Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), February 27, 1908, p. 2

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i bsft aa wfwijmmilj cqlhpumtai ti kraal hrln tin i abtkiarr jalaif tloli fmldarto of um bit iil on tuaadar 4il oof i n n v wau utmlfoh wrtnaaday rb ihh m ui miiiidh ol i iik lru natw hi um tu t w waiab mr bowlaa ohtiatla vawfmait of imlou 0 la mua mia jan ahfaai rlauahuv of tti lal mi htallu of lb tuwntlilp of uatbou wiiro mia fjbarlauflaml vjat tlbtfftat ualtjih m blank utb mh rttary wimuuj umiou uaill4n iawkiu kuiohiiii on saturday i lb widow ol tb li tboutm lavsa agad m yaarf rmnal bu linm lu hi clair 111 rutunlay tauj vauuary vrad tartar tl yan u- thuiwijay rkxjhuauy w looti mbltorlai not j million proas aartkriauontsoriartif tbearntachlftfcliruhabliafe whan k canadian ir atwawiatloqalewni bl in toronto on fche ilh of match ll wllfimlflkruttilugoibrunlvnmryk oa that occasion journalist will b pres ent trout all part of the domlnton tti discus the fjdostlnrvor a national plr association it will be a tneaiorabh gathering mr joseph i downey has irttrbduo edablll which provide that ttiunlol patltlea be nruhlhlted rum living bon uih of fre water txetoptlon from uint loan or alt to induce lit loe tloa of desirable industrie f it i an attainpttagrappl with thabaiiu evil mid mr downey whsnlntervlewetl by the toronto new and to clos th door gahtst much of tha indefensible private ivgutiillnn with which tbe houta la confronted every aealun clerk machnnon installed t ootleeter liownkauiraahlalloal with avpy dollar colleetad a quut hiid indiiatrloua two hciuiv session of till council waa bold on monday evening untitles prttcirded with dlhmliili titid i he ulniont lumuony pievnlltd aflir the miiltl foul ino main i i moot luunolliigohrrk and trwukiiirr gniu un kccouiil of ida blf wmhuhlp hiii a j mac id 11 on ti uw tiftti bit iiumitilua nalc mviulmira ull prvvfliil itteve hwack- tiumar in ilia cliulr ttiu ouiuliillliti on khihlioa present- wd thalf fiiiiitb rrhirlitndnooinuieid- d pmymoiit of uccininta uv folluna 1 0 t it ftvluhc hud duty on ol 0 v u ahdaivnn lmiuuigihl w w a t- urown -lililt- hitw mr utur 10o0 can on klro on mippll uh u 1 motrv trliitii0 mtidlttira rwiuirl tli clark ptmtugf vulra- tlnn at f v j jarnhtiuiittlihrlty l tuipiiel boouhjtw work on mtrntu hnlth hi- wnilc i atrreia k tidfcmi oouwlmhlo lltiunl of luuui t iinry arnold uuim lilrtt ii j muntibb inuuranco own hall 3 it kfuiivudy inaurrtiloatnwii hall i w ii denny iimicanc town hall tlia united utataa drewere awoala- tlon and the united qtatea uauxtara aaaoalailon iwva united in m onnminn warfaro mgtilnet prohibition and tanl peranoe movement they hav pledge many thouaanda of dollar aa a war fund with which to fight bun day aaloon oloalngand to atop tha wava of prohibition and temparanca move- uantl thla action wta taken at a im- ion of tha trguutlva offloara of imtb organ iwttlona hvld at chicago laut week potltlciaiim am improving a die patch aaya committee from lb government and opposition partita in st john n b have met and agreed to run tltw coining eiotlnne in the elty without bribery or una of money is oept for ivgulmat eitpenae tbi cbalrmen of the two partlea have tv- ported tltta tn tha uxaeutlva of tha moral and boclnl iteform league and aleo atutwl to that body tha amount agrood upon to he uaad for legitimate expense and the manner in which it aball be expended that ontarlna output of dairy pro duct for 1008 will fall abort even but year only too probable thaw ha undoubtedly aa a result of r trio tad feed auppllee been a very material cutting down in the number of onwa mvhlluhl for milking a txtra good pout u re whuoii may offset la a metauro the reduction in herd but if the aeaaon la aa unfavorable aa but production