Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 2, 1908, p. 2

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j f i mauuihd ml ii nf luill mflmithmahl uuir ii day imbuafok ly llv iliam ii until la w mim clu splendid missionary si rmons lev 11 forbear nilmatn ol hrltuli flan tud nhtiaa irawaiua in tnrniiln a maratiullli by ha j w twllav m vmw ft kwoiiln foimarly of into may llawalu or toioutt iivaali muhmbsvai lha ratilan irldaa iila lulllualail on w uuaaall to an4un devlil mauuar urkmwoh kiciiuhku ttia radlatm if diawlilm lrkla on idaaday ui mao ty hv a itulr ii a alai ualuiiunn aou of join i urklnium la joatiilb dauiiliisr ol iiiiiiui lytt m ullua ur lvl i a miaawaiaatal j dauaiiur ul ui it u iriiiaiid it u atnouay i4 b manuall it a k youiihl aoa ol ur kidward uatlliava llvfiiia amaatdauautar of air vrnl kutii all ol llarllu w waisa intiafalalr ft sunday jou tiud liobait walaf aaad ij km iloihisiuqiia iriif mi wajuaalay lhli uarali tjlujuvlllorraswthi v- cukwmii a irawaoila rodufv mi uahtrli mlullari johnurawutil ula hui yaarr llaiim1u ulllot on iwihailuallwfirimfct i urttati in liar 71al raai tunduiwiu kanuealuff on tunralay lbui uarah wui j itlimbaui amart aaii ol quul olllorjolia liinalyuijflwl ati ciluuwai ilia i hi nip of ha aulaf lit uuahl oh halhiday will uaiali kllaii clauijlil or hi lata jauiwi olbbonf kaiuwalu afiij yaare thuilsdav aptlll j7 bditoniati notbm itf a puhllo addreas tlin other tiny attorneygeneral 0 w trkkett of kansas anld i during tint lust year poor old prohlhltl n kuunim lucurpor- ntod morn hunks thiiii nny nlln r ututn in tin union pmlitlililim north d kota was socond und prtihllilllwii mnlno third wlion thure u no hyen- sod bar ptmplo nuttirully unvo tliuir money and thoy oro thoreforo uhlo t open iinnk acounnlf it is piobulile ihut tlii imvliicljtl itoiuhituru will prin imiu uh nit i inlddla of llm niimtli a imiowhul curlier ditto win it lu uiulurutood tic i puled by tli flcivornmuiit but it u imnlly imuulhlo that tlmlr lupou will ita rnttlliml nntoay iipn prt id tliu put piwnl lauulutlve prnffriumi u ulmn ilonsd tim prlvuto ulltu otminilttw imvo atill a niimlht armoiuiiiiiij in duitl wltli it i ox pooled that llm pnivln cihi tromurtit will lirliir down hint tip ptomonuiy oullumtob to iluy tli0rawtli of ol0iirulla hiikiklna in mi urltluii army la tnginnliib to uw- fjulot tlio lilulior oflloeiu wluiuti ri p irtv indicate tlmt tliu luulth uf the moii l iwilng kcrlnuyly impuln d by liidultfoiioa in this habit limit on o run roll oummandur in oliir uf ilia tare in ireland i ins jut usuod nu onlor to tliif truopa of lib cnmitinnd culling htton tlon to tlio nvltn of auoli oxcous und up pealing for oar n oat and uurly notion to comliat what is rradimlly lint rrontly bftlotinfftliu efillcioiioy uf tliu army tlio april lasno of tlin ovur puptilnr oapudlnn platorlal nmy well stir with prlda tlio hoiirt or n trim omindliui tlin notud cumuli an of thn montli u tint limit governor of mmiltuha 81r dunlol momlllliui and n ploturo uf lay momiiinn ishlvon in tint womans nation win tor bonuna of varied bsuuty includinx loo foimntlun lake huron tlio lunukrutu winter homp exqnlilto views just tukan on nugarn in wlnlorknrh wll roprosont thoioitaon in wlilalionnaillunadsligbt wlillo toonca of hnddlng spring uro not wanting a coiiplo of flns plotumu how ontarios two front liydraullq lift looks at kirk hold and potsrhom either or which low twloa the oapuoiiy of tlta largeat work or tlio kind nny- wliftra in tlio world tlio ounadun pjotorul is a ploajiir to look nt a ploamiro to touch no homo ahonld ho without it waloome ai tlio gcnlnl april ahowor la tho issue of the dusy mans muga ino for tho eurront month it is onu of tlio brlghtait and moub attraotlvo of canadian publications roploto with good stories and crup tothe point reading matter on suhjaoti which con cern and appeal to busy men in addi tion to mtvora short brecxy skutohus or leading