Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 23, 1908, p. 3

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wall papers window shapes cuittain poles j una wo lead in cull in and p our new tlealsn in wnll paper ram 30 par toll i lord or 4 him price a wall geo mill street hynds acton he tton 3fttt ras 11iui1hday april xi loon bricr local items gardening vpf how go forward wllh rapidity trobt fishing ionann ophi n week from to morrow iwonto liad fiair itlchos of tn on mnhdny mprnlug llmllng toris tone rate fa the year liai been struck at 10 mills out twenty yonrs ago column la on foitrlh pngo tlila week tlic foundations for mr o o ii under sons now residence imvo wan excavated tlie health oflloor will commence hla spring sanitary inspection on the luli of may tlioro wan n profusion of liotiiiilful hotter llllca mid out flowers in the churaliiui on sunday o nod friday was n bright and sun shiny day and poopio everywhere en joyed tho spring weather d a dickson came from hamilton lost waok nnd mndo nn assignment to w ii danny for the itajiaht of hla creditors mr ii h wnrdone irlili water hpsnlel uarnoy swept all the loading prlxos in hlu class nt tho dog show in toronto laat weak rev j ii m11ii111 of fergus will preach in knox church next sunday the old gentleman la nlwnys welcom ed by tliu congregnllon the uatinl tntoaprll snow storm aatue on monday morning it cleared the atmosphere nnd will be good for tlio advance of vegetation the evening with knstor hymns kttho mothndlsb church last sunday evening conducted hy rev o w darker was very interesting mr martin murphy purchased last week fmniw ii denny the frame homo nntl lot on arthur street belong ing to wnlter itainlwrt of krln reeve swacklinmnier reports that there n number of clthcene already applying to have pavonionla lajd in front of their proportion this season tho sale of wood belonging to d a dickson was sold by bailiff lawson on saturday robt rounett pur chased the slabs nnd j ii denny tho wood street commissioner carnahan baa been rnklng tho boulevards this woelt iio will put on the road ma chine end bcrnpo off tho mud after tho next rain mrs thos t mooro offers for ale two flue building lota adjoining her residence on yotinpr street there nre lip finer building lots in that part of the town a dead bono who burled in the park the other day without permission jhalrnmii uptight snye if any dead animals nro hurled thore horoafter the offenders will bo prosecuted anumliorof persons on thoindlan ltsflntownsoem to have no difficulty in getting supplloe of liquor some one or moro persons are laying them solve opon to legal proceedings the presbyterians of nookwftod have extended a call to the rev j a dodds of drldgehiirg mr dodda woe the choice on the first bnllot and the call was afterwnrde utad iinan- imoua w k bohoolcrnft will offer for aale by auotlon his bnuaebold furni ture and effects at hie house next nelson tc gos store on saturday afternoon nt one oclock win hem- streetls auctioneer j dickson nn acton ninn la try ing to interest men of money in n new railway scheme he wnnu to start a summer park at georgetown and to build electric railways from both dur- itagton ami west toronto to clsorga- bawn hurllngton on setts utmue siad delile publicity an interesting series of ads will ap pear in this paper on behalf of the sunshine furnace manufactured by heolsry mfg oo london canada the bret of which le shown inthlsluue newspaper advertising is m part of the hoolary publicity programme and works hand in liund with an extensive follow up system the series of ads were prepared hy a a drlggs adver tising manager of tho maoiary com pany and placed ly mcconnell-per- gusson advertuing agency london ueansmm continued for thirty day at the meeting of the license com missioners at milton last saturday the licensee af the tbreo hotels hem were extends for oue month only instead of the year asked for it is alleged that ibis notion was taken because the commissioners believe there is too ration selling aftor bourn and also that the long list of persona on the indian list here is an indication that num bers of persons have teen aupplled wltb