Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 2, 1908, p. 3

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wall papers window flllapkfl ouittain polks j line wamead in call in and u our new ileln in wnlj i aptf from 30 per roll ilortler iirii pries a wall geo mill streetr- hvnds acton dtlie ittou jfrc jims fflulthbay aiiur a litis v brief local items ilnllding pi ration are common clng rawordlng to iltn ulm irltto tills is spring jowmoii uctlvllus art btlug ur lunged j muich mind nu pti provutb iitltn lamb lb ifi icruul uiihix paumd miry mil inly thl epilog maple sugar mipplli s nfo still lhlng laid in by lltt fa llattmy man roconlly curried local option by 127 toll hprlng morning wtilka will now b popular and invlgurutlng an uxperluucid gurdciior would find acton n fruitful uuhl fir ongig moitu mr w o brontlornlohapur chased 2ti boo uf oukvlllo a dobontnr for 2i 4inj april la hero ngaln now for warm shower nml preparation for may flowers uuv mr wlllmighhy was una wo to act to churchill fioin georgetown on sunday afternoon tito young people of knox church aro talking of raising funds for th purchauo of a lull fih tho chin oil mli mnry fllnchili passed iter primary pluun examination nt metro- poll tin brli ol nr uwlc toronto laat week mr b 11 graham orthuothawn vindicator died suddenly of heart failure at 111 homo oil moudny morn ing at tilt ago f dfty two ftlio oiuulto uuya 11 stray hullet from tho gnu of aniuo utiknown shooter wentlluutigh tho door uf umllngtun it public library on monday morning the frosb invigorating air uf april owes mucli to thu boisterous march wind which smutired thu unhealtliy mlaiuiu which linger ne the now melti a notlco lieu boon posted to the effect that tho fuctarlos of tho dell piano and organ company will be l i ind down noxt wook guslpb horald a number uf cltlxons have been greatly annoyod lately by boyi ring ing belli and knocking at doom if theo senseless prank continue eoiue arrest tuny follow tho resident of dtmrdtnore oree cent would very much uppioclalo the laying of sldawalk or paveiueut there it is moat disagreeable getting about through tho oiud mr fred w plank lino kindly lent tho fhkio phrrr ooplee of the red deer advocate special number llltie tratlng the growth and imp irtauce of thle thriving north wt tit town and ita vlalnlly a now drain line iwen opened dturlng the past weuk on willow street from near ohuroh street southward quicksand wae unaollhtercd and flllod the tlo laid on ftnturday on monday afternoon tho fire brigade wm called out and they fltivhod ovurythlng clean it la eald unit thu out of wood waa much lose than usual thl year owing no doubt to tho heavy full of now which made it nourly impossible to handle tho treee after thuy had been felled title bolng the case the price le likely tn lw very high during the coining fill and wlntor tbo addroai of rev ii l slhlumn of clilulwack b before the sun day sohool of tho methodut church last sunday nftornoon woe much en joyed rev mi stlllnianuaetravelled the ground covered in ralph oonnore sky pilot and uporaonallynoqalnt ed with mmt of thn almraotere in the the pootor those who nttunded tho meeting of the bpworth league in the moth odltt church on monday night were very much dollghted with nn mldrese on perioral influenoo by mr ilnmp hire of tha scotch block mlse olura moor of acton was tho only other outside poreon who took iuirt in the programme wliloh wae altogether of a delightful character georgetown herald iyormb bohool the following is the report of tho last examinations hold at lorno school no 12 those whnso naniee are mark ed with nn asterisk not having iwen present for nil the examination 1 jhjbl harbait dron qo mary mol8fi tnul 100 8n i rohhlo duitjmr pt n barhaw plank sfis john watklns 170 annie snyder iso tbuluoo jll iljolin lamliert 200 olam brown 00 total ikk 8n ii- orwell johnston