wsjftl ffilje rtou jtrrc jjrcss tlfvjihijay maiu ii u lutih boil olu uad yi ulit tniyi ili k up ii luiptir ail llu th in munii k i lijt till mil i i ill i j htttni litui tint iiiiii lii i dully mhii dm ull illlwm tilll llmlllulill kytm will ii iiiiiiii lull km yill duiililmi iiiiiii at till- um fi iiiiuli limit no it leut tvllfiil in nil- lli 1- ii i linn wiltnof inollur dtur 111 it lllltl t lit vlll lllllill lllbwil or inn nil iiiuii null in iiiiii ni itw imvi r immnt to hlighl lilm illlt tlll innllmi litllii wid ah lliu ihiijijui lu niiiili fin nmthnr nut it hlimin fui u ulmlixll triii out iihi lir i wnulliil aliovn im tilt bur illm i i i utu wajaluchc iit oli ilail up humtud tufovd titf llll lihi back would nearly 1iek mother rtuond ulmvp the cradle oavo dovntlnjf nil aht i mill htlll tlintnviimi t any crtitib at tlilu 1 1 mo foi poro nl u dnil i do not tiikj dnr linn frnm niftll wiumi yo wrto ih himl hwwit bohu jtit ir uinru a won fni fhtlur nnwitlld tlliit l itjtnt liii winiifr ioro oo eoull llua luflft and w rink i nil an i know tvutild make him glad if i when you nro prumn mnthor homothlne said for pore olo dad i til to lafoicy tlltfltbatn if you tolj onu of tlin limn of tin now york fliu di pnrtinoiit tliut tin- htimtmr ill lu unluuuy in- wll inngh ill you tint ruconl of in irk 111 whni imrlir am nil eighty fifth htitoi limit lxingin avomio disproved i tli cuiiipiiny in in command of fur until mlk martin iilvty two year old whti hue won in the dnartiiitiit juui thlrtenn rovimod nr thirty n no yinn tin into 1mjh in ohurgn nf that company for thlrtinn yriira mid lui thirteen in nn in hln comihond at u recent mldulglil ira in n har lem lint liotiia uuvurnl prraone wor roaouod from what boomed to lw in ponding death an a romilt rluvnii of tho inomltura of truck il wm ripnrt cd tn the coiihdimuioii for iiioimnrlniim conduct in tfiving uvea tlnt wau u great rocurd fm ona rmiipuiiy till- company hnwovoi uimo linn a rtcunl for gritting to fliou quickly at tlm time of tint tocutn dlu- nator much prill ho wiia given in aan tant fiirvmuii tloinoy of tlip fliohoa now yorkni for ituhlutnnro til navln uvku tlirnuy lhlniitx l ti link 111 and wan dutiilltml to tho fllwlmiil for jnl ondy ltick hmju wlru tnick 111 and tin- mon of ilia compiiny mty tint lu men foundation phnolplmi flrwti whun wo uiidiutako to fill your miluicrlptlonii wo ulvn tho hi oim timlivldml tttuntiiin nnd tmut rnr tho uitunitit wnlfiiitt lu inn liut oon bldoiatlon himiond i wv iiiai uiiiih mir dni u iwiof hill utruiiutli nu wall uu piiiti anil fiiinli thliil i our ruutitiiiorn ara niippliiwl with jnutwlmt tlioyiwk for i uulwtltui ing la unvor itllnwwl paimrh cklmily compound if you arti a tuilfomr rroin kldnoy illfiiuuui llvor complaint iiiikhi troulilou rliouinatlini muirnlgia or norvou proatratlnn wit confidently raooiti- uiund tlm uua of palimti oolory ootn- nnunil thia rollalilo and novor 1im nppolntlnjj nuxllolno la a trtio umuwum luinlalior nnd ftynumi hulmar w supply tho konulno pnlrios color compound at drown aoton out at an ovonlnff praynr mooting in jy mulno vlllwgv tlio irnlor donoon dn tnlliloiifl jnrdnn nnmo to niakfl rppin prlhto milplural ininnrkv ahnut the dimtli of mua simple i nn in onn olualmi ilia deiicnn uald t i rohpiifltwl mim slmpkltihf tlin uunnlmirh of tnl aliiiioh ronnvotod mluo fllmpklni tlin clt latin of tlilu town nnpoll mlw elltnpklnb t out now nlmti dond und gono to tlio luki and tlio tarlpturi nultb tlio lord u nn ropeotor of