Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 16, 1908, p. 3

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wall papers window huaftjis cuiita1k lotkfl j unas we uail in call in and our now detune in wnll paper from 30 par roll ilordara um price aa wall- geo hynds mill street acton he ktlon jtet rm filuithiiay aviiih io iooh brlfr local items jlol crpia linns to morrow morn- ins vtliarrg4rkiiiliig tiplhutr bag pipe spring la ftoro tlio welcomeaprltig u hero hiod imdny to morrow a public holiday 8 v tiding bnt commenced in this vlolrilty kuslcr services in nit the churches itoitfc h nudity tlio full wheat lu looking unusually 1 woll tha spring t kfiuclo spilng lioran show at georgetown to day houia very una maple syrup ta being brought to nmrfcpl here tliednluly llttlo ontkliia me now aire telling nut their furry pawn ituke over your boulevard now nnd glvo tlio nnw gnus n olmtico the muddy street crossings would atnntl cleaning one of these una morn ings the school unclicia urn hltondlng tlta annual teacher inutjtuta nt qeotgotown mnny n girl wlio thlnka alio la too good to do imutownrk holloves that hor mother isnt now altdoni lot ub nil exert our selves to hnvo a tidy nnd nttraotlvc town tlila auniuior mr job ii thompson 1rln haa disposed of ida furtn property lu mr itobt mouutojiboil a toronto boy wae fined 1 00 and cost for ahootlng thrco robin on monday in all jfl 45 tlio howling green la being pub in- to condition for- tlio season it haa wintered exceedingly welt tho public and high school here oloaed on tueailay for kaater holiday monday april 27tli will lui roopenlng day meaara board mors ic co iinvo re ceived twenty five care of aoft coal during tho weak about a thousand tona rev v lynn of porlainouth ohio haa been appointed pastor of the disciples ohurchoa at kvorton and mimosa tho mothodut sunday school orchestra haa been engaged to play for a church entertainment in itockwooi thla evening an onjoynhln evening with tonny- bow waa conducted on tuesday at the kpworth league meeting miss annla l iliidaon had charge mr a t drown him just issued an attractive now picture postcard allowing tho grand itlvor up tho second lino above aetnn now that tlio snow and ico aro gono tlio street cleaning should com mence conditions will navor lie mora favorable than tlio present tho council ahould aeo tlmt all telegraph and tolophono polos are pointed thlaaprlng tboy ahould alao pultit their own electric light polaa tlio frlenda in england of the lata alfred iludd hnvo advised that mr jarribh abraham take nut letters or ad ministration for tho winding up of hi a eatuto tho old liarn on tlio property of john t brown mill street la being removed evtonalvo 1 in pro v omenta arocnntomphttodnii thla property the ooining eumnipr mr john a blank clerk or glen- olg townalitp haa won ilia ault for damages pgalnat the o p r in con nection with tho wreck at oatedon ha was awarded a10000 a aarvloa with tho church hymne will bo aonduotod liyltev o v bar- kor in tho mothodut uliurch next sun day ovenlng the surultiy school orchestra will aaaut tlio oholr meaara donor bcnlt a co have aucoeodod messrs ie ii bollurt as co merchant guelph mr bollerte gen ial face will bo much inlaaed lu the old stand mr andrew bcott la a member of the now firm a pile of hriiah haa boon lying near the corner of ohuroh nnd elgin street aver alnco tho pavement woe construct td thero last au minor it up to the corporation authorities to have tlio unsightly rubbish removod mis nina mckellar who waa member of the teaching staff yif acton public school twenty flight or thirty years ago died at puoblo oo on march 11th she wus nmtran at bui n aide hospital toronto forrnanyyeare mlsa ainolltt husband superfn undent of the ilaraot ilnspltal train ing school for nurses at brie pa baa favored the vrbh pjtbftfl with an invitation to tha graduating exercises and roeoptlon on tuesday evening slit inst hawtaroantanmry peertajrabumpaw tho poatmaitergfniirttl annuuneee that the poatofllce department in tends to issue a new series of postage etampe on tlio occasion of the three hundredth anniversary of the found ing of quebec tills summer tha reeumlat rirth ooaaartthlai weak this popular concert company will appear in the town hall on friday and saturday ovenlnge under the aueploea of aoton