Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 21, 1908, p. 1

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wkt jvjrtjcw sttt 1ft vokumjd xxxiii no 17 kmf ruuerlptlon i4 adrac acton ontario thursday morning may 31 1008 bubfcilptlot fne lioo par aunt single copies tubbm cents h1miihw7 bvkiit thuiuiday uoltnino at ui itr lrw bim prutl o jill btilttbt actoh ont l wlauo osw dollar rr yr eiilatly in advance all eab- jriptlons dleoonllnuod whtit th tlmo lor which tby have man pia has pirarj tft dale to which ovary eub- erljtlon is paid u danotad on lb nd- jraaa labal avtbur trahelaht tdvr- tlamanu- 15 camm par nonpar line lor first inaertto s inu par i in for advtrtlsamanta without spoelna dl- x tllr forbid advartlsamanta iotlonv will b or nrai inhiuaa n moh aubaaquant faaerllon wiir lnl hit acaordlnsay tru vartlesments murt b paid id advertisements will be ohan son month if daatred vor ohanat than above tnaptlonod tbo pni- i muit b paid for at raulv forbid snslent d- id advati qhatxated onea jonth if daalrad vot chanst nflsnar than above tnaptlonod tbo cpi posltl obanatee for contract advertisement tauat u in ther ornoa by noon on tm- aeoounts paya m bnejhbborllceso pi btraaa loiv- doa tn o- whin hawra ja nd j hardy a co wilt rooelve for we news uboerlpltons and advertisements and where our reaar un fra ot charge m our paper whan in unaland ii i lfooiuo kdltor and propria tor fltibnfss xttrtctottf npios gllay m d c m mcglll x itof bdimbomh il r ii olimow fcfkwmin dklttaa ifsdioili aaaooutiom atio afllo fradalek hire ablon ont e d ault m d cm smea parijinana mock ecroav uiu cod n utiau obm uoura0 lo is eta 1 i lot tad y to 0 pu muhl sella answfrad fiou raaldknoa rradar- aotom ohr tr a l norm onadtuu of unlvartlty 61 toronto offla it mtlrtaooa on willow brmt-b- tma uanbagt llanb and town hail riiouono no aotom ont follhu uaodonald ud ou por p4jrtlulu u to uoouiodailon aw addrom box t alufy r 0 out rr drydbh ra has thioiy tua hoan ooraw woolwlob bd baku troati oublph orvtoa hoomio au to pw utdiioflpjn loinuo10ani tolpu xjt0ax j uukinhon dihkuna bouoito oowmmaau 0vioiulll btroat in dlmk paortatowa draneli uain btroal opan wmmiuii ud lutardaja j monabd olakyouuj division goon qounty of bal onooottanbrahnlalraandluamamjm0 hmiiiuu altai luonaytorouota qrrtos rarryuiaa mow acton offlm al lualdanoa oomar kill aud rvodatuk irmu uuton obaddatb or tobovto diimuum tbo lauat aumlhalu umd if dadfad at book www fuaadaja mflscxlla jttq os tt1 and hardy co advbbtiiiha cohtiactobvamd nkwi comhspowdbhtb jo flftat streof london r c england 4 vila of tblt papa ba aaan frao ot abanm by vliltor to touaun to bon tdvtao mll wlllbt wn 11 raquiid pirahoib nonan b00ks1mdib wyadbaubt onalpbotiiairb amonnt hooka of all klnda mad to ovday uariodloali of avoiy daaorinllonaawnlly bovbd rounrnmilvama promptly don m abruob li0bnbe8 n r uoom rr hm wm aoyoh u nbliaxbbbi lli0m aoomombbb w vov lb ootwtlaa of walllaatan and ballon ovdanloft al tba rwi pmaaa ouoa aaton m aim mdumr to lmu en lb mmfttvambu taamid m lb law mim el ibtwfch ib sbibi of h tud upwftrav your chopping will bo dono quickly and well 6n either platen or stones if taken lo the rook wood chopping mills flour oatmeal bran shorts tlio host at fowest prices harris co llmltad old iron riga- blud rnfabtrb iaiknted oood prices paid becontl hand atovea anil repair for fnrm machinery supplied uorris j axe box 430 acton ont new pictures at waters bros new ideas in framing artists supplies oil and wator colors always fresh and of the best quality wateh8 bros guelph art btork seed specials bumper klny oats genuine d and h canadian gem turnip spdti red and alslke clover and timothy fancy grades we know good seeds and sell them r noble aoton feed and seed store rutlbdgbs xoton hotbl striibs mill slnot aclon stylish riqs doublo or tlnglo supplied en ihortett netl couuercial travellers or ders given special bltentlan w h rutledfle proprietor w james uo donald llaxaaip auotiomibb unalpb oooduaud oq raaaoaabla urua and w kerr llolfnihp atlotionbbb ffirffiuuiaurouniiwi j jiateyjl lumber ml t lumber leib ind 8mnlei blmye hbd cbeip jx t bill ill ool 16 orr ib 8 4 fmf w h walker painter paper hanger decorator uain street aclon oppoalia slaphanaona ducktrnllh sbop all work guaranteed the work fyarst celienoe of years in acton is proof ol its ax orders left at a t browns drug store will recelvo prompt atlantlon