caniidlunaand ninu of affairs racy and instructive nitloloa will bu found on several timely topics aiunng tho most aocsptnhle contributions from talonteil wrltors ami tho rarly struggles of canadas ituggwl plon- oors on operation and some of its bonvflolal koniiits in vailon ofoanado anolhor dand of stool across tlio continent and iiuiuorout other irtlolo of interout tho april duty mans is well worth buying and woll worth reading tho illustrations are numorous and glvo tho sane d dcaldodly inviting nppear- anco niw6 or the day torontos lloonso reluotloii bylaw was quashed by olilcf justloo mure- dllh last week tho city council has appealed against this judgment colling woods 2fi0u tuvarn llcunso lias iwan qu aihod naflsaqawdva a vory protty event wns odlobratod at tho homo of mr and mrs j 0 ulnoklooki on tuesday afternoon when their third rimightor josephine becnnio ths blldo of mr aloxnnder moklnnon second son of mr juhn moklmion tho oorenmiiy- was por- formecl at three uelook by llm rev a blulr b a in tho presence of a number of guosts of tho contracting parties tho hrldo was given away ity iter father sho woro hor travelling dress of blue with white alk waist snd bat to mitt clu and entorwl the drawingroom to tho strains of- tliu weddlnfftnuroh playotl by hor sinter ulw annie arier tho ooreumny unil congratulations tho company adjourn ed to tha dlnlugrooin whoro a sump tuous repast wui served amid ehuw- on pr rlea nnd good wlbal tho liuppy couple isft for a trip to toronto buffalo and othee polifti mr and mrsi alak moklnnon hnva tho good wuhe ot their many mends for a long hppy nd prosperous life j r 4- if you want an oua hart w u qtivtqnf boat drill oultlyatpr barrpwii the niunlnoitry iiiiilvcramry u ways uil occaoii of jmk1hi iulerrat li niigriipilioii of llm matbiullat cluircli wild bin liitarot baa inuiilfeat ly grown dining tint aalirtn of kv g w barker ibo last thri yrara lust himdiiy wui muulnnnry dtty and tlin occmhiiiii wh gratlfylngly iucch fill in nil iiucla tlisr wro laign n inilii nioriililg andavixi lug thn aormona by ilnv it furtwu ritlllinun of otillllwuck i 0 woie hlghlylnforuihilonui and fulluf iniolll gout tnspliutlon nnd tui uffttrlngs nf tli day wre worthy uf the oougrcgn tlou llev mr iljtkvr intjrtulu hi pruitcliar of ibe day v a friend of hu oollvgamtiya attd vxpreuaod tit great pldsjiiiro be fait in having bhu prnt ui exploit i lie claims of the mission fields at tho morning siirvlea ittiv mr utllluiuu lmel bis dlacoura on acts itli 0 oimf over lutn maxedonu urn help ua in his introduction ho spoke uf tho iiilibhinary work of the church in it worldwide sense anal showed l bat today the doors of all nations uro upon to tlie missionary of the lord jesus christ he is welcomed every where the spthkiirdeulrod however to confine himself on this occasion the great mission work in canada which bo oharsoterlsed as the great coming em pi re he naked permission to change the phraseology uf the text to come over into british coluoiblaand help ua the voice of god is muni fealty in this call the needs of this great province with its rapidly grow ing population were vividly portrayed inference was made to the short sight ed policy of tho churches of the united hi a ton whun their great weat was luting populated from the congusted csuties of europe a generation ago towns sprang up the saloon flourished but tho church wee one of the inst inatltu tlone to lie planted in the new terrl tnrles there were no churches and no ministers and as a result lutldnllty agnosticism and all sorts of ovlls lie came rampant this spirit spread nil over the west and reached into tlrltuh columbia canada is now receiving bmlgimute from all ovut tho world tho chtirchos here aro endeavoring to have entireties and missionaries on the ground to receive them to welcome them to their now homes and to proaah christ to them upon arrival as loyal christian culxotis are wo pioparud to