Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1908, p. 2

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mektmnon mfkiel al hi- miioa of tho hilla mfrtltm iui iy iuv ii f oaliiaynu ni wwll fy a ill vjii i ulhn1 w mnkinooii i auiib ilantililur of ml tho nim1 1h ii it tihumuyaifli lhh 111 ufalildauliurl mr an ur ii kulllika awhhbw it llrhibrma on tnaaday will atwll alary a dunn winmtu aulrw tkiii thirty yaar ffiljc retort 3fr m55 tlimwday aillll w half bditohial notata hluce llkti the hirhust in hit pendlturo uf ouutlu bus urn ulmiit 00 per- runt wliltti iii lint titiiii pjtilml tbu iinliwm ixpiti liltin imv 1m- brflud oiily tth p i cent nil im yin venture ilmiiihiillni tliiit tin fkphii- ion in ontario hint liw li im ililii jlk thntlit the i iiniiiiili u wi lion iv w a uillriiiuhhy m i p of ciiluirlii ii til iiintlf wiy athltsldoiirn inlull i u 1111piuailuy thodiiolnrjnd imliiim fur sun hint tint hope fur iii- iimviiy hul inn i very slim tlit i rttn it til ropn utoil east nnrliihiiliijjinl hi t hit ltcftj legislature for ninny yours uml for tli last four jnara hud hud position injlv wliltneye caldnit ir wtl loughby wus a slniiiich cnnmrviiuvp hut had host of friends on li illi uldoa of tlin house wlm will keenly foci llio toe of a gonial f i lend government iiffettt llirnukhmit tit woatern provlnree liavn sent io ottawa tholr report on in inuuittpc mill limn they deal mostly with tho inci eased acreage those reports show hint the total acreage put to need will ho about twenty per emit greater than that of but your which uatlrlhuted largely to the great in ii mt of now ail tins during 1000 thn flow of unit i hliili- here to take up hmd in this country continue tit lunik nil mmd thr report elate that weatlw t conditions have act far been must fnvoruhhi to tha growing crops the 100a edition in nut of that must umful and valuable hnoklot rt000 facia uhout cuniidu ctunpluhl by frank yelgh of toronto who i wide ly known through tho dominion uu an authority on thliigsuuiiiullun ntaily 25000 copldu wort sold nf tl 1007 edlllun theilomamlcoiiiliibfuuu iwtry iwrtnf thla fjoiitliioiil and lliu uiltluh emplro tihi iovii woikml out lint of a oonorota fitot in u nontntioo li hd xesllont oho thn ilutn imintf urrmitfod under such aolf iixiokidh iihoh uh urea agriculture hanklnif oniniiu n e doitii ce mlhliiff rallwuyw wluul llnltl- ttr itev p o iiowhauk oft runto who cofd tlio liihthi qnvi ii limit tin it iihtd hu inlliihuco for tlu icturu of llmimi whltimy fmir yuaru uo in u iiium t tlieprtmaou mond ty uald t vvhtu thr govftrnnuiit pithftd lliu thui lift if ctaumi of thu local opi loo net limy uiv gtlllty of relational y h gl1ni ton ht ri inoo ontario horanu a provloco thu naajnrlty in n municipality has hud tli right to lochia upon thn granting of honmi tiiobh right wr llrmly mtabluiiud anil fotiiidod upon a uaimn of orltuh jnutlcf anil 4 quality wti have the qovuiiimunt tauipvrtd with tbeui v tvbom for south wbllinqton will oppoa j pttlownav m p p tor tha laftlalatura at a largely nttoudnd imuilng of thi lilburjtl anuoclatlon of thn ildlng of south wnllliigtnu hold on saturday afternoon in iho city hall arthur w tyiodi a wall known oattlu duaur of ouolph wai ohoiitfti to locrlva tho liberal nomination nn u oamlldiitp for th lcgulnturo at tho appronoblng leotlon balilinapad tho toaolmranro book with u nftii uia giirtor vacation sunday sohool workrra horo aro planing for tho coming convention of biqiiotlpg bunday rcliool aannolntlon the wuldlngr oxclttinont lm auh hied for the prtiont jun will llkoly ee another lorlea of lmjipy avpnln robt mcenory inn of mr david hcrnery of dnlllunfad ybn wont under an opn ration for uppondlolthi ai tbe general iloapltal guelpb lu recov ering obpninob school the following riiuwi thn etandlng of pupltt at iho koster