Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 21, 1908, p. 2

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f ii r i in alnn on unnila dili may it ir ml mr j u hull mod ilktiikkikih in jplmi mi tiimiav 6mi lui in mr ti i mr co ifmilorani a n hkumval vorkliiii wu nil muutut till may loll and i v m fnrviuuulilr dim mnkmhow in na4uawya niitliiiridey lltb may joint urktuiluii in liltml yr 0itmiiniw in nuui i on wthliikbuy mb may infant dubur of david caviioo bait lirntkf rawn li lltempton nn tu l unlay till may william moglallaud fiiruiariy ul union in tila tfltliywr u0iwy atrlinm ojkvlllf nn vrlday 15 y atliiiaie wlfa or j- w mfltlroiy til liarvund yaar ljc ctou yrm dress tiuuhiuy kfjltqulal notes wtlioiviuvtuiiiiiljyiiil of tiiumtit and klngstun hut wnk unilnraea by phiotlcahyumuiimnnimiinirniiluluiit ileohirltig lie jiunmt tl lxrliiit the vote on local veto or lh riitull liiiur tremc should be n nfiiilu iiinjirtyvoti arid notlhn throe fifths enormity nf prnait ox fat i ft tf in tno provincial uuctloho tnw tii thu eunrnoter of tto individual cniidl into is of mora lihportuncn thuv tin party lindor ttic nueiit of wliloh lie la appealing to he doctors lnrty iinmos in this province hnvo lost tholr moaning tlijiro were tories in tin annuo in which tlila term wtis nrliitiitlly used on tha luwral sldo of iho lute leglalature mill llmre woro itiullcnla on the government side it la itupnr unt not only to boo tlint men with idona and i ho cmiriigo to express the nine irreepeollvn of party lonnlnrja nro elected t it la nlan of import unco that tlieuo man bo impmaacd ilurlnu tho aniopalifli with a benae of the strength of pnpulur opinion upon err- tnln inioatlnna tim weekly him there wai vary ronubiirltih iiowb from knglnotl inst wtult tlio des patch run i loiulon may 4 tito limine of oom- mnnu hai passed tho second reading or tlio honiialnk bill by it majority of 2 ml and referred tlio moauiira to a com- mitt do of tlio whole homo tim most lite temperance workou had hoped for wns a majority of 30 tito hill will now ro into committee for illuoubaloti of its dutiilu nnd at tompu at itiuemliiinnt temiteninn people will wntrh it iiiioiihii lull stngo with nnxlmib intortmt hut n ulajiirlty of 210 la pretty jfoail l bt1 with tlio flunl piibsarn of tht hilt will ho a troniondona uliock to tlm llffuoi powor in tta atontont atronbhold tito opinion prevalla tlint lutslriouu conditions tliroiibliout tho country aro rapidly improving moony ih mom plotttlfnl and should cropa prow na rood ua thuy now promlao in onut and woalltu thoiirht thnt a full lido of proiparlty will aot in ptomptly but uilnr nro dlnvront from what thoy woro a your aro many men nro still out of work gront corporntlotta nro almrt of ordoia illontcd bond holdora hnvo loss vntnoa to hoiiat wntor iiab boaii squeezed out of atoclt dlvldomla nro not so inrgo cupltnl l dirtlcult to obtain tito buslnnaa spirit la hesitating and timid ijqtildntlon la a frcqtiont occmrrnoo moat fain- lllob hnvii out down oxponbca luuu mcrohnndliio la bvlnr annatimod a modified tnno porvadoa thu nntlnuu llfo moro paoplu firo thinking to dny about what makoa for tholr ihjtt good than over before thouglitrulnubb tnoaua sorloutnoss nnd tlila menns a toning up the probpeeui are very oiieournglttg that mr r d wnrren will got a inrga voto in acton at tho provlnolnl etoo- tlom on the 8th juno thla la vory natural for acton hna n poraannl inter- b in mr wnrren iln wna horn in kaquoslngi juit out of the town i lila boyhood and youth woro spent her and ho boa nuvaya taken a loynl tntareit in tlio town aftor he hnd bean in bnalneaa for a tlmo ho man fetted hla intereit in his natlvn town by erecting the splendid bnalneaa block in the contra of the town wldoh bears his name nnd wliloh flllod n long- felt want here tlila evidence of int erest among others tlint might he named was much appreciated at tho time and is still reinomborod by all who have an interest in