fire brigade doyla the tea girl and tlio beggnr student will be the operettas to be preeeented borne of the lead njtcrl tics hrtve spok en pt the new japanese operetta doyl the tea girl as being the elavereefc bit of light opera that haa bean written in yeare the etitry la full of situhtlone that give gwat soope i to the playora in both comedy and dra- mutlo work the beggar student u alto highly enoken or the brigade offers fuur reserved teats two for each nigntfo if tba sufeeee you now wear re tfoboprnfortableor if ha leneee require ehftngttiati odmuik oltaa x western irt brown drrig atqre wedneeday april fcfoti c news w local import mr v bhtyarv nowr ratdsnt aroliilect caiiieron imit prhinrnil tlm plana for mr ivter htiyeru imiv ut douce nt the coiner of olnircli uml pntdurlak httvata th new itdillc will lm a hauduoiiiti aihl ooiiiiiiihii m htruoture another ohtuter t mrhnt dank mr k elawraaon teller of the msr- ohanlbuaiikwaw traituferreduat wtwk to the toronto biunch mr v a moclean of tilbury la now in charge of the tellers cage hero mr maclean conies highly recommended and rapidly becoming acquainted with the ollantslaof the bank military at horn h llautcol w p monro and the officer of the 20tlr llogliiumt will hold tbulr animal military at llouiu in the town hall georgetown on friday evening april 2ih tho uivmlwre of uieoommltue in charge of the event are mayor grant cepu utillmiitlue bauduiaster olatoll and jlnnduinen col and pradlvy cwpt ariiif i- secreury w alv icaarter tfiylo all easter service wll bohold lu tlhf saboolroom of ilia mothodut churcli thu afternoon by the ladles of the womans missionary society an vldrvfts- will lm dellverd by mrs crowe of guelph mm moore ol tluejph will sing with juhnr iicciiiu- pan lent mlas liertlo hoiuh will ulau rendura solo the usuul eunler offvr log will b taken rev mr disk do to mlulon field ruv and mm dttvld dick uitm un to spent eeveral days during tlio wouk villi actnn friend 4 mr dick has re iikuni iiu charga of the duclplta cliurch at wycliwood purk mid la now i wm1 in evangvllatlo work ho in tends coiuplflthig his modlcwl couruo this full and winter lj an american collegs and will then piocoed insuuih auiorloa ta engage in uiuuloimry win k there sevmene by hew j m wrlarht huv j m wright or forgus preached splendid sermon in the methodist church last sunday in the morning he preached to tlio sun day school upon the character of sam uel in the evening the discourse waa baaed upon the life of st peter hev mr wright also gave an interest ing address nt tho sunday school ser vice in tla afternoon lajnjmtor of brampton dlatrlet mr w lyle grlndelt son of mr ii grludell baa been promoted to be local inspector of the mechanical depart ment of the bell telephone company at brampton ue will have charge of the telephones or the district tho new position not only carrtss addit ional responslbllltlee but increased salary lyle haa made rapid progress the three yeare ha haa been with the bell company married in teroata a quiet wedding wu performed in toronto on wednesday 8lh infct when alfred miller and mlse gertrude thompson daughter of mrs charlotte thompson mill street were joined in wedlock nev di a mcpherson of chalmers church performed the oere- mony the young couple havo been residents of acton for n numlwr of years but will now make their home nt ponetangnlaheno kaater afarvleen at st joaepha ilav father feeney has been in hamilton this week taking part in the divine eervlcee held by ills lordship tho bluhop assisted by tho priests of tho diocese the usual lsnton ser vice will lie held in st josephs church here on good friday evening nt 7 do oclock on easter sunday iuhm will be celobrated at 800 a in at george town end at 10 00 am in acton vee- pars will be sung at 7 pm bapuafe chureb pulpit rev vbtirtird ma of thurso que preached in the baptist church on sunday afternoon with a vlow to a call ills sermon waa much enjoyed by the congregation bov mr tel ford also preached nt georgetown ilev w e norton d d superin tendent nf home mission will prencd her next sunday bov dr norton u former pastor of the church here and his vlalta are alwnye cordially welcomed by tho poupto committed rbr trial information waa laid on monday evening by mr martin murphy agnoa street charging alfred mlauuii a barbers apprentice