txainlpntlut of oiprlnge 8 b no 10 krln i 8f iv mary dlngbani mnggle cook jr ivjonnlo mophall jryil- iieltah lorno matttiowh polly uolean clayton cook sr illnelllo cook mfdvln mc- odtoheon edna ilnghan jr iii dorot ha miiu noi niimmnt- tbewi arlfflth llughoii br nnila loltch tuxln maud ptu tommlo bingham lfiiirl bry donherhln mlllo frod lluptlo iii ble maud br ft i frank millar ullftord matthowi klla maoiitclienn jr pt 1 frank irltoli abtont for part of oxautlnntloua o aganie icnclior ohibwso o mr m oiowiioii wtnrtcd dillllng operation on tafuday nnar milton lie haa a largo iiumhur nf wullu to drill utli teaoon mm alon molutonh has piimhuuid the reelilanca of tho lalijohn oi owmin flrt and will ronmvo biirouhoi lly mrw oreweoii will rftldn lu hugliiaumlub for whloli plaat nho i h ft on thursday mr and mr- win frluk and thn mlataa frlok of toronto t thn holldaya at mr r olhlinnii mim bvallne molhiighlln of knntob but pent i t week at mri orotvaoni mil hoott or guelph vlnlteil at mr qeoorahanii i mlu w nlokell or toronui whh home far the holiday oapt oban b gamhliv attended uio at home of tleutool w p mooro and the offloere of tifo 20th llegt in georgetown on friday ulght mim edna johnnun npnnt thft linll day at her home in fi indtott ttjat aeatlon of mntla street re cently opened from atfnea to quean btiwt bae bean fenced und ihe new l md enniilderabty hv peln sunday salcofrefresiimlnts delton of ui hlrtt court at otttatrlo tut to whtl la lawful and whlta not hlavv kitntlarx will rente other that uliout h year ago judge muraoii tho junior of tha three county judge of york tti voraod a conviction by magutrata klngword agnliut john devitih n restaurant kpr for wiling on bun- iaye candlna panuta and other eat able article to be earrlwl off the prvtit- lnua it wan poiuttsl out lo thn publlu at tho tlnm that thin jndguioitt wau gi log to ivmiltt in an liiimuii incremk in hiiuday buulhttumomunntcli ae it hilpll d if it did lint declurf that any uiti holding ii roatatiimlit llcnai and ilolug n reutaurunt biluem tiflghtnuocvtiry ii couectloiiaiy htuluih a fruit liiultiej grocery liotlne and a ttilnm id all aorta of urfuhl urtlulee kild wiutj imii frealy any or nil clen of tbime things on buitdey ovev the counter tii imi earflvd away ami uned aa the purohwr mty dealre it vmu ovldunt that large number of ehop kepre end tbtdr entplojref a were go iug to lie deprived of their sunday reel and other privilege if thin ihtorpratu- tlon or tba law warn u remain uuolial lengod tlu matter wau therefom btought to tha attention of iho attor ney general of ontario the honorable j j foy and recognlilng the mhuum import of the judgment he tvfueuted magistrate klnguford to grant a btatvd caw and requeeled county oiown attornvy ii l drayton k c to take charge of the cote in ita pre paration andlnlteargiimetitbefurejthe iiikil court tlie ease wae duly grant- ud and caino before mr juetiee clute of the high court on friday 10th april the com wae known an the king vti vvealhrral weatheral held u reiitaiirant llceuee end did himlni nt toronto ieland wiling refrealimaute of varloue klnde and among other thlnge he aold on sunday 0th june 1007 candle popcorn peanute and uoft drink tbequuatlonibiibniltted to the court werti oe follow i 1 doee the mere fact that woalh- etal bold allcenae ae reetaurant keep- or entitle the ald weatheral to iell on the lord day candle popcorn pei nutu and eoft drink nntwltlietaiidlng the btatntw lord day act to tbli qiimllon mr juatlce olute repllvd no unlike emne jtldg- niflntu tbt doee not lack in clearuee 2 can a bona fide restaurant keep er eel candle popcorn peanute or other com modi lie not in connection with uny meal nerved on the premlueti hut donu up eo oe to lie taken away by thn purchaaer on tin lord day r to thle mi justice olute replied i