actons prou perlty outside thorofore of mr warrens able qualuloatlons for a seat in the provincial tjerulatmc wblob w have referred to in former laauoi the support of aoton olnotors will go out to him in large mensttro for tho personal praotlcnl interest ho ban always taken in tlio old homo education costs us 3jju00 iialton county council council hao brltr bb08i0h ff aoaountsi l hm desultory con- verawtloit aiwd adjournal onuiioll mot in regular ssaslon on monday evening mainbera present i reeve swaokhamor and oounclllors speight boll und williams thooommltteenn finance present ed their tenth report and recommend ed payment of accounts as follows i dominion newer pipe co tlio 0170 111 j a hamilton waik on street 1 fin t marsh do u 40 municipal wot id uuppllus 2 85 canadian itubbor co mitts 11 00 dr uoro services in small pnx oaias 11 ml aotonpiiukpmtindvflrtlulng h ito vm m the report was ndoplod themattev of woik on tho streets was discussed but no do fin i tit plans wero decided upon a letter from hiwirdnioto st co stating that ho hildgoa on drook and ohuroh streets onorneliod upon tho asement of their mill privilege was rooutvod tito council was ruested to acknowledge the rights of tho com pany the mnttor will h luvestlgatnl arid reported upnnnt next meeting a suggestion made by mr ilwwko of erin of ullllmlng the ihotrlo fight plant for generating pouer to run a chopping mill during tho day was con aldered but was desmm twit tn be fesjlple theohalrmnnof tlietiwr iu re- portedlhattheemboawnronhbdnofc kjn irvt4 for the ooifnoll ohambw oelilpgand walls v thla room will tho iiioiithly aoaalou of the hoard of kdiicntloi on mondny ovonlng hnd an ituiuitjilly full dooltat of himlnrui tlio dutlnuiliis for tlm yrnr warn brought diiwii mid vnrloiu matters of lutortiut to tin educational prorroaa of the tla- hir gnournllon wtro dlaciiburd thi iiit wore all proiunt clmlr- iuiiii agitow piowldod tlio lirth rrpoitof tho commlttvtion illlllllco pilbrlld tlltl following hccodilt hi torrnuro fc whoour 9 1 iw armii 1nuu pitltmh prlollor 1 k5 n llmuir wuru on ropnliw i 00 piliklptilhtowitrt hruli etn v ih if otloimi kvpoiibaroo iva 7 mr w t andornon rtuuilrv i h 21 xv white work partition 13 m ciiiih h iiukv do etc k ttt bi ii ilaodry co oppnriuua bfl ot wllllnm iiiirrk rbool itbrnry hit 00 tim report was adopted a auni of 2 00 wits granted to tin ciiiiuiiuutlon nchool uoc 1 1 on of tlio o ie a thu4ibllmates nl receipts und exptu dltures for the year woro submitted ns folhtws i lucctclttm lcgulntlvo grunt public hchool 103 00 iglslatlve grant contlmot- tion eciinoi aao00 ciiuntv grant contlouiulnn srtiuiil ww 00 coiitliiuiltloii hehonl foils 2jmx htitrdiiktmiccii non louldent roes 110 00 municipal council on naasa- innnt 11108 0050 00 llfcti 00 kxiicndititiiiu iinrioa imiooo innl 170 00 llulldlnrnndiipnira 210 00 llooku nmns nppnratua 17a 00 liiauniuoo 57 00 intureutimd dlacount w 03 ilorrowod mnnsy 100 00 lltilunco due on paventont iti 20 hiipplloa jaoo coiitlugriirlea 12 15 ixttoo moved by 1 1vnnols aecondod by 11 grlndoll that the foregoing estimates ito adopted and the municipal council ho requested to provide by tax nt inn the sum oti3030- carried principal stewart waltod upon the llonidwltlia vjflw in re eiignrhitieiit mnvnl hy k prnocla accunded by j a muwnt that principal stewart bo lueiiriired lit tho miliary of boo por milium can led tho property committee wits re- quobtcd to hnvo tbo ling atnff put into condition for holntlng tho school flag on 1mplro day triiitco grlnilou the boards rrpre- boutntlvo to tbotiiibtees section of tha ontario kducatlonnl aaaoelntlon gnvo tho llonrd a vory interesting revluw of tho proceeding a resolution of appreciation wnapnu ued by tho board hotoronco wna nindo to the loss sua- tnlncd by clinlrinnn agnuw in tho dunth of hla father on tbo dtl init moved hy j 1 oolemnu sooondeil by ii grlndelt that inaaniuoh na our obnlrnmn mr goo agnow lms since our last