with an lildooent assault upou hie little four- your old daughter during the afternoon tim case came up for trial beforo h p moore j p on tueailay afternoon the evidence of the father nnd mother of the child and or the family phy sician waa eo strong that mcoanleh who la about seventeen yeare of age waa sent to milton to stand his trial saturday heavy gial the wind blew on saturday a terrific gale and scattered loose things gener ally several iquaroe of thn metal aiding and roofing were torn off tho sole leather tannery a heavy sky light at the g t it warehouse waa lifted from its fastenings and crashed through another skylight lower down landing on a pile df leathor on the ground floor a young lady had hor band bag npen on mill street white on shopping expedition when the wind caught a 95 bill nnd blew it beyond io- overy death of mr william smith aftftj thirtyeight oontlnuoue yeare pent in acton death removed mre william smith weil bowor ave nn thursday lost mrs smith had been an invalid for over three year hut was lovingly ministered to by her daughter mlsa ltute and her eon william deceased whose maiden name we elisabeth klllrn wna imrn 1n county armagh ireland on march aoth ibm sha wo married to her late husband william smith in 1868 he predeeeased her ten yeare ago last christmas aer twelve yeare of married life he family came to cana da leaving the gravee of two little eons in ireland bringing with them sam- ueh moaee william and lhnle sam uel died the year they oame to aoton 1b70 and wllhftn and moe after limy had grown to manhood and settled in life during iter wlduwnnod mine dixie and wflllatnwho la abler of acton fire brigade have given moat the baptist laymens missionary glial care and attention mr smith- conference for ontario nnd quebec waa a faithful member of the ohuroh i will ha hold at momaster university or england and the funeral on sunday i toronto m may lath and 15th mr afternoon wae conduoted by he m the purpnea of giving aoue definite touring in france- and italy hra o so smith nd her mm allan benloylnar th slaihie r th old world til ib v vjht mot vibir homk during thw patt week thif vtttttt lltku hna rueelviul the following let tare and poat earde irom mr a m smith from various- points en routit on their europmii tour they are awl dently enjoying lheiiimlveavttiyiuuchl nice frmncv march 2uih 1006 dkau mn editoh i we are in nice ae you cmiseeby the letter head this la one of the moat iwauttfiil oouotrlee i think in the world with the exception of con our own the weather hare la similar to our cllmala during the month of mwy am the fruit u rlpr here now i that u oraugfwittid other frulle all binds tif flowers ere in bloom the hnutev ere iwaullful simply grand he ing all built on tlte oriental style but they havo no uwuu the grounds are urgo with lytutlful pulniarl olive trees but ul grounds are all covered wlih gravel and whatllttfn graae thuy do have le not eared for to any extant i think we all have a iiilstaken fdea of the frenchman at least i had i was iilways under the impression he was inclined to ho lavy and untidy about hi homo or farm but it la the very opposite to that their farm are the inn l tkuulirully kept i have ever wen wnciiim- from london to nlcn by way of diept4lliroiigh purlumid thtni by way ir lint vullty of ihe ithuiio whloli u mumtly diwoled to vluvyhrda all the way from ptiila t maraeilleu mid fioni mhtwilua tu nice tic ucmiieiy in the wholn of france i uluiply imyoiul description litre ih m bulli valley nod mouiituln sccueiy the ritllrimiilh me of tho iteut all mo nt leuut floiibto i lucked nnd umnu four irhflud thu llntt ciuhs coaohea ere vt ry comfoi tiilito nnd the expreue tntine truvul at the retit of seventy miles nu hour and urunlwiiyson lime ijut with nil the beau tie of tho country 1 would not live in it nny longer than i could p it makes a follow homesick i cuu tell you when you cannot hear a word of your native tongue spoken and ell the customs are entirely different in what we are used to in america the hotel in the country nro almply palaces that isttie public part of them thn greater amount of money in their erection is silent in the different dining rooms raevptlon and ballrooms they are mostly all copied after some of the great french palaces the paintings und decorations make