Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 23, 1908, p. 4

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she ttan jvtt ms pushv w1llowr in her duaa nf nil v or urny untun ill piiaay willow kny mkealluki kiklmo olml ih fur from tll to loo vntlorncutlt her in tlio river plows mia water with h ahlvrr downward ewoeiiliitf from tho hilly nor 1 1 wind wiuu loml and shrill lllrde arjt low th to wlntf tholr lid lit to a land in audi n illiht not another tin w i in found peeping from tho hark or ground only molhir willow lcnowa how to mnlfo auolt nulla hu tliotu t hnw to fashion thmil with skill how to guard agulnst tho olilll did all llvnnnofl loiijr nyo in the urn lf oo ijml know wn it lint hy iviar aaa that the made unli eonta at theso 9 who can fall fwi only know where nut inisay wlllnwe crow fuy littln frtemwtlml brinr lrqmutf of the cothink aprhpr ily khwihethk fnmkt would oowr mkr mors you nniikhty oliltil whom have mi ixump you lnvti lmtn flpjhtlnk tiknln with ptiul just look ht your ilolluut ill imvn to hny yon n m w hlllt dont any anything iu you luht to imt paul i think hla imjlhar will linvo to hny h iinw itoy twnntv vbami aoa 0iauilnirm arid birtinaw rvom om lawua o april b0 1b8s tho flrat aptlilr ulmw for aehui wn hold on urn 2ltll ami rwmiliid with faotorlly tho niimwr nf entrlau us exactly tho anine w hil nt milton the provlou week without rtpamtluu the rtto hat in ilull w limy aay that fnrmere nnd hnrwrtinin in keiiuiid will prolmhly roull urn h winch h john dllff a itafnliii t and ourrlo ilmu odprliire lyon chlnf t hi ock swtt k hnmara honest tom t hmwn mid brut her i ramose oludatiiiwaigy let john wiama mid dun oanortniplwiru oiiilmn ii iy rlnt and second prjxn in tho oidwr numd in oaati class oil mm fioin a dutance wtra ulan alinwn iitt iinlnml hlhlled john uuft- ruftirm the eketlng rink on muhi street la to lie aoltl und removed monday wub quolnliu sixty first birthday mr ju moliun tu inlmiftlnit mid otherwise improving hi realdoiico on main st mr thoa bhhitro haa ma liirff double dwelling on west dowpr avi up and enclosed messrs w robbpii mid ilwurd portae are building tlm m llnru of tin ir now houaea on main st hi lnktivlow plaoo a now block of brlok utnrua in put- pomd for one of tin principal cornera in town lb will in all probability g up tioxtaoaann mr thoa bunnott haa aold tho rh- aln uouio her to mr aiikiia john atoi for tlooo wa arolnfoimtnl thut mr d hun daraon m p inlonda oroctlrift a flnu brick realdenoo on bin property on til cornor of dower avp nrul willow fita thlaaummcr thrro la no finer rpil- denul alto in aotnn than thlu tho paatlinoit ii d ohio waa orflun- lasd laat weak with thusu ifflccii prat i frunalui muriugir jolju kennayi oaptuln thod idinnoy i smytnaj will htnrk mr peter little potittmuttar of our- whin and who haa enrrhd tho ninll for the paat 17 yotira from nauun waya to 04irwhln riled uuddunly ou tuoaday nlht uhmib 13 oclock il had been in guolpb thai day ami uttt hearty auppar afuir rotiirnlnff awmkaffour w u nutlurih bono ran away down mill siruat up setting tho moat lum incwktou tin bafra and mnhuhlnp tho lump m vn d- erlok and mill 8trotu hut did not damage iteelf with lilaa uaunl ontar- prlae mr rutlodffii bud tho homo hitched to another rip and at work again dollverlng within 15 mlnutea on saturday avonlnk mr o flwnok- hatnora team ran away from agnowv had and headed voi fipoyalde thvy were atopped at tho und of h luw him dred yortla but tho wkkh tonpiu will not bo usud any mon john it clark will lecture on ti and fro in ijiiikioii in tho melhndut church next woik ihu lucttin iihh haan hivoii nearly u thouaand tlmea mr n f llnduuy ima taken pottoaa ion of the drawn honiitutead mr tboe somarvlllo hua removed to hit rrus on the fourth line mr a q eaaton on tnoaday evtin log left for syracuai n y where bo baa received a good idtuutlon in the talagregh offloo of which mr a e matumwaleohler mimbowov lanff a realdont of mil ton and formerly organttor of the ontario w o t u lina liven appoint- ed elty mlaalonary in vancouver