nteotlng been bereft by tho death of his father mr robert agnaw who was for more than two score years a oltlzon of aoton this board desires to extond to tbo chairman and tho family this expression of our sympathy in igard thereto oarrlbd tlio chairman feelingly voiced his nppioelutlnn of this kind act on tbo part of tbo hoard tho hoard than adjourned onnwsonb gornmrs the provlnolnl olectlon campaign has boon vory quiet in these parts so far the only nttractlnnln this section far vlatnrln day is tho plcnlc at brook- vlllo which with flno weather will nn doubt ho well patronised mr it gibbons has disposed of his tborougbbrod blood horse trndeglan to mr g a blaok of nassagawoya mr w lamb sold his flno tenin of drivers last week dr gray of aoton getting ono and mr wm orr of krln vlllngo the other the price paid was a good one mibb kntlo giay has passed success fully her flnnl oxamlnntlon at tho motropolllnn college of muulo toron to mibb gray hna boon very success ful tnst year alio passed bor primary examination with honors hlio has been ono of prof loos most diligent pupllu miss gray will loach music and a very bright future for her is prsdlotod misses llxxlo and annie moonnald of aoton spent sunday ut mr goo grnhnms simple homb riboipk mix thle ffjimnlatmslpful fsclo at horns and try it anytoay get from any proscription phnrmn- oat tbo following i fluid kxtraot dandollon onolmlf ouncot com pou iid knrgon one ounce co in pound syrup sarsaparlllu three nunoos shake well in u liottlo and take u tea- spoonful doso aftsr pach meal and at bedtime tho above is conildared by an urn nont authority who wiltes in a now york dslly paper as the finest pro scription aver written to relievo back ache kidney trouble weak blnddor and nil foinis of urinary dlfflcultloi this mixture not promptly on the ellinliintlvo llssuoa of the kidneys enabling hnnfuv filter and strain iho lirlo acid nml other waste matter frnui the blond which anuses jilt oumatt urn huiitfl poi roiih who suffer with the n dl lot ions inity hot feel inclined to pluea miiob aonfldrfnoe iti this simple mixture yet those who have tiled it any tbo results nro simply surprising the relief being effected without the slightest injury to the stomach or ol her organs mix some auiguo it a trial it cor- talnly eomos highly recommended it is iho prescription of an eminent authority whoso antlre reputation it 1i said wahostabluhcdby it adhigglst heroat hpme when ask ed stated that be could either supply lbs insjredlente or mix tntf prescription for our readsrs hibo reonnlnwnds it as harmless l nsplni6ii tltidu the county cmiuall mot at the court hon mi on timday of inst week miiubor nil piesnut iho waideii in tlio chair beyond tho pieaenllng of n fow ro- poits very llttlo husluaas of any con srrtiqnna wna trmiisaoted thnt day tbo iniiiiitmire waiting for the report from tho good roads committee which was not prosmttbd to the council till into in tlm iifleinooii too lntr to bnvn it dla- ciiwucd na mftviul of the inemlwis hnd to letivo to nutuh the tlsln for bnine a second days suuloii was nonaimuent- ly tiecoubnry the finance cominittie rrcominriid od psyiuynt of thoollowliig ncclw i l 10 7 10 hfl 2 2ft hi ml 20 00 itittft ft 00 7 0s 21 10 11 25 jnihn hiohr kuclrloyjgbtco l lvijhumtj iiigghibtilliiitil hiiig co wm puntnii pilultiir mhliiul young u hon audi- i nrai i it burling j h hhlul- burlliigliiti giixotti printing wm vhlrimltr u houe s21 81 tlio council ildjdrneduiitll wcilnea day nt 10 00 a in comicll romuiiind on thlh at 10 00 it in tnembersull proeeut m pailt prooonttd mid rvau tlm re port nf tbo coinniltteti on omtnty romb uyhleiii on iiiotliiii tbo neveut iiccounta pre- bioitod for slinvullhig snow rrwdlng mid repairs done on the donlg tinted good inada were onlerwl to ito paid a letter was read fiom tbo prowl dent of the ilidlnn parinom institute nu- lug for a gmiil on niotluii the report wna consider ed in commltttto of the whole the