Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1908, p. 3

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t tfra ci lull mflmf tutm tf mm end ut ikb mollowmm ofthe othof tnlagu belly third or procai brings out all ih luiulousquaulus mm of ifeatllnf of tha cotfa bn grvsigs white swan coffee lmfcd ho4 irani lb raauri im a partaewa aad again aaalad la tlni at m aaapa fnmm and alroaa aah m whue swa calfa taa hci fa 1 uihitaaaaai souvenir pott cards valentine poll card envelope note paper utter and note pad school supplies account book we carry a enrnplale infill in all lhaaa llnaa and our prlcee ar vary low call in t geo hyuds juwkluk acton site rtou jttt te thursday fruituaitv 111 10118 brief local items after two solid weeks nf aero weather the mild temperature of this week is much appreciated uev w u maekay milton haa lull lliu plcnaure of wing ru elected moderator f tho toronto presbytery i ilev j v marker nccophd ilia pulpit nf tltn ilsptlut chinch last siltt day afternoon with lunch acceptance tlio loo critters who aro busy now preparing fur 00 pogrecs in lliu mlhade will im iluty appreciated noiit july the big 1w 000 gallon water tank at the otr yards wui emptied on tuesday to permit some neceitiiiy io pairs tin mall po patients aro now convalescent the quarantine u hu rigidly maintained mid will bu for sometime yet officer camuhan appear with iilu now headgear and inulgul of office limn the evil doera will need to make thenibelvee ftmtco mr huhlnaon or hanley husk gave a brief hut vvry i10lpr1t address at the methodist sunday school last sunday afternoon mr o h nellos quolph manager of the metropolitan hank haa resign ed owing to liu nihility to dlrpoae of hla urge stationery business there haa been a small famine for aoft coil tho pant week blnce the blockade haa been raised hnwover n number of car have arrived all law plloli toofii flio now lieav lly laden with unnw the owner will require tn give attention or there will be havoc wrought when spilng thnwa commence tha farm of tho late lachl in our- rllbf seoond line ri in line hern eold to ur rolwrt johnstone tha family will remove to tlia northwest in a few weeke a winter like this eniphoataa the desirability of erecting 11 vault at lliu cemetery where bodlos could iw depoe ited until spring opened when inter ment would take place saturday nights frost found evory unprotected water pi pa and iraper- feotly drained teiim plpo mid there waa havoc in aeveral of the iteam heated imlldhiga in town ileferf ing to tho late t moora the milton champion aaye ho w n moat euoeeauful tauohvr and an efficient municipal officer and hla many utm able qnalltlff endeared hlin to hla fallow oltlxlh a hint for aniim tho urumeu poit aaye 1 hiii tuihiday by he nlil of a team a ornpf 1 and a aet of linrrowe thopllmtif eunw in thp hiulneaa pait of tha town wore levelled there u much nred for almllar motion on our main attract the newmarket hra one of ontarioa brlghteat local jotirnala haa oommanoad he b7th year during all mill tluia it has baen inheone family it waa mtauuhed by mr erautue jaokaon and liaa iwon eonduot- d now for many yrara by hla eon mr hymen o jaokaon may continued auooaaa mark ite career th dlmlplmr chuh mteitv jl it look very much ae if tho dleol plaaoongregatlon had dodnluly dold ed to dlaoonilnua the un of their ohuroh ut the corner of church and jobu atreata aa a plaoa of wortblp permanently the electrician haa been ordered to remove tha eleotrlo metre nd flvtiiree and other dismantling la aald in be contemplated tltla build- ing would make a flne plane for a gymnaaluttn and teadlng room the aodltorlum for the former and the veatry for the latter purpose would it not he worth while for a committee of oltlaene to look into the matter and if avllb form a company and pro vide permanent fcdace of healthful nereatlon and improvement for our young pe t auotioh uia itlcaibtur tvtmdavt 