Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 26, 1908, p. 1

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ht jufdtt stn ft volume xxxtin no ao xry ainwrlptloh rall in advaac acton ontario tiiuksdav mohn1ng march 20 1008- uuucrlplloit lnc i no icraitni single copibstbtllejfl counts ffibc 3uton jree re5 uvsinr tiiuiudjly uoiwino a ua rrtm lm rlaaai irrlallaar oesas 4ilx milcidt actoh owr hrlpilona discontinued wbsn ih unas mr which lhy bays foasn pld baa xy iub- lira urst fnaarflo 4 oanta iwr la for aoh sabmquanl insartlon advrtamha wiuiout mafhitla dl- rsattoaa win b inavtad hi forbid mil chararao aooorninaly trnnalapl ad- ji bdvatao 3 laiad one i rod- tor ahaacm ml chararao aooonllnaly f rauslapt ad- vartlsbinu uustbvlpald 4a advataoa a avar tuts man la will b ohanvvd one mob month if rfaalrao aflanar than afapws manl pojmflon vaual be paid cbahwaa for contract advartlamnla tnuat ba in tba one by noon on tara- uaya account toayable monthly hnallab ofhfle is stal straat lon don a a wbra maura xl and j hardy co- will reoalva for ua nswe aubaorlptloh and advartlaamania and vtaara our raadar caw fra ot char sae our pabor whsri la knsuud if tvwoorh amitor and proprietor flufiituss blrrdorp milob gray h d c m ucgill l b o p kdihaoaoh 1 i p e a oumtw ulmmi bwttlm vmh04l amoouy10m kvfot btrml aelmool e ault u d cm jba butwia oflaeboam0tal9abi 1 to 0 and t to 0 pm mlahl milt anawarad front raaidans vfdf aotoh out v arthur l iiore u 0 oradaata of unlvanlty of toronto i da juut y auetxwiui johh if uaooohalb ud 0 u probrlatov aad bapsrlnundant ubttmr nosritai dbaesea of woman for partiaalats aa 10 aeaouodauoa au adame box u uaafey ro oat d r drv den m ham tbjuuv ud moaa ooraar woolwleb aad hakm htraau omoa hotrsa 10 m lo pwaodltolm mnuta 10 abd to t pj xjt0al a j mackinnon baaajataaa ouorfoa ootfrwruiou onmtmw1 stwrt in bloaa paoraatowh oraaabuub itraat opao wadnaaoaya and aatardaya w j uonadd atkiafoartbdwulob ooan qoaaly el oal qonvajraamraaaant flra and ufa ahorajiaa lbiialaagai h6ayioloaa m wu j if dell ddb h 1b aotom ohm al kmldanoa ooraar ull and pradariak itraata fetohoa aau0avni o toaowto umiraaam tba laual aaaaathaue uad 4f daabrad at boakwwm c ntfcuji lbbnnkttldbdentibt mucxluuntoum pi amd j hardy a co advhituimq contracts ahd n rw coaaurowoihta 30 float 8tra londoo e c englaiid a ila of th la par on ba aaaa fraa of abaraa by naitota to looaoa to wbeu advlaa rtaoa wlltm alfaalfnqaurad 1ranoi8 human bookmmdh f wyoihamb onalpb oatark ovar wiuuaa aiota uladwlaamry daaurtlonaajranliy boand rauatraaaklvama oroaptrydoaa aatntat ov lfaawum ltnaaiwa tilvataodlaa wo wltaiaiai wialrad laaaad m vaattwoaa la tua avaalbg rraa pnaa aottotf vym hbmbtrbet liesaand auottonaa ro tba oottatlaa af waluatoa and dalian ofdaralaaat sam fmfptm aataa aa atayraat aatan will ba oaapuy al aoaad i o tattna hatiomhla alao nuttay to loan on uu tnoalfavorabji soma and af tba fowaii vaiaa of intataal7w ajaidl aamaudopwatdti w onum lah with tbafuir paau aaurti ui iraaalva lototadlaia auanllon rauss mcdonald llorhird avotiohrik voir tba aoantlw ol walllaitoa balton wmarioo waotwotui and tba cftjf ol aondnatad eu raaaonabla tanoa laadlaatarroaaa aumvmiioklta i ww llohhp auotiomrrr vwuiacnuaaofwalllnatoaad ballon aaiaa oondaotad ui aatlafaatioa and ant saaai aatoa wnl noatta lianiadlatf attaatloa charles j western eyedf ht specialist or toronto vlalta acoh evry rttoyttt yot ijata n ftehtuit anqulrc 4t ilran truf bwr youir chopping wij be done quickly and well on either plutcr or stones if taken to the rockwood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris co llmlud learn dressmaking in a week to aaaua all la urn wa aw ptulat t jttvwv la towim in otttaho th uaeb kow to atil at a4 put ttmnllur any mi wl item tka oulnml twrt wmul wit ia tsa utlmmu rfnad imu itiui auw iallt ma uuh itf 7 00 to nywtm bti and fturaatm to im wn tha h ol 14 aad 0 anrw uant bwr of imlutimi u mom tbaa on u mt lmowfi to mpy oar adv and