Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 14, 1908, p. 3

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wall papers window bhapkb ouktain 1oiies j hnm vi lead to cll in and in our mw designs in wall hptr- rrom 50 per roll uorders ium price as wall geo mill street hynds acton rutledcbs i i v hj x roton hotel stkblds mill htwl acton stvu8ii kiga double or ilugle applied eneiortet nelfce commercial tkavbliki18 ok dijks ifwen pedal attention whrutledge proprietor brief local items tlio splendid tflvcts of tlio iliro tay mln last week lira now jului manifest the trees and shrubbery doqnlng their wight iiewsprlng f llnye rapidly now messrs j u a arthur have just purchased from a dealer at arthur a fine turn of heavy french clydesdales tho young bachelors ball jrt tho town ball lost friday night reported to have been a very enjoyable event both the political candidate dr nixon and it d warren were in town on friday shaking hand with the electors itev 11 a u wiltoughby held the weekly prayer meeting at the home of mr time itydor third line on monday evening j no noll georgetown will hold a big aalu uf second hand i nggloa democrat i lumber waggons elo on haturday afternoon mr j m godfrey barrister tor- onto will ho liberal candidate in peel and hie brother or furlte godfrey the conservative candidate in west york mr j w bcarrow addressed tha baptist young peoploe union last friday evening on hi ivor lining to dark oloudt hie hi dross was ninoh appreciated since tho election of tlio new dominion hottrl considerable paper- hanging and decorating of rooms liu taken place win glmson painter bus lieen the artist itev d a o willoiibuby was suf ficiently recovered from his recent in- disposition to ho nblo to take ills work last sunday ho preaohod nt church 111 at 0 oclock with hie usual vigor itov dr jamos a it dickson pastor of central presbyterian church gait was eleottd modoratnr of the presbyterian synod of toronto and kingston at tho opening meeting nt toronto on tuesday require the teamster who haul loads of manure over our neatly clean oil streets tn pnt in a tail board and dress off tholr loads mr street com rnlssloner by tho tlmo soma of the loads got through town about thirty per cent i scattered over the streets the gaorgutown mlnstrol com- pany will give a topical concert with twenty five black faced nmateurs in tho town hall georgetown on friday evening two solid hnnre of agonis ing laughter good humored raillery and roll lok soma times aro promised they may coma to acton nevt week the person who haa onoe experienced the pleasure of a cup of delicious salada tea- that foellntf of satisfac tion that its purity and flavor guaran tee is not easily persuaded to accept a substitute for voun aumm brino write to tho information bureau canadian northern railway system head office toronto for two booklets the lako shore lino of tho musko- ka and an intinrtiiotlnii to tho but country in six provinces be fore you settle ynur summer holiday plans the first tnkos you north to the muakoka parry hound georgian bay frenoh river and tho maganat awan district tells yon how to go where to stop what to do and from information given yoti can figure out the almost actual cost in dollar and cents the second taku you to montreal quebec into the lake st john and baguenay river region down along the ocean shore in nova scotia to quaint towns store houses of history 1 romance and tragedy on to cape breton island whore live as thulr forefathers lived a century ago the kindest folk in the world and all along are places to stop nt where you may rest orbwaonsj oohhbr0 the one ulna of the past few dtiys baa brought vegetation along by leaps and bounds so mole has been captured at last and the false alarms of hint having been seen in nassagaweya and other place in the vicinity have all been ex ploded it must give the poor unfor tunate fellow some aa tlsf action to know that there are so many that look uko bin at leitst so tho would be criminal detectives have been telling lie some of those so called would make excellent reporter for the yellow journals across the lines general sympathy is extended to mr js black in the accident that befel bin last week mr btnok ha been very unfortunate during