Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), March 26, 1908, p. 2

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ish altti malik of hamilton rasma lluiii mi wttimuv mail imti in mr dau was i 1wi1- um ii wbuk molm mobmilm ort wmnndih 1mb uarab iu laoies milnlr join sltiaoull itua uiln m mlasualia meuuary tmlllnajad mivomllavwooniakt albam choral llan- willlarda on thurwuj 1mb hw w haw bobart alelnaofj of mwji i4m dauiiitar of ur uwm lie wood mr taonti baton bout ol ulewwlllawa uoiaassltmlla huaat twmnia nn niiuv mai wtrv uui salts ol wllilm lurf- cvoii latamiluautllaiy maslauaustluliuri kg 1 taarsaili abe juton 3frtt rcfifi thursday mahoh jo iww boittonial n0t accord i iitf it iijm ktlittvuiimt f hit iruvluui tnquurw lllilrwvoiuii for 1ww whs ut34if tun the dl-f- htirseiiiihits 771 1211 ithtviiiif ii w phis for out jtfur uf9b9lm thu jivurniiieiit iiha 4n lnujil 91074001 in cash thwtitihh ttiirjfiiriiry jmivuhow f fftftooo ti ilnilwivtcwi ifctllwrty mskliih tolwl n 4 biukx the piillmun our company uvp th order umt tvnm mid ttftei un nioiitlf of march iki i ui km will i mi id mi lliflr trains aiiywhfmlii tlirt united himtu according to tho explanation iflvht this is not thu rtwult iif coiiwimiiou in ths mutter but of altliplo business imu til k wlli nf the trmpii anc sentiment nntl the eiinseqiumb aprinid of ifxml npilnn mid prohuiltltin lnw mauls llqiiorevlllng mi moving train a very difficult buelneae if the nun pny wo keep within the i the proepecte for weetern tmmlgru- tlon are eald to ho iwtter this benson them thoy liuve ever iwtfnre been en early in the ytnr thelnflukof settlers from the united statue u mlrusdy very large smd they nro very largely a moat desirable claw of people being well upplled with money and effects tim attorney general of albert who win recently in montreal is quoted a nay ing that f miners from the north- western stale are crowding into canada with cash in their pockets amounting to unit all the way be tween ten and seventy five thousand dollar eaoh the canadian northern land department sut that 200000 korea liavo been told for settlement purnoaea tlila aprlng this is the first nnriiml spring have had in yearn oniii t bank iiihiih ger to the world yrsterduy lhuuap ii running ua it haunt for umny yonm spring lutu oumo in imriiially here and all over canada good uprlng onmlt- tlone are general every elgn polule o the opening of beetling oparatlnna in ontario and tho weet under natufau tory and nnnndl enndltlona all can ada needi i u grxal crop thlu yeai and butlnires will bum every prtwpuet please at prwwnt and ivportu fm the weet hid lea to llmt th aaaann haw opened earlltr and more uatltfaotorlly than aver th uvurynne to ohwr up for there ar tliunmiidm vt mihwiunilhl rtliuim ohar to the eyea f ohwrv-r- to foiea the iwlluf thai tho wonit h over and tint bent enmlng on ftntt veeterdayii world a a ro nit of thi reprewimitmlli regarding hindu ooiigratlnn ii brltluli ciituinhla umde at thioolonlhl ohleareauntly by mr w l hjnokiin ale king canadian deputy mliutor of lalkir it in protwhtu that u tipeolal commlaaloner will lm uant over canada for the pinpomi of arranging th immigration difftmiltlae along thf line of leant rotdulanee mr john mor ley seoreury of state for india haa reolvod a telegram from the bill mi indiana rtwldent at vancouver auklng for protection hr brltlnh uuhjwjte aiul he dtolared in the houh of oommoiih thta afternoon that the indian govern tuent and the colonial offloe ooutoni plated tending an envoy to the cana dlan government in the bop of bringing to an fiidt if piwbltilo thli extremely dlmuult lutrloute and poealbly diingurouu hltuallon in the lfguliitu laul wetk mi j downey huled blu bill to aiiicnd tht municipal act waa u rapeal the luiolia ing elauue of that etatute the pro- position to remove tbeao wothmu per mlttlng the hnniihdig of imluxtihm by rnunlolpalltlvti had lieen well rtoilvitil the oltloe or townw moet bitterly oppoe od to the bonue eyetem were thou whn bad the