w h walker aoton the only bbst p ilortnj obwbnt nhtlonhl why use nfcrfor cement when national costs nb more quality guaranteed delivered promptly in any quantity the bond hardware co luuurteil07 avixisa is nothing rs so satisfactory to a watch wearer as to take out liii watch and know the cor rect time if your watch dqcs not run well it is not always tho lault of the watch but the repair ing we pride ourselves on doing the best watch work in the dominion no apprentices savage g- imuert of merruge lliertkb guelph ont start in may nte of ualafna for tuno- grapbar or booehmpar by novenibar whan tlona ih beat atadraayday wo or jota and balab a tood lulna aranyda wm oaulosua obntrax uainkbui oolleob tenia and oarrard blraat t0r linaw prlnelpal georgetown florab go u gbohqetown cut flower growers funeral and weddlnr orders a specialty all onleri puced wllh mr b a rotmrlion drofftlil aciob will receive prompt riunllon g g- speit hardware carpenters tool farm tools garden tools stoves and ranges granite wire tinware etc mcglarys pandora ranges moot popular bad btlfbolory repairing neatly and prompt ly executed picture frames in stock and made to order wll paper our igob stock better values than ever shown before papers from 5c per roll to 75c borders same price per roll as wall a t browq mill st acton a hombs pioturb oh do linnpy ilttlo homo when ths auit ulumn out and tho liuay llttlo mother rjnt th ohldroii nil about and johnny faith the wator and lihiiniy broiirht th wood and hilly hoy tlod itotlt his ahooe a evnty iittfilla ikiim and ttnalt racked tho cradle with a clutlwr lihd a lonp lf ui ikv tint little tlater gromr ho pretty null uhtnt oh llntutviit tlstm and th morrtlug kliirlud olhnlilng round the dooi aniftlm ttmil r vltm of ahadow u 1i1 lrn ifttifith noroee thi floor oh tho il 11i lit and tho roeee and the qulvvr of tbp ftaai aifd 1i111 chtwry oitll of fruntuhlp rout lllo iiiildlirmrs an they pass olt ihtthoiiflla arid ihn hhoiiurig iid tho llttlfl iimtliar a tangii as n mhhlt atarte up enuiewheri and hel great help aoatnpet oft oli ihn happy llttlo homo when iwl- lluht full a id all sdimlf the mendow rang the old cow ixill willi a tinkle that is hmalo througb the nuhlnir nf tho years and i ami tho little mother 111 the trmiihla nf the teni- and i hoar the happy lati alitor nu she crlna the liove havn come and wo know alius kettlna enppor in thn hapyv llttlo home fly iroiiuo it baker in locomotive isnglneeix journal smfrt yamilq itfttblng bbotiattgstgigtakgtei j his bread i returned ninqkquefcgnabisiianatitukji the way to miiskoka this summer is by the lake shore expresses of the canadian north ern ontario rail way write for booklets describing muskoka the moganctawan and the best country in six provinces for the holiday maker and busi ness man opened up by the six railways of the canadian northern system to the in formation bureau head off ice canadian northern rail k hud kept thn country store for twenty ynars ths sign rend o i johns hut he was undo oltnrlny to everyhody lb was tho only utmti at ths village oroaarnudf nnd ho prospered in a mod est way aft or tho had aootmnts wore dmluotvd hla piodts wur am ill i but ho was nhlo t support his family comrprlubly tfiuy had it pretty llttlo c ittnro with some fiult trees in tho lot unpt aotno plr cow nnd horsti and hnttry thoy hud enough and were onntonlod with that and their rood nn mo than tho old man took hlsnephnw in as partner thoy built an addition to the store mid hough t a big hill of now goods it put them in debt qui to heavily 1 hut lb ir ti ado increased and nt tho and of ihron yoitrs when tho far mora had brought in their wbant thoy hnd anough to p ty ll their dabts anil it lbniiaiind dollars over the nophow took tho money thro thouiftnd dollars lit nil and want to 8t laulu lo pay t ff thn duhts mid buy now goods for the full and winter rutin tho goods cumo piomptly hut tho nephew did not lotinn fl wnsanlled houthlio wrote out 11 f lot ilium n f w days later the old 1111111 tuuulvud o lut- tor front tho wlmlositlo imitiu pres sing snrpruo ihnl ho hud not remltud for the pjiat duo aotonnt and stittlnn that unlomi iiuoli romlttnnoo was tv oolvod by tho tenth thoy would draw on him for tho full amount the nsw hill included thcbiippor boll rung tbreo times bo- fore tho old man stirred as he came down tho walk ills wife saw there was something the mutter and met