Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 7, 1908, p. 2

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n4trtr7 iniwrtum iieotiwn mi htm layballi aprd uu tujmn win tbuaton num hnciimtl in hiiilnanii ilahinur anili al hi to u and un wmibihi uii iunulur kaalmmotfilt jueliili oil wadnnaday ujib april la mr and mr gliaa lioliiinnti makbtttd yiwwuam nayam mmim nhmiimii on vvadiiaadav apriluyrav a illalrli a artimr an ibu lo mufl tmood daiiabtar or jl i layers til dinir naaaaaaweya ituus in muon on wadnaedey will at ju ltobrton rallat of tl ula loii hum b in bar band vaara be ittott xtt fkuss tiltfjtflday may mdjrronial iqtbb aftor al glean yoare of rnntlmttnis and faithful ifrrvlcr all jolm 8nll it m 1 p fctr peel hnsuyclunti lulotlrp ho- waa k iiiuim1hi of iurlfttnieiit wfinui oxprlahcml was hlwjiys ami idnrml vulualrir ami rciiilerci him moeclallv usofut in tho rommltita work of the llouso ms hiollhvtitlus in tho enjoyment of thu hliihaht rosntct of all partlo tt 14 in la iiojumi ills suceaawti will lw mh win thy ami boitnrahlo titan tho canadian magaxltio for may is n unusually slronff nutuhor ill pine la given til ait article milluml tho japanoao in ilrltuh columhln by margarob vta ilomlcrsoit which just now ovary canadian should rend apparently mis handorson hue writ- ten from first hand knowitmljff hiiii ha cnrtalnly has n gool opinion of the japanoao there u also ii fliu htul tiutorltil ebetch by dr unil frechette it la ae n story in fuel but a true story other lotttrobiliiu contributions are mario liy loading write re the merry month of mey hrlugu joy and gladness euliahlne and flower the isstia of tlio iluay mans magailnu for the currant month also hrlng pleaaureand profit for lie ever widen ing circle of antltuslastla reader canadian who are doing thing and how forme an important and highly edifying feature in the may number which if generouely illustrated and pwwent n moat artistic appear- rtrmw tho book with the red cover m busy mans ii frequently nml familiarly called also has ouiih mm other admirable adjunct a which will prove particularly wet come it nut only give sovaral of the bet seioeliiin from the mugaxlnee of the world hut ooutalna many instructive timely nod popular article tho date for che general election for the legislature of ontario has ken fixed for monday june 8 the gov- ernmant goee to tho country at the end of the flrec term under tin premurehlporthe lion j p whit iiey having bad the majority of fort y- twoln the legulatlvo auemhly it may quite aafely be auumed that the govrmmanta majority will lw ron- idorably reduced on the face of it the iltuatlon auggeata o much an that in the election on january 2ft 1003 many liberal and independent vittoru for varloua reaiona joined in the return of tupporter of mr whitney and we believe many of that will not i support hm or iile candidate in the coming election however in altout four week hence tho remit will im- beyond propheey a powerful arraignment of tho drink trafflc wu delivered by uu hmuup blahnmacdonem in alexandria on bnnday evening ait reported in the glengarlan bla lnrdohlp auld tlml id rural duthct there had imniii m decided improvement hut thin wau not to botloeahle in urlian uociuma thlu be thought waa due to the grpmtoi faelllthe afforded in town and vllugeu for drinking owing to the number nf driaklog pueee while in rural dmrlrtw uey were lee nuuieroiui he knew that it waa eald of thw clergy that ihu talked too much about thl iulijtci aad that uiey lied noylght u uicddlf with bualnee affair we imvu a right to meddle with bualneu affalru when it eoneerne tbe welfare or emilx what i tbe uee of a watch dog if he doe not- bark r be auked if we are condemned it will be bmiuae weare too lenient rather than too seven tbe blahop proceeded to quote st faole denunciation i druukardu adulterer murderer liar and thieve ahall not enter the kingdom of heaven notwithstanding all mile be remarked men were drinking man war getting drunk men were dying drunk electricligiitsiiuntsatlast iminovttmbnth at town ifatt