Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1908, p. 2

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wtiutrrrln ulltnn tueaday ftlli luy jntm uta wlllmi it in t i i till year miri atltillt nnmuiuriuhuty ion lit i uaiua tmn 1 uakay hi bin ulat wr vtavr la aali it on srt lay tali way hannah tuiibrf w if of thorn limit m aansw- ai lb family tl iiiim park avr amiitif nlwiiilx u ay ulli lluurl ayi w in liltawd yr uay katllrnvnialillk a uuf iu1u1i n ufcl n al iu u ilia i utli nar lrc cton 3 wfi thuhhijav may 11 btdltoillal wotko hull tbqnut tnri- wii qf muni tolui iilmln hi n ittnuii uiit lirtlie iliumo of gonnaoiis that lliuro ws not u legal voter hut in hcuntlolin and ho provision li tin luw h wlilcu u loaritt voters hatphii tin fiuil uu in u dli jkhltlty under wliluli i tiliciluns of manlloln onlst tn it ij iml whlcti tlm government la litklnj lvia to inniudy othclnl npitu to ollhwa c infirm th o0 which haw lnfi 111 tlm west roatdlitf tlu jo ni out inert ahf in the ftoreuuo put to mul ilio ipnrt merit of agrlciiltinu i inking eu u to orgaulzo 11 sin it of corrouponduntb v inn in all part of o itinihi who wjll re turn porliwlirnl niortariitdliikinlii stahstloe of thu i loiiltmo of thr dominion the london kn klnaucui kwm exhaustively nnnlyiit ml fielding budget epeoili saying tlmt tha aptoch la a model nf wlmt etwh nililrohum hould bo it u conouf to tho point without u bu purlin nua uuntonco and entirely two from iiiulilguotia phruaii ology tin ilnuiichil nuws nnya mr fieldings pronosiid lijll itiuumllng ilid bank act li ft clour indication of the vx panilon nf tha country n business wll h which tho natural inrreiuo of luuilt eaplul la apparently umililo to cow a distinguished gatliotlng nttoniled the oanndn oluh dlnnur in london kng charlm a uiumoii who pi ml ded utftlflnd na tn ouuidau stiihihly during tha crisis of lust full mid ox patlntod on tho vnlun of thu fuel tlmt london tho iimaiiciui contro of tha woild had boon thrown optsp to thu dominion to n rumrkahln nxteiit during the last sixteen immtlia ut least 25 000000 him wen sont v oaoadii on the most gratifying trrmu this wan an liil 1lg ut prefi lonco and an oniphntlc mihwi r to tho itllogtitlnn that thorn won on iippiilllnu igniiranoo about omiiiuu throughout thu ompln tho clialrnmn nleo rofurrrd to thu coming tor contounry colohratlflns amldib cnthuilamn tho political content in waging warn and by tho end or tho month iiioat politician will hiivogotun up tn tho uaual election out iuuiauiu it will lw well for nil to roim mix 1 that nlthoiigli our nalghlioi may illffi r from tin p dill rally ho may ho juut in himtut in lih oonvlctlonu ah any of tlmt tlin u free country wlmro fun do in of opinion u one of thu hlgkuut utonoh of tho broad foundation iitmieu of our gov ornmont lot tie thorufoio ho toler ant rationul pnti inllo and good naturod stand by your conviction and let your neighbor utand by bin if o dltpoaed kwip cool argno poll ilea if you will but do it culmly nnd reaiouahly and iwnr this fu6t nlwayii in mind ttiab jut u you havo nmd up your mind unauiiuhly no to thu way in which you will vnti tho iiinjnr- ityof tho voting population iiiib nluo dono tho anion thing fatally injurld at brandon earl nloldln bon of robert nioklln aoton awltohman in o p r varda tubrdnaralhibndvbbtbrdav fld ipdood woro tho nowa roaolvoil by mr and mid nnhort nioklln luut thuraday that tliulr youngnat karl leroy hod rcctlvud fatal injilrlua wbllo in the rtorfornmnco of hliuutlta in the jp p r yardu at nrandnn uatl that morning the dmndon sun glvon ibo- follow log particular tll bimontjiblv aocldont 1 jlsad hdoidont occurred ot about two oclock thlu morning in tho o p