longeat experience of it thli waa became of the unjuit iinfajcoin petition eat up buinoou munlolialltlei many munlalpalltlea hud uhoiililvrvd heavy obligation at inurvalti they had to so down into their rnwkou to retain tho industrie therefore in 1002 thehoniialngpowerawereabollah- edt and tbvn tha muulolpalltle took another dnuree and tibial nud the um end by private leguuulnn which un fortunately the ilmiie uiiotlonad following that camo other applica tion and the preowlunt huvlng been set it whi uaay for muulolpalltlfh to get the bill pawued hie bill in hit mid- ed to largely curtail the bonuuing vll at the last two letklooe of the muni otpal oonnoll iuevf 8wakbmer haa eithartud the varloue anmmlttve to make a survey uf the work perielnlng to tbem and to report to the coun hm early aa poaalblo tbu year the com- mlttee on strevtu and walke will have the moat important work among the oowmlttewi thy should see that permanent work be initiated on main btrvet whluh u pari of the good roaiu uynluio hioiuh1 by th county council and tbwy muwt gwf attention to tho nihcujam roadway on mill and church streeu at large ex pense tbeee roadway were oonntruet- ed to preaerve them and keep them in good condition they immt recelvu attention without perad venture every eeason two yuam have now punned elnrje thulr coiutriiothm and uo atten tlon baa bean given thuin to provide for the inevitable wear and tear mill street ehould have a liberal matting of fine brukeu utonethlnyntiruiid church street will require that and inure owing to the heavy teaming tu which h la eubjeoted the oitmmlttoei we are confident will give thee void their ear attention thl yea ifyoilr eye need help ooneult ltbmfj j allan byelght bp- ijakt and iruoktopiula at the domlnlbo hotel on tuwuay march using the drains as sewers council mat on monday avenlng in regular nelon memlr all preaent iteeve uwackhamer in the chair the meeting waa brief quiet and buroiomliiua riif uiiuiiilttt on klnaooa piwuvilt td i liwlr hui h u port and tvcuituiuiid pnyinuiit o mcoouota as ffillowti l w vvillktnu mlr ruhler boot v 4 00 hull m c inwiagmi fio aebni krkb rntcaa printing 0 ifi wlluon ft coimiiu wpaiioera 1 00 w 16 smackhaiuer wood for elialty t i jan caruahan inialii charity 1 it craig work on street jj umti i i 10 ths report yas adopted clittlriuali jull uf llwi sreeu 4 rpnrlel that tluiw hd iwun lriulilo with ihv cbmb mirtttdrelii tliw iaut few deye a owolngbhd iiwii itiailf an thu drali wus found ui te ehoksd with ut itig mttlnum dongh and othwr ohitruoliotu mr unll wald lie found upon luvebllga t inn that a number uf partleaon fjhnroh and miiliistrenu are lining the dralnu sairt that several hniuwiuldtir- have their klnke connected and that luith tha hotels wen ruiinlug slnps from the hare lain the drain members of the council spokw strongly on the matter and dectaisd thlu atiuut tililut be y tupped forthwith rwave swackhauier coiiiplhlnml thai the stencil from thu outlet of the main drain un main street at the creek near his realdanee le almost uubear able the reeve complained that the pro visions of the lire limit by law wuro not biting observed and requested that tha limits be extended hu said thoro waa a new building in cours of erec tlon on main street which as to thu character of cnustruailon would be dlugrace thu municipal officer was instructed to ordvr operations on the building d continued clerk mackinnon read latter quut lug prices of shunt for the street light ho motion was taken and for another period the various street- cir cuits are subjeqt to the contingency of lauipx burning nub and dark nous reign lug during these uluvby spring nights the electrician advised the council that ha woe prepared to paint the hi terlor of the power house if paini is supplied bloi the fire and light committee will take the mutter up the lawyers of the commercial oil company hamilton sent a letter thieateulng to issue a writ if a barrel of bnllur compound was not paid for this i about the tenth letter threaten