wuidoiilnthvclinlr on council resum lug tbo report was adopted mr sioltli movsil neooudod by mr shiclur that ibis council saue drlnn turea to the extont of 920 000 to spread over 20 yen is for tho purposo of rais ing funds to improve tho roads under bylaw no 201 lost yuae enrl hnrloy sinclair smith nnd hwuckhamer0 nayakrwln j o pord j f ford feutbeistonr mcolhlwm ptittlt and thompson 7 on niotloit a grunt of 24 was tnndo to tho hajton fm mora instltulv on motion the gaoler wamhutltnrlznil to pmohuso targe lawn mower to bo ulllliod on tlio county park nnd gi mmd council adjourned to meet on tues day june loih at 10 110 am obonotbtowm amathutt uin- waaa ormt bueeesmi oratsit coloi- ad aarorrajratlon ttvei sean in townlarar aatat iteoelpt tho four hundred pooplo who attend ed tbo ontertalnmnnt hy the gqoi go- town amateur minstrels in tbo town hall ft iday evening oanto with largo expectations and their expectations woro realized for months tbo mem bers of tbo organization hnd boon de voting their evenings to preparation of a series of apaolnltue that was to make a programme full of spice and humor mr 3 k leggo was the aonduotor and raoolved welldcborvod lecoguttlnn for his succesa in planning and carry ing to a conclusion the interesting event mr mckay too who perform od tbo lin ports tit dutlos of interlocutor with marked ability nddud dignity to tho occasion as ho prose n tod his array of gentleman from an elevated posl tion on the stage tho company wns cninposod of tho following t j k lorge w n mckay h v bell it thompson f w bnidloy g h wrlggleswortb ernest wnrren f j bat iter j a wlllougb by t a porter it it barber ii hodgson r mclolian adnm kay b w oule ilnmur uughvs tho aconmpanlat who did excellent service woro mrs ii b henderson and miss g young tho end hion had a gront fund of local lilts and nspleitdld supply of wit and liumor of a moro ganeral species and the laughtor was both loud and long tho solos nnd quartettes woro nlso good while tbo chorusos added a variety that made the programme complete llnrold and olmrllo onffeu picka ninnies sang vory nicely and aa oakr walkers made much amusement tho only outsider lit the show was mr goo franola of toronto who proved a good jokor and an entertain ing singer mr t r rsrngay hnd much to do with the details of thoaffulrand woik ml energetically to make it a success tho evening was n success financially also the receipts aggregating nearly i0ohoin1d the minstrels will appenr in the town hnll acton on monday night juno 1st jdntment of catarrh now cuhablb but novel by medicine mwallowed bnurtw hpry os douohaw ontavrh is not a blond dlseaaa und thnt is why itonnnnt 1m cured by any tuodlulno t niton into tho stomach ontnrihlsa germ trouble contracted from tbo gornvliideti air you breathe inward these germs fasten them aolvos in tbo tissue and nlr cells of the breathing organs multiply by millions cause sneexlng coughing raising of muaoiis dlsohargo fiom the nose diffi culty in breathing bnarsensse dry noes and stoppligo of tbo nose llokllug in tbo throat nnd other symptoms that can only lie readied hy tho dry air pi inclnle of ilynmel it medicates the air you breathe with tbo ouratlve properties of the australian kucslyptus forests liere catarrh is unknown the reason ynti gel relief in n inlnuta or two from ilynmel is heosuso it destroys every catarrhal germ in the air ynuveathe and its dry penetrat ing eroma will reaob tho innermost rr oesses of the air passages killing hill- linns of germs a minute their de struction means freedom for oppress ed respiratory organs at brown sella uyonisl tinder a guaranuo or iatlefmtlon or money back prlw variety our iloio nrlars yoi aslanilvrj liowlnff of moris end boys shirt8 in n ally pal i a ma jmifect filling and conttbrlabla for avaiy occa sion our itrsnd ilia wch 8hirtr are specially inurl and full of elm racier exactly biiiim io men who uta hood una in ilitlr ultd lion aib love the vvg 4rcoat8hiht 