m lalrnad wmm tbay mm 0l known ta ba tba imvmio of tblfl eourm no mv u maulaa witnnut mir amd u uamnua aad obua- aaa tfcra attaaat j oouiio tjn it wat bamura lavnlr and pro pimrtaaebar uiaa voaur will ba al tba dow laloa rotal aaton on batntdar rb tand nod kood iiatflf- r- bow tbu aooraa la taoital and anyona wublmr to uro ba tmmdiu oiaaa eeumatmloi 18 it foo twear you are look ing rort if thats the case goto williams 8hoe store i carry a full line of boots shoes rub bers etc for people of all ages and sizes pall and winter stock now ready for your inspection wm williams th0boalu iiulblmat aatan tba birth steam granite and marbls works cabpbh bmauh proprlntor daafjuara and bulldtr bl buluaf miiia olattmn uonumenlt marken ihd haul atonw and all modi of wlstlc cemetery work vlllloni hcuistrccfc agani acton the old citizens work charlie sey acton hand laundry willow street near post office and town hpji iini laundry man ol long evpariaaca rod live apatiui and lahdar car lo art icloa ol all klnda brought to ba laundrlad shlrta ironed to lhay will nol hurt yonr hack bland up collar ironed to ibey will not break in the win all lidlea and sentlaman wurlrjr done wllb autlraaallttacllon andpronlplly go to charlie suey and let him know when wanted and be will not tail you namgawe lu mm lumbar laib and shingles alwayi on band cheap v bui iinfl cn to order p 8ayert 0h8 everton s eden mills tta lto quality of manitoba rattttly eutd inaatvy flour for vale at louraat prlooa our own rilt cbopptag done and oaii rolled every day peed for rale caab for wheat and oat jftfvtvx henry hobtop will you let us quote you on cork matting for your office floor amm clean noiseless lon-wcir- injv satisfactory floor cover ing- we itave the biggest stock of oilcloth linoleum and corlcmatting in guclplt our prices jxre always right ktoxk the bond hardware co zjmltad retail phoio 07 oubl watch repairing by experts no apprentices give it n thought fc savage fe co lutiera of marrlnffo llcenvaa wyndhnm street ouklpil excelsior bakery wo are headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of first- class quality wo also carry a splendid stock ol groceries and con fectionery t statham son mill imat aatoa georgetown flora b go u georobtown cut flower growers funeral and wedding order a specialty all ordn plic with mr b a robrion druffgll aelon will rulv prompt atttnlloh w h walker painter paper hanyer decorator main slraet aolon oppoalie slaphanaooa duekimlih shop all work guaranieed the work 01 yeare in acton le proof ol if ex cellance ordara lafl at a t drowna drug store will receive prompt attention w h walker aotom to tni mu8k0ka8 nixr9uhhubylhe lake shore exprataea of lb canadian northern ontario railway begin your arrange mania mow by writing to c price groan paaamgar ani cn o toronto intending in tni wht settlers will find tba beat bomaateada and porcbaae- eble landi along tbajthree ihpaaand mllee jjottty bnioiitbniha tub wav it whn only u hiinny anilln ami llttla it ol in iflvlnff hilt it uoiittrthl tha nltflit llkn tlin iiiornlnif lht ami nihiln tlin iuy wurtli living tlirnnuh lllva 1i11ii vvirp a woof it wind iii liinif cilrj of light jtttd love aiul tho hngvu miiiuchi bu thy wftlrrrtd ttlmvf vnl httou coat in giving it wtrn only m htllitp imntl ami it spain d of itttlo ayalllnp hilt ita niuarf wna wiit and livmi funni hnriri a hrotlinr wboim atrmigtli wna t- lis tmioli rtta tander aa miff ia wiukn tint it tottiml tlin itnne fnnm tlin iimduli ir intra and pointful tlio way to lilgliar tlllnga tlioiigli it aroimid of llttj availing a umllp it wnrd nr a tonal and raoll la etially rivoii yet nna limy win a anul fntm uln or wnlootli tlin way to boavon a aiiillo inny lighten thn fulling liofirr- a word iiirtj anflrn iilna keonnat amntt a lonrli may livid uafmiiinln apart hnw oaally naoh la given i 9tbtl yomutrj itmftlttg 5pgfcoigkqgitiatqiq the bie jcugsklugak elrn miruliiill waa alrvnya ilrtiuund wltli 11 doiumenrutt unit