Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 16, 1908, p. 2

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i ii uatuis f it a bum kit ullxw tnuursosiu t raulo on w m iky sill alll tf uv u uiu ttillmul rittubluur f uto cliailatia tin iiiimt all i aok a uuf wli ol jw uaa im tkluhk wavrittn aatan tn tl uruy oil a rll jatiuutitrsi louof japiot uoflat labia nj tjlje ctdit lf lrbs tliuiiaoay aprix 10 loofl nekl hnndsy will tin ijusier lliu leading thmiiflit of tint enmhitf of kaatarls triumph lihyiinit iirla x uliant flnwira kin smitf hid bid faces ml inspiring tvjird mphushfv the truth tlmt tlm lctiy 1 nhuidy won it tiuo that ihntli i still in tbe world that tlmio hm mount chutru by elery fireside anil an mipty nlchu in every hvurt tt jhilui hnu ilon tbe day of triumph is lien 1iu p iwr ban been pruvcil and thonujh ttuh hu not yot laid down hu arnix in hml surrender iio has uikumvledujcd hi defeat jhrlut has won thu victory thar le not a grtwn hltido that punhu lli way thrmiuh the ami notahtussoni which unfolds in the spring ulr wlihli does not toll hi of the powor which tun transform dcnth u sloop into a glad waken in fir jmt ng winu rs ioo urn cold are powerless nfnlnut tin tpilntr unah in so ikrtl li ik hulpluus hfi in the love which on oalvaiy won ii tn eternal for oil bditorial notrm the government lu nuuilfustly not doing things in a half hearted way after concluding a treaty with france encouragement la given to a direct steamship line bntwcon 1ianeo und canada it in confidently eupictid that the treaty will rtatilt in gitmtly increased business hotwoen the two countries and to make thin pnuslhlu and easy steamship onniiminlcatlnn ih to b fostered a unique and interesting discussion of the question of tempera net took place at a meeting in toronto on monday evening when railway men only occupied the floor five of thee gentlemen doalt with the hanoi problem in a way which ae nnn of them remarked should prove n source of great satisfaction to tlm general public who from day to day entruuted their uvea to the care of railway man all were strongly in favor of abolish tng the bar and all hnd reasons the postmaster qcuoral hna talon a new departure lurrgurd to all future contracts entered into with mall car flare wliloh will have the approval und support of the temperance people ol the dominion a ptnvlalon will ho in eluded in nil future contmcta which will prevent null can lor from carry ing in toil outing linjnor it lu aald that at present mull curriers bring llcinm into country districts along with hi- majuttya nntlu and mr lsmlinx lito- made up hla mind to have this atnppi d if any ono violates this part of thooou tract it will bo cancelled forthwith by tha department if the liquor business u uo intioctmi al aouie of itu mipportiru elitlni and not a menace to the community win tf it a on aalo how cornea it that in oaauu of cutaatropho ite aaln in promptly for blddon by the ailthorltlou after tin earthquake and flro at ban lruncuoo two yeara ago oviry aaloou and llqum lore was olnstd for several months after the dlsastroua confbigrutlon at chelsea noar boston on sunday the liquor licenses in bast bouton nnd that part of oharleaton adjoining olml ht were suspended by niilvr of the tollea oommlmsinnor ne an aid to thi militia and polleo in tltolr eltorte to bring about a condition of ordor and aafety in the debate in the house of corn none lost thursday hon piank olivers bill amending the immlgra tltin act by providing umahlnory whereby action can imj taken to pre- vant the landing of people who do nnt oome from tltolr nntwo eountrloa or the countries of wliloh they nre cltlxons on through tickets hon ilodolphn ltmleux said ho bollovetl jnpnn would he up to tbo rikiout nrrangomunt reached nnd that the inst wind had been heard as to tha influx of japaueso itttd canada ae a proof be aald that a few daya ago the o v r bud applied to the dominion government for per mtislon in bring in 100 japanese to uttlo on lands in the north went the opit aald that tho jiipunoaegovern mant bail stated to the in that they imd no objection to issuing the necessary paaeports bulwnuld not do an unleua tho dominion government would agree to it b thb ahhbhaii blbotlonbu rutialw whitney ateyo ttoay mv to be in j una or haptamber tonunto