you sit up and take notice and lire simply grand this is ono of the finest hotels in nice it u very gay here at pr i nt a lot of the nobility from the different coiintrloe ere here at present and it is one con tinual round ufentertalnliigarternoon and night at elxthlvty dinner la served and all the guest era drtssed in thu finest they possess and all deck ed up with their diamonds the main dining room haa fuur tables running tho length of tho room and if you havo over heard u real frenchman talk you can form tome ideaibat it is like when it le full monte carlo la just ten miles dlu- tant wo were down there yesterday it is the limit tho one principal place thorn le the gaming palace you ontor the front door and stay a while or course tho tlmo le left with the por eon who enters and the length of hit puree after you are broke you are polltidy shown tho back entrance and thdhall porter will politely auk you tf you care to go to tlio shooting gallery if eo you can do so and also get u six shooter free of charge for personal uao it la the only thing you can get i be lleva in thla country free of clmrgo wa aro leaving for italy tomorrow afternoon and intend to get through with thn continental part of our trip we want to get back to english speak ing people again wu will go from horti to florence and venice nnd on ukn oonio and then through the bbtok foreat in germany nnd luck to farla wo are nut going tu boinr as thero fv a plague there now we were to havo gone from hore to rome hut instoail aro cutting across to florence nnd milan will ba rather glad when we get back to america again as it gels pretty tiresome kind regard amam m suitii marseilles france march uttli 1008 arrived in this fine city yesterday it is a great centre for tourist i think it le the finest city in franca ith tho exception of paris a m s genoa italy march 28th loob have reached thhi old latin state and are enjoylug the sights of genoa have vlsllvd the great cathedral here eight centuries have passed since its oreotlon tho private ohnpel of the king of italy is here it le a mass or paintings and decorations in gold pure gold 20k waa used in ell these it line not been cleaned for two hun dred yeare yet it u perfectly bright and dwelling much of the sculpture wo executed by michael angelo and it le of course magnificent we havo aluo visited the home of christopher oolumbue here a u 8 milan italy march 00th 1008 wa are now in milan and naturally have made m llano ii duorao the great cathwjral our first objective point this is considered ono of the greatvet cathedrals in the world the body or si charles le in a vault hero by paying five francs or ave lire you may eee it and all hie jewels while investigating these suhterranean mis sago the cardinal i above holding a public eervlce anything for the al mighty lira one of the big items or expense on tills continent is the con stant tipping or omolale and guides thla le a great cltya m b lucerne switzerland april 8rd 1008 soriiary bra u simply grand wae up on one of the peaks this morning six feet of snow and ry cold there toaiue through the st gothard tunnel yesterday took twenty minute train going at about thirty miles nn hour a m 8 social and personal alt nuuln hdti whi home for a few duyu till j vtet k air it a hoimiuoii made m wek end vlull uhlrtitruid ml- wimilfimi mirru fhlrlford la n giitiat nt mimirvoroft mudolaitt a moore vultod friend in llockwood over bundey mr cliae e akin or midland visited anton friends last friday mr john kuntiey sr i apendlng a few weeks with brampton friend mua mm y smith oame from toronto on halurdity to vult acton friend mr lluuton brown le home from victoria university for the eaater hullday mr john stewart son or mr w a stewart is lymiu fiom plluburg pa on a vult mr- j w uewr f mluon spent fay orat jhl week at the home of her paranlu mlsa meggle mutthuws of toronto nput n day or two thte week wllh aefou friend dr john m mcdonald and moati hector if muutiey spent a few days last wk with aoton friends mrs jwiues bear row qf guelph bns been spending the week wllh li r daughter mre george htovel mr hugh mcltughlln who- wa very iii last week line materiel lm- proed km u now recovering mi john cole arrived home from tint noith went on thursday to spend o fi w weekx under thu parental roof mr ihidmijmuhbgiichiltiirwwl