Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 19, 1908, p. 3

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our mat hod of roeallng eurpcrlwlbundofmoch ft and javacoffeea develop unci preserves ilia rich tmtlalol ofih berrue brine out the culnese and richness of the flavor tbme why greigs white swan coffee hu such dellcloua eppetlbleaf j uomt helps dlnatlan emam j wmteswncnee la first emled in parchment then placed in una preserving lis full j flavor kml freshness k tw cuc violins violins complete in tjojt tvont 95 00 dp violin jlowe violin btrintfa violin fixture honev mouth ortfaab we carry complete slack of above ilea of good our prirss are vary low c60- hynds mill street acton news of local import a btwklnr oolnteldenee during itla urtiioii nit hu inlay im ti inffltav a v linker hud jiwl u ed the expression tito rnara of en and tli thunder of artllleijr heard- when h minipwltttl i it 1 ix peal of thunder ijumrdl tli ly rover berated ae mii- accompaniment to the heavy rulnstmin pt veiling du of jam pvtvell jmiiim purred dlod at the asylum hamilton on ht i day h waa committed front herr dang erotis lunatic in june of laat year but wm in poor health phyuoally itt lh lime he hit a gradually grown worse end death endod lila uftvrlnge on tuesday innrnluu the remain were brought lu town yesterday i r interment a rejaut ibf jtmmmmmaw hervjr the ri4wwt fneerte of far n ing m liveli hood in parle oonsuujrt the hilltatlnu of dog barking tin fanat la obtain able frouii the tie van lie peptirlqieift weiufn oood road ae til hi llllll lllmillg iff l tit wfulfl ii onuri ouiki aiktltim will be held in toronto next tnisduy ullh inau many loplie of inleienl lilolnd log how to lilunago road in tvlntui will be dlecuord a largo httt iiilmiiro laenpeeted iteefe hwuckliaiuer will tteod methodist mlalonaly annlveieiy the niiiiumi iiilawloouiy uvrvlcis will he held in the muthndut oliureb nn huntuy micl aoil ilmt k hgrr ton shorv m a ii d associate hc rotary for foreign mhuluua of tuton to will be the preacher for the day iiov mr hliorr la our of i hit liiding prmcliirn of tlui church und hlu wr hiiina will lie much n j iil dont tjuppty liquor to indum- twenty hvo dtdlar and routa wmu the nnvjoipoiuul by aliightruui haund- rr- mi v a until 11 wt the police court thin innnu fur lila uaf of judgment lif puieliaulug it hnlilu of wbukey for m olllern of tit itiiuil city wliiwimamtiti uilwftiiliirtu to it oil vht jldoit ttt ms thuiimday malloirio tuob brief local items kgge era down to so eonte tbli week mr ii o ilrowne eelv imsi weak wee gratify tig ly uueooaaful contractor mckennle line added ti geaollne engine to ida shop outfit prkh vukhh wdvertlkeinonte go in to the bimiea of ilia people who have money to huy j ii dinuy liua puroliuaetl fnmi jainev brown the dotthlo tui liih ut on church street hemlock bark ountlnuee to oome in in train loada tho berk men have had a uny tlino ilnoe new yeare nuw la the time tn go through your teed catalogue unit tn commence the building of that new chicken coop tha vmtu phutuepproohittkl very much ultia doffloe gilt tifa bouquet of dear little fllmnirocl on tueeduy morning wheat la down to 8fto thin wuek barley oooi oata uro up from fioo to mai peh3otoua bay 1s to 17 baled etraw to so i councillor dell ima n good atook uf log at bit m mill oiwratlone for j the beeaoneculllng will kte cnntmonced in a couple of week or ao ifeaaare juo and alek artluira and eutere will rvmove to acton after their sale on the ulat i nit such worthy cltlnena will bo welcomed the enow haa rapidly dlaapneared during the week there being little froat in the ground there le aqmll