iiiidoim fffuotlvpfoll tor tlio iniiiirq inlglitiiihm of livr hiilr tho waiin ivmy of hut- ukln tlin r of liar llpa to flay niiii won iiiihu trim htlloroil gown of iktp colnrod cloth h llttlo cooky ft it lint mill it rrnt liunoli of v lot iiln hint iiiithliitnn til tlio ittlint lilnoa fkoipt hint nf tlin hiiniii nt wliloli ho oiirilvd ut 1 1m mid of it ulondo- 0400 yon hiiuity 1 ilulilcn mild undor ilia liroutb kti lit lik lila eont linuldi lior on tlio flnnid mtiind siip tn mini qulakly oil if win liar ftico wm brilliant with color ilh worth- tivmymiliir tn aoo yon 11 gut n i aunt siip uho khiii to tlin ludy luuldo lior tlila lu irwin iloldon tlio fiiiumia hiilftniok or two yoara ago tlio ktna ih tlpnd long llva tlio klnfll irwin quotwl uolumiily tlurt imvo luion an mitny fumoiia imlflwokn llfloii tlmt it lnut any wonilor hint mr modinuld doount ramainlirini dut i d ronivinlur mm modim aid nhniircd him ililun juts tulked of you no much mid ulin jiuwllatoilt of your acaldont i linvaiit lioon 11i1i0 to milk will on two fact elnoi ii lion mild gtlnily mill tlila in tbu lliat yuiuo 1 iiavu da rod lut inyaulf sue it nmkoa 1110 wild to think tlmt you cant piny i iiol wna tono wiiubympatliotlo to know i cant aver do tilings tlmt niakoa mini worth wbllol lilttorly not you iiavu dono ao ninny thlnge i tlmt mo worth whlla and thoy tell ma that you an writing n hook oh a liookl hie tono wae aaorn- fill you might imvo let mo know what i you were doing i eliocaniptuliicd i think our olil frlantlihlp ilreorved that iio glunood down at lior alt our frlondnhlp he anld i had two goml foot wlion wo ocninntoil that holen i wasnt n diiinmy on orutohve irwin alio flashodoutvoproaohfih- ly me if tlmt made any dlffuronou 1 but itilovs nuiko a dlfforoiioo im aiild ua lip bent ovvr lior yon know you worohlp alritugtti in a man dont ynup yta uho ngroid qnlnlly hut not alwnys liioio ptiysloil ulistnglli the 0110 uut niuoli without tlio othar look ht hhiku folluwu now otiwit tlin fluid ouiiio tlio tiwiiia the ithlidk of lliu oppimlng uldun 0 rash ml out the good old hume oollign ywll yiioavedid oollrge yol and the luinke ofanootiitoiiiiiliotoliliig up mid up 011 tba uouu in solid inuumm of lilno nod orliiisoii wero iigltntit to iipi-mitloue- nos isnt it flno t isnt it duo p helen raid broiitliltwuly having ohiervd tlio itluu team t the ooho iluldeit omldihl tliey mti liound to win ho aald they hiit nuiilo of thn right uluff i only know 0110 of tlnuii norwonnl lyjiclon uild him van dmn hon tlio atrongful man in the int uuh nnldeitl hairiuiak ho is idoitl in nutro wiya than one ebangreed he itiuhed it quick gimme nl her i imvp httmiil you diotight so who told ynup fionionflho fnllnwa flht turnud her hauk on him etiuatv y i didnt eiippoao thwt yon talked 010 ova r with lliu ftltowa she said over bet ehnuldor i dont unooiiifortnbly hut one oauldnt help hearing thnt vun dnrn le awfully dnffy over you so were you two year ago she eam dftlngly giving him n gllidpon of flaming aheekaond lndlg nant yre httd then ouoe uiore be wae forced to ooitamplate tha knot of bromie itulr under tba cooky hut ule face went while bu lie eald ciuletly wu ait mlaalng the best of tha gritm- mid turned his h lion t ion to the held all altnut tbetn peoplu wero kbaorlted liy tba play aunt bur uulexnipdanil unletterad 1m footbttll inr waa oblv- lane tn ttvtfythtitg tboao two aloto thutigbt til oilier tblitge eble lands along tba throe ibpaaand mllee el the oanadhin northern railway in manitoba saakatcbewan and alberta this awing tba boraeateedt of the greal saskatcbewan plain will be made soceta ible by oooae lake branob from saska toon loqnlrkmaboat uutda the lend depart omqt n b toronto oh imagraat grout grmtl ilcliii entbnufd ua aha waved her pontiant frantically i havent saon anything llkn it alnan tlin nat gaina you played irwin oh do you reiuaiulmr thu llttlo tiluo pflitnnnt that i mad a you pin to your inmtrr for luck and u illdut bring you luck