portom abimplbgunv uu uald hint jnlin wiliy wuaonof wmlklng with a brother who related tn lilm liu trmililof nay lug lu did not know wlmt lio tihnutd dn thoy woitl lit that innpiont piiuulng a stimo wall tn n inomlow ovnr yvhlah n onw wan innkliig d ynu knnw nuked wohlpy why tliat now lookh nvir tho wall p nn if pi it d ilia nno in irorihlp i will toll yiui wdd vnwley da- qniluohlionauiiol look llnongh l imf1 that hi what ynu inuut do with yom tronlilou idok nwi nnd ntiuvo tlioiu a hbhd hah vnu nlgn ihlodovd of voiirownfita will do ynu minium p nxkod tlu lawyor what tin ynu moiut hy tliiitf do- hiaudid tho laigo nd faoid wiiimhu i iiiiiin thoitt him imidii nn cmiiipnl- ilon nn uio purt nf yom hiilmnd litia thorn t hiiup ho tijiuiilat id turning in look at tho mock lilt lit hiuii fining ln hldo ioi i id liki to kh hhn tiy to compiltbo mo a mihaouldub birth a young limn wnu lalng eymnlntd liy a llfoliihuiitiioo o5litiil ii w in hu fnmlly nonrd among olhii tpii ttona thu following wnu iimuihi of what did yum gituiiiriiihoi dlff tho applfoant liomllatod n lv itmiuoitu and tlipn atnninioivd nut i im nol hiirc lint i think lie died in liifauoy wlmln thi una nf wfiriylng of imriyliig and mouiryliig kvoiylumly lluritiig and lirtiakng up thulr rmt wiioii ovi yi lihig la f holilng iih ptvuahlilg and hiutauli1iig iw tit oltht ilntvii hinl and tlio fuit for qulut tliiyu nro iwat 1 bmite of if imvti itila otlieri are fad i wiipu duty anlln wi nro apt ti ny ntot linrait i thu hfnlti of tlio foitiu flnniiiioiini in oo1lrli nt tlio hga tlf 00 tito iitilo prbmatuhm ob itu ar ik oiiooflhulrudlll iof tho oftlra of rh nhw yik iiimmii to do with mi idlinr who whm i uit al iplioldi of tho liiriillihlllty of hlu piipai it ylmply ciinltlii iiiiikn it iiilufaktf a itiiotiml illlxnt on liiitut intit lilmolhcamlliiimilid uplithkrdllurll duk mm laro ho d i ahd fill ohll nut y not lio it mill winngl what wiong iilmnt up iiukod lh tdltor in dim in1ihmioi wli umiibniitim rionotdfmdr if i im jluiild unyu youio 1 1 willi hti i nly n pllud im i dltor yoiiro load jim iim iiildud iiiiigiianlmnuuly if ynu don t liko imlng load wo ii print your lilrth tuitlco uu iittlluilo wnu tatlitr dlffiivnt fiiim hint of uiioihfr tdltor who on being howil hy tit 10 it it n ion t intorait- od that tlio death of i ho pom plain nnt waa ffluoly reported opuloguotl pro- fiurly and ilfvrnd tomnkt ft all right well print n cnrroctloii at opc- ho bald mml tahl tlio irj n it thn wnant dcul hrhnpm it would ho ihtttvr to lit it atiind ill nliiv lun my frlrudr whu thoy want to lairrq nionay vvotnanallouiu oompidijon rollva guilt it la tiotnlwaya on ay to ho generona try na nno nmy i wna luoaii to goorgy tlia mnru- ing whon you yiivo ma tho hioaif and liutttrcnnft tight ymit nld dolly lit lnb iinillur nt ladlliuo why i1 uald mm jaiika i i thought you won qulin gvnironui didnt yon glvo gxnigy tho irngfi phrop y algheil polly hut i kop ho hntlotoet ploro myuwlf p dyspepsia stomachmsorders mat dk quickly and pefimanuntmt cuiied bs burdock blood bitters lr p a iaimii uulwakl qo wtkm w u nllow i ililr lo thank you for your won- ilaituuura uunlmk ntmxl llltlan thrm yun tm 1 tutil vary mvr attuk of dyinpl i iul iva of tba lwt ilaeinn i noulil anil but ttty eoulil do ma no jooit i u wmii by m rund to try uunlmk illimfii illlur anil to my trail aurprua hilar uklnc two bottlaa i wu ao inrwtly eurad that i hava not hail a ifln r dyaitaiwla alnaa i imnitot praua it too lilahly la all auffarara ib my