log council the compound was never nrdired and nnvar used meusre a thurston and g u drown waited upon the council to ask a grant nn liehair of acton citizens btnd owing to heavy expenditure a taigcr grant than usual would imj ao- ofptshle they said moved by w will lams second ad by o o spelglit that the usual grunt of 25 00 to aotnn oimmiis band be made liayahia to g u drown trvasurer carrleil mr s laird asked parmlstlon to cul tivate that blind portion of arthur street between young strfot and tho g t r property permission was given provided the public was not interfered with in pan lug along ths street reeve swaakhamer again urged the several communities to get their work u hand and to be prepared to submit estimate of proposed expenditures for tho year council adjourned shortly after nine oolnok thm hbw dominion hotbl the work of nebuudlus oempleud keepk tha bnuhlnsr teuehaej by tha rajautv since early last sufiimer the domin ion hotel has been in the hands of the builders and masons brloklayers car pouter plumbers steam fitter and painter have been in control during tbf lutwrvaulng months th work i now oompleuhl however with the ex ception of some painting and landlord lehman state with considerable pride that he ha one of the most convenient and upuvdatw hostel he open to the travelling public in towns of actons slsx anywhere ths new building is quite an impai ing struct lire of pressed brick with grey stone trimmings it has a front- ugt of seventy seven feit is thm stories and isflghly ffaf in depth on the north side and thirty at tha aouth the main ent o into a vest bule and this into a cnmndloua hall from which rises wide stairway tu the eromial floor on une side of tbe en i ranee i aiarge welmlglitfd ro4ilug room on the othr a travel tors samplp room oprautlre the entrance is the dining room 31x80 end in rear the kftohen wash rooms end closets are situated on the north side off the main hallf the bar and private drinking rooms are at the south side of tbf building all thu ceilings and walls above tbf walusooallugi on the ground floor are covered with embossed art metal of lmt dwslguh on the second floor thvra are two iihiis sixteen lamlrouine ladles paihit private parlor und living rooms of tin family bath room and closet the third riwr has fourteen bed rooms thvre is a large basement oox 00 in which are hot water boilers vege table and stock callers thu building la heated with hoi water have a system of waterworks lighted throughout with electricity and la conveniently arranged lit its various appointment reeva swaakhamer was the onntraa tor for the rebuilding and enlargement of the premise he did the carpenter work i j lslubinan the stone and cement work watson adams the brickwork i w d anderson the plastering p glee berlin the plumb ing and steam dtilng end w l wor- den the painting the art tuetej wo supplied by the preston metal shingle and aiding co s mr lshitttin valoeahts new premises at 10000 k adonssesj and prmbntatiom dr nixon is again chosen on monday uvunlog of last wuek a pluuutiot woolnl gutbeilng look pltica at hiiuuyuldu the late boulu of mrs rhaiilmiciitile ll a 2nd urn- erin when bur liiiint dlatn friends and elghbors to the number of about sevcntyfl ve met to bid farewell to her- wolf and family on the uvo of their iltmioiuik fur the wumi and to ux- irus in tiiiiglltlu fur in tlui high enutem in which iliuy nr hulil mr joiiikm kfikwood ux m v v waaappolntud to thu olislr hu call ad upon mr gmngu u pom on who rvad thu fiillowlog addrvas and at the propur tlinu mossrs joul w ieslle and william k nwir pruuuutihl a imirtuoihu moi i le chub to mrs curt lo t mltm ha it xi i uuhbiici uifah flitkmu ou luosun of your iuitioval trom our inldut to suek a hoiuii in a distant province we yoiw neluhbois and frhoida have ausemlilwl ti bid you gmialttyo und to wish you uod upsud many yesra of lnthjute mssoalatloii tlnoogli cloud and sun- lilne in joy and nrow have knit us vury clohulytouuihai jind now that uiu thuo of pal ting is