3b- jysftallabe t mens outfitter mid street r acton ontario elections a msu maettng in the interests ef the candidature of r d ifl7xrris win be held in the town hnll aoton thursday may 2sth addraua by mr h m howtt of toronto mi warmm and other all aro cordially invited scnta will lie reaerved for the ladles have purchased 11s4 white lawn and muslin blouses at manufacturers clearing prices tlio 24th of may brinjju an appropnutu time for thin offer see these waists in window special prices from 30o to 175 each ammoiiuiud ht oa iuooojio the wbllinoton mutual 1nbui1anob company vaubushed 1040 ilsad offlee oublph ont inhultancb on cuh bti4 untnal 1tut any luiurmea r4tiud will ua promptly atumi w it pmnnv saant vouim tit iaii alaasbiil fur tlia union imoranes co hnslaiiif ijipoletien oilcloth our 1000 balks bmbak all neoonds another ibtro lol odnlaldi jnl receive j department on cround floor kntrance from wyndham st orbl ceoraei square meu- urements tslian and prompt da- livery our prlcm sre always tught the bond hardware co limited retail phone 07 oublph surprise canadian hand laundry cha3 suey proprietor to mv patroms i have now a wonderful new method ol dolna laundry worv of all winds work is well finished and no injury or dn tinge done to the finest goods shirts collars cuff veils my specialty collars ironed so as not to be broken in the wins and finished so ihey will not hurt the necfit work for both istllas sntl aenttemen executed with promptness and entire sails faction and equal to the bast lite cities can produce chas bufcy the old cltiian acton willow street rear of henderson ft co h0meseeker3 2nd guis k iuiinimi manitoba saskatchewan alberta ooino dates 11 h july 111 b11lm vleb1 i9mi umlwwlihlaeolav veby mw bates jmjmiu toubut glebrb jjtstl lbs skoulil m mrdsau naltl for loeal at uui sis days victoria day sports ctn be made more enjoyable by wearing one of our hats or csps in all colors and shapes ah 80c cap clearing at 25c all 35c caps clearing ah5c stiff and sdft hals less than cost of making ws are going out of retail hats and caps it will be intersillnb io cill at q quebeo st h if yon will need a hal or cap bslore nasi xmu get ll now and have half the vrlce moth bags for sale furs stored lafontaines pur establishmnet as quoo street ooeipii ont no wlit nt 6ijc hua fiiia lucka nu it her sldo of open work embroidery pleut three quarter plu tucked wlaeve open front rnturday only ftijc no a waut at a i oo u a regular iis waiut baa a bvouilful fins mull enahralderad front with lreucb liaadla and low knela pin tucks nu uliotilder ami hack three quarur ilecv with iacn dvlnt nltached collar witb luca edelng tin lik of the price saturday only on mo 3 waldt at f 131 with ione open work hllever emhrnldery mull frenj pip ttlckeil fullneiui three quarter nlce lijcked and lace trlmmad utttn price saturday t as ma 4 waulntait s3 hasnanulleim hroldored frnat nhurt aleaved hlriiuo with njien frent itb tltrea largo luckn running out over nhdnler producing a ollwon effect rejlpilar ti75 for fis sinttirruy i no f ntjiso in a wblto lawn waifst with rtlin tmhll front srabrelderad u open work allover qealit pin ttictert yoke cuff a and back three quarter sleeve htce trlaiikie4 open back regular sjijj for ii jo saturday no 6 at l7s is a rerular koblouuo with beautiful fine mull front embroid ered la open work medallion style with pin dots and little llnral stripes on eltuiir aide of medallions open back three- quarter sleeve cuffs trimmed with em broidery and lnce a beauty nt l so saturday only f i 7j ladles new spring cloth suits at apeolal prleesj ro- b4th ol may on snturday every laillea spring suit in stock will bo made i n to renting- buying property in the fnltowltfk way 33 oo silk lined navy bluo suit very newest ntylo for 1750 la 00 tan suit beautifully tallorsd and trimmed nllk lined to t at 83500 sisooorey and white btrleo suit fee 1950 hi 00 civy strloo knit uilk liinil htrklly tullerud