do nur part in supplying the necessary men and means to accomplish this if we allow these numerous foreigners to come and settle in our country and a not ready to glvo them tho gospel the result will be disastrous canada is n loyal conn try it manifested this when its young men enlisted by tho thou sand wliln tho cull came to go to bouth africa to fight for the mnthertatid it will be loyal now when thft greater coll is board in this gront work ontario must im vory largely the re cruiting ground for ministers and money quobeo le the recruiting ground for the itoman onthollo church i ontatlo must support the protestant missionary ontorprues british columbia itself seems to lie too largoly eugroisod in woildly schemes for no home of any denomination haa ever yotsejit forth aeon to 1m a min ister of the gospel reference was mado to canadas wlso course in the treatment of the indians of the west this country sent missionaries to pacify thorn and in doing so saved the country from war and bloodshed tho united states sent troops and spent millions of money and thousands of lives in sub- doing hor indian popithv ion in clos ing ho eald t i appeal to loyal cana dian eltliem to support the cause of god in this great work tho oppor tunity is now it may have passed if nogloated for only ton years god is calling you tho church of jesus christ is calling you tho country is calling you to do all you can in tho providence of god the burden of chrlstlaiilxlng tho great west la largoly laid upon tho mothodlsb and prosby- terlan ohurchos will chsse two rise to the great opportunity if i can make you roallse tho great need that exists in tho wost i hellovo you will be fully equal to your duty and thus imvo a larga share in hastening tho coming of gods kingdom to the people there in tho evening the text was i our ioi 0 a great door nnd effectual le opened and there are many adverse r- lesand this also was applied to british columbia in title discourse much interesting information respect ing the pad do province as a strategic point inoanadaefuture was presented the time will come ho claimed whan there lire more people la canada west of winnipeg than east of it brjtluh columbia is tliu largosb province of tho dominion and from it strategic posi tion it is tho best thooommoroooftbe world le shifting and it will anon bo on the pacific instoad of iho atlantic ocean vanoouvor isooo mllos nearer tho oilonb than any american city and prince ilupeit the new grand trunk pacific terminal le twentyfour hours nearer than vancouver piom a strategic point therefore a great door is open for tho work of god tlio liberies of tho province are loexhaust- ublo it has the largest of the four groat timber belta of the world it will bo ouo of ilia earths greatest fruit growing countries and ita minerals are recognised as the greatest prod not of the province in view of all these characteristics british collimhla le a great door the heathen am coming to its shores in thousands tho hin doos aro coming by every steamship tho chinese are already there in such numbers that vlotorla is tho third largest chinese uliy on the continent the japanese nro flocking in by the hundred by every ship notwithstand ing the governments measures ws have bean going to them now they are coming to us and i do not believe we ban etop iberu without engaging in a great war we nan conquer them however wltb the gospel of the lord jeans christ as them people are ohrlatlanlaed they aocepb our cuatome and they oeastb be menace to the aoton lawn doulino olud w n hlaholm rraautanl lor 10o0 a oood haaaon kp4td ho ijionilieis if the lawn howling club mi t on monday nvanltig in the council linmilwr for r organisation for the coming srriuon there was n good atloiidanre prnuldmit hvcord look the clotlr at eight oolook ha ommirtinlutttl ihi elub upon the sua rt so of uat at uuoiiw nitrations upokm in very rooipllnmolury terms of hecre lury hymu