d o she will alao bavo chareo of a chlneav cfaool rev o a cook waa tendered hearty reception upon entering on the dutlaa of bla new paatorato at bloom- field n j mr cook wae welooraed to the etau the town and tho ahurcb in heartleat ternta addreaaea bcln blvenbypaatoraofblaown and other denomination mra adam dlokton and mra joaeph pyfe and family left un monday even- ing for thalr new home in darrle mr dlokaon haa bean a roaldant of acton ilnoe 1851 and haa a large circle of frlenda the removal of the two famlllea la regretted by olllkona geneis ally home of guolph uiarket prices r flour 2 10 1 wboau83 1 imrley 55 to 70 1 oata 42 1 pmrw to to l bay go to 10 mt wood mao 94fioi egga 1ft to 18 1 butterl8tn20 pntatoea 80 to 100 1 pork wsa in 7tb timothy mitchell advurtlaee a num bar of flrat olaae rag onrpeta for aale w stark scoy paatlmea d b olub aonouneea that merohanta who aupply any member of the olub with halls bate eta without the wrlttn order from the manager will do so at thalr ownrlak john perkins bower ave aaka for applications for caretaker for bt albans ohureh bohm in acton april 20 to mr and mrs harry strauawr a sou born in aetott april 2 to mr and mrs john laotberl a aon hahribd at the reahlenae of the bride mother april irth by rev j w rae ur john ohleh dm to ange una aldaat datighter of the ale dan- ford bwaokbamar all nf acton dlrd in boqiiaalng apr sflrd matyjane third wife if dr richard ptift daadlv aiunrlratt no dueling lantnllowed in thlw country imcrpt with one kind of weapon ptirlalnn ah h i tall me tm name f a it wi tipou an tt next limn am ilcami liifuu mo i know at wiupon aiiierlittiiiiwypia pdck tiim rbtont oountsaua uliiek joioii wrot ht father that ho wuii having eonalderabl troikbln o ko tip with huexpniiar whltoaml what dldhlsrannraay illiiob that aiich a faujl man aluiuh havo tin rouhlrut allilarvard laul poon hwlp your children t ftrow at rung and tolmtft hy comieraotlng anything thai pull ul lt altli ono great ckuae jf dlmiaai in old id ran la worma re- iiiovu thtni with mother gravea worm htfttrmlnatfir it never fall oleim hrnaa with hot watar rulnvlth aboft cloth and lemon juice klnae in hut water and polluh with chainou una aoapy water to make your ulitroh it will give the linen gloaa and pruvuut thu irons fnim atlcklng irounaatlon iprinalplaai plrwi t whim w undertake to fill your aiioaorlptloiis we give thoin otif iiiiiiiviiuhi atuntlnn ami heat c 1 ho putlonta welfare la our first con- idoiatlou tuwondi wo guarantwi our drtigwu ihi of full atrungtb aa wall as pure and frttah ttilrdi our cuatouiors are supplied with juatwliatthoyaakfort auhstltut- ing la unvor allowed paihrh okutlly coutound if you aro a aufforer from kidney illaeoau liver complaint blood troubles rhaiimatlain neuralgia or nervous prostration wo confidently roconv mund the uao of palnes oojery oom luiund this reliable and never dis appointing medicine is a true disease luinlabor and ajyatem builder we aupply tho genuine palnes celery compound at brown aoton ont a alinple way to keep mirrors and other glass pnllehed is to rub well or with some tluue paper burdock b lood turns bati blood into rich red blood no other remedy poiiessea such perfect cleansing healing- and purj fylnp properties externally heal sores ulcers absoesies and all eruptions internally restore the stomach liver bowels and blood to healthy action if your appetite u poor your energy gone your ambition lost d bb will restore you to the full enjoyment of happy vlgorcmi life a taaapnonful nf mustard mixed in a tunihhn of warm water la one of the quick out emetics known ojlaytollxa men tie v kw vwjuul bjfftunre d aethma aulterers will find great re- llof in applying a cloth saturated in coal oil to the cheat to curd a oold ih onb dav taha a liuatlva nnssqalulas tab4 all ilnimliu mluod iba taoaf if ii f alia is em ib w qrovaaalsnalaraoaaaob uoxhanu rica aoakwl a few hours in cold wa tor may be cooked quickly without the kernela being broken to those of sedentary occupation mon who follow aedentary occupa tion which deprive