llkell- 1 hood of eerloua flooding taking place j mr w ii adaiua of toronto la in town with the purpoao of orgauls ing a new tailoring company tlila i would he ii good inatltutlon for the town mr t jumee bloorv who wee j recently iippolnted aaalalhnt city clerk of quulph wee promoted to the olerktblp mi monday at eulary of 1000 rtdv c 0- lleoderaon cunlempbitoi the creation of a fine new lveldenco at the corner of bowel avunile and willow btreetx oppiulte i ho town hell the coming summer it la rumored 1 hut mr colin cam eron of kdun olllla munnger of hulton fire inauhmcu co iniiy re move tn aoton tblri i imtiimlly the headqiiurtvnt of the company mr nilortwevdrla uftere the prlvllagu uf dumping aahee etc on ble lot at hie cornvr of church and elgin streeta dont treapuu how ever get hie permlulnn poreonully the guelph mercury aayi i d uenderaon u p tha warhuree from haltou attended the annual meeting of the li beta conavrvatlve aeaocla- tlon of buiilh wi i lug ton ut guelph on saturday at the nomination 6n monday to fill the vacancy in milton council eauaedby the rewtgnatlon of councillor mootinnell mtean j n biutedo it hurling j 11 peacock and j mccan- nell were notnlnatwl lmliks mohooim the box eoclal held laat friday even ing tn connection with greenock liter ary society proved a decided euoeeee toe preoldent mr ii u ourrle occupied the chair and an excellent programme una rendered oonautlng of the following numbere i prealdent kddretf ojmiling ohorutee aevaral instrumental aelectlonaby mr arthure ndmiae ourrle and m arihure recitation by mr r j kerr eolne by uue m hnlmee and mr it s near epeeoh by mr j mcdonald duet by mlawe a and m ilolmee instrument al tnualo by mr u kennedy dvbetai reeolved that canada la the moat important poeaeealon of the brltlalt uuiplre ihenfilrmatlve wan aupported by meeere k 8 near and henry 8 ltelle of greenock society and the negative by meeare d a and j c nuaaell of woodalde society india wae oltown by the eupportere of the negative and ite merlle ne compar ed with thowi of oanadii were well attained by the debater much valu able informutlon regarding the rata- tire importance uf the two ooloolee wae advanced by the competitor on bath eldee and the debate wae n tho roughly enjoyable one declilon wai sven in favor of the nfllrniallvo the dgee were mlea f water and sear g f uayatnn and g ii pearen ab the olose of the programme the boftee were auctioned off by mr r j kerr and refreebtntfute pmfiakan of tliw pnweihlii of the eoclal aumimted to about 30 anutlhir onnteat iwtwwm tirvennak 4 and woihuidtt llteiary socutlea will tokeplabeou tliswth itur ht witod- etde sobnolf on thf tubjfct i reolved that it would iw tn die beat intereete of oarfoda u uwiiu nu liidapendent which eppolnle mm wlirk after i ul jhifbulahnl hat of tho wlin nightfall outidda hnitae dojiwf when j w- i i aver an nnwerlng bark la hfard wjth in the haitt the ntimln r i noted ul tli following day ait limpeatnr calla tn e whether the dog line lie n mjvsi or the uk wtn paid their ttlea weddlnar annlverm mr and mn jowvpli ciileuiait calehrateil their if ih wixldlng anniversary m llinlr linine on willow street nn tueaday they were married oh st patrloke day 1857 four eime and one daughter bleated their home and there ima nevar been h death in the family nor itniong their grandchildren mr colemana health baa twin poor lately lmwaver aambllmr in vmblle maeeei o a in hi ing la becoming nobirlnu in certain quartere in town within the put week at at emeu ta have been inadn in thle office by reliable partlee that a company of young mon hud la en aeen engaged in throwing dice for money in tlin