axparlanc uu t but i avar ul hollt- n for ma ula inn don t sea tit a lulnllliiia for h unlink nlnod lllllara rhara it nolltin lint a food tho irt vhliio u to loirinln tho longno t lo iillahia trno gtontin h who kmiww how to ik lhiit ovoii whou ha lu h ihoilght onto oamvoxixa batmtu ifclkiflj bijbttora tt to rofiaio tn ylfhl to nlhom when iimuoii oi a politl caliati ngnlro it l ttiimifc nf pi do and wllff nt aa tlnnnu- it kompla to ourh a cold 1h ohb day talfa a laaallva dm run qiilnlna tahl a i all tronultu miuuit llta inuny itlluht to am h w uravaa altidaturuoaaaeli iluitsania it u liard to hoi lew tho truth tho way aoinu poplo toll it tli nro novor wan and novor will i a milvorwitl uanitetm in ono ituiuuly for all ilia to which loali is holr what would iollovu ono ui in turn would uggmvuto tlio othora wi hvo hnwovor in qulnlno wlno whon ohtaliiotl in a sound umululuir- ittod auto n raiiiody for many anil grlovoua ilia by ita gradual and jujioiouu uso tho fralloat ayatoniu n tod into eonvalosoonoo ami atrongtli hy tho lnfltioiito wblslt qulnlno oxort- oti natures own roatnratlvob it rv llovua thoso to whom a chronic alat if nmrhld doapondonoy and lank u intttvat in llfo u a dlawutai and l tntnqnlllxlng tho norvoa dlaptuuai to wound and rofroahlng altap impaiu vigor to tho action of tho blood whloli ladng tltuulatod oourwu through tin volna ntwngthoning tho liualthy ani mal funotlona nf tho ayauuii thornhy niakltik activity a nofioaaary roaull utitngtlunlng rho ft ana and giving llfo to thu dlgtmtlvu orguna whlnli mitiinilly diiiimnd liiorojuahl uulwtunof ivault imprttvoil appotlto north top lyman of toronto linvu glvon t tho publlo thulr anporlor qulnlm by tlio opinion of salnntltita tho wlno uppriiuohoa noaroat airfootlon nf an nn tho matkitt all drugglatu wdl ii wo itiut uuiiatly pliiut in i mr if wo want to inluo tiiumy mlhl in tlmlr antlmi iviniioioov vigvlnhlo plluaio voiy tnlld in i hull notion thoy du tint tmuao griping lu t hr atiiitimolt or oatiao illutm lutnovo iiiiioiihhi many pill- do tlioitfoio tlio limit imicnio onn mki thfin with- oiif foal of unploafchut loullu thy nun ton ho nifiulnluloiid to ohlldivn wlihotitjuipnnlng iho ptmaltlcu whluh followvlio iiuonf plllw not iui dhivrulty picpurotl amiinglhoiltihoi rluuwklmuhi 1000 llvo to 00 toaia of ngf in tho mlddlo olaaaoa 175 do an hiiii im only of tho htltorlng olaua hid vivo to lonchooyojtra of ago tan yam- lutor bulrpi nn lht linnn cam 10 rrtnnvail by itaetlo apltl rr mt of loionri and alcnlark will hn ylaldui ptimmlto salvation army praise i foal it my ditty to toatlfy to tho htmoflt i havo rwtolved front tho nao of paydilntt while travelling in new on tnlo ootid net i rig anoelal nuxitlnga i eon traetfril a very had cold which gradual ly developed into broneliltla of tlio wont form i wn ndvlaod to tiy paychlue wltleli t did nnd after ualuft hut a few hettloa i wna completely ro- nlariil to health x reeommahil this wonderful remedv tn aufferers from broneliltla and other trenhloa laitert iwlalito ndd hint my tou altioo iialiig pay4hlfie u atrrtngat attt im miieli mnro enrrfttiir nower tlmn it ttrl beforo t itnd linmtn and tn toaoi ehooia do not tlrowtkapitavlng p tjijijrii oapt balvti army attn st trtrttnto aug 11 1007 astoria tbn klntl you ifava ahvajn ioiigitr nnd which luut loon lu trno for over ho yrnra liojt borne tho algnntnio of f tl lioaj bon mtulrj under lila xw vojb4t551 aonril aiinorvlmlon alnoo tlm infhiicy ufyz cta44 allownoonotolocrivoyotllii