them nf fresh air and exerclae are more prone to dis orders of the liver and kidneys than those who lead active outdoor lives the former wll find in paroieleee vegetable pills a restorative without question the moat effleaolous on the market titty are easily prouurable easily taken aot expeditiously and they are urprlalngta aheap eonalder- ing their excellence when washing woodwork wet the lower part to prevent atreaklng preachers opinions rev p k mebae perks daddeek o b i i always count it a pleasure ta recommend the dr bloeum bcmedlea to my parlshleaers i believe there is nothing halter for threat and lung troubles or weaknass or ruadewa ays- tern for aneakera aere threat i have found payohlue very beaeflelal rev w ii stevens paisley oali ipeychjlnamomeajustths stlmoiaat my system aeeded x ahall add my tetumeny as to its eftloaey at every opportunity rev r m browns amherst nsa mb i have often rstamtneadad psyohwa sines taking it myself for u la a eure for the troubles you spselfy i nv ohss btlruug bath nbi have used shyeuaa la my family i reauua were marvelous i have vleltsd whe state that they never used its equal x atrengly recommend it people i its equa rev j b i vrilaen uarkdala ont x have taken two bottles of psyehute and am pleased to say that i an greatly improved la health x was troubled with my throat but new x flad it abeal reatored to its normal condition i and my work very rauah lees taxing x believe psyehum la all claimed for itj these are earneet preaehere ef gospel of tayeauia tbey know wl of they apeak payefclne curse all throat lung and stomach troubled it is velee ktveagtbener aetli dlrootfy on the voeal raeplratery aad dlgetifve ergattt thui eneafally adapted watfi jtoer v a bloawsffili castoria the kind too ifavo alwasya bought and rhloh liasi boon in use for over so year liaa borne tho slgnatnro of j0r anal lias boentnodonnder hi pr- jf7yj aonnl supervision alnoe its lnftonoy ymf7a4ta44 allow no ono to deceiva you in this all counterfoils imitations nndjrustogood bull lelxporlmettta that trlflo with nnd endanger tho hoaltli oft knfknu smd children exporlouco ngtunst hxperiment what is castoria claatorlals a liavrnleea aubatttnte fur castor oil poro- vorle drops mid rtiolhlnp bynipn it it plottafllnt ifc icontalna noltlior opluia nor otbor sforcotjoi aubatanoeu ita ago i ita fe it doattja worma and nllaya xfovorlahneaif it oiirea diarrhoea nnd wind coufl it relieve xeeilrtna trouble otirea constlpntlott sad fhttulonoy it atsalnillat tlio pood regulate tho btomaoh and howela tfrvlng healthy and natural aloeu tho chlldreita atanooeav tlio mothewa frrleiirt genuine castoria alwayd beam tho signature of qsrmnabvsbh mo i dont lxdlevn in exponalvo prtic- 1 ileal jnkea laid uhaii vranclaoo hiul uena man kci pi by way of rtitullii i tlou i now laat year i rtcitlv du tnlegram from n frlund who was liavelllng in italy it ramu colleat nnd coat in aevru dollnru i and when 1 opened it all i read waa thank you i am well than i iiiim forth ami nought tun out a cohhlahtomt a nine lai ga onhhls atone weighing nlumt olevon pouiidu and i wrapped it in axlelalor pink cotton and white paper nnd i itnxrd it up in a handsome box t and i emit it hy expreaa oollvot to my fuoollnua friend faracroas the in mud ing billows and whan ho bad paid bla lltllo fifteen dnllnra ami had 0minnd iho box in hi pdlerahtirg if i retneiiihei right ly he found in addition to the pref luua contanta a note from me explahilng tbla la the load lhat mllmt off my heart on raoelpt of tho news of your good health womans home odm vanlon the km you haw always bought in use for over 30 years i mumvmiit tmwvi chartered by dominion government rtlabllibad 1ss4 the merchants bank or canada iiuad office montreal ho urancliea inieretl added four limes a year prealdenl 81a 11 moutaou allah vice 1reildeni jonathan iiodobo vv general mansgar u p iisddkh capital tald up 6 000 000 00 papnilta over 43 ooa 000 00 surplue ijoooooooo total aiwii l3jo00ooo0o savings bank dkposits one dollar or upwanla will open an account monty