anniklng room nt the gtr atetlnni and that eeveral other wen playing a gain with quurter dallnre for ttakoa on the iter of one of the lintel in the preuenae and with the content of tha liartender surely tlieeo offender ure tmaware of the fact tlmt heavy penaltlae are habit for audi onvnoet i the aibakaim olubet rinale the group of ladles oompoulng the sliakeepearo club who bavo iwen tudylng and reviewing together weekly ju1lua caeaar alnco ihn first of january wilt complete the uensona very intereul lug gatlierlnga niton t the flmt of april at the meeting of the dull at moorecroft on monday even ing it waa decided tn invito prof j d iteynoldaof ibe o a c guelph to ghean i ii intra ted lecturo on shakes peare aa n eimoludlng event nf the aeaennaatudy if lila valued services can im secured the memliere nl the club will invite iholr filonda to pjir- tlolpat in tho profetsoi presentation j of this choice literary chai acter j omelal maaoulo vlelt dr ii s griffith dutrlct deputy grand moatpr a f and a m of hamilton ofnulally vlalled walker ijodge on monday uvenlng last and tho occasion waa one of apuclal inter rat he w ta accnmpniilid by llro w sherrlng of llamlltnn mid bros j ii peacock and armstrong nf mtllnn und u ii bettfl the w m or credit j lodge georgetown woroulsn present after the lodge procuidlngu weio con duded the brethren piiicvedid to tho dominion lintel where nu iippauulng lutnqllut awaited thorn iho after dinner ipeeohrn were npprnpiiate to the ocaeilnn and full interest to tho brethren of the craft ilro o it mc intoeh wm wae master of the toast hat in addition to eloquent pooches by the ddgm ilro shenlng and the other vlaltlng brelhron bilef npeeohaa were made by pant maatera maoklnnon stark francla mcdonald malnfewntand j kanney a mareb weddlnar laat week ieroonu who argue that tha over teas briton le unpopular in cn inula would have aeen much to maku them change their idea on that subject if tbey had been present ut tho pretty and very interesting wedding ut tho reildance of mr laiilah coon john street on wednesday tin lltli inst when mr jas n taylor fmineily of farnlngbam kent county isngland wae wedded to mlae kdiie eldest daughter of mr coon the fateful knot wet tied by ilev w s ma- alpine bdi of brampton a farmer putor of tho baptls church here about forty relatlvce and frlonds of the contracting parties waro present the young oouplo were unattended miss laura coon sister nf the bride and mr a e lafete of oshawa offi ciated at wltneeaes a choice hi ray of useful and vnlunhle presents testified to the esteem in which the principals are held tbey left on the evening train mid shower of rlpo and oangrittula tlons for toronto nnd points east we understand that their future home will be on ulgln street their numerous friends eitend congratulations death of wulleuu whiuay after many niontne of interne suffer ing from cancer in the faro and neck mr wllllani whitley of i t 21 con 7 nhbjuigawuyht paused away on wednesday evening of last week mr whitley became afflicted with this all- meat eeveral yeara ago with great courage and fortltiidu ho battled against ite inroads and uard evoiy uvullable remedy that promised re- lief finally he waa reconciled to the inevitable and canity awalteil the end having with great aoubdenoe placed himself his family and all his affair in the oar nf his heavenly father mr whitley waa the eon of mr thom as whitley and waa burn innelami township lo 1kb thirtyeight year ago he removed with his parents tn nassagaweya to the farm adjoining the one where he died mr whitley was joined in wedlock to ann mb- pball about thirty year ago mr whitley nnd