Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1908, p. 2

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r l jh j k dbhtohln anion on balurday hit smtrtiary tour and mi a w vramkllu llaulon aaun miciuvai knoa rhutrili uan milton rti hntiday liiarnlnir pai sttd to kv w u all i mr maeaay eaon joliu ijorrlaonl daiicemal lulurvltla an wednaadey tthlu try 0th mary id howell dauahur of tlif lele ll j h howan u a enl wlfa of v m n uwioitu hvipiiv luiuiuu 1 widow of ilia lata lie jauiae lj vrfort jfrce rcs5 tiiuilflday kuonvally 1 i ithm ddltotuab notbtt will the tlm fuir it general election approaching byu vuotlona nro per- liepeattfiilftcantorihe mu of puiiw opinion within a few wcttka then have web hovbi iiytvulecllona hi ful lows- ontario four ioattrt ymk north wtlliialon ottawa mid ffcwth huron ju quelwc hire i hjcom ximuhltmfiini tint goveriiiwcnl candidate tvae returned in cfldi uuv and lit ejouth huron ilia liberals train ed that mac the house of oonmiona on monday disease ii resolution df mr hilallt guthrie of guelph i that in tin opinion of thla house it 1 tloulrahle that a ooniiiluiloii of tiiiiuli y ho fin h- wlth appointed to invimtlifii tlm nmil of canada in respect to technical rdu cation nit to report mi wuya win mhiii by which tbuu mwl limy in mol the tuipnruncq of m chit lot 1 in- true lion whi wniphitvlaed by aluiihru smith oxford and cuomiiitt iiihiii ford mid lite delude whh adjummll for further ducusulnn whin winter kln in ouhntlii thodoll dominion cuiuo mil in manifold fin co the wihxim put nn new luautle mid ypurlbiuin turn m the open unro of frwuli pit iifciinu himi lncreiid onjnyiiiunta whiter scum a r ao characteristic of canada un muob tuuunderetnod abroad mid si heartily enjoyed within tbo bonluiu of our own wide country tint t ih hod unri gun and motor brniru in ottiuuhi pub llaheil hy w j taylor tit wimuttrk ont in usiiliiff n wlntir iimuluu unci and dlveotlntf attention to lb- womlvix of the uuoii in canada u doing fund eervlce accompanying lb report wni n lotter from the auditor which as id wo find tho buolo of thu vlllaiii truaumr the trmtirr of the bobonl board hnd ilia treaiuror nf the public library hoard in exoullunr annuo nml oorraotly 4tpt and nil ilia antrlc rt duly vartlllml hy propar voitohnra your and itora would tnigireit that hit hooka of the klectriolan and tbo muni olpal ohloar 1h i apt by tbo mimlolpnl clerk and that tha nfflcem ketp h blotter on which to niako unlrln mi thty occur to b ohfekiml und untdrvil by tho clerk in tha proper ikuiub wtakly an ordor in council hi imcu pnkntnl by tha onvorninont ut oituwn tlcolixl- nff foreign alilp from iriullnu fron ona oanodliin port to uitotbur afto jannary uu 1000 the cnnrlnjr tradf will ba otirrlad on by nrltuh ablp exolualvaly thla la vlawucl favorably aa an enaounibrmant to ounudlnti ahlpplng intnratiti tim pxrlnulun of foreign viulnfnm tint oouutlngirudi of tha dnuiliilon will im doubt ihhhiih canadian uhlpplnd in tho ami tmih- batwean sydney oit und montrvul under tbr ravlaail law tin davwlop rnent of tlis morolmut niiitlno of canada it evpaotad to root ivs gival ttltnulua if a bill wliicirimui6dlw flrut rvml jlier in tie brltlah unuia of couiihiim on monday baeoinaa a law juvcnllt utara nf thv olgaratto will buvii a hunt tlraa indulging thalr apptttltp tin tut a gnvornntant moiiuuro which araamli tho eautlng ihwb fur tlif protaotlon of ohlldran it prohibit amnuing uudar i in hgtt id provide pnaltlita for any oim law lliiin 10 yaara old oaugbt bmnking in tin atraata or other public place and inakea thn aala of qlgnrellon to any paraon titular tha ago nf 11 n pun mi abla tiffanoa among ntbur inuirput ing fenturai tho bill ratabllnhiw juvanll unurta throughout the conn try and oalla for apodal pluoia nf ttntcn lion for ohlldran instead nf honiltng thoin to i bo ordinary prlmna thacunndlan mugualnaforfobrimty la mora than evor dutlnutly ctiuiullitn ibatavtanff with an llhmtratod aillcl by frank ylgh aiillttad tho ohi llwn trail and anma of tho other moat important contribution at nafollowwi tha washington nf tlm north by m o scott illuatrntod iwlng mi account of the work dona by iho otlawn im provatnaut