt touch the ntuw you me your tether serving out the dark meat mid thn light until n loy in unra hell iturvc iktfore he geta n bite when eoinptiyie ft wttlchlur you wimvh not to lm pnlltw ami vnl your liciiiu uilh n f n l nnd tut n kltlr hlil vvtiu catt tuvj tun lifti mil it nuutdruitfl itiiiv it lny 1m wiiu 1 1 polkif thlnfc hu itut hunuiy hihi iia nevvr asked nt ull it worrlse inya like everything to likve the rjonpny uy awltlrik ouild the utile like they cmiulnt u tawry i rut when thoy vu pone and lot the whole big shooting match to inf flay aint it fun to liist wade in nnd help myself ohfjeel ti13 littmb tllvkh btofk ior ccntuilmi iwfurci tho opening famous illiuiioiul llildv by ttui kiifllh the ulwirlulnul trllim uf ttmilh afilm had ueen trampling rem of counties price anil for ycnre dutch and knfi llsh huntere plnnuere furmm alu-p- hertlii und iiiuulonarl tnkkiil m hoedloaaly ovr tho viul iulim tharo a nothing uurprmug in h- ovorwldht uttj mr amihmi v wil llunih in tim din mih- if south africa to the muiivkw hk- diamond inul no unite httiuctlnn than any other prolty nebbhi ono of tho trekking bourn dmiiii i jnooim hud iilud hu homo mi tin ornugi ituui niui i in lllli ml wuntofiipahm llcnlnchllli grew up loimil him with hill nhk cnrolliiin tho goiu ihiit bnmmd ii thn kapji w lluy luiil nhii mill n til ir iinj kind initihi inmlm turchllill il ivlll tliul pliy lltil nu tlio f ii f t h iimw1 hnru n kiuoii und tho tut luihllihni uiniihiiuly iloho ti tlio idp nf lun which wim htimii with mirniu iuoiiij lmnullhil obhlun uilkfil with ciihmitirravol so it came about thut n poor furuiure boy round on tho river iwuik one day in the early aprlng of 1807 a little tone tbnt vm worth more than hu fathara farm hacarrlotllt homo in li pocket fortunately for the future of south africa and dropped it with a handful of nthnr pidihloa on the farmlioima fhor a liaap of thoao pretty colowl atones waa io conmion altfht lu the yard or on the floor nf a farmhoiiao on the banki of the oranoo uml viutl tlmt none or the pi hiding unar gave it a monti gliuice rut whan the children towed the atone about tho lltth white pohhlo waa so sparkling n tin- unllghtthut itoituhhtthp wye or thf farmura wiro hhw did not cure nnough for it to pick it up hut apout of it to a neighbor ufhulk van nlrkerk van nleknrk anked lu mm it but it waa not in tlio heap one of thf children had rolhd it away in tho yard aftor tnraa aearch it waa round in tho dnat for nobody on the farm would aloop for atich n trifle whon van mlekerk wiped otf the duit th llttlo atone glltlered an pmttlly that ho offerwl to buy it tho good vrouw laughed at the idita of willing a pohlilo you can keep tho atono if you want it ahn uald sltciin nlukerk ptrifnrrtltrpniilr and oarrlud it home lie had only a vague idea that it might have soma value and put tt into the handa of a tvavulllng trader john oimiiy who undertook to find uut what kind of a tone it waa and whether it could be old lie ahowed the atone to aavtrul jowa 111 hop town and in oolmbarg a aattlemont furtuai up the orango lllver valley no one or them would give a penny for it itua pretty atone enniigh they mid probably a tnphk hut nobody would pay anything for lu perhapu o hollly would hnvo thrown the itehhla away if it had not onuie under the eyo of the noting civil ooni- inlaalonpr ut oolnalwrg mr lironan boyoa mr coyoa found on trial that the atonn would ucratoh glaia i think it in o diamond he olmor veil gt avcly 6roiilly waa grnntly cheered up vmi are thn only man i have aoart be aald who anya it la worth any thing whatever it la worth you hall a alinro in it tho atone waa aont for dalermlna lion to the