their two daughters mr john mcgregor jr nnd mtan jean nt honie miirvlvu dewhwd wm- a htiuoeafill farmer ami highly hhim d lit tli ooiniiinnlty hu wau inentlwruf knox church aciiiu thi fnneral lam friday waa aoiiduuieil i rev j 0 wllon d x lila ututor and whs largely ntteiidwl itmeruient j took place fn palrvlew oehtete are prolilhlteil fitiiu veevlvlng intuxl- calbitf llqtior gmlpli mercury ulesrvletpraetaumf allwit ivjidurwin t ihh r pldlf kiiihhu wl huu in n willi tlu 1 kulnn co lininto fur milt tvunytulw wimmll lllx tlllhuollon willi lllitll tl aim tin itufnine for hlunull llffnro ivavlntr v iiton preufnted bhu with u handkuinu juk aolld gold iwautlfiilly engraved watch tih good service mild urtd for over 0 yeure mr peddle baa infill the timekeeper of the faltory whkli ut pioseiit employe over ii joo hands interaaunst sspworui laajrue debatu tin piluclml fwamiimilfllla ispwni i limuiiu no tiltxulay vvriing vn u do batu on thu ti pie huuoivihi ilixt wmiifii ulniiild imvti thu piiillhin i iurt and munklpal fraiiolilw jim nfllr matlvo wma taken by ii p monro and j h c iluinan und the nrgatlvn by itev g w dalkerand immlpal w ii stewurt tliojiidji- iwiirdfd thn bouora to tho uvgutlvii but explaliud that thu ti miller of pnluta iiwuitlwl each aide was an nearly even lliut tbey hud experlemtd guat dlfllciilty in coming to a deomon the atleud ance was unusually large mr liar old s tjlcklln prehlded death of aao orahawi teaeher after u hrlff uutona from anuiniilu mr george graham pilnclpal of oak villa public school died nn wedoou day i th march mr giuliani bud iwsn a teacher for fifteen years or moro in vnilntib achnols in the conn lira nf peel und ilnltnn he waa for a lime teacher nt bulllnafud whure bo bteamo very popiilui aaateuolierandacltlson for a year ot so he resided in gioiga town where in u tnlltoi of wloit waa then the hiillnn uniiuti vaun after leaving llteie ho wont to toronto then to oakvllle where be wan ipnnlntvd to tte poklllon which he held when he tutciiiuu iii in the bliiil tbero blu caroet waa n mmkctl euoceua and fre quant rxpn aslons nf appreciation were i heard from the bchnol boanl ho waa man led nn now yviiih day 1002 tn mla tdailaiighternrmia h ie whit lock bniniploii by whnm bo u ur vhud dtcthhed was llip lldmt uon nf the latn tliomaa gr ih nn of hi auipton whore intermont took ptiico no friday mr gralmin waa thn prt aiding inttini i iner nt the depiirtiuontnl i jnimiutillniw at aotnu holuxd the pimt two j tui a i wedded at wlnnlpear a qiilit ntibllog took plum nn tho i evening of tin will nut al mil notiv damo avenue witinlpig lb rhdcuco of john a ht ndi mm ulun mluu mlnnlo l allan hiuglilk f i 1 alunnf iliumi i wimmiiiilid toll rilgai chapinuii of fall iviki huk j thu brldu ih a eutur of mia- allan of thu doaconeui home sim hub glun atvay by bor coiihiii mi llimb limn tho akvinony wau pitirm nnd by itnv j s wunduwnrtll lliadiiiwliiu iihiiii waa decoratul whb muen cirnutlone and forna suit fioin iho hi lib u old home n town noted foi itu hfaulirul consorvntnrlnb the brldo wau gown- od in green taffeta made in juniptr effect with gulmw and bioovob of tucked white not tilmmod with up pllque she cnrrlwl a bouquet of whltn roses her travelling suit uaa of dark brown with laoo wnut and bat of rose pink silk the gronma gift wiib u uunburat nf poarls mr and mru chapman loft for tho west the sumo evening winnipeg frio press march nppenrs tn lai a qui ok chunge urtut ne euueerne tho wratber povery keeps a dlsugreeabte school but its toaobtnge are uftloa- clous v only 14 votes were polled hgntnst the bylaw to loan 3000 to the crai sin piano co in brampton on mnn