Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 13, 1908, p. 4

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tiluiwbay victim u1y iu 1 ronv vautiticihte titer xltliifu ttfur a atiir whw lntotilllit fair w wlilui imnnia lit ilromiiia mako lirltflit tho night yov like that star- you am itncnuntoriutll i tiomo wettl or u oe you blow htiir my hirl owrii k omirimy in tl in oir tub tohoutt t iimt t ittqiikii inuii 1 1 vuf kntw wasnl omir- it ifrtut ulkwr lt cojiw bilk in miliuc ll ooiihl ulk in privat ha cuild ulk ki liu lewp you dtitihl wmicv tiltii up a j ani without iivviju 11 fji ml w tlliulk nil littctiulilliihtmnhy uiiiur hnjiifu ori y uhjug within cil uiuuti reach he wus ljirii talker iiw talked tiliutltlt into muivi lie tnlkv1 h1nwu lutii imhuiulifi liflnlkuil hint mi inttxitttfcuhty 1 tie wlkwl hluiflf out of it imjil tn nut uf frtumu itnil out of fililflil kjiltfrt lilllu huivtiijuim my conofviiliik u irlund whiuij iikiim h tliia iittl iiioiiiton 1 wlmt u v full t til at lie iiiimtown wlwt if tba oiuluut imnu ti ifur tu run down vlmt ult that u lmnn afaiuihl worn to tup tit run down and hii thin emtt htveply in mm 10 tnt fur i mil lnnrllm 10 klliitr tt i begin mywlf to full into iiiim hiuiip bualnaee which i wither in othl tbarw la jtiut whore tm rrifiaiitrhl talknr nntkiht hla it ml uiul fatal idim lakeho tulltu down othem in m hope effort tn tnlk up iiliiiuolf it wa mid of vun multka tlint iir efiulit hold blu nwit in novon dl it rant iwn- guage grant wa a alia lit limn not baomuaa ha could nob ulk hut because ha found it aafer prtiojdent to ha allant rather than make any atumpttahlnaiifluriiarutlnnalul lincoln could talk hut whan ha wluh ad to chango tho drift uf tha ennver mori or to eonooal hi own thnnalitp bo would remark that rmlnil m ndaaoapatbrouali the laughter trn- duoad by ona tf hla nuta hiulilantu wbloh b could tell with uuoh pnwir and effect on thb imviov tlia fdllnr of tha woman hnuia o tn 1 iti it ion dlaouaaalntf tha inipirthiii itij et nf rlmn rooaha in tli ki h 1 11 11 y ixniia ukaa lt raajra ilyht in to tha fnotory iulf t llitr ona nf tha graataat iimhi fn- toi h h in thi world all told it novi r uty thraa aera of floor apant i lor in tha eellar you will uml tin dour aaoka plud upon aacka acvnt two thousand of thani beforw yiur ryra and all that flour lotandad for lh nmntifacturaof jitat ona brand of cnu k 1 iiimto by thla hrtn koiii inawlurl ali you uit it uiyi 111 it t ini tlmt collar wnul i put v mi kliilu iiflihirtnhhmiiifi ilmhlmx uhiii mm a uin aimi fdr th fin- ilifi pmlmstlon of that flour it u not ijlowtnl to ration tba etnumlad hoor ititc hi piled on tfraa1 try or altlwei rajaatl avatl inobaa from tba fluurlnir with a urrttt of alratw n w thay ar rartdy to miu aim ki r 1 nub ami tha brat tmmjfca of fl titrurf itiiihml liy vlavurat4utuppartwn whfra imofc aflar auk la turnad into wlut liaikallkia hug iron bath- tub mi rollura whan tboraojulrad quun- hy nf flour in tbla tub ranlly a ariht tiilvlutf p4n it la ttfllad uitduf th iiuml wmidffful aplgota through whlah tl iv thmut aorta nf flltarad walar imiii i11u hot icaoou and lb pracuo tan pai mtura of tha city waur tiita ar hlwudihl ity an vtully wondarfut thar i luftur and barotuatar until they iru avhutly tha right tbipratiir i hau tiiatuurad by tuatar tha wutar u turned into tha flour the pong luh in tollad over to a mighty uilar worked by uaehlnary and here for tha flrat lima a human hand louche it whan tha bead baker think- thla upmte le about rightly mlxail be tmiohea it llko your grandmother und mine he taye ho can judge lla tax tura lient by actual touch and lit hnnde are ai clean m hla uniform which la aaylng uoro than can be aald fnr the average houeewlfe in the avor- ngp kltahan vunnviajmv la not my dreie ska la not my dreie incoming daarr lie wat it may b coming