forcmoit inlneruloglit of the colony dr w o alborttonp re- aiding at grahnmatown it waa ao lightly valued that it waa put in nn unsealed onvolopa and car rlad to orttlmmatown in the regular poatcart whon thn poatltoy handed the later tn doctor atheratoite thi little rlvor atona full noil rollrd away tho doctor picked it up nnd road th latter of trniikgraiialnn titan lis ix amlnod the atono ckpertly hnd wonn htur wrote to mr iloyoa i i congratulate you on tint atone you liavo aont to ma it la a verit able diamond walg twentyone and a quarter oh rati unci woith fjvu hun- dred pounda it haa alled ull the jeweler ilea in ortilmiiirtowii ami whtre that cuino from there luuet l more thla report waa a revelation which tranaformed the dnaplaed karoolan j a thegrlmy olndorella was tranirgured by the wand or bar fairy godmother capital waa altraoted to the region and anally the great chartered ooni pany which the late cecil ithodei con- oelaw4tbfflubhrlflmiilitnb tlielmnrtde annual match hill la ibbaufaoo wuh tnoat man the heard uatrongeet on therlghbalde io plan la nieaattrd ly lila fallureei limitations ahnwth way to attain- ineait not bylila eiioeeaaee the beet is eapable of infinite evpantlon steele 111 ewella the debt to pay on hu wny ninund tha world for l1laniuiiim hniiu oompanlnn jnck iiildoii v iiik lpr- or miihikal in llmiulnr hawaii pi nay u not h4 i nntmgoiiua mm la imumhifd wrltia mr ivmtlon lu llm jaiiuiry woiiiiiiih hoiuh oompanlon i vint fin a iviuk a vltlt to th htmlv- ufiii uml i tiaik my wlfttaoitr allof nlilili v mill liivi nut impptmuml had mh any miii thi uulonaif oinilractliig tho dlbwuac nor did we waat long glovea and keep apart from the lepara on theoontrary we inlngleil treaty with them and before wo left knew mores of thorn by light and name the pre- cmittona nf miiii1b cuanllneaa on re turning lit thulr own home after having ihkiii mong and handling loiwrh th ou ifpirf kiujii mh the h mulia iiitd tht uupf rlutenilept nuitly wnh lnlifmwa hid hamla with mildly niilutpllo anafi und tlmngc tliflj- coatu mfahklw why i a paiioakellka the aun y it irlaee out of der yeaut and acta ixthlnd der voit sliem waa u dinner party at the imtyorv nod tho mrmnt hud the nla- fnrtuno to drop tho turkey when hthhcliigltlu it u all vlght maam ahe crlem with ginal aungfrold plokhuj up the turkuy and going nut with it i will bring in tho other one jlttlu ii t h m m minim dont people wver gft puiilahod for tolling the trutji p mamma no my donr why do you kp llttlf kihol cmiim i just tnoked thn laut thrto urla in tho pantry and i thought id belter trll you clove land plain fjuntrr a truly ideal wife m iiusda be beipeh itcorona llenlth la the qreot satut or ioutrr to inspire and encourage all won iii should seek it nn- uti m hi mi j mi tful and n ii t in n 1 1 thin i titurt in a rorcnt li in i mid wliiiuivar i am and ut k a i iimo attalneil in title i 111 ami ull to my wife from the duy i flnt know her ihe hu been on lnilralnn and the greatest helpmate of my illo to be each a oaceemfal wife to retain the love and admiration of her husband to inspire him to make tho moat of him self should bo a womans constant study if a woman finda that her energies are flaming tlist oho gets easily tired dark ihijowb appear innler her eyes the has backache luadai hew liearlngdown pains norvousnees irregulorltlwior thebltlm all should atortatonco tohulld up her s by a tonic with i pociflo power men esly- dh ii nnkhnm0 veiwuihlo compouno rollovlnff no ptilillsli by request s letter from a young wife j doarjlrs plnltlmmt rvernlnco my child wosbomlnavemft cmi as i hope raw women ever liave with urtflmmnunn fumnlo wmtkneee