tjoiumll iiiit in iiilni- mimnlnii on mniidity ivi nliig alt iikiiiliorm prih- diiu itfittvu in the fdiulr otvink t f impinvciiiciita in the council chamber the ilon wnu held in thn rornor of tho nudltorluih with n inioky nil lump n an iiroesmiry in tho dull lampi on tho ilootiollar thu cniimilltconn llimnco prohoiit ed tlmlr ninth import mid reeoiumnnil- ed pnynient of iicoouutu nu follow i o mrliiur itiiiulng 9m 17 0 o hnlkh htndwiirv u kv t mainli ivoikouutnntm w alex cilppx do it ou ill n tltirionnrt wnxatlopffd dr gray reported that wltrr eon idetuma luvfntlgatlod he hud jinicr- jnlnnd ttutt iiuniiirmi falvdtrlc llghllnu plnntawero iiung a vf ry elycdtlve hiilj rnxp6tulvo ahnnt jinjdoctrltiliiii hiildhe thnuiit tint uhiiut rflertcd lo yoiiuflwfttufcfiry mid kwbvd tlml frrty foia of thfiit uhuilu hitufcuird tiip order- wdi hivhii mid lb u biwd the utreok circuit will amin lie muuh improved nu u roault if thnlr liiatnllii- uuu ii p mooio nokid porniualnn to eonalruct a cvuicnt pavciiient o obnrch htitmit tintu lh ntrace to hla reulddiou to frvdpi kk ulrvitt moved by 1 omy aecomlvd bj abx iltdl that thereriuoat of mr ii p monio w gmntrd and that ctiuunt crohblng imi put in on pruder leb hirtot oarrltnl moved by t gray atconded by o o speight thnt tho court or ituvlalon for coindderatlnn of atty appeal n fill nut the naxtfliiment of the niuiil ilwllty for lootl ik hi id nn tiudiiy miiyotlth at h p m in the council olminhei carried a long dlsciiaalon took place ot tin lultlntlw or councillor speight clmlr innn of the park aa to the policy to olwerved in connection with thf athletic clulw the tariff and iinpnivi- mriita the committer vrn rquonlril to formulate h tariff lo lie auhinltted at ntxl meeting and the council au a whole will vlalt tliepaik ihu wk to coniult aa in tree planting and mlnr improieinrnt councillor will jam chairman o i ho town hall comuiutee rportd that a new metallic celling wo helnfi put in the council ohamtwr ii aid intended to provide an outside wood- uhud nnd have the committee room rleamnl up the council ndvlacd that the old chandfliera in tbonudhoriuiii ik denn ed and new electric lampe he put in also that an electric fixture be install ed at the centre of the arch over thf platform hakd it vourmiblr telia out macule hw to mix beat hhumauaun dura a wellknown authority on rhouma- uu give the render of a large now york dally paper the following vnlu- able yet almple and harmless pro aohptlon which any one can easily prepare at home i fluid kxtraotjqaridhlloitonehau oudoa compound krgon orfo ounce compound syrup baranparllla threo ounoee mix by shaking well in a bottlo and take a teaepoonful after each meal and at bedtime be state that the ingredient can be obtained from any good prescrip tion pharmacy at a niall dost and be ing of vegetable extraomon are harm- lee to take tble pleasant mixture if taken reg ularly for a few day i aald to over come almost any ease of itbeuniatlsm the pain and swelling if any dimin ishes with each dose until permanent result are obtained and without in juring the stomach while there are many so called rheumatism rented i patent medicine etc somo or whluh soglve relief few really dftglveperma- stent results and the almve will no doubt ho greatly appreciated by tunny offerers here at this tlm inquiry at the drug store of this toehjhborhood elcltlthe infdrrnauot tbeafugvarehaririland can notos vqom nbut brunswick draat vletory in the atsmjrarle to keep out llmnwd bare lutton pupl pjiiuu difali bin i i was delighted to re culve cnplfg uf the fnuk pncua insl livening at sussex n d and to hav tho pleasure nf pvrutring the new from tho old home town i think tho vnuu villon is getting lietterovery year and when it cornea to hand during thou long absence from lioiun it give me soma bourn of pluaiuiv and puts tue buck in thought in ilia old town and aiming the old frlondsoftheyuaregone by this morning i cume on to thl city the capital of new drumwlck where torday audi a glorlou victory wa again wnn fur tho cuius of temperance by retaining tho scott act