him in thoy awl wo lire ruined i ho suld in it llfti- ois tone hnndhir hor tho letter 1 oh not rulnod ynu can rains it cant you i she asked hope fully to ho replied listlessly huitily tlicro vrlllbo soma wny out sba urged theto la nu way out besaldlinpo- lastly na ho sank lutti a rooking ohalr up looked vory old and on hi gotitlu fnos was blank wohrlness no there la uo way nut ie re peatad in a monotonous tone that money was nil x could rauoi it was everything i hnvt tiutdo in twenty years qutsuroly our neighbors will iteip us rolio it you iihvo always lieen good in them encouraged his wife trying in dover hor own anxiety no said tho old nmn bitterly people novor tend you money or go on your unto heouuso you have lwen good to thorn tho noxt day ho inndo tho only effort thfit sec mud to offer any bono lo wout to adams he monoy tender of theotmiinunlty and offered to uioh- gngoovory thing nobuld adams youp stuff isnt worth it it isnt in my line anyway get somn good men who own innd on your note and 1 own let you hnvb what you need the old ninn went borne a forlorn figure bent grny bopeloss upd tat down tn wait dully for the end m thojr sat in the shade in front of the blacksmith shop it was an informal gathering nf fat meye who on hearing the nowe bud ridden lit lu learn the partlauhire too bad for unda ohmlle i aald m farmer digging at the gt ass beside him with his pooketknlfe tooludrnnd they tll shook tlittlr boade lies itettp a great help lo tbls com munlty aahd another there never lived a more aeoommo datln tunn added tldrd and then thoy talked or how they had always distrusted the nephew and how soon the old mitn would be olosed out and wondered what he would then do for a living there wu one the pooreit and tho mostshlf tless man in the neighborhood who ittui ootspokeu something ought to ito done men hiv could hardly eon trot his voice itll lie n luwdivwn shame to let uncle cliftrloy iminmmil whift gaii wu uot mslted jones i dopt itnn w enact ly wbat we erj you what hes done for me when i cs mo hare i didnt have a red cent and he trtuted me for a whole years living and never asked me for it once i couldnt pay him but i got ashamed and wouldnt buy any mora well tlm next fall when i took down wllh ll fever there wasnt a thing in tho house to go on i tell you we wera in a mighty iwd shape and didnt know what in the world would itocome of uv until orto evening mr johns odine over and brought tho dootoi bays lie idoeand i jil thought wod drop in and while the iluotqr was fxln up some inedlilnt hn oalled my wlfn to ope side and stiys mrs todd yoii send one of the b ys down to thestorti and get what you deed nnd jim enq pay fov it when ba get wall no one sp lo for some llnic now see bore u thtlhueil todd im a might poor nan but bill says ho will give me n hundred dollars fnf my luiy mare and im going to sell her and glve monoy to undo charley to help pay off thatdobt beveml oilier volunteered to help i don think said mfngus thnt it would be lieat to fclv blot the money he would n t foid right about it ynu know it slnt so much the loes of the monoy 1 he can make that bnok in three or four years bub its just taken all stiffening out of the old man and hes lost all heart if we could fix it some way so he could go on with tho store and see some way to pay out it would ito just the boost he needs say dont ynu suppoie adams would loan him tho monoy p naked oh adams would loan it to him quit k enough if ho can got mcurlty hut how is ho going to got itr suld willis well i novor want on a nolo in my lift said haney hut ill he outt tn go on old man johns note fot thrtio tllou4lid and uo said every nmn thuro a note was made ont nnd put in tho hands of haney tho word was quick ly passed n round and for two or threo days men u pt coming in at all hours to sign that note he lent me fl y dollars whop i was hard up mid ont he help d tom got through school whoa i wu loo poor to help htm my- solf said a father who was now wall to do after working nil day nntnys tho time he canto over to my luiusn nnd tutt up with mo whim i was down with the slow fovor said a neighbor pi f toon years ago remarked a prosperous young man 11a ho ant down to sign tho puper i was too worthless to kill tint unolo oharloy called mu into tio store one day nnd persuaded 1110 to go to school got ine nonio books and sold 1110 clothes on credit nobody thought hu would ever