aplendld iimnageniant of the iiiatcbiu nod lonromiifiita and piophouiid that this phtodld rrci tlon would provn to lw inoia than mxrv pnpiilui dm log tbitsexaoii of luoh mr giiiigh hyoiu hucrelury tif us urer in hu lepott showed that during hut 0iiuiii twenty two mauhbi m playiul and llwt of llioao at home nnd away tbry iintl won tblrtnrii in tjif hiutelifim woo ibny bad aeciiritl hggieallinij irjty of 2rtu polntk and m iiiom loat tho pohifwugijriguifcd ut onjcra ami coiiiiull tvus wire utnl aa followj t hon piia a a hofnrd prtuiulniil- vti chubolin vlcn prcw mrnabb aeoretary tieoallief geo ilynd grven couniilttee james mclntoati john it icunikhly nidi munabb nnd jvmiu mooie mtiougenient committee ii p moore joseph holmeu nnd a j mac klnoon skips aj mackinnon jas mc lntnfh g hyiulu ii p moore w h chuholm a neoord w menuhb joseph holmes the green committee will p rowed at once to get the lawn into rondiilon and bowling will probably commence alauit the twenty fourth of hay tho management committee will i vestlgulo the coat of a modest dub houuund report the central bowling association will iki invited to hold their annual tournament on tbegienn hero in 1000 ball1napad thecongregatlonnf the presbyterian church presented mr blchard barn- elde with a beautiful fur trimmed over coat prior to hie removal to acton last week mr burnable had been financial ueorotary of knox church and sucre tary of tho sunday school for several years mr iiu ii xxul has moved on to ui fathersfaim arthur hlltahas moved to iras new homo and miss mary ulltatothe iioiiho which arthur left mr itoliertiliuaell who bus iwon hick all winter from the effects of a cold a recovering it is said there aro still more wed dlnga no the tnpl for this vicinity itltfibfclx and mcbnkiiv a rather lntnrauilng evont took place nt thn homo of mr and mrs duvld mcenery on wednesday afternoon march 23th the occasion wus the wedding of tlielr eldest daughter miss margaret to mr duvld ituuacll son of mr christopher ilussell the tiiarrlugo oeromnny was proformod in the large parlor nnd was witnessed by almost a hundred friends and relatives about half past two oclock the bride took her place under an arch of evergreens tho hrldo was very becomingly atllred lu white silk trimmed with white nllnver la no and carried a hiuquet of white cafuatloi wbllv the- bridesmaid miss eiih younger sister was attired in whito lawn and carried a bouquot of pink carnations the groom was supported by his brother mr o j rusanll after tlio imprcsulve marriage ceremony performed by the rev q milne of batllnafad tho party were ushered in ur the dining room which was artisti cally decoratod for tho occasion whore dainty repast was served tho newlymarried oouple loft by tho evening train for hamilton by way of guelph and returned by toronto the brldoe going away dress waa of blue silk tho grooms present to tho hrldo was a handsome gold watoli and chain and to the brldosmald n gold bracelet the numerous valuable presents show ed the regard in which the bride is bold by her many friends mr and mrs russell wilt sottlo in their pretty and comfortable home on tho town line two concessions west of oaltlnn- fad in a breath thbrbvfl hist nature bos a remedy fm catarrh epidemic colds nnd bronchitis that is far bolter than dosing tho stomach itb medicine and diuge it is tho healing oils and balsams of llyoinel which mudloato the air you breathe reaching tho moat remote air cells in tho nose throat and lunge killing all catarrhal germs and restor ing health to the mucous membrane hynmol acts like a curative intornal air bath and has tho aamo healing and antueptlo effect na thn air where tho pino and ruoalyptlo forests give olf their tholr fragrant nnd healing balsams breathe healing hyomrl and see how quickly you will get relief from catarrh and head colds if it- doe not help you there will not bo a pennys expense as a t brown agrees to re fund tho money tho