lake this queutlnu to mean that the articles hare referred to are eold not hi connection with the giving of meals nfirvnd on the prurauee hut in the oi dluary way of buslneeeae a merchant so ae to lie taken away by tho pur chaser taking litis to be tba meaning or thu niietlun i anuwer again no thoro wae a third queetluu a ti whether the itostauraut llcemo that weatheral hold from tho olty pro hlhlte hhn making audi ealee on bun- day lu itself apart from the lords day act the judge give ub stantlally the same answor to thin question ae to tho other two thl judgment make it clear therefore without equivocation and beyond paradventure that even a bona llde restaurant keener who hold a license and i running an eating home under that license 1 not en titled to eell on sunday anything ex cept what i purchased and consumed an a nioal articles of food may not therefore be sold on sunday under any circumstance to lie carried off the promise unconiumed but must be aunsuwed in thn restaurant at the table or lunob counter a a meal it i important to observe that this judgment is binding upon all magis trate and division or county court judges throughout the fro vine of ontario and for that matter will lie followed by megutratee and trial court judges throughout tho dora in- inn it is well that thle judgment be given prominence in the press overy where to that restaurant keeper may not unaware commit violation of the lords day aot and lay them solves liable to te heavy penalties the publlo generally will recognise also the reasonableness of tho law in thl regard it is proper that tie hungry should have the right of going to a restaurant and satisfying their hunger no one will contend how ever that thl necessitate or would juatlfy genoral business in th sale of article of food to bo carried away which if it were allowed would re sult in depriving large number of shop keeper and their employee of tbelr sunday rights and privilege t aujkrt moohb secretary lords day alliance use baking soda forcleanlng silver i apply as you would apply any silver polish a simple way to keep mirrors and other glau polished is to rub well over with some tissue paper now mk pnoor that la what hyomel will do in all form of oatarvb and trouble of tha breathitt orweuiau it not a quentlun of hyomel having puml eomu ooe elsu but will it roach your own particular case if liw ontd in thu head catarrh broitohuu piiwu- uionla croup or any affection of tbu hrealhlug organ a t brown euyw yea and will refund thu ntoiiey if it rail nn other preparation for tho same purpose cum auooeeafully do this because the hyomel system of treat- j mentis different from anythlug else you simply breathe and inhale ite medication in dry air form which d htroys the germ life that nauew op pressed breathing nasal catarrh throat irrltalluu and lung trouble it bring to these suffering organ the balsam laden air they would get in the pine and buealyptus forests tho ar tbat stamp out brouohlal trouble the prince of entertainer mamhal p wilder yi hyomel it easy to ue and awlft to cure it insure against cough and cold it give you pure air and kills the germ of it help he voir hyomel oouileiiuulh10p quicaimo honoi show ilqueslou agricultural hnri ty held l heir linrin show on i hnrwuy laat at georgetown a largu crowd wan pr nt and the shewing of bora wit llrt olaae ihn dliirtor have every rtiason to fl i ucoiiraued and will no doubt make thl hii annual affair following u the lt of wlnnerw i utalllon draft 1 ym ami ovor lab xv j mccolioiu i 2nd j w hurt u bom t aid j- t1fr btmllloii lyi and under 1st n gil ik taiii in bariiiuu 1t john cunning- htm prahahiu utiilhou any mrv 1st w is mucrady can latfu ht ag iwl ii w cook hackney hihiiiou ny agw 1st joi- tulferlsnd w j mccjillinn hackney ulnglt hi imriufmu lut w j mccdliiiu b 11 