Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), April 30, 1908, p. 4

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ttbe jktlmi 3frrc tyves aihm tiiuiihday m 10 1 ma cant votu mawgnidmiln nf uk oil 1 i read tdimrthliig bh nm talk in 1itinli mill li n ahe can piilnt tiu1 rdm miii ulna ifemttlfol p him hi l lur win m liu talks alt nmkiu j mi think of tho awcctemt klml of iiiiiuil imil ho ilocin t smokr hi- ililnk oh i cant begin to i ii you nil tlu pulllls aim ciin liih o i hho knows iwirti tlimi hitlf tliu luwjuii jo liut ma can t ati when my p u wilting i ittia nm nmat kiwhv 1iiihii iu ur to aalat lilm in iii mjkuihk anil t maiknjiuinuiiiinu clwir ifhw needs ndvlc hi r judgment h ililtpw ml lui nt tin ml hi us j h always be every da alu ilm u nuiatly at lil iiwn i iudnl fiu keepa trunk f itui limit heaps of bonus luifl uuvikw but ulil never hftn n luck in bacrtul ballot buv ma is wiser ujnu our ciikllinmn f bn nnt n utmluuto t ami j duiht ii ho omim u 11 you who it governing lhohliui he huinovir sliiilul griiiniun ill hot ho tin mii know whether gaiiuar lived a ilmum two thousand yriirn ign lie onuld newer till u lniv to ki tho ship of htiitu h x llor ho iloiiunt know mini w li thing hill imvcaiil vnln dneo when mr jn ulllng thuy gt up it hiihi t dnhtit 1 that wan mi hi imllf itiitlnii t hi supposed he hud it uiinlghi but twfuru theyd llnldi 1 miking in thiiv up lil- imnil nml i i thai hed nut iuki nun li nh in it nm reweinlwrid wlntl lui 1 n 11i t yis too iwully niht il i nil how to hotter hiimiin hvim still hit loom- tip like 1 glint whun election tlm iirrlv mrs gnohina diia nm wiihlng nhu lm to lulpnloiik taking care nfherhlxehililunihihigh her husband hlgnnri mtmngi whan he gte n j ih1 holiu ii till lietlraweltlapay then hn spends his cuuh for uhbdiuy or elan gambles it nwiiy i euppoau ida brains no bigger tjm the bruin of any gnat anil jied sell hlu vnto fm n drink lut nikoant voto i wish and otiianwias dr yoonjt ii ohinor dm i uiulii- stand yon to nay you u m 1 iikv 1 ulnb and thoreforo didnt imvn miy ihu1i ihybloun p knuty not nt nil i fiild wu did not liavp any rtkiilir piijmiiihh and am therefnru mivor nick lmilae wm fiirlmm ahmt lici wed- dlnsf whiit waa tho nmttirk tho orffanlat wan n rnj on d invnr and ho playnd tho lirldiil cuplo out of tho church with tho turn hty til an elaptiant on hlu llniiil- good nicriiliift jiimit i inn mirr to hoar that you didnt llkn my pi itcli intf on sunilay wlmt miu tho renion p i hadthron vary huld minium tir flmtly yo routl yur hoi tnon ut mini if yodldimniul it tvull mid iiih1i it wuna worth mail in nt u said nil iriidimiui to a uiutilh operator 1 do you cvor ciiiiiku nnliidy for tho addrcau of n muauiigu 9 no ropllod tio upiirnlnr and do you cbargo rn ulnnhin hlu namo aor p ld tho ouutoiu 1 no lr well then will oit pliiuu mind thla t i jnat want my linith 1 to know thai i nm lioro hnntling llm follmv- loffl to jolin mfillynn st new york algned patilok mcllynn it waa aant no u tribute to putrlckw brawdnoaa tho proillgnl nindu 11 ji oat dincovory it waa thla t if n yon tiff imin will drink ho muatcxpoot to coino to tlio lovnl of the awl nc the next pnraon who lutdiruptw tho proccodlnri mild llm juilflo aternly will h oxpnllid from tin court- room hooray i orlud the pruonur a amart youns follow cullud out to firmer who was omvliik nocd in hlu bald 1 well done old follow yun tow i reap tho frulta maylto you will anld tho fnrnior for im aowlnft hemp oivkn ah ihalldd view thola a womnri who would ndorn anybome ohnrnilnknnd oiiuwut- ad ohp ndt parllotilnrly hi10v 11 houaodeoorator quick work i am a lover of truth you aurprlro mo how limp hnvo tits twor of you hoiui ncpinluttd p new york trlbuno ii bb haw i jonoa ulahtp im auro im ilhtj ill bob my oara on li i brown steady old man i dont ro to aueh extroine iduriiiu i tub apoloov uo kuifld hoc and who mndft hhu u butatralffhtway culled hhu buck and aald h might iipiilublio so ho took