th ah coutylerfcuy imllotlona tntl juatngool but jcxpcrlmonla that trlllo with nml endanger the health or inainu nnd children ekimjhoiico ngalnat ksxperlnient what is castorja gnatoru w a imnjilcaa nubhtlttito for caafor ou tojkm rgorle irpfnitd h4athiuar wyritpib it u icaunnt it contnhth nelthor oiiuim sloiplilne wof other narcola tuihatanoe it ago 1 iu riaraite ti deatroya wurnjm nnd nlltiys ioverlahiuan it curoai dlovrhosa and wind colle itrellovc rfeethlng troiibleaf eurest oonatlpatlon nud plntulenoy it amunllatea the vooa reilhtca tlio utotnaeh and iowom ivitihpauhy jiihl natural alriop tho chlldretia iannewtlio mother vrleml oenuinb castoria always boon tho blgnaturo of mgu the kind you hare always bought in use for over 30 years pahklh dont imi nfrald mid tho womnti on ha frvmt tlip tlmt dog ukvw htthllguim yew ihhdani nnawotvd iiioumli i ing mlko 1 do not juration yom imiiiiiiioi flint ho would liko iih lint dnjoiitofti l i lilm aaaavokhi fur emu piiiihinihlp oi im an plniivp witah tiiglim hfm tlmt iiiiiii luaolioiifal ho wouldnt trill a pin vhiii iho mdiiihlng filind i never ihfmght iniioh of iho pht letat anawnrtml mlaa oayoitno try hi in with an umbrella i tlio klndergttrtrn rhlldrfil aroaliug gllng with tho ulphalhit who can tftl what cninaa nfli1 o p aaku tho laiichvr hllaiica rrlgna again alurnuaathiit pmantuiyoto uuow wlolt vutuoa after op tliait tttlutoji kalam bla iiuihi i dr lfaju whlx deii whu plraf atitout waro ymi rtovrt in ravarla l rurnnd ijittif llitvarla it aroma to v ino wt atopl ttiaro lutca to gat a tiro rpulrad huutraollonbad jmtltefn introduced n tit antall glrla olaaa and that ovan ingabu waa ktutloiuiy writing lit her hcmiwwork liook what are you doing p nakod lirr uinlbar wo iiave now rxauiptea now waa tuo roply we havo to add liack- ward a hhea tho moat rotnaikablo elderly wnman i over uaw doaant abow her ug i not that doeanr uim tn rrgmt chartaredby dominion oovatnmni iatsbllahad 1m4 the merchants bank of canada iiuad office montrliau iniereit addat four timet a yeir itodranchaa pretldenl sir 11 moytaoi allah vice preildant jomatium iionotom ban general manager li f mmiidbn capital palil up 10 000 000 00 dupoilti over i ooa 00000 burphia 400000000 total aneta i3100000000 savingsbank deposits one dilur or upward will open an jccjuoi money vdthalrawabla any lima no delay farmer sale noyks we have apwlal ocllltlta or collecilna that tve will cauh them at once if dailnd ai 1 low rale nl imeraal joint accounts whan requaaied wo will open axcopnla in two nimea to that cither ona may draw the money huiband or wife elc aoton branch w s chish0lm manager pliable yet tough you might begin your acquaintance with storeys goods by inventing hi a pair of these horschide mitts theyre excellent examples of how tough and pllnble mitts nmy be nmde by our chrome proccwi with the added hittinf actio it of kiiowiug they will not become stiff vhcti scorched or scalded dont forget to buy storeys nml theyll remember you by wearing longest at all stores w h storey son limited acton ont it la not by rcgiti t ting what la lr roparahlo that trno work la tn ho done hut hy 111 uk ing iho heat of what wo are it la not by complaining that wo havo not tho light lonla but by uahig wall the tonlu wo havo ltuakln how is yourcold rvary plaoa you go you hear the tame jiimllort aaked do you know that then h nothing bvi tunaoroua aa a neulootod 00ui f 0o you know that a noulnoteil oold will torn into otironln jtrunolilili