it yarde roaultlng in ttm death of kail nioklln one of uiaiidimv ninut piuiii blng and brightest young iiipii tito uafortunato young fullow wan on the night erw awltohlng in tin yaidn and bad been n tho not of uncoupling tho cart when hie foot caught in a fiog before ho could oxtrlrnto blmeolf tlu oar had bmno down upon him and pauedovbrhla light log aihi part uf hit body lb was at onco aou that hi injuries wroof euohanaturo that very lltllo bopa oould be beldoutforliursoovary dr macdonahl wai snramaned and altar giving first nld onlured hli removal to the lmipltnl although everything tlmt oould poiulbly bo done toallovlnto the poor fellow tuf- ferlnge wera carried out ha only lived two houre after tho aocldont deooaaod wm prnctloally known to nearlr all in tbtf ilty whore ho hat realded for a mimhor of yeiita among the boye he had uutny frlendu hu bright tunny dlaposllfnn and amublu uunpere winning for him tits good will of all hu bvhofllatlfl willi tho 0 p it be wnj looked upon ai reliable employes nnd one who woutd have made good boadway in the oonv pauya earvlco bla parent reihlo nl aolnn out bll father at the proueut tliiiu in erimuly iii he loaves three brother all in the wen two aro in urandun iulatut nd vwli tha aondiiotoi niul bdward at porutgo doooiuiihi wan hi bli nineteenth your dooeased wan burn in acton and went wait with hie paronte when hub little lad ho vmltod bare three tthe renialtiei ucooniplnlihl by the three brother kdweid vra n ltul huid arrlvetl here yeutuiday tiiorttlng the funeral took plutfo itl lite after noon- nt three oolodk from the home 6f death or robert agnew ramlllarohtaen in aoton to korty vmn ohiivu ul hei maffonkoruhichalon tukhdav ati 1 1 iiiik 1h in i wo imnrtli tu mi and llvi 111 ullu 1 tulhiid to uii lb nth mid d iii nit iikuh r oho t kin tnilium iii lhi p f u dull an 1 i it hxiimly lig tin 1 y 1 11 lnk avinin of whlih h wm llu i i u i i int d iu imi in now ihiiii anil lhi be 111 of 111111 h ui inilni koi low kola rt aguuw w 1- houi hi o unity armagh ireland in lkm lu wau tho on nf tho lata john agnow who with iiib wife roaldod hero foi many yrar tho nuillim dld at tho dounfnlon llniul in 1hm jind tho iutlitr lu iwt til lit- bolllual tlm miltjtit of ull- hkutch rtinmved wttli hlo paruulu ti iuncaahlro acntlatid having formed thi aciiiiilntaiici of mary itohliimon thwy wnrojolnvd in the homh of holy wuil lock in ibm iho ccioniony va porfofuird by tlu laltlltii john white in thr hunilltonutrut unltid fnii church of hcotlaird at carluke thw godly ol i iiiim uvm iinlll tno end of tin pibtliionth and only liintuirk ira akikiw nciltid a copy of ll carlllkt local p ipi r giving pm titular- of hla doiith nl ovi r 11i111 ly y am with hlu portrait nml tho inuhiorliil ormon prcnohfdnt the fiiuontl tim 11111 aftfr tin ir miirrlngi mr aud mra agnow lift hrollmnl mi caiiadw it waa tholr h moyiuoon tour and tin voyage acrtwu uonoplid wo nmiiihi tluy oamo dlrirt to kqui ulng nnd aotttcd at knnodya mw mill on tin obi ck 1 mo on tho farm now ownml b mi ptier olhlmiiim iliro they en ducted 11 hoarding boilufl hhorily aft or tbuy worn ludilcud to rouiovu t thu mill 11 concuuulon further wut oiuatid by ooldlw to smith hi i they kopt the mill maiding hiiuun foi eight yearu they thon came tn acton about forty yearu ago aftor a uhoit ihno lipunt in ti a in lug lumber m and mra agnow btcamo bout and boatobr of tho old california hotal which ntood on tho present ilto ol htimbonvonu hlaokumith fchopon maln st rent til 1 1 building waa destroyed by lio oviii thlity yiara ng ii thoy ttpint hetwi on two aud tin yenm and then took ovci tho it yal kxolmngtt which la now tho acton ifouso about thlity flvo yonm ago