hut la not aoma uf it mtlnr ute p topar what ahull i titko to wniivn the redneae from my noeo t doctor take nothing eapeclnlly between uiaale ladydont you know hint a lurk ing dog never hltee p trainp yea mum 1 hut imw am i to know tlint ult of iiuuitdimi youi uk wont atop burklntrp oaaey wlmt lhlu khiiio culhd goluf tlmt i do lie riding ultout p bui 1 1 van well mike it in my bebifi that it la bockoy wld a collogn eddlca tlon volatile frlendifullol wiihiu tlw matter p toothachop have it out if it wero ml lie i elioiild sufferer yee if it wero ynure ao hould i uaglatrato the oildreaa you gave aa your phioe of realdenoe le a vaoani pace tramp ye ynur honor tlmta wltero ive beotl blocpln of late two 1 hinge mnko a woman nngry what arc they p to get tvady fur eninpnuy that doesnt coma hitd to have couiuiny come when ahe lun t toudy a barrlater oworved tn a inarncd brother that the wearlnp of whlwkerw wu unproreaalonal right replied the friend t a luw- yer cannot b ton barefaced thihou vou will want dont forget whn pluniilng for it trip labrohd or any long juitnry ti loclude tba following 1 a mteninor rug down pillow and eoft full but or turn otahanter rolled up in a ahawl atiup fortbothlp a cnnipaot acwlng out fit oonalatlng of needlea and thread buttona thimble aclaaora knife etc take a teleacopa drinking oup hut water bag leather vial oaas with jamaloa ginger rh i nit la and ynur favorite headache tahleta folding alcohol lamp white valn tulw tootbpjute comb hruuh and clothnh bruah tollatpapr in nihlwr dhhw handmlrror diary and addrovutmok welling aalta colured gthaaen nnu magnifying patent ink or fountain pan olaatla bande and tuge pnwdor- tox with aorewtopi extra hulrplnu email bok for lluon cullara ahoo trlng and twin conweatringa and garter aafoty plnw and pint add to theea whatever ynur judgment or individual wartta indlonttr or take from it wljat you nre aura of nut want ing tba delineator i t quality a benevolent genilomnn attempted to oonvere with the motherly old lady who eat next to him in tha rail way carriage ho illacovorml tlmt uhw waa vary dwaf and tho oonveraatlnn wm mubllahfld by thoutlng you aru very deaf aronr yon madam p untlmately bellowed ho of the benevolence 1 i am o waa tin reply and havent been able to do a thing for it have you ever fried electricity p bouted the kind hirtd man yae aba hiii mtddlng vigorously 1 wai itruok by lightning hint auui- hamy vjiaotfoal uaur oim of tbn aattleniflttt workara faked a bid in plttaburg what re tooapee w intended for tompoa promptly replied the lad j anything elter flure deya good o rincn toma- tow on to dry etothei on tu drop ate offfw aboot beam ddwoatdafuye liver complaint tit uvw b um bttaat auaj u taa boilyi lu oinee ta uk fmt tba umi ika proprllm wllahromuu wkm u llrw u torpul anil iiflamad it aaaaat fabb ula la ik tawli eaiitlngtumiaumawbeaajaimlaortlva tha yiuploaiin a fuaa af ulna r wlilit la tlia lf lit aku ud akmlb ja la ilia ama rmlan ttalnabriwam ike ahukln ycllownaaa at ilka tklit anj ayaa feawala krafular eaatad taaca bad tatla la tk aaetalag ale milburns laxaliver pills in plaaianl aa4 aaay to take aat tripe makan or aukan vf fall u taalr lteu ad ara ty far tka tataal aad aj tatoajy far all iluaaiaa f duonuta ef ik uvar xmce 25 cent or b bottlea for f 1 00 ult dealer or nulled direct on receipt of price by tba t llubura co limited toronto oat tho vanomoue tongue cannot cover it guilt hy calling it candor o bmhui tal kiel isitm unn fcajv talking of doge a pointer ahould havn more than ona good point a liniment for tba tagger logger lend a ufa which aipoaea them to ninny prrila wound cute and limine cannot ba altogether avoided lil preparing timber far the drive and in river work where wet and cold cnmhlned ara a dally experience cough nnd oolda and muaeular palna run nut but etiaue dr