withdrawable any lime no daisy parmer 9alk notkt wa have apaclil faclullee for collecting theie we will caah thtmat once ii dealred at s low rats of inieretl joint accounts whan nvueaied we will open accounlt in iwo namet to thai either one may draw the money hutband or wife etc aoton branch w s chish0lm manager back at the old stand j m strutliers wishes to announce to all ins old cuutomcrs and any number ol new ouch that ho is again at the old reliable furniture stand lao upper wyridham street guclph where ho is opening up and putting into utocic a full line of parlor diningroom hall bedroom and kitchen furniture carpels and oil cloth call and sec them cash or credit on easy terms full range of childrenscarnagos gocarts carrieru etc special pricca in iron beds springs and matreueca j m struthers guelph good wash oloths for the little onea may lie made from tho best porta of discarded underwear a bur oure fur- headache illllnuu headache to which women are mnro subject than men bucmnua no acuta in soma subjects that they are utterly prostrated the atoinach refuaos food and there is a constant and dlatreaalug effort to free the stomach from bile whloh- baa become unduly aecreted there partneleeu vegetable pills nre a apeedy alterative and in neutralising the vfteola of the intruding bile relieves the pressure nn the nerves whloh cause the headache try them saucepan should lie as flat and hroad ae possible an that no beat may be waited you eannnt he happy while you have corns then do not dlay in getting a bottle of hnlhiweye corn oure it removes all kinds of corns without pain failure with it is unknown throw a black or sour duholoth into the are disease germa may ho spread by he use oamvoltxa eemtas f k thrift bosjm blfaateie r to remove the strong taste from game leave a quartered onion in it over night there never wae and never will be a universal panacea in one rutuady for all ills to which flesh la hulr what would relieve one ill in turn would aggravate the others wi have however in quinine wiiim when obtained in a sound unadultur nted state a remedy for many and grievous ills by its gradual and judlplous use the frailest systems re led into oonvaleaoenoe and strength by the mfluettue whlah quinine oxorl on natures uwn restorative it ft haves those to whom a ohronlc at at of raorhjd despondenoy and laok o interest in life is a dlasese and by tranqulllalng the nerves dlapoeee to aound and refreshing sleep imparta vigor to the action of the blond whloh being stimulated ooureaa through th veins etxengtbemng the healthy ani mal funottons of the system thereby making activity a ueeesaary result atrengtbenlng the frame and giving life to the digestive organs whloh naturally demand increased substance result improved appetite north ropay firman of toronbothave given totha publlo their superior gulnln by tlw opinion of eolentlste toe wlnej emtvjewhea nearaat perfeotlon of any oatjh mparlret iil drutajsisu aril it suffering women who nnd ufa a burdta aaa have health aad aunib word by tka uaa mllburns heart and nerve pills tka bmaaat eemlion of weeua and ahb hava mar than thalr ihars el nuary with aema ll la hrauntw aad pupluuoa with ethaft mb dlaay aarf f alallns apalla kll with ethar tkara la a saawal aaltapaa el iha ayauaa uubunta haul and nava rilli teaa up iks asrvn ttriithtn uta kaart aad make t baal etreni and raular armle tww rd hlaod aae pumii bad imput tkal aaaaa ef bueyanay te the iplilla thai u tka ratult af aawl mmui and hylaa vlear lira d o daehua orilua onl wtttatt far avar a yaar 1 aa tmublad wllb trvb imm and baah traubu i datldad to tv kb bunia llaarl ant narva rlua a ulal aad attar utlas bva baaaa i found i waa aompulaly autad t alwaya rmommaad utarn to y meada piua to aanta par boa or urne boaaa far 1 m au lultra tu t uluhira oav uadtaj toronto oat ice completely enveloped in news papers so that all nlr is shut nut will keep a longor time than under uny other condition perfectly trust worthy la the altar actor of blcklee antl consumptive syrup it cun lie used with the