no ho said dully it didnt bring me itink i lt tile grfuifi 1 1 1 ut rang mi i gloried jil i lost you hcl- mn wo no vliii pinteatedi ywl know yftii hlwaii luitl my friendship irndu dot i didnt want frlepdshlp 411 you knmv it ntul uknaw h and i hadnt thn right til imk tow knythtng viae and i kept awny fiom you imt afuir vi ynar of atpurntloo tint teraptntloii to aitt yoi waa fao grout ao i nana yu tha tick eta nnd nskfdynu to come to iho game the whde world was ohangnd wjan i road your tatter slin aald limply i hnve muud you ao tlwir txiyi then for a moment hnletliluiaalf go oh union llnlan i hp said broken ly tint thn gaino was nviir and n tuinultoue throng poured out of the aeata irwin wants us to go todlunor tvlth hhn aunt hue hulan aald ae tliny went down tha etops in tholr wjlk afirosa the giinn thoy a i tract id moro than tiaual attention tha you n gar lioys admiring italana liomity thn older nnos rocngnlalng in thn mnii with tlio crutch thu fautnus h nil luck of two yeare ago who had then been reported eugngod to the girl by hie aide vnn dorn flushed with victory rtiuviiplo their tuhlo nt tlio cnllcgo inn ive won your punniint allaa mar shall ho aald looklitg llkn n young god with hie gloat strong figure hie fair bah toesod imck from his toio boutl uid i pro ml wo up huiuii asked on- certainly indiod you did ho stated sucuruly and i shall wuar it ilkcr u knight fui hie lady with bur eyes avoiding lloldonu hclun untied lliu htuo ttophy inwlv fiom tin anno tn the eight of thf wlinlo ro in vnn horn pltintd it to his slceva ll did it triumph nily lunid- ing over hnr with un air of pushouttinn tlmt mudo uoldiilboi his up sturoly and turn to u ti nio study of tlio menu may i ooiiin hack and go honm with youp hn nskod but hulan shook hir blind irwin will tttko us iho said lull i wish if you bud n inlnuto youd show aunt 8uv tba trophy loom blia ban novvi soon it an thoy wont nuiay aha facod ilol don ob ha took things so for grant oil shu told him i promlucd uu i might to any of tlio colli go fellows dot what will pvople think what i think ilolden suliulowly tlmt you nru going to many van dorn ilor atondy glance met ilia i am tint going to merry him why notp lie prolwd boonuao of this about bor nock nt tha end of 11 long chain ehe wore a locket of daik liluo enamol marked with a v in seed paarla ynu remember it p shoaskedaaabo opened it you gave it to 1110 on the evening before that lust gaino yea ho vald i remember and then an be saw what it contained bo stopped within won a wupofhilghtlihicellk ulnod and torn nnd crushed into tlmt mall space it la alt that was left or iho little ellk pennant that i gave you for luck eho told him afleryou wete hurt i made thorn let me have it i have kept it over eluco hlalmml aloaed over it eagerly dear ha aald ami hit voice broke you know how i love you i iimao never doubted it oven wlum you stayed away flow could i coninp how could i ask you to marry mop how doae tiny man askp blushing- y bit other man 1110 not ui ipplos oh wlihtillffureiioadiwelt makop vhii flung out havent you tbu uanio mind hem t mid eoul its before v tbq light that illuminated hu face iranxflgurthl it muri y mobn ci led mid mind and heart uud anul bbiill gn to thn muklng of your happiness vnn dorn came hack piesontly making liliiniphnut piogreag with aunt sue in tow on his arm was tlio hltin pennunt for all the world to grnio lnitlloldeiia y rtis or itvei uily tar nltova hie heart hldditi from tlio profane glanoou of thu iiiullltudi was thir llttlo btalntwl wlpof impphlio bilk the token or his dvnr ladys favor too high ahbitionb tlio overseer of lite linen dfpurtment of n large city retail stora whs much ploaaad with tbenpieiirmiaoof the now ealoiwonmn who bad been asulgned to htsdvpaitmentt sho is hetlthwttewknd quick in kor mnveiimintsbashld to nu absiat ant 8hn has the face of an liitolll- gent honeet nnihltlmir girl i imvo put her at the towel ouuiiter hut if aha dn wall ae i think uhe will