18th ficiisau of farm toek and implemenu the properly of joeeph laaby lot 90 con h ktqur ingf adjoining aoton sale at one ooook terntki 10 nionlha jamea hdohftld auctioneer shilohs 6ulek aaae kr the wont cough quick nfbt to the keavleal cold and sapk to take even fo a oltlld t ttnrt ta hhllohtt cum ura bow uadr a gtiarnnleu goudhs v qulifcer than any h lmum mifdllferyour njooey back hyaara of eitaceea cowmend ghqohe cure 96c t fiww ni quickly news op local import t vaununee day oarnlvavl the maiiagainent of acttm kkntlng illuk have arranged for a fantiy iimmi oamlval with an attractive 1ut nf prlxee for tomorrow evening 1 h itand will w in attontuntio the methdlth rulplt keat bjundy itfrv u k uriuuhaw 11 a or lro- inaii will occupy the pulpit of the method let ohurcli xt hunilay ilev mr llradxhaw u one of lha bright young men of the conference hnv mr uarker will preach at krvouxiii ten ymm m paator tn aoton uev leather veeny oomplflted a decade aa paetor of ht jowpli u church bor laat weok fitting olteervanco of the event wae made father peony haa been iongr in hi prottent ehurgo than any oherpaator in town lie 1 tuuoh beloved by hu congregiiiloii khil highly aateeqted hy oltkonk generally ttum waeterul mai ratetfe it u rather igntvatlg to law-uhld- fng ojllieue to walk along tfie- treat atralx nclock in tlianinriilng or on uunduy evenlntfe and llntl hut rutu uautrjf meltu3 cuireitt with their- liailpabtaxlnglrreiitwatllti of ihelroon tract pledgor in all caave at aurli tlmoe lha tnetr iiatu proinuoa nro in total tlarknee afpielaud wherever known 1 he county loot n uod inni when tboe t mooritowncluik of acton went to hie fewant lha writer haa known mm for a quartet century and hla aaumpla of iioricaty and luduetry waa alwaya worthy of iniltntlon as principal of the public school he exer cited an unmaauiired inlliitjiiee for good in the cointnunlty tieorgutown llonttd tha mom ahow poettkined plflloiiltlea nf tranaportutlon owing to tha recent annw blockudo have compelled the postponement nf the ontario horso llreedem bhow at to ronto foi n fortnight tuituml of holng held at arrnngctl in ht liw- reneo aronn on wudnetdny rinirutliiy and friday of this weok the ulmw will not now iw hold tint i 2fuh 27h nnd 2bth lost convention or helton liberate tho annual mooting uf tho hal to 11 ilttform aaaoclmtlon will ho huh at milton on tiuturday in tha forenoon it la iindanitnod that tho moating will im followed by a convention in the afternoon tit two ooluck at which hon a o mckay and mr v n smith mpi will apeak a mooting to elect dclegutee from acton will im hold in thocoiincll clmmhor thle even ing a milton waddln laat week on wednoaduy uf ltl week a prvtiy wedding win culabrated at tho homo of mr and mra david cnpoland milton whan thrli daughter mian maggie mue wae nmriled to mtandrtiw j tiirnhull of moose jaw hnsk the the uev mi w m mckay p tator of the preabytoiun church milton ofllolated tho brldoamald wna mlai vlda copoland the groom waa supported hy mr howard lawrence cousin nf tho bride a great praaehar to vlalt aoton tho mlnlatuilal association havo arrangetl with itev george jaokaon of lliu bheiliuinv stnot church to tont6 to vlilt aoton on miinttny atth fvbrunry ii o will nildrouu tho aaao- olatlun and prosont a paptr an tho itoallty nf conversion ilov mr jackson is nnu of the a nil nun t min isters nf tho old land who haa lieuu lund to canada for three m four yuan by hie home confureneu ilu came to torontotroin kdlnlmrgh three yrareiigoaud will rotttrn in nnolhrr year to his home fluid tho minister inl association will welcnmn any who doslra to hear dr jaoksnn death of mau deaaon dallavllle tltn rollevllle intolllgoncereaya 1 at an early hour friday morn i up mrt frederick s doacon passed awny as a reanltvof an attack nf congestion of tho brain the deceit sed lady waa e daughter of tho inte ilov j k unwell bia and was horn in the vlllagu