apl 13 if tho general leotlod doue nob take placo before tha lstbofjaue then it will stand over uatll september this annhiinaotnunt waa made by premier whitney on saturday afternoon the pnmuvr claimed that ho wae not in it pnultlnri to make any statement of a more definite character uo hud n day or two previously promised that all the laeuona should take placo on the aatua day and there la no doubt tlmt tha fixing nf the dat danouda entirely oo the preparation of tho voters llata for tna unorganised tllstrlota if thftsa llsta eao be ready in time then the leotloo will take place n tlio second week in june but if they are not ready than tha eleotlort wilt n it bo held until tha fall death of pditoe j no m shaw john martin shaw ota or tha plan ear newapapar men of tbfi motion of tin provlnbe paaeed away at his boirte tolombntramdy artarttoort thtf a tcrriblc fatal accident latiqat runainal on atop da v a i win t nine oclock 1 it tburadiiy unrnlng nt wa wua tni vid up town of tirrlhlxaccldvnttit tin oln ifdhtr tannery of mtuara bomulmorw a on by which john moifat an employe as instantly killed theparllnulare of the accldant are very harrowing deceased waa en gaged at hi umiitl dullea of conveying sides of leather from tbo drying loft to the haaonint hu bad aacflndwl to tbo sixth floor on h uh valor imlt with bin trup und procerdtd down on ov tlm ateaa for hu ityid the- hout wan not fltti vfltli ihe inmlfrp auloinatla gates llkn thnfe altnclird to the auvaturti in the othtr tannery and he evluvnlly overldokeil the rule to put down tl protecting bar twforo imiylnjr thu tiolut jn the muanlluie tlm luiltt was lowted hy amtthwr nipoyf td itu used at otie vt tint it her flats ln utifortunule vktliu retuntud with hie inwd and appeara to bav wslbtd luiokwanls und pulkd the frjiokto thu shaft opening and rx pectlng tlm hoist to iw where he n fl it htppf4l ltuckwarl into the empty haft hi full between fifty qnd xlxty feet and bu iwidy ulniok tha fnlile lieuui of the cur with an awful inmict and then dropped to the floor honusth death waa inauotaneoue and when ha extent of the injuria sustained is known thla le not to be wondered at hli skull wascruahtd in t hie left hip fractured nnd several ribs broken and protruded through the side in fall log tho poor fellow had evidently hitched at the loaded truck as half a doimi sldea of the luather fill down with blui c ironer ault wni siivuihi of tha ntclilunt and deoldml that an liiqinst wuti doilrahle thu following jury was umpnunucid o o hwndirson foreman john harvey jus ii ander on v r icenney w williams wellington smith heave hwaok banter w m cooper geo soper j ii itrodwhdennyamlat brown tho jury vlowed thu remalna and then adjourned until irlday evening at tho friday evening session evl danoe wua given by the following wit- noise t john dunn foroman at thu tannery t k price kenneth unr ton james ibiwioandgeo haw t home the evldt nee wont to ihow that it was not unusual to remove the elevator from any one flat while the last one us ing it wua at work elsewhere i that the usual signal had been given when it was removed from tho floor where de ceased was working i and that it was a rule impressed upon every employou uulng tha hoist that ho should lower tho bar across tho opening before leav ng it crown attorney dlckquastlon cd the witnesses and adduood thu fore going facts nnd also that tho holut was not equipped with automatic gatoa aa required by stature tha session waa a lengthy one and it was midnight whan tha jury wed in nnd gave the following verdict i that john moffat while in the performance of his duties at the works or beard- mnteev oo in tho village of acton did come lo his death accidentally rusuully and hy nilsohuncr hy falling down an insnftlelontly protcc cd hout way from tho sixth flat to tha first fut in the said works and from hmllly in- juries resulting therefrom and nnt otherwise deceased was tlm only son nf mr und mrs james moffat and resldm with his parent on main streor ho was in hla fortythird year and tin murrlud he waa born in nassnga- weyn nnd came to acton several years ago ha waa highly esteemed and hla parents and sisters feel his terribly udddeii death very keenly indited deepest sympathy la ex tenth d them by the entire community tho funeral on saturday