Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1908, p. 3

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walt papers window hltadiss curtain poik8 j llnaa we uail in call in and see our new daaljtns in wh 1aper from 5a par roll llordar 11ma price aa wall geo hynds mill street acton rutledgbs iji j er x wctom hotel strbtcial mju btret acton tilymblt high itmipl or ngt lupprid tilt mlioruft ilht coumiihcial thavemkrs ok- dieph iilvon special aftnuon w ii dutlcdgt prtfprietorj ffilie jlctou tn jims apiul ito 1006 brief local items last day of april the merry month of may to mor row wliuat is uptnwij again and oats are bringing 4ha cheap faro tu toronto thu week to the canadian national ilorsa show hope thoyll blto woll to morrow boys oat your finding tackle ready blyg yo birds sing joyous long t and lot tho young lambs frisk and play in mi warm spring sunshine tin pretty miiy flowers blood root and other spring varieties of wild flower an nuw being authored in the wood john gordon niisaogaways ha a fine clydesdale hull i on royal itlgbts whloh ho will travel through her this mr v l wonlon has much im proved hli property on church street by the removal of hie barn to tho rear of hi lot rev w d morrill m a gen sup erintendent of sunday school will preach hi the daptlit olmrcb next sunday afternoon w ii ilntlodgc llvurynmn hai added several now rigs to hie outfit ately ill business announcement appear in another column rev q w darker mi the speak er of the evening nt tho annual meeting land banquet of dundaa epworth league on monday evening rov mr wlllongliby woe at churchill nn monday evening and re opened the weekly pruy or service whloh wae discontinued eoiiiu 1 1 mo ago mr w ii rutladge will ehnrlly reinovo his family from htreetsvllle they will reside in tha hniiso on main street opposite assessor harveys a earryall hmd of oddfellow went to georgetown un tiuntlny to attend the annual sermon by itov ii a g wlllotighby in tho congregational church a special meeting of ihe executive of halton sunday sahnol association will bo hold in milton on prlday bth of may to arrange for tho annual con vention newe we received hero yesterday of tho death at droeobrldgo of mr w g andrew nee mub mary a dunn who formerly resided with mr and sirs joshua norruh here i a neat mm hie slab bearing the name of the church 1ms been affixed to the front wall of thn rap tint church it was the girt of j ii hamilton as bone tho monument manufacturers ouolph dectectlvaa kgolton nnd nlokell and policemen serge groen and bol ton of london wero here on saturday coutlng tor mnlr thn murderer of sergt lloyd at tha barrack nt lon don on the 18th intt william it collier hrook street who has been eubjiil to rpltopay for several yeais line lately become much worse and aerlniiuly disturbed mental ly ho was ml 111 1 it od to the asylum at hamilton 011 friday a postal curd from mr a m smith says they have returned to lon don he itud vlultvd tho stables of king edward an the 11th inst nnd hud the pleasure of viewing tho 300 horaeit and their equipages thoro a letter just received from william currlo curs talis alrn says tho fatally la now aettlod in their new home and they like their surroundings very much the boys have rented a farm two miles from tho town guelph football olul has written to acton footballers suggesting tha formation of a league with four teams a meeting of all interested will be held this availing at eight oolook in the town hall to consider them atter at the annual meeting of tho tcduoatlonal association at toronto but week a continuation sohonl bee tlon woe organued acton was hon ored in the election of principal stewart ns one of the four members of tbeexeouilv the old adams residence at the corner of ohuroli and main street erected over sixty yoaia ago la to lie moved nearer the now hoiua on the property and converted into a double tenement this will loavo a very eligible building tot on the corner j d mnokenile oontiactor la converting his building oil church street into a carpenter shop and add ing a new front 20x9y two stories with offloo in front 011 ground floor he will operate a planer circular saw and other email machines with gasoline motor power w r fe- dbtatlona fbi mastitis tea warm the teapot arookury is best put iri a teaspoonful of sithula tea for evsry two cups pour on freshly bolted water and