will beyond queetlon ihow a very earloiie abrlttkage even aa compered with 1007 high prloee are very likely to continue report from allirt0f tbaoountnr atata that labor condition generally have much improved from what they were a fvw weeka ago it doe not aeem aa though report of lack of work in this country for recently arrived amlgraiiu wre going to item the flow from great biluln it le eetlmatad that within a few weeka immigrant will be pouring into halifax at tbe rate of four or ave thouaand a week thla being th cave it in ty be expect that the numberu iirrlvlug during the year will exceed all prwvluua record la thla quite wue p luturnw preiuirvd by the provincial lltwnalug dfpmrtinttitt nhow that in the recent local pllht chibpttlgn the by law wau carrlvd lit thirty nni place by the rthjulrvd thiwnfthe majiwlty in 9tmunlblpalliloa local option received a majority of the tola vote out hut failed to become operative beeauae ih majority waattudvr the ivqhlitlte three- flftha the by uw waa defeated out- right in 87 nther pine hut in the mventeen inhtancea where the aleouira voted on repeal the effort to revert to the old order of thing failed in every eae except one that of thanieavllle tbe atatement oomee from winnipeg that many hoi elm 11 that are offering their inprly for wiim kiimw ibe new liquor law hohiui iwilaln t they olalui tbuttbf cbiu pvrmttilng a plebuolte micti tiyear mtana ruin a they will hu unable to make necmtary improveiiit nta foi ffttr of thn aaaet b ing drtthiytnl in h yvitr they declare that a h pvriiianvnt induatry the iwr will bo duuroynl uu oolnpletfly a if prohibition noiunlly pfevulled with the olauee periuktliig women u vot tbe houlnivu fiunkly admit that pw- hlbltbm in wlnulhg i very likely at the ftnitorw aond vlutiilnn tbeehurch alliance ajithilutit replying in tin hoteluipo dvputa tlnn with their iwtltlon ur87000imme aiklug tbti govurnmuitt to veto tbe action oftniouluolty oounoll in out- ting off foityllof una piimtlur whit ney aald 1 i do not a how tha governiiuintaan clmnge the lav and at the eauiii time destroy n act that ha been rtuiiv under tower given by leglalatlon thla i not oae in which my uolhtngutm aitdu tblnk wa baveany rbjbt to inturfuru- more wa feel that it would hedlvtlncuy improper to in- terfere tbe uw glvua tia city oonii oil of toronto tlto power tojdoaoaruln thing it iiiy t may not be uowlea but what would m i bo oopdllloh of tfathg kttte sgluitur were aekwl to do 1 thu mrt tf thing ovary week n be- baf or thobe of the people who happen- ad fo dlwgree with tha ooaneuf it 4vpjqd reeult in anarchy i dt not uea the woffd in the ordinary venae but u t tha wnna in the omiimry tianav but it ttiwiou- ioanirineunmpjow tt k 0 ff iwiidtmnmlmtt anddu- poor in fttvm owfr wvfwwjtt nway wlthaji par aitd arkl qiunutleaof clothing and 4 sm 1 00 aooo gw7 40 tbe report wna adopted tax collector ilrown prevented hi mil and reported that ha had aucoeed- in collating all money ifvld aa uxea mr ilrown collected 98s14 he per- formed hla dutlo an aaturactorlly that tha council by resolution granted blin mall honorarium in addition to hl salary moved by w william seconded by o o bpelght that the sum of five dol lar eaoh be puld to the auditor for nxtr nervleo rendered oarrlwl movnl by o o speight omdel by w whiuiiir tlmt the um of 92100 he paid to ii i monro for bl servlceu aa clark until the taking over of the dull by mr a j maoklnnon oar tied the council poke in termofiipprc- olatloii of the attention und coitrtuay of mr moore in riilflllng the duties of theimo an aalufuoiorlly during the him of mr t t moorv the latu oirk and up to the preaent date moved by o o hnvlght aeennded by w wllllhiuii that u p mimiro iw re- vlecttsl aa inetuher of tbe library ifciard for tin ttrui ol three