for niinthm thiio jvare it must have iwtn n strniinuu ljaud to hand struggle kvery effort wjra iiuide by the llquoi pmty to defoat tint acf but the tern pi ranee people put up n most horolr liuttle and with raturutiiosa wisdom and rlghtuoiih iiiuiiiimi oarrlvd tholi vb liny iwyond pared venture after thirty year of exterlenco with tht act when you know thnt nil tho stmmgth of the liquor party of the pro vluco wau eulufd tppakpru coming from toronto and other placeu nnd vtry effort made to down the temper ance people it beciuiis evident thai tbe llijuor party of new ijrunewlok nut their waterloo hero it is prob aide the queailnit is now settled for many a year there are many iumnrw today to the tffeot thnt all tho hotel iiifti who illegally sold llquoi are going to shut upj heir hotels and thu tem perance people can find aotjnmmodatlnn foi i he travelling public hut when i readied the c p ii station thl morn ing there was it haokfnini every house nnd the drivers wore shouting theh rupoctlvo hotel with mqro than or dinary stenturlan tones i have always utaytd at thin place wlndanr hall where every comfort is autajtuuvaiidwliero no liquor la sold thora arc many of ihuse high class temperance hotel all oer tho mari time province mid they seem at once to answer the specious cry that n hotel cannot he run wltlfpiit bar for tho sale nf liquor tho victory yestordny is also it vic tory for local option for that is in olfeot what tho scott act is here travelling no much a i do alt ovei itmida i eat neatly wish that tho time may soon como when there will be n comfortable alean temperance lintel in overy community my olwervatlon convinces me that many traveller j would imi a better man if there were good places of entertainment without thu barroom and liquor i your- faithfully j t ampitt moohh fredurloton n ii may 1st 1d08 lornb sohoop the following la the result of the ex- fuulnatlnn held in lome school during april i jr i herliert hi on 40 mary mhalc40 total bu sr iltobhle dunbar 44 total 100 pt h annie snyder 07 barbara plank 08 johri watwns75 total 100 h orwell johns ton 1b8 margar et snyder 148 wesley mnsales 10ft lnnlilnn mcmillan 14 total u00 jr iiidcrtle pavldson 151 vlrena mhsnlusiaouerbertmasalaiao total 900 ivmaggl mcdonald 109 clarence gamble 153 albert gamble jbo s total county roads to be improved til hlarhway dealanatt foi con- atruatlan undf th county aooil hod ttylw an auaileoatu of iso milmbi tint ll liiwpiiuhodhy llnlinn county cotiuoll foi linprovumnnt of tho htid iiik highways of the county haa re- col vod tho nppiovnl of the ideiitfiinut govmnoi in council and tho woik will bo proceeded with this spring 11m following is the list of roads dei iff mi ul i starting at tint old toll gate imi- low station onuvllle thon follow th mrilji lliif ht lliltlnrul j nliu ting nl onliiilosirtidiliiinle follow tbe wumd lino to the bauo line nud iiliing saiiio to hicmid lluft kqum lug tlutiiro through acton to hrln town hue ii rftmrtdmnt hnq bntiveen hilt ling- toujtnd nelson on ilraiit street thence n thu liilddnf roiul thrnco o bilso line 4 ktoad coiniiiiinoiiig at lakajahoreln nnlsuii known ns guelph nind nud going riititb lirkjuiimiu town line also road stai ting nt taiialny and duudaa htreitiipioctied iioitti to kluiliutriiian cast if ash fi stinting nt town iima lietwecn hidtou and pul follow the lowor middle road to the township of mast plniiiboro 0 slui ling fi oin toronto township follow iliinilnu nlml vyt to icast riniiibiiio 7 hlaitllig rmui toronto towiublp liilwfluu iota five and fix follow west to the llnyuo thimce to lnwvllle n htuitlngri im third lino or trafal gar jo milton t turn co fiom uionle striial going one mile nnd a quarter south llnnico waut to harriss corner then smith lo itanplhrrya corners ihrucft west through kilbride to tnu u line between lots nos nine and ten 0 stalling at baud hint hetwrotitui- falgur mid leqm slog from toronto touuship going wit to mnrtluslreet lltou rotlowmurlin stieut to main 8tiot milton 10 starting at second lino between lota five and six west