allow it to steep not to from ova to eight minuted pour j tha liquor off the leaves into another tpob and- serve when roods in tble way sauda tea will retain its pellotou flavor for liouri oil account of its delicious etrength a pound of r bauda will go a far a a pound and news op local import oloojnar mm blhep owing to iii hltu ihavodtcldtxllo close jny meat shop till forthfr iml i i desire in thank my many cuthiniri for thlqileral supkirt and lniw 1h fore many inonthw to l able to i 1 them again k w quack the mlnlaurtal asmtauon the monthly meeting of the minis uriel aasoclatlon wae held in ht albane rectory on monday afternoon rural dean imt of milton was tha speaker of the day rev and mrs matthew wlluon entertained tho mem ber of the association to loa in hull- well known boepltahlo inaunor tummmm killed twenty cows henry houlton a farmer between uellevllle and kingston- inst twenty flue rulldji cows in a very short tlnm frohl some myaterlote duoase tim anlutajebefabui paralysed ill tho fore legs after which the hind lgs became effected the government inapoctor e invcallgatlng into ilia mailer up tu dale mr roultnn has received no word nb to the ratika of llie ducnp imnrovement in roa ttwery day icvlilautly our cjtuena wro detrsmln ed this spring tu do their utmost to make actmt a place of beauty and attractive to all who came to town lawns are iteliig graded and soddid flower lied formed end planted nrw fence are being constrnrh 0 hedges put in 1 house and outbuildings mint ed 1 ritiade trees and orijantantal shrill planletl nud attention goner ally being given to making hnnire nnd their surroundings mout hoinidlki mul imtautlful petty thtevlnar by loeal burarlara last thursday night tho imr at tha dominion hotel was broken into nnd a inintlty of cigars cigarettes and flasks of liquor stolen a dollar or two of loom chuiige in the till was also taken a few nights previously an l entrance was effected to riathams grocery by a real door and ttonm 20 or 20 pounds of chewing und ainoklng j tobacco a box of cigars and about four dollars in coppers tiikun tho indlca- 1 tlons point to thn perpetrators iwlng local mlsereanle nnd well acquainted with tho premises of hath places vlslud rire in bark muuik last thureday morning when the dead gross was being burped off in tho yards of tho acton tanning co tho flro ran under a stack of hemlock berk and ignited it tho workmen did their utmost to quench it but wero unable to do an and a silent alarm was sent in to the pi re brigade tho steam fire engine was promptly nn the scene and after a couple of hours ploy ing upon tho hark the last smoulder ing atom was quonohad a large por tion of the stack had to bo torn out but only twenty or thirty cords of tho itark was destroyed there are about a thousand corde of bark in this aeo tlon of the yard nnd it is worth bo tween jh 000 ami 10000 maetltur of bualnaea hen messrs board more co imvu cfos od the chopping mill an mill strict and tho farmer who naturally trado in acton aro obliged to go 1 lsnwhurc for lliolr chopping this la a great detriment to the town and stops must be taken to havo the mill put in opnr at ion nguln at tha earliest poasltiui date to till und a meeting under tho nuiplaee of tho roard of trado will be held in tho town hall to mor row friday evening at8 00 oclock to coustdor the matter and take action to secure the end desired all huulnesu men and cltlxane interested nru re quested to be prosont other matters of vital interest to tho town niny nlao oumo up for discussion malleloua injury to property lust monday evening butwuen nlno and ten oclock noma ovll disposed person or persoos out all thn supports of tho awning at ii ii unswortha store front the itipo worn taken out and eoine four or flvo itoye pro oeoded to the resldunoo of william glmsoii and tied them to his bonne door information wae laid against two imye on suspicion and tho aumt u as heard by ii p moore j p on tues day afternoon the evidence did not aubstantlata the charge however and the case was dlsmleeod dusluos men and oltlxons generally will nppicolnto mr unswortha vffort to ascertiiln tho guilty parties tliedainngo dnuo was oettalnly reprahenslhle nud it is to lie regretted that these guilty of tho out rage were not bronght to justice hill a tree t well cleaned commissioner onrnahan has during the week had mill streot thoroughly aaraped