hit laob- al mcmillan 218 wesley maaalea s17 mrgnret snyder 180 tal woo jr i u vlreim masales 007 bertie davidson 201 iterhort maealee sri total 400 jit ivoliironaitoainhleoit tut moo biu ty miigglo modonald 285 tot- lois q bi aok teaflhor freeh ten li all imporunt tea weeks nftor iwlng picked in tlie tea gardens nr tho ielaud nf ceylnn the finest t prodiiolng country in the worlj sulud reaohe you the v flavor of ten eonelsle in nn essential oil which deterloratee rapidly wth m in order to praservotlietlidlolmie flavor of flu i da ten it is paoked in sealed lead ptiokauhevereold in hulk 811110 you iuprlir tea in ivof quality parity ma economy in wf ut u im a bulb 1 wonnnot tell he pomlbllltloe until the eeaeon of bloom ha ended a mn njr il frtr by ftvomlns news w local import a kraher from pwnnvlvantm ilov j h htott uf punusylvniiln itcciiplwl ihn pulpit of tlm llipllut church inst himday nftornoon u v mr scott li on resigned his pttsti rnlo and would nocspt nchnrgn in oi t ills bnrnion n huntli nftarunoii wms very hccrptaliltt tn tlm 1 iiigrrgmloii a muhap uiu the hm whi lit driving in dublin ciuiieleiy 011 tunaday mm nlug tlim imr whei lit of tlm henruii utilihtd 1111 iry anitw built and buokloil tlm nxh tlm undur taker piomptty couvftydd tin n niuliiu to unolhwr vohlcln and tin cortigi proceeiled with llitln duuy the roads are in an exncrtthlu sliita in many places anil thu nil ji up in not to be wondered t milton town iu kcxiu the oliainplon wytt 1 the town oohticli took action oil tunnlny evun login tha matter of tlm town hlill tlm dfjorsoy thefrnnt exit am to be mudn to swing outward mid the hull ooiimlltie h toooiihhlij tlm emmlinc thin if 11 cok t rril exit from the rt nr 1 r ulstwhiiro nml rtrwrt ut hit mxl regular meeting thin like uutf buuluesa nn abnudnnnu nt of lltl old policy of irlt taking chancie mid tempting prnvldinca an bvenln wlh the hlealon bautb a d ilghtful nvenlng was spt ut n knox church on lueidity with the gnforth mlssda bind a t ry inter sting and creditable progiamino of musical and literary number watt presented by the members of the mission bund under the direction of mioses minnie holmes and queenle mo in tyre every song recitation and dialogue wae whii rendertd a cantata thn light of the world obly impressed tho spirit 1 1 mlssliins huv j o wilson preeldod death of mlswe stiun aibboue thefuneral of miwsolbbons daughter of the late jamtie gibbons sr of tho second line pxqucslng took pluco from st jouephe oliuruh on tnumluy morning nt d 00 o clock since tlm death of her mother two yanie ngo miea gibbons has iwjon residing with horslstor mrs egerton gnulph a few weeks ngo she whs taken 111 and last week her ailment developed into inflammation uf tho brain den lb onsued on h iturduy evening nd dmc altew worthily present mr fmuk w galbialth publuhsr of the red deer advoeate formally editor of the quelph mercury hue just issued a very nttractlvo bteolal liunil gratlon nnmber hint relluats gnat credit upon that ruing young town it u well illustrated wlih views uf the town as well us photos of the council school board nml oilier officii is of tho municipality and leullng cltlxuns reddborleono of tho most thriving motions of tlm provluco of a1lui tn premela rirth ooneert vo the acton firo brlgailo huvo mado special arrangomonts with tha 1rnnols firth ope ret tu co to play olga tha tea girl and the beggar student on april 17tll and 18th in the town hall tho company nppimrod hero in january but owing to n mutnka tin advnrtlslpg matter did not ro ioh imro and therefore nhthor the fir a brlgailo nor mr firth had a chance to imct with success on thle oco ml in it in hoped that tha brigade will be grtetud with m bumper houae ivof reynold on shnkapeare tho ladles of tho shnkipciire club have arranged with prof j b rey nnlds of tha ontario agricultural college guelph to vult acton in tuesday