come w hisiim that 4t ohaogii and wn with ibfiu but not in ways of fr1iuidshlp ir 1 1 hurt to put hi words tho rcgrtt we fdil at purling with you and your nullijisblu family whose many gifts ami grucss t ndttai ilium to us and tnaku ilmlr prfstmca almost indupt-ns- ablu to tbf uucceus of ouraic1ujghtber bigs hut tint mighty vojcsof thu west u cmlhng your stalwart sons and duiiblirs to largor opptirtuultlu and hllinr uphertm of servient to their country and fellowmen end we low to ihf inovliablf with the fo hug that uouiiillines tiiomo who go arv bannler thrin those thoy lotivii laililnd unlt- wly we wluli you evry success and hupplueus in your nsw bnnin and may the hlesslng ot gml thst maknth rich and addoth no sorrow thsrowlthcnme to you and yours and when you re turn to old ontario fur a visit fm iliu irogrwilvntba nf mttdern invention iss niudv dlutjinoa short and travel easy ho sure that in every home in tbi community you will always find tlie latch string outside the door wn nak yon to accept this chslr ss a slight token of the esteem in which you are held and trimt ns you recline in it you will ive reminded of your mniir friends in erin signed nn twhnlf nf your friend anil neighbors i jdkcw lknliic w nuail geo ii pbaiirn mr klrkwood replied nn mrs ourrloa lielmlf and expreosed her heartfelt gratltudo for the beautiful girt hcatnwad upon her and nbovo all for the kind regard whluh prompted bestowal the spanker referred to mrs ourrltia iwlug asanclated with this community for over thirty years and with mine of thnao presont all her life mul said that tha severing of such ties must nf necessity lie a great wrench to one nf such an sffoctlonate and sensitive a spirit as bars mn ii 0 currle alio replied on hie mnthurs behalf and exprosaod the thanks which she was ton deeply affietod to give utterance to lit spoke of tho doeponlng friendship which a mora intimate nianolstlnn with the young people of the neighborhood within the last few years hud brought altout in his own caue and that conacfjnently the break ing up nf these associations was ever becoming more painful to him yet he felt that a man should endimvor to make thu most nut of tho brief span of life allnud to him and he believed that tho west offored greater opportunities than dlil even old ontario hones he felt ths voloe of duly calling him thu re spcoohos wore also delivered by mouars joel w leslie 8 mrluchlaii r wanatiruiigh goo leslie wm blnghum and j melntyre thuse gentlamon all spoke of tholr high re gard fur mrs cdrrlo and iter family and of tho loss the neighborhood would humtutn jiy their removal a immlaat program mo wo inter- fporaed with tho nddresaas it con sutwl of tho following number i nitiiimantatu by mrs j k pearan muses a l ourrle m moauiuter adu currle maigaret a nenrand mr r w currle instrumental duetts by mm pearnu and miss a l currle solus by mfuues m johntton and a whiimhroiigbi duett by miss ada and mr errltt cuirlo t a gaelic song and a mnok hngplpo snleatlnn by mr l currle opiingo thopmgrammowas brought touolnno by singing the hymn blunt h the tin tlml binds tlefreshmonts waretbon aorved and the romulndor of ths owning was spent in social conversation all joined in singing god be with you till wu meet agnln after which tha company dispersed caucus voh alarm pldeittle influensa orlppe oataveh al troublea pneumonia inereas a marked inoreasa in troiiblos of the brsatlilng organs is noted in iniuiy localities if you will only have hyoiuul nt band to use wllli tho first attack of cold in the bend pneumonia colds bronohltls nnaruimosa sore throat croup in fact any respiratory affmllon tlta trouble will bo quickly overcome if the attack i negleotod and lie conies severe speedy relief will come in most chips and persistant use of hyomel will euro tht directions for u ing it vary hut the principle is always ho same that nf destroying all ths genna in the air you breath and having it reach the air passages with dry medication from thu pine and buoalyptus forests nemembfr