get a cant for it i want to put my nuiuo on that notv suld u poor widow i know ibti not worth anything hut i want it there noltody knowemrhaneyhow kind undo ohnrley has itson to us the winter nftor jim dlod litxxlu wont up to the store ono thy almost hare footed uo protended to have hor help him count somoeggs and thin hogava her a pati of shoos huii dono lute of things like that uo is always so jolly and whols soulod yon oant help but fool thnt ho is interested in you and wants you to bo happy was anothers tribute there were but four mora days of graao the old man sat crouching in his ohalr as if shrinking from tho com- lug blow the whimsical humor the independence the oourngo wore all gone lie was a poor hnjioless old man down never to rise again two or three farmers crtmo in ant sul on the edgo of ihn porch lie tried to bo sociable butmadoapltirul failure of it others eamo in and then more until thoro wero two or three doien seated on tho porch the old man knew they bud come to sympathlu with him but he could not bring up the subject of his lots thorn ws nu awkward hnlf hour in which noltody talked of the important matter at last haney mnlged todd and urged him to speak todd shlftst his position oneo or twice got up awk wardly and stood before johns trying to speak but the words struck in his throat then he fnnihlod in his pocket drew out paper held it out to tho old man and managed to say t myb itll bolp you the old man looked at the paper it was note for three thousand dollars duo in three years all ready for his slgnrtturo below was tho namo nf almost every man in the community as secui ity the old man tried to speak butoould only oall i mary i is wife eamo quickly and looked at the ppr thank em ma i cant said the old man with n sob in his voice the lours were running down her face as she turned toward the man they were all looking away i cant either she said as she sltp- petl down beside her husband with hsrarin around his nsok but they know looks sortet like rain over in the southwest said todd quels wed better be going boys a la r i ho krirnontanv tuooie absalom ashby woe much given to retalllngoh and hackneyed jokes an arqualiimnoe of hi think ing to ours hint of the praotloe one day gave him a copy of joe miller jest book with the remark that he might find something new in it the next time he met the old gentle man he asked itlm well uttole what do you think of the book i gave you the other day t i dont know who that ere joe biihsr is indignantly responded unoja absalom but i do know hes a thief k got hold of a lot of my beat stories and printed em oohbalrn lobdthts thirmohbtir after 1hllllps brooks graduated front hsrvard college white ho was in doubt tu to what profession to choose he taught in thn uoston latin school on iledford htreet with his dlalnoll nation fordetall and dislike for routine it is not strange that ha mat with no very marked auoceaas aa a dlsolpllnar lun the boys lilted him butanmo times played prat leal jokes mn him then as now some room were easy tii beat and lhsr iwlt mi ironks rartly eotfered from cold or heat and nuvav thought of tho temperature of lle room tltfess some one reminded hill of it o1w1 winter day a roguish boy man aged to slip a blt oo wllnd the lmlhof mercury in the thoreniotiister word was passed about and the cue given that tho room was cold ono hoy passed near the thermom eter looked at it and asked may i open the reglsterp its not quite sixty degrees coats were buttoned closer anil col iimb turned up boon a pupil asked may i get my overcoat certainly answered mr brooks uo want forward and inspected the thetmomoler queer he said hut the room seems warm to me both registers wero opened but still thn imys esometl to bo suffering with cold hnmo one was sent to tho base ment to turn tho heat as much as pos slbls into mr brooks room wnsn t thnt room hot said tho narrator of the incident but wo were bent on making our teacher aok- nowlodga it so tho hnya kapt up ths joke pretty well only hero and thoro did 0110 tin button his coat mr brooks wiped the poisplrallon from his forehead but want on with tho school work as uuual tho ice msantlmo was melting and the mer cury rising a teacher from nmithar room cania in to yon mr brooks about something and was nt onco nwnro of tho torrid temperature cold haro i ho exclaimed why it must ito eighty ii vo at lonut and ho went to look at tho