Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 21, 1908, p. 3

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wall papers window bhadjcs cujttatn votjes j line ui lead in cull in ami tea our naw dealkna in wall ilpor from 50 par roll ilordera uma price ta wall geo mill street hynds acton tiiuh8day may 21 loofl brief local items the plum troea nro jo bloom monday will bo n public bolide let m cry body ily their flag on monday lulpii intvn been vory frequent thle mouth tim uniial may uli tilrlea nrtiot forthcoming thla aprlng km pi re iity nkt monday in mom ory of good quoeti victoria drover holiuea shipped can of flno cduie nhel hoga yoaterday no lonfand liloaaotii now beautify tho land io lately barflnnd drear tho young pooplu of the ilaptlab oliurah intend to pic no nt quflph on mondny ntlinoiatib nowfflrtcee and other improvement n nro in progreaa through- out tho town mr hulwit glbbomt hue 1 lipoid of hla racing stallion tragedian to mr o a mack mr it d wnnun will hold hla meeting in acton neat thursday evening 28th luat the aale and firing of fire cracker it prohibited hy law lit thle town dont rot into trouhlr hnye officer oitrnnhan hue been trim whig the trcea of tho cemetery the walk are noitt to receive- attention tho two ilaptlat oburchoa of ouolph hal nnltod nnd will hereafter worohlp together in trinity ohuioli mr oarnnhan ha dlepoeod of hie gmollne launch to n purchaser out of town it waa whipped week or mora 80 mr w moirlami of aahgrove iim juit graduated fro in queona mad leal college klngeton with the do- greoofm d o m kniplro diy excursion tlelteta will be eold on tho rullwnja at single faro good giilngsatuitliiy 01 monday next to return on tueiduy rev ii w hose ouelph ha ac cepted the call to halifax nnd on tues day tho call wm auatnlned nt tho meet ing of ouolph proabytcry the young tiidhu leap year club will hold an at homo in tho town hall thin evening a long hit of invitations has twum leaned tho flno warm weather of bund ay nd monday brought nut tho foliage of tho imiploa and oiiipi tioea mora rapidly than la vory nfton even the roiiiovnl nf tho dilapidated driving iliod in the roar of the dlaclplea church would improve the appearance of tho surroundings the annual meeting of the womans institute for the dutrlot will be held in the town hall george- town ontuusday mnyuuthnthoctook j at the mooting of tho synod of tor- onto and kingston last week rov 3 o wilson 13 a was aleoted to the commit tea on church llfo and work mossrs hewer nnd jjoxwell of ouelph have just complotod verynoat and aubatantlal cement ivulka at mooreoroft they laid over 000 feet there lout in aoton on saturday 11th april n i nils ahtccolored rain coat with cape tinder will ho re j warded by leaving nt fuhw fnmd offlas the foundations for mr 0 c hendersons now rosldenoo on dower avenue are completed hie carpen ter are now preparing for the brick work it la reported hint ii a ooxe v s has purdhiuod from mr p bayers the property for so long occu- pled by tho into mr henry smith on main fitreot tho council huu buen doing some good work on tho crossing approaches at various points in town tho put week broken atone has boen usod to good advantage mr a v ii jones mnnnger of of the traders ijank tiunlph has been promoted to ho manager of the new branch just opened at ottawn mr jones has been for olghtoon your manager nt qnnlph a bilbao r i her in toronto whose fbbb pniwa hu gone astray for couple of weeks wrote us yesterday i please forward paste prkhh at once i can neither enjoy my meale nor my sleep nor tuy dovnilone without it the houso belonging to the estate of the la to jonathan smith of the 2nd line ksqiieiing lielmv spoysldo was completely dostroyod with nil ite con- tente one day last wook a spark from tho nhhnney la auppoieil to have been he oauao we have received tho quebec num ber of onwartl an llluatratod week ly published by william drlggs toronto containing live articles on the pounding five solges nnd con- quest of quebec with twenty four engraving it elves popular account of a subject of interest to all oanadune copies on application 0eo m b grlnyer formerly of oeorgotown tins gnus into business in plumbing and uttuini fitting in ouolph he bae n new ayutein of pumping water by ooniprouod air nnd can in- tall baths olosots etc oven where ibvre no water works system mr grlnyer will he glnd to correspond with any reader of the funic