toronto whir lu utwll httrndliig the fonurul of tlieli uupliou iliu lato john moffat mr it j htu ml em of saginaw mich anno to ultrfld tin fuiiera of tho late alrb win hinltli and u i- mnining with the friends it few days mlaaeri mamlu icviinedy and geitrude thompson of qtnrgetowii wvru in town on monday iittendlng ihu eaater concert jif i in melbodut sunday school mr j o hill wont to toronto on monday evening lo attend the concert glvon by jusvf hafmun and frits kreuler tho renuwned pianist and vlollnut rov w a cameron b a leader of the momaater evangelistic band mid well known in acton hoe been called in tho pastorate of bloor street buplut church to succeed bev j d frueman m a the big ssle starts thursday april 10th 1008 ombtiiina oak bid done ontnrrlml troubles ere increasing not only in acton but nil over the country on tar i h is u germ disease and to cure it germ ufa in tlio nose throat and lunge must imi dustroyed nnd this can imi dune only by breathing uyomsl there la no dangerous stomach drug ging whin hymniit is used t no tablet or liquid mlxiurua whoreby the dig- satlon le often dustroyed breathed through the neat pocket inhaler that comce wllh every outfit ta healing baliauie penetrate the most remote air colls destroying the catarr hal germs so tlmt quick recovery fol- iowa tho oomplulo outfit east hut 91 00 and a t brown agree to re fund the money ahovld hyomel full to do nil that is claimed for it lyivera of real art will vujoy view ing thu display of htnid pnlnted thlna painted by mm anna m add nek oxhlb tied lu ii u uusworlhe stort window the exhibit is mast artlstla and cum prises many dainty and beautiful pieces nick hmdubesbdrdt all the bmumtad dent tea bthooa stale eftbeajrtjftjt soeh aa lufeee yomwatjul tine mn sm qutiry vdnwm cielipmlimmidpt sisa fazrtfdfa4ra cures constipation better than pills for liver ills cct 25t5t box w soldeyurywhiii- ewis medicine cost louis for sale by e a rototson druut acton padaciaanppaappdpdddanqdnpaadddapnddonaaandaaanp h a 1 horse sundries s p i i p p b 2 g g j s hhinlt haa arrived live farmers and stock- n q 2rv ntn everywhere begin to think about g g clipping their horses and fitting them for the spring work in this tine of goods our stock g p ifl new and complete consisting of clippers of all g g kinds bingera brushes coinbs etc in hand g w cuppers we can furnish you with the best in y g the land g g iienr bokert ball bearing at tft pair g g henry bokcru suvcreign at 110 pair g g henry hokers perfection at 150 pair g g henry bokers keen cut at iw pair g n a u ordera lalton for biowarl a iripriiod power olippara ulih p g enclosed ooar rlco b 73 tbh u tlio noateti tlmploat tironjobt h and i oil clipper on hid marboi in day rj p a i r f johnstone fe co s agcnib mills for mrlln senoiir iool ltire paint acton ppppnpppnpppnnapddodppnppppnpdnpddpnpnnnaopnanpp h h uns vsrorth men6 ready-to- wear suits swils that in pattern of cloth cut and finish will pleaao tlio most cxnciinu taste latest patterns and bliades at 800 s 1000 1s0 and 1500 per suit mens trousers choice patterns backed hy quality and finish at itfi to t0 per pair mens hats vsrmir tejal jajfttwii uksluu seuea pfiaabtdfwae ulttt susttttl p juv vtbev mr mhk bibmt latest blocks in derby and kedora styles caps full stock of now spring caps for men and boys boys suits odd pants a specialty extra quality and values h h unsworth kct0n e r bollert cos entire stock to be cleared regardless of lost no reserve ltsm worth of new goods have been added to the stock and will be sold without profit to atbist ihis big sale take advantage of the cheap rates imfl ijetj our dry goods at ices than wholesale cost special easter millinery display benor scott cfe co gu9lph the right house hamilton 3 ravoiutk siioitinc tlalk preeaster sale conic to hamiltons best store the right house for your easter outfit and save money womens 1750 suits at 1000 smart new easter styles that fit in distinctive fashion broivn navy greens and black panama cloth womcni 10 and 12 voile skirts 750 handsome black voiles tailored in graceful hang ing pleated and silk fold trimmed htyles very smart and dressy easter hats j50 550 730 becoming new easter styles in merry widow sailor turban and rolled brim effects beautifully trimmed in many charming ways you can save two