the past tew years mr alex mcintosh is hnvlng the residence she lately purchased rebuilt mr a orlpps left on tuesday for iv wlnhlnegjtwhere be intends remaining fop tha summer tmteraroiirrie and lllllaw west toronto ttre v lilt lug at mr geo gvabanv mr h wood of oatupbellvltle is fj tlslilng fc mm crewoona iuffwl orlop of stratford was news op local import tootballerst detun busy aoton football club will play a match with the club nt the o a o guelph to- morrow afternoon tin return match will be played in tho park here on haturday wvoiiliijf 1 seven oclock there will lift doubt w a good turnout at tint match hunt dledkitoronto buried at kdor mill mr wllllitm johnulonr undertaker was called to torouiu this wk to convey the remains of mus tp hlgglns to kden mills the funeral was helj on monday mue hlgulita formerly resided at kden mills hhe hod been 111 for some time molt captured near azlorm private molr him iiiurdtur ill tin london barracks miiu was supposed to be in hiding in nosssguwey last week was captured of a farm between klora and arthur on saturday had been working for si farmi r for ten days twoepnstaldevof arthur get gie t00 rcwad offered by the govern ment birwt puhlle poltlaal hmuiut the flrt public meeting announce i lisre for the prevent campaign will im held in the interests of mr it- i warren the liberal candidate in the town hall on thursday evening 2hlb inst mr warren will 1m here to address the elector ite and mr if m mowat of toronto will alio deliver an address loaves for afmrland oh htid mr matthew wilson f the rectory and her little son sail by the victor un from montreal on may 22nd for the old country they will apend the summer in kngland and scotland vultlng relatives on both sides of the house mrs wilsons mother has been in poor health all wlntor and she is very anxious to see her they will return in september the rourth quarterly communion tha laat quarterly communion eer vice of the methodist church for tho present conference year wus huld in the methodist church lnut sunday and was an occasion of special interoat there ware hirge congregation and tho number nf communion nts was grantor than usual at tho reception service in the morning tho right hand of fellowship was extended to thlrtoon new members mr ildrkets sermons were highly appropriate to tho days servless the chtfpplnjr mill councillors dr oroy and alex doll and messrs john hurvny and u p moore the committee appointed nt the meeting of tha board of tiado to confer with messrs heard in ore ac co relative to the reoponlng of the mill had an intervlow with mr a o beardmoralastlhursday mr beard more expressed himself quite ready to have the mill re opened and that tin firm will gladly loaie the property to a responsible tenant thoy hud found it disadvantageous tp operate tho mill themselves tho firm is now advortis ing for a tenant and it la hoped unit a good man will soon lis in pouaaaalon a call to raw my wtteon kov a o wilson m a of lin don preaohod in the baptist church here on sunday afternoon with great acceptance so well pleased wero tlin members nf tho congregation with his ml mirations that thoy mat uftor tha service und unanimously decided to extend a call to lie tholr pastor tho georgetown congregation also took similar action rev mr wll son was for some two years nsslutant to tho pastor of the tlrst baptist church at dayton ohio he has boon in loudon tho past year during tho aluence of rev prof farmer in bur ope two year ago rev mr wilson oocupledt he professors chair at ma master university with much satis faction the call has been prose n tod but rev mr wilson has not yet glvsn his decision in the matter committed to luduaitrlal sjohool last thursday arthur watson familiarly known as pat oamo bo- fore n p moore j p to answer to the charge of wilfully damaging the property of ronald sinclair wagon maker agnes street by smashing window in his paint shop a waok previous the ohargn wuu provon and the father of tlio lad admitted in evidence that the hoy wasdlsohedlent destructive cruel to animals mid on tlrely beyond his control oonstabln oarnahun test i led ilmt numerous oltltens bad complained to hint con cerning tbo bad conduct of tho lad nnd be had frequently to caution hi in