utmost cnnfldenoo that it will do what taolalm ed for it it is sure in its effects aa the use of it will clearly dntnonatrata and can lie relied upon to drive a cold nut of tho syalem more fffuotlvvly than any other medicine tij it and lie convinced that it la what it hi olahn de lo iw ilnadaohd almout always ylslds tn the simultaneous application of hot water to the feet and haok nf the ntflk ojlasvoxjai basittlt km bssjl msulsie 4 before nillng a fountain pen run cold water through the pen to olvan it when tho hurnora nf lama become clogged with char put them in etrong soapsuds and boll a while to clean t hem theoriok in iho back one touch of nature makes the whule world kin alnga the poet but what about the touch of rheumatism and lumbago whloh is so common how t there i nn poetry in that touch for it renders lire miserable yet how delightful i the sense ol relief when an epplloa tlnn nf dr thomas boteetnei ol drives paluaway tour is nothlilf equate h mhs9 wantb0 a clkahak a gropp4f ypung girls wert on their way hotho fromtlie patk where for soveral hours they hud been enjoying tho eicellont skating all hut one of theni ware experts that one wna a iki uner and her afternoon had not lieeo wholly devoid bays the phlla dolphin telegraph of tlio laitlntiera usual euparlencou flio glrla hmklng the pkturn l health hosnled a horiiu hound cur with a alnglo exception limy all managed to acoiireaeatb the incep tion was the girl who had just had her first experience on skates bi10 had stood only a moment however whim a gallant youth rote and pnlltuly offered her his aoat she acknow ledged the courtesy with a pleasant bow thank you sir she tald hut i have been alttlng all tho nftornoon tim dirrhntihoib this man who atlcka upon the job and flnde delight and mine in doing more than ho la told this along got wilt but ho who longs for quitting time and hnpss the boas will inlas ilia idlotlo blundsrs well hell get aloni how mntiy aniorlcnn worniin in lnnoly hmuc touility ionf for tlila tjlchbinpf to como into tliolr hvca nnd i to ho aulo to uttur theno wonln pub lieoaimo of nomo oipfaulo doranga- mont uiiji impplninh w tunlatl iluim kvery womiin intorf htod in thu aubjoct nhould know thnt propiinu tlon for honlthy mnlomlly ih taccomplbiuorr by tho two of lydia cpinkhams ve0etable compound mra mnrffln gilinor of went ttnlons c wrltbn to mm ilnkham 1 i was greatly run down in lnlth front a weakness pooullar to my when lydla 15 vlnuhnmn veffatabla compound was recommended to me it not only reatored me to perfect linalth but to my dull jh 1 1 am a mother mtajomphlnohallofbftruhtown ky- writes t waa a very great anffcror from female troubles and my phyulclan failed to help me lydla ii tlnulim vege table compound not only restored mo to perfect health but i am now n proud mother racts for sick women for thirty jctim lydla 1c pink- hamd vogolniilo cominund mado from roou and horbu iioji boon tlio stand it nl remedy for fcmnlo ii i h an4hu imaitivoly cured tliousnndho women who have loen troubled u hi dbtplaoomonu inflammation ulcera tion fibroid uimorn irrcpnilariticn porlodlo palnfl bnckncho that iwar lngdnwn foolinp flatulonoy indigen tlnndlzzlnotta or norvouii prontratlon wliy dont you try it mra plnuham invitee all nlolc women to whto lior for advice bho ban guided thouinnda to htautb aadrcaav lynu mug milburns uxaliver pills are mild aura and safe and are a parfeat regulator of the system they gently unlock tbe ascretlous clear away all effete and waste matter from the system and give tone and vitality to the whole intestine traet earing oonitlp tlon filok headache duloaenete dyspep sia coated tongue foul breath jsad dice haartbnrn and water brash mrs fi b ogdao woodatoek nd wrltsat my husband and myself have used mil- bums lsxalivar rills for a number el years we think we cannot do without ham tbay are the only pills we ever take prloe sfl cents or five bottles for itm at all dealers or direct on receipt of prloe wis t uubura co united toronto qnl if a mall flabbono is ipdgod in the throat it can lie