nf ntnomfleld prince kdwnnl county on november 41th 1000 ehawaeniari led to hor now tiereaved hmluind mra denaon was lot able and most ostlm able lady having n largo tliclo uf retatlvoe and filends shu had lieen for boiiio time h msmlier of nllgo st mothndlst church and was a tench it in tho sunday floliool tho dvcensed lady also took an actlva tntorcst in various hrauohos of church work and in this respect she will lie much missed a adellctttful ineutuu heetlnar tho monthly meeting of tho womans institute naa held at tho home of mrs w j chapman the president last fildar afternoon mra a t drown gave an interesting nnd very suggestive paper on slmplo menus and table decoration and mra r d graham one on practical auggeatlune for the kitchen a very free and helpful discussion of the tnplce presented waa engaged in mies mln nle hulmee favored the company with a solo and tho misses chapman a piano duett at the conolutlon of the pro gram me refreshments were served by misses mabel chapman hassle hus band and ida graham the attend ance wae the largest fur ui 1 eral months the meeting next month will be hold at tho home of mi george hsvlll remains or alfred sudd buttled undertaker johnstone had rather a trying experience in bringing tn aoton the remains of alfred budd who died at st clemens on wednesday of last week under circumstances peculiar to say the least mr johnstone got to st clemens during the lulght nf the storm which prevailed laat week he prepared the remains for removal and with a ten utile drive before hlui ere he could take the train at waterloo he realhied that he had a herculean task he arrived at waterloo in time for the ovenlng train and found all trains can celled owing to the snow blockade it was the evening of the nentday before- he reached home the remaltia were kept at the undertaking parlors until saturday afternoon when the funeral was conducted by uev matthew wll on ma there la considerable talk about the propriety of an inqiiest having been held and it is rumored that steps may yet be taken to enquire into the causee leading up to the slid deri death ofahe unfortunate man social and personal mr hilton jeane waa home from oiialph mi tueeday mr ilolurt agnow park nvm huh sill in a very critical condition mr frank molntoeli arrlvrd home from tin north west on monday mr unhurt j camplell nf haiilt hto marie e vlslllng aoton friend councillor hell has iktcn confined to tho home this wtek he u recover ing mr hull ton drown was homo from victoria itulverilty for a waek end visit mra dnorgfl mldgley and ohlldivii inft on tiiesflny for their home in the west mr john cameron has len quite 111 for several weeks but he le now con- valesalog mr and mr a t llrowtl spent couple of days with frlojtda id toronto this witsk miss m ut llammond jrnt to hoi homen uruntlortl tin frldtiy evening tnatteml h hill inlay ptirty mr oaorgo snyder u repented to it critically iii slid hup ultlo hopas aru entertalnrd fur his rooovrry mr jilines p heuderaon came ppl front toronto unlvtralty to spend a nlpinof days with his frluiid her miss mjille watson entered her dntloe hsii m bur nf 1 in high holnnl staff on mmitiy georgetown humid mua margaret mlohk or nassaga- wdya who has iktin werloitsly 111 with pltiuro ptieuninuls is now improving slowly at her hoi tin mr frtl jiiknstoii lihshrilvedhomi- from his trip to cun ilu enjoys the vlult tn tho sninnivr olluie imit i quite atlsflnd to iimui ontario bin home iwtiniimnlly mrs j 1 1i1 n ftinnui of flnrenci is spending a wevk ni so with tiur nepliuw mr n f monro mie fuimorwasan eetoonijd rojldunt of acton uaok in the slxtlos of lant century mr j d muqummi nt llia mcglh- lion ilnuio milton wan on nted on for appendicitis nt bl jtisepha hospital oilulpli hist week h is reported tt lie pnirrossliig tiivni ihlj the lllmit1 nr jolt 1 vv dirwt report od lul wuuk lurnid not to be very uniliith a few duye ag hopes