ml agnow bought tho property iipnn which i ho 111 w dominion lintel at mid uiectod u rommodliinu mw hoti i and for twenty nine yiaio conduntnl this hnuuff during iiim t 1111 aa hinil lord tlm iioiimo enjoyed a provlitrlnl roputatlon ua n cnmfortnblo homo loi cnmmorchil tmvcuora and tho travel ling public in all his efforts to con duct a wflllordorid hostehy ho wan ably eecondod by mm agnow ily bcoroa nf traveller she was familiarly iiildri uaed aa inothor and tlm com fort of the hoya of tho mud wan well lookpd iiftor ivi ling the hurdui of yinra growing heavier and the oxailloiia nf a pnblii hoiivo life growing mnri nnd irkunme tha holo propirty and nil ita lntwii alu wore dlupohid of to mi a j tohuiai pur uik yon m ho and hlu pail tin havi lived 11 quiet retlrod life and they en joyed their well oiirned root together mr agnow waa a kind bourtod man nnd methodical and no hotel innn far abovo the average it wan in tin rolatlnnewlth hlu family however that bin butter clianiotor woo umstmunlfi ut u wn alwaye concerned for theli wo faro and anxious for their com fm t it vinun fnvorltn aauertlon of the old man that although his itdeat son hud boon brought up in a hotel ho had novor known tho tautn of lujuor hpfaklug of hlu good qunlltles to tho fukk pitufla on monday mra agnew imndrd thu witter the following verso remarking that it tpoko truly of hi olmracteri ho was a futhor kind and true a patent love had hoi a fi h nd tn nil who knew htm hoi o a boart both ktnd and free fan waa an ndltcreiit of the presbyter ian church miu agnow one daughti r iiiidthni uons am viva tliey nn annie tin wife ol ex itoevo gen ilyndai john of ilurtney maii i gourge ohulimuu or aoton uourd of kducijton nnd jnuoph mra thomas ii harding jhiiiok thomaa ami two infant d i lighter produceuuod tbolr father the funoral on tuesday afternoon wuuj in ulmrge of imv 3 o wlluon ii a attainted by llov g w huikir tho memlwrs of walker lndgo mid visiting uioinhoru of tlio maunnto fm terulty fin iu goorgolown nnd milton attondod and cnuduotett tho funeral ooroinnny of ibe ordi r of which do leased wan for ninny yours a memhor the following brolhron wen pull hoar era nil but one of whom la a past imietot t w k konnoy w a htnrey w tltark aj mackinnon dr john lawson and wm humpshho many frlenda front adlstanoonttond ed among whom were i dr wnbater norval i t a- ileynnldo oakvlllo i laohlun grant k fluluy j nonull s moglhlion guorgetown i nnd mt nod mra flanniel joltnatono toronto phihtajd bvbkquijbt reelp baally vepard at bmall oomt eusd many bw mf by it mix the following by uhaklng well in a bottle and take lu tonspnuufti dnaea nfter tnoula and at bed 1 1 mo i fluid bx tract ditndullnn onohulf otiuoe t ootn pun nd kaigon one ounce t compound flyjup bnrsupaillla threu ounce a luoul it ligglst is thu authority that thoso ulinplti hitiiilouh ingroillente oan 1m obtalned at noniln a cost from our liihiio druggists the mixture lu sld to cleanse and htrengthon thu cluggod mid luuoilvn kidneys nviireiiiulug lutoknolio mnd der weaknesh and uilmiry trouble of iil kinds if taken hefiire the stugo of urluhls dlmvaso t7uho who have irhd this my it po- uwely ovvrauuihs pain in thu imoki olowre the firlno of svdlmunt mitl regu lats uilimtlon icpublully nt night curing even the wmt forms of hlad dar wvuktiosii hvery uiiiii ur woman liura who twu tliet the kldneyi nro not strong or not hg in a honlthy manner should mix thlapresurlpllun nt homo and give lb bvtrial hilbuinld to do wonder for ttmny mnoite vim8mtitoilp4btluioe wan first mrorl hnkklde prworimlow slwte tiic school roll of honor tat of ruptlm who won plaoian the lull at laat ibkamlnatlana at ruhlio amdllloii aoiiooju