onnunuiilon in iwuutlly tho capital tha ihut laltara of wolfa and mnntoalm hy ii v ilou an outllns nf tho oa nudum imuilgra tlon policy y w 8 wultaoai thn art nf st thomaa sinlth hy it ilolmaa with raproductlona of mr smltba pkltiraa i tho trad into tha north by auhray fullarbin ihustrht- mi and mil article onllllod 4t can- adun flag by john 8 kwari k 0 of ottawu in tha munltnlm laglelaturo iiur weak mr onrtlnu btiuth winnipeg preaonmhl a petition from 0000 pir- one daacrlbwl an rbdant wloomiru of the province praying that liquor lloanta lawa ba a amended aa in pro vide for the cnmpulaory ofintlfig nf hotel bar at ulxoolock tlm potltlon waa in tha form of a bulky 1iulur bound volume among thn elgnoru being many of the ninut prouilnniit clergyman and laymen of all the ohurchea the name of arohhlehnp of st bonlbca appeara flrat followed by many wall fjoclw and laymen or htettahh flian uoniaa repraaentallveaof the anglluan pre- bytarian methikjut napihit and con gregetlnhal bodlaatheltoyhltaiuplani of tamperanea independent onlei of oood tamplara salvation army and lalwr orgaulantlonii tha loolaiid fioandlnavlan lodgaa woe alrongly repraaanled the vehomona fhgu cannot cover iu guilt by ealllng it candor strong prejitdlemi lndlqj ivwnak vn0x chuciiannivufsafty mloquant aind tlriln bfcvmonat by hmv r fetlobsth ma ol rula council mourns the death of an efficient ofdcer hmolutlenorcondalenoar th lt ourb t t moor tlm oo ng regatloii uf knox church wna very thankful tlm date for thalr unnlvnranry woe ixod for the ulb fab- rimry ltutind of tho prvlomi hunday ilm two wi tku etorui hid abated the roiulu wt rt fulily wtill broken and the ilny wna bilgbr nihi punaant aa a itimiilt thu iltriidnitcu whh much larger than could inivo pomtllily lumo the co thn avi i hi foro at tho evening tar lc the church wrh tavod to noconio- dntn thu turge guthoilng which waa iwullod hy tbut of tho methodlet con- grtimtlon und ita yimtorp llttv j c wuitn dai bad cherge if ihattarvloou mid ho wua aanuted at tlm uvanlng aervltjti by uev o w rtker tf h prenclior of jho day we ltev h q milthma or iri and hledla eniuvwi vv ttloqumit nud timely mid much unjvd by nil who hrwrd lmm uiv mr mobj mi im n forcefiilvrcaclier an lilt wide vxikorlonia and eiicceeilot of aucotiaufdl puatotfltca haveftlven hlnj u nlaturu and nffucilvji method or pre- wanting goawl trutha ho le a man who uvea among tho people ho known thulr life tholr environ me nta and thn rxp llcocra which they ara obllgm to ifnrounttr thlehnereeiilt- f1 in mi ummiinl pytupathy for the uiiihuuatind thn adapting of a tender und attraotlvit iientmunt of tholr nuede from a gnwpul utnml point tin u xt of t ho morning scruinn whi joihuac 11 1ft wu nro dluponed ti mympalhlzii with anyone who u cnllnl mm nit mii to ihi a great liiana plact- wiild tha pruiohir at the outlet win ran tuko up liu woik la our iiueilton lint ptoplo wcrn asking that day in jtlnin tiiu cnlltd to succeed n u motim miih no rit ut n i that ho died in nn umiiui way and m inn hd with rojttl hoiiom by thn liiiutluf god hluiuhlf hut i he truth la that no limit ovvi line to take tho plitco if until lie i knch men hae to do lila own hoik mid kupe iiu own in dlvldliiillt hucli mnii brare hie own liimh n of i tpuimllilllty hnd oimi iillowa i iiiiuiu to kvi p tho win id out of tbo tut of monotony wiilii ii mini bad to be ohoaon wf ciiii mm noiihi liiuone why oml choie jiihiiuii ami ihuy uro of vnluo to mi ba- caimit wu in lho4iamuuf jod bavo to olioo out loaditreln church nndatate jonliim wae clearly a man of determin ation for bu hud unld from tho begin nlng that th it y would go in and poeeaea tho laud gnd can and will uao men who ha m dotrrmlnatlon and courage to stand by ibrlr oonvctlone joahua tun wua guldnd by tho word nf god tho honk of tho law and tho man whotiikfh hie titdura from lho borlp nuii will ho a lender on man joehuu uindo iio of lho iiiuune of grace aa we lionld if wu l fund to ha atrong and he guvo thu iiubanltntlng obedience to god which will alwnye oniuro victory wo nil havo no too ahara in carrying no tin work or the church and the unto which hoare the maike of tbo inborn of tho plnneera of thu country iii lit bu