evening next 7th april in give an evening with bliukepimro a vorloo of readings from king lear will be given by the professnr the meeting will lie held in tho methndlut school room all stu limits nf slink spearlan literature are invlttd to he present thero will lie no fine for admission chair taken at7 do oclock an oetejfurtn pedeetvlan owing to the condition nl thorondilt wae impossible to drive from george town on sunday for tlm servlco in tho baptist ohuroh here rev mr scott the preacher of the day being n total strangerdld not know the wayand rob ert beesey esq volunteered to walk up with him to aoton so that tho con gregation hero might not bo die appointed the ahallongo wuo ac cepted and tbo pair reached acton at most on time for tho service mr bessey who is eeventy nine yeare nf age wae much be fresher of tho two upon their arrival at the church hero he is a wonderfully vigorous man for his age hethodlet 0v knurulnment mtse ainy i doty the well known directress of sunday satinnl entertain ments commenced her work on tha easter enteitalnment nf tho methodist sunday sohool nn tuesday evening monday evening 18th april li the date for this interesting event and it promises to lie of a highly attrao live and meritorious ohnrncter num erous now features will be introduced and tho spirit of raster will pervado the progiamme mlse doty already conducted twoentertalrimenle for this school and bus given tbo ut most satisfaction to tlur public ne well oe to the sohool management mlse doty hue during the pest few weeks eonduated very successful entertain niente at lindsay wlnduot nnd glan ce pwortb leuajrua muoleale hkaup a nioet enjoyable social evening wow pent by ths members nf the kpwoi th league mid their friends in tho meth odlet sohool ruuiu on monday even ing eaoh person attending waa expeotdd to duplay some article nr dvoe representing tint name of weh known hymn or a popular song numerous and ingenious were the repreuenutlons and tin hour wae spent in social intercourse and in guessing tbo name of the musical number chosen they ranged from the nine ty and nino to eyes of blue and rook of ago- tn my alibi breeke at the oloae of the hour president drown read the list of the musical makeupe presented pther interest ing miulanf fimluree were introduced nml during he evening tha sunday sohool orcbeetra rendered numerous selection to the delight of the audience refreshment wero served at tha cine auotiom malm nbaimwif social and personal mr j j holliud of iiiimlhou wns in town yimterday mi fied willi iiiisnn 1- 1 nn fr 111 ti roiitu over sunday mlm annln tin ton is homo fi m gloveravlllen y for a visit mr ptrcy hurruoii of giorgrinwn spent sunday with alton fid mlu mi i ii rnutnu if nlhgiri fdu wmm lii t iwii foi ailiy r mo uiu wiik mi wiiihhilrkir of ili mm p id a nil i tvlull 10 filtmdu in town ihu wtrk mi oing lllldunbnuid or wing linn wiih homo fim duy 01 o this witnk mr p a dick of aubginvi i homo again ufim p nil ing tha wluli r in cuba mru j l wrtrr u and master pnddlr urn vultlng f 1 lomli ip llr imp ton thin week- mr henry dn ivls of ifainlhoiijia liean hpmidlng the werk wjh nussu gawwyn film id u mr clmrlf v tut fildliy fr oiivimui n y ulr te im ht4i lakui uxuifitl in mr fnul wioivsi t wluton wa in town luiii wiik vulilog lila ninthtr and otutr fih im1 mr litid mm r iw-rt- ilf ith nml snu ki liyjc mnithi wn f urn lis wu in town nn m mny mr ami mrs ormoml d matthew of barlln t spending thoh jnmi y moiui with aotort fi lends the meuars oorrlo eft on tuead iy wtlh a load of stock und effocta for their hoiue in the northwest a m mcklunnii vq guelph muster of the high o tort of walling ton whi in town i uulwj mr fred eistwi id ami 1s spundl n conplu i f ulvks in lluotsvlllo m tl britcibildu 1111 1 1 in i mom foi thu film mr ann lte who bus spent the wloti r with luir nun here lelt j outer day to upend 11 fuw weeks