complete hyomul outfit costs only 91 00 till hrettv spring millinery thbb latest sjtylfcsi sjhowh the past week has found the saverul mllllnry showrooms in town bmttick- d wltli nil the newent nnd attractive creations lu uprlng millinery and crowds of ladles of town and country oalllug to iiu pert and place their orders in many homss throughout the count y the long observed nut low of formal opening in bring dtrcurded and mtuwm hunderaon k co adopted tho plan of placing upon exhibition their uprlng styles immediately after the wlioleunle openings the innovation has proven quite satlsfuctoiy miss wallace is again in chnige of this dppuitnwtit and wild her staff of this nuululaiitalius oils bcasou display ed dim of the most rluhurnt and lulnty showing- of all tho intost styles in spring u ullnery ever shown here tlilssusnu tin ti minings are principally i mowi m tulle- 1 iblama and ouilu plumes and tlp with touches of gilt the lending colors are copen hagen blue tuna i o shades of navy browns mill loaians one bat in on amwus vsi y much ndtielied the shape had snpiuwhet of the broad tfftct und was tiliimud with tulle roses and bird t t pavndiae there ww a couple jo the copenhagen blue with ti minings of the sat no shade nnd several in tho now tan and brown uliade and i means iho tahto of black bats was plena ing to all homo of the hinulhr turban nhupes are in folded ehllf hi und ui beta uro in the larger loth j idiupts one particularly win l by of menilunliig was a large rolling ahiipf of litalil tilmmsd with mlht und obtikh hpj in tho ready lo em hue theni la llm merry widow sullnr in black wblto and nil loud ing shades numerous other attrac tive ddlgnh were on display at ii ii uiisworihri opening last thursday and follouiiifih j the mil- mnury was auperh the groat variety of styles shown excels past seasons a sprinkling of extreme stylos is notlcuble but miss mucmlllan ha uucceudid admirably in modifying yet hiistalnlng tho chntacter and individ- uullty of the extreme shapes shown ono very effective hat is tho merry widow in black milan straw tilui- toed with a pair of largo imported wings folds of silk rlblion with gold braid a cadet turban made of whito palette braid wltb facings of folded mallnu trimming with soft nuprey and vlolule was regarded ns n very pretty creation an extremely charming picture lint muda of silk pyroxylin braid nnd lilmmad wltb pleated mallne ruff around crown largo plume and fancy pins at left side with velvet hundoan wus shown a pretty leg horn hut suitable for n young lady daintily bent nnd trlmnitd with amor- lean beauty rosos follngo and buds brim rolled at loft und fastened nt elde with bows of pale hlun velvet was much udmliod tho ciowu was sur- loundtd by dainty rosettes of white silk crimson und satin ribbon other attractive nnd icusonublo line were also on exhibition miss mary grahams spring open ings attracted a largo number of lad- lea who oxpresaed admiration of hor stylish showing of lintu and trimming tho showroom was decorated with pule rauuve and gavo a docldedly pretty effect the leading styles here woro i a large black picture hat with very high crown trimmed with large plume tulle rosettes end jet pins an allco bluo dress hat of plaited mohair braid trlnimed with two white tips anil two largo tinted roses was highly complimented a protty inquo of brown wltb a large tarn crown of braid and tronoli bondeauoftan ami brown tilmmsd with large loops uf tun ribbon nnd two largo tan shaded allco tinted roses was vory pretty among the loading shnpoa in ready to- wears la tho merry widow sailor mallncs and flower form tho leading trimmings bargain time at ryans 4 friday and saturday a time worth while bargains worth remembering lot of ladles and mljxct wafer- 7j nnd i oa coats for s3 bo i oo to so coats for 450 0 and 91000 coats for jb5 9fi hav you evsr been introduced to the comfort and service le a good general waterproof cast