tuiilly faithful and gml will umi un to band on to othere tho great hiilthge wo inivo received from th past thrao point woreenforcod by many imustrnllone tho itvi nlng dlucunruo waa bunod up on jit fli 22 iu there no phyelclan tliuiop why tlionli not tha health nf tin tin tight ft nf my puoplo recovered r itufureuoo wuu imido to tho character tf jiimuliih und thn pwnllar function of tlm prophota of the old toetamont in all hiimnn hlvtory tho preacher uuld ihwiule no uuch uiilqua inaly nf licit thoio la nothing nmru inspiring to us in mu own day i linn the pli llllwlby tho prophutaof olilon tlino joiiuulah wuu one of tho mint remark nhlo uniting them and win a courage mm and ouutaudhig character among litem tlicro le a place in the world mtill fm tho prophtta not a man who roilu uvuntti butono whnepenkaotit tha truth of god to tho people the milliliter of tlm goupul to day etande in thuooiiiuiunlty ma non par thorn ho has noctiibu dlhllnctlnn hut ha apeake nut foi god lie le in all roapuote a working man and eorvoe the country hy tlmawiiit of bin binln aa lho othoru do by thu hu eat nf their lirow juremluh ftukod tho quasllnn of tho toxt bacmibo f tho initial upldemlo piovtilllngi nolhlng iu bo aontuglouh aa tho power of human tin the wagounreln la death hut the gift of god le otoinul llfo jeiiia anld i i am enmo that i may call nob the rlgbtuoiia hut aiunere to repeutunoo un enmo auklug ua to accept tho lomody for aln iioopoiib tho doorway of a now llfo to everyone who cornea rupnntnnt tho modern thought e to decline to call aln by ha right namo honoo there are en many who do not oiilixn ihuy are full of nln our pmphotu or to day inuut awake them from thvlr lothiirgy ahow them thu conlraet ihiiwcdu tholr wlokeil elate and the iminodluto llfo of ohrlit ahow i he in that though htuepnd in aln chrhit will oleanuo thorn if they will coma to illm tho day coming when tho church of chrlit will lie held rotpmiulhlu for tho injuutlco donu to lint iiiiiuuou nf men hy onitgoatlng them iu itu lutoiiuo comnierehil and indue- trlul nctlvltlua and destroying the vlllago nod country llfo huretofore uh- ahdiig it u oanudae ulvallon that throe foliithe of her population la en- gaged in illllng tho anil uuffieiiue whh made to thu great o vllti nf tbo saloon the gambling habit and othor moiiil maladies und mil clnullan iwople were iixhorted to have the comage to eland tip and aay tlicao thing miiiiii iw nn longur tlm ohuli rouihirvd vary appropriate and nccep im ab both aervloea mozdnto dbath nbarouiblrh whllo on hie way to join his wife at her mother iwdnlde jneaph leh timnn of rreatim lay down in a farmer held enhauatad by the oolil nn haturday ulghl anil waa froxen tn ilfiith he hud trampeit nine mllea frtnn guelph to neer new germany und waa within night of hie deetlna- flint when he gave up i he utruggle ho wore n light overcoat felthat kftl ghivin and nn ovcrahoea uo had gmtoliy train from praelomto gualph hnd intended to tako the opu- to wlilihi two in hae of home wi finding the hue hluokod ho decided to walk wllh the invrcury at so drgreee tw there waa a dlatluct miuue of miraon- alloaafltnt tlm drat lueollng of the municipal council elnco tlm death of mr t t moor tho cleik and treaa- urer on monday evening the luevo and each of the member ft it that by tha rttninval of mr mikira they had lot n peraoual friend but nioro than thle they had lout an offlclnl in whom they had reutbd tho moat implicit trtut and in whoaa ability to keep the municipal machinery running imootb- ly undei all clrcumatanciie they had tjio ulnioat coulldewe tfmy bad air leaned upon hltri end in hla iibaeuco from ilm ntpdllar potjltlon hhiad otu pled fur tlnf poat elxteett yeara lhy folt a dlatlnct end peraoimtloaa the reaohitlun t conaolonce vaaund la k fitting trlbutu vo ilia faithful urn of a faithful official and to the atci hug character of u good man thw action of the oainclrjn voting three inouthv alary to tha widow waa highly plopnr undor tho clrcumatancee npd will have the approval of all ratepayrra in the appointment of mr a j macklunon llarrlatfer tn thu vacancy tho council imu aecuied on ofllolul wall quallfteil to interpret municipal law