llniohamlmilloiiu for the inontli at tin iutilh anil high hnl isweroonn luilid on i ihliy lt m iy and htmll l in- lnllwi llliill hi idini duimutmunt uiimh uhl iiooi rviir ti j ii ruai ukim tlaual w lilndiill a hndemon p homervllle a ilaivey m ulch nond m chilpiiiun i white jit matiikul attov hum i w iliuwn i mit i jit tltvi uichfl and jll u vthlf class ia hpelght m moffat a muodooatd i miillhl claswlla dills i johusioiir k garvin a o ilrleo cihhsiiiti giahum k huiub u husband highest in algol a a 1 undersoil t in composition w grlildtll itukll hlikmil cliish- 1 ii llrowo clus mil ihaok 1c iluok a rirathioob k plank m o ii 0 ilank oluatiluh iwuon ii hnul a keiinuy g ilualiuud n uuluni k anduisoo j gihhens o uwackluimer it ntllaon d iolstor j muodonuld ii mull in o hlmip u hunter highost in geography ii drown i inoheinlstiy ii dmiwo w ii htkuaitt principal mimhu m hauuonii assistant puiilio school piiiht diclautuunt hr iv- j i purvis 10 george moffat 105 mlldnd mattlmwe jm uurtha drown 103 annie portoi 140 afabel wmkmaii im total 300 j iv kiitla murrla 111 dom ii voy 11 1 viator colt innn 111 leonard atkinson 100 nora kennoy 103 alva harvey 100 total 17tt mltui a l hudbon teacher hkcoso napautuunt hon iurdlii kvuns 001 istbolred while ivtl lualiel audorson ob3 ohai mutthewm fi15 j d dint 621 iiuxm awioy mil total 07b ji mlniatrlce gmhaui r3i tihn hiyoi- i0 it mshwaokliamer4ol lin on kennoy 111 adam ii i id en brand luut wilnia johnstone h10 total 07ft mux m k illcnnlctt tcaohor tiiiiid uliralltmbnt hr ii nillle audorson 001 ida yi uog mi ada oumplioll 573 ilwud agnow 613 gladya wurdto c10 lily wilson 40ft tolaloao jr ii irene young 423 charllo mo linil a7 wlliiort craig 005 oum anderson voliiia dtitt 200 laura putt on 211 total 550 mihh q mcintviik tonchcr vouiitii dktahtu1cnt til pt ii jennie pearson 220 humid reed 215 vera forbes 200 stanley curnalian 201 george ahra ham ibs lawaon wren lfi2 total 275 jr pt ii wlnnlo poursnn 211 itoy llrowu2il loinakeniudy200 uimy hunter 205 geoig agm w 101 mary lihiiliinlou total 275 mibh m it holiiko teacher fiirrn nnpahtuknt sr pt imiiigurot wilson 153 loulso ponruon 151 myrtle thomas 115 jenn wilson hi geoigo andor- moii 112 ida atackman mj total 1b0 jr pt i johnnie mcgregor 01 vuliedeo grlmwood 01 jack alger 01 amth o irnaluin 01 horuco nelson tid 11 isostaokiiian rl total 100 minn k kknnbdy toaobor this onchbstra danqubttbd a dellathtrul puuetlon tenderad by the lsullee aid and bpworth league a liauqtiet wne ton do rod the mom bera or tho mothodlst btinday school orchestia and their ladle on tuesday nvflnlng in tho school mom by tho iiiomhom nf tho ladlos aid society and the jotingpooplo of tho kpworth league about one hundred sat down to hojny thu bountiful spruitl providod by the ladles attractive and tempt ing indent wore the urtlstloalty decor ated tables with tlio snow white unppery their china and mlverwmto their pinfuulnn nf floral ileaorutlnns mid tho multitudinous nriay of np lujtltlxlng trllmtom of tho oullnary art aftfr tlm edlbloa had boon fully enjoyed rev g w darker pastor look the tliulr and after speaking of itie bpiolal character of tho occasion and expressing the cordial appreciation felt by nil concerned foi thq splendid wervlooanf the orohostrn so frequently and willingly tondored an oujoyuble piogrrinnte was reiulorod it included s lections by the orelifl trn duutt by mlsuta hudson and lilng solo by miss dei lie bmlth and roadlngx by miss m z don net fc and mr ii p moore drier expressions of thanks to the orchestra were then outdo by mrs a t drown lit bhlf of the ladles aid ii p moure of tho hunday hohool nnd a t drown of tho kpwoith tongue mi ohas w mason tho londor