the magistrate corresponded with the authorities relative to his admluslnn to the victoria industrial school nt mlmloo and tujhls institution be was committed on monday morning chief lawson conveyed tho lad tn tho school lie will be under offloliil re strain t there and will imva an nppoi titnlty of learning some useful trudo peaoefully at rest death oamo to the homo of mr hiob front where the mother quietly pass vd away last friday morn ing for tho past three year she has boon ii health and has been confined to her bed for about nine months with all htir sufferings she manifested chris tian fortitude aud her constant 01 y tho night prior to her death wns come jesus and take me home sliu m interested in every good work nnd always ready to lend a helping band she loved tho house of god and hi cause was her continual do light she wits for many years n member of the bllonm methodist church tho funeral on sunday after noon wa largely attended a most impressive service was conducted by rev g w barker the text was john 14 1 87 verse peace i leave with you my peace give unto you not as the world glveth give i unto you let not your heart be troubled neither tot it b afraid the favorite hymns of the deceased were sung at the funeral she was a loving mother and most devoted to her family for whom deepost sympathy is expressed the remains were tenderly laid to rest at falrvlew cemetery her husband two sons and four daughters survive exceedingly attractive is the may rmrabeimfrodnd gun-and-mtitov- sports in canada published by w j taylor at woodstock on t stories of hunting moose mountain goat bear deer and duoks surety offetj enough variety to the hunter whllo to the ub murdered tor a dollar htcplioi hwyrydia a pole nihrlrd of ihu murder of henka loutlcb u aaun on good friday netr kiln il whs mrrtd in toronto on too iltty and taken to brampton goal tim gallolan had a dollar of money iif liu ji uimthtlon and this it is 111 v ml tho pole tmoured mr ju fl anderson val o t h mr j men it andeinn litis mt i ft succeeded in securing a muipiih tit with tho grnnd trunk lullwy for in uilts auaulned in the gurlph wrtck myrar ago taut spring avery iiihihi miltlument was made and hn mont real biirgonia bill wmh mld mr and 01 non has improved in hpallhcotmldt 1 ably bitety llmhtm outmonday mlht- ou monday night the bollur nt tho power house wa being blown out ami cleaned for testing thorv woe enn sequently no electric current avlubt for either street or private lighting the reason for the leak 0 hghc is quit defensible but it is surely dilftto thri patron of iiih lighting eyntem tlint notice tw given tvlien llgbru re o im ill it rirat home kfaute mali match the hrampt 11 utttlboro played the local junliirs at tho park herv hatur- duy cv ttlng the ecora was 7 to 6 in favor of acton the lineup ilf the boiue team was u follows 1 a plant p 1 w dohhl r o hyndv nt l 1 ii wlhamsjulb iv ramshaws 1 t dobble on b i j arthurs i f w drown c f 1 m soper r f 1 o cook acted ns umpire may band atmplr day for sjohool the ontario education department has issued a notlco to the sthoou nf tho province to celebrate eniplia day nn friday may 22nd the ciiciibtr bor gests patriotic rvcltatlnns and address t s in i bo 11 ft vr noon the depjt t mont prnmliuih m union jack to uny rural school lufire that date and overy sahoolliniiuo must fly it tho canadian ensign should also ik used another new isrlelc realdenee kscavmllonaaiif now being inndu for miinthcr fine now brick residence to bo ml led tliu bumiini tn actons many pretty bonus mr j im t brown and his son mi g ll brown iiuvh commenced tho erection of a lirlck veneered bouse 110 mi two storlou nn theli propoity on mill street it will bo a tquare house with veranda and balcony and will be a homellkn und attractive edifice the nld bauso baa twon vnoated and will be nt once torn down tha 90th rairlnrtant at quebec cupt gamble of n11 1 omnpau acton has received instructions from w p moore tho commanding onvar nf the 20th itngt that tbn reglim nt is ordered toquolwo to mitt fmit in tho tor ccntanary oelubiuium hum in july atmut fifty per cent nl the rtglmont will go citpt o imblu will take about iso officers nnd inon finni acton tliose innnt alf he bona fldo hhuou men and