thoruiomotor woll its not qulto that but it is seventy sight moat of the boys kept solver faces but the kaon eyed visitor saw enough to dlvlnu tho truth and said in an un del tone to mr brooks i suspect your pupils have boon playing aomo joke an you may bo so was mr urooksaudlblo reply 1 hut if so their puouhinent want wllh it for thoy have evidently bean warm enough windows were opened registers closed nnd thn room was soon comfor- tablo yours afterward eomo of the boys told mr brooks about tho ico in the thin urometer and his hearty laugh toatintd to his enjoyment of the story ann you hbadv von voun ohilqtlkn are tho great majority of mon and woman ready for their children whon those coiuo tn ihamp asks chrlftlno tothnuo ilarrlok in the may womans home companion would you coin mlt to the euro of tho average parents an luipottantontcipruoln which you woro especially interested and to whloh thoy had given no more study than thoy have to parenthood secure that right fooling and good will would insure an ultimata happy result in spite of the apparent light- hearted nets with which the responsi bility is usually assumed it is not nn easy thing to lw it parent to fill this profession into which mon and women tush without a tithe of the thought and preparation they would bestow upon n calling of infinitely loss impurtunco to tako ahargo of the bodily welfare of a lttlo child is no uoh trilling matter that a hood loss girl with no knowledge of ufo forces of hyglvnt of dietetics or of ordinary sanitation should assumo it as tghtly as she would the cure of a now doll mure porlllous oven than this ara the stints involved in tho drill or it chilli in habits of obedlonco by iv woman with out self discipline in solf control by a woman who does not know honwlf in kuowlodge by one who is herself an in fiint in her perception of all that underlies ufo and death mortality and liuuiortiillty li km marnviha a titlk old auntie mandy who did tho washing whs such a happy luavo old soul that although sho workod vory hard early and into and must often have bean weaty nothing could de prose hor in everything that ooour- rod she saw only good luok far her self one day she brought home the washing hi u high stoto of glee jos think mis arnold sho said im gain tor git married 1 isnt dat flno luck fo poor olo black woman like me r i shall ha sorry to lose you mandy said mrs arnold hut im gltid your life will bo easlpr lose me i gasped mandy lor i mis arnuld i cant afford to lot you lose mq jus now why iso gain tor marry drer johnson an his five- chll- luii lse got ter hustle now fur bar- tin bull fall to sea where your good luok in coming in from such it mar- thtgv mandy why chile if i marry dat nmn an hie ahlllun hes promunl me six mo big washah bis fust wife dono had ditts olur luok mu arnold alar hick sides haul u de honor ob runrryln in brer johnsons family i uflhd two kinps it was commencement day ami mb kunloe whatnot htd liken one of the principal prltuw at the elueo of the exercises her friends crowded round her to offer their oongnttulktloni but werent you awfully afraid you wouldnt got itt naked one of hern oh no bold miss kunloe wllh o bright smile u just knew thnt when it bains to bngllsb ciihiposltlon i had twbjnty ybjatibi aqo prom our iswue on quawtt birth day mornlm ibso mr john abern bin much improved the nppearnitco of ills reabloncn on main st by a lllwrnl tiao of nicely con trnstlng colors tho proipeats nro good for tho erec tlon of nlnrgn number of now houses title summer homo eoventoen are nlrnady mi the wny fur construction or mltelrjtuon tiefee park at lugnr vails will b formally opened to day all tho drltrs and wulks are nearly cnnv plotod mid itlan 1 ho main rustic arch ttay wtlloh is 11 mi vet piece of work mr if h mcdonald of mn 110 woo j 1m taken up huiealilonra on j el ht acton mr mapounld is haltnns liloat succaaful potillfy tancjer and his bralimns and cochins hrtva taken prizes in nil parts of tlin pro v hire a cnac of drunken rawdyhnn tt the way of furious driving bbiiplionioui tnnguagej nnd generally riotous con duct by n couple of men from au nd- jolnlng township ciitno lieforo lleovo storey ono morning last wnoki thn offonders having ttoait arrested ly chlof lawson llui night before and spent tho night in tho cells each wits fined 910 and coats or ft days in gaol being unable to pay they n ent to tho county gnol