at kilbride 1 ml hamilton mourn w a stony an i ii ji imt etui null no luikdiy fi un 11 buslihis tilp to glonravllle n the glovo centre of the uiiilid slutos mr r g brown has removed with his fumlly t t hvupil 1 both mr und mis brown bao ualdud in this vlcln ity all theh lives thslr removal is much regretted mrs dr muku igue and in r llttln daiiglltei uf wlmilhg nro upending a tuw wiaku with lolutlve here sha oiuno by way of ottawa and her mother mru d henilcreon returned fioin tha capital wltli hsr mus mary smith went tn toromo on saturduy und will make her home there for the future mlse smith is very much attached to acton but ilia recent death of her father resulted in the breaking up f tho home bbo and her sister mlu cuih will reildo to gut her in thvoliy cnbwson oornbtta mr und mrs rnht brown nro re moving this weok to ueupeltr tlmy huvo butin highly uhteeiuod rfwhlriitu nl will im muuh mluutid in thlu com tnunlty their largo olrclu uf frluuils wish thorn eviry success in thoti now limm mi p uhu litis put ah isod tlmcbas camuron hoiuouti id lot 13 coo 1 funumlng thu farm lu a good 0110 and in mr hilts hands will tmpiote mr 11ml mrs hilt are well known and will bo imurtlly wtlcomud tn thu oummuiilty mi and mm win duiinls and fain lly attendod tho golden wadding of mr and mr anthony dinnlu sr at their homo in guulph on tho 23th of ma rob sirgt frank wilson f co 20th rtgt returned homo lust week itftai 11 pending threo niontha at the r yn canadian mllltury school toronto anothur link in tho f w remaining one of tlio past was severed on sat urdtiy morning when mr john craw son sr pasud uway to tha grout beyond mr oiewson was thu uou of morgan orowson the founder of this place and won born horo 81 years ago for u number of yours ho has boon afflicted with dropsy and during tho past few months waa a grout- euff orer the deceased wae married over fioyeamugo to mary a word on who survive him thuy had nn family uu was a cabinet mnkor and nt tho time of the cholera pluguo wae a reel dent of niagara full and waa engag ed in the undertaking imiilncs ho was also a builder on the old suspan ion bridge and several othoi hirgo building hero with tbo exaopthm of tho fow year ha lived nt tho fulli he im always resided here biok in theslxtles ho ran thu iiolol then sltuii tod hero ho also had chargo of tha old g t r tank which im long slnco passod out of existence mr crow- mon wn a member nf aoton disciples church and in politics was a atuunoh reformer tha f line nil on monday to icvortnn cemetery was woll attended rov anioetnvell of guulph official ml service being held in tlm metho diet church hero ihr pullhpnroie worn mossrs ii black alex orlpps job super r wnnshnroilgli win murray and edwin crlppj mr judaan crewaan of lulhvr nt- tended hi unolii funeral mr d johnston of fronlton srotuin- wl iiouiii mnnd iy utter spending h week veiy pleiiiuntly at mi m on w 011 ji mi jns rhiushivwriif goorgeiown pent monday liar mr jaw uuuiiult of rlckwpnd spent sunday ut mr m orowsons mr anil mrs n forbes mid mi and mr 0 mclaughlin of acton uttemb ih th funorul 1 f mr jnhii ore wmm on monday m10na hani oohrort ready i the new spring styles in mens and boys clothing showing tho 1008 spring modolg la the celebrated 20th century clothe for men jaekson8 jacksons our new system of ooeh buying andl oath belling bnmblee u to offer you twe week bom big snapr i 1 1 dm men u itlack inlm overalls with bib also smaciib to match lur flje to l 00 thiaweek k in ivory u lut of corracttttyl fine tnlturlng in t buttur anywlier tlilsu not a ig ad prfcl fit macdonald s fiorlng clnthaa for mnn and lwy tir value 1 hi it you tan in t btittor anywlier tlilsu not an iilfa iwuiit it lea ftbtla utalcment of fucla backed up by the flaunt aktuntnitnit if mmi h and luiy spring sullu ovurcout and rronaortt vr offerod by us conm and see tlieta grout clothing values