loplled vory fetloltouity on bolmtf of tho orohoatra and said it had alway boon nnd lb always would he a pleasure to contribute tlm wry best ut their onminand to aid any orgatilxatlon in connection with tho church ai a tesult of the splendid recognition thl evening they would aim to give iivhii lielluraervlwoh than in the past thn ladles than presented euob mini her with a bouquet of carnations and the function was brought to a oloso willi the national anthem it of upeeui value to marty here in aeton a iiohibtii dluoovoiy and oka tbnt nppoalu iwpealnlly to ninny pooplu in anion is the oiimblohtlou of stuiimoh inlp in tl miona treatmut this prepatutlon workn wondereln cam of indigestion m week atnnufeli it mote directly upon tlio wall of the htuiiiaoh nnd oowes strong hanlng nnd btlibulatltig tbsm so that they readily tmkii or of tbe fund that ii erttfin wltlimit distress or anrferlhg so positive nro lie good effiwte fol lowing the una of mi0ha tlmt ihe remedy fi sold by a t brown mndtr tin itlmiiltte guhriititva to refund the iiumoy if it mllw to cure a 80 cent jtoi of mloli will il th gjhd the ohaat ourdit auction sale or ondhsind buetatle makkt wveronsi lttmber wi- otuj lurht oheh bprtiia wssww la ravskat tone botai and plftwa tlis umlaraliiuad lai aaltupul by j n oneill saturday may lolh ktloalmliaharr iba folojnf i oiofttiuiiua tu4ralelaw miudlllon 1 gon4 nim llsialle aod varnlr h hind or a tnli in ut vaut naw i uk i aratelrw huh l i bucur wl inp aoos man to man from our mens department wben you purchtm a suit coat or any ether article nf inthlng from g h ityat ft co you take n stap in the way which assures of your using approprlsiely clad otir talking and helling tolnta aro pkopkttlv moulhfd bllapp k1sis1mno garubnth we pay extra to have our tlotliing ntayod with good balriioth and canvas we are not telling men s clothing merely for to day but are laying the foundation whkh will prepare us for th burnetii of a lifetime add anotltor alone to tho building you will unit you aro in tho right place pof 10 00 men ingle breasted brown tweed suits four button style extra well made special attention paid to moulding and trimming for si j 00 m likl breastoil worstlii suit four buttoe styl- four button cut away cuff tn variety ot colorings a leader at gl 6o fni iis art men slnglo broautod twoud huhh j til aa mai wlll l0n rm ltt tllj l- andlquu b a two button coat in a splendid variety of clothes selling at jij oo and sij oo our youths and uoy s dulls mako customers of overyaiib whn give thotft n woarijig test com in on hatuiday and tee ituw wru till store cnu look after yvnrv wants uyfvhmloo wllb toe mln ur- bat aiia iiihuub btsfkuiiaiid uihpi pocvi aa ua ml kuiitlaii mji huaiay sohl haw i blfkxl ro4jl eart i good inaibat aon btrmis ant mrvimalils i i ii in ontlmm print wpomllilil luniliar viaiau ipilns mi sail si ivlustwnanil afaalla ttaavy lns wsyaa willi si all 9 double lurtow iilowt god aa uaw ulisllialil faunlns mill and bmr alae s qusniuv at hmy raaba uina bou 1bi- i alaal liog irouflif wkanutirami hmu yaliaa ina taafly oiltar siilalaa toe dnnmrom to ntae llh itaru at nam a alns fuoiatubar iba day and data sna ba on ulna and your ibara it ut b fsalna tsjhuh8 monll a on appro tad jolnl oolw tmreani dlwouuitor dmii ii tto w a wilaoh ausuoaaar ontario elections a mau in set l nc in the interests ef the candidature of r d warron wim be held at ohookvillm tueaday may toul c elabt oeloek oa h pb ltviltki wedaaadav may both at b eeleek addreues on tbe liwuea ef the day by ht john d afoopatai hi j n lindsay mr n d wavmii a cordial invitation to all aoton hand laundry james webster having purchased tho laundry business of i clavol