for hla rootivory ware uo faint tlmt hu mnthsr andautei were sumununtl home from llovolitokr uc whoio they have iwon spiindlng tho wlntoi ttiore was a alight ohnnge for the butter on tiles day and at present mr dswe u hold ing his own mr hihlnson hurrlstnr of hanley busk spent a oouplo of day a this week as tlm guest of mrs william carroll mr llohlnaou is a native of hal ton and spout his b i hood da 4 and youth in trafalgar nnd mill n hi hau spent tho pist twenty suvun jimrn in the west and has iwen prtiuilnent factor in the development of euvernl of the town lliare he le tpnndlug a faw weeks with hi brother mr uenry uolilnsoii oiikvllle our grbht annual white sale ml all japan la aooda hi the best time of all the year to buy white goods r here aayitilna white is sold sm in while sale alllie ah slocks ol have been reinforced doubled trebled and pleed lo suit evary pur we aooooncd this sal as a whirlwind of whliewear w mlds nuraalvea dial the till was aptly chosen the snecees of lb sale has even ancaajed our aitpeciailons we took qulek advantage of thsrrcanl money tritiaacy and relieved savsral maim lac lurara of surplus siocbs at ramatliabl co end w are aellln t ii w houaht iheoi no wondar we llveoed ihlncs up so no wonder lni this week lb sale conilnae nolle a taw of the bargains ijdl gowns et yjc h3c li 00 i jj i 50 1 73soo a 33 3 73 00 j ij 1 73 loo ladles rawart ai 33 3035 43 50607073c i i s3 1 33 1 30 17 ijji a 73 corset covara el ao as 10 33 4 5 00 7 73 fl i 1 93 1 30 a 3 30 and 3 uj acouplal range of obildran s wear is shown including inlnla ng ijraucs skirt i elc hikes from 1 lo 14 yesrs dilris at 68 73 80 ooe 00 t tt 1 30 and 1 co drawers al so 13 30 13 ao 30 73c l 00 sud i 33 ladle skins lacs andemtiroldary trimmed al 73c 83c fi 00 1 aj i 50 173 a 33 13 oo a 00 4 30 and 3 oo v im o tee the rang of colonial mouses from 63c to m 30 mkde n guelph bmjj5omlu8bro py ooods and cotiiino guelph i o r inatallauon efomasrc tho following officers were installed for the present yen at the last meet ing of court ollto dinncli no do i o f 1 cr thoa gamble v c it j mclntnsh u sicy j laokoj fhwiy o o speight tivna mua ihrtlo ii spol ohiip o ii umwn sws hiuliand j w- p a smith h ii w ullohlfl 3dt manli p o 11 jas pant physician dr is d ault a bueeeeerut yeas buelnaaa the annual guuaral meeting nf the w hstorey ahon umltetl washeld at the office of the company last friday tim annual report showed that the buulness of 1007 was the most successful the company has hud fur years tho prospects for the present year are highly encouraging for not withstanding the prevailing business depression the order received tn date ore lurgoly in advance nf last ear for a similar period the offlosre and director wore elected as follow for tha current year 1 president w a storey t vicepresident h p moore t secretary treasurer w stark direc tors john flrstbrook and john moore toronto and d d christie guslph new from mlehlaren wtande tho following note will bo read with interest hy many readore of the flibk piikrh who are acquainted with the parties mentioned mrs mary fllauf- fer nf north chester mlohlgan is staying u fow weeks with her sister i mrs j q stolnoke 100 cnlt ave grand itaplda mrs htauftv haa so fur recovered from tha aevure opera tion she underwent last fall that no on would dream she was the eameotd lady of slatynine years mlse ula staulyur of north chester has returned home after a short vlalt with her uncle and aunt mr nd mrs j g surluoke mrtleth weddlmr annlvmary one nf those pleasant events which fall to the lot of few took place at the home of mr and mra t a wheeler 102 george st toronto the celebration nf tha fiftieth annlvery of marrlsge of mr nnd mr william grant amongthoeeuresetitweretlielr sous alma grant of bt marys ont g w grant of winnipeg man 1 and their daughters mra c p oaerwln- 1 ski of winnipeg man and mrs t a wheeler of toronto mr and mrs