and procedure who wljl do doubt ful fil the dutlea of lho office to tho aatli- faction of all concerned council met at eight oclock morn- lere preaent t ilaeve swackhainor and con no ii lore hpulght wllllama and dr gray the committee nn finance prearnlod their third report and recumini udrd payment of account aa followei acton fiiicu piikhh printing 9 8 h1 municipal world uiippllou in tin ranco k whuoh i witprusa 43 geo campbell conalalilo at tluctlou geo d11u ehovulllng ennw jumoa abraham do w m cooper wood johnutone jk co chain for hall h bamee ehovelllng mow u hoiith so w k swackhamer wood charity freil oolre aanlury policeman jae oarnahan 4 men at unow w lee ehovelllng mow it craig do a v cobley do what mr leet0n wants vary modmtv in hla rmiulai aa oompenamtlon for loflaiunaf hra has 98000i wantm 7o0o nom town tbo epoclal conniiltteit uppolntfd to corrhund with mr william ielon who line made a proposul to i he town to incatu hlu furiilturo pluali and imlu tlon fur factory here preaent their ropoit nt tlm council meeting nn monday evening in auewer too loiter from tlio com mittee rtmieathig that he put ida proposition in deflnnto hntw hla re hirt waa hi ruvflt aa followa i i they want from acton a main building with 4000 feet of hum- apace and a aldo building for dyo bnuatr vjoa 115 f dot htoek to uitinuiii nt to lie kubecrlbed in acton ii a loan of 97000 nom ttin cor- pnratlon rira peil d nf ten yeare tin iittqraat tln llrntjnii in return tor ibuuo conalilurallon mr tton and hlu purl nor will ngro t j to put to j009 caah a to employ ita rear aa itoaullla ij handeat the ataitt i iuh pjiitneit being pniclcal men will put in their exptn lencp and aiimr- vlalon upon receipt nf the nlioe definite pinpoaal the coiiuiillteo wrote re quuillng the following information 1 how do you propoar tn aecnre the corporation in cuao of u lonnp 2 how la block lobe tukeil tipp n vo you gum antea a given nuinwr of luindu 4 give referancee am to financial standing and alilllty to carry out the undertaking thla letter waa sent to mr ieeton on the dlat january the committee la atlll walling for a reply i aft ii 110 10 20 1 u0 1 00 1 25 21 00 4 00 00 1 00 01 70 wj the report waa adopted before proceeding with tho geneiel biiblneee of the aoialon or gray re ferred to thn great loaa the council had auatalnod in the death of mr thomaa t moore who had fur ao many yeare beau clerk and treasurer of the municipality he apnke in ternta of eulogy of hla atorling character hla great influence upon the community and tho splendid eervlcee he had rend ered the council in hla capacity aa ita clerk and treasurer for ao many yearo tho following resolution waa then carried unanimously t moved by t gray aeeonded by c c speight and resolved that we the mom- lie re of the municipal council of the cor poration of tho village of acton dealre to glvo expression to thu elnoere sense of lose we feel in the doath of mr thomaa t moore tho olerk and treaa urer and to place upon record our great appreolnlon of hla abilities in tha ralthfnl fulfilment or all the duttce of hla office ida uniform courtewy and helpfulness and of hla probity and honor aa a man that in tha death of thomaa t moore thla oounoll anil this town have aufttelned an irreparable loss that wo desire to convoy our re- upeclful cqndolanoca to tho family of the deceased and wo pray that heaven ly consolation may lie imparted lotheiu in this the dayvf great noirow first and deepeat of all theirs but auo that of the town and oomnmnlty that n copy of thla resolution be transmitted to mrs moore moved byt gray seconded by w wllllama that three months salary he paid tn mre t t moore widow of our late clark and treasurer in reang- ultlou of hla fulthful and satisfactory eervlcee for ao many yoare carried tho apeolul committor appointed to report aa to the advisability of supply ing current for moving picture maohluoe in the town hall recommend ed that n now transformer be installed for tho use of users of current in tho vicinity of thu town hall and that the preaent transformer bo used for light ing tho hall and for use of moving pic ture entertnlnmonu and that such entertalnmenla he r quired to pay