dollars at least on these we prepay freight and express to any point in ontario on orders of 500 or more write or samples of dress goods thomas c w atkins gorncn kino st east huohioh hamilton ont jacksons jacksons oar now system or caflh duylntf ftud cah boiling enable tu to offer you thu week borne bjtf sflapa- io ties menu tllaclc dsnlm overalls with bib also iwoclis to match regit lar 85c to x 00 thla week tyc 8 doa mens work shirts striped o if onu medium to dark shades regu lar jo to 63 tills week 430 dm mens work skirts black drill with whits stripes and spots regular 7stonjc tliiswoak ftoo 30 dot menu fourlnlltnd ties 1 doe shield keek ties is do bow ties idl brand quality nllk new designs and rich colerlns regular ojc this week a for aje do you net now wlnli to select yeur sprlay vnderwear and hosiery while oar lines are complete you knew if you come now yeu can choose from n larger line mian if you come later we wish to begin selling our spring underwear and lleilery early we are marking the price ee these goods low so that w shall not havo any to carry over when the telling season la put these are the values we can give yell ladlen embroidered black cash- more iloie si 9 n and 10 regu lar aso this week am lndlcn ninik cashmero hose ribbed or plain niies 1 q qi and io regular 3s and 40c this week 95c iadioa taltoln gloves how brown and tan shades regular 500 thte weak 330 dru3s goods specials illack melrono cloth regular q this week ojc cream limtre fancy paltenia regit- larsjc thluweelt 58s satin finish prunella cloth regular 1 00 this week 73c striped crepeou regular 85c title wssk j3o satin cloth regular 7jc this week 4b0 tear buttons doten a corset cover embroideries tlila week ejn patterns 17c 35c patterns 33c tscputerae 31c 600 patterns 430 s uch silk ribbon best qimllty all colors regular aso thlaweeu 100 4 inch silk ribbon regular aoo this week 160 j lacb silk ribbon regular 17c this week 130 a big bholng of laces embroideries and dress trimming all at special fig ures j h jackson c borg btosne n bbkutipul nbllli housefurnishings prbsh f3r07uc tho tokklbtes a toil which awakens her lo the nouda or lia nilural tendency i driperlea hajwij or tub day at ihu lime of ibe year houtekeepere are ficed wllh the prohlema of home rlaanlns ii is on wlih lbs oil on wllh the nawa seneral freabenlnit up of fiirnlmilnna aa well ns woodwoib fi wheo bed seta ere found to be worn hnsiing needle be re placed and conchas need re coverlnk thai we bve anticipated your wants of ihla characlerpiriplimid prool la oltored hy our spring showing ol carpet end ourtalha bed sets roriler and coach cnvers etc every article la this depart meal is ol absolutely dependable rjualily gutrsnleed the values in every inalanco are ihe beat lielter there are items whwh should convlece houaekeepere ihil it would be unwise to datay buying whatever iiduib fuvnlahlnga she may need after houseclaaotoj thla spring bum upyour needs now mke out a list of l hem and we will show jou how to check off that list more economically loan oo ever dreamed wae pptlble lace curtains in a yard lenalba el aoa and 730 end up lo ta 33 a pair 3 and 3i yard lengths from li up 16 io a pair tadsstrv curtains from la y to its madras curtaining from roc up to flje a yard dud ski h including lace bed spread end aler yrom f lo li countbrpanebslngle and double ted slieslirom f 1 lo bio ooucii covuittlmram f 1 30 to to bol 4l froei m to iai7 window shadescomrerante of shading any ilse made to order from 33c up 1 n iid ajterititter ruga all slus irom tl3 np rugs laptsiry ruga sites 3113 up lo 4k imcponaltgbros guelph jat 190bspring1908 ladies spring jackets 71 n extensive range of natty stylish mckin- 3m non made jackets in black fawn and lancy tweeds prices will be found much easier than in the cities for tho samo class of goods spring jackets will be in much demand this season skirts in navy myrtle brown black and fancy tweeds those pretty pleated styles will be hot favorites millinery the millinery department is in full swing we are making a big effort to give yqu this season the most uptoritc creations and the ixbt viltins 10 uii found lu ll inilllutr hade we solicit inspection and a comparison of styles and values henderson fe co mild street aqton

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