day among the ooiupanles recently formed is the onkvllto fruit nnd ivr- tlllaor co limited oakvllle capital 6 000 the village of muverton asks con- flrmatlnn by the leglalahire of its by law granting a loan of 98000 to tho j g g roach felt shoe company i clotted byenfctng i none can aver our their harms by i wiwliaj ttoeflhawfsjwarw ead metadpaliifw laeef ta assay hj utajhsi flabsse sevmm m eflw mml mnibkhrjodulwpwwuc social and personal mum hi it jotmatnn la apendlng tin week with frluode in toronto mr k twitdatf vltltl bis daughter mm taylor at kt catbarloea this week mr tml mi henry arnold ami hub vmlfd friend in iwilin thla weuk mr gto huck of georgetown ppnt a day or wi ibu wmk with acton frlfiiiu mr gaorgc graham nf lemiiililgtoti ih ajwndiiig it few daye with acton friends mlse clara cobban nf toronto spent a day or an thla week with acton friends mb dilay pllhlhrmk of toronto haa ihmjo vimuiii acton fronds during tli wit mia txchlaiioiirrbiand family utt i thla tvrek an tllr nw hoiiiw in th n rib went r mr vuirmrv p j khy or hlij runt weir giifble of mr v a h reyl n tburcdayt 1 mrejmiiliri mastlifwa wuat to hhiii- htnn on tm mlay to upend a week whb frlihda liter murhm uid and llaxid musim vpunt n couplf of ilnyu hiim wfk ullh frlindilotiiiiln mi oimrgm crtinplwll la lu tuioiitn tin ilihmf fiwu acton at hie a o v w qraiul lodge ah it dwrt mooro waa called lo it ickwood this weak by the serious llliiebaofhlanintbiir mue kdlth hinlth relurneil on hat- inlay from a ploiiiimt wuk vult with frhndx intomnio muh clxia a moot- deputy pout niulliih hoi mwfial dayn llilu weik whb fileiidhit rmto mi n knilut who wh with lie mntbnr f i m v ml ilaya in ii ickwood rrturueil hoiue on tiieaday evening mru w ii speluht return od from gicmirbvlll n y last thursday shu left in r inntlitr rupldly convalea clng mfhsif john nlcoluon und r null ler nf math tie mich were hero lust week unending the funeral i f the late william whitley meaare john h coleman and free man and mua riliel were in ibvckwond this week vuiilng mr samuel colnman who l very iii mr and mr wj qurney nf mini osii were in town v ltd ring friends yestenlay they will it move in a few ilaya to tholr unw farm altove fergua mrs j w humphrlea and mine gladys of georgetown spent a couple of days this wuek at tha methodltt puraonagi and with oilier frlenda here mr and mrs robert crlppa of portugo li pralile man who have lawn bpendlng several months with friends here returned homo on mon day bank of hamilton tho younp pnpk a souh ty or knox church will glvn a witclal thin evening at a qunrtir to eight in thn school room silver collection at tlin door lunch served itftei tha pro grntntnn ruuiduu linrinning a greia bujit f flrltlili gmivii him partly nwti g i i iiormniia incietimi in thu quantity limy ait nulug the pilco of trn ut tha gardeuu hits ndvuncod grrnlly during tho past year milking it niccuanry for tho flul uluti iifo in nidortomnln tain the high htmidiiid of quullly fm ublcb siiliidii hi nnliil to mlvunco tlin price of drown ltlul from ale tniloo pi r pliind the paveim uta ar very gonorully ale in dif nnitw and ico again stationery stationery stntloucpy sec our window for wrllln paper and envelopes writing pads ruled or plain uiitarem slsas boxes of paper and envelopes visiting- cards mourning stationery you will like our initial writing pads e a robertson phmb tatlonr optlsun dlapanajn ohomlt acton boakd or dimotom i joi pvoclor hu j b hjruovo orr a bu g b dllo gbouoiyrown branch v n mckay akmii capital paidup reserve fund 2500000 it 500000 ct feeling bad snuil aul l i4i lt iltlui luwtb l iktfti utv mj tm tlk m ml tamt tonight