afternoon was vory inigcly attended the fel- loweniiinyees of the deoenuod attend ed in a body asdld also the members nf tho sons of scotland of acton nnd the chosen friends of nasaaguwoya in iwuho which sooletlowhewusamemher thasorvloe waa conducted by rove j o wilson b a acton and a blair b a nassngawaya both of whom upoka tender words of sympathy and consolation to tho bereaved family it la aald that deceased who had spent a year or two at tho tannery had given tho firm notlco that thurs day was to ite hla last day in their employ ho intended going farming during the summer boms eight or nine yeara ago how- anl maaalaa was seriously injured in this same hoist but at that time the accident occurred through tho cable giving way pr i nth d dv mequborr receipt la ksuatly prepared at amal coat and many swear by it mix tho following by shaking wall in a bottle and take in toaspoonfnl doses after meals and at bedtime i fluid kxtraot dandelion one half ounce t compound kargon ono ounce compound syrup saraaparllla three ounces a local druggist la the authority that these simple harmtoaa tugredlentu can be obtained at nominal onut from our home drngglata the mixture u aald to olonnse and strengthen the dogged and inactive kidne nver backache bled dor weakness and urinary trouble of all kinds if taken before the stage of brlghts disease those who have tried thla say it posltlvoly overcomes pain in tha hack clears tho urlnaof sediment and regulates ut inatlou especially at night curing even thevrorat forms of blad dor woaknasa icvery man or woman hero who feels that tho kidneys aru not strong oi act lug in a healthy manner should mix thla prescription at home and glv it a trial ua it la said to do wotidert for many persons tha scranton patlmea waa first to print thla remarkable prescription in october of 1000 since when all the leading no wipe pare of new york bos ton philadelphia plttahiirg and other cities have made many announcements of it lo tlr readre cuas tv weawn eyesight spec- t411 will niakje ble next vtalt to acton on wwpedyaprt s3nd and may winjium at browh drug tore a splendid easter conctbt assessment increased 2544j anethsr froneunoed siuoe under the dictation ormla amy doty or mbtiiodlbtbundav bomool thu annlversarx entertalnmeiita nf tlm methndlxl huintiiy hchool r r 1001 lw7ind 100h liavi nil iwei under the illicctloii if muu amy u ioty of london and as a insult of her able and skilful training every one of them has barn a triumphant suoeees tha distinguishing feature of the entertain inont on monday evening was the luster spirit which predominated ami this gavr upp irliinltles for thu intro duct ion nf veiy upproprlate and im prrahlveuiinilv ru siiliahle to the sea non how mjss doty succeeds in bringing thu on hundred and uford bcholnru in unch a slain of proficiency in tho rendeilng of tlielr choiusas willi nnd ii dilutions and the execu tlon of liitilciitu hjarchss frills calls tliuolcw arid other rentes in the brief period of inn dayv is jh iharvel bit sho accouiplulied- it ujth a cton uuiuaui tikllf and thu reunite warn in vailubly creditable ojul sutufactory to all tonruriiid a very huge audlunce greeted the school on this ocraslnn i an audbince very uppreclhilva und kind lu thah xpi esioiie of pruue tho sunday school oichrlra playwl from 7 0 to 8 o clock pruclvi ly at eight tlio nieni- iters of tlm acliool taking part march rd in nnd took their positions on tho ilnvutnd seats in tho choir alcove tha smullnr sohnl irs and ihtlo tots iwlng grouped in front on the platform tjiey made a ery attractive appear auco nnd this itself e tiled forth ganer ouu apphiuufl fr nt thu audience tlm om nl tig chotoih by 100 scholar htim uilwr thy creator was nu ant lit in nf p nvir and a splendid 1 it in ductlon to tho nunilmis follow log the invocation wits offtrsd hy itev g w barker pastor of the church ufter which mauior rnlairt price delivered tlio oddioiis of wdcome which quite an oratorical effort and hrlathd with points appropriate to the ooca inn a very amusing ohnrous was then given by do of the junior scholars entitled peter piper it taxed ax ceedlngly the little lliplng tongues to mantei tlm nlllteraturo composition but they did it woll six hoys recited the svcond tallin in which thny complained of the strict etiquette