thome be luotrlc oh when applied to the injured 01 administered tn tba ailing work wonder tho abut of worehlp aa an and doe nit prevent lie value a a help o jk m jp a an x u butk lalulfymkml bjfutam hi oohtfllbutioh fltnrlo have been told of bultbita ruck and varioui axtranooua aub xtnitafl found in contribution hovea nit it i seldom that a church metn iwr utrlkee a blow ao aevara h wah that dallvored by amoe ljudd pilttervlll on ona oeeaalon if waaatthe eloea of a mlitlonary fermon that ftfr build whoaa wont it wu to cnntribtita un eenu to each of thuolmrltlmto tha aupport or whlrli tliu church aubecrlbed was aen tn inkoablue allp from hla pocket and look at it keenly and affectionately when after a alight but evldint limitation ha dropped tba slip care fully folded into the box deacon dune who waa paaalng it could hardly refrain from an exclamation of y tho lord will blaaa you ilrothar oudd ha aald whan i ha ser mon was over hurrying down the ulala to overtake tha proepirou grocer i hnpa to returned mr iludd dryly hut im afraid you tallate on that being acbeoua that i dropped in ihulmiv itwiuint twaeareoelpled hill for keroaena tba church owed ma lht year and it bad been overlooked or cnurae ite jaat tha aame aa money though when you oome to that salvation army praise i ml h my duly to teatlfy to tlia niaflt i have received from the u of hoblne while travail log in new on tha ohlltln knmul mmtlntt i flail ineled vmy uj eola wklb jrulum ijr dvlim into uroaehui of tho wont form i mvlim to tty bat s ow bottlol i wu eomplotnly r tond to beoltk i mmthoiio tbl wortflrfnl nmtiy to atrnn from bnookltu mi otkn tmifclok utml iwlaklo u tksl my vol kj hit bort rriig mr ikon it toeo1 ekorf bxl tin lk nooklnir wj 7 tt mot wjti anmknikllnl t fssww v imlplfnt on a1- bi wrdt chi castoria ti10 icina 1011 havrt alway dougbt and which halt bn in uao for ovor ro yara iiaa borno the tlgnatnr of j v beea tauvdu under hla pr fjrl jjfl- aonajanporvlalott alno lulnrhncy a4w jjtadu allow no one to dereive yom in thla all oounterfelta imltatlbna nkidijuataagootlnr hut kxporlmonu tlmt trlfto with nnl endanger tho healtli oi infttntm audi chuilron exporlonoo ngalnefc isxporlmenu what is castoria a u a iiwnnlfwa kiibatltuto fdr ceuitok ou riro- iforlp iiwpi oul hoothliig ivyrnna it ht tmeaaaitt it i contalna nolthor opliita morpliluo nor other narcotic tuibatanoo iu ago la it tftwrarito ifdoatroya worm nnd nllayaj vovorlahniaii it eujfecf yjuurrhoitu luul wind 3ollo it rlleva teethlne rouhloa euro oouatlpatlont 4ud vlatnlonoy it umlnillntoa tho pood agulatca tho tonuuh nnd bowola grvbijr hotaltliy and natural loop tho oblttlrona kanatsoatlio mother krliid obnuine castqra alway8 bean tho elgnaturo of the km you have always bought in uso for over 30 years n tn iwuimmtumh wwyaaatwry chaileradby dominion oovrnmam palahluhad 1h04 the merchants bank or canada hiud 01 i i ci montreal intareit added four time a year 1 id branch pmnlact bia h montaoi allau vice rreildenl jonathan iiodobom ei oeoeral utntfr e f hudih capital tald up 6 6000000 dapntlt over 4100300000 surplua 1400000000 toia amli 3300000000 savings bank de pouts one dollar or upwards will open an accaunt money withdrawable any time no delay rarmer bale notes we hive apeclil facllllu for collecilnif thete we will cash them at once if deklred at s low rate of inierett joint accounts whan requested we will open aceounis la two nan ao that shherons msy draw die money husband or wlfa lc aoton branch w s chisholm manager for wintry weather the keenly cold weather remlada yeu if you have delayed giving us your order that you cant delay it any loiir our haudiomo overcoating and bull lag will please the moat aartlcula dreaur we make them up right too or you dou t take theut win gooper thf tailtor corner mill and main bt atton bnt dy8pep8ia