fllnco tho dufeat of tho scott act drunkenness on tho streets has ihioii largely on the in crease the magistrate referred to the matter und said lie was prepared to prose rvo tho peace aiil tho munici pality no innttor who tho offenders may be it was remarked at court tlmt for brevity nf lima occupied in securing conviction nnd passing son ten co magistrate htoroy rivalled even col denlson ot toronto police court tho early closing by law en inn into effect nit monday evening nt 7 nulnck lite murchnnts luivootieorfully observ ed it nnd ihdrohas iwon no ovldauco of inconvenience to the public mr b suvnge jowslor ouulph bus had 20 conscience monoy forward ed to hint from dotrnlf having been handed for tho purpose to tho oennrul hocrotatyy m o a there chief luwson whlto running after a lacrosse boll slipped nnd fell with his inconaldornblo weight of 250 avoir dupols vobull a broken fore- arm at tho wrist literary work will ito in consistent for a time dr fitacey was also playing and gavopiomptsurgloal attention what was ovldonlly a dastardly at tempt to burn kydors tailor shop formerly j iyfus was discovered about 11 oclock sunday owning the building being full of suinko whan tho nlartn was given tito fire was found to bo in tho cellar nml was clearly in con diary ovory avldenco of coal oil having iwlng used and thu oil can of tho shop filled the evening before was noarly empty und tho building boon burned tho homo of mr harry dlake who is away on a visit to kngund would also hava gone mr ryder re turned from a visit to monde in isrln just us tho lira was extinguished mr joseph colemnn bt mini no is visiting bis sons j 8 and w a colo man in this vicinity this week mr and mrs h p mnnin nnd kddlo visited at the motbodut par- sonago princeton this week m vutllbp at itockwood by rev v swann mr goo cor in of poopabun co wellington to miss sarah stout of itockwood what makes a hoy popular what mnkosn boy popular p surely it la m dullness during tho war how many schools and col logos followed popular boys these young leaders woro the manly boys whoso hearts could bo trusted tho boy who re spects his londsrsblplii him the hoy who is oniefnl of his sister is a knight tio boy who will never violate his word and who will plodge his honor to his own hurt and ohango not will huvo tho confidence of his follows tho boy who will never hurt tho feel ings of nny ana will ono day find him self possessing nil sympathy if you want to bo a popular boy ito too manly and ganarous und tinsel lab to seek to ho pnpulnri be tho soul of honor 1 lovo others hotter than your self and people will give you their hearts and try to mako you hnppy this is what makes n hoy popular apples of gold to tub point afrloa always has boon afflicted with drought and among tho boors prayer are rogulatly offered tip usually when the drought already has begun for relief from this evil nnd the author of on veldt nnd farm tolls a story of a pastor whop tinted out the futility of assisting people who would not assist thoimolves a presbyterian congregation onoe pointed out to tho minister that in view of the impeding drought it were well to approach tho almighty on the object of rainfall i will not insult the almighty re plied the sturdy scot by asking such a favor of him after tho way in which you have lot his past msrclttn run away from you the rebuko was levelled at the inade quacy of the watereuvragoi and it is to lie bolted was not without due effect thbj heart is bio llttlo mr llttlo is n timid llttlo man whose little life is ordered 00 a very modcat plan uo owns a- little 00 tinge he rune a little shop ha hasnt any haukorlng to clamber to the top uo makes a llttlo profit on the goods bo has to sell and when bo seeks his little bed he sleeps exceedingly well llttlo of r little is a man youd never not uivhatu five nnd somethings and be wear k rusty coat t tjiaj jrolley rush iipaets him he never gets is seat and jinlf the isitdijidi men in town havo trodden on ills feet binilltlu children love him though his etotlitv are ont of style ami dog run out to inset and wag their tulls and smile of learning he has nothing of lalsnb not m spur if uo doesnt own rino quality coni- m 6 ml tig of reniifrk wlli mind too small for envy or pride or guile or greed 111 little mr little is a funny sort lndd and yet tho heat of friends he has i in every block are scores tor llttlo mr llttlus heart