pneumonia dlaguatlng tulnrrh and tlia moat deadly of all tho r placue oonaumntiiin many a life blitory would rawl dktoraoti if on the first appoaranoo o ooughi la bad been rumadlod with dr woods norway pine syrup thu wonderful oooah ami doii mwllola eonulna all thuaa vory pine prinulplai which make- the plno wtiodi to valuahlu in to treatm nt of lu in affix tlon oombliiod with thla a wild cherry dirk and the loathing healing and ex- rwatirant propertlea of other peotonl korha and lutcka lforomiglia oolda jronahlua pajn in the ohub aatlinut uruttr wbwmln dough jloaruiiuae or any ulrwtloii of tho throat or ijunga you will ilml a euro euro in dr vvooda norway llno byriip lira 0 n irfwiner hurwlnk n8 wrlteei i hvouaad dr wood norway plua syrup for ooitybe and oolda and bar alwaya found lb to give inatant relief k alao reeoumended it to ono of my adah bora and aha waa more tob pleaaad with uuraenlu dr wooda norway na byrtip so ou pee bottle at all d talere put up in yellow wranpar and throe jplr tree tho trad tnrk reiuaa eubatiltitoa there b onl rati norway lloa byrup and tbaa onati illohoi nro not etieontlnl to gnttt honor poverty abould bo rogartled aa n blrulng ua lb urgai a nertion tn labor for hluierlf anil tnko tho rough heforo the arnooth ilovco oahvoxtxa bmntla ihl kind yw llll timfl btm mfutera af lie that novor changed nny of hla fiplnloui never onriveted any of lilo uilalukoe and ho who wai nsvor who onongh to find out any mutnke in blmeolf will not it eharltmbfe enniigb to okciuo what bo reckone mlatakoa in othere tipmr it will prolong llfedo fiotit the flpanlurd loat hla life in ilia wllda nf vlnrldn wltltltor ho went for the pur pose nf dlaouvorhig the ifgendary fountain of porpolual youth paid to pulut in tlmt thou unknown country whllo dr thoninu bcleclrlo oh will loniovo tho hmllly palnu which mnko iho young old lafnre their time and bin ma tho aged into untimely gravee wo tnay not roallao our idenla but wo may ulwayv idoalluo our reallllfe and our idonlu inuut ba praatlool if hoaiploiimkn ndlglnn of thoiit and ilva by them hole 11 kollhr atnoouhaobhuht qooige thla la leap year ii mm and ive enjoyed your aocloty ao much ii in m and ive eaved up 920 of my own iiro m ive alroudy mnda thro of every thing h in in i dont know juat bow to any it gnorgo but you know my father la wealthy and im hla only child say murjorlo go aheiul and ty it dont beeltate im not going tn blto yon what sort of a propoaul did your rloll father authorise ynu to mnko to mop detroit froo pieaa liver complaint tba uvar la the larut eland la ha body it elsee u to take from the bloed the proputiae whuk ttxm ula when tn uvw a twpul and atuatad u eanoot furnlth blla to the bowala aaualnc tkam tobaeoma bound ami mttlve tba lymptoaa are a faallng et ulna or walakl la lha rifhl able and iboollruf iaini le i ha aama raalen palaa batvaaa the abauluara yauowaaaa ef tba akla awl ayaa bowala tmiular eoatad taague bad taile in uw taornlng ata milburns laxaliver plls ae plaaaajil and aaay to uka de aol trio waakaa er aiakaa aevar fall in thalr alfaeu aad era by far the aafaal and qulakaat ratnady for all llaaaa or dlaordan of the uvar price 25 cenu ov s botuei for 91 00 all dealere or mailed direct on receipt of price by the t uubura co tilmltt toronto oat a gihwl heart a tender dlapealtlon a charity that ahum the day a mod- taty that iduahaa at lu own excellence an impute toward aometldng more divine than mammon 1 auoh are tho aocnnipllalimenta that preserve