instantly removed if one will awellow a bite of dry bread without ohewlng it castoria for intuit and children fti kind yoahmalwa bangui bear the btgnatnre in boiling soups or vegetablob on a gaa stove after bringing them to the boiling point turn tho gas low snough just to gently boll a elfbttaf ea ewv besrol the annl axatlve bromoulrurw tabuts haaadv tka em jb ease das use baking soda for cleaning silver f apply aa you would apply any silver pollah if ell ends of soap nro put in a glass jar with a little water on them it will ie found handy to put in tho wash holler ou washday dont neglect a cough or cold it can have dvt onb result it leaves tub throat or lungs ob both affected dr woods norway pine syrup it the medicine v0u need it is without an equal ae a remedy for coughs colds brooonitls bote throat pain in tbe cheat asthma whooping cough quinsy and all elfecuons ol the throat and lunga a elngle dose ol br woods norway pine syrupwlll atop the ooagh booths tlis throat and if the oough or eold has be- eoats settled on the lungs the healing properties of the norway pine tree will proeulm iti great virtue by nromptly eradlestlng the bad eflaete and a persist- eat use of tbe remedy eaanoi fall to bring about a complete oare do net be humbugged into buying bo salted norway pine syrups but be sure and lu en having dr woods it is put up la a yellow wrapper three pine trees the trade mark and pries u eta mrs henry fjeabmek hepworui qnt writes 1 xhavautedbr woods norway rnae syrup la oar fatally for the past three years and i eonstder lb the beat remedy ksowrifortheouveoleowa unas oared sjssysbjhiwjwrtiatastt i a mother hynorsih ob canadian northwest morvlkbtuad mroulationb liri of a uitillr anr mlr id yuti in o a mu11i if auaijuarlavxcllunof wt erm inoior tlio iiohinim ur la ri 114 to nrfarni ll flfn llllnii aaiinmlat it rmwllli uitilar cilia ut hi ti llowlutf i uri ll at ul l hinnll ru l u 11 ti kii4 rullfvolloii ut ilia lanl in aarlt yaar lor tlirt fa a1inihmtnrur may ii a an rltalria mr i nil hi ra tulriul raalilaiina iiiiiim ir dili if larmliia lai i nwnl o mtv iy lilin not ua i aluilvlwdanraa in ailnllii ilia ylninlr ju litiialaait jnlnt nwiiarlil lit lanil will till grand trunk railway itila r ilrniiani i if ilia fu ar lor ninll r i ilia ulnar rlafafdk t a liiinaiilar tiaa ari taiimit nmi isttm ou farm 1 1 ti land dwrim loraly by him link titan alaltyiw in aiunt in oi vlalnllr af ilia liotuaalaad itiixyia linnjbauai tolaralfovl v lilm lit lb vlnl nil audti btutia lbilr may arfoti lia nwn raalilauaa lulla li llvrtiu wllb ihjtfatliar ar uioihjrj ml tha urkir vlelnlly 1 11 ilia tunswacaaaiis aiauraiilialaiuniiml j iiiuiiidu iinlidfirall i ill tit hillaa id a jlrt una alual nf ii i wlrlili pf 04 llowautaa ro4l in un niaaaurituani 1 a bmiaauular inuaillnb u tifrwni lili raanaiicailullaain aai uhea mllti ilia atfvh willi uvliiu willi rania m on larinlifs ian i iiwna1 tin liluiaalf inn i itotlfy ita aianl f atrip iluirlet rj uati iduuiioii ala wmtuia tiola in wrlllntf tioulf i lln11 ta tha ohi utlii ion a flf dominion 1 otiawa lif inuliilfln t s f iv lor txtaut w wcnuy llaiulynf thmjniur ol lijf laurlor it i unaullioriaail publlaatlan ol llila ad varllaaniul will not urn ml 1 tat we want a reliable local salesman for aototl and adjoining country to represent canadas greatest nurseries lnrgeat hat of commercial and domes tit ruith larga and small ornament ul nnd ulmrie trees lowering uliruba vincn rows fine keed potatoes ono of nitr hpcciallieu block lliat is hardy conieft frnm liu a permanent uituatiou for right man for whom territory will ha reserved iny weakly free equipment write for particular stone wellington konthill kureorles 830 aeres toronto ontario cve invite you to cxmine at your dealers a pnir of storeys cowboy gauntlets they are one example of the velvety softness combined with greatest pliability and toughness imparted to our gloves and mitts by our chrome process perfect fitting warm com fortablebuy storeys and invest wisely jnsist on storeys at all stores made at acton ont