laitstnr halihi uny ug 1st w tlfirl ilod tho- miciiklet 3rd a it willie iloiuter ulnglo in harncuw 1st a ptivawtauxt 2nd j wilggluiiwurth thoroughthvit htalubn any ngc lit mllcbvll conihif herald rkoipef pom rhbumati0i dtreeuena to prepare 4lmpla vet ramarkable home llaelpa there la so much hbeumutltii here in our neighborhood now that the fol lowing advcn by nu eminent ail thorlty who wiltiu fur renders of a urge lsustwiii dally papvr will he htglily approclatid by those who siif- fiirt got from any good pharmacy one- half onuco fluid extract danddlun nn ounce compound karglin lime ounce of coin pou i id byrup hurxaps rllla bbako theuu wfll in a tmltleund take in ioaiooiiful douue uftur each meal and at hodtlmu t uuu drink lots nf gmhl water it 1 claimed that there are few vic tim of thu droad and tnrturou die- isa who will rail to find ready relief in ths wimple home made mixture and in moat causa a permanent cure is the result this slmplu recipe la said ta strength en and cleans the tilhulnatlve tissues of thu kidneys so that thoy can filter and atraln from the blood anil eyslom the poison auldw mid waste matter which cause not only ilhoumatla hut numerous other disease rvery man or woman hero who feels that tbelr kldneye aro not healthy and active or who miffvre from any uri nary trouble whatever should not hesitate to niako up this mixture aa it is lei tain to do much good und may save you from much misery and suffer ing after while our homo diuggluta say they will either supply the lugndlunta or mix the prescription ruuly to take if our reader ask thunt surprise canadian hand laundry cha3 suey proprietor to mv patboks i have now a womlorful new method of iilna liundry work of all kinds work is well finished end no injury nrdami don to th finest godds shirt collars cuffs veils my vpectslly collars ironed to as not 10 be broken in tli wine end finished so ihey will not hurt lbs neck work for boili isolea and aenilemen xeculed with promptness arid entire sils fiction and equal to the ben the cities can produce ciia9 buey theoldclilien aclon willow street rear of henderson ft co g g- speight hardware carpenters tools farm toots garden tools stoves and ranges granite ware tinware etc mcgorys pandora ranges mot popular and satltfactory kepairinr neatly and prompt ly executed picturo frames in stock and made to order g g speujut mill st acton crowns the world king imts have ths uihlonebl touch lht crowns the world call in tad a the latest sprln sly lee no trouble to show them aid to hatuhbd study tho mall und koiplre on hatunlay eald i wo nre pleased to note thn pub llcattou of thu clmrt the lllrds of cautida in hflalbiii to agriculture which haa been prepared by mr o b hpelght iiiiinlmrsuin of newtonbrnok for use hi the puhllr bchoou to llhl tratu the pmiiphtut issued by the de partment or agriculture under that name thn ehai i which contains tba ihiiuiriitlone of lgbty two specimens was begun uivtaral years ago under the illreatlnu of thn ontario government und it rwrtaiuly shiuitd advance nature utility in lliu public school ne well as a knowledge of thn lhtnfliohlrdllf to lliu wgiloiilturlst and fruit grower th artulta urraniieiialit 1 osiieelally ideuslng und relucle great eredil on ibi author thoeolor and fnrrillnthe llthogrwphed work ure 6o surpassed tltliturn filalfs latlog ivqulred to bring out thu different tints found in the pluiiag of lairds mrs huintairatnji is a untiring in vaitlgatnr into nature tliobplipilaal ilaotvrlti cull tlfo cuemlolil qunstiilb lor or thu karth and her tlfu has hrouuht her into pi uulneuce before the scientific world her writings on naturul history sult- jicta in tfuch public itlons an the bclon- tl k aiuetjcun mo itreal llvratd mont- htaj rulers advocate eto ovl douce an dcuto perception of natures f i reus in