iwnuty forever young ly lion if aeottgb makeu your nlghte aloep- leia and weary it will worry ynu a good deal and with good eauso to dlepel the worry nnd give ynureolf roat try sloklee antl ooniuinptlvo hyrnp it exerta a oethlug influence on the air paiatigee and allnye the irritation that lend to inflummatlnn it will aubdue the niuat atubboin eough or cold and eventually eradicate it from tho ayatein ao a tilnl of it will prove to you it la an open quoetlnn whether a hlgamlat ought to lie eent to jail or made to aupport two wlvea castor i a vovlnlluiti ud ctbl iii kind yon dm alwin bagm baare the tslgnatture of ib alteatur- w ua evanr bea nt tb tannine axaljve bromooulniiio tabuu tlitoftt tuna nnd tomleb trouble mired by payenlnei nlao inolplent rnri anntnttoni all ilrtigglale roe and h 00 or or t a bloeum tjlmltedi torjonlo how otd ibj ralr lillian joxhotlylinwldnm youhuywa p naked a ft land nf lii i inn ituall i have it friend rfphvd tieaolieh with hppiiiont imlovanoo who wna born iii mid ocoah on an ocean aloanitr after ahe end hqr muther hud landed the nloniiior on ita return ftp blew up 811 ptntildnlly alio ttna no itlrlh- plaoe ily ago la unit alio added iifterapauaoi iloeldpe gnlberlng nd mon a rolling tone gravliritea downhill mothei fltnvoh worm ita terminator la ploiiaitnt 10 takti euro nnd tffveltutl in dmiioylng wornia many have tried it fof imat iratilla iw iftlle die whon i may i want it aald of me by thoao who know mo beat that i al- wtiyf pluokrd a iblatlo and planted a flowor wlmn i thought n flower would grow lincoln they nro a ptiwetful nervine dyapepela canaoa dehingaiiiertt of the nomine eyatom ami nervuiii dohlllty once engendond la dlfqoutt to deal with tbtro nte many teallninntuta jt to the efllbncy of parmeleee vfge table fdla in treating thla dlemder ahowlng that they never fall jo pro duce good raaiila by giving proper tohe tn tbe dlgeellve organe tbvy retury einlllbvliim tt tho k nerve rutilvv no real huitlor would give two eenty for the things that come to thoao who wait why go limping and whining about your corns when a 25 cent bottle of iliillmvayw o rn cure will remove thorn p give it a trial and yon will never rvgret il hveiy great man in trinieya being helped by evtu ylmdy for hla gift ii to get good nut of all thlnge and all per sona ruukln helpful advice you wont toll voiir fnmlly doorr iho wholo wtoryuilmiiit youe ptivrvio llbncwiyoti ittt o6mftddht vou hoed not iw af raid to tell mint llnk- bofn nt lynh masu liothlngs vqu coulunotexplalntothodoctor your kttof will liohold in tho hlrlolentcon fldenpo from her viutt corrvnpond- enco with sick wotficu during tho pnet thirty yearn nlio mny havo gained tlio vory knowledge tlmt will helpyourcaflo biichloluirsnfltliofol- lowlnp from grateful women es tablish beyond a doubt tho powornf lydiaepimkhams vegetable compound to conquer all foinalo dlseancs sirs irnuk kmsloy liiilnay ontario writes to mm plnlcliatu when i wrote to jou aomo tlmu ago i waa a very alck womrtn buffering from fomnlo tronblin i bnd 1 11 in m ma- lion of the fomlnhio orifona nnd could not atnd or walk any dlatnncc at laat i waa confined to my bed nnd tba doctor aald i would havo to go through an operation but thla i reduced to do a friend advlacd lydla k plnubnms vogotablo compound after nalngtlirco boitlea of it i fool llko a nmv ivnrann i moat heartily rwonmmcnd lydle k pinkliama vrgetabln coinjunimf to nil women whoaufier with female troulilea tacts ror sick women for