tooampliellvllle tinman to town time between nauaaga- wvya ond riamlioio ii starling from lunuulh lino from stewarttown west tospeyslde thnnco to moffat thence veat to the pusllnoli ihiundary between lot fifteen uml ujx- teen 12 storting at ivel to norval thenao to gforgiitown by way of spring creek hill thence to the seventh line 11 starting at corporation nf georgetown proceed to uovontb line at mfciillocby corner ii sturtlug at main street george town proceed past the grveuhniimn to the ninth lino and through glun- urllthiuia thence to union 13 starting at seventh lino pioceed to acton thence to the mill pond road follow same to nausagaweya thence to guolph road including one concession on lot hf low acton from the second the first line 10 starting at second line thence through scotch diook nnd ash grove to nnrval 17 starting nt darbyvllle acroie be tweon lots twenty nnd twentyone to town lino pusllnch 18 starting nt main street milton 1 follow oronto street north to base line thence west along lioso hue to peru line follow same north five lot 10 starting at i ron to and main streets milton west to foot of the i mountain 20 starting nt toronto township thonco woat by lako shore road to ool- bnrno street oakvllle thonco west to burlington 21 starting at town cemetery hill oakvllle to old toll gain on doudns street 22 starting nt lino botweon curling- run and nclunii going wfst to thn lino lietwoon fi iiuboro nud nelson west on ontario stieet starting at ontario street pnicnedlng northwest on mapti avonun to middle rond thu m ii iii ge of muds inoludud in forignlng hcludulo la as follows i tra falgar id uiileu i nelson hi mllea t requeuing ft1 mlloai nauhngnwoya iii miles total 100 miles the coat of thu impiovonient pro- potiod nn tluifiltove roads is estlmuted nt 0200000 onethird or which sum will bo paid by tho government kx county councillor j g wluon is tho rond commissioner and is well qimllllud for t ho dutleu of the position it will ii quire ten or twelve year to aiiiuplwu the woik undertaken miller the by law the flutist ton grown in tho world is the mtaiidard or quality tiuoil in pre- pnilug salada tea sold only in oaled imid packets 0lindbd by cowmhtok jamaa dlaek ol roekwood loomm an bye gimlphmayfith the kick of acow waa rcupouslhle for a very serlnus accident to james illack of itnokwnod yeslorduy who wasbroughttothogen- era hospital hero in a semloonscbtiia condition and later had to have hla left eye roinoved one nf blacks cattle tiled to gut over the lower half of the baindoni which was closed hut got stuck hair way over black i tried lo release tho nnlmal with an iron bar whan the animal kicked forc ing tho end or the bar into his oya and hindering him unoonscbiua for some i time oaubib vott alarm j hpldmalnflusnaari0pe catarrh- i 1 troubles pneumonia ln- ereaatna a marked increase n troubles of the breathing organs is noted in many lo- oiilltlos if you will only have hyqniel i at bund touiowlth the drat attack of cold in tho head pneumonia colds bronchitis hoarseness sore throat ci pup in fact any respiratory affection the trouble will bo qitlqkly overcome if the attack is neglected and iteoome severe speedy relief will come in moat eases and a persistent use uf uyomel will cure thu directions for using it vary but the principle is always the same that of destroying all thegsrms in mm air you breathe and having it reach the air passage wlih dry medication from ihe pi oe aqd djuoalyptua forest humeihbef uiat llqnlds or moisture is barred from from tqe broqchfal tubes and tnng its the dry air of uyorttcl that roaolles the spot a t brow it gitmraiitee it w paper tit our igo8 slock butter values than ever jhown before jpapern from 5c per rdll to 75c dorddrs same price per roll aa wall mill st acton aoton hand laundry jamea webster llavlug purchased the lnundry btislnesi of i cfavol desires to solicit the con till usd patronnge of the mnny customer who fanvo favored the businew with their orders strict attention will be paid to careful fill lag of all orders aad the excellent uuiu of