ityu yrwu sfitiuduy ij io too stripe ivillu in delft him price futurdy ui107 ibsobfuck pmimuh hnit for t ir hi suilk hi lllue und in itrowti fur 15 i dm solllblk pminma suit btiln lined lofial i3 50 wo huvta ti nuitu only ti mill tliry re all nlw uil 1 neaixm iho tlcurlur day will be saturday lndleu- drmh hkirtu in cm ajid titmtre ut cut ptlceti 01 hntnrdii from t jntowa os oath kpeclnl vitlnea in nkfrt 1 ut 9 1 v 8 an und j jo on baikrduy from our millinery department ho ifmtai trimmed btmlall-ldr- e4th nt may anil 1atuerted artilntat mtyleideaai prleaai rot0turday a bo vano snotf you have net seen thuia arn in our nhewrooln before they nro ull iov nt- tractlve creatlntlh conhtnicttd rxjirely for the holiday trade if veil wntlt ripecial rtyla and vnlneiii a uprlns lint nee thli new hit nt ilynnn on saturday to be 1111 re of proper nttouon in jim ullllnery department be imre mi early in the miornliik au you poiifillily can from notion department naw for the 84th of may ibonutiful nkrnrtment of enihrnldcry war1i belts with pearl itecl nnd ellt bucklei priced ijc 30c nnd 35c mili stylinli nihreldery linen cnlluru from it to a inchsh hisjlt pricdi 35 3 und 50c tan leather helta all the rage boventcen different ntylen now in iiolu irlcen 3j 5a nnd 75c a silk ohwoti in white and in hhifk with twculaxp ut wrut retjnlm 81 m for ty saturduy ronk white kllk giovm rfftlur 75 and hie for 59c huturduy tnffcta rlbbonftaju i hlu reulur is tn ibt a vurd irlco nil round 10c a yard hnturday colorn include every valuble thado not omitting white creutu and black when you buy uil ribbon cm saturday you jfet u bariui 4200 yards ft embroideries from medium to bttf qualhsst acoatpaatory prlow we havd uiade purchasa of unne anur- nintih clarlrk llitoir of ombroidorlcn in tiinartlonn beadlukb turtwit covcvim tt lloitntiniii ullnveru and mhralderleiln price puttoma rnd qitalltlea to puom uveryone knibreideiifi at your own tirlccit oil hnturday news from our mens store tht lbo linen collar for qha ob saturday thehe solium will be tukeu front reau- lar itock und offered la ail nie8 at 3 fnt 350 on saturday orraaon we wuh to fieo yoij with uu oftcner 50c fancy canhmere lihi nnd catton hone 30c n pair and a beautiful variety for tliu 34th of mny j nut u word about fancy vaatii wo have forty different patients in wnnli vciitu all now attrnttivt and rifht up to date prices from l 33 to 83 75 hew about a new vent for thu holiday 7 our menb nhoe mock in in holiday iiisortmcnt new tan oxfords hlact oxfordn new tan uhoeti black iheen built en the very latent lantfl retailed at prices 350 ana 8150 q b ryan co gueiph we do what we say bank of hamilton thb most important factor in thb invest ment op savinos is security bank of hamilton capital 2500000 reserve 2500000 dpmlta or 100 and upward reealvd georgetown branch w n mokay agent aood von wood lacqueret oood foil wood makes old soiled and marred furniture woodwoilc look like now anybody can apply it it dries over night and wears wonderfully it is translucent nonfading nonsettling brilliant harddrying sanitary and durable it is sold in seven exquisito colorb in 15c 25c 40c and 75c can call in and see a sample of work dona hy lacqueret r ip jolmstone fo oo ontario elections to all keadera of the frki rural v0ur vote and influence aro lleapcctfully sollcltol tor r d warren election monday june 8 08 fropturo for positions iayltio tor su to sim pr month bf auanmna tb popular eluott toronto out s tlila bohool ta notsd fur and ntar rortheaumriorwtuoauoniyn to btuasnuanii or tue ramaiklbl uo- omi of lu a rut u a tat oollaga oiti ikie entlrajaar itaaln now p will make youlndepenai today for eataloatia lirnirtbitnd clydcsoalo stnllion king edward 6itb ih mh tb hioii ol 10m 1 111 01 lot ib jnl iln biuln pedigree 7utill st hcton moths and bugs our moth and dug killer knocks duffalftmoibb and lied hugb billy drhei ihcm out ol the bouse it is a liquid that can be put into all duces