it has eflsn ben said thgt when a wamsrt not aptirprlal1y clad goe otit in a skowsr slie doeherclethwioupu f dollar wortb ef harm why hot kve one of these loose cont- foitable everready coau tar wst dnys there will not be so- saay dark morn- lnsln the wesk at least you will net notice thsna if you havs clothe for alt- kinds ofweatksr this suewerproef sale u or straight offer learn sanre about this opportun ity by sxamialtig tnstfe coats in nur windows and tnauile department- prlday and uaturday a purdtite of 1500 udlet and mens bargain umbrellas as lham la our wtndowa it toek tome courage to tackle sush an enormous quantity of umbrellas price will do anything we had an offer at prices which no buyer with the ready caih could possibly refuse and we purpose turning them ever tt the people at a bargain rale which they will not soon forgst i so ladles umbrsllos with silk and wool gloria lops paragon frame rlvelted boxwood haudloi built lo give good wear hale price l oo friday ami haturday gi 7s ladies unibrellai wlih bolter nuabty lopa trimmed lu a morn cijon live way hnle price sj110 ii oo lailico umbrella werth just that much mere than tin previous line sale price efuf 3 on umbrella fqr s2eti so end 4 oo umbreilsfl far 278 mens bargain umbrellas to umbrellas wltlr hi1wuh4 woo blefla tops good atren imxwood ahdlee and firm iiraon frsmea fcuo looking and reliable hale price foa tl7s umbrellnf jbt lmt much belter tain the flt klrf balaprjcw at to 3 oo umbrella for 180 i to umbrellas for tjles t s umbrella for ejlao if so umbrellas for taoa tblsenorrnoua umbrella ttala is lioumt le be a grand succsu it would indeed be didlcult fer anyone woo could ute and judye an umbrella to riut tbiu offer at least find out wliutit means to you friday ami saturday are tho days 473 pieces of new laces at half frloe for wlday and baturday we offe 40 new style spring hats at pormileu and mtwolal value prleesj dress hots walking hau hats for all purposes at sfl7o and b oo see what ryan u offer nt tlioiio prices there will surely be no luck of vnrlcly or of bargain value wo mil throujtli lu noltingham ling a purchase ot un eiiormoiih liiin of lacrn factory rtnu and t com 1 i goeu ftule nu friday nnd haturduy torchon laces and itmcrtionn all width- and kinds will toll nt half their value irlca from da lo 7 yaed woith from c lo ijc p ynrd allovar laec at lsactly jislf vte from stto a yard up valenciennes lacr aud lufertlotis half price and unrfer rofn t i8eayrd to4yard worth from 30 to be 0 yard u86 yardi of corset cover tmbroldery the oheaueait we evan otteet tfale j yriom is ita at yrd this const cover i rubra ids ry lu full width well covered with embroidery i positively wonderful at this price to net ihhik you have ever ivouel better quality at sot 1rlday and hatur hinu you have ever hougnt n alityalaot day ore ths solu daji frooi our mens department we wish to mubllah thiol point our mens clothing in all nbnelutely new gaodu created on the mnut improved ideas iwrn to please a judge of good clothing toaiuilit tho man to feel and be well d relied may we show you what perfection liu lwteii nttahied in ryan s ready tswear clothing all our new utock it here settcl while variety lit the greatest g b rt an fc co chielph we do what we say i wo emboss your initial in a nice old english letter with fancy border without extra charjjo on all note paper or on tho envelopes bought from us embossing stamps id do your own 100 pringle the jeweller guelph ont just opened a full range of new rkcipviron nilbumatibh listen to tho singing of tho birds those fine spring morning any intelligent person may earn a good income pmrospondlng for newspapers 1 experteuou unnecessary send for particular empire pre hyudloau mlddleport n y orwnarflwtclmdfl itwui ubong elmwgv by accepting lower pmpw ttindmivkf pn wag tdn whiupeopbi 4 great iseebwffinlsa j i lorn and solve lb with mission stations mission aoboolf mualnimrfe