dlreotlngber different forme nf life mrs hum burst on hasaleogalnwl very favoiable coin in cuts na n public spuakt rami luoltnert bur word picture of an lea storm being perhaps equal to anything tbat has yet been given from a publlo platform thta man was slant to central prison ilichait bluet who wita shot while trying to resist nrrtat on a charge of aiuiiipud assault on a utile girl st oakvlllu on thu j8i b inst wee arraign ed in court last thursday afternoon itnd convicted by v ihr migmrate bblnld ho wae sentenced to six month in central prison mew poet offle for hurllnjrteh nurllngtou will have a now pott iifllcu thl hummer mr wu kern haa decided to build rtsuhatantml brick stiuoliiroon the alte ocoupled by the present post offlcu figures are being obtained from local contractors and tits contract will he awarded in a few day mr kerna is to its congratulated upon lite slop to improve our beautiful village and the change should he ap predated by tho publlo generally gazette flovooo loan and tax baemptlen milton is negotiating with tha p l itnhotuon mfg co of hamilton for the location nf tbelr screw works in that town tho fliui ask a loan of 10000 without interest t exemption fioui nil taxes nxcept tbt school rates water at eight cento per 1000 gallon fro disposal of sewage und a new roadway to tho piopnsed premises the company on their part makes no do finite oggreomnnt further than to locate their factory in milton shilohs cure cures coughs and colds quickly use billions cure far the worst cold the sharpest cough try it on a guar antee of your money back if it doesnt actually curb quicker than anything you ever tried safe to take nothing in it to hurt even a baby 34 years of success commend bhilohs cure u5c 60c 11 iis homeseekers 2nd cubs bundtrip euurtuu to manitoba saskatchewan alberta going dates b uh jalylll i7plhh yua jmj ism4imwmai4s04r ttskats luuatto all ifctkwatf belqle toubist mxxrtms dujbi tmwil bufelaa oara will be rua ea w exeuraiort fully eaulptmil we jmdiurur ate iwlfasibahiumeemihilaail nil j fo ihrauta loam afeal al mart atx dtye la riaelim ah mw ml ovlt agant tor a eopy w wriuto awmidwrtir44oriri g j wallace mpitb furnlkhcr mill street acton frspara for foaltlona vina far au la aluumn tit p ipular elliott toeonto ont thl behoal is nosd for forsupairforeduoauonaiten t swdentstutif fur remmvklbla iuo- ewofllestmusue oollaiaotmn lee jan wake yculoderenntrtvrlil ojy fir emou w j pltlttptt ptrjbli4l rer vnni sttr auaam iptr ft ider hie wu paper our 1908 stock better values than ever shown before papers from 50 per roll to 75c borders snma price per roll no wall ail mu tr acton about mens and boys c lot h i n g st auxins gmirci ki l ok ii id v m it hoy wilson ma i hi bniiliy m rili mire mji hllluy rinhi 1 nt n nn if we waio asked n rcauon fur uur uuccciau in mens ami hoys clotliieg we would surely reply ua ara aupplytnar auatomara with clolhlnaf ao hmv uh ordered abnaral thatavan tha men otdraaa juditmantoannot adlttaranoa a short while njco tlio main dculls alwut ready t wl ir prmluctlena uere scarcity of proper ilaylng or shape kelng muturiuu a iulu of thereufkly shruuv tailor s canvau llulrctoli which is hy no moiinu a theaii stay te a aarmmit was dodved whanever pomilia theo was n shortage in oacctfvo hand moulding the cellars displayed a tlloiltlou to uvold the unck by ktatiillng out fram it the abouldem were not jrlven suflltiuut hreailth cotu were ut roomy enough the wlioje make up spelled lib port ettlou thft oreat todav whether yed think it or net lo4 nntalterthe following fact it we have null in out matt a ami keys clothing htotli which will if drape and powiciwea smart style lilies to a degree which maues umiidlhle far you to ee the difterunce between what we ufter you and what isjuaile hpeclally for you wn irtu mn 11 alen