doslros to solicit the contin ued patronage of the many customer who have favored iho business with their orders strict attention will be paid to careful fill lug of all orders and the excellent ctata of work which has always boen turned out tn the past will be continued mr clavol will remain with tne till the ist of april jambs wbdstbr mill street acton oollkok larei too for ft inonuis toronto v b esy a ild ran cor vona snd nioor ita 11 a rikquiumsaw v a ivioolpsl aoton pump and tile works o b eddaqk proprietor our premises are now fuly equipped with all ilia latest machinery and appliances for manufacturings iamp matt jump bupplitm tile tor wll clmttrn evlwrta efo suttn pine rutin tools and mp supplimm orders promptly ailed main street acton georgetown florab go umiud gboroetown cut flower growers funeral and wedding ordert a specialty all orriau pued wllh mr b a llotorlmm drugnlii aeiont will rclv prompt atlbnllon wall paper our 1908 stock better values ii 11 tvuruhown before iipers from sc per roll to 75c borders same prlco per roll sb wall ahbisetss carpets an housefurnishings this is the tlrrib of year when every houewlfo ipoks with the oyfc of u critic jit tho parcels curtains and draperies slie has taken nut or isdbout toput in it ht the tost time you must uvclde whellitr or not the old is god enough whether or not you can rt the temptation of freshening up he home whee tho question lias been settled aud the wants appear the not problont iu order in wilkitll shall we boy it la right here where we coqpi to light with a few vugkestlonrt llst u hklp you to an artirtic room aftd iioub follow some recognlied color scheroe don t let your ball carpet clash with the surround hitf tooms deht put a greet carpet into a room where the unier arrautfeiueut tottmmu rd or blue or some other color lie as particular about the color harmony of your home na yon are alwnt what you nt a proper contrast or blending of colors has nn important eifect upon your dispoaltiot it may be an un conscious effect but nevertheless a real one physicians have logically proved tho inlhijnces of certain color or ranyemeet we have made and are making a study of colors aud their relation to iho homo and feel justified in offer tng our services competent services at lieu as furnishing time it cast no more to be careful lu the selection of colors and p ittonin wo aro here to help you with that care visit our carpet curtain and drapery departments when you are furnishing your home bee what we have to show hear what we havo to say frltee figured to meet demands of economy our qualities of the square deal disposition g b ryan co gelph we do what we say gtottkfifjmtttltw k a savings account is youi best friend convenienceno formality in open ing accounts ar in depositing or withdrawing money privacy information as to savings accounts is confined to trusted clerks pledged to secrecy georgetown branch w n mckay agent the pleasures and comforts of summer hammockssi to 4 fishing tackle lines hooks sinkers folding poles aoc to joe balls soft rubber red white painted hard rubber sc ioc and 15c base galls 5c upward mitts and gloves 25c to 150 croquet sets 1 and 2 e a robertson s druggist stationer optician the palace drug store aoton spring stock of footwear unusually attractive george stojibl hns his spring stock now completed nd is satisfied he can dcliftht all customers hiu nobby new lines of this springs tans patents and fancy footwear surpassos all previous seasons the daintiest kinds of now spring goods for ipdios and children splendid heavy solid stock for farm and heavy work also good stock of his own make prices always right here repairing and special