david ilydei of itockwood ontf mr nnd mrs andrew murray mrs james ryder mr and mr thomas ryder acton out 1 mrs and john ryder guelph 1 mrs mary swaokhamer st thomas 1 mr and mrs w laird mr and mrs molfiwen rev j unsworth toronto letter of regret from their son g w grant or winnipeg and ur d m taylor were read on account of their not being able to be present mr taylor lives nt ayr ont and nn account of the severe etonnt was unable to ho present mr and mr grant have fourteen grand ehlldred only tm of whom were abl to be present 1 bert and maggie grant of st marys t fred and harry bwlodleburt of dalllnafad and two children of mr and mr g a wbeeler toronto the children or the family presented the parent wltlr suitable glfls or gold a phnulng and unique event took place dnrlng tho afternoon when rev j foiahwnrtb cbrlsuhed hie hidden in every vice we plant lloe twffgttid children bdna may 0d m ivd 66w owa parfbbttaal tpdnfiii lujpb wbwcv r the board op education monthly meeutaetet the beavd laet metulay vanlnjr lltttar or oohdolhnoatrmtuk lath t t moom the board of imucatlon met on mon day evening as per adjournment member present 1 geo it agnew chairman i francl il orlndell dr k d ault j a mowat the committee nn finance presented their uocond n port and recommend d payment nf hccouii mm folio we t j it kennedy h2000 ine in anglo american lux co 10 10 it j monabh auooq ina in kenuninlcal fire lu oo w ii denny ghooo u welllimiiin flrw in- co aoton fiikk piiuaa printing to acton tanning co pining globe printing co ttdv mall print log oo adv w k swacuhmnir stair rail t p mil r tin work 81 7fi tlo report was adopted ttto property fnmmlttce was author ixed tn secure a supply nf piping for us in casus nf emergency moved by i francis seconded hy h ghndoll that tho secretin y is hereby requested to prepare a lvttet ofrondu nc to tha family of the late thnmaa t monro aa a mark of respect out nf consideration nf hla twenty five yea re ae principal of the school can led tito hoard then adjourned 111 00 10 00 11 111 4 f ii m 3 21 1 oh w bank df hamilton tho most factor in mbnt op important the invb8t- 8avinos is security bank of hamilton capital reserve 2800000 2800000 b upwrda rtcttvi georgetown branch ii j hew at agent womens apparel by cutting prices unmercifully we are compelling the purchase of our stock wo arc determined no mittcr at what ac- rificc to still further reduccour stock ofwomena and mitscu cloth coats suits skirts etc by many thousands of dollars we are not only keep ing up the rcmarkablo value that have caurcd such excitement during the last lew weeks but in icorcjr of instances are eclipsing our best former offerings during tle height of our great 35000 safe fwday and saturday will se6 a rapid clettranec uthundiui of ladits anil misies cons skirua bloum waiftt etc we arc sacrificing the prices of our entire stock of womens apparel at reductions of from 13 to 33 off regular prices compare our price with anj thing being offered in the trad and j6u will find we are underselling all competition big- ger or better values aro imposmble e r bollert st co arhvtsidhk7ut strebt cu6lph nkwborthsldav the canadian paclflo rill way 1 pre paring to mine cntil at ilnsinor it is reported at qnoliee that the ross rlfla f notary will bo closed for want of order lnuu dirk n hainlltmi newslioy waa fined forty dollars for selling pit pare nn sunday w fi raymn an insurance agent committed suicide at waterloo by shouting himself lieut gov dunsmulr has given the royal assent to drltlsb columbia en elusion mat mrs s mohan of svdnoy man as trampled to death by a huree she was trying tn fyod the steel plant at stult str marh has been olosod again owing to break in tho machinery nine men wore blown to plecee in an eaploaun of dynamite nt the standard omnpsny isle perrot que george meredith the veteran bug hall novelist and poet was b0 years of age yaaterday london