should lie dressed with a quiet dignity whlth tipclu geod form we cloth hoys us a nuither would like to nee her laiyjittlrcd w give henaut value for every dollar you leave in our store our men s boota and uhoes are sold to men who know rood form whuti tltay see it t tan oxfords patent oxferds plain lentheroxfonu tan slujeatcut hlioas plain leatlttr hhoes stocked in splendid vilrjrty of wldtha nnd a completo oort- nient of sties livery hew last is represented ia our spring ktocu 1 1 men shoes we are here touothe me drop in hco how well wecun do it mbnmhuittt pnom i0 oo to 22 oo mens biiokw idkoahp b4ha huns and dovbj hatb mtthfl and bovtl funhiaillnov ilflu abl i- itufn cook antk a iiviijinioti j i i ilun illloh llutiyl auihe viirnu wdoitks iltoreuty kok ha1jb nuumiiir 71 iuuitiua 1 t 4vflat 111 i r i n m it ltl illy lu u i til snv inciiltahn jtnfl ktuoilei tuitoall act ail at 1 i 11 r 1 1 t 1 in 0t- w 11 ioi 11 u 4 4 now iom eubsrln loo i on nolo 1 a 1 ty 1 11 iiiaiuufii joiin itiu tut 1 uuam actor g brtancouelpk we do what we say one dent brings it would you uke-to- rbadthcstory opthe furnace f jutt lunv correct prlnelplei uy u thoolil be eenmroctsat jon vvhy no other plan of can- urueibnirvill do 7 jat wbeeln lisi lis abilny lo be aeiy on ful quick in action simple in opaftilonr the uy li briefly told in a htite boolilel called furnace pactt li t net an advar- ilianvini no furnaca name l msntlonad aivl yeu can read tha whole uoiy in 5 minotss to ihe party contentplaiing puchaalna a futiuee 1 poinit out live mag ed pitfall and ihowi auacily vmu lo dtmuul of an schl- lect contractor or dealer in furnace construction and intiallatlon vancouver st john n b hauil10n 2 calqarv m back at the old stand m struthers wishes to announce to all hib old customers and any number ol new ones that he is again at the old reliable furniture stand 120 upper wyndham street guclph where he is opening up and putting into mock a full line of parlor diningroom hall bedroom and kitchen furniture carpets and otf cloth call and sec them a full range of childrens carriages gocarts carriers etc j special prices in iron beds springs and matrcsscs j m struthers guelph noua spring hbts our slyla ar camel nosu suitings raitrn bacluilva neini trous6r1ncs tra vary laleil dwlgn closb prices and pirn clan batlifaclion assured r e nelson merchant tailor and men furnisher oublph ont- jir- a pointer on paint a vou know that 75 is not 100 then do not ex pect a pnint 75 pure to givo 100 wear it cant the martlnsenour paint is 100 pure lead zinc and linseed oil and gives 100 wear it covers more looks better and wears longer than lead and oil or any other paint it is tho only paint made in canada which is labelled 100 pure and sold subject to chemical analysis ai r f johnstone cfe co lutlll st hcton the only best portlhnd cbwbnt is nrtiqnhl why use inferior cement when national costs no more quality guaranteed delivered promptly in any quantity the bond hardware co umltart 1ltallfbdna07 aulllfii the way to miiskoka this summer is by the take shore expresses of the canadian north ern ontario rail way write for booklets describing muskoka the maganetawan and the best country in six provinces for the holiday maker and busi ncss man opened up by the six railways of the canadian northern system to the in formation bureau head off ice canadian northern rail way system toronto we want a reliable local salesman for aotolt and adjoining country to represent canadas greatest nurseries largest list of commercial and don tlu frulu lore and small ornament al and shade trees flowerlmg nhruba vinos roses flae seed potatoon ono of our specialties stock that is lmrdy cornea from us a permanent situation for right nmn for whom territory will he resoned pay weekly free equipment write for particular stone