stomachidisorders mat sb quickly and permanently coded ot burdock blood bitters lfr v x lelvtlu uanlwakl qua willat w a lollawai i dailra n thank you or your won turful sum durdoafc niood iu tiara tvae yaara ato i tiait a vary aavare attaak ef dyioaflala i triad rva of tbe ut doalora 1 aould and but lhay eould il nu w bmhi i waa advued by a filend to try dunloak alood lilt tar and to toy iraal iiupriaa altar takla two bolllaa i was ao tvarfaatly aurad that i kav eel hail a alan of dyapapal aloae i aaniml prala ll toouuhly ttt all autfarara la my axnarunm ll a tha bt i avar ual otb- a for ue ule b3h dont aaaapt a aubaulula for buhlwk hloed butara tfcat u bolblaa luat aa aaod hlghschoo graduates who start mt to set the world on fire soon die cover that there nre a lot of ore en ulnae on duty fortunately for a married man tbr ndvico his wife hnnde blin doesnt floet anything if your children ara troubled with worms give ibem jloiher grave worm uiteimlnatort a ft sure and effectual try it aud murk tho provntient in your child you cannot win men from gluten- ing sin by a gloomy aalvatlnti castoria vor infiuits uitt ohlunn till kind you have always bought baara tha tjignatui of toounvaooldinohb day taka a laaatlva ilrotnoqalnlb tablat all tlraaalau raltmatha mont if itfaua to eu a w urovaaalaaaiaraonmah llovtasnu home mlatake coveting slny profile foraoal hgnlnat aln dlllousnas ilurduns llfetlte hi i inua man la nevtr a companionable man became bta ailment rendcra blm morose and gloomy the complaint le not so dangerous lie it is disagree able yet no onn need auhvr from it who can procura parmetena vvgetnhl pills by regulating tba liver and oih vlatlngtbeauvofeor bllo in tho stom ach thoy restore man to cheerfulueaa and full vigor of action sacred thing ara those that aervo life in a worthy way mm um ufukh sf vonxa alelkuymlhmlu mkuymhiaim could takh a jokb benavolenoa twinkle out of mr qoodaorta eye and smiled at you from bis lips consequently ha wa marked down ne legitimate prey by every tramp who aw him a particularly healiliy tpaemien of tbe6nofret fraternity accosted blm ona day and pleaded ror money for a nlgbla lodging ooodsort noticed bu healthy look and aald 1 well look here my man what would you say if i ftfrerad you work f blaaa yar hfv came tho reply i wouldnt mind a wt 1 can tab a jok faaili h moiic jfaopw ynur estimate of other la often a verdict 6n yonroelf the power of foes without depend on the fear within useful at all tlmaa in winter or in hummvrfarmeleee vegetable pills will cope with and ovorcomo any irregular itles of tha digestive organs which change of diet change nf residence or variation of lemperaturo may bring about they should bo alwaya kept at hand and on 00 their beneficial action becomes known no one will lie with out thain tho re is nothing nauseat ing in tlmt and the most delicate can use them confidently ho who does what ho can can soon do what ba would ite n fortunate thing for mankind that the fool killer uuhont three score and ten year behind with hi work there never waa ami never will be a unlvoraal nnmioo in one wmiody for all 111 to which floah u holr what would rallova ono iii in turn would aggravuto tbo other wo have bnwovor in qulnlno wine when obtained in a sound unndultor atod atatb a remedy for many and grlevoua huj by it gradual and itulloloue uau tho frailest eyetoma re toil into oonvnleeoonoo and atmngth bj tin mllmuu uhlch quinine eioru on nature hwu reeimutlvea it ro i love thiwo to whuul a chronic slati uf morbid despondency and buik of lotereet in ufa le a dlaaeao and by tranqulluing the nervea dlspoee to aound and rerreehlng elevp imparte vigor to the action of the blood which being ttniuhttod ooiirooe through tbo veins strengthening tho hnahhy n inal funotlons of tha ayatotn thomhy making aollvlty a mtcwiwry reatllt tmngtbanlng