uiiotlmr iulh munuk olilnngnnowu do not let n cold vultlit mi yonv luugu itetort to blokhvn autl oommiiiptlvi syrup at lh flmt lutlmiitliin or liiidi- lou in the ihront and pitvi ut dlw nui from lodging in tltopiilituminy niguiim negleotwl ooldriiiro hiooihimi of untold buffering thrnughmit tho cmmtiy nil of whlob onuld hivo huiur provonttd 1 by tbe application f blu uhnplo hut powerful nittdlolnn thopiloe sisoiuitw brliigi it within loiuth of nil prino vbvbr the oataloguea are enmlng in with lowly llutaiif hiiwraaidaepdu and pictured qunaltea lioata and wu but not one word almut the wweds tbejr look 90 brilliant and an gay that aeorea of dlwippohund men afk up thalr inlnda when uprlng arrtv to 8 t ffftnforibig nrtbi howtrangrtl when full lina cotne and everything bnn turnid out wrongi 1 tbe krardeiivr tpeu an much inclined mllhlapnnforiimhitf but when aprlnglfme miti nlid nil the oatalogum litnijir why 1 u til nin fhn alwa fnllwl riealdw not on blunoav john i in j mllnr of rot 1 oliuicli on tlm houtli blileof now yoik raltkn 11 few hi kiih in 11 i mil met n in iii i in k j n 11i llm wtlit of lliiuu lit uulu l uiulii inrtiil im of tlm rliuich on n h tiunlay 1110 nf hlu ruutouiurm akid lilui if hn could wpiiio n dnn iks uilliln the tifxt two or tbr dnya 1 oil yen mnnm rrpllfd llm janitor 1 ii btliik ylu a dozen iouii oneu to- uioiiow lllllllllllg oh tin proloaltd tho hiiiuetvlfi i idioull not want you in hilng tliem on hnndity not on hunday john w1 rtpllfd lohn all llgbl iiiaiiii if you nay uo but it dont make mi dt if it nc in llir hcim tiiu hauit of momrt datoitllon tlinhablt ofdcnldliig nroniplly mid thpfi hi tliik on your dodilnn uiil im p 11 hint pait of 11 young inunu rnpltal iliiuuliitliu mnd p- spoilfiihut iwloiig tiigiilmu tho ihiu wlm lu nncnriiilh iilxiiit iimklng up hlu ndnd in nlutnat utnn lomunnliiititln in hluimllonu our lmy wm 11 iom no tlmi in wait for tin imfjohitnnuil vacillating if you hn in win i fu uflko it ilrnlo think quickly lit decide proinplly and to net on out ih 1 ihioii wlihout it lay hit 1 pli uiimu win 11 i ln piu vi m urn uifiiiiniiiid mil alioht lhdy glvmiup in wiuilihwio h wlmt lb mind u 111- fd wbbulioni and dlmtuil yorhodluga lhiirinultofdntniiiontoftlud1goiit ivcorgnnw him plfhuneaucomea toiiddln lin dutirb if only tin nuhjoot could uhvp tin re would ihi iildlvlun for a while nml tfinporiiry itdlff pmiiio- lot h vigitiilih 11 1 u will not only in linen slti0 but ulll act ao lwneflclnlly that tint nilijict will wuke rnfrnbhiil and ihioihi to luipnliiiiwb a ft w nilniittu rout lying down in a ihirkidcd room with cloned oyea and thinking iinllilug will brighten up a woninn wlio lia bean hard at lb during tho morning without a break three trying times in a womans life when milburns heart and nerve pills arc alma i in kiwmiuu umtdiy towarlt bw ulur lihlih ilia flnl hn la juh bud j in a from il- ummi into tki lull lilnara of womanhood tlia mmnit pmtod uiii mdiuiuim a w drain on lit lyilin la duitne prjny tlia ihfnl and tka ou moat llalu to imv baarlamlmmtroutjlmliiiurtiiioliaiiiaatlira in alt ihi ratloda ullburna llaail anil norva iflla will prow of womlatlul vatua to lid or tha lima ura jamaa luoa cornwall odiwtiimi iwutroulibd vary nuuti wllb haarl iroubl ilia eauaa uln to araat antabl ilualo clianiaof ufa 1 bavo baanuuniyour heart ami krv pllla for aoma tlm aad rnaaa to conllnua doln ao aa i aan trulbfully aay lhay h ilia bail ramady i hava aw uaad far bulldlni up tha ayatam vou mi at ubarty te uia thla aulamanl for iba banafil ol olbar tultorora i hca co mnla par box or lliraa beiaa for 1 1 sb all ttoaura or tha t li 11 burn oa umllad tnrnnlo oat when tlie auioll of frying parvadee tha hoiiai exnmlnc tho outside and bottom ot tfao frying pan you will prolmhly find thrtt it hi covered with burnt fat which omulta directly it u it all hot pounuatlon prlnolpleai flrut winn wo undertake to fill vnur ouoflcrlptlonu we give thou our iludivldod attention and