it will not he long be foro idle will bo promot ed tn the loo uotmtor you to inclined to tiivpr her vyuu iheoommeui only iwoalhp i ihlnk aha u an ex ceptionally clever glil and will deserve it war thv reply j know tlmt ehw le poor nnd ooedu etesdy work badly itym soou tlio girl ht quest inn anon impressed all the other twleawoiufo with thn convicting of her clnvernwu fiba talked well and much upon awry subject but linen bite had thought mow than any of bur onniranva upon the quanuon of vultaole occupations for woman and sturtlcd thuni by ber fluertay sstoi bjlllsomawm llssasl j why slinuld not woolen oca led xald tn her companion arn tbay not milto as llki ly to imi bonort ua moil p did you road that decision tit tlio rail way rasa to day v anything mot un just llnvcyoii liuckalmck towels nsk id a ciistonmr hhn mi mod nppirnntly irtltatod nt thv lntorrnpttiil flung down thu paok ag mid wroi on whlxpurlug if 1 hadlwiiu judgn 111 llmt 0r 01 lni proiiicutlngmllornoy thibn urn- notli uck it back than wvliavf nooa tlio ciiatniocr tut nwd awy ninfo ulroolls lujimllne con tliiiimlmimctlt tlionvormoar hiippnilid to ta near anil ovcrhvird win mind linen said wo imvo a hirgo una of iiiicur- hncksp fib uvclaliued sharply lllmw tlinili i av the noxt day aim wna explain i ig what she woufd do if who worti io artist i huvt no pntlnnco vlth woman who nrncimlontto paint inunim and china platnu if lliu tloio iiuy co nion when icundovotu myuclf toutt nnldi llguies douhln damask fi iuri d said a busy iiihtrou uiiuiioraudum in hand miss saoit placial mi 1 1 no goods iwfoiu lior no thiimii iiro hootch i want irish miss scott limkod bopiissly along tlio shiilvrs tho ovnruaoi who hail grown anxious tvlth rogard to lui stood tiiar nud motlonid to annthi 1 woman to taku iho cilutoinni why do you not huirn tho shovis wlion you ara not walling on customer p ho nskod hticauglitslghb of n pamphlijt hlj under tho counter higher km ploymonts for woman and uodiir stood tba cause o011 day two or thrno wm ka tali r hoi mind was ko full of tho npptiitiinl tluu for womiiin to liold pnlitlnal suloou lu this coiiniry in she had heard mioj d 1 in fiaiioe thai shu made a inuhikf hh to the pilce of hiiuuliiu ciuwli and aotd tut half ilu value i really havu not leiirnud the 1111 an ing of all fhn tags on thu goods aha said to tho ovursei r then you in ul go eluowlutu to find other work ho wnld you ie din charged but loiiumilni tha woman who is not faithful lu selling u yard of towelling will lie no iikho tiuutwotthy in dealing with the utfuliti of nations a uubpul prank a jolly piirty of yalo students enmp oil nut in tho vermont woods in nr thu hiiihr or tho state fin midsummer sport humming to camp ono after noon along a loiiily ronil they mot n backwoods canadian hoy who whs jogging along with a blind horse pull lug a hnokhoard thl must hn n nativo wlilxporcd a muohevloiis collegian iut us guy him by talking latin as tho imy npproaalu d tha wag bnwed coiiunnlnusly and dollverud aniiorouuly a pasuagu from olcoro which he hadoiicodiioluhuud nt school uls coiiipjinlons stotal by in silence doing tholr biflt to look ilko ituumn bouators tho boy stopjaid his liorso nud stir voyed the group with astonishment i do not understand thn language whkli you nro speaking hu finally rtummorad the orator contlnuud his flnrcolnvoo tlvo against an imnglnnry oatluno whllo bid companions solomnly oxpross od tholr approval in such tijaaulatlnna as tampttfl fuglt i hio imoc hoc 1 and is phirllme unum i the imy paraolvlng that they wore making a butt of hlui drovo in fol lowed by a chorus of laughter and a about from the loader t have your lullo about you iho next time you meet gentleiuuu i it was a foolluh pimik which tint oiilleglaus speedily foigot not onii of thorn hud an idea tlmt anything would coma of it the uaiadan lad bad nu trrnml tn do for hlu father at the noarel v ihuge no a kid the owner of tho orouutoads atoru ncurlous quexilnui do you knuwiiitliip