liquor when intoxicated the keens at btewsrttown was also withheld aft albsuva bsuur day special services ware held in bu albans church at b 00 and 1080 a m and 7 p m the sermons were very hearty and special anthems and solos were given by tbeoholr the offerings amounted to 10 the following glfte for easter were acknowledged grate fully by the rector 1 a large brass alms plate the gift of miss carrie smith and miss mary smith in mem ory of their father the late j henrj smith a quartered unit uhrary dssli executed nnd present by mr walter 1 flood a meitiber of the congregation jl box of whte miles and aarnatlons far the altar by ins tubers af the congre gation oobd friday was celebrated hy pow service at 1000 a tn the choir was well represented and render- 4 special muito for the ooeaalob ln- km 4 j wst fltor of tnb oroes kt i lfi 4 atew drop of oil of uwntur in ksvi 5or hot water wiq hwow any du t mwr news of local import captain klnjnitnuta rrometlen it is ntportitd that copiuln o k klngsnilll rnmninntlur of his meji styu battlfshlp doinlnlnu is to be nppohit ed ommimnder of tho canndlhit hum otherwise th cituadlan fluhcry pi in tlve luet ciapt klngsmlll was torn in quttlpli in ifuuf and entered the royal navy in ifloo hols a sun in law of mr wnlt nr hnnlmure k1ptut ohurah ojervie rev dr norton 9nprliili of home mimioih preuched in tlio tlup tlst oh u roll last huudny nftm noon he referred to tho knsler spirit spoka strongly on the eiihji cl of hoino mlulons and referred in vciy kindly terms to tho ditye of hla pstorat hero kk mayor urmiliatt of toronto will occupy tho pulpit next sunday at 1 p nu th w bfl m kiratharls the insetlng of the womans missionary auxiliary in the malliodut school room last thursday afternoon was full of interest to the ladles inter ested in missions mr c c jpdgut presldent of the auxiliary presided mrs crows of qusph gate a com prehensive and inspiring address on the work of the womans missionary society miss ijertlo smith sang wry sweetly sweeter isvvry moment there were also tho usual iuter roll call and offering ooae jtalnat a mo can tab tiimttimmd tho case against atfred mcounuli for indecent assault cmna up for hear ing before ills honor judge gnrhnin at the court house milton yeutunlay forenoon as there was not biifflclnnt cnrroborntlve svldeneo tho judge cl ji iiilsaad the case in discharging the prisoner however he addressed him in very strong terms in effect tn anld 1 have no doubt whatever that you wore guilty of taking improper liber ties wltb the little girl i believe nil in the court room who have beard tho evidence have no doubt n tho nmttui t and i um sum your own coruclonre tells you you are guilty 1 turtlue you to change your u110 of conduct or the future will have in store for you ex periences which will lie much 10 youi disadvantage an kxamplatooldsi workmen on saturday morning 11 hurry upor- dorcumrto 11 certain home in town for the removal of 11 couple of tons of coal from one side of a certain woodshed to tho other tuefatherwaslaldupwlthn serious attack of inusoulnr rlieumn llamandwasunnblotnwoikatall mas ter john a lad of about twelve years spoke up and said i think i could do that work father the job seemed too big for such a hid but ho finally persuaded them to let him try ha went to work and moved the 2000 pounds of coal in three hours and a half anil did the work to the entire satlsfaotlon of tho person who gave the order heie is an example to the men who stand arannd waiting for work to come to them if they would get out end hustle ovnn at n small temporary job good employment would soon open to them happily waddad last week a pretty though quiet wadding took place at the homo bl mr wnil mrs conrad hlldenhrand on wcdnasdiiy april loth at a 00 p 111 it holug tho marriage of their d might 01 suphlu to mr john rite of derlln tho hrldo who was given away by her oldost brother was tastily dretisod in bluu voile trimmed wltb yoko of ovorlnce and satin folds nnd currlod 11 bouquet of white carnations miss paulino hillenbrand was bridesmaid and mr george nildenbrand groomsman tho ceremony was performed by uov o w barker in the presence of only the