yr curried a utlpr frtmrhhii itttevw of morrltnn wa read hublng tbo council to join with tbvm in petitioning tha lglda- ture to amend tbe ameument act a to deduct the bualnea attrument in tbe townw and vlllngcs from the uital uuufiimtnl when the county council u equalising the aauibsmont for the hauls of county rate moved by t gray seconded by alex ball that tho rve and clerk be instructed tn utgn tbo merrltnn pttllon oarrlrd buppllee for the power houao wore ordered to in ueoured council ndjouriivd at 10 so oclock jidm null iimtithlly tutv tdoooooo worth of fruit ouu huudrid cotl liver yield a gal ou of tdl if my puny nrm in holding up this glawa of water is strong enough to uupiid tha law of gravitation i wont wt llndt to the pnwer of god in hie address itefnre the dominion alliance lu toronto on tuowlay presi dent joeeph ollwon referred to his vult tn the antl saloon league in the jolted state there lie had anva ediflsutee having loewl option and in none wa more than a majority vot required i want the government to aave uuhe eald from the unnecessary humiliation that you can gst more decency under the star and stripe than under tbe yjnlnn jack wifbm out alli thb bahb havaloek raiapayer carried ktjruw tonaimlimtimrmariniraltso to 97so par year ivterlwro feb sfl tbe vota in havelook yeaterday on tha bylaw to raise ilia bnlel license fees from subo tu 7s0 waa at riled by majority or oh the vol wau 163 for and 65 again t the by irfw will go into fore on may int there ore three hotel in tha village and the pro- pruuira state that they will close up on fclay 1st the votlngon the bylaw wa attended with considerable ex citement an eloquent address v rev dr jfaaltaott ihtvutrnf bjher- faunr hi ohurab toronto in knox omditgu oh monday usually tbe attendance at tbe month ly meeting of the ministerial aswwl- tlon i confined to the minister of acton and georgetown and vicinity at tha meeting bare inhi monday however the clergymen magnani mously arranged to share a epeelal treat provided with the laity to thla end all who wera interested i ilia dlmintauin of the theological sub ject arraugud for the day wr invited to ti04it with the imturer und the member of the association in knox church hchnoj room ho generally wa tlw invitation aooiptwl by tloi chrlsllun potile of tbrf coiuniutit tharlheeobool win kladequrfle o6nintoiate tha argti liiimwr eemb- imi aidthe auditorium wa used m three oclock the church contained a coitgregatloit of several hundred after devotional scrvloev rev j- c wilson o a president of rlia associ ation introduced rev v iv jackaon who had ben erigsld a lecinrar fur tle occaalna t dltjaokaon expfalnsd that bl sub jeot waa tbjwennd ofinaure jfix lecture dn convorsfnn prepared for onaqf tbe theological unlveraltla and waa discussion of the complexity of conversion urn referred in vary eloquent toruia to tbe velde rich of experience covered by the term conversion he touched upon the moral spiritual intellectual and prac tical phase of tbe subject and declared that all christians and pastor espec ially should steadfastly resist all effort to standardise conversion there are many path to n tcli thla very desirable and he declared and tha record of the conversion describ ed in the now testament are sufficient to deliver us from nilherenre to any single type thero are striking diversities of form of conversion among which wera noted 1 thoaedosorlbed by eome aa the once horn who never left tbo father bouse and who rvd the lord from the earliest yeara of ac countability 2 thou whose rellg ino life commenced n a great up heaval with an explotlvo experlenco ilka ht paul and 11 those who by quiet and perhaps long continued reasoning reverently decided to ac- cpt christ and serve him speaking of tha aecond class the emtnant