no i may be hurled lu thu woods hut i nm not a ded roman i tltuo latin is it dead language p an dead ua julius caimitr i want to leutn it havu you any latin hook lu the store p gtriiugn to say there was an old lai in grammar in a uplmuil in l he torekeepeia iioiihii it was ao old fahloued temli ok ypu can have if until the atom keeper hut you will miviu read u word of it the hoy took thn itonk nnd tltovo itoutii to ills f illieis cabin iio never eaw tbu col login ns again but fo yoara that iiilln gramiual was hu cnnulant onuipaiilon in hume uiysteilout way possibly by having it always under bis pillow he limtined to read it and tiioon jiigaiu tbu wihe a upnrtsiimu who biiird ids aim y ul vltl hint logo iicinss tho bordui nnd earn his living lu noiiiii college tawn whoiht be nun id oouilime htw mindle- the lad went to it ichostei stippoit txl hluiueir in a pitpaialory uobiinlhnd onturtul the unlvt ralty hero what ih morn ha liecnuie the litln pilsunmn reiimikahly proflntoiit in thn olauufos ami iliads a duo record for soholut ship he studied taw and was uiicoouuful in bis profitsslnn a random ooltego prank turned the ourreiit of u whole life tim young oanad lans early conquest of latin was hboyewhlm i nu plied hy plquo on trifles light as this has hung many it huimih de antmtcn ojlob to it oliago of uooeut will do a goou deal a certain egollstloal nun who as the old mot pitta it in aeltmade and adores his maker recently loft town for a visit well said bis iiextdiioruelghlnir who found huabaautt irtoro or leae restful i hope olunk la enjolng himself think raid hla wife with dellekto shtftlhg of emphasla i tblttk w nitty be aura be la enjoying twbntv vbanej aoo many thin worth haolllnar ton- danaatl fvom tha fsaaai or maroh bosas died in acton march 28 lulu borneo infant dailghtar of if r mo- inrvln ngnd 7 mootha and 20daya dlml at itockwond march 2tf tba hnloviul wlfn of unlit pay more eq pmtlnailnr aged ti yoara rilud to iqiivvlug on march m lfalmy mi lmiruo eldest daughter nt mr wirt ifampxhlre aged so ymrs v isilip mirpruiuivlll march 10 kim may second daughter of mr joholisliy formerly of aclon agod 5 voarj and 0 months dioilartliomituioduebaraonmge llaupolei march 1a dougloe wroy ngeil 1 yr and ilmontlibi and maicl 11 lillonor berenlca aged 6 yours nnd 0 inoniliu tudng infant aon nod sooond daiightuc respactlvoly of iluv it 0 utndutv lau- of naasaga- weya in a huiglhy budgot of new from our own cortespmidant at unit limine it is tnttil that old king harry l polduvln has returnad from a trip to kuglaud ireland and franco hu made qui to a collection of oddltlea which we understand have lieen die trlliuud among bis intlinatn friends alsn that tlio toronto lime oo are in full tint again and klngv bomba can i10 lionid re unholng among the looks that hiu round this banilat the iiulduils of dock st will live in tutini foi tlio next nix oioiiths tlierou iioiiii a hut ter famlnr in town for hie past woak or so mr john watson trnvus this weak for bin liiuiu in the north west tak ing carloiid of hnrsee a llttla son of mr allan mann was run ovi 1 hy a stolgh oil monday even log nnd uu light tig wib badly drills- d tlienlilentsof 9 s no ih wlikb hurimuids acton nr asking for an in- niiiimimif ti nltniy no islstbosulall nr hidhuo in tlio county juulph inesliytery hua given per- uiluuliiii to knox oburch congrega tion to hull tho pieuont mauto and glnlat wit h a view to procuring nmnii ihdil finivoiiloiilly sltuateil iluv mi itia pioaohid on tbureday 1 vanlng u iljocimlle uohool house to a i111 gp enngn gallon a eorrospondent speaking very appreclatlvoly of iho in novation the intoilor of knox oburch the old chuioh of course baa been com morality changed nndlmpahivetl the old ftotll limed high pulpit perched nearly halfway up tho rear wall and thn sounding hell nbovo have bean r mdved a small pulpit of chaste and modem diulgn now elands on a neatly eoinplolod platform tim choir baa been remnvod frotn