immediate relatives after n bounteous repast liad been partaken of kind wishes for futuro happlnesu of bride and groom were expressed the young couple left on the evening train for their honeymoon trip the bride was the recipient of some useful and pretty presents a happy home sadly bereft a little over a year ago duncan r scott took to hie homo at lot 22 in the fourth concession of iqueslng his happy bride nee misu ida taylor of peel county the year spent together was full of the happy experiences which aome to a young cnuplu bullit ing a home together and they lud laid plans for the future ths culmination of which would have meant much to tholr comfort and enjoyment on the 11th inst a dear little daughter was born to them but the advent of the babo cost the mother her life for several days ho made satisfactory progress but about the last of the week hor condi tion became serious and alio rapidly became worse until monday morning her spirit took its flight in his great sorrow mr scott has the sympathy of a wide circle of friends tho lube is quite healthy and it is hoped she may lie spared to comfort the heart of the bereft father the funeral yesterday afternoon was cond noted by tho rev o w darker the pastor of tho decoos- ed service was held in the presby terian church llmehouse and intar- ment made in the cemetery adjoining hew mefcnocuee vareeuaate at the close of the morning service at the methodist church lut sunday morning mr john coleman sec rtituiy treasure or the parsonage trustee hoard mode thelutsrestlngmnnonnoe- ntent that theoavd at re meeting tho thursday evening previous hud com pleted negotiations far the purchase of mr isaac frstnefs fine hrlok resi dence on willow street for a parson age in the course nf his remarks mr ooloman said it was quite fitting that this property should lie secured as tho home for the pastor of the mthodisi church it was a methodist who had secured the property from the crown 1 the house had been built by a metho dist and for twenty years it has been one of the forvmost methodist homes of the community the house is a very commodious and bonvenlsnb one it is in a fine part ol the town and will males a fine parsonage it looks how ever as if the various ehurohrsln town have conspired to have nil fa mlnls tere on one street knox church manse ht albans iteotory and tbf methodist careenage are now located within half a block from each other manv castlrtidl visitors rev ur bfrker will remove to the new premises about the first of july- much regret is felt in town hist mr d mrefrnot have decided lo r manv otiibhw out of town krtstnr ilnltors wer inntu than usually mimnrniib dining tlm wk the following uanioa have ltnn kcmired by the vnuu pkkhh 1 miss ruby clark of jirvl- miss rva huiltlt of 1 iwvllu miss nettle noblx of toronto miss agnee tovnll nf toronto miss delia storey from toronto mins mtiggle dennett of knttlnhy miss annie caranti of llrncelirldge miss minnie dennett visited friends in hornliy dr nnd mrs horo spetit knater with friends at ilreslau mrs itoliejrt jar roll and chhdien or toronto r nnd mrs alex muttliews of toronto mr clarence iternley and kllus helena of toronto mr tafbert swindle frpiirl new market j miss tann rtusr wni bonlo from toronto miss ilortlo smith spent kiistci in toronto mr campbell clark was homo from toronto miss agni hell spent tho holiday in in iciorn miss d mgdonnld wna home from hook wood miss k m hammond is nt hor home at ii rant ford mr r modonnld nf flirnlu whs in town this week mr n l mcmillan of tmontn here for knateei mine jean smith iu home from ni on for the holldnya miss hnn imirson of out iph la liome for the holiday mr john p wnrden win in toionto for flood ivlduy sheriff clenikiitn nf miknn was in town on tin sday mi john mcmurohy is home from norviil thla week mlns queenlo mil ilyro in nt hrr homo nt lulnwel ciipt arnold of luorgotown wnu in town on riiturdny miss myitln matthews was boms from cnlrilon knst missus hnxel and itttle muson vlult oil friends 111 alton mr joseph laehy visited friends in toronto over krister miss florence holmes of rotbsay came homq for faster mrs w j humphries nnd miss gladys of georgetown