for yourself try on nuy garnient jou like wo kuaw that you will i a ploaud w th tlie atrip which k right up to tbe niinuto thv till i or fits i uncolteitt throughout tlm fabric are durable rich now waava lu bnudaama pnttorna nml flnu pluiu clytctn liihi but mat least u tbe remarkably lo v price at which we have marked tlieuo kuita top coats and trontem a oifolt lit for nil fluurub gtiacaiitaed mont nn s 0 tonrue now ready the new uprlng btylou in men u n 1 uug man a hplts know by cxperleme tli4t clirlnty ftokuah hat ar pf itfitter quality than ar iihiially sold t file prtc 110 wo liuvs evry new aliape nn block com and tee t elcbomllgbwsi drygoods and ftothinol ouelph the woman ineututo ihu itgiiliir mauling of the woiniu inslltulo will lie held to umrrow ufter- nnnn at i ooloalt at tho home of mr griihum iimteud or at mu ruaatllea unnimucid a good prograinmo is lulng prtpind all tho i ullus are in vited to b piiuunt oinip oomnetltlone in btandlnir a rain the crop c mipmltlon in standing fluids of grain inaugurated lust yenr in tho provliitl of onuirui by honor ullemi mintilih pnividimilkiiillclul t 1 nil n iili 1 mid 1 1ml ibo minutbr ha7 thuyim sicuiid u luigily luonukvd iippiipiltil 11 f 1 1i1u purpi so thu ol joclu 11i11 id ut nro to inuouiiigo llio growing 1 f giulii of tint imwt quality fit u fn in nthi r v 11 li iu of gruln and wiudu and ulu from hiicii dlauasos uu 1 out 11 11 ut 11 ud iiiuuuu tha c imp tlllniiu txclud muuh intuit wt lust yt 11 in llio dlstilltu whuru thuy wilt hulil und llu it suits wuro dvclil idly pri lit thin in ihoua who wore pilio wlniari iiiiibiiiucii ns without saving liuint thty sold thulr grain frimi tin ih i lu which wuro in com pi tl tlon to huillig suuilsmuu ut pi lets friim 23 to 50 ubovo uuirkut quota tlons this yv 11 owing to the larger mini avail iblt ontrlus will lw rucalvod from 100 holiuuiu or tin time as ninny uu in 1007 rukti nod regula iu g ivi 111i1 g tin i nipi illb n imiy bo hull up hi itpplkiiiltin tn thu do p irtmi lit 1 f agi ictiliun t run to woodqidb school o 1 rutsil iy ovli ing of liil wtek u box n lul wuu hot 1 at wihhisuiu s1i1 it 1 mult 1 the misplcuu of woodsldo llturiuy sttloty mr john mclutyru uctnl hs uiulr 1111 f li foil iwlog pn gi tmmu was renili 1 od nod w n iuoml hi 111 tlly 011j iy etl 1 oliiilrimui u mid it uu liistrumtilltiil hymi i ktnmdyi uol mi moiur 1 diiiittu muuj giuhuui und mtoluro t and muu m tgglw lhuiiipt ml uul m mccluroi ilitl got ncltuiioii mi r j kur ruulliig miss lily momuruliy llio letdliig rtittiirn wim a dohite rest ivid it wmildl 1 1 ihn bit intur chts of c in nli to imuoniuitii liult pun dent uuiioii tho ufllriimtlvo wue suppoiltd by mtuhir w nwir und ii luxlm of gittikok lltiiury society nil tho iitgitivii by mmsru r kt rr and c j husull uf w ndshle thl quiitelit piovtd themuelviu mi mtmn dnbatt ru and uo uotdleuu to say the dulmtowus both intonsily interesting nil highly litulriiatlve doolulon woe given hi f ivor of tho negative tho judgi b weru ruv mi mii110 und mimsi is piarenamlh mcmillan tho inst not toust tn tho ma jot ity item on the program mo wn tho tiuollonlng off of tho hoxv by mr r j icnrr lunch bolng ondud all re eorud in limit ithodos tlm indira with light hearts llio gentlemen with light pur sun uiunh to tho satisfaction of wnnduidt lltoiury s iclnty tho following in tho uuudhig of tbu pupil of waodsidi school aau icsiilt of tho murch oxiiinlnntloiir t fifth ohisumngglo malntyra 107 fourth oiubb mury ii n tier 14s rob ert wnrne 112 alvln flelior 100 cllf ford slinomt 00 aiilrtl oiiibu finn ure built r h7 vlolettn molntyre 13d f11111u swuok- hanier 100 john mcetiohurn 81 willie butler 70 seaond oihhb margot watson 140 nnrnmn mnfnoharn 1114 ilotliort mo ienohorn rb mihhf watuiio teacher if u w on 11 u is iinahlo to iteep a feoret she enn nlwuy find utune nthur woman who will gliully bolp hur not to ktip it