lecturer said that the temperament of many persons mitka conversion by soma crude in their llvee the only way fur them of the first group ho uald that to assume that tha highest typo of christian experience is to bo able to data conversions by the cloak i to dony the testimony of innumerable undoubted christian character the diversity of conversion calls for most oraphatlo recognition on the part of teacher and preacbor tbo value of conversion depends not on how it happens but in what iteffect thoro are many way by which men of sin may come to god it le not necessary tliuy should all com in our particular way conversion la the souls return ui god whrrnfnr let every man travel to tbo otdesllal city by tbe until that isiiptui to him any road b the right rood that reaches the goal at last on iho tust three gates t the north three gatost on the south three gatosi and on the west throe gatoa all opening into the holy city the new jerusalem the ivcture was couched in the moat beautiful language but withal waa so vlmple that a elflld could understand it it had a wealth of apt llluitrutlon and abounded in quotation from tha uvea experience and teallmonlt nf mint nt christians throughout tha age it wa a discourse of tbo moat helpful character at tha close a very cordial and appreciative vote of thank was moved by rev ii a cook georgetown and seconded by rev e a o wlllough- by of georgetown complimentary referenoo wore also mad by the prealdentruvs m wilson and g w barker acton and d m taylor rookwood and mr ii p moore in addition to tbe above mlntiter there wera present rov j r watte b d manse wood und rev r f cameron georgetown the member of the association then accompanied rev dr jackson to the methodist parsoniige where ha wa itelng entertained and enjoyed the hospitality of rv and mr g w barker a dainty luncheon was aervvd at the conclusion of which president wilton and rev ii a cook expressed the hearty apprecia tion of the oompauy hon mr mackays leadership hi rifwt tpm6h aa leader of the opcmnsluon on tuwday bkltbflvm jhoulb new spring goodsl si- ah0h cl 11 kn mitiu wllion m a v 1 li oavb lad liquor vmreuer haevrlly wined rev olvlnjr youth whiskey 81 til inaw tfxtii 25 john fargu- htiiti farmer of flugal who gave liquor to clarencn w mattlw the algb teenyea re old lad of st thomas who waa hired todrlvw him homo to flugml with ihu result that tbe lad ml nut of tbo cutter and inst one foot and several finger by frostbite cam before magistrate hunt yesterday the evidence disclosed that ferguson was intoxicated when lie gavu the liquor tn the tad owing tu the de plorable condition of lb dtffundauc family tha inaglittriite niind ferguson only 90hud flit costs niwu or thb day ttie repeal nf lb three kills cimuht lb tbo slogan nf tbe annual ennveullnn ilf tbti opilhiio branch of dominion allianev which iipoueil in mtd street congregational church toronto tuesday morning with dele gate from all part of ontario hon frank oliver motion to grant land to volunteer far south africa from the weati rn province passed the common nomination were held in new brunswick tuesday for lb legislature elections tha house of cotntuon will adjourn from tuesday nest until thureday over ash wednesday sudbury resident are asking the ctavernnient to appoint a french- peaking judge fof thst district th qhtberf fund for tbe unvbiptoyfld in tha eloiig o tenet of hi speech in thu igulaturn on tuesday hon a o mackay header of the opposition defined what he considered to im iiim dutlo of a ptibllc man partlculaily he eddrasied liltnslf to tbe position which heandhlaeolleaguosln opposi tion occupied the accusation had been made by supporter of tha gov eminent that opposition t vakre had felted- to find any thing to arltlclxo in the ndmlnlstrallon of the