beat caro tho patloiita wolfnro is our first con- idration second 1 wo guarantee our drugs to ho of full strength as well as pure and frosh third 1 our customer are supplied with juub what tboyask for i aubatltul- ng lu novor nllnwotl taihrn orlkrv coupoukh if you nro a suiyoror from kldnoy dueane liver complaint blood troubles ihounintlnm nournlgla or nervous prostration wo confidently rocora- mund tliouuoof palnos oolory com pound tills rollahla and nover dls- apjiolntlrig medicine is a truo dlaoase lianlshor mid ayhtom liulltlsr we uupply the gonulne palnos oolory oompauml at brown acton ont to remnvo runt on nlokol cover spot with inn tin n tallow and allow it to stand for five days then rub with finely powdt red rot ton stone wash off with strong ntumoula wnter and then with clear watt r oaavvoxtxa bahtu lulwj blfnatu turn your oalnndsr over eggs or hmnlny nr anything that spat tors while cooking ttloy will hot btenln hjid will brown nicely and will not fly out nml hum you you can raise the h uuil in a little to turn to cobb a oold in onb day taba a uitila iiromoqalnlna tablab all ilriifaula ratuiid ilia uiouay ii la falla to euia k w orotaaalunaluraonaaoti lioxtaginu to nil stiuvi ing with 1 ingworiu rub the part with vinegar thnt onions have boon pickled in it has never failed to euro llm wnrut cnaes but must lie rubbed with lb aeveinl times a day the bivor of unions kills tho gorm a uhiipla dohbeit and a most cucel- limn 0110 li miido with one cup ilch cictiin onu cup hugm nnoduilf cup hiioiig coffro 1 bnve creuin and coffeo iihiiki mid uugai whip stiff pour in mould uok in snow and suit or ice foi boveinl lioutw the famous pedestrian aontloment i wsa a martyr to eatarrli of tha liifiil throat and atomieh i was aa bad tbo doctors fpnred consumption i tried many pbyalolsna and medicines a frloail auffgoated payobln i tried it nml it waa the only thing ever did me any garni i am now perfectly well it la ton nreteat remedy the world hns ever known i do not need h for my health now hut i use it as a btrongthenor for my walking matched i owa miiah of my physical enduranee to psycnlnt 3mta abynokda port hope oat payohlna is the greatest cure for cnterrh nf tlm head throat nr stomach in the world it le a wonderful tenia and btrcrigllmnor of run down system anting 01 mob op all the vlul organs rivl iiio dng youthful vigor and strength to t aiyitnni at all druggtsul 0oeaiid 41 pit v a ehmuny wralmt ttnmriw il jvflelaue preparation tor afl- almllallntftlicroafandluiluta- lln lie slohacla and uowels of prdmotet4tllonclirriil- nciibninnicmimktncuswr 0ulrthoriun nor mineral not namc otic apetfccf hcmedy rorcorallpa- llon sour stonvjuh diarrhoea worms convulsions tcvensh- tuns i vaesioale sign ef kewyorh txaotc0pvorwttawall for infanta and children the kind you have always bought bears the signature of in use for over thirty years castoria aa charteradby domlnlonqovemmant ttalobllihed 1864 the merchants bank or canada head oiiici monthual imerttl t four llm year 1 10 branch rmljant sir ii uomtaqu allan vic irililani jonathan uodoion lv oanarat manarar li i ilanniin capllal paid up k 000 000 00 uapotfia ovnr staoosooaoa surplua 1 000 000 00 total anala 3300000000 8avinc9 bank dbpobit8 on dollar or upward will opan an account monoy withdrawable any tima no delay farmcn sale notes wo ltav paclal aclllllia for collecting these we will cauh thorn at once ii desired at a low rateoflntarait joint accounts whan requested w will open account in two name to that either one may draw the money htiehand or wlfo etc aoton branch w s chisholm manager warm and strong if you want a pair of gloves or mitts in horsehide cuff or buckskin sheep or mulenkin be certain to specify storeys in no other way will you get equal value to prove it slip on a storey mitt say the wool knit wrist and lined kind shown below warranted genuine horsehide waterproof and fireproof just the thing for warmth and comfort sold at all