by canadas oldest glovers wh storey son evertomfiss eden mills the lleet quality 01 manitoba family and pastry flour for aalo at towost prlcos our own make chopping done and out rolled every day peed for sftlo cash for wheal and oats henry h0rt0p seed specialties finest samples of red clover alsiko clover luccrn clover timothy seed wa sro making the sued business a special feature ol our business and hope to pluase every cimtomor our urn onr for ctiailud gem turnip bmd will m qrwird in k ttvl iky it noble krotm muir ouolph justness oucflc uumtmto ntoek upper nmjbn 81 amlph onl tlc best syfitcoi ol com rnaro i 1 training known la tnodsrn buslnui eduotlon in laamuful orarsllon al ilia oublph uusinb8b oolleob aa tlieronslily uitm anil ita aiiparmiy 1 sli oljiw rolal irsunlns tliaoualpli alona in uifj frovlrioa is tlila iratam lias baaa tlioroualily tailad ami liaa ilamoiuirsim iti ayalftni of an mm aval liuslnms collnse ala auttiorliotl lo uaeli and praetloa ii ilrlnlit young nun and woman ol adaruy eliaraotar oli ht tlamaauaa here al in mai espania for the lil poalllona orarlna in liualiimb world this liiatllullon liol taatinlqua roallian amono qadsdlaii lluslnass coupum i will psy yon to iuraallsata now ami why molar iiow for flay oraraiilna couna oonis kraut in tha oollasa olilta luanolo ulaik uluar wyndiiam hi dualph or addrsss h haeoorhioicaxa pritiqlnal waggoner extension li ladders hny a wagkoner eiitenmon ladder nnd envo fruit write for price iut nnd djuoouul or cull the waggoner ladder co llmlurt ioi york 8tn ittnti onk i klpr 3st45i55e raqstchoicii trtaimo tl ilhwli ih i raliiaeallat am i i i utatt iii inil lhl ur 1 v j r i iii u mm 1 nn in 1 1 a 1 hi r ii i i t- iii u jl 1 i 1 ut id xii if- 1 l 1 1 h a ul 1 ii alltraliol al art i s i 111 old himi wort mirllc sl ey achjj n it f mfkv n ir l- t tf r- u11 1 am s li if c rim i l n 4uruaxa n i rivi arjrljl r i r rt rt aritaa of alluinh i r jl j ii in iilrtu irio is i f s il n i y ifl yf by slanl pc iutir f rhy will nol brrju in i rit all lliri ir 1 nn n iirrrinjf ion iiilli rrjirn tilili 1 1 jimt t f rrfjl go ut fhaf in s try t i li bun iir 4 mhaa vlinir i ur m n fail jr 1 i the berlin skm granlter aid marble works cab per nil a un rtcprtatai iitiiinn tn i tr muiuo mau olrunii mr rrt mirter r i heaj unncs no i a ki i artiste ctmatery work wmiium hciimtrcct agent cl the old and reliable granite and marble dealers wl ara niiwilcn rata an i llrul imiwirui ol all kii iof u tun ialalllaatlnna wdib iv a aall hitkcito ourcuii n araatwliole atla rilcaa uiut aatluu our utniuara id mr anl ua havu tl lh a rllniia an4 tha only macl antra tu il a douili lou wtio can opar- u pnanmauo i ou t roimrly wa can ralafai caa front inn ira la i uur t into intra in toronto an i oilr ursa wl era oil ar liava lo ttaort it auiia in nr tar la online wa liava tha lariaat an i laat nock nf 11 ran i la in the uamlhlini nr i rro tl an auy lliraa ta4tara in ilia watt uoaru lealtiiuatu laalara and in- ioi no alien la an i lo i cl annoy or liaaleua nrnara i ton in u it li u t aunt3 laaollell ordan wa aujiloy tncilianica only anil dafy eouitatulon hamilton it sons cor norfolk an luooiwioh hu ouulrll kcton li z6ry bus likie tho un lcrlned renpeclliilly tolicits ilio paironnn o ilia pub he and in or mi ibcm tint wall bqulppad nnd btyllah ii law can nlwais bo iccuroj at his siables a comfort ible bus meeia all trains batuecn looonm and 0 10 p m cnrclul 4tlctillon riven lo every order lho wants of com merchltnv client fully mot john sniilm7urs pkopniaton w- glnsol7 painter paper hanger sign writer picture framcr shop mill st acton op posite williams livery repaira promptly made to furniture tinware etc no unnecessar delay knives ground scissors sharpened courteous attention and reasonable prices w gimson wqderavinvj photoengraving halftones purpesatalouts haoazints 6vc jljones0 toti tay mcitlt so vbaba rxperiinoa fcstww evvlvtrays pa liiialuaas el uaaulae- lurtrabntluiirliiirais mawoh marion aen kapertaind selleltetv 1

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