viilluilfu4tunintfi4 tutu kluu jjji ik jw u mi srmllllljilllm0llrmj mlllhj4j w wtluw i tty milvjtliaj batter thin pill for llvtr wi hfui pimiii ns ttmot m ihf wry utt fituiifut ut itm iuuik slit luiluui lu afii siluw cfutl cn tlvt omlili uid dwum ojj sluiu ikuuwuu drtflf fxmtttt 4j tlhtummi n au tj llvtu swuu uj iv wit 4tj mhuinl 4uti ftj inm4httlum u www til 1 jj ttui f im ctam iu kvrywkra tor sale by c a robertson druggist acton the dominion life assurance company head office waterloo ont the fullawina are no mo uf tlie uuutnudirik facts kio1 trent the a mi ml report of tho hoard of ulrtcti m pn united nt the aniiuiil meeting uf tlie cempaoy on pebniniy 7ii1 ioo3 1 nkw uttsinpss nurlnjt iro- appuciitioiih for ithmiratico wero reiclvcd to the n mount nf ti 401 jj lolicieu jmiuod and revived amount edtotti m s8 wliicli in larger than tho amount hunted lu any prevloim j car hi the lompniiy b history 3 assurances in i okcu riieawniraacea in forco now amount 97 41 3m allowing 11 very wiibiitantlal increase for tlie year 3 prfm1um and intkrisst 1ncomis tho total not income from pre ml unm and annuities nmounted to ajajj 083 bj and front interest und reuta to 873 74 j mnlin thu tutul cnnli income 3o9 70c qj an lu ctcako for the ylar of h37 43s 37 the intcreat receipt wore more than aufllcient to pay all death claim matured ondou moiita head ofllcs salarlca and medkal fees i assists and liabilities llio total nasets of thu company now cqitul ti jrxjjiu 7ft nn incrasno fur tho year of 1i170 173 76 tlio llnhlllticsof the company amount lo it 17q03h44 conauting for the mobt port of rcborvtu held for tint protcalou of jiollcylioidbrti ihaiie reuervca ure over v40 000 higher than are called for by tho dominion assurance act thus enhancing thu uocurlty nf policj holdurs 5 buuplut the uurpiiih held for tho further protection of polky- hnlderu now sniountb to the aubhtatitiul uuni of 8130073 j or over and above the liubllltleu computed in nclordanco with government requirement to an anion ut la excoua of 170 000 6 payments to policyholumts 1 ho payments lo pollcj holdera amounted to 844 73 during 1907 tliv comjmny cxnoriourod u most fnvorahlo mortnllty rate tho rata being but 40 o tho tnbularcxpectn tlon 7 earning powi u tito nvorage rule of lntorcit cnrneditpoti tho invented nnuetn itna lntroaied from t 71 to 6 br lulceii in connection with the fact that not n dollar of this compntty a fuosted funds liau ever boon lost this romuaorntve rnlri of intercut must bo very untwnclory to our pallcyholderh and kharoholdoru proflthnn ninturcd chdowmunlii havo beuu until an to return tn tho hnldent nil promiuma paid to tho company logo titer with interest compounded nt three par cent or over betides enrrj ing ibiir rlnli during the term of their inuunuico thob hilliard preiildaiit and guuurnl mntniir neinl spring hrts our styles are correct n6m suitings 1 41 lorn kxcluilve nin trous8r1ncs 1 io very i ateit deslgnb closb prices arid first class ssilifsctlon asiurod r e nelson merchant isllorand men s furnisher oublph ont 1 the first showing or tho new spring miiainery wednesday tlopsdoy frlduy and sotwdoy or in otlior words wo will hold our spring millmory opening this weelt jjf owi ilake swiart new ready ralloced glotllnfi men rins htorc aims to ind clucu satiufy mon who want loo ccnu for every dollar invest ed our clothing combines the bebt of inatcrinlx accur acy of fit and styles wo announce for this week a continuation of our special offering of mens toils lt 15 ihe fabrics in these suits wore intended lor suits wurlh 20 to2jj investigate these new models and see whats iilw for spring e r bollert