stores every mitt is taggedtstoreys insist on storeys w h storey son limited acton ontario 41 the minor aaye his descent to work is hut a drop in the bucket olvo hollo ways corn ouro a trial it removed ten corns from one pair of foot without any pain what it has dtino once it will do ngaln the oonsolenolousoohhler stloks to his last from tbo first o jl m o m x jav tfwsts mkm blfutan f 1 j metul teapots if duuacd for anmn time give a uiiisty flavor to the tea when next uwd this niny he pre vented by placing a lump of sugar in tha teapot before putting lb away pleasantas syrup i nothing equals t as a warm medicine tho nuino is mother oravsa worm kli tormina tor the greatest worm dsatroyor of the people chaalng a at rest oar seem to ho 1 uuhlng ut conclusion there nover was and never will be a 1111 1 vernal panacea id ono rtuuody for all ills to whloh flub is holr what would relieve ono 111 in turn would aggravate tbo others wa havo howovor in qulnlno wltus whon obtained hi a sound unadultor- iitod state a remedy for many and grlovouti ills dy it gradual and judicious tuvu tho frailest systems ro led into oonvaleaoenoo ami strength by tho influotiuo wblab qulnlno usort- on natures own restoratives it re llovo those to whom a chronic stuu of morbid deapondenoy and lack ot interest in life in a dlaaeae ami by trunqtillutlng tha nerves dlspoeos to sound and refreshing sleepimparts vigor to the action of the blood whloh being stimulated bourses through the volni strengthening tho healthy ani mal functions of the system thereby making activity a necessary result strengthening the frame and giving life to the digestive organs whlob naturally deuanol inoreaatvl subetanoe result improved appetite northy rap a lyman of toronto have given to the public their superior qulnlnu by the opinion of solentlate wlnat approachse nsavraet parftoilqu of any 011 w naarkwt a4i ovtaajavwes eh it to make aavory iiasii itoll potntnea with tbo aklns on tho day hefortrtutng when the moot is liollud save sonio of tho stook and put in when meat and potatoos are tntxnd cures dytpopilu boils itmploi headaohm conitlpotlon lou of appetlt salt rhoum eryilpalnt scrofula and nil troubles arising from tha stomach liver boveu or dloool fll 0 mivnra bonilnplim 1 rkoolieaarit dlub waa oone nm tmnlito do my lumiiowfru vftav iwiwtefw koaltb f uhy raaioretf frrawnd were bub wontsa thanvorago engllah woman i two inohca taller than the amoiloan to tbo hypocrite one mans religion u another mans revenue the plugging kluerglet ilevlved constant application to business is a tail upon tbe energies and i there he nortdskatlou built tide nm depression am sure to inteivone these some from atoinauhlo ttoiihlua the want of exercise brings on nervous irregu larllles and stonmah aeaso4 to assimi late food properly in this condition parnmlees vegetable lmiuwlll he fouuh a rttouperatlve of rartviowoi restoring tho organs to behlv h action dispelling dupresslou and re viving the flagging energies r hbttmr yuamisj nkokalsian v a eortnlu bualneas arm haa upon its nl the inottot a little ittttrr tbnn in noceaaary it la thn aaoret of rnier vtmm in ewnry biulncaa of life from the fliat uaaon to tbo last take it in school for instance ono pupil may prepure ida laaaori perfectly as far as limits of tho text rplro another attidylng with broader purmae doea not atop with ihellililtanf thnapmlnt- ed liaaon hut levks tiverywhern for deeper knowledge of ihu kubjoct italf is there any queatlou which work will rank higher in the and p a young clerk in a store may bo accuratr fallhfill honrat and indi trloua and stay there another clrrk may add in thifee neeeuaaay qimllflca tlonu for his work a peraonsl lutcresb in hlaeualnmera which makm hltli re member thhlr peculiar llkea end dis likes and makes bin seevlng them seem nliniwt a matter of prraonar frlendllnaas i there any queatlon which will win tjie better i rude 9 a youlig girl at home may set ho liable and dust