thirty years lydia e fink- haws vegoiabio compound mado from roots and horlm utut been tho standard remedy for fomnlo ills and ban positively ourod ihounnnds of women who havo iwon troubled wltli dbjplaoomonta inflammation uloo ra tion fibroid tumors irrcpndarltlos porlodlo pnlnn liaolcachojbnt iwar- inglown fcollng flatulonoy indlgua- uonulziinoflariurvouflprofltrauoil jft nice turnouts to have a nkn turnout in ilia iprlna when tlio icada aro qoml you uinutil tand your dunklai lo onblua oaftniaok wodh daintbiown anil haun iljem palm ad tiiw wlmn you do imi nvril llietn you can laiva ilmm liaro unll ilia rojdi are tau slqicihs knd ourrbrfj a law m idleaaurd si nit 1 hamlyat alaoji aw tiouj ccniwl liaji cudrra nrfd liaavy full uhthi ulllauluhaap locltr j ft 0 cjtni4ic19 works oboncerown ikt excelsior bakery wc are headquar ters in acton lor bread cakes pas try etc of first- class quality we also carry a splendid stock ol groceries and con- lectionery t statham son mill stru aoton fori ppiofllc is now ready tor your watch and clock repairs prompt ness nnd good work is what we strive to give nickel alarms put in thor ough uond order same an new for tifi cents d prinqle tho jeweller guolph is it footwear you aro look- ing for if thats tho case go to williams shoe store i carry a full lino of boots shoes rub bers etc for people of all ages and sizes fall and winter btock now ready for jour inspection wm williams tb aho mn mill atrwt aoton synopsis of canadian northwest hombbt0ad rrqulations any an numliaraa aeallon of oomlnlon latidi in uadltoita ruakatoiiawan auil altiaitaavmutlunheau a oat raarrail may he liaaimimdail by any patton bo la ilia tola haad of a fatnllr or any mala ovarii ytaranf aaa lo ifaa aatant of enauartar bmiidn ollao bbiaa niara or laaa tba homhtaadar la requlraa to patforai ha oonrtllloui aoubhuil tbarawllli unaar ona a uiafolloalugplauat farniliii iilausniatlaad uoluiaalltili raquframanl is imitarlliaif or rnolhar if tha falharli entarai or br him la ilia vlelntlv auoh bonia tlaailar iitav iiartdrm lila own iraalitaaoe dutlea y llvuia villi lliu faihar or moiqar u tlia urm vlelnllf in the two rrelid parbrilit ii rladuad aa tiiaanloa not mora than ulna nillm la a illraot una aseluatva it tlia wldili of road allotraneaa eroitaj in ilia uiaauramni till 1rami rrim railway weak tired 11 ow many women there are tlutt get no re freshment from aloep they wake in the morn womfn ingdiidfwltlrederlhut they have a dlny aenaatlon in tlutfaaaul tho beart palpluteai ttay are lrrffahuj and nenoufl wtnk and worn otgi and lha lightoat iioiuohold dutirt during the day beam to be a drag and a burden milburns hert and nerve pills are the very remedy that weald nnrvoue tired out alckly women needtto retore tbem the bloaalnga of good hejufii they give aound rmtful iim toe nerve atrengtlton the make rtcb blood lira 0 pertaae la praise mnh i s a hoiiiwtaaijar lolandlna lo patfnrm hi mjaahmiluilfajn abmnlanoa villi tlia abovi dial rldfol iuomuituuoti mlrlaiiea uuilaa hllalivlia with tiarania or on farmina wnail hr liloiaulf muat notify ilia agint far tin acton pump and tile works o b ebb age proprietor our premufb nro now fully equipped whb all the laleii machinery anil eppllnncea for m anii fact url rw puwiuraaotiiinip sappjitt til tor wejja eimfraw otilverw ta steam jrpe fjitiag tool and piprn suppii ordcra promptly filltd main striikt acton evert0n 2 eden mills the beet quality ot ivianitoba pemlly and pastry flour ror 09i0 ot