limruohom uni vtiy dullnlto unit on undesirable ninn tiro tn bo 1 nllutrd under nny condition this 1 vent will give thw nlun n upluudid outing nnd afford an nppnr tunlty nf pirtlclpallng in mm of tho inout spectactular nnd imp ulnnt domoiibl rations of tho itlud in hlutory dipt gamble la dourmlned that no 0 company shall in all reepoota b a credit to acton nnd every man of thorn n soldier the regiment will laave for tho ancient cupltnl on tho 18tl july the baptist three bided affair on monday evening the b y p u held a soclnl in tho raptut church tho throe hldttl affair was opuiiod with throe soloctlons on tho gnmia phone by mr macklin thetio were followed by threo literary and three musical selections 1 mr krnest black and miss w grlndell gnvo oxccllont humorous renderings miss nellie williams splendidly recited spencors beth gilbert tho b y p v qurtrtolte sung come to mo thrco little kittens was sung by three llttlo mnlds mr cole sang shining shore by request miss mnlwl olmp man melted fool yon n gens by jan w rlloy after thn progrnmino nvnryono joined in ninn oonvoruntimic each lasting three mlnutoe while re freshment wore being sarvpd tho high spirits of nil tits young peoplo showed that tho social hud been sua oeoafol in at matt one of its throe pur poses t tn enjoy yourself basi ball leajruehaltonpeal at u meeting huld in tho oluiu hmihe georgetown laat frldny night tho halton pool base ball lengua was formed tho following dolegntos wero present 1 acton ryder nnd jennui bramptnn kllker and daueyt milton flummlng telfer nnd spring gay t georgetown mckay und pmtori tho following officers were oloatod t hon pros richard bluln m p brampton pros wt a storey aoton vloe pros jno d moglhlwn mil ton sue trcns g ii wrlgglnswoi 1 b george town patransd ilondorson m p acton 1 jmt smith m p pbrnmp ton judge t a gorbam milton 1 dr a w nixon m p p george town an excuutlve of one memior from each dub will bo chosen to selllo any further matterand to draw i luo aliodnlo a double schedule is to lie played commencing about june 1st judgmg from the srithuslastlo mooting the season should be a good one social and personal mr i mcmimio of tor nlo w town thlu week mr i i cbrulle of gijlph in town on filduy uue a rllikihilr vulled friends at auhgruvo tbu wet k mr 1 kuintdy vultid frlcnde in ahbgr vi 1 n htiiiiluy mm ann mwdd ck u tmndlng s f w wuku in i million mr i a ii iwrumi fcjwia sunday ut bis liitnm mt hirulf ml mi h im irr im npitiding month or no with fiiimdu in 1 rttitioum mr i i j murg wus honif fr in li ioiiiji nvei hie wei k t nil mr ugbnlil j liii i x bflv nl ilityn ihu wink in ivn hon mu myrtlw diiih was home from toriiho m coople of days last week mrs clinrh u jennar went to tonm tn on saturday for a faw weeks visit mr and mr- fjwln franrls oftor onto wiro guriitn nt idylwyhl llil week mr and mr- g lmwkoii anil ml- jesmlemtgjigor ypt nl sunday of ust weeklnoilulphv mimciivwii of nauugrtweya has been the guest ibis week of her friend miss hudltitubtnln mm jainve yarren of walkerton wms h gut ut at tho bninn of mr jam i wxiitn on monday mi iltlulou drown has returnrd boini from victoria university tor- unto for the sutnnier vacation mrs james fltxslmiuons knd mailer wll mot of hock wood sient n f w d tys wb mr and mrs jliriflns misses msggle and ahcu i tic hard no 11 of rockwood spent monday at tbs home of mrs martha iumshaw mr t jamos moore city clerk of guolph and miss laura were guest of mrs t t monro over sunday mr horace cook who bus wen with statham ic son tha past two years left yeitsrduy to tako a situs hon in 1rln dr john m mcd maid has disposed of his hospital at mauuty nnd may establish nno tit another needy point in tho north emmtrj kx mayor and mis it ie nelson guolph wero in town y sturdrty attend ing tho funeral of tholr nephew the late karl nloklln of nrandon rov g w barkoi and mr a v nlcklln will attend tho annual district meeting or tlio mothndlst church at klora on tho 10th and 20 b inst mr frank moor of toronto spent monthly in tuwu mr mooru lias jimt ptuutd uiircouiifully his third ytarti ouhuilnatlou nt tin doutnl college tho rmv w m kami twin b a of woihiviui hits ticcipttd n call ti st andniwm church stratbr ly which was oxtt ndi d to him nonio ilnio ago he will