whitney regime mr mackay pointed out that the making of iigeestlon the following of which ud li um conferring ff bene fit upon ih cmnmuulty waa of far great or imporieiioa than ptere ci lllouiu jif eodontpluhrd act througbbut bl add res lb same high lavel wua main tained lv thu leartrr of tw liberal party wljo wa maktugbla flretphch in thalfou in that capacity d hlecrltujatti was const ritove rather than destructive and wfilla lie wjls been in pointing out error of policy nd defect in udmlnlstratlon lie od- dressfid hlmislf chiefly uth unfolding of ln4f policy ooatnnsurate with tha future pos utilities nf lh province ills strength ahd bread til of view were shown in hie willingness to tonv mend and endorse wherever the gov ernment have merited approval ami while he naturally gave hi party red it for the sound line of policy which the government hay inherited ha never descended to factitious criti cism the saute sens of fairness that mark ed bis traatmentof nollllcalopponenta mad him unalterably opposed to the requlremant of a three- firths majority in local option and prepared to load bis party in fighting for majority rule in dealing with tha sdinlnlstrnllon of timber and mineral wealth th de- velopmsnt of eduuill 01 law tuforin municipal law taxation and other sources of revenue agricultural educa tlon and the general scop of pmvln clal authority be clearly evinced tbo traditional spirit in guarding the rights of the people agelnmt both government al und corporate aggression tito business of thu people of canada i ever on tbo inorease in 1000 the tntul trade wa gsofttjffiia in 1007 thu total trado was go12bi0qai an in creuso in tha year or ai096k the lutal import were miaisl7 an in create of tott 220263 tbe total export ware 373823414 n increase of 10 v8b78i a country whose business is increasing at the rate of 85o00ooo a year musf be very well governed there ncverwai mnd never will be iinlveraal panueaa in one remedy ror all 111 to which dash is heir what would relieve one iii in turn would aggravate tha other wa have however in quinine win when obtained in a sound unadulter ated state a remedy for many and grlevoua lib by it gradual and judlolou uru the frailest ayatem led into oonvalesoenoa and strength by tha influence wblab quinine exert on nature uwn reatoratlvest it r lleve those to whom a ohronlc state uf roorwd despondenoy and hick of interest in fife i a dlaaeee and by tranquilltlng tha nerve dleposee to aound and refreshing aleep4mpartw vigor to the aotlon of the blood whlob being tlmii1atd epuvae tbrongb tbe vein strengthening tbe healthy ani mal function of tha system thereby waking activity a necseeary rmlt trengthenlng the frame and giving ufa to the digestive organ which naturally dauajiluapeaaed aabatanoe result improved appetite north rop ar lyman of toronto have gtvan ui the nublla their superior qulnlnw bf tf opinion of entlt ytt wne abproaeb nearett petteelon of any on the nuuket all drufxriau eeu lt tmbthrhienrruat olauaic in bis ipescb on tli address in tbe legislature on tuesday hon mr macray took the argument that i made for the three fifth rule name ly tint it i necessary to show thoro 1 an overwhelming public opinion be hind it and turned it against itself suppose than be said thatan attempt is mud to repeal local option and ftfynln per cant of the ponuli tlnn vote for repeal and fottyone per cent against the act would till be in force although it bod been demonstrated that public opinion wa overwbolmlngly against it it would certainly bo undesirable maintain tbe act in a community where public opinion had decidedly turned against it yet that is the anomaly which may occur under mr whitney throe fifths clause shiloirs aulik eato for the worst cough quick f to the heaviest coklaml sake o take