im posed whrn at tha first table with com pany thoy preferred tho second table with itu freedom when the old folks wore in tho parlor weaver john was a motion song by 60 scholars it was well extcuted and brought down the house the well known recitation the kiss in school was given in eon cert by 10 girls und was a very taking number a solo by little mua stella molam two dirty little hands waa well rendered and demonstrated the fuot that miss stella hue a voice worth training the closing number of the first part was a doll drill by 21 little girls it included a march reel tatlons drill und slumber song the little tots wore indeed cute in carrying nut their parts nnd tbo mothering of their doll babies was very natural and attractive the second part was opened with recitation in concert hy 12 boys in wellussiimed spirit of nonchalance and in p uig over the platform ehtir uctorlutlcally boyuh they recited tho boys complaint this was followed by una of tho prettiest numbers nf tho evening caliiittienla exorcises by 12 girls it demonstrated the graovful poslngs and helpfuloxorclges nf modern physical culture und was uxecuted with tnathomutlcal prtolulan bivtion young men in uniform night euoh of jack tare nnd tommy atkins put on the next number tholr inurohlng counter marching nnd various elovo ititlnna woro worthy of veterans and their patriotic ohnrous no land like ours put a spirit into the number which was inspiring at this point mlsu doty hersalf gave a surmon to husliandu which had point as woll us elocutionary merit it pointed nut in unmistakable terms tho duty of bus bands to their wives in financial mat ters tha illustrated hymn the shadow of tho cross waa symbollo and roverontlal it waa given by olovon young ladles and their interpre tation of the spirit of the hymn by posing and chorus wusveiy impressive tho easier tit iii hy 10 young bulks waa a inagnlflalent plocn of work theli dainty white costumes with tushus nr raster colors rendered their appearance most attractive while the marching and evolutions of tho drill ware perfect mlsa doty invariably brings her entertainments to a worthy climax in the closing nu miter and this was most skilfully accomplished with the garlanding of tho crams by 75 scholars these ware first grouped altout a largo cross placed in the centre of the platform and undur subdued llghta they sang thore is a q rutin hill fur away mltu burtlo smith leading with two of the verses a aolo with suitable recitations und scripture quotations tho cross was thou garlanded with evergreens and then with a profusion or flower the effect waa most feeling and revaruntlal after tho closing verse tho chorus waa finally rendered tho largo audience rising nnd joining wjth tha school in tho singing thla donctudnd one of tho most sncoeshful anlurtulmnunta ever given by the school it will ih gratifying to many to learn that miss doty has lawn re engaged lit conduct tho annual christina enter talnmant of the school for which aha has in preparation numerous apeolal feat urea aa accompanist- miss igthel coleman fulfilled the onerous duties of the even ing with consummate skill harvey brlnors a atom moitnl up to sm1b00 asneor john harvey bus cnmplet nd hla aiiarssmnnt of thu property with- thu limits nf the corporation of acton ho will present to iheoonncil next monday evening one of the most complete and satisfactory rolls ever prepared for the municipality mr ilarveya long resilience in acton hie experience aa a member of the council und in otlur public capacity and his kiiowhdgaof the values of bultdlnga and red estate have greatly faclll- t tied hla work and enabled him to x- i cure n mnch more equltattlu end sal is factory an assessment than has been uatouiary as a result of his labor the uggre gajo assessment of the miinl- lmllty for loofl is 18001 to an in prase nf 2fl4udver lost year tills increase plaoea acton equal or auov lb atioasiaaiit of georgetown and n bout the saine as milton the in- omauels more than one twentieth of tho total assessment of last year and therefore should enable the council to reduce tho rate of 30 mills levied lust year to at least 10 mills mr harvey r ireful assessment revealed the fact itut tho acreage on thu niseasment previously 807 acres was deficient and baa found thu trua