wellington foothill nuraarlea b30 aoroa toronto ontario learn dressmaking in a week to nalils all to laarn w m niacins teachers iry klit lowni in ontario thai uiaons haw to oul al anil out lomthar any mr from tha ptaliuit hlrt waut ttill lo tha ieaoh mant from nniliutmi ar tlirouah anjl rmtlv aaiflajft rats fa tha ml eounw in canaila ihslthe whole umuv can iirn hv qiuinambfr taslnjr it up wa have aan in builiuu tar tan years and tatght ovr j 000 ajitt euatantm te alva thu oopy la inmim betwmn the ol item wmnni ihrn dawsreotimltatiansu oim hai tun knnwn a oopy our adve and va plalmxt vrhire thay ware nql knowate be the invantor or tjilt oaurw ua adv la eanulae wulirmi nur ih0q 00 ouaranoa lira wm bandara inventor onu rroa oublph litislncss olleile jtfaaopf niaalr vpptr wyudbii 0t onlpt oal the best syateion oi oernmanlal ttalnlua known to modern buahiaas aduaatlou is in aueeeaafal oparatlon at ihe oublph dubinbbb oollbob tills anient baahaaa utetonahly leetea sni has daudesusiaa lie inploity to all oltiar atataaaa of eoumatelal traiolpg theauatpb unsinaee collage l in ifct pvevutea is auineruadtetaaebauapreaueeli mnhi jroub win and wotean of aaerey sad naraeteifean hi ttanaalvf bare atmrhiraie ldjmdiuhi m lecm3im0tbla ftnilai xkan1n closkts illl mimlmi i will i ii arlni wm 1u i niulllhiilltuikt nalhxit ilia tstli ut uav in i wll olnsii it all r n iou an i niua at uo hir lianul 1 i myi i i an il ilim dnib in anuii tiryuiiiiil atwaisut tl union ordn oil with hr nl i hui nary iti lector mill la i iuiii il sitinl t hit iitl iii i u i llualil cuoick jtlildjno lots foii ualt fill twal lim inimnbaj no i v ry i nil una ow itoi mil r of choiea trull tli n o lot in i imii iiiiuhi ii lli riuidr on 1 nils niiu i cm mil t avntilail on ilia voiiiib jirt urn t mi i it t i i i uatniil h unu i l cmii lund lu ruiiil i con iii i r miliuall n 1 m tbliltuuuill r lit uuu t t uooill hollo way i mo at till i ikstci impurtctl cljdusdalu stallion f 13- wllluliuoll a tliu lalila lot j mlillm i nu at dna oolfms aad litourul to tliuiolllo lluuir looraalawil and uislii oar iil kfuar llll i irl foiib uli man hot ariuir rarly in tin iarnoon and tatniln ovar niiim uatuiilay wlh itmu in ii u fotei ooti hmnllof u imui ii ih jlor iilulil tarun talnaitfixll t ayal l it vi 10co v or furlliar 1 anlnulan larta i our dash i mouiiiinii a c it laiiarrr aud oollotoia noticti tojdneditors in the matur or the baute or jehu nf offat late or the village of aoton in the county of llnlton tanner deeeaaeil noti0i5 urrbr 0lc iursunl to dib kotloo1 htalutoh nt omarlu diaptar iso anil small lino ion that all in lltora amlotliata liavlnu olaliin null at ilia aiuta ot lbs laid joun uotttti lain n en nr atiuul ilia ninth day of at nt iuuh aro riulrul on or ik for ttia rwaoty tlltli clay vt ifny 1uw to tend bj luxl lroall or iloluar to a j ubchlnnor oi alia sm vlllioaor actui rtnllcll r tor jitnm u off at ilia arliiiinlilrkii r i f dm i atialo ol tlio bid da- eaaiail llimr uluullaii mi 1 kuri auit arid and daerlillaii tho full lankulara ol tuli- claim lliuilbiinuiitnltlinlraoo unta and tba naiura or ilia moiirltloa it any liald by tliain an i tilrlliar tako noiico tbat alter audi lul mantlonbil data dm a iniuilatrator will iifocaad to dlilrllinlo tlio aaauta o tlio rail daoaaaail among ilia i arllni oiulilol tliarotn liawlnu ro anl only to tlio ol- una ot wliloli llioy shall tiau aa ntitbw ami ilmt i tm aald attiiulatratar will not bo list lo tor tlio aill anoia or any uatt tliartot to any iioraoi or imnoni of afiai olsltiii notice thall not liavo us on toooliail by bin at ilia umd ol siicli distribution a j ftlllkinnon it kilcun turtlip atlmlntairalor datod ll la rwutit aovuutli day oi april 10uu notice to 0he01t0bs in tho matter or the ttatttta or alfved oudd into or tho vuiajra or aetoti in the county or