bo i ml no tod on thuruduy may sfltb mr piru dhiu spent nevornl day 1 tit wotk nt bis futhera homo hurt he wuu 1 11 1 out to ctilcngo to tit tend convention of hochillute 11s doligate from tho fiitirolty nt glovormvllle n y nasflaqawbva mr koiiiictli mcloml h m in on sh ml ing thn wi i k with acton fi li nde mi h d warren the lmiorttl can dldiite will hold uioutlngu nt jlmokvjhp on tuomlay ovoiilng 10th inst nnd at ciunpbollvlllo on the 20th mr j d mcgregor nnd mr j r lindsay will he tho spcnkois in addition to mr warren cure re illlhatroow it tlls btttfri i oua shown in ci bsuisbawflu kvmuu ead he slmotttnlnlf m to u m oils iliitrvmlnlfiiemputniib i r smutim looanntemi hfjt utlitw wllfilna ihms htiliw mumtn iimuums jllavtto- achb they wml3 he slmotttnlnli suffprrnm tills illitrvmlnuaempi aulyilkolrsnailnaianwialinteiiii is fines trtlitutwlirflnajhmsktiia pits vtlo- hlslnnnniinr wbisiluimlicjrwill mi be wll- uolouoyriuioatlaeia batutwsaukktaid ache tsthseuwofsanuty it uutttrlu wi wa disks oar ereal bout oof bill cure it walls other do not oaitervi utile ursr rills it vary mull m varyfarrlaidke onsprtwoblllamakaailom tbra irlolly tile am da ml btm m paqfv wt by tfisif gnus seuoo issmsilvibe 611hb lubttmi bfta uff tttu failfil small soam bdms lomdom tonohvo momthxal wtnmiraej m vahoouvih rjohn ms hamilyoh oalqanv good clothing mads to order rsprlhestu good clothe oood ltnlnsfs oood workmanship correal sjtytesi aruatle outtlnir parfeat kit mhinel with cioko price r e nelsons 93 wyndhnm st ouclpli for sale by c a robertson druggist acton h h unsworth new rugs anotiibr hlllpuunt of new curtains art muslin crbton and art sateen just to hand ladiis and chiidrin8 iiosihry kvcoptionnlly tarn now ktocb includlnfl tan and white ladies oiovis lang white anil black luir thread glove at sc a pair ion tan colored glovoa at noc a pair ladies jackets latent ilylo in black anil colored millinery anothci alilpment of latest rnnlilon millinery jmt to hand ladies parasols and umdrella8 new titeck at reaaonahle price extra special bargains so genuine bargalna throughout tho atore watch for tit rod lettera during tha next week h h unsworth hcton in supplying your warm weather needs elsewhere you pay more titan you should or you jacksons jacksons our mew bysum of cash bnylnd and caah belli dg enables u to offer you thla week borne bltf bnapsv lodoi men s lllack dsnlm overalls with bib alio smocks to match kegti lar 8jo to 00 tbu week 69c ii dot msn s work khlrti btrljied osfqids medium to dark bhrules kegu- lar so to aj this week 430 doi mh work bklrlm ilbck drill with white btrlims and hpou uegutar 7s to njc this weak 69a 90 do me a tour in hand ties 1 j do hlileld neck ti is dos how ties ttu grand tjuallty silk new designs and rich coloring hegular 3jc this week 0 for sjc d you net now wish to select your hprlss ttnderwear and hoilery while our llna are comolcte 1 vou kuow if you come how you can clioose from a larger hue minn if you coma later wo wish to boflo selllne our hprlng utidorwesr and hoftury early we are mbiklnf the price ns theme yoda low to that we shall not have any to carry over whan the selllpg mason is past tliase are the yatuea we can fclve you week sjc ballrl ctoth regular 7fc this week 41c pearl km i tons doten j so corset cover embroideries hi h week scnattrns 1 17a uc yattema 93c 4sc patterns 310 ftecpatterns 4jr slsclfmlk klblkirlbeftt finality all color reeulnr jjc tbisweek 10c 4 inch bilk ribbon regular boc this week i6e jl inch 811k ribb n regular 17c this week 130 a miff mininr of lace- pmbrnlderles and dress trim talntfs allot teclal fig- ladle ambroids red black cash mere hole l 9 o uml 10 rsu lorjc this weslf sic i i ilea duck cahmero hose ribbed urnltilu alien m g ql and 10 regular 33 and 40 thu week ssc ladies tnilaoiove mew brown nnd tan shade regular joe this week 33c drkhu ooodtl bpecial niack mauose cloth rguar i 0 this week njo cream lustre fancy patterns recti lar 85c this week eatln finish priitiella cloth regular r 00 tlif week 73c gtripeil cropeon regular c tkls j h j hckson georgetown kodak evcr thiu in kndiks c tmcr is ind happlies tiwih in slack fresh pnctiltl instructions are yivcn lo ill leirncrs with out clinrc pringles vvyndhatn st guelph ont the right