bearin down pshu haokaclie anil wretclied head- bctim it nflcctoit my momnch so i could ul luuy rydflrislrhsint f my time was not enjoy my laoali mill in two rynttrtblnkham mail mo a well woman mid i foil m grtuful hint i pm bind to writ anil tell you of mj marvelous wnvery it hmiinht me health now liri and vllnlily mm iimiio aliuley oil south 10th htroot tacomo weill what lydln r rinkhams vegeuhl coin pot mil did for mm alnsley it will do for every sick nnd nlllng t oinin if you imio aynfntoms yon dont un derstand writo to mn ptnkham daiiahtemn hr of iydla 1- ihnkham al lynn ho her advice u free and always helpful we cannot hear ourselves ignobly that others do not suffer nor bravely that others ore nnt ludped bcnvll john hopkins university has a ther- miunoter worth 1000a mother graves worm kxtermlnntor does not ivqitlie tho help of any pur- grttlvo medlolno to complete ihe cure dive it a trial nnd he convinced annual statement bank of hamilton as aabmllus i u bknkuia i u lutittu imii t u hmj obim a tt otmk a umbiiuh wottdtr juhmy aoih isos board or dirkotors ifor 10o8i 1mldsmt okollok hdthkiholl j tuttniiolil vio irilml t ocncm manager co dairon hon 1 h hknuitif vo lvhlh a i11uur liabilitiis to the vablle 4 8011031 no fk0ii2tir io 4 ill v3i jionti ici not nf tlie ilmik in elreutnthm depoaila lirnflng intrrret inelullng intercut tied ru iil tn ihito djtlti nut hearing itifdst ltauhra iuh to odipr 1 la nit in canada aoltlic vnltm rules j t lptna al luimntt due to aftentapf hip lnk fa orint llrltuln rttrniij m dlvllwil nn 74 iuiyahloaiil dwi mbr 1107 011 00 ionrtor dklh woi uttimm 121 ix j y ojofll iwi to the cirsmlden tajlui hlak 347ijnioo ltrre kunl 3470300 00 amount rtwrvrit for itrhnln nf iiitnreet on f urrent 1iiiu ilununt1 71 hm 00 halancc of riflta carried forward 217010 70 oar2opn37 12 imv ni asjsrttsi lold nnd bllvurcuin nim7hll jlnmlnlon ooiernment nots 317 ntt0 w 1lftfll dcjaihlla wltli tka dtunlnlon onvemmput nn hiirrtv for nnle i irciilntlnh ljuiilo f noli n nf iiml bornn h oil ouipr llniiku llnl 10k llftumiw tine rn ntirr llnnki iii 0 uml 11 mil ln hulled htnjin mllns fliiin1nin ninl irnvlnrlal qiveriiiuriit fwuri iks sjiisih luiadlnu miimlrlnlhiirltiia m llrhll or van inn or iilniilaf piihlw hrfluflllie ntlilr tliun fin ml in u rf lilmh7 i llnllwny nml ntlivr iljiiuu llrlmiitiin iial htiiftiii r hii nm yniml at nil nr htiort t nil oiihtiiotliili hrriirltlna 1 411110 i vilee imimmhjiitfd and advon 1 a mrritl ntcm hlwmintrhl etc i rrjliin 1 at irnttl 1 i xh irovi1i tn ilnnk lr lolatit itllfi tiriiltiin hnfih etc al i atnlfl otlur tlmn mnnk rrrnaia mortrin 1 1 ilther aiiwt nnt itielmlr1 unlrr fori pilnk inula m n n aj nmil 61 hov it and los account of iroflt and itoss aecniuit 30th as trial ttrotlt for thai yomk ndexl soth novom- br 1ot hffta tfduotlnat ohetrelej of vuartslmeht atnd mmhlrisj provision tor u0 270 04 bsul strul doubtful camm primlum received on nn bloek s84tob qh 070 00 s405s4h 20 hon wm gibson ptjldnt lroni willed lmn hn n dfelnrul fnnr qonrtorly divl iloiila in nil 10 ir rrut arriiil lo llrarrin iiiiii from ln niliim 011 ni w htodk hn nliovp wrlttin ftt hank rrfmliua allownnen to ix 1rmlh nt aullioruci liy hliaro lioldcrs dalnnee of profit nnd lota rnrriod forward j turnbull vlospraa and gonadal manatfot vesr ciffriuf ssne clrcalatlow dl jjfu aawta l07iiflfl0oo0 725000 034240 i 0417410 tnfllo 0 40 07h jgm lflso000 778000 11117071 7oh4b74 0117110 11100144 iftw jjjw000 1000000 11r070 rtt0mi 1003920 11101057 1000 1j03013 1214110 101001 loolohi 11m70a 14277 1001 0000000 100000 1000021 111140004 13470007 17071750 wiu u eea by the above that during thf lost ten years toe