that liquids or moisture are irnrml from the bronchial tubes and lungs its the dry nlr of f lyomel that reaches the spot a t brown guarantees it com pinto out lit 1 atbatundavs ooh vbntioh tlie convention nf the lllral con servellve of ibis county was held in the town ball milton on saturday for the purpose of nominating a can dldste to contest tho county in the nuxt provincial election there was a vury largu atteuduiicn of dvlfgatv from all the ward of the county and the utmost en thu ulna in and unanimity oharactei ixed the meeting j o smith of burlington presldontof the conservative aasoclstlon wns in the chair the only nomination made was thator dr a w nixon m p p of osnrgetown the present mauiber and mijld tbegieutest enthusiasm be waa ri riderud tin uiianlmolia riqrulnatlon drnlxuti aecrptil the nomiuattob and expressed theconvlotlonlhetwith the conservative p irty so united there waevio doubt as in the result of the next flection llrftrrlng to his oppo- urhu mr it d warren of liu own t iwu ha aid ho know uothlng alaiut blm that was not upright and honor able he claimed the rscord of ths wbltnny government was j such should warrant ihs supkirt of every c iii ten of the province kwvry pledge mnde in opposition had hsen cnrrud out in oluce and tlu result spoke for themselves the numbered ballot hud been abolished economics introduced lands and limit sold for the highest prices tha treasury had beon enrlchod grants had bean given to worthy causes in particular for educational and agricultural purposes three times the old amount waa mw being granted to rural schools and improvement generally bed been effected in the educational policy tlie meeting was elan addreesod by david henderson m p who alleged great iniquities and cxtravsgnnae by the la uiler government lt col kurns exm p p j w klllott k c and others addroiaed tliu ni tiling the meeting closed with cheers for mr borden and the uou j p whitney and for dr nixon m p p and d henderson m p the following delegates attended from aotnn t a a socord i francis john williams john harvey joseph holme jns it anderson j it wat son nntl w d smith cntbwsons oohnadrs tho sleighing la fast disappearing and the rattle of the wagon wheels will soon he welcomed by all tho numerous tatos in this vicinity have all paaaod off very successfully tills spring the prices realized for horses and cattle wore far above ex pcotatlone in the early part nf the year and are as good if not better than last year mrs roht taylor moved isat week to her new home in acton mr dingman of erin bos rented mr wm grippe farm for a number of yaxvi and has moved on to it mis m o wllsnn or erin la visit- ing her uncle mr w y gray mlus edim johnstone of froeltnn a visiting her slater mrs m crewson jr mr job oroasln nf winona is visit ing ut mr win bennetts mi wm bennett a visiting hamil ton and winona monde any intelligent person may earn a good income corresponding for newspapers i experience unnecessary send for particulars empire press syndicate mlddloport n y cross eyes straightened in children without tho knife and all defect of vision corrected with proper glasses at tho dominion hotel on tuesday march hist a cooks skill is a great factor in determining baking result but the dak1ng iowdeit used is a silll greater factor exper ienced coolis res lie that ll pays to uie the best insist on having superior baking powder because ii is riado j rem puie cream tartar sod always fresh and we sell you any quantity you wish it the rate of flgo per pound- if not satisfied udih results we will gladly refund your money it never roll e a robertson phmb piapenatnar ohemlet stationer optician the lpalaee drue ator acton sprin6 term prem april 6jb narsaa into asrawsyterin frim juv bnlar now sm b 1 ttuailad vs l far a st sarly imumn ha loeua free writ for ik mi eat obmthak huaihwm collkob veage and asrrtrd btreei wvjit nmw prlnslpal a note for spring we have now in nock ths latest fabrics for spring snd summer sailings in all the faibloaabls shades