and churches tlio great door is open it is effectual if wo evangelise those coming in we will solve all other prob lems that menace tint country and the government it la a door nf great privilege nnd opportunity there are adversaries nnd difficulties but god ean show us bow to solve tltemv ho will put an difficulties nway and make ua conqueror through jesus christ these interesting discourse were listened to with an intense interest and the generous offering of the day gave ample attestation thai the people are prepared to du their nam in be great work open to them the raf sionary funds will rafub about 400 appropi late and well tendered uiualo w contributed during iho day by lb ehurohohouy t there i so much itbeumatlain here in our neighborhood now that the fol lowing udvoo by an eminent author ity who write for reader of a large kaatern dally palter willbe highly appreciated by those who buffer 1 got from any good pharmacy one- half ounce fluid extract dandelion one ounce compound knrgon three ounoos of compound syrup sarsapa- rllla shako these well in a bottle and tako in tensponnful doso after oaoh meal and at bedtime also drink plenty of good water it is claimed that there aro few vic tims of this dread and torturous dis ease who will fall lu find ready relief in this simple home niadn mixture und in moat oases a permanent cure le the result till simple recipe staid tn strength en and oleame thue1lmlnatlve tissues of tho kidnoye so that thoy can filter and strain from the blood and eyutem hid poison aolde ami waste matter which oauso not only rheumatism but numorotie other diseases every man or woman here who feels that their kidneys are not healthy and active or who suffer from any urin ary trouble whatever b old not hesitate to make up thl mixture a it certain to do tnuoh good and may save you from much misery and suffer ing after white our home druggist say they will either supply the ingredient or mix tho prescription ready to take if our reader nk hem spring suits readymado clothing in catchy designs and stylish cutn call and inspect them before purchasing g j wallace mens furnisher mill street acton the full wheat lias oomo through tho winter in splendid condition and took vwy promising shildhv cure cures coughs and golds quickly for the worst cold tho sharpest cough try it on 0 guar antes of your money back if it doesnt actually curb quicker than anything you ever tried bafato take in it to hurt even k baby 84 year ol a curat- neift spring hpcts our style are correct new suitings pattern eneluilve now frouserings tre very laiast designs closb prigbs and flni class sanitation aim red r e nelson merchant tailor and mens furnliher guslph ont back at the old stand j m struthers wishes to announce to all his old customersand any number ol new onos that he s again at the old roliablo furniture stand rao upper wyndham street guelph whero ho is opening up and putting into stock a full line of parlor diningroom hall bedroom and kitchen furniture carpets and oil cloth call and see thorn i cash or credit on easy terms full range of childrens carriages gocarts carriers etc special picos in iron beds springs and matresses j ml struthers guelph fine stationery tlic very latest swastika popctrles 25c a box a t brown buoscnidald bt pa 103000 00 the wbllinoton mutual inburanoe company vaubllsbed 1b0 heart ofboe ounolph oht ihfluninor on ossb ana untasl riio any lotarapoa raqulratl will bepromiaiy alteud t tba union insarsnes oo acton pump and tile works c b bbbaob proprietor our premises are now fully equipped with all ilie latest machinery and appliances for menu fact tiring pumpw tmd putap suppuim ttlmtorwflt aiaurom ouivrtm see sttu pipm mtlns toolm atuf mpt suppjfw orders promptly filled main street acton cu0lph j5uslocss oucijc ifaaoufe aloelr vpper wyudbmm 81 guelph out tlc best systcnt lbs oublph dubinb8b oollbqb bnu now fa rtsy orevsnlne eeuisa coma nintt to