banks capital hkreased 07 par cent keeesved uereasoal b40 par cant annual recottd op ten years growth siast i9oonooo 1000000 i smin 0000 lino 1700000 i sin 0 m 2 220 uk0 0000100 1004 h7u 0440740 0440740 8070 3500000 2500000 8310020 oirettlition loereaaed w depetlts increased tl assets inersaaei veer 1002 1001 1001 1001 1000 ii l in 4lfll 210 11nii4 hr0 1t5h1 uft 21401 121 2l1hfl027 y tit 1 1 a 1 lllilc- d ill pill he in 1ji 171 ii 111 11j nou ii7 2717h kl i 147 per 070 par 030 par trial liploi3 21 lit illll i 71 mill m shi10ih l id i 110 cent cent cent chartered by dominion government eslsbllshed 1ba4 the merchants bank or canada ii i ad office montrual inlermt bl four lime yur 1 10 brinchm prudnl8lk ii momtaou allam vl prultbttl jowatuati hoimhom eu cmrtl huitr b v hivdrh cpllal tilil up 6 ooooqo oo dpotlt ovr 17003 ooo oo surplu i 000000 00 tout aul 5300000000 avinos bank dpoit on iolur or upwird will opea kn ucount money vrllmrwibu any lime no delay rarmhn alk notis we av ipecul faclulle for colleclln ihaaa wo will ciah ihem al one ii datlred al a low rat ol intern joint accounts when renueeted w will open accounta lo iwo namee ao that either en ntay draw the money huiband or wll etc aotou branoh w s cuish0lm hanaker prlodlc is now ready for your watch and clock repairs prompt ness and good work is what we strive to give nicudalarmsput inthott ough good order same au new for st cents a d pringfclie the jeweller guelph ileal aimoma la often nohloved after many fulliiros an actho man builds tuicctiss upon a roiiutuhi of failure riiisoi hiigi to ourh a cold in ohb day tike a caitll nromaqnlno tabut a irufhuts vetatid the iddiwy if ii fail fa em w qraveeetgiiaiiiheaseeb iiexuaia whioht most of youne ltiutcra poetry la pathetic isnt hp well thats what he calla it f but the adltur aays its painful preachers opinions sev p k mehao porki boildeek o d 1 i always eount it a pleasure to recommend the dr bloaum remmles to my parishioners i believe there le nothing better far throat aqd lung troubles or weakness or rundown aye- tern for sneakers sore throat i have found psyohlae very honeflelal 2yv u b paisley out i piycbins seemed just the atlmulant my system neeiloil i aliall odd my testimony as to its offleaey at every opportunity jiv b w drowne amherst nend nh i have often veeommendiml psychuie elnao taklnff it myaelf for it is a cure for the troubles you specify rev oliaa stirling iuth niji i have uaml yaychliie tn my famllyi the results were marvelous i have visited people who state that they never used its equal i strongly reeowmend it bvjbxavir i have taken two bdttlss of rayeune nd am pleased to soy that i am greatly improved in health i was troubled with my throat but now i and it about restored to its normal condition i and my work very mush leas taxing i faellovs psyehbis is all claimed foi t those are earnest jpresehers of the gospel of psreune they know where of they speak fsyewhe ettree all throat lung and stomaah trochlea it is a great volee strsngtkenerr aatltt for wintry weather the keenly eotd weather remlada yeu if you have delayed giving us yeur order that yeu cant delay it any longer our handiemo overcoat nga and bull inge will please the most partlcula dresser we make thetri up right toe or you dont take them 0 00 vycq gooper thf taihor burdock b lood turns bad blood into rich red blood no other remedy possesses sucb perfect clennstnp he all no and purl fylnp properties externally heals soros ulcers abscesses and all eruptions internally restores the stomach liver bowels nnd blood to healthy action if your appetite is poor your energy rone your ambition lost bbb will restore you to the