with tho road inaohlne and tho gutters by hand about sixty loads of the nooumulatlons of tho year wore teamed off the cleaning down to the macadam reveals tho fact that the rood stoik the three years or wonr nnd the three winter of frost most satisfactorily it is evident however that repair and renewals of road metal must needs bo made this aoason if the good oondltlotl of tho street la to be maintained a fow depressions and approaohea to tho crossing- must be filled in and a couple of inches of br stone over the entire surface and mliddowri until it le thoroughly consolidated le mofct desirable church street roadway i badly woi 11 thioiigh in place and must receive attention without delay pwefth laajrtle- annual afeetlna the annual mettngand election of offloere of the up worth league was held on tuesday evening the ro porta or the vloe preuldenle of tho various department showed veiy oiu couraglng progress a a resnlj of the year work the membership now numbers seventyfour the league raised 89 for missions the officers were elected as follow 1 president a t drown vloepres christ u bud dept miss hthel oolemau vice prts missionary dept mrs dr hore vloevpres literary dept mlia aniil h hudeon vleepree social dapt miss clara bhbage treasurer ohai a o matthews beo seomlw florrie speight cor see miss berth smith organist miss fern brown convener of musloal com mu bdrtle speight rev- q w barker pastor and hon president presided at the election acton league stand second in guelph dbnrlee id mfcmtarsblpand missionary wlellpgvt rev mr mulun at htoa ohurah llv j ii mllluiiofklorapnarl to knox church last hmiday nn inlug and nvftilng he ha frquvillly pruached in acton und his hrtnis ware much enjoyed n usual ruv j o wilson 11 a preached in rock- wood arid imti mill- woman lntltut annual meeunaf the annual meeting of the wo inn its institute will lie held nn friday may 1st at three oclock at the home it mra h hwackhammer there will lie the election of officers for the year and other bualnesa all the ladles in town will be welcome the meiiihrm arw nsneclully requested to i to pit soot a lunch will bo served by the umn- iwretf tho institute llteh honor to canadian mr h t ii umbers on of nwton brook baa publlahed u new system of aatronomy a a result he has been elected a member of the frdnoh royal ablrnuomlcal roc1ety upon thb noiul nation of the hon oumllotlulnimu ion tu whoil tha tietv ytenj was fib milled this u luiiiiliiiuli d honor ion chmh 1 wlol mil ti il of 1 h h 1 hi at i111l a privuiti tit nth nt of ibis bclfllltt tha teaeben intltue oridera at the recent meeting f llaltnn teschers inatllutv nt peorgilotvu hie following oftlrers wero ehctvd fov tho rustling year 1 president a r mill georgetown vice president aeo lfttal uqiutliig secretary mis k kennrdyactitn treasurtr j s deacon p b i milton librarian w v ionian milton kxecutlvei the ofllcim oil vx 1resliteuth und muuiu iiuia hcotl m rfiiniltm cliitpoian m howsauil m j hii ii aotert lawn tennla club hut annual meeting of i tie imo ttniils club was held nn mil ovunlng when thn following oft and conniillh t u wirfutectt d 1 hon pm a a hi crd pifyfilviit ohas reardinnre sac tio is mlsa rartlo hlielglit vim pros miss derllia hiulth green coiiimlltee i a lloturt- boii convanor t i a mclean j wood 1iniiu mclntojh torrance ilu1rd1110rril u n kiln ir iloie g p hiyinan 1 huvlll p graham clias matthews the oddrellowa at home tha oddfellows of acton hold an at homo and asaembly in thn town ball last thursday evening llieio huh a good at tend slice of members and local guest nnd visitors from guelpli and milton during the evening well ren dered solo were sung by mrs plokard hamilton and mis gertie johnstone acton mibs thompson and mr tims mcoiuro sang a duet with much ac ceptance tha iochman family and mr aiox arthurs protlded music for tho occasion itoripplniients wore erved in tho ball lliuse pimcnt declared tho occasion was ery enjoy- able to them tim cuimliltiio in charge comprised messrs 1 i ilaucls d d o m chairman 1 it mcplit rson o uymlxa b mclianaudflgunton helton hotel lloenaes ilnltnri llconae coiuinlbaloiitrs iiut here oil saturday nnd granted licenses as follow t milton iorgui martin j l mcglhlmn john p kelly 1 oik villa c a decker imw hajasi gourgetown ii a culfen h ii mc nilituint nurlliigtoii a is tiniiinn w j riuhi icquuslog i j hill glenwllllamuf