work which has always been turned out in the past will be continued mr clavol will remain with me hi the 1st or april jamtcs wbustbr xi lit sbeet acton prepare for positions toronto our this sahool is no ed far 1 for ih superior education sjven fc stuaentaua for mm ulkliii surpri8e canadian hand laundry chas 8u proprietor to my patxons i have now a wonderful new method of doing laundry work of all modi work is well finished and no injury or damage done lo the finest goods shirts collars cuffs veals my specs ty colltra ironed so as not 10 be broken in lbs wine and finished so lhay will not hurt the neck work for both ladle and aenilenisn exoculsd with promptness and nil re sails v ik 1 i wwv iinvaim ib 1 uimliiobufjmbriqu facilen and equal 10 tba best tlie ell its can produce chas busy the old clllien acton willow street rear of hsndtrson a oo hoheseekers 2nd cuh swuuttrlp euiinlmi uanttoba saskatchewan alberta ooino dates frilhn ufn bil w svii ve1y uw bates im uks ssmsssasm c b romi putibirtm in nt a tmmi start in may n k4bjb vm oswur ahaa swol mif- bsii etrtafeml itsy me vsmiloea lions are jnuirahrasy obntbal businuw oollbom w 1j braw prlablpat victoria day sports can be mode mom apjoyabls by wearing one of our hats or caps in all color and shapes all 50c caps clearing at 25c all 25c capi clearing t 15c stiff and soft hala leas thin cost of making we are going om of retell bats and cap it will be idtsreallni lo etll el as ouebeasb h if yon will ned hal or cap before next xmu get it bow snotssve half ins price moth bag for sa tars stored lafontalnes fur establishmnet 9 0lc sttptf ouelph man to man from our mens depattnant wken you purchase a suit coat or any other article of inhibitf from c kyan co yon inlte n utep in the way which assures of your being appropriately tlad our talking and jelling points are propkpxy moulhbil uhaik kicisiino larmlinih we pay extra to have niir llollilng stayed with good imirulolh and ennvno we are not selling mens clothing morely for in day but nro jnylug the foundation wlilcli will ortnaro uu for the buslneas of a lifetime add another stone to the building von will find you ore in the right plum fnrsiflofl mens single broanlod brown tweed made special attention paid to moulding and trimmings pnr hi j ftfl mena sliigle breantel worxtod suits ui 4iuv for bmjo iy four bu0it tut away cuff iji variety of colorings n leader at tijjfy for 111 in munm ulnilo bronulod tweud nultri 1 llinft made with long roll lapal til- i ul i anu0uu utylo ntwobuttoucontinasplondld variety or clothes belling at tj no and vifi oo our youth n and iloyii rut mitkd cmaomr tt uveryeue who given tlem n wearing tunt conie in on baturdayund seehow well this utote can look after your wautii carpets and housefurnishings this u the time 0 yenr when every liuuaewifo looks with lllo eyj of a critic ut tticcnrpeln ciirtamu and draper ei ah ha taken out ct is about to put in it is the test time you must decide whether or nor the hid in good uimikli tvhotliti or not you can reuliit the lemplatlen of freshening up the home when the question has been settled and the wants appear thu ikxt problem hr ortluriu whklujhhalu it is right here wheve w 901110 to fight with a few augfccitlonn 4 it uh ih6rp vou to an artistic itoom amfj ifomis foll6w sesderccegnlied color scheme dont let your mil cnrjict ciunii with the hiirrnundliig roonih dont put a green carpet into a room where the general arrangement demands red ar blue or tonic mlmr color lculer about tl lie as particular abouf the color harmony of your homu tn yoiui a proper contrast or blending of colorii has nn imnwrlitit effect upon your disposition it may be an uu iclousfrct but ueveruieleisin rent one imtyslcfami lmve logically iilmut what you nl ot upon your dlupoff lly proved the influenlen of tortnhi colnr ar- tided in oltfur ith hint eeui rangemsattf we have made and ere making a utudy of colors nml their rulatlou to the linmo nnd feel ji lug our services comjietent servkss at house fiirnlnliliig time it costs no more lo be careful in the selection of