tho gallery to an onotosfid platform behind tho pulpit tiiqho changes nro appreciated the inlnabictlnn of mi organ will probably be tho next ovont iluv 0 a cook an old acton boy is leaving parliament street baptist oliiirch toronto for blooinfleld n j hlsiomuval la niuoli regretted the young peoplo of tho church presented hlui with an elegant gold watch a terrible railway disaster south of gt auetihurst is reported in which geo wilson formerly of aoton nnd fnu 1 others wero instantly killed on a snow plough mr wilson spent the first five years of bis married life in acton having built a homo on wu bur st which bo line never sold he was inilob respected mr john cameron le architect for lliu new sabotil for toation no 10 krln w humatreot nnnouncee auction bales of farm a took for atox grippe k 1 annum i kd cteavea kiln ahd of building lota for w k smith and adam cook acinn mr mid mre john mcoonnell bade goodbyo to their gimlph frlende on saturday nnd started for the antl pmhs bpbak it out u1111 and tell her or uho may hear it fioiiiboiuebody else aald a young man laughingly to a pretty slsur at hla side there aim stands i will bold your 1 111 pediments and entorlaln pied until your return the glil tilod tn frown upon thn speaker hut ended hy banding itlin bouquet nnd ian nud moving off lo aril 0 sevot u looking woman at tha ppontle wlitu of iho room she would not condescend to giiuulp bu said us both youths look- oil at lior udiulilngly and one quest tlnnlngly 1 hut she dearly loves to re tail h cnmpllinont i bellavn in every utiamlai lu hei brain is stowed nwy some olre ihlng aim has heuttl altout miinolwuty 10 la dtilloalely imparted to thn puilunlai person when he or she iippuiiru it waa your remark about tlmt ladys olasslo prorlu which baa just taken my sister away she does not do it foi effect ollher she sa s it 1m stark kuirifbneau she likes to si a the pit iisuro on peoplo faoea tliut lu thu reason then that i seem lo grow mi inch taller whenever i talk to hoi prod replied your ulstei makes a shy fellow think he amounts to something no wonder aim is a popular girl and that all kinds of persona inaku oppor tuultles to meat her she never thinks it her duty to tall people un- pleasant truths or to declare her whole opinion of thum or to carry un kind intolllgoiioa metaphorically uioakng she nover treads on ones tuns oho never croaks sho never glvos sncliil alnbs she prefers the oil and wlun ireatiuonbof wounds she sees no vliiuo in making enemies she agrees with oliver wandell holmes in thinking that frleadablp dues not aulhorlau ono to aay dtugre ahlu ilitugs she openly deeura that site wollld lather be loved than baled flue now exolaltoed vred who bud been watching the girl white ha wu thinking this that stern profll is transformed it does pay to apeak nut i he nine llthw thing prom hi wurtabfrtawnt jouhnaualm moa nights im playln on the at rent oralldlnoit tho bill or skating on tha dandvpoml abova tlie oatmoal mill dut not on thursday night you bat thats when i imvu tho fun cos thursday la tba night they pvlnt tim weekly hlgnaluun the nfllce is on station 9 treat besldo tha railroad track tha place is uuuty as kin ha to floor i j mwrul black the editor a fuuny chap bui gee ho knows n loltv yntid ortar heo tba blacks an stacks of uliiebooka he baa got ix haver rsds vm no linlred he says it aint tjo use bfcoa ibe bloorujo fjovaiiieni c4ut inuk no guild exoiibe far all thecraxy things theyve donev n than lm wluka at mo 1st am 1 coma down n help me out on thursday aftvr tea ndolfboi you hatcher life im tight tta ifgk you ua i carry galleye to the atono as careful ms bin he n when th pa pel a on tlicj preae at nine oclock at night im al ways anubbln round to yt at overythlnga all right ono tlma a galley all pood n fell iuiiib from jlnkln crick the foreman ousaed ma awful hard it waa a fill trick but then tha kdltnr lit said there waa a drop in pi hn grabhed a chunk o boiler pute n didnt avon slgli