tbs ooilwe ie ktuenle llloek upper wyodlitni hi auslui or sdilreu h kaoconmickba phnotdal seed specialties finest samples of red clover alsiko clovor lucorn clover timothy seed we are making tho seed buslnot8 a special fenturo of our business and hope to please every customer stauiuiiu gdtirci uuiiday 1 bnnilay ii a unv molilm m v llh ifcmlnjf 1 venliim t ilrlu rfv6ltgrmeiits whrikwyaniiottks iihihirrm 1 ur lr i alo u ilrol lnaliubiilt i a iillk 1itori iiv iuu hale anuulllcit of lamia fur stir v r 1- apply lo 111 1 lhllhis liouaaa actor fitjh nkw uk8jikne- portbala ptut aiiiatlva tiw ln 1 liluflb a lit 4 li urv mral antim ual lj illt rn uf nlntf lol st y jin- vxolunulau loiiintililjluv- i till alirli aikj niutp at ver twim- ariatimil llalxitlt wkhlantxt an 111 i ullilinm tal l an 1 linmalllte tjri 1 lr ncauelvit vol lailuuiaih a jl aiuitll flrit hi 1 tuu io out ay very vumli iu l riail ail synoihih of canadian ntlrthwkst hjhestlau lir oul ation8 ahv an iiiimurfl airtlli 11 el ofltnlnlon latila in mariltula nbliinau aud iimm han i mi mil rejre i may il i tiy nuy 1 1 ruin ul 11 la llm aula a liiiumilaai 4 til a lai a to tin uf o trier 1 tim uooioatoakr riiitlrcil in itarlnrni ilia uiullllolli onmiaulal ilviuwllll liudar oua il ujb lollualua jilsni 1 ai iwait 1 mm ilia rnalloiiea upon arnj ouulvalluii i 1i10 lanl itl aacli vaar far thraa tatf d a 1iammivr niar ii hu n ilatlrat rr fi nu ilia rtiili i rval it iio ilntlaa liy llthiu on famulus lau i nwiml ao ely u him not law lliail alulilr 11 aorwa in cilul in tliat vlelnlr of lila imuiaalflail joint ownonlilp id lm will nol uiaal llila rxitilrrmaiii 3j if ilia faihar or inoitiar if lite lattiar la dooaaaatl ol a linuiaal tar ha rrminaril raaldaiiea nn fariiiiua lau 1 own lotalr bv lilm not lata than alahlvlwjairaa hi hani in ilia vlelnlly ol tho liutpotioail nr ilpau houiaalaad fliara1 for hir him in ilia vloliltr aueb home tiaailar may 1 art tiy llvlnu wlilt tin 4 tliali jotathafi wlvhirol roatf ii wail vrniiad lu ibe elflitily inuinlworlln raiiha u jtefltiii t aa iiti4ini 0 ittil mo a uian anilm alii 1 with 11 inteihtltifl lo paitoriii bis doonlanaa willi ilia above roitti or on farmtna land notify llioaflanl for tlie wlih iivlnu w nwnxl bv lilm- illikicuif moll liiloiillou nix tiionilii nollo in wtlihm iliould in alvvn lo ilia uominualiiiiar ol liamlnloii laudi si ullawa of intention 10 a 1 ly lor alaul w w ootiv mnuty ot ilia mlnutar ol ilia lularlor s ii uiiaullmrliml utilleallon cl llila sd vattlaamviil will not lie a or aoton hand laundry james webster ilavlnrc purchatcd iho lruuulry buslnusu of i clavol dmirlii to 1 uliclt the contln- nod patroiingo of thomnnyciintomcrwlio hnvo favored tho buuintsu with their orders strict attention nil he paid to careful filling of uil tmlurit unit the excellent claim of work which his alttnyn iwon turned out in the pant will bo continued mr clavul will rumiiln with me till the ht of april jambs wledbtbr mill street acton spring tbrjut from awll hi 7mm tohonto- ont canada s ulghqiais bchool- llona than tlia svararalimiiimaim open amlro yaar all uraduaiat pmlllon llandaonio oalalnana fro w jwotl rrinoliwl oor voiiuo anil alniamlsr hir shuron eyeglasses my specially the iclonllfic examination of iheoyea and the fiiroulilnu of proper fitniihn in my hint- netsoaclubholy tho coninnily increnlnjj hit of anllined lyefiuia wear era la poililio proof thai my ayilem of exnrnlnailon is hi here is opernled iho only ionia fjrlnillna plant in ths city a d savage guclphu exclusive optician phone 571 oiifiph make old furniture look like new this is easily using our done by it furniture polish t for chnnliteandpreaorvlna furniture of ovory doscrip tlon and rostorinp french polish to its orlginnl lustre producing a brilliant and dur able polish with onethird the usual labor e a robertson phmb dlpnlnrohml tuol oouoln th nlao druir toi acton

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