pmthfl respecting thlw luxury which hotnea anywhere may enjoy- think all you spenk but apeak ifot all you think thoughts hiw your own t your word are an no more delany man ha no lurtlohlp tn command ha ooneolerice mlltnn everyone hue hi place and vocation on ihle earth roladstone s aheolutely all packet tea and moat bulk tm ifiuw tta grocer a larger ptoflt than satada bufc few of them b6wamuohantlifaotoln to the eon- m of news op local import fefr ip otayarta new iioum mr p haycr of aunlph has let urn contract foi thn nnw two atorey brink viorcl front to bis houso nt hv the corner of churoti nnd krodarhik htreste to lteevohwacklinnior and u v anderson workliascoiniiiuicediiiid thn masons and carponlera uro busy the structure will 1m a greit improve mouttu this fine cornor david hutehon rtunlnar orlear uavld hutohoon of kassngawoya has been appointed upturning oftloir for hal ton for thr eleotlon on tho 8th june ho was in acton on hat urtlay posting proclamations of tilrc tlon and getting pointers on deputlot to appoint kx itoevea ooi rgo ilynda and a k nloklln are to ho thn deputy he turning oflloore tor aoton colonel d d maun the military qauittoaimotiucos that d v manrt imsbeen npjhitedjinnov ary lleutanant colonel of the 20tk rigl ment ool mann was formerly a private in xdum company mo 0 and was an ortlhuuhutlo member hlnoo then hie railroad jnutorpruea havo taken alt hit time fmt he wilt now havearunewal of intereit in hla oh regiment mott voyeur to aft wllaoh on monday evening about half a hundred of the young panplo of st al bans gathered at tho hntfe nf mr i olavel to spend tlir turning with mrs rflv matthsw wuiou prior to her leaving fop a trip to isnglund tho pnceedlngs of the tienlng wero very informal hut won thoroughly enjoyable tlio bust wishes of all will follow mrs wilson and hur little son on their journey mlasoa krle white olaia hauer and minnie claval formed the committee in charge of tho affair unday baa hall at duelnh mondays ouelph mercury anye i major merowether interrupted a vory interesting game of base ball which was occupying pretty nearly the whole of a good slued field just to tho western ihnlu of city yesterday needless to state that when tho major put in his appearance thorn was a sudden soattoratlon of the fana and it la not likely that the game will he resumed for some tlmo the major states that ho has received several complaints of sunday ball and that ho will put a atop to it in the future danish ute bar in a very earnest and thoughtful discourse on temperance based upon the text tlio fruit or the- mphlt la temperance ite v o w barker made a strong arraignment of the liquor traffic and its evltn in the mothodlut church last sunday owning ho mild you do not need to go out nf acton to see men doluluch their fellows for the theprofllatolmimude by selling enko nf liquor in hla conclusion ho said in effect i let it bo a settled conclusion that the orilul and luuxauiuhlo tmfllo in intoxicating liquors le to 1 nbolluh edt and lit us ho ready to gwo iho evil thing u blow at ovary opportunity and thus share in thv cnnllkt and ro joloe in the victory in sight mrt football damask v aoton footballers traveled to quslph inst piiduy and puytd ttuh first gamo with thoouclpli o a p in the guelph city league surlos con elderlng the conditions and hard luck acton had tu contend with they play ed vary well to bo only beiton by a point with sueli a toant as o a c for oppon snts on saturday overling ouolph o a o came to acton and played the return game in tho park this was a vory fast game and aoton tried hard to regain the point inst the day previous but were out old tied and inst again by the slight margin of 2 goals to 1 ouelph o a 0 team la considered the beat team in tho league so aoton football boys do not looso any of their good reputation as kick ers pf loathsr by gottlng beaten by the o a o a llttlo more con sunt practice will fit the home team to meet all comers in the series death of john motunnon after about four years of suffering from some chronic constitutional ail ment mr john maklnnon of naeaugn- weya wa taken suddenly 111 early last week and on thursday morning ho pasu- edaway john moklnnon was tho aon of tho lata john moklnnon nnd was born en the farm whero ho dlud lot 20 con 0 kassagawoyn suvontjtwo years ago ho w morrlud to tho daughter of the lata duncan ctimp- bell ouledon in 1968 mrs moklnnon four tone and