even for a child that la klillohs cure tuns sold uniler a guaranlea courfhs to cure colds and cough q mj quicker than any other voiaop medicine or your money back of auccesa eoetuend shuoba cure s4 years 2bc quickly the berlin stsam granite anil marble works cab pur braun prophetov detlgiisrs and dallder ol statues mtus- oleums monumsnlp markers and head- stones and all binds of artistic cemetery work wthlnai hcuistrcct agent acton learn dressmaking in a week to smu ell to isernwe art piscina useber i svary tin towni in onurlo thste uwons uson bowaeiu bt ind nil uwlhtr wmc msnt favtr the puliwit thirl tfaltt mlt to the are thmtutk ami plrlely u1nei thujei the onlveiurm rcmu thit th vittole umhy esa laarn by ana msmbsr tablnj li tip w t tan in builnhl 1r urt wen and t ts4htavr 7 000 ji1 stursnlm tn ly la mmm lulwm tha bk at 14 antt so vbo mitnatlmm nemfsr n imlulun mom bsa en hst bf known to copy out advs and svsa eulmsd orbsrs tbty war nnl knownto be the invanlor el this eaurm ha dv u ssnuut wtthn il nur uoo 00 jritrtnue ontsrpi gun uf w bsikun lavantor and pi lit best the dm rv fragrant almond cream for chaps our alaioitd reaiu is the b6st remedy for chap ped face lips and hands wintry winds dry up the natural moisture of the skin our c is a food that supplies just tho right bland moisture that is needed to make your chapped skin soft and pliable msdeof lbs finest ingredient ll is neither sticky jrrty louste charming odor pretem cbspt is a delight fnl toilet requisite everyone like it e a robertson jw i arto our whitcvvd ir display whili ins created such intercht and awakened such admiration fur the past wclic hau played iti pait for tliu moment we now fice the ever frihh and pleasing position the hand ling stocking and selling of new sprlnjf goods we have opened up our first cav f new ircnch dress floods and have many to follow the early part of this week we wish to introduce to you unss goods which hear the approval of tho fashionable cities of thu world it is he approval and patronage of our customers that wc most pare and btrive for totms ond we have inade preparation more than tqual to our efforts of former seasons and wc arc confident that the result will rtican success watch thoprogrcss comc when ou like and go when iou like ijlrm a hauft of spending rt liilf iwiur at iiyaivs wheneycr you havu nfithing better to lq 1 sec the new styles loarn about new goods and compare tho newposs of our showings with what is found m 6ther qltie guelph will not disappoint you ryans will be rijjht up to the moment como and bo entertained a b ryan co quelph we do what we say w kemps pearl and white enameled ware the quality is the best tho prices are right our stock is complete- new and uptodate why not have your granitcwaro wants supplied by us ask to sec kemps steam cereal cooker r f johnstone co mill st hardware acton sheep dip and disinfectants tedd boots for boye and olela dait vstua in ilia country all lliei oiisranloej so id leather hi tenon tarsals hould ise them before select inf sny other msue geo 8tovel bfswllhl juu luu h nbis we seeds free a ini bmwfr ol poppit tnjn mr bniitn uomu nn e xttp l inn ally fluo ml iitoof fllikley ifipitru ty tnr llio lt wo limesecii wa nitl ivo nlisulntoty frcsn pncllurs f1 111 it need 10 srery jierv 11 lio will mint far m r nc ban iwnicly llluitrslstl ico cutofi if yon prefer yi 11 itiny liavon pfltunncof our cnnnillnn ucih turnip or canmls s trlilo toniala itnl in place of lbs pnpplf wtiii toliy niul nniim your clinic dnrch hunter seed co ltd london ont for wintrv weather tits keenly cold weather remladu yen if you have delayed ulvl us yeur order that you cant delay it any longer oiirhaudiomo overcoatlaghond suit ing will please tha moat aartlcida dresser we make thetn up right too or vau