mlsa huxel qlblmnehaalwhin visiting with friends in toronto mr and mrs a a hecorri punt thursday inst in toronto miss myrtle wntson is homo fiom george town high schnot mr nelson gnrden spent good ill day at bis home in berlin mrs john stephenson nnd miss joule were in toronto for kuster mrs spencer husband andulndstono wore at kilbride for faster mr nsrry campbell of westtoron to vlulted his parents on fueter mrak modonnld of tlm merchants ilnnk gslt was home for raster musure h grahnmandr hyndv of glenwllllumo spent kitaler in town miss annla wallace spent the holi day with mlsa wurien nt wychwood mr john leavena left last week to tnka up his resldenoe in parry sound miss clam bpelght of georgetown spent the holidays wltb acton friends mr r d storey of toronto visited at his fntheis home over the holidays miss kllen nlcklln giielpli at the homa of her sister mrs a ii drown miss hal arnold of georgetown spent sunday with mrs r d graham mri w ii gurnoy nnd itnbo mur- jorle returned homo tn wlngham this wook mr and mrs ii u wortlen or to ronto spent sunday visiting friends in town mls daisy nlcklln was home from nurllngton and miss fdltb from to ronto miss delia stephenson spent raster with friends in hamilton and c11i0 donln miss lily patterson of wlngham was the gusst of hor friend miss nellie hynds mr james l wurron spent raster with hie mother and other friends in toronto mr btoluy d a of georgetown high school a guest of principal stowait miss annie l ittidson is enjoying the faster vacation at her homo ut runnock mrs j m howard of kxeter whs the guest of hor daughter mrs ii stathnm mrs frank matthews and bube of dcrltu vlulted acton friends duilng- tho week misses ida and beatrice gruhnin spent the riuiter holidays with friends tn fergus mr gordon johnstone of guoph visited at tho home or mr wllllum johnstone mrs w j stathnm and son of uxeter werogsustsat mrt stathams ohuroh st mr jus arthurs arrived home last woek after spending several months lu muskoka mr and mr w d varhos of to ronto visited at his fathers home over the holidays mr and mrs d moklnnon of guulph spent sunday in aeton and nassagaweya mr gordon unynian visited nt tho home or his friend ur r b w law rasan in st george mr and mre w g lawsnn and babe of ouelpb spent the holiday wltb friends here principal stewart is attending the annual meeting of the ontario kduca tlunal association miss wilson of west toronto is guet of her unole rev j 0 wilson ii a at the manse mr y ii gurnoy of wlnglmm was hem for boater ha alio took a trip o parry sound mr u j moore editor of the ohm- hdlan grocer toronto was home during the holidays mjoe mae moore returnd home on monday after spending a week 01 tin with wehds in toronto mrs edward matthews and miss mr- mlllnrd mid ml- myrtle nnd hurt hi of ftimlpli wrru guobls nf arton honda dm log llm wi pi mi if plrtkord 11ml ml- alice noby of ii million apout r mti r at tb home of mi it urge agnew mr ii flilnimi lu hthindlng th ontiuli v liirnllmi il association tiiiitmtuhii iunuto dr miitlmd nd mum milne nr toronto who guruls nf tho homa of mr it ihh l valine lust woek mmury t ii moon of dundns nnd john h of toronto nnd muw tattle ofloionto worn home for raster mr linrgo lllldttnhrand who has litrn upoiidlug n ftw wfoks nt home ivfllilftllliiiruilny for johnstown n y mr i a mclean of tho merchunls ii ink puut 11 fiuv days inst wpek nt the bonin of mr l m scarfy in gnoigi town mr and mrs c wlthlngtomletthvst witk fo luglmid inlllng front st john 1111 h loirdny- llioy will spend er vera i months in tho old country mrs norrluh spout n few doya this w 1 k with frlondir here shr n- joyul hurtilp to thn nirtb west 11ml callfornl 1 vury iniicli shu hs ioiv luhklnghri hninalo iruvnto mrnr iiimmu oiriiiihiin was catted id mono it 1 ul lil tlinraduy owing to tlini 1 inns lllnoati of iur iiiotlwr who siiffiuil fiom n stroke of pnrnlysls off 1 r ctirnnhnu was nuo at mono it j ul over lfwtor c ata fintl nowcutlablh but nsvei by msdlelne awallowed bnurfm spmys or douoha ciitiinli is not 11 ht d disease nnd that is why it cannot be ciin d by nny inidlelmi inkim into tliu stonmob ctitiirrli is h gnrm trouhln rontracted