whdnkiuy nth arnilbalo of took end imptemenu the property of 0 a black lot s8 eon 7 naosngfc a man in ai- jj wet bale at one oclock term stomach need which i j whitbvblarrim in otherthdrtlritfl wt rrfalw wt fittftu atfcliohberj ttfavj it tu it osrn wbvk r-i- i a notable discovery and one that appeal eupkolally to many people lu anton is the combination or stomach help lu the ml o na treatment this preparation work wonder in case of indigestion or weuk atomaoh it acts directly upon the walls or the stomach and bowel etrengtjien- ng and stimulating them eo that they readily take care of the rood that i eaten without diet re or sttnving so positive ar the good effect foi lowing tbe use of ml o na that the remedy is aold by a t brown under an absolute guarantee to refund tbe money if it fall lo cure a 90 pent box of mio na will do the good the limply to cuiue jubasidirellevtiiuiatomuehml btltob aula ef the rtjfp sh u dauactuluisliooaamawetthaf sick iyilatutnulfpalhm lalnaas nil in 1 alnln laixawer- 4wi bank of hamilton thb most factor in ment op important the invfist- s a vinos is security bank of hamilton capital reserve 2500000 2500000 dktuof tl 00ud upward rclvd georgetown branch w n mckay agent old folks btfnlir mmj nim rij kst4tkitaaliwlltkrl utellmuymmbm4hwkm lull stonuik uw kkkua tad gpwtu in looj ojtn mil li im km mrmf k uj vlm u iv ut natures remedy b your doctor tiu ntb uv ij ikw h wd im vaur lytfm b atmb ruj iuuim iimi iiutui iimi mi hull hvwvbm rui miub better than pills for liver ills get a 3m box a for sale by t a robertson druggist acton genuine oaorij7 ice saxje geo st0ubll the boot and shoo man mudt rnlee slooo l for be will toll boots and ttlioes of llio best prices so far below ilia uiunl quotbilona thai iho bxrgalnb u selves 1very un in tha htore villi be on sale com al once if you advantaged ine lot prices ihs rulr every day figures within tbe nest o days and he will totbilona ttiai the br ifvl advantage of ihe lot prices as loon ai the ti 000 is reached prices will be rubb9rs of all kinds will also be buerlficed nntwliliblanillnff ihe boarlnp prices now quota i by ihe dealars a bio stock 1b nn hsnd un i no one tired have wet feel tliirlna the spring iluili ii thsy will come at once for nubbers nt sierlnce price a good siock of our own matte of lieivy arm boois alio for bale at sail lac lory prices repairing aa muni geo stoell 7utilu strib9bt hcton h dw men u work hlilrultrlped oafordumedlum lo dark hhado regu lur 30 lo fij i hu wek 43a odox mens work skirls black drill with white strips oild snots regular 7s loose tills wouk 690 so ilex mm a four in hand ties is dot shield neck tie i dox how tie all grand tjnnlity ullu new doalgnb and rkb colerlug kegnlar 3c this wek a for 9jc do you net nnwwiali to select yeur spring underwear and uoalery white our lines ar comileto you know if you coma mow you can chenm from a larger line minn if you conm later we wlih to begin belling our spring underwear and hettlery early wo nro marking the price na these geeds low m that we shall not h wo nny to carry over when th ulllng season lu post theae or the values we can give ynu f ailiea bmbrolijornd mark caah uere ilnte ll q njnd tortg lur ajt iuu weefc 4 sic lndlcn iueiu cauhmere itom fibbed or plain alus bj regular 11 nnd 4ht tlifs ic j rcg tyallln tuffctn rii m nnd tan bliadat regular 30c this week 3jc drfsm r0ds spciai i hlatu mslro o cloth r si jo thk week ijjc cream i itre fancy pattern rerru it flsc thin wek but in fin lull prnitella cfntb regular jfi on thin week 73c striped crsnetu regular 8jc this week 530 satin clolti regular 7 jo this week 48c pearl uttojtb iioun c corset cover embrolilerlea this week sjr pattern t 170 jic pattern t o 43cpauerrj 3 too pallem a lacb suk ribbon bt nuallly alt color regular 9c luwu tiys 4 insh bilk ribbon fegnlnr hoc thl wtik ice 3i inch silk rlbbi 11 regular 17c thl wek 