dont talte them 9 0 0 wn goopep thp tailior cornor mill ml mlu st aclon out modougalls littles english shpop and cattlo wash zonoloum a t- bpopvi aotpm ont excelsior bakery wo are headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas- try etc of first- class quality wc also carry a splendid stock ol groceries and con fectionery t statham son mill strut aaton old iron raa and rubbers qoori prtcou paid second baau stoves nnd runalni for farm maohlaery uwppllod morris haxe box 430 actnn 4 moves that v w well mado good fitting that wc know how to niofco gloves twill pass with honors the most crltl- cal oxainlllntlan nn rlunuls ilnlit or skiiui pllnblltty nnd streujith ncntmpfs of htitch- nud oil round rrcctlon you enn rirove yourself by nkliik for storeys n jour ilcnlcrs that thoy will outwear yotur uiost sanguluo xpcctntlon is our firm belief iuut ou storeys nt all stores h storey son limited acton ontario ik canammvk oldest 0mlovejbx new pictures at waters bros new ideas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always frosh and of tho best quality waters bros quelph art btorb noriral flour is th product of a life time ok per mica in the proper blending of wheal for flour it conlalm u 4 urgerperceniaseofmanu loba wheal than any other blend offered for sal in this dttlrlat fislvestal uladlon every lima orders talon lor land baltal acton flour feed and seed store bnoble prpjrrlettt ipmooiui rtujw funiliy iiimftu vcvim tnem hull ty ctniluk tnrctt lliilnu ch fltsxi blktlisrninils violin ylhl sale d imiiy ill r rliul tuxf rruolim in kl fir 1 ol d 1 hit 1 anil 10 tjhai a ll mirtiimwh anton glllhr ymnti wili f r gi pm boilm w nil hiudil ftli ii y l11 i ri otis wli 1 mt v br i 1 l i lain iturd 1 cd a r lum dllttatjon wanikd u pabm hand tnti llllo lu intjfw v j uifukcttaalm pair pomhh for 8alk r lb wall bl wtilftiialiiiilf1ihntimbfiu i 1 n mriiiijuii i 1 trl wall match mi una 1 1 iiihui n ran 1 ii adwiuu iuvsms liiibiivsiil oituuml inrialii l mi liy 1 ri inob nj tucittcln eooit aoudl wl l io tnibtild aihv ulllfl l 1 ttovi n contv faiiw8 and dwkll1nu huuuks for bale ill cnl ly lulloo mi i twullli 41 in anion 1111 1 jullsuura aiti y in w ii ukmhv no i ice to cltliimoits in tha matter or tha kalata or donald oouarlaa lata or th itownahlp of naaeagaweya t county of llalton fee met oaeh4l norton llrilt ulvan i ill ill ml a fh uuvlauit nlaluimk 11 f omul 1 cliki ir 10 ml iliviiilu u ltiil oimlltorsaiitattim 1 avlnii olalui- iuti il ilia eittta of tlia uuuul i 1 luitla win ill tu nr ih ut lb ihuly 1 lull uft aldsrviiithr iu1t rntr- wl uu ir iml uu up on i ik 1 i ilieh luoh tfwiiilb ilrl ilallvar li j uatv kliitlni of tliu vl ihu- nl aaiun kallntiar for v ii uiti uuuulti 11 w aliiilniiirtttur of tli uirl 1lho111lnl llivlr ulirullan bill htiriimm ltd ilfmioimint ubiii ill li ilia lull uatllstll uiaik l i ir 111 um ii suy iiaiit by an i fnrilior uhu udiioh lliat atlar luall laal iiiuuiluiiwi lulu 11 u a in iniitiatur will urotwad 111 illattllaiiu ilia uyioi uf tl n il dmaaaad auiouuilitiibitlba uiillilul ilivialn luvlu r uar only ktiiiu olli a 1 wliialt iliay aliall lhari liavu miltiv anil lliat ilia nal i a 111 1 uut la tor will not io lialtlv li r tliu aula aaioia nr any liavt nn nr ihraua nf whoa t liavo liven vmalvad by itilulrluutlnti olalma noilor at tlium anliu tin a j mackinnon hollnltni 1 ir tliu ailminlatralov data 1 tli is t mull day uf vubruary 1d0h hi notick 10 creditors in the mattel or ui estate orvvllllam allan late or the viuae of aoten in the county ol llalton o en tie- man deoeaaed v lluvlip i hitulo i uuiaru ouaiitair ljl an i hiiihii him aoiii thai all otwllinraanil olbar imrl uolalt 1- nijit at uih lalala ill llivaald wil liam allan wli ih i nn nr abmit tha tu- honuitly 01 nt von lur llrt am taijulrwl