albeit posit r noivnli d mclood rallinafad hlx illii ilotul brant thiity iluys txtiiiiou aj lulmian w ii roche and john j glhhons acton chns rruwor stewarttownt johntreanor guoige town tha cninmuultmt rs compli inentoillheoikvlleliutelmiii on tho gikml pxamplo set by them in closing their i wis on good pilday tha iminrd will moot again at giorgatown an uth may olmmplnn theaeortfetown lawn bowler at thn annual meeting of thn lawn howling olihvfho following office is wire elvctod 1 hon pros john r rat her and major grant pre h w kunnody vice prn a mcoallmu bco treas ii w uull u ron nils committee modoimld mcdean praser and boarff bxecutli e and match committee tie presi dent vlclre widen t and beorolnry amongst the dutlo of this cnmmltteo will be tho telsotlug of skips and play ere for all matches it was resolved that tho igxcutlvu committee divide thn player ft oven as posslhle into rinks of four and that a competition ho engaged in each of the four players taking turn in position as a rink and at ohiuo of competition total number of shots won to decide the winners membership fen to lie 1100 and no 0110 allowed to play on tho green until membership fee le paid it war nlio resolved to havo a gnlu roopenlng day to which the lady friends of tho mam bora mt tn im invited and are to have tho privilege of tho grounds and tho game ermena by barmayor urauhart ex mayor urquhart of toronto was tho preacher of the day at tho baptist church last sunday nfiornoon and ho wns gnoted by 11 lingo con gregation ho took for hi topic thn laymens forward movamont for mis- ion and delivered a maiteily and con vincing discourse showing tho abllga- tlon ot tho church in the ovangellxathm of tho world tha ulm of the prcuont movoinant to accomplish this in ihe presontgenora tlon and tliuubllltyuttlii ohilutlaii world to do it woro force fully emphasized in summing up his argil man ta which ware presented in tho logical order inherent to the cult uied legal mind mr urquhart ad vanced tho following reasons why tho present movement should he success ful 1 1 the present intelligent know ledge of the need of missions and our personal obligations 1 2 the business principles of business men are now being applied to the missionary effort of tho ohuroheei 1 national nfoty largely depend upon christian hi llg the heathen nations 1 4 our prtvl legos in this christian land with it happy home nnd free bibles 1 tho millions in heathen land who havu never heard tho gospel 1 0 it is curry ing out guda commends gods thought was missionary when he wnl ills hun to earth money and men and women are needed to do this work both must be given li i easy to give money but hard to give a life ae j wans did for us but thero must he sucrl floe before the world la evangelised no money is tainted worn than that which is kept in the cold storage tfooaef for phrticulhr a07en h h unsworth a woman alioulil aalacl bar corsels aa eti ilia choose liar shoes for an old sly corn i nn mallsr bo cheaply you may buy tlism li mra 10 spoil ihe fit of ihe new ipwn von can enjoy cornfort atyls anil crace if you buy your cotmis si his flora ii 1 nooblfgalloo 10 buy 1 fully aa wn von can enjoy corhfort l w invlle you 10 come and sm for yourself we lesv for ln3w his ina arid ouisol the corsel butlnem til 10 your own good judgnenl at 3 bo tape clrdlea light and comforinble for summer wear at 600 our ipadal corsel si this pf ice mala of fine while hilitia tttmlo tilled low buil sod long hip wlih or without lint lupporiare at 7bo coraals of finer quality ijatltls low liuil long hip hose supporters attached eslrs acd value ht oils price at 8100we have two issuers le i nomc and ikcaldi phonic la a good firm corast made of coutllla medium bual long hip uliii hose aupporlsra kxclda u a llgblar wdlit corast mide of fine unit to nw luitt lioss a upper i e alischad a vary comfor tstl coiait fare slight figure at n3l36wlih high huat ealr long hip and bote supporters a corset iliit li rapidly gaining favor for a tall medium fiflpr at u jso iew bum long hip mors suitable for a shorl full figure at ffl3 00our tluee apeclala for full figures axe a craca grand ducltsaaand dscetlo bmcbonalbgm dry goods and fotiiino guelph social and petlsonal mis n v mum vi i1 uwtuu in imdas mr wllliaiu jubiulone vmled luildu in ri fel to 11 this wrrk mr mlliiikiiiiu though still v ry iili u giiulinilly tmpinvliig