tha fraiu and giving life to tho digestive organ whkoh naturally demand liicreaaotl eulwtanoa euls imprdvad atppotlte north rop lyman oftoronto hav given r u imbhihjdwfcprloraulnjna yjjig by uut opinion of aolentlau the wlna jssk wfasa j approache nearest parfootlon of mnf- hvwrfjkwi jld drown avtl u 1 you have three pair of glaaa pro famort yeel i unit ouw to rrml with nile to t n dltmiir hiiii h thlid it tlud ihr olhal iwn i wi 11m11 1 cry llkw hint if i wr- you mld to little alien will mild alio- imttwrfn hcranlmr you cun cry any way you llkr but thlala toy way i it l hi johnny hnill h audilwiily auked in h atintlfd volc buy a wrltr in lvr htwlye mmgutfliir ntniiiiiiti la tlmt iwy hum in tlmt ikiiiim no ynur table r kloicj- tut ilrhr 1 alim 11 pllnl that u iuuoiimb oh i dhiii llllla johnny tlnni iifitr nimiittntti puu lm udded r flwilivwly 1ailihp ihiltu why i can t g till jlht 1 ff lipu 1 knvlchvh look what yim huv lionet titl thai ink pot hii ovvr niy dank i kflricluiii 1 yv papa anna vaent liioklng hftrv me properly tfhchr 1 to new pitpll 1 wriat your limniar new pupil 1 t t lomiuy t i llnkpr trachur 1 and do you ttultrr all tin llmr tomiiiy r nw pupil 1 n 11 no in m linivm t o o only whan t t talk lilc a 1 how many woman wcnlx ihora ro that kec oo ra- tlppri frrahment from aloap i iivlls tjry wftko tl mon womf im ft nnd n i llmur than ml wlwn tin y wont to bed they hav a duiy aoiutntioii in tlia lieail tbo heart palpltatfa thoy are irritable and noroiifl hihii and worn out and the llkktaat luul hold dutlra durins th day imm to be n drag and a burden milburns heart and nerve pills are the very remedy that weak nervous tired out airkly women need to rcalore them the bleaalnjr of good hnalth tlwy rive aourul reatful aleep tone up tb nerve strengthen the rt and nuke rich blood mr c mcdonald portage i prairie man write i was troubled with ahortneae of breath palpi tatlon of the heart and weak apclla i pot four hoxht of mllhuma heart and nerve rllu and alter uking them i was completely cured price ju renta nor ov or three boxee for f 1 35 nil denier or th the t mil- hum co limit toronto out if office sought tbe man there would be fewer men running for office iii fitting boot and shoee cause corn ilnllowaye corn cure la the article to use get a bottle at once and cur your corns strong prejudice indicate a weak mind foundation prfnelplaej first 1 when wo undertake to all your subscriptions wo give thorn our undivldod attention and beet car tho pattante welfare is our flrat con sideration booond 1 wo guarantee our drug to lie of full strength aa woll aa pur and frash third 1 our customer aro supplied with just wlmt thoy ask for 1 substitute ing la novor allowed raiksva oklkhy oojiroiwd if you ara a aufferer from kidney dlseaae liver complaint blood trouble rheumatism neuralgia or norvous prostration wo confidently recom mend tho uao of palnca oolary com pound till reliable and novor ills- appointing medlolne le a truo dlseaso baulahor and system bulldor wc supply tlia genuine palnaa celery compound at brown acton ont you cant transform a woman into a but but a bat frequently becomes a woman a bottle or bloklea antl uonaump tlve syrup taken according to direc tion will subdue a cough in a short time thla assertion can be vejkm by hundred who hava tried it and are pleased to bear testimony tu its merit so that all may know what a splendid medicine it is it aoate you only 2fi cents to join the ranks or tho many who have been ben ii ted by lie use no ona over gained force by putting on frills tllnsiar2f ttsevwbeael the laxative btmftqtdnloe auet tt r ue taa m la aw aa you qan measure any creed by iti fruit in character niddan in every vice wa plant hoe the seed of our own punishment how is yourcold rvery place you go you hw tb sans queluoti aakad do you know that th 1 