acieafu to ite 420 acres tha dlaorep- ranoy waa largely in connection with tha iltiardmore properties nnd in tha outlying sections of tha municipality the enumeration of dogs baa some what increased last year there were ea inslee and u females this year there aiu 81 males and 13 females owing to the slight exodus occasion ad by tho temporary closing of the tanneries last fall the population has declined by 21 from last yeare figures assessor hmvey was much handi capped in his work by tho lack of n good map showing the- uu ui ur vays nf the town this very necoa sary adjunct to the corporations pos- soainus will be supplied before next assessment is made watch your tohouh if purred and coated it a leaklnjr olaaw mtomaoh watrnlmr wlion it is tha morning after tha night before you dn not have to look at your tongue to know that be tnmich is upset the head le aching no uppotite nerves on edge with all the sunshine of ufa clouded tho real time to watch tho tongua is all or the time h it la coated with a white fur or possibly with dark trim mings even though tho stomach does not tell you by the acute palna of in- digestion that it needs help yet tha coating shows that you are getting in to a bail way and that there is need of ml nnu ml o na is so positive so sure reliable in ita curative action upon tho stomnch that a t brown the local agent gives a guarantee of satisfac tion with every b0 cent box or money back foundation prtnelpte first i when wo undertake to fill your suoecriptlons we give them our undivided attention and host caro tlio patlonta welfare le our first con sideration second t wo guarantee our drugs to itoof full strength aa woll aa pure and frosh third t our customers aro auppllod with just what thoyaskfort aubstltut lug lo never allowed ralhufl oklbry courottoin if you aro a sufferer from kidney disease ivor complaint blood troubles rhoumatlrm neuralgia or nervous prostration wo confidently recom mend tho use of palnos colery com pound tills reliable and never dis appointing medlolno la a true disease banish or and system builder we supply tha gonulnu palnos celery compound at brown acton ont thorn is n million ways of spelling lovo and none of them confined to loiters the most beautiful summerlllti weather has prevailed throughout the west tho past week and farmers every- whore are busy with seeding opera tions tbo season is fully three weeks to n month ahead of laat year about ib percent larger aoerage will bo put in crop this year oallinarad a taffy pull alwfcya an enjoyable affair but on 8th april particularly so was hold at mr robert kerrs firth line its real object waa to enable frltnde to bid goodbye to alfred sherwood boy who la leaving ua for u different upbore of lire ho haa lived hero for seven years nnd during that time haa succeeded in making no mean number of friends who will certainly miss him though heartily wishing him success n bis future career everybody had a good time and went homo early in the morning cure cures coughs and colds quickly for tha wont cold the sharpest cough try it on a guar antee ol your money back if it doesnt actually cure quicker than anything you ever tried safe to tak nothing in u to hurt even a baby 84 years of success commend shlloha cure sllc mo easter perftjme8 fragrant and fresh excel for odor variety and lasting properties ehst9r different colors sco dy9s and dosirns for 5 cents we have a well chosen assortment of easter cards and greetings do not leave your selection until too late leave us orders for your baiter flower e a robertson plunp draogtat stattoner optlolan m street v avhjp staple depart merit orrertngs ajo yds white lawn 3 hi wide regular isc yd saturdays price iic at e 00 all linen table napkins bleaahad and dam aged clearing price c 30 napkins sale price 7c each 9 nuaklun sale prke re each 37 napkins sale price 10c each i napkins sale price ijc innupklas uale price 30 eacu some live suit ammunition tor saturday madi a puhchahi op 27 silklined spring suits regulsr 2500 suits sale 1775 the manufacturer note 1 for u very mttrkad nbllly to create the smartest iwjui sailing suits in this country offered m a very decided rediiell u on a clearing line coming at this incut opportune time when suit talk anal suit thought is prevalent these under priced suits