no i r i oluf ui iliiriih 1 ui ilav 1 marol iuqs to auiiil by iiiiiuilirtlnllvuriu a j uassln- naii of ill o vfllaui il aoiin tollaltar fur wl ii11 hull y mimili ili i ivauior of ilia laal ll nd lualainii 1 of 11 0 aall iluoaaaail itiflr uliilatlan an i aun aniua a i irnaaaa an i rtoip- il nit tiio full narnuuiar ol itivlr o1uih lb latvmuiit nf 1 ulr av 1 imta and tbw naiura of lliou urtiiu ii any io i dy hmni ai il iinlir inuu n itico inm altar mall uit muiitli 111 ildaiu tiio latil aiucijtiir will iiroeaad loillalrltiulw ii a amelb of uih ithoaaav i amonl uiuiaiilba niitli dill r i 1 avlu rmrd only io ihu elulinu wlila liaaliaiitliuit luvatiollea an i tli at inn aal i uiwonl r will 11 l lia i labia for l u aaaala nr any rl ilisrvof to any iiaiiqii or wrioiia nf uliiiou cuihib uiiiicb al all not ilian liavu limn fitmlvnl by iiim m tliu tlitm of aueb unlflluuoo a j mvpkisov m lulu rf ir tl ukimtitor ualdd llih mill iay ot valuuarj iton at 4 nolicjg to uiikdituhs intha matter orthe baitata or donald modonald late or the villa- of anton tn the county or walton oentlonmn oeoeaaed ai 1 jo and 1id01 all a lolilbmlllliily ii jaltnaly 1ft ar t tlulom llm ho 1 ud lay of albieti by hal ihulal i or clallvbr to 1 i aim ivmlinll i hit vllluuu of aolod holiuliiir 1 r nualtiili uupona d tin adoilnla ttlrm wllh tlu will aniifscl ot itla laal will aiid uuiaiiiiint nt tliu al 1 iloaaaaad uielr uiiiuubii biki biiruaiiin aildroaiaa ami d or 1 1 1 ma l uu full 1 arurtu sua of lliulr alaloia ilia iiaiuinriii m iltuiir u oniinia an 1 ilia ualur of ilia auonntiu it any liulil liy lliam ami liirilifr lauu mil iliat aimr auoti laal uicuiloi wt ijih ilia bii a liulnuitairli wlut uih wilt biiiihoki wlllinaaal it liauibul ibe ot tli iwnuaathl inonu l larllva willltlad 1 li ol inia of x lllbldin lino iiavmu ruunri uuiy m ilia ol inia of hlaii iliby biibu iluii liavu nolina adl aias tliu eat i a luilniairatiu uliii iiu wbl annaiad wilt not iwiublti tnr tliuaalil or any lir llifronf 10 any iwimiii ir inmna of whom olalui ihiiom liail no liavu buau lavaliad by iiipiii at tliu unto of tuoli iilamiliiitiou a j uai kinnoh riouoliorfir llm a liuliii irairla wiit ilia will annuaudnl ihuaal iiihui dalad tbla kuunli dnj of ul tuary loo u 4 penitentiary bllpuk8 sraiudthnnnitrfbldriaail inipeelora of i oiiluiularltw iilawi utul andnram rmidural t mui 1 llu will ba toolval unui ilol day mill mro liiniulvp fruul uafllaa iloalrlnua of loiiiraotim fir au tll for uia flaoal yvar iduhiuud for llm folluwlu luatltu huti iiamuly 1 kliuoluu imiillaiiiury si villein lu t aul i iiluntlarr roliuaior laultkiiilar uanlioi a i uiiioitury hlillt colimiiu i ilin kil llll n tlie full iw u ol i cial u oanl nil cnlvnotl allniria ivuimtniarv lidiin iiion all uaialu tuiiilnrn will u ruotvud for each ot w- n itry iloolo h koraflp t f roali v li urouorlai id llarilwarv ii laallitir iii milk 11 iiiihuimi ialuta ll loik ami llaonii la hnl iuailmr iii rii wai uutalla ni lurnriuallnu aa tu form or onulraat loiuiltor wlm nruiai f u uiur will ba iurnlab on aiiflldailou in tl u waniaua all aiiinllua am aul uoi tn lbs a iiruval at the w 1 dim iiounia1ktbwat ullt w ikwviun liiaiiotora 1 1 raullaiitlsrlfe dvii tut tut of jut leu ottawa fat niaiy io a we want a kolinllo local salesman for aoton and adjoining country to represent canadas greatest nurseries tarttokt list ot cotimtvroliit nnd tlom- tlo ni lu liirso nuilnmiiu nninmnl- nlh nnd htinilu iraod j soworino itriibs vino rnuin lu ujd iiolntui mm o our oolullla block that i htmly cnms from iih liertnnnnt ijltunllon fur rltelit inan fov wllimi torrllnry will ho rworvod inywnlily iroo qlilinlonl write for iarllotiiiru stone wellington potithlll kuniorln sn norci toronto ontario ru t im

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