full ijoyment of hnppy vigorous ufa we dally cost over each other an in fluence for good or evil xob us not bo lbs occasion of misleading others by oursllenoe when weoughtlospeakr newman foundation prtnslploei first t whon wo undertake to fill your suhaorlptlons wo glvo thorn our undivided attention and best care the patients welfare is our first con sideration geoond i wo guarantee our drugs to be of full strength aa well as pure and fresh third t our customers are supplied wlthjustwhattheyoskfori subetltut- ing is novor allowed r ainus oklkry ooutouxd if you are a sufferer from kldnoy disease hver complaint blood troubles rheumatbtmi nouralgla or nervous prostration we oonfldentlv recom mend tho use of palnes celery com pound this reliable and novor dis appointing medlolno is a true disease banuhet- and iystem hullder we upply the gonulne palnes oolory compound at brown acton ont more men are injured by having things made easy for them than by having their paths beset with dim- eultles o ii parkhursl corner milt and mela bt acton ont fe i mi the depth froin whloh our words are spoken is th measure of ihe depth at which they will be heard julian hawthorne do good constantly patiently and wisely and you will never have cause tossy that lire is not worth living lllnes milburns laxaliver pills ore mild sure and safe and ere perfect regulator of the aystam tbay gently unlock the seeeetlens elear away all abate andwsrfe iiuutetjroiailte ayateea sad give tone and vltauiy to toe whole intestinal troei fnuing oootupa- tloa blek besdaehe bjlioasnass dycpep els coated tongue veal breath jacat dli heahbarn and waur brash uro b ogdeo woodsteek ntt wrltest ty husband and mysalf have weed lift bums lauver iws for a number ef yaerc we think we eonaei da without bam they are the only pais we aver meass cents or ftve botttes for utt at audeajers o dureet im meieftpriee the t mubara oe uu bring to hear upon thyself the resolu tions of a noble uilrid i thou ntayest be what thou resolvest to he menolus blokles antlconitimptlve syrup la the result of en pet t ehemlcal experi ments undertaken to discover a pre venllveoflnflamnintlonof the lungs and consumption by destroying the germs that develop these ilueasee and till the world with pitiable subjects hopehmly stricken the use nf this syrup will prevent the dire conse quences of nvgleeted cold a trial whloh costs only ssoent will convince you that this is correct non o ihiltr enjoy life am are atieh burdens ti thftnaehm as those who have nothing to do jordau jl2fcj4 1 alavalnr- w u mwvm of ik aetwla axative bromoqubiine sum ir ewvakv wttitrrr til m trttui in tllatnm rtntjiilao in i1i111 ytittr rllow luan 8iimui ila hint wdultl lie truly ltntpy moat think lila own lot beet th llr railing modiolus uollo way ofirn tiurri niuorm all kind nf oonir wartaj to km tit mat lfloul to nuton mitiiut wltlwtattd twtawrftlrfoirnjly dont neglect a cough or cold it can 1uvb but one bbsult it leaves the timoat or lun08 ob botii affected dr woods norway pine syrup is the medicine you need it is without an equal as a remivly for coughs colds sreoehltui bore throat fain la the cberi asthma whooping cough quinsy and all affeetlosi ol the throat and iungs a single dose of dr woods norway mae syrup will stop the cough soothe the throat and if the oouah or oold has be eosae settled on the lungs the healing propertlm of the norway pine tree will twulm-lt-gevutua-jiyprompuy- eradicating the bed effects anil a peralat- eat use of the remedy cannot fall to bring about a complete cure do not be humbugged juto baying eo- called norway pine syrups hut be sure and insist oa having dr woods ik is