from tho m riu huh 11 nlr you hrrnthii inwiird tlioxo gurmn ftulon them selvoa in i lot llmin uiul nlr ct lis of the hrenthlngorgun multiply by million cniiso amiilng coughing mi ing nf mtiooiib dlxlniigo from the none dlffl cully in hiinthlng boiiriiiitnu dry iiohi nnd fctojijiiiiftt nf tho noun tiik- llng in tin ihioiit uiul other symptoms hot can mil be it 111 hod by tho dry oh pilndp f llin i nn dluili s tin nlr you bionlltn with 1i111 1 in itlic pioportloa of tho aiihliiillitii riicn1ptiis forests whnra culm ih u unknown 1 ho n iiuiiii you gut relief in n inlniito twoiiioiu iijoiiuiu hocaiibo it do utiojs ovury cittiuiliiil gorm in the nlr you liunlhi nnd its dry ponntrntlng rnmn will rouch tho innorniobt rocoss us of tlm nit pi sen gnu killing millions f germs ft mlinulc their destruction nitmiiu freedom foi opprissod replra- toiy orgnnu a t diown sella ilyomol ninlei 11 giinrnntro of entls ruction or money b ick pi ice 91 00 oloalne meatbhep owing lo ill in iilih i linvti dccldrd to otoxo my meatuhop till fiuthbr nolice iduulio lo tluiiik my iniiny enstomors for theli llherfllvippnit nnd liopo k foro mnuy months to lio nhln to servo thmn ngnln f w gllirk a trajrsdy atonkvllle hiivuiliig butwuun ii fo nnd denlb in a ward in tho general huspltnl la rich ardslrmtw juirsnldnhilskutmnker or onkvlllv 1 lu caiiso of tlm pat louts ncrinua condition is two inilloto wounds ncelvud on thuruduy nfternonn while roalstlng nruot hy chief onnstnblo oh nr i id pai kin iud county constable william cronkrlti- nt onkvllle for an ullogid ludutiont nsmiilt nn a little five- m old girl lllllo lltiynod n grand- d 11 tighter of tlm proilnubu of the station hotel nt onuoik tho con stable olalinn thn shuts were inmlvert- nhly iroil in iho struggle with the iicouued absolute security qenulne carters little liver puls mut iw slgntura of 8 pmimu wiw nam vw uull ml u ut llubhiini fukugjuil 1 roi binmut roi iiuamiitt nmtrwuvti rei eewtihtiom mi uiuw ikm in tutcommjulm minna wuifjlhu m cure oiok headaohk bank of hamilton moiwy plcd in your era lmoorrily or otlurwli by relative irknd or oronb- hon hould at one be depodted la a savior bank lor your own nro- tactlow welnvlteauchtrutdpoiu ge0kpet0wn- bilancit w n mckay appiit 190bspring1905 t0nkh1 kl ullef u ih nwnlnf thty will miba- you imi uf ilfu 1 nun ilmmv wrtrutu th sianutk uw kkluri uj puikui ih dlooj x ut voik ihavmaimy uu ateawattv r kiuviff ilft wnkru or hluathavaiubly buliof uhimwfml mroaf ej lhr better than pill for uver hb tab mt tkbu hi laslctnlm skk utfttkt m i apftiu sakaw cutula liutr ctmua sllb dlmaatf plmfu ej bnifllo ojlt ualuu tulautiuu rrmunuuim torrji uvu tt luitrv klawf u4 ih bouu1 aiulnf inun lh 4lflv erf ih wusli wtablets ur one tablet ovuuur tor sale by e a robertson druggist acton shi wc emboss your initial in a nice old e ilish letter with fancy border without extra charge on all note paper or on tho envelopes bought from us cmbossln stumps to do your own 100 the jeweller princle guelph ont spring stock of footwear unusually attractive george stovel has his sprini stock now completed and is satisfied ho can delight all customers hia nobby new lines of this springs tans patents and fancy footwear surpasses all previous seasons tho daintiest kinds of new spring goods for ladies and children splendid heavy solid stock for farm and heavy work also good stock of his own make prices always right here repairing and special orders promptly attended to ceo- stovel mill st acton neinz spring hpcts our styles are correct ngm suitings patterns exclusive kgtol tr0us9rings tl e very la i ail doilni closes prices and pirn clais satisfaction assured r e nelson merchant tailor and mens furnlilier oublph ont- our big house furnishing department 3rd floqr lkdies spring jackets an extensive range of natty stylish mckin- non made jacketo in black fawn and fancy tweeds prices will bo found much easier than in the cities for the same class of goods spring jackets will be in much demand this season skirts in navy myrtle brown black and fancy tweeds those pretty pleated styles will be hot favorites s milllneity the millinery dpiiartmenjfa in full swing wo are making a