tlm rooms purftinctnr uy aa a tluty to lie done faithfully of courtf hutdlainlsawl us anon urn pos sible or uho mny add ascoro of dainty tmiohte to her work that will make it a pleasure in brrtilf nnd a jny to others a little iwtter than la niceaaary la what miikoa tho differ- etico betweort being a slave or an art 1st i for after nil it la in tlm aplrlt thrtc the aecret ilea to th high aoul tho nccemoiry la always thu viry heat that it can give tho wonl and the way ooubaok rnom uxpatniknon when winteia fma moa stops my href i minds myaef aa how i nehlter yet dona frerxe to qot an i aint a gwlnter now washington filar more terrible thanjwar lfore urrlbla than war famine or naau ilena is that awful destroyer that hj dra- baadtvl m o n m t o r consumptliin that annually awoupa away more nf earths in- habluuls than any othsr single disease known to the human rsee it is only aoold a trifling eoudi say the earalam as the irritation upon the dslloats muooua mambrans causes thani to huk away with an irrltahu tickling of the throat when the irritation settles on the mucous burfaos of the throat a oqujii la tha roiult to nrsvenb ilronahitls or con- biinintloalof the lungs do not luioleot eough howavar sliaht as ths irrlutlon aproadlng throughout tha del lost lining of the sensitive air puasirea soon leads to fatal results if on ths llrat appearance ol a eough or eom you would take a fw dosasoi dr woods norway pine syrup yon would save yourself a oraab deal of unnaossssry suffering dr wood a nor way pine ryrup oonulnsall tha ufa giving roprtls of the pin trees of norway and or asthma croup whooping cough and all throat and lung attaotfonalt is aapeel ua ue sure whan you aak for dr woods norway pine flyrup to gab it dont he humbugged into taking something eu price 25 eta hiss lena johnston toledo onl writes i i have used dr woods nor way pine byrup for throab treublas after taking numerous othsr remsdles and 1 mnsb say that nothing can take the plies lof it i would nob be without a bottle of la in the houe to prevent the hool plates of child rens shoes wearing nnd cutting through tholr rubbers gluo in pieces of felt or thick flannel in the heels where tbe wear comos and tho rubbers will last throo times as long castoria for infants and ohlldrou thi kind yon han always bought daara tha etgnatnre of lb takes a clevor ohaffeur to auooeas- fully steer a baby oarralgo throngh a crowd a ida alfbatar ea evanr bos el the leaulas laxative brnooiiiloe tabute b hatedr tbe as sum slaw almost anybody would rather have a steady job than steady work fibnlned glass in tbo windows can- nob ruako up for putty in the pulpit a soothing oil to throw oil upon tho waters means to subduo to calm ness the most boisterous tea to apply dr thomas eoluctrlc oil to ths troubled body when it is racked with pain means speedy subjugation of tbo most refractory elements lb cures pain heals bruises takes the fire from burns and as a general household medicine is useful in many ailments it is worth muali to remove tar marks rub a little butter on the spot and allow lb to stand till the tar is softened when it may bo washed off with warm water and soap mixbuhns laxa liver pills are a eeaabt est im of the retire prtnelplaa as the moat valuable vemtable ramsulm fordii aeiiiddiaorie7theu uowau cunt nbtipation uk i ffsramjp cllan 0ated tongue weeten the breath and clear away all waste more proof tlmt tyillit v ilnk- lintnmvououililo conipoiiiul ihh fansalo iii aim john facol4fliirntiirrnul ut moulroitl wtltvh mru itukjinm i was vlny iiwli run dotvtt iu health trvm a uinal troublu was thin nervousand very wmli aiul itufffyid from bearing down rutin iud od i dial not care whether i lived or died i felt ao badly aouiotlinrs lydla 11 1inkliatni vegetable coin paunutcouiplitoly cored wo of all toy troubles i galued iu ileal r and am free from backache feinlo trouhld alok headaches and nervommesa i heartily vseomlncnd 1yda e ilakharaa vegetable