mi wn haw gaidi in r of hm lltoll xpi iii i ii ivi i it iii wu i rs i uourh nud miswrs giorgai ami kiki of uniiiiptiin vmtvd acton file mix ovor hiiiulay mr john harvoy baa been spending the pnst week with friends in water- town nml llaiiilhim mis live of toionto mwnt a couple of days his wkiu at the home j of mr thomas porrymau mrs thomas smith nuauugaweya want to mono mills on monday to visit her tiioltu r who is very lit i mr hugh mcpougall prxdcrhk street who has ikjon vary 111 for j several weeks is slowly recovering j mr a c illgge of rurllngtnn wae i in town on monday ha and mr i rlgg will leavo on a trip to england in a fow weeks mr james webster was la guelph on sunday nttondlng tho oddfellows mini sinnnn in norfolk streot methodist church mr and mrs murray macdonald miss holnus and capt uauihlo ntend od the military at tlomulii geoige- town friday night mrs r gulluy who camo tn acton thrco weeks ago to mirso imr father mr hugh m laughlln hua returned to r homo tn toronto dr kenneth 1 pniitou who ihih mn in knglaiid tnklng a special 11 rue and who was sucromuful in pnuxlug bu 1 x uiiluatloiis has return- d lo blu home hole where ho will upend a ft w days hvfoio going to tho went or n status where he intends to locale milton reformer bat what vou want tho first thing to do in the case of indigestion 01 stomach weakness is tn strengthen tho muscular walls of the stomach and intestines so that they will euro for thn fond that is catun in no other way ran tills bo dono aa mtll as by taking a ml o mi tablet ite- foro uaoi mual this restores strength to the stomach musolos ami stimulate the pouring nut of gastric juices then the food dlglsts readily and you begin to got iho full benefit from what jou cat uso mi o na u houover yon ha o sick headache heartburn bud laito in tho month ooattd tongue spots bnforo oyea slutipkssness nnd tho many other symptoms that ai o tho direct result of indlgoutlon a t brown gives with every co cent box of ml 0 na n guaraatoo to re fund the money unless the remedy cut os youre not maker are vouv on oxrhniigo puhlluliod in tho west blu tho nrtil on the bend thus 1 if you uro u kicker nud sou tho shadow of fulliito in everything that is pro posed to help tho town fm hiavonu ako go into somo socludod canyon und kick your own shnduw on the clay bank and thmi give man who aro working to build up a town u chance ono lougfuoed hollow eyed whining kicker can do muro to keep awuy busi ness and capital from a town than all drouths hnrt crop chinch bugs cyclone and hllxxarde onmhlnod vhun washing woodwork wot the war paib to prevent streaking pure sneeasaownki sick rttcairpta um emtlf anuleln cemtrmlmeuifsaafa head jgmjemjnfflipfts gbilubdeibhu ultnstlbls1ap0ss1s ltd a wmshp bank op hamilton every treasurer of church lodge or association funds should at once open a savinos account for these trust punds we specially invito this class of accounts and pay highest current interest georgetown branch vv n mckay agon feeling bad smmuii ms oi fitt uvu luui tlqhu h lf ij uj vu take n nr toust tonifltt vs ufl utl m imi uhw u ma tytit utim k jjumm ssm sdtwtw tai staamh saslitohaeiakf aa tkloaug t swibasmi wmiumuv a thp aulii vu bil toj better than ptlb por liver tttv nkum t dujy- ns ytafah uunwvkl fhwora u shii suaujh sub luuuki u afatilm siluw caililai f u cmumu uk thtumt cuk llibfu ftm- tuttf rwu j auumuiub ah l iluw ji utj tv uwuh u4 m4uim smiv uj immmiium ta mm w all l ikl mlvtatfiaa csilm sm tu rvryu4r for sale by e a robertson druggist acton the right house hamilton 3 iavouite shopping place pc tremendous linen sale household linens pillow cottons and sheetings in a great 10 days sale commencing april 29lhand ending saturday night may 9h a 26500 stock of linens produces greatest reduction sale in hamiltons history come to hamilton nnd secure supplies for a year alicid the savings average a fourth to a third over regular right house special valuo prices prices are ab reduced thousands of table cloths napkins nnd towels nnd many thousands of yards of table linnn towel lings sheetings pillow cottons nnd plain linens nro nbrolutoly reduced a fifth n fourth to n third for this remarkable snle you will save many dollars if you buy all your supplies here now thomas o 1st atkins ooamn kinq st east huohioh hamilton ont extk4 speciax bargains for quick selling drcru hklrtm 3 lon fadle prats