is big me all outdoors nowark kvenlngnsws i m poil m in a witnausas now madam said the lawyer for tho defence to a little wiry black eyed fidgety woman who had been summon ed as n witness n an assault and bat tery case you trill please give your testimony in as few words as posslbu ynu know the defendant j know wjiol tho defendant mr joshua begg josh diiggt i reckon i do know nlra nnd i knowod his rnthoraforo him and i dont know nothing to the credit of either of am and idnnt think wu do nt want to know what you think ninditin ploasn say yes or no to my quustlons do you know mr joshua bagg p dont i know 1m though p you ask joshua bngg if ho knows mo ask him if bo knows anything about tryln to cheat tt pore wlddor like me out of a two year old oow ask madnni i ask his wife batsy bgg if she knows unythlng about sllppln into si neighbors field and milking three cows tin tho sly ask look hare madam ask josh osgg about that uncle of his who died in jail 1 ask im about 1st tin his pore old mother die in the workhouse i ask betsy about putting a big brlok into n lot of butter sho sold inst autumn that has no tiring to do with the case i want you to than thoro was old jimmy bagg unolo to josh who was chased out of tho vitiligo for chicken stealing arid betsy bnggs brother who got caught in a noighbms house at midnight ask josh minium what do you know about this casop i don t know a single thing about it but i ii hot josh bagg is guilty whatovor it is the rant le lva owed thorn brtggeos a giudgo for the past fifteen years nml lvo got myself up nsa witness on purpose to got even with cm nnd i feel i vo done it good bye sucobbs ih lipbj siioqoss in ufo does n6t always mean wealth fame or position you may bo poor in all of those but you oan be rich in mind and character the world within you must he devel oped before you can enjoy the world without ynu if you have wealth put some of it into hrafn power and you can novor lose it if you are poor you cannot afford to lie poor in both mind nnd pookot you can have the wealth nf a trained to ind and s char acter itely on your own effort thousands of worthy personi have obtained nn education without th assistance of wealth or friends you can do it success depends on tfaa sacrifices matin and obstacle over- aomo to succeed in anything re quires hard honest work deter- mlno to do tho best you can with the faculties god line given you pjitbavert 80nsi gg spft outward bppotfj tub bamb two reporters slightly acquainted with each other met ono day at lunch counter ywro not eating anything mr lnrklne remarked one of the two after they hud exohungud n few nun- tnonpuoee no replied rkln i am so worked up nver the scoop i got this morning on the dally oyclone fellow about the bankruptcy of that big firm on silver st root ttiat i havent nny appetite but you are not eating anything either mr hawkins no gloomily responded hawkins lltu oitflcuow ydukooptsd a new nnbakpabt pood do you know the autocrat of tho breokfasttiihlpjir tinkham p ask- od a lady of hor host at a rural dinner party well really now i dont know ho repllttd weve tried so many o thorn breakfast foods i cant keep traok of am maria he culled to hie wlf no rose the tablo have we ever tried tho wutorcracker of the break- fast tablo p an aobd phybftoian after yearei or ttxperteue aires ths pollowlajr advlee if you hava anything to do with modlolnea at all bo pretty sura you know what you are taking our local druggist id a robertson aysthlslsastrangpolnt in favor of the valuablo cod liver preparation vlnol everything it contains is plainly printed on tho label therefora lb la not a patent medlolae vlnol contains in a highly concen trated form all of tho medicinal body building olamonts of ood liver oil act ually taken from fresh cods liven but with the useless nauseating oil eliminated and tonlo iron whlob is m needful oonstltueut added this is the reason that vlnol accom- pushob such wonderful results hi cur ing chronic coughs colds bronchial and lung troubles nnd there is noth ing known to medicine that will bo qulokly build up the run down over worked tired and debilitated or give strength and renewed vitality to the god its vlnol we can only ask every person in aoton who needs such a medicine to try vlnol on our offer to return their mnney if it falls fit a robertson drugget acttiu sti a

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