when i git big im goln to be a imu or you hat juu took at tha i labeth n the pnauoh at ill got i aint iigoln to do mtioh work hiy wouldnt it lie groat to have two slicks o local unws the rest in hollar plate p two humslu hlpnoiuf last april a great danger menaced the d wo tiara in a sierra canon the mammoth reservoir of tba fresno plume ft irrigation company threat ened in burst arid inundate the valley there was but one hope of averting ibecatabttoplie if tlio waters could lai turned into a large umisod flume the ever inoreoalng preasure would be 1ellovod but tbti ga e cutting the flumo from tlio reservoir waa mated and rigidly at and all efforts fulled to to rulsu it for twelve days a fore of men worked steadily upon it without effect kvery hour the danger waa increar- ing thn limiting unowe from the bills were constantly feuding the waters alwive the dam adding to tha pressure upon that woakonlng struc ture a messenger wae sent down tha valley lo warn the people the sup- hntendent called hie men together he told them thnt thoro was ono way to hinder tho disaster and be called tat volunteer who would go down in to the flume and with a battering ram knock tie gato loose for a moment tlin men looked at each other suoh an undertaking meant almost oertaln death as soon as the gste should bu loosened the water would pour into tlio flume sweeping whatovor was boforo it with tremendous force finally one man epoko up ill go he aald and anotbor aeconded him down into the flume went the two heroes carrying forty- five foot of heavy pipe there waa hut the barest chance of tholr return ing alive if the gate when jarred loose abould rlio gradually they might have time to escape other wise their fata seemed scaled the two want to work with a will one tremendous blow on the gau ae on rapt shed nothing at tha second without a instants warning tha gate opened full the water tore down upon the men both wera daubed down the flume and tossed ilka straws in thn flood the valley wae aavod it seeme almost inorrdlhlo that any ono could dune nut of that seething torrent alive but tho first volunteer escaped without serious injury tha other was kilted soon after tha event tho rescued man went back to hla work aajf nothlug bad happened it was u close call ho said hue x oantaeeanythlngtnnmkeafussovar many and pbw there arc many workmen in every linn of nativity but iho skilled and competent nnd successful are only a uuullpartof iheiu a man nnou put out an advert i wot non t wanted a buy and scoreu applied lie said ill have another form pf advertise ment to morrow t look ut it and come to me i hen the next advertisement read wanted u boy who mlnde ibs mother and only one or two apptlod the qualification sifted them tub two in vinoidliw cod liver oh and iron cod liver oil and inm in rome form or other are preuorllted hy physicians tha world over ronro than any other two remedies the world has ever known for anemia or pour blood weaknoee convalescence und all wait ing and pulmonary dlwaaiies iron because it le the battle of the blood and without a sufflclonb amount the blood la impoverished watery pale and impure ood liver oil because it oontalna oumtlve and reooimtruotlvo qualities greater than that possesuod hy any other one medicinal agent in vino modem volonce hn given to the world a combination of these two world famed tonics ood liver oil and iron but shorn or all useless oil or disagreeable features vlnol is made by a scientific ex- tmollve and concentrating process from fresh coda livers combining with peptonatttof iron all the medicin al healing body building elemontr of ood liver oil but no oil aa a body building and strength cre ator for old people dettoaito children weak run down persons after 1r tires and for ohronlo coughs coldi broiiohlm and all throat and lung troubleu vlnol la unexcelled wak aoton people 10 give vlnbl a trial lb wont tjoht anything unlet

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