are hound to command fsvor thoy re pre we nt tho intost styks not one umlcslr able garment in the lot all our clever productions the result nf artistic tailoring nnd judicial work in imditp wq have nrranflod for a special buiic to fncililnle prompt attention von buy fjuturday wu dyliver tinturduy there will im na reretltum of tliijoffer ihlulieakon u tnmw wllkllrisd bnhnar sutt only 17 7i on mturday cotorurbfowii uuvy myrlltf antl black ale ttaturday oniyrrom b so sum lo o no p m new fikma new mull nalusoqk lam bilk and laee waists ready for itasler l new shoes for easter rinimotd oldhlorywhlch rcridii tliuu i iio lilgeest autl hunt vnrlety nf bprlntf iihoen we over utocked is here to day old esptis slnns are hometimeu hu itust often the truest in thin instance it express what in absolutely correct wo hnvo fourteen more shea styles to show this season than wo ever offered brforc wo arc proud ot the retain of our preparation bo are our costainera increased spring silos bimlt ih tho best iriiof ee hjan s rtsw rtylo hechtlilu week new ilovci new hose lit variety capable of sup plying tke hires a easter demajfd ieveryone wants newgloves aad new hose of a style and farm absolutely correct and reliable every one wants tli em new we are heady bargain news from cadper and cugtain department for f to io prs white netlinirbam lute curtains si indies wide 3j yds long over locked edge new dchlxn regular fcjj 73 hpcclal suturday gi co for fl 6j topnt whlti 1 jed cmtnlnn 4 lucliuowlde h yds long dainty pattern regular price vi73 hpcclal saturday 1 9 9b momplfl nda allwool xndraln carpet one yard in aaob piaoo regular jtrloi 70o to 1 oo a yard fof 3do saturday sale df 40 oarpet ramnanta from 3 td 10 yard end thursday and bnturday clearing nt rom uant prices millinery llcms vire working over umd every niffht thla week rank itig proparatlodiffor nn collent variety of under priced jiuta f tr balurduy fiue what 9s 7s to 13 00 will do for you in our mil mnery department on hauir day a particularly nee showing of medium and low priced hats is what wo pur tietu offering our easier saturday trade murmurings about mens clothing there is no other way which can lend you to a knowledge of tho merit of our men clothing other than to give you the opportunity of examining the workmanship and style of the gnrnieats this offer of ours is a perpetual one any time wlitcu suit you so itu us what we wish you to know is what our clothing in hammering into every man and boy who haa u suit en lifrs back you can t equal the wear the style the shape keeping features of the ityan brand of clothing i men a clothing men n 1uriiinlil ata man shoes 1 the q d rvan co s men s blokl st ahnivrt gircli ui cinit ih u miiihv wllitm m llh g b ryan co quelph we do what we say nginl spring hhts our styles are correct n61n suitings raiterna uncluilve nein trouserings thevtry latest designs closb prices and first class eallifnctlon assured r e nelson uerchanl tailor and men s furnisher oublph ont have you defective eyesight gtyas j western eyesight specialist of toronto wll make his next visit to acton on wednesdayrsawj aprilt and may be consulted in brovos d store qp examinations s 1 b at most headaches as well most obscure diseases aro duo lo h aalfectlons it hlraporlint that vour spectacle and eye alasiei are h properly fitted nine years eiperlence d spring stock of footwear unusually attractive george stouel has his spring stock now completed and is satisfied lie can delight all customers hm nobby new lines of tins tipnngu tans patents and fancy footwear surpasses all previous seasons the daintiest kinds of new spring goods for ladtoa and children splendid heavy solid stock or farm and heavy work also eood stock of his ownmako prices always right here repairing and special orders promptly attended to geo- stoiz el- mill st acton the standard rotary is the only sawlns machine which with lis own meek nlsnt produces both a lock and chsln siltch perfeclly the chain sllloh is a modern necessity ensuring iba altal icily la seami required by tha many new erea tloas id ensure comfort infanta and children wear cannot be suitably made without tha chain bllieh taehanslhesticriwllhtlisfltandand rotary rom lock to chsln you simply change lite bobbin case and bobbin for tha spider easily