four daughters sua vivo mr moklnnon was a vory quite and reserved man but highly e too mod he waa a memlmrof tho presbyterian church naseagaweya and his pastor rev a hlalr d a conducted tho funofai assisted by rev j o wluon d a of aoion among tho frlonda who attanded the funeral from a distance there were i mr itobort mo klnnon paisley t mr alex campbell pt elgin i mrs t mokhinmi and mr v baxter oaledon miss o mo- kenile and messrs t j moklnnon j s moklnnon nttd s m ml ion rflp resenting s f moklnnon toronto the romalni were laid at rout in fair- view cemetery baquealiur convention at balllnafad the eighteenth annual convention of esqutilng sunday fiahool association will be held at balllnafad on kilday 20th inst there will be afternoon and evening sessions tho programme has been arranged with a vldw to practloal benefit and genuine intureit to the local sunday school woikors the convention will open at two oclock with councillor thompson of aehgrove the president ip iho chair after routine business ilov o w darker aoton will deliver nu nddrcas upon the adult bible class move- msnt thle will lie followed by dls- pusslon after whloh rev ii a man- phorson toronto will apeak on what are we doing with our opportunity v opportunity will again he given for discussion a question drawoi will iw oonduotad by ii p moore aoton nnd the reading of the statistical report by w j l hampshire and eleotlon of officer will complete the afternoon assslon atsoothodelegaloti will laf entertained to tea by the nallhiarad friends at the qvenlng aesalnn rov i a g wlllmlghhy ouorgstowu wllldollvur tin addrew on pfaotloal reneflta of sunday suhiiol wmk and by ruv h ar maophttiaon tin the highest idtial every school in the township ehould w rprnentud it wu he- delight fid drive from achm and tha worker bare wilt no diubi itttrad lnlayra nnmbon lug nnd oxitractv let for thn itsotlon of iho uiitoliliitt shops of llioimnw fiiotury kimiiil to local here tbi silo u on thn goro lot opmisli tho grand ti unk htatlou wotindenitandthttcoiiipiiny i ntid pushing matters n faut its uiusllle nnd hopo to have thn build lugs up in 40 dnya ritforiiuyrv nw sjusraoatlon tor chopping mil mr ii hawko of krln rrmrly of humphries tt hawkc acton was in town m monday prospering with n view to running a ehopplng mill in re ho made a suggestion to ktinvn hwark hnmer for tha us tit the eluotrlc plant for power during thn day ho would put in a chopping outfit of largo capa city tlio elselrlo powttr schnnio is hnwuver not regarded aa feaslblo aa to cot of operation all tb umhms pmsud tho halton lloenso coiiiiulsulonera inet in georgetown inst thursday morning and in acton in tlio after noon this was tofurthercanshler trje licenses whluh had bwm granted fur u months the hnltu warn ptr sonnlly liuifltod nnd tbelr kciqhirs ya celvod some vttty piln iidvlca jvlrtiut how they wore to conduct tlmlr hotula thocouiinlshloiiera flnalfy grnihud nil tlio ilcensfb the mnip niunljur ns last year i j h cameron at leallea slohool greenock i rnry horlity has en- gaged j h caiiieioii nf toronto tint wull knmvnliuhiorlit for an iiituitaln oientln ibohnhool lo mormw evening mr cainttron in it high clasu nilut and will phnuo tlinsn who pu i oolite the cntflrtnlnilimit in aihl n tn mr cameron tho rouowimt t niiitalnor hugh guthrie m p u v j c wilson h a j j cialg m p i and dr abltotl lutvo imu luvltud in bo present uud lake pal t miss luna cray aoton u tlio iiccompimut nlaarams instead of quobae now ordi rs have ln ihuii d in tho rui al rtglmcnts of tha provlucn countermanding the piiutiia orders to proceed tn quebec to piriiclpalo in tho tor centenary demonstration in july the tinniportnllmi companies doclato themsnlvea unalila to hnndlu tho troops in nitdltlnii to thn largo volume of passenger t rnhlc not mora than onehalf tho number of regiments at first intended will there fore go to quelutc halton regiment will put in tholr camp dilll nt niagara- on the lnkv as usual pin halton cattl shipped on eulurdny last mr john foalhor utou drover shlppsd about flflj nf lbs nnobtexpoit catttothut tvm hft mil ton they weio fed by measrs john sprout jaimtfl mm ray gtmrgp it ing james moffat and f c wlllinntr thn 10 from mi mun w utio a hi ml credit to hint iiu ttl llu in ftil ly u prnrimalimal fuvdur in thu piih uf john adamu mr john hm 17 wau ntuo n croditnblu hit i in y luiu in aplfliiilld ulntpj mr livfng i noio also fliat citiha