colors nnd jiittcrux vvo nre liure to help you car vlalt oar carpet curtain and drapery departments when you are furnishing your home he what we have to show hear what we have to any prkea figured to meet demands of economy our qualities of til square deal disposition g b ryan co queiph we do what we say h h unsworth extra special bargains for quick selling dlyflfl rklwfl 3 down ladles drsis skirts fashionable cuts and aa lmehh ctkirih hidm regilor4ooto4 5otoclcarat 200 milk waisir 3 flouh wllll ijlw bblrt walits latest stylos reg n fbhb ubttr i9s to 9175 to clear at wc corset covers and drawers afl 50c if 5 dozen only regularly soc to in clear at 1jc jap mattillk soo yanla jap hatting regular 30c to clearat ljjc extro heavy carpet gj t 25 and 30c wall paper 7oo rolls of wall paper to clear per roll gc do 3jo rolls of wall paper to clear per roll cc grooerjefl cor kinks agoedbrcakfaatfood large package regular ioc h h xtnsiarorth hct0n ontario elections back at the old stand j m strutlicrs wishes to announce to all his old customers and any number ol new ones that lie is again at the old reliable furniture stand 120 upper wyndham street guolph whore ho is opening up and putting into stock a full line of parlor diningroom hall bedroom and kitchen furniture carpets and oil cloth call and see them a full range of childrens carriages gocarts carriers etc special prices in iron beds matresses springs and j m struthers guelph to all readers of the fast parti your vote and influence are rcapeclfully solicited tor r d warren election- monday junes 08 anrribii- oanadiah nutjinkcm oollkob toronto btg dlaoount otter gaaur to ausui ii a30 lilg valtja villi ubott iod or boot leaf hook georgetown floral co u georgetown cut flower growers funeral and wedding orders a specially all orders placed with mr e a robertson druoalat acionwlll receive prompt attention aunoorinied ut o auuoooo the wbllinoton mutual inburanob company uaubllahed 184a head offloe otjtllxdh ont fhuiunoid on oash an1 ftfulaal plan am diiirmeamoulr will ba promptly ftlunil puke olive oil get the best olive oil if you get any if olive oil is beneficial and it certainly is you naturally expect to get the only kind that gives the best results we have just received a shipment of olive oil which has been imported direct from italy and is the best olivo oil that can possibly be obtained sold in 35c and 50c bottles or in bulk ejl robertson druggist stationer optician the palaoe drug- store aoton holloway 4dm uout 1 he firstcl4ss imported clydesdale stallion thnwly llv ult ii lblldinti1ln ud7 1 n promt to ui c phmb it dries oazer night sen ours fioor paint tho recognized standard on tho american conti nent wo gua rantee ovorycan or sbnouits floor paint to give satisfac tion or rotund tho monoy do not take any thing said to be just good ohtr ttolmstone cfe oo as i-rjt- wi w 1 will mslis th season of uoftaa follows 1 i will hla own j si nae oeloek sod coflln iloust osorntowd and vrlitay wllllaavs al 0 oeloel raaaulm lali man a lloul anton early in ttie afternoon and wmajri or nlfllit ih tartuai to inai for furinsr itarift uu iniatn oar nljilil haturdav win leave in the oranoen tun ding figkrjsmiie l1k uaoasairs and mlltetors st ahiri gljci atrion ec i or iw km matthew wllsor m a i i if uunilny evtinliij trrilro 700 bfloclal iveichir offorlng in ln ilcvuietl 10 iholhank olfntliik in cuniioiilrtn ulili ian anjiucan conbrem in til i all h 1 nn ih ilrlu 2lbbrrltartnia took wantko ii iliilou llol vlirjkwandottea huioddit wa iv linn a mjaflk llosiu aeoo pbopkiiry mu haw- anulllij it f fi for atlr r itply to ml iwiiljjji liotuu v tttm vtnmuht aoloil ullu luwbi ai r pon llatciiino lktllsf wjuivllll aolon laldolil infiltrator ami brooder foh uall achilttn i euia nnn ijubf f in uooit e nn i i ronur in flrtt- 1 niw a toil a pwo train mb i aba ave asian cltianiivf closets till mlrilhi- vlli l nlqlilarll tiiiuiji nt wlllciaatto ji ll m hlnl i li lu roryaananl twm a ul willi uf roaln uxu lptfuijtl aiiirilct c- l art j win lu iiibcr ii 1 atl 4 1 v rffc in vt lfxt rot