blgefwrtto give you tiis season the most uptodate creations and tho best values be found inthe rnilhncry trade wo solicit inspection and a comparison of stylos arid values 4 hendebsoh co mill street acton a pointer on paint you know that 75 is not 100 then do not ex pect a paint 75 pure to give 1011 wmr it cant the martlnscnour paint li 100 pure lead zinc and linseed oil and gives 100x wear it covers more looks better and wears longer than load and oil or any other paint it is the only paint made in canada which is labelled 100 pure and sold subject to chemical analysis at h f johnstone fe co 7vnll st hcton h h unsworth extra special bargains for quick selling tlfaqq rlxlvta 3 d tadle dru sklru fulilanable cut anil nn ureas nmiiu j rel111 0i cliar at bjsuu hllk wnlulb i dona white lwa sbllt wauu utmt ljl kf- aij- mi1k wninih toclmrat corset covers ami drawers j s9o l s doua only rjulailjf joe to q uv clmrat o jap matt illr 3ooytiljapuaulm rnnular aoc lo olar at ibo extra iloavy carpet p 25j80c wall paper 7ooroiuoiwaiipaparioerprmii be do jo roll ol wall rp to claar paroll 8c rjiicmliia cora kink a soil broaufait food largo pacaio rafulir loo special prlc o h h unsiarorth hct0n 1 11 lu mm vi 111 m ul- -i- i l jnunaiiiij l u now showlnr the new carpets curtains draperies upholsteries and linoleums having exerted every effort to mako our stocks of now floor coverings curtains draperies and upholstering goods tho most complete in this section wo are prepared to moot the requirements of tho most exacting tastos horo is a splendid lino of now carpets from iho guelph carpetimills whoso products arc notod for tholr fine textutos and deop lasting color tones of their wetvos you will find carpots suitable for ovory room in tho liouao brussels wiltons axmin- stors tapestries and wools in a wido range of pleasing now now designs tho now lace curtains and draperies afford anothor treat for the lover of refined homo furnishings and likewise the rich new upholsteries whilo quality is our first consideration in purchasing housofurnishings wo aim to provide tho boat grados in all lines at the lowest possible prices comparison will provo that we have succeeded in our aim 69 v ti nmrtit tv ijjw jacksons jacksons our mew syatam of luh bnylnt and dun saulna haablaa ua to offer you thli waok soma big snap pry goods and othino guelph 10 doc mens nisclt denim overalla with bib also smocks to match refit- lurbjc toi 00 this week 690 6 doi mens work bhlru striped osfordi medium to dark shades regit ur 50 tons this week 430 q dos mens work skirts lltaok drill with white stripes anil snots regulsr 75 to gso litis week oo 00 dei mens fourlnhand ties is dox shield neck ties la dos bow ties all brunei utility ullk new designs and rich colerlns rejjulsr ojc this wesk a for m doyotihstnow wish to select your spruf underwear and heslory while our jlnes are complete 7 you know if you come now yeu can choose from a larger tine than if you come later we wish to begin belling our spring underwear and hsilery early we are marking the price es these gsods low solhat ws shall not havo any to carry over when tho selling season is past the are the values we wesk s3t satin cloth regular 7so this week 480 pearl buttons iloien 50 corset cover embroideries this week ago patterns jo jso patterns 830 450 patterns 30 600 patterns f 43c s inch silk ribbon best quality all colors regular ssq this week loo 4 ineb silk ribbon regular aoo this wk 6e jl inuli ullk rthtm n regular 170 this ww 130 altlhhouigof lsxetf bmbroldsrlea and dress trimmings all at special fig- havo any to carry over when tho selling can give youi ladles rmbroldered meek cash 1 mere hole bft n oi and 10 regu lar jso this week lie ladles black cashmere hose ribbed er plain sixes b 9 ol mid 10 regular 33 nd 4 tins week age lndles toftotn gloves new brown nml tan shades regular joo tills week 330 drbsb goods specials dlnok melrose cloth regular s go this week i ojc cream lustre fnncy patterns regu lar ago this week jflt satin flulsh prunellh cloth rogular 1 00 this week 73a striped crepseu regular ijo this j ha jrckson waatrtiorb

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