compound for all women allmsnta knowing what it haa done for mo racts for sick women for thirty yearn lyilln- k pink- linma vcgotnhln cvmiiioiitml mado from root nnd licrlw invt bcon tho atandnnl remedy for fontnlo ihm uiuliiiuipoltlvo1y cured uiouhftndhnf women who havo imtn troubled with ihgplacomonth inflntiumit ion ulcc ra tion flhrold tiimorh irrtgnliiritloh period lc pnlnn hackalhe tlmt benr- ingtlown footing flatulency lndlgth- inndlzzlnchn or norvoiw prontratioii why dont you try it mrs plnkhnm invitca nil ihu women to wrlto lior for mlv 41i lina guided tlioiiannda to liealtli- addremm lynn mumh- till orandtrunh railway synopsis ok canadian northwkst homebybad linqulationu ahv iiiiiberl illnti a bnuiliilfiii lii in in uanllnltb haabstoliavali ail i allarla laaiitliiahainl sri hoi rwirml may li bouimlaarliul by any itao wiio la lb u liaatl ol a family or any mala or id yaaiadf a lo lb aaunt ol oiih quarlar aaoiluu of lifl aorta moraof laaa tlia lioinattaailar la rtulrl to wrfjrul th futitliloa eoiiiimia iliriowltli unlar on u ilia fullqwlus iuna i ii at umi als monllia laaliuiioa uhjii and null llqil tt ilia ml iii aanb jmrrorlltraa yoara j abonimlaadarinay ii in riulrnl rmt u rtuliaa by llili i laml owwl aoaly by film nnt uia tl au alubly mi aorm iu oilmil irf tlm vtotnlv of i li ltaiiimit jupu oi fiols uil owtlatl irtt vtotnir of r i in laul will laalijiu yulaliiaii ii if lie falyar a nloibar if ilia fatli t ifenaaenlaifivtlnif laul uwna4 aolaly by 111 w lmllialiaiililylmiaeraa in al in h7a ultv of lh liomaauail utmii a homaalaait r tilm la nif t loblt y auoh bntn may narlarm lits own riliiiiea ditlm by llyiiiu whu tba uib at moibw l tba ami vlalnlly in ilia two iiwii1iiw laltttraiina la ilaniiaaf aa mmu not ulnralbau ulna llillja i a illraal una aaaluslva ol hip inaaiurainaiil ij k linuimlaaalar tiiuhdlhs l wifojoi ills ruliiaiinaitiiuaaln aohuie willi jb ato wiilia llvlns wllli aiiia or on uriihua larnl riwiiaj bv liimaxir mual nollly ilia aualtar ilia ditulot u huoii ititaiiilob ottawa of tiiienilou lo aiily tor ratant ww ookv dsputy ol fbn mluuur ol tli luuor nullhonidud bt ck si050c0 thb wbllinoton mutual inbuhanob company baubllsbed 1840 ilrtd osloe ausiipii ont accnt far tlia unla laton insursnos co the standard rotary la the only sewinfl machine which with lis own nucha nhm produces both a lock and chain hitch perfectly the chtiln slitch is a modern necessity ensuring the elasllclly in seams rcrulrod by the many now crea lions to ensure comfort infants anil children s wear cannot be suitably made without ilia chain bllich to change die si itch with the standard notary irom lock to chain you simply change the bobbin case and bobbin for the spider easily done the standaitd rot ah v haa proved iu superiority and suprsmasy through its areatei ueerullnasui proved it for twentythree yea ret we have the exclusive agency in acton this world renounsd standard rotary maciiinii and undurour economical way of sloreuseplng are able to deliver one of these machines lo your home al the lowest possible price we are also able to male apeolml torras to nuit yoar oonvonionaa we want to invlio evsry woman h eated in sewing to call annet us demonsirate ilia many sneclsl advanlages that re li jound only in ilit standard rotary sewing machine wirj hooper the tailor corner mill nnd mntn stu alton ont spring stock of footwear unusually attractive george stouel has lus rnring btock now completed and is satisfied ho can dclilit all customers ilia nobby new lines of this springs tans patents and fancy footwear surpasses all previous seasons the daintiest lands of new spring goods for ladies and children splendid heavy solid stock for farm and heavy work also good stock of his own make prices always right here repairing and special orders promptly attended to geo- stoyel mill st acton everton eden mills the best quality ot manitoba family and pastry flour as for solo at lowoet prlooa our own make