done tha sttahdaiid rotary has proved ita superiority and supremacy through tclrii uaerullns p it for twentythr year machine nd ibeta machloe to tia have iba exclusive soency n ibis world renownsd stand ah au yil soad isfln itambt andad bowryvng machine wcqgooper t cmm mill vti hln sty auftni ww crowns the world king hats have faihlonible touch tint crowns- the world call in and see latest sprlna styles trouble lo show them g j wallace mens furnisher mill street acton learn dressmaking in a week sll it ta tarn to tnsli in evry sra llirounli only ei ir in lan t mamtwr laklns ll up 1 tn onui tww to cul lit an 1 put toflalhar snv from tl 1 ulnitl ihlrt wittt ault to nia ub r ffi r 1 ihatijw whnl fajnllycaa t tlllmm tar ln nmr sn t liiiv sntaa lo nlvw lifto of 1 4 sn j 40 wto u qtit over 7 oik an 1 piiarsi lo anynna itatiratn ihs ana cannituam lit warn olimll ona tu bf n knnwn lo oopy our sdva sn i avn lalmat tir tlwv wara rwil known io u th invantnr nr ihu coune no adv la sanuw wltlw it ri ir llofl 00 ntisr bass onisa saaara lint wra 0jutni ilsllona aa mora than silv hlralfonf onisrto cap irs inventor ao4 vtn sunsoridhd ht ck 105000 w the wellington mutual inrurangb company caubuabad lb4a utad offloe oublph ont aoton pump and tile works o 8 abbaok proprietor our premlsrs are now fully equipped with all the latest machinery end appliances for manufacturing ptitopm tadjpump bvpplltm tilt tar wllm elmfrnm eujreiu ete suata ape ntun toojm aad fjpt supptii orders promplly filled main striiut acton wall paper our igos stock bettor values than over shown before papers from jo por roll to 750 bonders same price per roll as wall if iuv 3kln mriitrivln coiik waxiku a vimte- lljllll 1 1 ii til aj0h wiuikhvandoites j v tin 11 mil ir lioknt 1 o fkt liut jjj irot l s11 t i lilt- j a iimtk tl u 1 61 ui aelon ikoijoitl j01t sale ahuullkkuf ri a an i wlli a uatt 1 hi if ipiiui hut iillliuill fl y to w kjubnmv vi liiy bl acton ron liatlhino mil miuiiluu i i iiiioiul lu uly at 1 lh itvwt h oil uiuil luvu ii 1 ho itu st ri aii uttl lu i rlcva 4j i j uiu inn aoion cajcliof thanks wl ll 4i ilsili ii iuilcrlaa und trim si i uu muoiiri i r ma syui ally an anlxa co n i up llnwirs asiil linn a hi i ra oauso i t f l u anal laut aul uatli otou 1 r ii llr llw thai wa ih roe lata otrertlili u ll l wai lu u lor u w mi i i mir miitsi i itiiaurssr aotoit aiii 111 lf dnitioii- oanadian duu1n1cuu if collkost utvi tononto eiu i i lor oifln ai i ill r h acton hand laundry james webster hftvlnp piirlhnrld tho lniindry ihiriiilsw of i clovcl dcnlrtst molklt tlio contln tidd potnmnj of thu nmnycuhlnmerwho hnvo favored iho iiuhuicki with tlielr ordem btrkt nttcntlnn uill ho pild to careful rllllueofull i rtluni i ml tho excellent class af work which inn nlnnyu bton turned out in tho 1stt will hu c nitlnued mr cuvcl will run uu with me till the i ut of april jamis vi tistdr millbtrcct acton arnolds livery station iiotii 5taulls mill bl aclon commlrciai travfilins oil oliks riven ipcclal ntiantian iicndv arnold w h walker painter paper hanger decorator main street aclon oppoilto stephonsan 13uckimllh bhop all work auarnniecd the work of years jn acton f proof ol its en cullence orders lofi al a 1 rrown s druff store will receive prompt attention w h walker aotom the berlin steam granite and marble works caspbn dnaun proprietor designers and ltnlljura ol btsiuei maus oleums monument markers and head stones and all klud ol artistic gembtery work wlliluiir hcufhtrcct arcoi aclon peoparo for podulpni roviun i r n in tdi of nmutli liy aimii4llu dit i iulr xoeonto 0ht this bohoo is noted far and n ar for tna superior ottuostlon btven to idants sn 1 1 r itis rai misclilu mm annlaurajiistt jnlhuooiwn tl a yithinsks ymilniepundaht ws today fur outaluouc v j imott vrluellsl cor voiieusiirt aloiamlerhiw proprietor kj nlqgturnouts to have a nice turnout in tha spring when ibe roads era rood t yuu should send your tiurrlas to onkiltfl oanniaob work gaorftsicwn and have them palni ed nou when you do net need them you can leave tbam hare until the roads are pood 8lbiohg rnd cuttbh8 a ew set nf ilaasure slalha on hand yel also a few pood second hsnd cullers and heavy hob sleighs will sell cheap to clear 4 n oneill ft n aatorobton

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