an extra fee of 200 per night the report waa adopted the electrician submitted a list or euppllee moved by t gray seconded by w williams that tho uuppllas for tho electrician be obtained carried municipal officer oarnahan uskvd to he furnished with an official cap and budge of office these will lie procur ed council adjourned at 10 15 oclock ail interesting paragraph in tho speech from the throne at the opening or the provlnolal parliament last week aald i the largo increase in the appro priations for the teachers salaries additional normal schools and various othor educational purposes have re ceived tho commendation of the public und you will he asked now tn consider increased appropriations for urban nohoots if office eought the man there would be fewer men running for office srturdhy kfterstocktkking shle st albuivh glrunrlr of odd lines short lengths and broken lots from the various partti of the store f i i i it iu no time now to dally with the disorganized hncu that have turned up while stocktaking waa on so out they go next saturday if llicrc is anything in the list that you think you can do with please note the dcpaitmcnt that the goods arc ip o that you may know where to go when you visit the store 1 j and r are clipped from the former prices saturday in til staple department t pc of plain ihik llannclelie tiftt very wide haturday sc 3 po of- cretonne ussbrtut paluriis aljglitly damtged sale price jc yd 375 yds twill top wrapperette grtod itterne worth iac saturday 71c nature m a womans work nature and a woman work com- blnod havo produced tho grandent remedy for uoiimiih ills that tho world haa over known in tho good old fiihh toned days of our brandmothorfl thoy rolled upon the roofa and liorlw of tho fluid to euro dluaso and mltlgato suiferinc tho indiana on our western plain today can prodtico roots and horbs for cvory nllniont and cure dlaoabes tliat luifuo tho moat skilled physicians who havo spent years in lho study of drugs from lho roou and herb of tho flold itfdla k pinkliam mora tlian thirty yoars affo gavo to tho women of tho world a remedy for their pe culiar mr mora potent and effica cious than any combination of dnin lydta u rinkhamn vegetable oomnound in now rocognlud as tho standard rornody for womans ills mrs j m twoodalo 10 napanoe btroct toronto canada writes to mrs lhnkliami i waa a great sufferer front female troubles had thou dreadful bearing down pains end during my monthly rsrlods i auffered ao i had to go to bea doetored for a long time but the doe tora treatment failed to help roe my husband aaw lydla el plnuliama vege table compound advertised and got a bottle for me i oommaneed ita use and soon felt better i kept on taking it until i waa well and an entirely differ ent woman i also found that lydla k imakhame vegetable compound node childbirth muoli easier for me x would recommend your vegetable compound to every woman who la afflicted w female troubles what lydta e hnkham vegeta ble compound did for mrs tweedala it will do for ouior suffering promoter of health zenoleum non poisonous disinfectant lico killer animal dip purifier and cleans er for the home farm and stable zenolenra is best for stable use e a robertson phmb druggist stationer optician the palace drur store acton you can save 500 on your spring suit by ordering now see announcement in window r e nelson 03 wyndham at oublh rfty 1 pajsaa is5 pc f in oroy vjnnaol extra liaay tvtirim pe 3 worlli 3jc saturday bst saturday in the small ware department i dee bllkaad leather helu rogjlar price from 95c to dc tibturday 10c 3 iloi wash collsm ragulunjolosjc saturday so silos black and white collar forum regular sc saturday a for sc 6 doc papers plus buttirday c a paper katurday in hie black dress goods department i pc black serge regular sjc satur day 15c 1 pc black figured mohair regular 40c saturday 33c 9 pea black figured lustre regular sec saturday 30c 1 pc black lanry mohair regular oc saturday 35c 1 pc black nankat cloth regular ooc saturday 30c a pes black fancy cloth regular 65c to flje saturday 35a saturday lit the colored dress goods department 1 pes fancy tweed drew tjoodu reg ular 60c saturday 3sc i pc