and crevlcoa which buna and moths frequent bee our motli proof bags lssjs bl rjisy sro cheap loo moth balls e a robertson drukrlst stationer optician the palace drug store aoton back at the old stand j mmtyd4mrtih4 li i j m struthers wishes to announco to all his old customers and any numbor oi new ones that he is again at the old reliable furniture stand rao upper wyndhnm street guclph where ho is opening up and putting into stock a full line of parlor diningroom hall bodroom and kitchon furniture carpets and oil cloth call and sco them a fuli rango ol childrens carriages gocnrls carriers etc special pricos in iron beds springs and matresaeb j m 3truther s guelph v ii- in is i j v li iv c i w rireonnawallaoraniumi om oranfl blra llliirlmrtar lintlml o o nir oenawatl iw t a uranrl hire widm oikbuid bm bib him daninalllaol varndale ohio rlrl bv jtl ljrlnot isauu lia c jciiilvia jlarii bell dam poll klrat by uule n arnls wo lia tiy phauininn i 4lti tlainjaaa ilrri by ahrlaola ihl ba by duity ulllar ut description klua uilitsrd la a baautlful sloaiv liltou wllb botli filnrl usf while anvl atrln an laoa lis la a unrmttltii lilanty pf ill itaixtiiia 1u liana hahha liaaaooaofaan ttallioua wltli flanlt ef ntia allay lialr and has uie bait of f t lis baa a uomldlniniliioii nnd ilurlbyi ttyla and aolloii i w lat at tli baquealoa anrl sod at til a hahon ogunly hjirlna hbowi thumb to input foat s10 tuyabta m ali 10m pa am flltikiaina or niarta bafora foallab tlm st auxios clttircd a i lov itliciok hi b v milthnui lifllsoa ma ii li biinday mfihilni iriln in to illindny drni itikn illu bbftrifnlb ikiusk maid vantki i t ilutiilnloll loti i a i i itmmas lost oilnuinullftlli ii nt uogkuo ihu himini i mi fi lorv rlitay aluriiooii ukti i in m irn in rimu oirin- i p uakllllh iholehty on haijr a mjm1dlt nrrmiiitt hm1 jhiidb bnuiua v lu ir btl l uni ami iiaruoulara- iily lu if llknnv iiiujll aola xiani ok thanks im tiilnriiiiiniikif tlm umuihimiui ifd i licvfainlly an litilv imiiuiort all ilia uii1 llbl oix i jtiuuiu lot ltilrlirty iiiilaliy ami maiiv blin1illjrilihiiib ilia uat hluv amt iloatli uf l r uloliimliali 1 uui wah mll jcjiih mfjkihnqn cuoicvj ihtiijdinu iiots foii 9alp rpili two into nl iliilnu my roluuo ara nnw x mi i fur tad i in y am bulb ay flna but illiiu lata an i itami a tiuiilir ill elioleo fitilt troaf onn lt mil la nti niiuu rual aiirt ilia rtlbor 011 iltllu hlrmi i oninnt liavunialit tin tlio vuniiu mrnt tnitiii i lm vl wall iliallixl nu ilamirr of wit collar falid iii ailiiilliloinutlni lor inlilvatluii iimiimiou llvaii iiuniuiluloly ai lily nl niion to tm hlllh t t iioohk municipal fy of acton oouilt op rkvibion- notitl 1 1 amliy k u lut tlo aril maat- limit uui uhiti ot lvuin ur tha v una or aoton lll b bulil in urn rn hall on tuonday may 20th 1006 atalulit in mliuar all uuiiiiilaiiitiaualnit ilia aaioaamalit ltdll tor uh all iiuraon imylnil m ilium in tlm aalil ooort ara rail ilea toil lu altvinl at mm mim lima and llacr a j milktsnon jlark daat at aotou ibu ulli lt ut liar 1u0h iv hollo way tutji iiioajj till i ikstclfvss impoiteil tiyilctlulc stallion will in alio tlm i nn t in i at ollowa i llnirailay itay hlb i will h nlalib imu mil tin m a lila own ulnck anil vorroiuwr ami rlli will limv i ii t i i i rmohltib bali-j- ii h him i artut i itly in lliu aluirlinun audw pandlni y will li hour nin io lubl i or fur licr varilcnli tbo noon hour nnmqn niul liouin lor iilulil luiuro t iimlilo in litmooo rllciiurianalarunimitnn i1anii i mdlillultalliicc notice to ukiit0hs in the matter or tbo batata of john morrat utc or tbo vlllasa of aoton in th county of ii at ton tanner deoeaajetl notiob u bomb- iuei lursiiant to tlia uuvlano ktatiiim ttl unurlii cbaler its and auiainlltib octn tlmtnll crmlltori tiilotbara bavina olalma aualmt ibo oilata of iba aald jolm loirai bi jul mi or about ilia hlntb day of aii iw jtc rciulrod on or baton ilia twatity hftli day of ma luom in atid by poal