notluag a dangeraua as a naalaoted cold t doyouknpwtfiafca aaflleoud ooklwlll tarn into ohronla broiiehltulj pneumonia dlajputlnif oaurrh and the most deadly el all tha rwblu ruatte ckmuampllon many a lir history would read ulfbnafe if on the first anpeartnee of a eouah u had been ranwdlwl with dr woods norway pine syrup tftla wonderful eoogh aad eold tnedkua eontalaa all those vary pine prlnelpla whieb wake the pin wood ao valuable bt tba toeatmaab otlung agketlona oouhhwd with tbla or wild cherry bark and th soaudag beallag and ex- cntaraat propsru of other pastoral rl iteromigha oolda broaehlus tain la itt gaasfc asthauw jroap whooping ifettab boarsaa or any avaetioa of the throai er long yoojwill bod a sure ur in dr wood norway pin sjfrup ure a n loor tjerwkk nft wrluei ihsvadpr woodahonray pia syrap far eoaha and eold khd have always i foand i o riv lniuntsut i sbn rkoaeaenam ii to aa of soy ewiga- bora and aha waa man thm pad with taonaau t br wood norway wo 81 r wboulaakaridaalan ptrtfitfrl 1 kj l ftieif o rlovee vve invito you to ex mine ut your clcifflcra n pair of storeys cowboy gauntlets they are one example of the velvety softness combined with greatest pliability nnd toughness imparted to our gloves and mitts by our chrome process perfect fitting worm com fortable buy storey and invest wisely insist on storey at nil stores gloves made at acton ont by canada oldett glover prinftic in now ready for jour watch nnd clock rcpairb prompt ness and good work is what wc strive to give nilkci alarms put in thor ough good order same a i new for ks cents gfc d pkingle the jeweller guolph everton us eden mills th bt quality ot manitoba family and faatry flour for solo at lowost prloos our own make chopping dono and oais rolled every day feed for sale cash for wheat and oati henry hortop the old and reliable granite and marble dealers wbara roanuraoturara anil nlraet lm twirl i of all klndi or uonumaiilal anil ilaaitiiinlia work wmldlrmlioourauaionibraatwliola sale prloae tlma aavlna our euiouiara tn imi eanl w ika tba liwat atilialiom aiul tlia only uaeuanlea hi the do ml ill 00 wllu eau oir- t poautaaua loola proiwily wa can u rafaranaaa froni buntimla ul our outtonui in toreiito and ntliar iilaeaa wnara olliara hava 10 alaod law ault in orilur to ooiimi w bava ha larsaai and baat autek or iraulu in ilia dominion or uor tlian any itirvailaalaraln tba waat w ar lasltlmaia daln atirt am hamilton sons cor norlolk and wooimiou ru 1ukm ii bynulsis of canadian northwest homc8tbad nnoulationb any even nqmbarad aaallon of pom in i nidi in uenllolia uaakatoliawan k siberia ienilnfl8atnl a not m4nrl may a immaalva fa 1 1 y ally paraon who la tue aol imad or u family or any mala over u yaaranf ana to alia eitant of onaquatiar aaoiloo ol 1w aem uiaraor laaa tlia liotnattaadar la required lo rlor n tlia cnnilltlona aannaotad tbtiawllli undar ona o uia followloa plana i 1 at leaat ala tooutln raalilanaa upon and eulilrallou ol the uul in aaob year for tlira toari a 9 aliomaitoadarmar it tt ao dulru par t rut ilia rvtulroil raaldauea dnllaa by llrlnu on tainilna lam ownal ao aly ly film not ium tlaneluhih0laotaalisuniln tliavleiniy of iii iioiom1oii joint onnaralilp id und will not meet llila raiiuamani 1 if tba father or tnollier if uia falliar la daouad nf lioiumtoadar hu paimauain rl lauoa 011 farnilnn laud owned to aly by blm utiilm lljtilfllityftj aeraa in atant ii iaibat tjaluittf nl ih liommlaad 1 aniaratl lr- taular 11 in extant taratl lor by tiub intne vlelnlty aueti haiiia wtar uiayiartorinula own raallanea dutlo lltina hit tba tathai or mother tbe term vlalnliv in tbe two pracaadlno parasrapbaladaaiiad aa maaniiia not mora than ulna mllaa fa a dlraoi lloa aaaluaua o ibo wu1i1 of road alloweneea eroiaad in tha niaaauramam a linniaaualar intandlua to paiform lik hob