purple tweed regular 73c hat- urday 3sc 1 pc dark plaid dram ooodn regular 6jc saturday jjc 1 pc dark grey cheviot regular 75c saturday 33c 1 pi diuu 1 weed rapjulur fi 3 sat urday fio 1 unit 1b ua tli fuwi cnnvak cloth ri ilar 7 so bihurdayaj tn sudirdaylir lie iloslery department iri chlldrai u whltvrinlf juukun rtgu inr 910 saturday ooc oardlrtul white wltli anvy nml with groeu ragulurfjuhutiinlny f p s iadu oulf jntkctu iiiil will e wff tf saturday in the underwear department doi ltidiea ilnnnclttie orawcru hi fancy strlpu saturday 10c 18 ladle jlnfincletta jomnn bluejiud pink fancy uttlpes with laco trimming urouml neck and ultcvct apcclal 50c saturday 35c saturday in the millinery department a doi indies colored kelt blianes in bfoyrn navy old ronu and groy hliadcii oil hits reason s goodii rugular price from gi 35 to 3 30 saturday 10c 1 1ox of colored whigs and illrdtt regular price 30c to 33 haturday toe t box of colored velvet and silk flowers and fnllage regular price 33c to fi 33 saturday 10c 3 do white llenitikiu ilaby houaetn all new thin scaium rcgulnr 7jc to 1 30 saturday 30c saturday lo the cloak department 3 doa wrappers lu print and wrapper- clu itgular vi co ami i 33 saturday 7sc 15 ltutro nimisok in block and cream regular st 73 saturday qjc 3 doi ladled skirts in black and navy also light tweedu regular 93 la to s 00 saturday si 9s great reductions 1h mltflea bklrln regular i 00 s 50 3 on haturday sis 75 and s 00 13 ladlou loatu 111 navy ntid grey vnurclioicauii snttirtjay for 3c ladles hliort cea a in hntk and fawn elfttll and in tweed tnt urday 95c tfl 33 1 sound djo 1 rntk ljlu and mjw loug oat im plalu cftjora tind tweoda satur- uy yurij at half price v i ladjeu hull lu fawn twued to clear haturday jt 94 30 alioyour iuht wlilctijnclmltjn ovtary llililg in the dapnrtmuut dt 0 big rilia lion ftoril our fiinuor tutprltefl 1 saturdayiu ttio carpet department house ftirhluhliitfi 37 curtain 1olcn regular aiic 5 ft long by tirln not many of any one kind the lot i u chides iom ehuue gondii lo brans and ullvet mounted ends we have laid them on m labia for easy choonllig von can see exactly what you nro gelling hi prlco u a mere fraction of tile rcrular value of tke sjondn die utv mnlthsm wilton ar th sunday mornlnifaarvlco 1030 uunday mveniau aervko 7 00 ilfttr abliiitn nils wantki iumkdiatpjiy ood tltnlion woman fjoo1 wata av y l btatlov hotel wanted yolmhtlui inner tarvanl in famll tj auiliu i alalia jiihii i silt avtiin- toraulo foil hmj mill hfllm far ujllbajt wllam vl i tnouju nark ut lijarwfaaabtf w ale 111 in ll lfui ms la a mionlck vlauw aja 4r llrasa kxtcnilou itodu extend to 4 inches ilt and ullver ends on liable far draping lace curtaias regular 30c rods saturduy sc caui so sample ends of best ilriuulla mid wilton carpet from oue yard to one and one half yards in a piece juut tile tli ine- for matu mot of the let are vinrtli from gl 33 to st 50 per yard wo will hell them wlilltf they last at frem 3jc to 01 00 each saturday la the mens department ados heavy ribbed undendiiru reg ular 65c baturd ly qc 3 dns onlj fancy ktrlpe ublrtri drawers lo nmttli resjular 45c saturday 3sc 14 paint men a dark tweed working pan hi waist measure 33 to 43 regular 1 00 saturday 7 be 10 pairs heavy full cloth pants in plain black and grey sites js to 43 reg ular gt3s saturday 08c honkv for ijaiilt vh cmall u oaarlua ill tjalaitea nf hti lioiiav inrthlr l4 1 aitu t wdlihntf hh alioiilleauau lilm ha a iiardtuorw ctttitil aaidti tione abtiiay ota rt fu iha iirtuilsaeof ll uiilaralium o ut b nun i i rlii aaviritl arcafce uo aaow owner will rjcorr aauia or iultg iroparly ii in j lounm faimis and dwiolinu iiouties for bale n larmi in cnunly ol llallna abt miuiltar n ilwalllnu liotiaaa lit elob fe tli- fur taima aim 1 jkloular ini u p wirinlhiiy g b ryan co guelph we do what we say a gfronee of a tjifetlnqe tha ortit opportunity the pooplo of thl vloinlty hava ovor bad or furobulna biqb orade footwear at lebb than halr priok 1 now offered at jhcksons big skles we purchiied several thousand pair a of mens womens and childrens boots bhom and rubber pan of a ealvaflo atock of n recent fire in a bin wholesale