lowot prloos odr own make chopping dane nnd oiftt rolled overv day peed for rale call for wheat and 0aa henby h0rt0p ha rnnntlii liotlaa in wrluiia aliaull tie elrnn la lha fjotunlluonar of uomlnlnu iianja at ottawa nf lounilon 10 apply or patent w w ooitv dipultf of uit ulnuur or tho inlatlnr v vwihotlua pnlilleatlou of lit as varllaeniidl will nol ba paid for we want a reliable local salesman for actqti and adjoining country to represent canadas greatest nurseries largoatlliitof comuiorcinl and domou tiu fruit largo nndamall ornnmelit- ala nnd klmdo troos flowering abruba viuoa ronea flue aoed potntoee ona ot nur specialties block that lu hnrdy cornea from ua a permanent altuntlou for right nmn for wlium territory will be reaonml pny weekly i tree equlpiuout write for paitloulara stone wellington ponllilll nitnorlcn i50 aoroi toronto ontario new pictures at waters bros now ideas in framing artists supplies oil and winter colors alwnyu freli and of tbe best quality waters br08 cueiph abt8tob l pacunnocn tiaiwd tlmt kwlni i l uu uilol icli ll c alltmiiiht 1 nt arui paper makers ukonoitto 11 jv ovr hook news and coloukd paieiis inohmatlben w giirson w0odxciravinct photoengraving ghalf tones obahvcuiis 0rrhcwilwtptbm purpi5r5araulllt5hmzlt3ec old iron rtaga and rubbor tjfiodvilctillftltl hecntnl hand itovei apd rtpolrrt for farm niachlnrfy iiujititl mikkls sank up titi aclon out arnolds livery- btahon uotjx sfaflu 3 mill ht acton siyluli kifl ilnulilo or biiiio adpplled on ivlunoai ruiilco commfitrial rhavlilurs or- ui ulicn njiecial aiiamlpn iicnrv arnold proprietor painter paper hanger sijn writer picture framer shop mill st acton op posite williams livery repairs promptly made to furniture tinware etc no unnecessary delay knives ground scissors sharpened courteous attention nnd reasonable prices w gimson j3 follcfic umanle lltueb tjijitr wyutlhhta hi aueliiu nut tlic best syhtcun of lammeruul tialulm htinwii in nnnln bualntiia imiuuitlturi u lu aulcmaltil derallou al lha auulph uufalnbuu cullbott tiu iiiiii liaiiuoil iliurouutily tuatad and liaa iimiiiiiiiuiiih1 ita birliity lu all caliae taiaiui ul emu ihotoui imliilim rtmdualpti itiniliiuaa lull ifu aitum in una rovluoa ia autiiotlao i 10 tuacti ami j raoilou it llrlnlil jounii nan ami wo in on of anaray and olnrautur nan til ilodiuuifva hiim al in cm lb raw akiwma fur tlia iiumi otliloi a orfurli u lu to a liuaiuaan wurl t t lila inatuuiloii liolila a uulqua imillou a in ii till cuiiaiilan lluiliiia collag 11 wlilpav juii 10 iiivmiaio llow and wnjfr kotar uiiw f r day orovmijiiueouiaa coin a itlraal t lliu culluuu julii alaaoulo luotu uppar wiidlmiiihi iliiii or mllrsaa h mnoooilmiok ba prlneluel patents bcaiareb qopvluohte jul irttnn a rtajfth antjthalntlmi way rlalariiir oiilnimi rrmpliatiiatza prnhahltiiluiuiibla oummunla crinrrcflnircarb 1 ofany anlniulila jnutrinl tuniia ftw ticmbf pfrfnts jbiawtliia bnflfcalnyaiif n i n y era awlneiaat tough bketcn nr rnadil of yonrli lint wfwllna- ivroiiicin hi la wbelhrr jtl ptot jbyj etd appllcalmnahavearian s5 iantuanra lyantlnit nrlnu ifnraoiirapbiliinaa imtanlahl itaftett heat auccetallilly prnumited tiy oonilnrl riiiiy arjii urnl omrf in montiaal lanrl watti union 1 trijqiijtflulopro jryiuamtejiwnttaniiilniilclilyuciiravii aauravdaitlialiiveiilhii inanmrefamaoi t a ka rtou raealveanmlal rutilcflwlll nnl ewarawtal pv-h- too tifwipspaia ilblillmliil uirotivaaj raamthnalitaflra j marion marion j patent kaparta and solloltaran i