orders promptly attended to geo- stovel mill st acton whjmwisllwiisjiii m it dr19s oier night seiwws floor paint tlio recognized standard on tile amorlcnn conti nent wo gun- rnnteoovorycon o sbnours floor paint to glvo satlsfac tlon or rofund the monoy do tiottotrny- thlng said to bo jutt us good ontario elections to all headers of ihe fuse fats v0ur vote and influence are respectfully solicited for re d warren electionmonday junes 08 -fc- cublph tjuslpcss foucjxc imsoifie block vppr wyadhmm st guelph oat gnustial conversation l orteti ilanlflesnt end ibitraollv at a rail irsy tuknn rnlly two wni nan spake u allows i whet sr ion doing now r luil tsddlng the quclph dubinbss oollbob thslsirlilitl i he two brotbers grsiltiatas ol irlqolosi uuoonmmki oissms ooehs mmlagilximnliundreddallsirse rur sucl ai pansss ssaoramaroulirtur theotlisvhss allna poaluon in tbelissil ofllm of tlie sstna this famous institution is dontliiusllr praptilofl eod pulling tn the wsy nf saom smiiltlout youotf disu sod woman ons ot iu bilabi young woman for eismple smursa s jkmji on la s promlnaa uoalnasa oflloe in new york si m talarr ot nitssn hundred oniaeidnew vans alsularr otnttmnbundrm dallerssyur molar nowtordsv or svsnlna pours no vaestlons oamt aireel to tlie oof iaga offleo w upper wyndtianj btrsaiuoslpb h bfeooonsfiokba prineldeili budb0oii1iio t c 103000 0 thb wbllihoton mutual insuranqb company vsubllshed 1b40 ileaa ohm oukxiph ont ihhurakob on cash soft unlusl plan ani idiurenoe required will be promptly sluud w ii dunhtibnl voutu 111 aeton alaosbarjl tat lia iihiah biilsnt propwe foi forjuoni lor aa to iuu eiuutllug tlis popular jwl euuott wmmt toronto ont this bohool is noted far and nir fbrtaasuneriormiioauon iflvon to sludents sit for tbe ninajlilbla aoo eaasofilacrtnuktsa oollsas ouaa the nllreimr raelnuaw ourtrminlnb will mike you independent vrlt3 tedsy tor eatalobiit w ltfililotk prloeli cor vonge end atsxindsv bu g- g- speit hardware carpenters tools farm tools garden tools stoves and ranges granite ware tinware etc mcglorys paijdora ranges mmt popular and btttltfaotorr kopairing neatly and prompt ly executed picture frames iu stook ojd v irfade to ower l ill sunday modlliik ovlcr 10 jj sunday evening urvlcit 7 n ilrln bbt ijiuc is b0ardeiw wanted cook wanted wiuieavsandotteb euou irani 1 ira i r i tou at 1 nfl bun drallukllijiaullur jnorkiny foil hale anulllll ii f tin a ai 1 itkalllim liadam lot ail i t ii i nn larllaulan at ply in i v iunhv voui u bl aoton ij p jtork qs ron iiatchtho pill unuruylial la l laiiarail i auuiltf at- x lliiuiluu lo i iii ufbruuul 1rl ii r it uika al itc il lo i rl of it j wirillun at ton stovkh i for salk tub iindsiluiit i to i a wll u i i in irlr lllmallhtoi uhuavuni alaa 1 louil it u vols aliova may t twin at daooa willow hi lowii u inrjrilor loltfonlar oil hi ly iltala asls ilia isll ilf nsw mt lnotoioiac lla llrlltaules y lima al in rl ihaao vhancis card of thanks to orriiksn anp urum ivwuoe ciur dubrmpum i lisml y wlli tomprm tur luaara llianls for iho ron i i an tallilaotarr aymantatiiiiuraund oarrl i by hlv lata mo lyliutbuilai i luoluor wlali lo join ma in tlianslntf ilia oftlcra aul xlaml ra lor llialr ttlnilnaaa an i atiui athr an i llowaia in our d troiill mnl luit iranlico catni rroap4ilty lluirniriillyvnura jlllh jatlkh xtbvvkt choice iiiumung lots ron gatr tuc two ini a ll it i y r louoa sr now l w t i r aro bom vary ana building lot an i liavu i uibur nf oiioim rrull lrm oi a lot renin on vumua hlrsal end the otbaron iii 1 11 a hire i cm ant pavanianl on tbe vnuiig ttiraal rroniaiif tiia t r opart y la well itralua mo tunoir nt wl rallaii lund in splendid oan ullon for onlilvailnii