house hamiltons favorite 8iioitino tlace 1500 and ji550 genuine osternjoor mattresses for tins week wo will ncll nrrm ostcrmoor mattresses full double bed aizo the kind that aro always sold tho world over at 1500 lor onepiece and 15 50 for twopiece styles at only 1288 vou save 212 to 262 on each ostcrmoots are the worlds best mattresics and are thoroughly ruarantcccl in every respect they are purcr sweeter and cleaner than any known make thoy arc absolutely the most clastic mattresses pos sible to be obtaihcd they are nonabsorbent 1 hoy will ncvor mat or pack become uneven or lumpy and never wear out standard 1 inch bordcra double stitched edgeb best a c a blue and white and linen and white fancy tickings never sold before at less than 1500 and 15 5 friday and saturday sale price 1288 mail orders will receive prompt attention thomas g watkins 031nr kimo sr eaar huqhion hamilton ont in a breaths thbrbv r1wt breath myomel smd b cured or oaurrh broneblusi sand asrthnia- nttture hui a reniedy for catarrh epidemic etllds and bronohltli that li fur itetter than doelrifx the stomach with medicine and drugs it li the healing oils and balaama of hyotiiel which medicate tho air you breathe resetting the most remote air colls in tha now throat and lungs kill ing ell catarrhal genus and restoring health to the mucous roembrano ilynmul aol ilk a curative internal tile bath and has the inine healing und antiseptic ffoot s tljo air whore the ptno audrlcuoalpua foreatauglvebfl their fragrank und healing balsams breathe healing ii yd in el and see how quickly you will get relief fmm oaarrh and head colds if it dow nod help you there will not be tc pennys i rn 1 i get less than you could alwava wo undorpcll or overvalue other stores in this vicinity wo sell you tho samo thing for loss or wo sell j ou a better quality for the price others charge for an inferior article it will pay you to confine your shopping to this store go farther and faro worso you will pay moro than you should or you will get less than you could and lowest prices isnt tho only advantage wo offer ours aro thu broadest best and brightest assortments of warm weather goods the nowest and nicest stylos und tho moat desirable and satisfying qualitios our goods are your kind the best here are suits waists lingerie hosiery woolon dress goods silks wash goods and wear requisites as pretty and enticing and as fresh and fair as you ever dared to long for but a visit will leveal those things more satisfactorily than we can tell them faehloneble millinery fine dressmaking homimmtrmtawlh if tmitmniikonrtinionloonlmlo mnw w a t b n arjm to rat w the standard rotary is the only sewing msehlne which with lis own mecha nism produces boih a lock and cbaln silich perfectly the chain stitch is a modern necessity enmrlog the elasticity in teams required by the many new ere hops lo ensure comfort infants and children s weir cannot be suitably made without the chain bllich tochanaothe stitch wild the standard rotary irdm lock to chain you simply change ihe bobbin cose and bobbin for the spider easily done the svrandard rotary hftsi proved its superiority and supremacy through its oreatei uslutaeattproved it for twentythree year we have the exclusive aiency in aclon for this world renowned standard rotary machine ind undur our economical way of storekeeplrik are able lo dsliver one of these machines lo your home at ihe lowest possible price we are also able to make paaiftl teira to suit soar qoavenlenoe we want 10 invite every woman inter sued la sew inn to call andnet us demonstrate ihe many spsclal advantages ibst ire to be ound only in lbs standard rotary sewing machine w nje g tfte tailor corner mill nit main su aclon ont back at the old stand t j m struthers wishes to announce to all his r old customers and any number ol new ones that he is arfain at the old reliable furniture stand 120 upper wyndhom street guojph whero ho is opening up and putting into stock a full line of parlor diningroom hall bedroom and kitchen furniture carpets and oil cloth call and see them 7nullfkhro5fchlldron carriages gocorts carriers etc speoial prices in iron beds springs and matrcsses j m struthers guelph a

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