and patterns satisfae lion gusraoleed aa to 111 and quality cell and see our goods before ihs rush of spring gsl first nhoee po it mow we bv also la stock s nice slock of 4 pantlnge for summer ozt damaged linen sale thursday friday and saturday sale of tabling bleached and unbleached cloths bleached napkins bleached towels bleached and unbleached mill ends in tabling roller towelling glass towelling butchers linen embroidered doyles five oclocks runners and english linen shams for twenty years wc have been ottering annually damaged linenfi at damngid prices prices which mean rare bargain opportunities this sale lecaunc of proper worth and merit has grown to fcuch immense propor tions that wc send a buyer to hclfaat in weaich of dimaged linens mill ends and discards of all saldblc binds his collection of odd ioh the entire purchase lia juht arrived the tollowinf w a nummary of what ynu may expect on rhurtiday friday od saturday r tvljie ii nan i by lb yard htsacheil and unbleached allsjhlly damsead prices hlescbail jm fualiyfar 30c ajh nc quallly45c b5c quifliy 60c 35 quolly hoc fi to quality i 13 la 35 nmllh ho icches wide jisiy irish uooble timb ile prlc f 1 jo unbhaclwl tahllns gorkuatrnnit heavy pur linen kind 35c qiialliy lor 33c 40c quality sac one quxiny 470 this really a rireolferlns sale of table cloths bleached all slits frfern 1 v ts v i ym in j yds ilcv irum yoc 10 h yt saeli 1 4 kale of labl nipltlns inwiial ill from 18 in s ih in it 17 in x 17 in ptlce ranusciimplels limn vr 10 it ojrli horns whi and tonta viilfiuin lumijj towels lilaaclmd snd unliuaclwl ham jlltched bsmnlsd arjit rltinal irlcos from ipo 10 o each llrm ol irsvellor simplif old illnidi towels to its laid evncily one third oft the regular prices imla nf i lti tischul utllriji unudis lrm j t lo aj yds lfc from jnc to 73c s yd ioer roweujitf unlthaclted sile prices ft hcl and qc q yard any woman canten nrftatn value la diet r cu tnwelluuf qc and 10c a yurd ilulclur a lfnon rriilar 93a for 19c j nfa of iravtillers ismplea in lfifan ilva o alocks i ml doylies kmhrolderwl and knnluli llnnn tlllow slips silo one ililnlolf rajjiiuf prices x the values the great moneysaving offering which this sale affords promittcs stirring times if you wantvhat you want when you want it come early doors open af 830 a m come with tho cfowd ryans annual damaged linen sale thursday trlday and saturday the bargain feast of the year it will pay you to come to guelph for this sa g b ryan fe co ceiph we do what we say h h unsworth millinery opening thursday friday and saturday march 26th 27th and 2811 hero you will find the latest creations in spring and summer millinery gathered from canadian new york and european markets complete new stock no leftovers irom past season you are cordially invited to visit this store nn a tour of inspection new spring goods in all departments well worth your time and consideration we were never in a better position to serve you than at present h h unsworth hct0n l sxiiusif seeds free a urn sjrowsr of pfljipe ty t your banta kouli sn tictplloually nn mix tureomitlruy popples iy in lit bcsl livmn we will rive absolutely ires package of tlitss scrds lo avery psrson who will sand for our nw lintulwiitisly illuttraurl ihs caisloeus if you prcur yon may lisve a packijteor our canadian a em turnip arcansttaa irlja torn to atcd in place of hie popple write kwlay nnit nam ytir ctiolc darch hunter seed co ltd london onl nic turnouts lo have a nko turnout in ilia sprlnn wlien the roads are bocki you liould ion j your uiifmles lo cntxilus oarniaqd works georoaiown and have them paint ed now when you do not need them you can leave thorn hare until the roads are good sldichs 7xnd cuttbrs v low t of pleasure slelnhs on hand yel also a law good second hand cullers ant heavy boh sloiaha will sell cheap to clear j n onehls ckrrincb works oborobtown ont acton pump and tile works o d edbaok proprietor our premlara are now fully equipped with all the latest machinery and appliances