boot end shoe warehouse the paper boxes only were wei hui the premlsus lisd to ba vaca ted and we got our share of liieae snaps these are ell new up 10 dsle styles and guar anteed perfect booda first quality and in no way affected for wear or sppesrance just think of being abla to buy mens 3 tlow shote for i h mens dosioq calf standard screw lieavy sole regular ti qo ftg mens don calf dluicher cut aiandard screw heavy sola reg tj i 35 mena box oaf dluicher cut leather lined 3 1 qs mans dongola kid lllutcrier cut standard screw regularts t g8 mena vicl kid dluicher cut qoodyear wait heavy slip sola a ttn mena vlcl kid dluicher cut goodyear welt single sole i4 3 78 mena dox calf dluteher cut qoodyear wait heavy slipsole 4 3qu doysdoxcif dluicher cut heavy sole regular vio 14b womens pongola kid uaf heavy slip aole regular si 73 for qh womena dox calf dal heavy slip solo regulsr f a 33 for 148 womens donnols kid dluicher cut heavy sole regular ij 73 for 1 39 womens dongola kid dluicher cut heavy sole regular lj for 198 womens vlcl kid dluicher rut goodyear welt regulsr 330 for 330 womens vlcl kid ulutclier cut goodyear welt rtgulsr i4 for 341 misses dongola dil heavy slip tola regular 11 73 for qh llttleoents dongola hid dlutchar cut reguar 1 1 63 for qtt also 9 big showing in mans women s and childrens first quality ituudurto at a big sacrifice j h jmckson cborg etosni n i passepartout binding i5mwksiirf nasi we have just put in a complete lino of jing nn including binding and all the supplies required with it dine gummed hangers brass hangers brail easels brats corners glass cut to order wo have the following colors or binding green gold red brown grey and black r p johnstone co mill street hordwnrc acton jiaaaawavaj sheep dip and disinfectants modougalls littles english shoep and cattle wash zenoloum 1 a t- brown aovoh ont learn dressmaking in a week totruibu tolimrnwa are placing teachers trio tlwae ir inaat alilrt wawt mil in t sirsib jilnuntta ifiat tin wliola family ct lairn tiy oiumnmlmr taulno it up we heve town in biuiiiom fir ion yram sod have lauhtovar 7 0m ana iruaranlr to plv saco u nyana twlwfan h w t u ami 40 whs cannilleam flawaniotlmluilnnaaamarathsji j h known to eopv claim wlian tlwy wara rvit invanior n tlila courw nn attv u eanulne manthsji nrsilva and kn known la be van 1 ihe atltout nur laooguniiarantea xfekfi un wm gmtar inventor and preb our usaluc mm poater will ita at the para inlon lloul aetoti on baiurdav wd bttnri atirl uond silli from 10 a m unul spin suwlna how tnu enuru la lanitil snaianroliius pupila anrana wliiifiis to taarit bisuta loaeeliaral above date olaes eoniuieuolng in iaton lollow- q0 uealay you can measure any creed by ita frulta in character a woman baa lost her chief attrao tlon for a man when ha ceaaaa to wonder what she will do next castora tar imfrnu ud okllfimn lis km yhhm atmp btttkl smnuw waggoner extension ladders buy n vvurgottor uxtonuron indilr and wiv fruit iimit 6u earth for ah laildor filirpmu write for price hut null dliweunu or call the waggoner ladder co limited m vwtcslta iwojsdi pah special clothing sale for the next so days we ofier any suit or overcoat in tho storo at a discount of 16 or also 30 small boys suits bizes- astoito bo sold at cost call and inspect those bargains gfc j wallace mens outfitter millvsi v t acton faih1 for halk 1auu twala mllaa from toronto oca boa 1 trail aorv fouriatiu buali aixioi ttuk runnttiu ttimua vu numiad liouav u tirai aialilc aaoulibut aiook turn will laku rortv qui itindrwl for en immadlatai aalr ioaaaaa ian tlral li troll vkank hlatthitv okiiiahiraai war tofuete notice to cubuit0r8 in the matter or tha batata of donald oouarlaa lata or the township or nawaajrawoy in tha county of halton raemep deesaeetf notiob la haraitf gljan purananl la the uavlatul hutut t c r ouarln tltapiar ia3 and enianillub ui lliai all cfadltoraarmoibaie hatlua jlaluia baulnat itie aawu ol ilia aald donald duusua wl dlad on or ebon the twanlf iilniliday ollaamtr idut ararwrnlr- ad 011 or balora tlia moond rly 1 itrah ipoa in sand by iioai iirpald nr dullvar lu 4 j liae- knoi or tbe idagu of anuni kollelwr for lair glirimlan and auresniaa