skirts yashleaab cute and shades regular 4 00 to 04 go to clear at hi ik wnlhlh 3 white lawn sblrt walau lateat styles ooirict covoraaml draworrf oy rebiw n s clear at lit s doua only keguluily soc to t clear at tlp matting 3oo yartu jap matting regular aoc to clear at t lixha heavy irpct kt wffu rakt 7ornuof wall paper to clear per roll it o u1i orwallpape to clear per roll s299 wllll 07e r9c i3c 15c 25a8fjc be fie stofcrlch orn klnka u good hrsakfaat food lerge package regular 100 t hpeclal prjce c h h unsiarortli jtcton only the shots that hit count jpihafs just the waj in medicines only the prescrip- x tionk and preparation that are prepared in strict uinrd incu with the laws of medical science from strictly pure and hiih quality inuredicnti will ever do you inj good we uic only drugs of the highest quality and all work is carefully done accuracy purity and cleanliness is our motto e a robertson druggiht stationer optician the palace drug c aoton cl i wc cmbost your initial in a nice old english letter with fancy border without extra charge on all note paper or on the envelopes bought from us embossing stamps to do your own 100 princle the jeweller guelph ont jacksons jacksons our now byatom or dash buying and oaah selling enables tu to offer you thu weak boms big bnaps regu- 69c 10 doi mens dlack denim overalls with bib also smocks o match lar bjc ioi do this week fl do mens work slilrts striped osfordauedlum to dark shade regu lar 50 to fij this week 430 q dm mens work skirts ulack drill wltb wblta stripes and spots regular 75t9jc this week 090 aodoi mens fourlnhond ties ijdoi shield neck ties u dos dow ties ell grand ipiallty silk now designs and rich coloring regular 95c this week s for s50 do you not now wish to select your spring underwear and hosiery while our llpes are complete vou know if you come now you can choose from a larger line than if you come later we wlili to begin selling our spring underwear and hosiery early we are marking the price oa these goods low so that we shall not ierycarly we are marking the price have any to carry over when tho selling season is pant can give you these are the value we ladies embroidered dlack cash more iloie 8 9 oj and 10 regu lar 35c this week aiq ladies b1ntk cash more hose rlhbed or plain ilics fig 9 9i and 10 rpgular 35 and 40c this week 95c ladies taffeta gloves new brown nnd tan shndeu regular 50c this week 330 dress goods bpccialh dlack molreno cloth regular 9130 this week 93c croam lustre fancy patterns regu lar fljo this week sbe satin fin lull prunella cloth regular vi 00 this week 73a striped crsneeu regular use this week 330 satin cloth regular 75c thia week 4b0 fcarl ruttans doien so corset cover embroideries this week jr patterns 170 33c pattern 930 450 patterns 310 600 patterns 43c 5 laoli silk ribbon best quality all colors regular sjc this week 4 inch silk ribbon regular 900 this 190 a nip showing of laces urabrolderle and dress trimmings all at special pig- j h jrckson oeorcbtfflmn 1905spring1905 lkdies spring jackets aoton hand laundry jatnoa webster having purchased the laundry business of i ctavel desires to solicit the contin ued patronage of the manyountomer who have favored tho business with their orders strict attention will be paid to oarerul filling of all order sad the excellent claw of work which has always been turned out in thp put will be continued mr clavel vfllt remain with me till ihe lt of april 1 jamkb wb11btur mill btrtrtr abftm 1 aoton pump 1 amd tile works o b bbbaqs proprlotor ou pramv r now ruly hulppl wllh 11 th ut1 muhlnsry na nppunnm for mnululurtn rumpm budfvmp sujipij tuttorynum tic srn pip rittiag hml mad fip buppumt onlk promptly ntm hair btrtbet xctdd jt n extonsive range of natty stylish mckin- ttl non made jackets in black fawn and fancy tweeds prices will be found much easier than in the cities for tho same class of goods spring jackets will be in much demand this season skirts i navy myrtle brown black and fancy tweeds those pretty pleated styles will be hot favorites millinery the millinery department is in full swing we nro making a big effort to give you this season the rout uptodnte creations and tho best values to bo found in the millinery trade we solicit inspection and a comparison of styles and values henderson cfe co mill street actok

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