county council will prob ably run care for women only during rash hours forty english suffragists were ar rested while making a raid on the house of common a latter found among the effocts of mrs booth tho toronto woman mur dered at cincinnati indloates that she waa a bigamist todd boots for qoye and olrlii i lu i value in ihi country all alisa ouriniead soil leailier stlltoneri pirants slioiild ce ttif m before uelecl ing any uihur mba ceo 8tovel the right house hamilton s favorite shopping ilacu ui4i ihf uvir thyiltvmmwatiwtilllamhawwjntomft ihitvtiti twubli it i s hu liaauifc mi mirth 0ouh ilu livf kujuyt ind inuuhut jludvlng siiaiataaaat- mttaiussm for sik by e a robertson drulst acton balllnarad the following aro thucnniluot marks ohtalnod by the pupils at woodslde soltool krlfi dining tho last week of january highest marks pnsslhle t rnlert waruo 100 margamt watson 00 jennie molcuohern 00 clifford blmuns 08 norman mchachrrn do willie butler 05 alvln fisher 09 maggie mclutyre 01 herbert uokacb ern 01 johnnie moicaohern 00 frank swackhnmor bfl florence rutler 07 vlnletta molntyre m wilfrid mo intyre fti miau f watuiib teacher absolute security genuine carters utile liver puis muh bkr slanatura masliee1jaw ti ewaw away fcae seeds free wc innt everybody inlt rented lit rnrtlen- itlg to urlto for our new 1008 cataloge i which la one of the most complete need cstalogiics mild lulled to each inquirer we will include ahtuilutely free a pmlure of seedofqiirspleudld new tomato cnnndaa irtde or if preferred a packaife oi our wonderful cauadlnn gem turnip or hants ttoaa poppfeo wrlletohluy anil iiniiw your choice darch hunter seed co ltd london ont h h unsworth new goods new iacku nkw bmbroidkriiib new ttlllrt waists nbw undbr8k1rtb new prints cottons anu flannelkttitu pin val ami toralioq lnci vry tulnly ruttorna jut ih ilm for early buyer ruuroldertes ah width lu- fllhdltid allover and ceraet waut bm- brolderlh white shirt wa1st8an ad vance ahewlag ml utla aeaiona tylm jut t uand at from 500 to v000 aoa our great february underprlcc sale of beds bedding is fiow in lull swing and oltcrh the beat bargains yo ccr hcarj of in just the sorts that everyone wants uuy vour ljfdn nnd bedding now and save t 3 14 to 15 of real worth iwmcnsr assort- ments for selection wlilla metal dejs rtfttilsr i4 10 ij now 3 30 to lu 33 pine llrsss leds regular j to tjo now ti7 fl iolt 35 warm wool oankett value lj to tj 88 now i4 33 to 16 71 s pair while dedapretiu regular tl 73 lo i3 38 now i yy tn 3 iq jtiiihy comforters regular 14 13 10 io now j7j to wou qtkcr splendid bargains in mattressfca bed- s bed p etc etc a trip to hamiltons oldest and greatest store these splendid bargains will prove a good inv stmenh thomas c watkins omhn kma st eu huohom hamilton ont the qlaiggwiiouse spr1ng19q8 3vew laces icarters wmkahawaav nnsauiumr irn iinrnim nitiuainnttj lb tumi una jraahmflmims iiuuwtni inwesanums awaajaa n0krln0ktm underskirts ih black brewh ttny and navy lllnok satoeu ut 7s0 to snuti umallriii cut full wldlb nt ski ilia vs2 ly cut full wldlli nt lllaclt mnlr talflla lsomch lllack brown and navy if so each nrowo black and navy moire nt a so enoli flnlll nt to vms wcb wo still have a few odd unco or winter goods greatly reduced in price hlghwt frloo paid tor form projuoa h h unsisrortli jbjoton our collection of fine val laces and insertions for tho cominc season is tho largest and host wo have over gathered togother the range is com plete now new embroideries a largo variety of patterns and qualities and tho values wero nevor better our range of nainsook and swiss goods is n very complete one new prints hjsrsstkut lfew jr a large stock now and every day or two new shinmontb are received this is a good time to buy prints old prices prevail here notwith standing higher markets henderson cfo oo mill street acton xz y

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