pqt up la a yellow wrapper three pine trees the traits mark ond prlee stf eta tire henry sesbrook ltepworth ont writes l i bsyeusedpr woods norway pine syrup in our family for the past three years end k eonsldar it the beet rmedy kaewafoctmoamofeolds uhueured an ma imdmi end tvyaall fur bargains j we undoubieilly ttlvo vau the heil bargiins ours are regular furrier a own make our regaler alack reliable and urlo date we are oflerlnj the bilance of our slocknlusac rlfice now ihe en cltamenl is over you tn lurelyiflnd llie place gs quebec st opposite itie henld oliice we do mors thnn we could my in space if you have the money ihla la your chance we need the cash at la fontalnoa fur carnb- llshmont os quebec street gumvi ont 18 it footwear you am look ing for if thats tlio case kb to williams shoe store i carry a full lino of boots giiocs rub bers etc for people of all ages and sizes fall and winter stock now ready for your inspection wm williams the shoe men vtu btrmt aoton new pictures at waters bros new ideas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors a i way h fresh and of the best quality waters bros guelph art store learn dressmaking in a week to enalile ell to larnw trw placing ipailim j iflwnjtn ontario ie uuont wa pnlv friurm in qjn u that l ft wlvol tanillv c tn i by dim inemliir uuina il un w to in butlnfu nr ten yeete aid hi ujlil ovi tmtl inem wo tv- are ol imlutloni more tnan to enpy our ndve anrl vn j were not fcnnwn a be the enune ho imivl it tenulna doanarantee unt wm bendaia inventor and pee paffleeehsr mlsa reter will u m tbe dent auroea whbjm to leeni k lure teeaelier at fmfwi aassaeibnimelriluaeuteto enivitteairn inwai ent hat baa n known eulmed where they invantar of thla t tub ropwm watoif 11 lult vi ntliitf niefnlotn nbiitit lln i ki u hiluu inld lu iliuin jnal now x luppoimil in mi nuillnnrn ilia hull h u in nut iihikik turn 1 11 in liimn hen of mh 1hlntik nolilllty a churili likik mur elrlklok urn hour and thn in lo rompiiro thn time took from il- ulrdln an miitliiiiitid nlokt i cuauil iilrli with ihe wliltn imilul worn oil pfilrhuii it wnh hecuiod by n unit 11011 iciithir tf 11 mil an i hi hun pilnca himi wns prearnl produced u bpinniud richly caacd ilil chronoiiiatei rob jvllh jewels a tuns inrpltcfi of tin kiildan miim nit and beugod thn pupa s uccijitmico nf it lu oxc1mnn for ills old nlckol wulcli wiiloli thu nolileinnn milled wniild xlwnya la rcknnlril by hliii na u iunt prrrlijiih ifnarnuin ihe holy ll in r iitiilly dttdfiiil it h na u iniaeut fnin iuy dndr nn t 1 mv ihbhii with a unllf fond hug 11 10 faded old tlninjilfnc t was iptlioniiiualllmivwhtii nhe gave it to tim with this vry leatlur gunrd i am wealing rthw i proflilaed to kuiji it until it vt worn nut beyond repair it must bo n r ihelopo iiddild fur it has never dlenppolnted 1110 fibt wit amd humoa the hv j tut tutl how ilnru you coma lie f tiro mo and nik mo to marry you when ho le in that dirnpi fut oondlllon p would be ilrldo- wee aur plcnz ur holl no ooiuowlieri hes sober mrs tuhnsron lover tho tub uoun ah niuk yo a jjood llvin llonry olny johnston i mr johnstontot hie chile tolblo hut you should have seen do wny mal mother euppohtod riinli father 1 bo you want my danglitor f inlil lliuattrn parent vm eh ntiawoied tho young mil lor nuidestly huh i gi iiiited tho old mnn clot any mum j t y eii ilmv high do you iiunln licit llefiuonn wvto mnrrliml you tolt mo you wero wall nit ho i did i reiuoniber dlatlurlly lulling ynu that vouliod llionr tlmt wnuld bo a ijiiestlon lu ciirii utry i whs well off all right hut 1 didnt know it till fifuni thunk railway excelsior bakery wo are headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of first- class quality wc also carry a splendid btock oi groceries and con fectionery t statham son hill btrt aoton paper makers axokokto icm ont book n1ws and oolonicd papiina jnobmanbbil the old and reliable granite and marble dealers wbui raanutaelurara ana rllreot imporuj of all ulriilaot llonumaiiui end ilevisieiie wnrk we mil dlraol to oureuatomera m whola al prlpea ttiue paving our eiiitomere 40 tr we have tlie ipllaiiee and w ale tmeumatie k ilreda of our euatomati onjr nihiianoeln the uamlilen l the weac we ate ualtlniau daelara aiid emi eau oerr e ean alya iiumni in ir tilaeaa wiiereoihen have to into properly of oi hilar o en k ol any toronto and other plaeaa where oiheri have aland law aiilta in order lo enllaet w in eaaenia nnd do not annoy or mil nui y eandliiii oul in no rant aaenteto aolloii order we employ nieelianlea only and dely oompetliion hamilton sons oar motto eu1 wonlwlali hu auhlfii waggoner extension liadders buy a waggoner extension lndder und save fruit ueut on earth for nl indtlor imitpewm write far price llht and djwoilnu or call tub waggoner ladder co umlud 4ii yoru 6ttt loildoni ont miii- vvm ssasi vavnnhtlttlt tiia1nb tl 1 will ml ii i nl hi ii alliilll a whit ho m 1 u 1 win m null iii i in ii f il in aihmiii t l a 1 t the ow cmcn- work glrurllc sy a0ov uaml launubv wiuw tia n nrfii l dfliu mill lnuti hull i fin a hun iry ni in i i iil fuiicnc oml ulvf rixtlil unc uikiii cirn lo nrllcles ol nil bind lrc niilil li h imiikhw iililii loii i uo ilioy willnut him jour neck btaiid i p ci hm irdncil to iliey will jjot liffdli in llio v lilj all tart if ii find j mlcti jt irnjiink done with riiilrilialuucilun unci promptly go lo cliarllu sur mil ut lilu irnow uheti wan 1 ami hu u ill nut lal ynu t acton pump a si tile works o b edbaql proprietor aw u ly i with all llio inlcut machinery ana appliance for manulacimlnit jumpeanif jijuiji sitppuin rie tor wjjm olmfrut cuivtrt ta suam jjjia rittiag tool naif pip a up pi fm order promptly filled main strllt acton 1 cublph ijdslicss olleflc ofeaoiiininick i ppcr wytttihim bt tlurtph vnt tlie best system or cniiiuiiirrl rralnl a hunmn lo modem tn altiun r uicili n it in i emit ill njratod al llio ouhlph uublnttlu culleaet th iiuhiii ll mill nimtih itad aud rli it all other i in it all lirlfltu uiiu iini nn won n i teiarsy ant clmrauirii4ti rl unit limn al moiurate oil aiiiu ir up i i ill i o kuril u in tumliihi w ill n n iiiiiiljolioldiaonl lixlilnu aiioiu tai lun llmli coll u will iv ion to li iri how ant wl kntr now f r day or tin j li j oouim oc illrool l tl alliin ulluo ilainnlo uu u ar win lliai i ht liiultu nr addna m maoounmickba kcton llizsry bus lino 1 he unilcralkncd reapecllully lollcim llio jnitonnko ol the nub ile nn i inltirnia them thai wall equipped biki atyllnh itlara can nlwnja ho tocurcil at his table a com fort a lilo bun nriccti all irjlni boiuccn in pb n tn and u 19 p m direful aticniion riven to every onw ilia wants of com mercl il traolloru fully met john xniiliw3ucs pijoiivibton w ginisop painter paper hanger sin writer picture uramcr shop- mill st acton op posite williams livery repairs promptly made to furniture tinware etc no unnccebsar delay knives ground scissors sharpened courteous attention and reasonable prices w gimson w5qdea36ravintl photoengraving halftones on abv class or iiuavino wmmctmsmii pubposnoafllogues haoazincs tvc vbh pbribno 5npwjqrit wvsuwaablit pauiiii recurfil tliruftlimnrllni a m rioti ncalveepeelel notice wit l mil crwrtwhi jgjriw mwwiere llaihimtid llirugluh h9rtv7luskl majuon marion

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