for mnmifacturlntf punt pa and pump supplhm til tor wejjf cimurat oulvrti mto sfmtn iiji rtitiag tooim and pipm supplitm orders promptly wad main street acton announcement we have secured the sole sjtncy for the martin 8enour 100 pure paint these paints are ruaranued by the makers lo bo ahsolutaly pure lead pure zlno pure linseed oil pure turpentine dryer pore cnlorlnu ff1ailbran1 nothlnnr else there is riathlna in it 10 cheapen it such ns whlilna benilne chemicals or waier maht1n8enour 100 pure paint is told aabjeci to chemical analysis which mesne that you can take scan ol it off our sheves have it nnalyietl by any renutible chemist in canada and if ll is not axsctlv as we aay we will pky all charges there is no secret about martin 8enour 100 pure paint it la madq nut ol pure materials carrectly put l nasi her end mhced by machinery two rtalons of martin 8bnour 100 iurb paint will cover aa much as three nallnns of onllnary palm end do a better job the reason old fashioned white lead and oil iood so well on your grandfathers bulldlnss was because the manufacturers ihen nut soma sine in ihair lead 10 make u white and durab e the reason martin senour 100 pure paint la better than lead tnd oil to dv la the sime it you nr aolna in palm ynu tdmplv want the but palnl if we cannot convince you that martin hbnouli ioo pure paint is tha best we won t ask you to buy ll come in and talk with us ll may save ynu a lot of eitra expense r f johnstone fe co mjll st hrrdsaekre acton back at the old stand vvirj cooper trrtaiab hill u4 main bu act qnt jm struthcrs wishes to announce to all his old customors and any number ol new ones that he is again at the old reliable furniture stand iao uppor wyridham street guelph whorbjio is opening up and putting into stock a full lino of parlor diningroom hall bedroom and kitchen furniture carpels and 611 cloth call and see iliom cash or credit on easy turms a full rango of childrens carriages gocarts carriers etc special prices in iron bede springs and matresses j m struthers guelph we want a reliable local salesman for acton and adjoining country to represent canadas greatest nurseries tlo frulta lorce and small j ornament- alii nml rhadolrees flowering ahriibs vluon roiieu fine need potatoes ous of our specialties stock that la hardy comes from fin a permnnolit bltuntloii fnr rlrlit man for whom territory will he rcsenod pay weekly rroeetpilpniltit write for partlouum stone sl wellington fouthlll nurseries sjo acres toronto ontario kynulhis of canadian northwest moklebtbad nnoulationb anv even niinibsirefl bmlinn of dnmlnlon lauds in manitoba uaikatoiiswait and alheru esesuitna n anil u not resfrvat may imlionimuarted tiyauy imrson whn la tha ants liasil ot s family or any male ovarlfl jaaranl age o ths asuni dlonaquaruraaotlnnoritu dim more or iws tlie timnesuatlsr is required to tuttorm ilia mnriuloua ooupaoted sherewltb ubdar one of ilia rnllowlna plaus t ilia falliar er mplliar if the ulnar ii m of tinmsiadsr haa mrmstisni iaoufarnilnalani1owuaitaolaly iiv win uni ifm ihan eulitylbu aoras in eilant in the vmiiliv rtf ilia lipwtiir -c- nni ia mian euuty iw acres in eslat vloliilly nj tlia lianisilmrl qr upon a hi ntarwl for liy tilni in lbs vlemliv itio ion a hnmaatsad i auoh liotna- ur miii in p tididiiv auoii until- lay perform ills own raaldenee tlutlee wfifi ihs fatbsi nr moitisr ii the unit ffolnlly in the two nraamtu tiaraaraiilia is dahrimf as hiaaulnr lioitajor tliau filua rnltaa is a alraei litis ameiuslsa of tha width if mimunramanl a fliri of roed allohanoes amtsed in the man l a a itninaauader inlamltna in tif irm li rmjilattes dutfiraln aetnrilanuw wlli iliu aw wiilie livlm wlsli iwveuie vt on uimiiia latttl dlilrlnt af snali intention is months notlee in wrllli to uie oeeamlwlenar or pc i apply for patent paly ef lie ulelsis isnlwllnonmpei ws st- all cmuo rlcioh ilin luv miitlinm wlliun ma i hi hun lay monilnw bun tuy urnlllk i ilrlu at 1 in intfi ntojkimy fujt kalk anuuiii ii ol lurx4 ail lwelllittf