chopping done fend oats rolled every day feed for sals cash for wheal and oala tx tv henry hortop mens hats wo are clearing out bug huh hat it including king hals for 8t no also american hutu unlen label sji oo also nil conn nt big reduction children tnmit in lontlior mid cloth nt coat price wo ore clearing out everything before altorutloiis and exten sions commence rural stored and insured jpura remodelled lafontaines pur establishmnet 95 quobcc street quelph ont seed specials bumper king oats gonuine d and h canadian gem turnip spclti red and alslkc clover and timothy fancy grades we know good seeds and sell thorn h noble aoton feed and seed store w h walker painter paper hanger decorator mala street acton opposite stephenson s blacksmith simp all work guaranteed tha work ol years in aclon is proof ol its ex- cullence orders left at a t browns drug slore will receive prompt attention vl h walker aotoh tv rabbixmorzii tiiaiim li 1 1 a in j an c in evsk the old citinh work rftipiics acioy ham alnorv wifluv mttcl ntiir via qffttl inid lo4i hall om n i nipilry i anil nlvo anrclal nn of all 11 ml broiw li lo u himitrlcl shins ironml to ill y l not hurt your ck btsnd up rollun irnncj n i loy will not brau in tlt vlnu all ladle nnl rnllunicii a ironintf dons willi cntlni miikitcii m qinuiroiniiily co o cliarlln sucy nml let lilni imnw when anted jinil im will not jail you tha berlin steam granite and marblo works cahprdii dpaum proprietor deal ucfi nnd hull ltb ol rflntues mus oleums moiiumcnlv mnrkcrs snil head- slonea ami all ulniu artistic cemetery work wlllltuii flcuistrcct ajjcnl acton tho old nnd reliable granlto and marblo dealers wi m aim fact urora 0 timet imiwrtad ot all itiu uotmomi niciiui ml iiliiona work woavuilireolkiuurouatdiiiaiaatwiiols aala iirlcuitlua pavinu our oiatomara n txr oant wa bni tlia i cut aj i llanaaa and uis only msoliaiilca lu tliu poiiiluloii ia u onar au pnauniatlo toolu proj i rlj- w call slva ralarai oea irum linn iru la 1 1 our mialoniao in toronto and nilmr tlncu wliurn olliara liava to ataml law aitlu in nrrr lo oolloct wa liavs ilia laraaai nut i oat hoc it ot jraulta in lha thimliilan or i iorn than any lliraa ilaalara in tlio waat wuaru iruliliuaii ildnlora an i am h lor no annum b li in t annoy nrixataua nmora tiy aun iii u uul l h 1 1 t o wen to to aojlali onlaia wo miiluy 1 1 a union only auil daly eoniuoiuinii hamilton sons cor norfolk an i uoolwliili his gukbpii hct0n ii er y bus linte the undirslfnccl rfpectiully sol id is ilio patrousfe of tlio ptu lie nnd infprmj thrni tlm well equipped mul stylish ilia can olw n bo iccurcil at his stables a com fan mo bus meats oil trains uotuccn iqoonm and 0 ig p m careful alttniion jlvon lo eory order tho wants of com morcijl 1 rivollors fully met john inziluhjuts propridtod w- ginqsor painter paper hanger sign writer picture kramer shop mill st acton op posite williams livery repairs promptly made to furniture tinware etc no unneccusarj delay knives ground scissors sharpened courteous attention and reasonable prices w gimson wcdaravlnci photoengraving r jaitvcuihsor iliposesiaral rngravihgadvrlti3lra italocuu ho0a2ihu st c a jijonestofc oli fiayttffir bxpbkienob new pictures at waters bros now itloas in framing artists supplies ioil and wator colors alwajn fresh and of tho best quality waters bros cijelph abt btori trhok markb dcaiona corvriohtal cto nssanmnaaabalrtianrljlnanlmlfmitiar aaoarlaliroiir mliu ui froajrlim liar aa vwsnitm turwae icaii ftfoat euu raiialil tfaldlv scientific mmti a bseaaowsly llluatrolut weakly mmaal ill and waslilnulnii i lbiiillriftittinrori ly j la pa tell wmk ami quickly acciirs iauy aa ttraad a die iiivaitllmi illbliaal rt hrsaas ralsiita itdniibtimarlnri a ma rlon reealve anaclat nollca will nut cftarmln pvrioo awriiarra oulrjluiteil tbrnuslaotil tattraanitlthbliiaais marion marion ratent kaparts una solicitor t lijfwt

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