llnlton laborer leett notioi la in i lj itituii iiurauani lo it h o iuui0lisi 1ju snd siimnlluh salt that all eredltnraan i oil i iuikhiiii jialiuiualiiitltiaaa lata nf tin inld alfro i i lu id who illatl dq or aliootttio voiirtliday ut tulxiiary luuh are ra- rmlrsdoiior ligfamiijo rwuuiy ntiit luynlusj firl in aiind by yah roi al i or ilsllm to a j itbckliinou at llioald viiiboo ol aaton knlloltor lor jauio abraham tho ailmliilitralov of uio kulato of iho ilil doooaifd tbalr oliha- llan and turnamon addiuaiuu ami ilaiortntlopa tlio full pbttlonibtb of tlicilr olnimb the itate- manl nt tlinlr anoounla and thn nature of in a teourltlo many livid by himin and luriliur tako nut leu that aflor mail laat iiieutloiiixl ilarn tlio sill admiiilttralor all procoo 1 lo dutill utn tlio saints of tlin daoeaiad ainodu iho parties null lul tboroto liavidbra sard only to ihu cllina of wliloli ho hsll tliao bans notion an 1 hiab iho mid administrator will not ho llalilii ur thwaall aiaota or any part thareof many patmu ur i oruom nf whoaa oj- datadthutaci hluu7otairll 1uih lit notice to ciied1t0u8 inthe mattanofdnvld a dlokaon of the vlltntra or aoton in the county ol llnlton lumberman insolvent notil luhorutii 110 ihat tho aald ruvll a ulokni in tlin mil lliau ol acton oarrtliiu nn iukiiivib si itimlmruiaii at ilia td lltauool anion haa main an oiulflinnani uudsr ii hu inn 01 oi iur in nt all lila cilata xn william ii dminv otilia ho v unity nt hal tun iiint nrailllaaliilcll vlllauool aoli lor ilia utimral in in a niialliiu ut oiulllura will lo bold at iba fifllqaola j maoilnnnii of tlio villsao of adlon to ilia county of lluimn bullaltor fnr tha ism aiilsuar nn lijturday ibu uilli day of april 1u0h al thu hour ol two n ol ok in tlig afternoon lareotilvti a atatoiiiaiii of blfitltf appoint liiapao lor aud for ihu ordarttiu nt tlia affairs of ill miatputiiiorally crilllnraata rtonodel 10 tlla ilrolahiib with thoaaalmijo nitli pro laid aot 1 that af elovamh day of ma iu0h the aiiluiiaawlll 1 ro oaad lo itulrlhiilo thii smuts of tlio oitata that attar the tbalr olahub wfth thaaaalaiuo nipi tiro ribtllouiara m rtiiulrml by iho laid aot ltfora tho day olsiioh 1 notion la furll yoftla itrlbuu attiouutt tha partiui oiitllln i llimoio bavlna r- gblil only to tlio olalim of wliloli iiotloa iliall thk 1ltrlic ilraltu oitizdnb ann itlequebtcd to comply with tlin puol10 iiisaltii aot n ittitouloauiliolr js walar oloieta rpiiilsuv and rantovo auduilioraiiliitiiica lilah mayaiidanuurihu lutlillo liaaith and to rt drain yard 1 lu elyuv walar oloieti itildtusi ami ollisr v alromallilir llolt liauaillil fll ullfsml utiiaia i vatiihtiv mil ijii imlltlirt nmiiuri- aiiduthorbuliatii mayamlanuurihu lutlillo lioalth and ih tamo r iiiilulii1 by tlio llili day ol iv ilia tamo r miilutud by tlio dili day of avuealoiiui uli day lliu rlaiiltary iniiaulor wmooinmbrioobonoraf hiijiaoifoii and furihnr take uotlpa that tlia aootlon of tha iiblioliua1ih af im blhiniifl iho aaoiliie nf liopa hotwaau thu 1mb uay and iho lit of fiovaiiivier iiett hi moofastfuuiaiiykinaorlaua with rlnora j i ierahlbuily elbanad all bp au lolly uiilorasd a i olitaiinb are eayiieilly rriiiaital lo imp autltlaeuil f olaaii and tliotounlily thbhanltarv inaiiflutorhah arrniiba1 for ihk eonvtnlaiioa of ohloiis wuh atr illabaiil llawar ouillli to bu in ad 1 11 w th ha baiillarv nlubl roll aniiaraliia tn ill i all 00 foo 11 nu aloatla collar 00 nu ahortm npilo laarlbg iha proiulips eluaii noat and laltifaa ii bwackiuuun aetoe apfl u rt u ut dljr dteooune olfsa canadian kaitav to autiuil dl k buuinkhll i value veil chert oollkqb t hi onl gobbbod fcoaiiliihooursob lly mall i0 fur ihreb tiiuiiihr oii ihoiibi atari lojay hour hie u a rauguiiauaof llarrlnaltal tononto w5tfj

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