13a a tllg showing of 1 ace pmbroldarlej pre j h jrckson geo rc btoxni n h h ttnsssrorth millinery opening hero you will find the latest creations in spring and aummer millinory gathered from canadian new york and uuiopenn markus complete new stotk no loftoveru irom past season you aro cordially invited to visit tins store on a tour of inspection new sprinp goodnm all departments well worth jour timo and consideration we were never in a better position to servo you than at present h h unsworth bct0n seeds free to introduce onr new swede turnip the canadian orm e will give to every inquirer for ofir new 1808 catalogue a jncingo of theso seed absolutely free the great turnip growing dutrlct near guulph shipped 4oo cars of these liirnvps to tho united htntce lttt acabon cnnn illnn gem nciergmtys long or narrow is free from side bhootu and ib of uiiburpniuieiv quality if you prefer we will aeud a naokega of our bnnta rota poppy or caimdaa pride tenure instead of the w turnip seen write todny and name your choice seseafubmami daren huntor swtl co ltd london ont announcement the right house hamilton s favotllte siioiting tlace express and freight charges prepaid to all points in ontario on purchases or j500 and upwards samples sent on request write ror ihcm to day the great preeaster sale this annual big sale event starts saturday of this week and continues until easter presenting everyone in the vicinity of hamilton hundreds or bargain opportunities drosd goods silks embroideries hpsicry underwear linens staples carpets curtains will v01 share mens goods handkerchiefs laces sewing needs gloves millinery blouses wash dresses raincoats suits skirts underskirts coats whitewear umbrellas veilings belts ribbons it will woll pay you to come to hamilton to this btoro lor all spring needs thomas c w atkins oornkh kino st gr huomioh hamilton ont we have secured the sole snancy for the maui in bunour iooiurl pain1 these paints sre guaranteed by ill makers to bo absolutely pure i 1 1 dure zinc pure linseed oil pure turpentine dryer pure color inu mailer nn i noitilnff else there is nothing in it to cheapan it such sbwhlllng bemlne cliamlcnja or water uartinibbnour 100 pure paint is bold aljoct to chemical anaiyal which munb that you can tike a carl ol it off our shelves have it analysed by any reputable ohemlit is canatu knd if it 1 not exactly we say we will pay all crurnei tlntre is noteorat about martin sbnour ux purr paint it is made nut nl pur materials correctly put mather and mixed by machinery two oa loni of martin sbnour too pure paint will cover as much u three gallons of onllnary paint and tlo a better job the reason old aihloned while lead and oil stood so well nn your grandfather bulbil nas wbybeobube tba manilfaalursra than put some xlno in ihelr lead to make 11 white and durtdteths reiton martin sbnour 100 jl purh paint better hn lead and oil tn day is lh utni if you an ftolno 19 palm you kltnplv want du thai martin burjout ion purb my its com in and talk with na li may save ihe best palnu islne paint you 1 lot ol extra expanse if we cannot convince you that belt w won t ask you to hi r f johnstone fe go milastj r rnrbsflflkkb aoton in i 1908spring1908 lrdies spring jackets an extonmvo range of natty stylish mcki non mad i ki in hlaplt fawn and larraf tweeds prices will be found much easier than in tho cities for the same class of roods spring jackots will be in much demand this season skirts in navy myrtle brown black and fancy tweods those pretty pleated stylos will be hot favorites millinery the millinery department is in full swing wo aro making a big effort to give you this season tha most uptodate creations and the best values to be found in the millinery trade we solicit inspection and a comparison of styles and values henderson fe co mill strubt acton j

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