otttw 8t0vkh kv till unjltn c j il7i i parlor li 1 1 ii mali kur u a 1 ulttrirn o u alao i croiiilt uu l ii rola aurmn titr e willow ht iok sale u all 1 im 1 t1tt 41 4lfltua4 ij i ua at tcy ttti- r rhavcu ciioick hlillijnf foft hale uits tt mi loua bo ro both v bm urcf eholafrull ioifib tirat nd aa camaci pavahiar lolldlcj law um on lut btitr oo ltikla lb ioobj stria draldit so laodi anlandm soo uucn tot cnltuatlon rotiott slvan imecadutalr appt m bc to tl i uliu t t uooiit tendeitsfojt repairing towv hall tcndkllh will t ra alvo1 by l omur ieoaj tor roi ir lo aeloa tawn hall unulap w uaiarur uar 3tl k rlanaand bpmlrlcallcini mr bo on 41 tiora ol william wllllauif wlltnicof ac ion h vrilliihh cbalrcoan o town iuii coumlliar dalad thta atli aj of liar lju municipality of aoton court op revision nimi j ll iuii on ruoiday miy 3gtiiiob8 la of aalon will im liattt iriliietowi taoi at slatit i- n amm4ihiqi all pnon baliif tmiincaa in iba tail caarl ar rsmtal lo attan 1 at uia aama iim aud plaaa j wacklssos clark dated at leton illi nili jay of uar um vz notice to citeditons in the matter or thsj eatto of john moffkc lato or tho vlllff of aoton trt tho county of hal ton tannery doeaaaod notiob it horoby clva ruriuani 10 riia kbuait aialiitou of uitarlo tlialur lial anilamatnllnsaaia tlial all cmilhoraaolothaia tiavlni oulin ult itiu aiut of iba aald jolin aloft wlia du i on or about iba nlotli day of aim iwfk jrnrmultt i on or bafora iba twalilvflllli day ft ha i uk o aand by poal praji aalj iiiibs ol acton rtjlloitir ur jama lloltar tbe arlwiulilialor 1 1 tlio mitalu ot tba aald u eiaiad llialrcbttilui i mruania adlraaiae and daaorlpiloi tlio lull inrilonlari of ibalr elalmb inn auipinoni of ilidr accoiiriu and tba naturaof ibnaaoniltlti if any liuhl by main aadfurtbar tab tioiluu dial aflcr auoti laat mad lion ad data tba v tuiuiliiraiar will prooeed tn dutrlbbla tlia unit of tho laid daeaasal a too n iba partita aiullloi uiarain lialn ra eard only to tlio olalm nl wliloli ibav alt til tbat avanntw and ilia tbe r not tie liable mr tbt 1 tbaraut to any i lotloaaliall 11 utban id ainluutraiorwili i ihlkimnom for ilio 1ln1lnl1trator ii day of april itkm notice to 0iikd1t0b8 in tho mattar or tho eaute or alfrwd nuddtsitoor fho vniairo or aoton in tho county or halton laborer oooeauiad g c speiglt dealer in hardware carpenters tools farm took garden tools stoves and ranges granite ware tinware etc mcglnrys parjdora rapges mogt topulnr and batlfactory kepairinc neatly and prompt ty executed picture iramos in stock and mado to order g6 miusr t on lata ot tlin aajil alfrml ifuil i who ijlail on or about lia fourth ilay of kebruary umt aro ra- qulradonorbofomtlid twenty flftn day of uar adu tn nil by kmi prepall or tlsllvar u a j maoklnnoii of iba laid ilupo or aoton holleluir tor jamai abralmm tlio adinlnlitralor oftba uilalufif ilia aald lncuaai1 tliolr tllirl lian and biirnama aililnmra an 1 daiorlptlonf tlio full iartjoulara of ttialr olalnib tbe atale man of llialr aenonnta and ilia nut nre of tba aaeurlllaa ir any lield by 11 mm anil fnitlmr tali uo liiauuonnl data iba trooaad jadlilrlbuta mono lua pariloa eiilltlal t morn to bavin re rard only tn ib cl imi of vrlilob im nball llian avs nolloo and uiat ibn aald ailmlu lll not bejlmblofur llinaald biaetsor a ia uoitaaviiai a tor auoli laat iho aald ailtnlnliirainr will ottbudaoaaiad aihnlniiiraioir i aidla r iiu i ihq aid ailiiifuliiralor jdamms oraiiy part iraof oany paiuonor paraoua nrwboeaelatma notloa bbsjl mi imva bven rocoltwl by hllii at tuallmaof bueb dutrllnillnii a j uaomnn6n mottollorfor dm ailnilnlairator dated tlilstwbdiy ovoiiib day of april iikw u i tub public health citizen a ard nequebthd to comply with tub public hisalth act f liti uaiitlarv inlfidtor ban arrausad tor the epuvauifuoo nt eltliiiiiiii- with jr hlehard atemr ualoli lo tieln asiph wlthli a aanftr lbt al to ajl ordari for ola nf eloaati eelli evina th rtoiulni lory i 8j lolon artllhui 1k luvy ijftir jmw oalfiilliiiiniriui

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