ad- draaaea and daaatlpilou tbe fall vattiaulate of itialr elaluia ilia alaktbieni el ibalr aamtmia and hie nature ol tba bmurlilm if aay bald by and luaibar take notlee bat aflar surli leal maulleued rieia un aduimlairator will proeeej la dlaivitiute tie aaia of hie tald daeeaaed anioua tbe taitlm anil had thereto ttaflae ie sard onlr to t tie olfiua of wtilab the atialllbaci bava notice and dial ilia a aid anilnfatntor will not be llaoia or ilia aald aiiaia or any part ui ara i f to any naraon or iwrona nf wboae elalinauoiloraliah not bava tiaen teealiad by llmm el ilia lime of audi distribution a j ualkinkom hollolini luribaadmiiilairalar daled ibis fotirtb day of vatiauary ims ss4 notice to creditors in tha matur of the rotate or john tephenaon lata or the villa of aoton in tha county off halton dlaekamlth deeeaaad notioit is haraby auanpursuanl to die the llavuud huiulea ol ontario iuf chat ler lift and nmen liua sal 11 ti ell eiediinn and oliurjiavlholifina aualnat ilia aaikle of ue at i john hlu 1 nan on ulio dul oil nr aboui the iwuhi ruuilli da ol llaeunihar 10 it arsrvqufr- d on or bsfore the twauty nttli day ol iauw ary looh u baud ly iwat repaid oi daluer la a j alaokluoon of tbe fllbaeof aetoa sallei lor for ueiy ann llanlianani tba llieeaula of lie laas will and teaittuianl nt ilia said daeaaaad ibalr cbrlatlaru sud lunianiba addraaih and y held by and uriliwr uta nouea that after aoeb tail ned lutu tbe laid msauu ibute tba oaaete nt ib rile enililbil theme ly tulbablalmaof whloli bu liar an i thai tbu aid usweutru will not be mamloned tlaiu the laid hsbuuiiib will vraeoad i uiiwibute tba aaaete nt ib dteeaud swuna ie iiar ilea emlilad tharaic baiuf raw aid ily tulbaoialmeof whloh bu aball tuan uave any pah ibareof to i blwhoaa elahq notlee oalvea by bar at the time liable fur the aald a auy person or peiaur aball not bat a itevil raoel of aiioh dlatitumlou pat ad thla twantyolalhh day of january al4 notice tochedlrobs in tha mattel or tha batat or denald hodonald late or tho vjllajr of aoton in the county of halton gentlemen oeoeaaed notiob u hereby given pursuant to 11 rq 1h0t olian m and emend inn aelf lliai q dredlloreetmlotliarabavliiuqlahnaaalnalibel lau ol hie ald lloneld uellouald wtio drd on abouilbttfeveuiauuiuday oljaniiaiy r quired on or liurorw hie uauoud day of mai 3 a j elacklnnon ol ibe vlllaa of aeto hollofioriiirhllialwtb uellonald he adni7 uatria willi tbe will annhted of iba laai 1b and eaianiant ol ilia aald deeeaaad olltlallali end euro am aa atldretau aud i larltilloiia ibe lull particular ol itialr claims the ataleniani ot i hair erooiniu and ibe uinre of tbo aueurlilw 11 any held by litem and lurlbartake uoflra that ailar aiiab leal inenvjoiiad dale iba aald administratrix wlfc ibe will annaawl wlllnroeeei tortialiibuutue aaaele of the deoeased alilodo ibe pahlaeenuueci tbareto liavim repard nury t ibe chlwaol wblob tbay alia i ihaa have notlee and ibal ibeaald adm nlsirsirla wltli hie will sbuead sill not b liable lorilie aald au or any twui ivraol lo any paiann or tmreous ol whnae elaim nttloe abill nni bava bwen raealred by ibara at ibo time of suoli nlairlbmloa a j liahkinnok holleltorfnr hie admluutratrla wllh tbe will anneiad ol the sal i daneaaed dated lb la vourb day ol vanruary i00 bh we want a reliable local salesman for aoton and adjoining country to represent canadas greatest nurseries lnrffebt list of commercial and domes tlu frulta larva and small ornament al aud shade trees flowering shrubs vines rosea flue seed potatoes one ef our specialties block that la hardy cornea from us a permnnonm hint ion for right man for whom territory will ha reserved pay weekly free aqulpnicnt write for particulars stone at wellington fanllihi numeric 650 acrai toronto ontario hcton li 6ry bus lino the undersigned respect lully solicits the paironaire ol ihe pub- lo and informs ihm thai well kquldpod nnd htyheh him can alwaya he mcured at his ttebtea a comforlahla bua meets all trains between 10 oo a m and o ij p m careful aitanilon alven 10 ovary order the wants of com morcljltravellbiw hilly met rrtdmton fs sii fi lf

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