st co- wyndhhm street cu6lph the right house hamilton s 1avoiuti shopping ilacu our beautiful spring millinery tlie sprino millinery in rcadyand this storo stands ready to serve you with the best values obtain able anywhere hundreds of new hats are on display now ready for selection shapes and styles becoming tn every face colorings to match any costumo larger shapes that turn well off tho face are sulish uo are turbans and toquc tho merry widow sailor has taken the season by storm trimmed hats 5 650 10 1250 sirtet hati 350 4 450 5 6 to 750 merry widow sailori 350 to 750 handsome tailored suits scores and scores of handsome new suits are ready for spring pony prince chap butterfly military mannish nnd japanese styled in panamas voiles broadcloths and novelty materials they are fit and stylo perfect values are simply wonderful 1b vilm 211 18 so value 24 w ss very special 27 tts extra special thomas c watkins oornir kino st ear huohioh hamilton out genuine sjxcxiif ice sjlijic geo stouell the boot and shoe man must raise 1000 wlililn tha nexl o days and he will do it for he will tell doolsaad unocs ol tha best makes at prices so isr below ihe usual quotations that the bargains wil apart for thsm- tehes livery line in the ttore will be oo ssla coma at once if you wish to secure the advsniaro of the low prices as soon as the llooo is tescbed pilces will be restored lo 1 he regular every day figures rubb9rs of all kinds wllljlto be sicrificed utwiibilsiullni the soaring prices now quoted by the dealers a bin siock la n hand and bo one need nave wat feet durlns ihe spring slush if tbsy will coma si once for rubbers at ssxrlres prices a rood stock nf our own make of heavy fsrm boots also for sale al uilslsclory prices repairing as umsl ceq stotll will strbbt hcton waabsrer mus iw h h unsarorth our ullllnore are ready the tie liatu are ready ready by truest exprihwiniia to duclnho iho hat mndoi for tho bprlutf of loo9 ready to bttrprlw ftnd dellffhtnll wllli tholr graceful and necnmlng beauty and thoro linla ore iwautleai inaiter- pleaes of our own mllllnera new yorua ritost fashlnnnbte hiiuiib will shew hata tin nrottler atd why should tlioy 7 their lorwukowlse but in new yoi tylett are of parisian orlrln and oura a york youll pny twice our prjeea at loaat when you come you will see how diverse nre the sprlntfatyleu itotv the hntaaru iirrnnced aldo hy hide to vlo with ouch nnd style ii 1 1 it t itmim- we will not jpt into detnllfl a visit hore ih tho best wny fnimrn nvottt thuiii nnd what in butt or other in beauty satisfy yetimeif ve cordially invite you to vlult our mllllnecy ilomutnioiit wodnosdny mid followliiff daj s values in our npenlne announcement bdt wo niuut stntti tlioy arc thu best wo have uvur thowii wo otiht not to mention ijjw0oops and thinq j guelph extra special ba rgains 300 yard print good colors regulsr im and is 10 clear at 00 psr yard 300 yards white and oyvy ootton regulir 10c no and u p yj to clear al no per yard 000 yards draan ooods reg dlsr 30a to we to clear at 95c per yard 10o yards military and navy dlua riannal all wol umhriauhle rvuuur 400 10 clear al jjc per yard 3 doa baok sateen and alolre sklrta regulsr ty33 10 it 50 to clenr ai olio osch 3 dob adlaa wtallta beautltul quality exquisite patterns and ulmmlngt regular i 33 10 l 75 to clear at it eo grocery specials boo lbs beat quality pure lard al 140 per lb beat quality oattnad totnatoasm iw11ncpercin meat quality dunned plums t ncprcm salmon good quality largo can pink ba mon at nu par osb hiohblftt pekoes paid foe jtarm produoh h h unsarortlx iiii

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