duilaa in aaoanlaua with tlia uav iiwina with laratti or an urmina laud nwnwt btfblmaairniaai notify tba aeaul tor lite dliirlci of auab lntentlor ailiali 0iawa ol lotanilon 10 apply for patanl w w oollv daput of tbo 11 1 nil tar of tba inlaitor n ii unaulliottied pubheatloa ot tbla ad vaitueniuiit will not b pal 1 for w h walker painter paper llangtr decorator main street actnh opposite blepbenion hlacksmllh shop all verb nuaranired the work of years in acion u proof ot lis ex cellsnce orders left at a t drown a drufi store will receive prompt aiienilon w h walker aotoh w gimson sas painter paper uanfijcr stun writer picture tramer shop mill st acton op posite williams livery repairs promptly mado to furniture tirnvnroctc no unnecessary delay knives ground scissors sharpened courteous nltontion ahd reaioriable prices lawiifiwni avjj t is it footwear vou aro look ing for if thats the catc go to williams shoe store i carry a full line of boots shoes rub bers etc for people of all afts and sizes fall and winter block now ready for jour inspection wm williams th sho mm mill btrmt aolon ouhlph ub1iicbs ollcfie ifkortl moit i7jipr tvyrlltw hi oufplt omi tlc best syhtcm tha ouhlph bubinbbb collbob liaa dam ona i rated lla anperlci aiaiania ol emnmeifllal ualnl builnaf collflba all ualnliiff tliaoui la in uiva provliiei tlilaatalamtimbven ihorouohly taitwl and niy liualnaaa coll alone in l aulliorlaeil lo laaeli and praatlaa tt llrlftbt youn eliaraolarean axpanaa for l- buatiiaa world tbla til gram irlnh railway llrlftbt youn nuu and woman of energy and rean ht itaiuaalvfa bare at modarata for tbe hai ruiuopa etfxhnb in ilia tbla ihathutloioioldi a unique panaxlau llualna foil invaatlgal how and whyv xpanta for lbaai pooluopa el buatiiat world tbla lkitliulionil roaliiou amofi canadian llualm 1 wll iav you to invaatlgal 1id bntar now or day oraiejilnieoime ooiia dlrael tn tha jollew owta uasniilo lilo uppav wjtidheu bt ouelpii or addraaa ruiiaoluiiud htookolrtlati 1sooom the wbll1noton mutual inruranc company kaubuatrd 1b4c bead offlo oxjkujb oht inbuuawoa on uaata aad mulnajplin any tiaoratiea7 vauud wb b btanvtty attend alaoimfl for tin tjaloa ittbaraaee co old irr 11 ifffi rrl f rjbber jrtzknted tor s- n 1 1 r i nfw n i urry k f vi i i f x i oov it- iul crri urjl wiwiiiic s aftf ij 1 i amirv t f f 1 r 1 t it fit n ti r i f i victntd 1 t r- r urrrn arikelaw ran n j r un ri r 1 y 1 iv bnri ahtf rru i 1 hv mi a i r iifr rlhu rldlt m ih mi rn mi it a n j p mpuy n if n i hnvlimw naa n a i x i lr i it t y j arnolds livery sttif norw tattira m ll ht a i n slui klrfi in llnfr rutr 4llpplld ob alt rtii n t co com mi itriai rrc w r r t i rs on vi kb clien ccul merit icn iicnrv arnold proprietor xmus ohtt 2330 l or j m nil 1 dote nlwr 1 ence uihabefdr a year a eparl paah british canadian qusindss cbllgqb onto nnd dloor birccta toronto new pictures at waters bras nlw idtii in framing artiatb oupplios oil and water colors always fresh and of ilie best quality waters bros guelph art store paver ma kers otohokto 11 n oxt hook m mh ano c oloill i paimuts iko attijeb w0deravinci photoengraving halftones r clahs or rhgwavlhadvtitllii q purities eft alogucshaoaihus 6vc mmmnm bo vbabi- bxperienob 3fflass mmms prdmptly 5ecured1 wijla for nir inidicmii u to bin na a reimh r batch yanllnn nrltiii rovni fraaoitr ntttnf 51 yswirfts tiatantaul itvictra appocatlanahavetiau btati anwaaalialy 1 tt cmw try na vaj enitwt fully i niril nfflraa in worth tall and wh uoicin ibutiiiahnraualo prornptl ly dlipalcb work end ijntoulv yohravause htroadai tlialnveiillu ltbbealrfannat fnrilahad t lataitt rwtireil lliwslilarieii ilvt rton raealue rpklal tiotleawliutit enarth askhil limilhitwt tlimilvwi upafltallyifaliit imalnaaa of unufael litranililmiinliirtta

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