lo fir v i irri m una hi tlnulars llly t w ii hknnv vuimu hi aatoti nbw hlmiksu mtotlni l uuimhon lll l nihil alillui j iu ih ni uiiui i tit buiiv id1 uliai and oitiarilouiiiulirii ir ilu lt allt ot llimuli vu 1 kluili t 4um un uiilki if i mil miiuw nairu nun win ia mii a io ilrm wi ijm irtt in- a iv u kltwatia vwkhfiivjm u ii ivwgidl liluluht fjink new icksioknb hlmcl aill i ll ll ilmluii lir 11 w tiniur lolliu b i w riutall it bull nunvent fluttlr i uliiurixjiiim boiivu udlly il tutit wltli milk shu iuiui h a vry eimtmr ii i ii imulllii p talilit mi i ii iiiiillui p i m u iiuv r uau iwrtiiilul tor lailmtirara aa in iuly aij arasi noilok jo cltkdiltlms in the mstur of til ttaitnts or john v merrltt uts or tha townehlp of kbaumlnir in tlia county of mail- ton papiner dsoesssd ptllhiiast in it a matulo hi thst lialialf j iiiilciiati il vlviiiulli uliiniaaaliiit ll t i ubiiiii lata film liwnbllik i i ijiiaii hi tlia i on mr ol llallon fam ut li wlio illo i on or alioui y a 1 imil dial iliu oiiiiarblgnad lull i ii nr liffore intvuidiit ol llitlr aillillulalrairlb ol uih llioltilay ni aill noli ahur ilio aal 1 flrit day at airl tlm ailmlnh traiti will llirll uiu ilio ab ib i i ilia mul liavli i rurl mly u did ouiiiib l whloli iliu lialllliiilmvui tl i biii1 ii t i llaola for ilia aauib b iliiriliiiial o any i artou or iar ns nf w hnjanului iilio iibb nutiolloo al ilia llmaotduiri mini uauvtllint admii ulratrli dalai iibidii itili ut iwa nojick to cimiditolw in the mattsi of the llstt or dun- earn taylor inte or the vduare or aoton in the county or lleilton osntlatiinil tleoesiescl notlolt la lipifdy u riiiiaiianl in tlia tlia luvuuil hum in ol uuiarl dvt vtiai lar wu ami auamliiu h it a bij mna 1 1 uraliav nunlaluib i m ol ilia all uiiimaii l ki ulu i i ii or almul iii iwutil uilrli1a of uunumliwr iu i ara riulr rtl un r imtattt iliu thirty lint y i f ilaioh t i irialdir ilallvar to a j turklminii ol tliu tlllauaol adton iflllal tor lur juiid kloltliiir ilio a imliiuiiraiur ol ilia all flimmaaail tholr oliiutian aid rumania tli1rtiaiei ait i ilutirlll um uiu lull iiarlhjulara ol ilia claluia uiu aiaiaiiiuiii nl lliair aeonunla and tli uaiuiu i um accuriilaa any tiald by tuii iihui hid aiiiitiibirainr win t roaoad lomaliltiulollia aaauta ol tlii ilbdaaakil aluouff ilio iiarilaa on till ml itiernlo iavlns rbiiald only tu tho oulnn or whloli hu shall man uava noting an i thai uiu alil admlum aior will nni ua llalila i r tliu aaltl bbbnu nr ally art lllaraof tp atty iwiboii or iibuua of wlioae claim uoilee hall ll til liasa hokii rcuulruil ly iii ill at llta lima ol suoli llbirlliiiuoii a j uaokinnoh bollouorfirilio almlnllralor dated tlila loaoiiit ilay til haroli ivuh imu old iron raga and rubbore good priccu paid tjocond liana utnveit nod rupalra for farm machinery nupplkd morris saxb box 130 acton ont suuhcuiiiiid bt ca 10900000 thu wbll1noton mutual inhuhancb company baubllshed 1840 heart offloe qoblpij ont ikhu1uhob on oasb and mutual plan aa luiaranoa requlrail will baprorapily altand w ii dbnnvassnt vouuoht aston altqnaiit for tho union insuranea 00 bualanil aoton hand laundry james webster hnviup purtliiihod tho laundry huslnvkh of i ctavul duulios to holicit tho contlti- nod putrtinagu nf tliu ninny cmtomor who huvu favorcd thu bumiuiku with their orduru btrict nttontiou will bo pnld to careful fllllnrofiill ordorm and tliu oxcullent clnaa of work which lin always boun turned out lutlio pant will ho cuuthiudd mr clave will rem uiu uith mo till the ut of april jam us wkiibtkr mill b trout acton 8princ tbhw from april 11 fcntar now an i ho rpady to tocail a io elliott fwmumt toronto ont oanndaa illgholnsa soliool raallltluaror ilaclun mtmltiiili in iicwl llniia than ilia avt rbhuliualimmjnllauf 0nn uiiilro ysr all uriiluatoa ol imiltlnii llumiflinin uaialnana txo w 1 kli tnir irlnoliial tor vnyicoand alaxauturhla i fine stationery tlie very latest swastika pnpctiles 2sc a box a f brown a mi

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