rapall or ilollver to a j maoldnnot of ilia aabl ulluu ol aoioo holloltor lor jamoi w offal iba admrulatraior t tbo nutto ot dip laid de- oeaaatl iholr clirlulliti mid aiiniatiio addroaaaa and docrlitloi iho lull ravtlanun ot ibitr olalma tlio tiainuciit ot their aactimiia and hie nauirof lloprmhtlin it any bold by lliam ami fur t bor tako nntloo ilit iur auob lut inautlonadilato tba a limiilniralor will prooaail to dlilribntti ibo assola ot ibo said daaaaiatl amoug tlia imrtlei outltlml tboroln hating ro- kard only to ilia olalma ol wbloli tboy aball ill an bva nntte ami lliat ibo aatd aralnfilrttor will noi bo hauls for tho uild airoln or any iiavt ibartuf to any uorion or nonona of wfioaa olalmi notlnailiall not liavo been yooolvad by bliu at tbo tlmo of mall luirlbutlnn a j maduinmih 41 1 holioltm tor tba admlnlitrator datod ttili twenty lovantb day of april toon notice to citkiltobs in tha mttar or tit eetate or alfred oudtl late of the village ot aoton in the county or helton laborer odoeuecl vfoticll la imratiy dwiiii iiinnaiittaltao vi imn chan 14 atid aiiiimtllnu aou lliat all oradltoraamlatlioraliavliiiiouimiaialnililibaa ul of ibo ald alfiol iinll who dlad nn or about ilia imirt inlay of i obniary 1q0h am ra nulrail oil or imlnro ifio twmily llfiu day of ii ay iw to aend by ioat lroiabl or dallyar io a j klaoklnnon of ibo iiald llllaga of aoton hfillditnr for jauiu aliralmiiillia admlnlatratov of tlio biiato of uio laid ilocuatcil tholr ubrta- llan and aurnamoa aliirotwa ami deaohptlonb tlia full iiartuulara or tholr oulini ilia aut nianl ol tholr acoontiti ami ttio natura of iba aaonrlt laa if any bold by tboin ami unburlaka not leu mat after auob laal niuiiilonoil dalo tbo il ailmlnlilrator will lirooead io niitriiitiio ibo sict of tbudamuau amnim tlio iiartlna citltlol tbomu bavinara tanl only io ilia olihim of wliloh bo ulan ava notion and hint tbo w iwivv lljhb bmi millllulfl will not ballablo fortbohililatiutaor all tliarr- l notic tba tlmo of mall tirlbuii roof joany inim jitit ow bnii ojalma i rocolvod iy blui al mrikhlnon holloltor for tbo admlnuiratar dated tliutwatil lovontlnlayot april lufrt ill aeoldanu lomsrm at mk of owiiara nuiuuirtna rroirlatnr n1qb turnouts to have a nice turnout in ihe spring when the roads are rood you should und your bufrjrlc to on kills oarriaan works oeorftstown and have them paint ed now whan you do not need thorn you can leave i ham here v until iha rosds sro good slbiohs rnd cuttbrs lew ut of vleiiure slelnhi on hand yet aso a sty uood second- hind cullers and heavy dob blolghi ul sell chwp to olekr js oeseilulss biutibit- moil niitmna conner canadian bburiliaml rpoiornor nuhinrrao au m oollbod irrm jj lor 1 iiionttia tohonto f lu ktw any lis adilnat oor vonpeaiid lilnnrmti 11 a iiiiguiuniiov u a li biolpab city conveniences ti bhoikhit toyouh homb you would cnjuy a bith room in yotir hime with bat and cold water utulpr inmnro wharovar required why not have it and he up 10 dttor y ids oompre83ed air system tlila is siiccoiifully accompluhad even ihonnli you have no water w lyilam within rtnelt ifthlilntsnitsyoii wriio today ordera may bi loti with mr fpincor uiiilmml aden ior furllior rirtlcunri willo geo e b qrinyer co plumblnsr nnd llntlnvcontriiotora ouelpii ont fobefle oublph jfaxouf wiofr iiijirr wytulhnm ut uljii ulif gaustial conversation li oflon blbiiino ml auil luitructlvr at a rail way tutlaii riioniiilr two imiuu rami iiiokl ia isfetlb q a2 oublph uubinuhu colh1qu tlibla rlaht i i diavn two brnilipri gradiialaa of irlnolibl maduiinnaaka uibbmiv o 2 tj bbirnbitf aivtabii iiiiiulnl dnllara i year an ei niae aaooiiiuiniilili fiiaqit ortiaa flrnt ln ilia vain thll pamoufl institution li 1 iniiu ally iirantrlnu slid vldlliiu 111 th waw uik vr miiinkswiwiuvn vkl powrw no vjfllloim oomiu tllra la tbaooa ftwsi bm jfittis m hlieoonmiok bui prta9llmil jisisiaimfflbffibosaffisiw

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