lnasaulon ivaiili municipality of acton court op revision noticmiabaiabyalvou bat ilia ftral usau luff of iba oonrl nf ilavlilon for ilia wll lags of aoion will bo bald in tlm town hall on tuoaday may 20 th 1008 atelablp iu inliaar all uouu lamia aualoilllie auoaaninl itoll for btui ai parioii hstluu lulnntii a aall court are rtnjuoala 1 lo alien i at ilia lima tlma end itu a j ullkivnom vsrtf dtl at aoton till 1 inlay of mar looo u4 hollo way hotui hmo thl ihstclss imported cljdeadnlc stallion will imbe ibo iraou ot id h ai fallows t tburadsv suv ml bn will losva bla own atabl lolu htlillm irlii ilniig ooloou end proeaol to iba colt id llouu oaorntowd and ramaluovar utabl vrllav will laavast 0 oolook rrnolilng leb msnsllota amoii early in tlio stioinoon and rsmsln nvar n i all i imsln avx n i all i ustuidsy will laava in tba forenoon aptnillng tba noon bnur adrout and liomn for uluui n toinariu paysbla lal kab ims for furlhir iwrileulara alartta poataia ijan1ui mokuuilniudioo tl h uaiinr snd oollaoton notice tocreditors in the mittur or the bittu or john molrkt int or the vlllejre or aeton in the county of if i ton tainnevs deeeaeod noti0b u imroby cin lurailsnt lo tbe uavlm1 hialuica of ontario cliaplar las cud am ami i pa aalr list all oradllorssndothaii bviiih olaluii iuiiiii tba nuu nf tbe ssd jobn uotul wl u tiled on or alio it t tbe nlntu day of ai rll i wit aro r iulrod on or balore the twrnty hill day uf kjay imw in sand by poal prai l or ilollvor to a j uaoklunor ot the slit v lllaua of ac on hollo i mr fur jsiiim uoffsi tbe adliimulraior f tba otluo nf ibo isld uf eaaaid ihalroulfillan and siiriiainna sddraasae anil daborlihioi tba full inrllatilsri nf llialr usiursof ibesooiirllla it soy bold by ibarn lo dutrlbuio tlie i of tbe istd smonatjieiiarilm aiimfkftbaratn hsvtng r pard only to ibaeuliua ol wblob buy absulbi iiamvufsuelovwtf ni vm nam tor ma i saiols nr any psri liaraiif to any nnraon or iiarons ot wuoas islnisnotloaalisll tint avn linaii veoelved by in st tbe 1 1 mi of audi ilimilliillnri j vfaoklnsom notice to ujk01toas in the metier of the ttetitto or alrvwd budd late or tho vii lair or aoton in the county or llalton laborer oeoetued ttollho notioh la lnroliy jivi ti luriui lhtit cliait 11h unit anion llim fi oroaunrasiilnibdrabsvlnuotalni ssslnitlnani tale otllipiafi aiiio llfu hi wlm ijw on or about iba fnmunlay of fobrusi qui rati on or boftirn tl boholtor for janma ai of lbs haule of ibo ai llsiisndauitisinrf a by ilellrsr to aeo of aoton lilnihllitratpr hi dicuawil tbair clirf jilroiibb ami ilaiorlptlont bliu proceed to distribute lbs sua m on srdi pari rll ontltlsd tban rlllai if snybiililby hmm id timber lun utionsil dr met to dli sua tba p only toil not be lla of to suy aotlo alia i no i liai tbellmeofiuab ttielvlliihmi deled tblitwomr ifr nlnui of till tbad ito lie sill bsrdohlv to itin olilms of vii1di lis ahsl bsve iioljei an 1 ibsl ibe isld a dm till iiti ilas id a dm nla ira tor isiels p any part hereof to suy paiuouorparaouaof wbiuwdlaluis eliajl ii- l not bsve buoii reooived by lilm si itluoklnhsv hoilnlor for iba admlnuirslor ilraovtiufidsyof april 1u09 til iiiaibtniin clydcsdalo stallion king edward oftq8 iiiiliiiii mil ovsnil hire nt ruilsls amio etrod by jntil i by kliilyrn llorn l by oeilaforil iii wn dslii j y unity miller iw1 dkhciuiiion vhviikiii mini piivii liv feplllll le lllooeiwui be by kliilyrn llorn lttn i slid usm lolly t rail by tieifefard inml m dsto dol alrsti w dnbn ir aruylo ipi be by pbsiiiplnn till i wn lni jais skiy by agrloola till i eby unity ulller 117 keehsokiiity lttttew f tkttmtt jsimxiaf ftjbsillfc f jf tl

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