cntllf a- wero aun thu ifroinmi moffat and s rrnm mr will iimtt wlint tbuuu go n tin mi 11 dnnt know about fiudhig rattlu fur xp rt wouldnt fill a very large hunk mr ruiilhoraton waadvllgbted with tho lot and paid out lfifl0 for thorn to former sermon on baven oreat bin ilov j c wilson ii a la preach ing a seiles of sermons on tlio aoven groat bins in knox church on tho loth may he preached tho initial ser mon of tlio sorlss taking for hla topic pride last sunday evening his subject waa avarice this was an exceedingly timely and stirring dli course during his remarks 011 gauth ling ns one of tho employments of soma of the avaricious mr wilson reprobated very strongly the gambling carried on in the hotels on a recent sunday evening ho said there was 11 gnmn nf cards of which he had boon fully informed lis knew who the players wero 110 amount of thoatakos and tho hotel which thus permitted this gross violation of the llaenao law and oountonanoed such reprtihonblhlo violation or the sahhath mi wilson withheld the nntnes of tho gaiiiblora but stated that they wore man promi nent tn the town ho fearlessly do nnunoed such doings as a htot upon actons fair name tli topic of next sunday evenings sermon will ho luxury bis dookst at division court judge gorhain had quite a field day hero at tha may sitting of thu division court there wore a largo number of judgments but tho hearing of three cases took up the time tiiojo woro 1 kelly bros vs g a rlaek a hill tor cutting wood too 1 judgmont reserved t workman vs r johnstone jr dls pilte over building stono wall 200 judgment for plaintiff commercial 01 co hamilton va corporation of acton n claim of 20 60 foi a barrel of bollorcnmpnund which the corporation oliilmrd wue navor nrdvrod and novor used the agent of tho company sworn hu had called upon itoovc swackhnmmer in the winter of 1007 to enquho if anything wero needed for tho power house ho allegod thitt tho iteove told him to go to mr billiard tho electrician who would order what waa required electrician dullard was brought from qoderloh as a witness ho ordered the compound used some of lb nnd found ft to bo all right krnest mncklln bullarde auo- cossor a electrician swore that when ho took obarge of the power plant be found the barrel of compound trlud it and found it to he worthless dr gray gave evidence that no employee of the corporation had power to order supplies without a written ordor from his chairman that when bo saw tho barrel of compound at the power house he ordorod bollard nsalstnnt not tn use it as it had not hern order ed by tha council judgment was roiorvfd yesterday division court clerk monabb received the judges decision whloh was for the commercial oil co tlio costs will be abou tl8c0 woods db school average marks obtained at wood shin school during the past nionih were aa follows 1 fifth classmaggie molnlyro2fl fourth olaaamavy butler iw clif ford shiiimu rs rohorfc wrnehu amn khmer u third class vlnletta molntyro 111 florence bui lor iwlrnk bwaokltamer bo john mcbachern 23 willie butler qeoond olhhsmaraaret watson bo noroian mctbadhern 83 berbtrt mo m social and personal mr malcolm mnkuchurn loft on 1 1 until i y to tnkit a sltunlloii in oskvllle mr w h itutlndgo has removed lilu family to acton from stroetsvllle mr p hmtdsrsou m p wa horn from thn capitol tor a week end visit tlila wok mr liwrmiiiii hunter nf toronto wau tlin u nt mi w ii dttiiny dm lug thu week itv j c wilson u a attended llui mm hug of thu ireubytt ry in giulpb nn tumidity uov o w barker and mr a k nlckllu attended the district meeting nt ilora 011 tuosday and wwlnosday mrs stewart of klfrlda came to town on tuesday to spoud a week or so at thn homo of hrr father isaac soydnr lq mr kluio ward johnstone of weib toronto has lnn a guest for a week at the huiie uf mrs jnmesheudersoii marlu street mlatf oi i y vrlggieaw6rtb and mastnr harold of ashgrove wee guests this week nt tho home of mi ihnniasllhnlt miuu txui grill rower ave left ib wednesday morning for armed mich to attond her sister mrs dt wilson who is very 111 mrd ehmdeiland taylor and muster oudrgr have arrlvod from hbv calhar iifs nrtd the family is again settled in tbvli homo on agnus street mi sirs frdward and fred nlckllu who came from manitoba last week foi thu funeral of their brother kul hire acoampaiilod by their wlvtis and liavo steit the week with friends hunt our hatiohal dahassn tiiero are thou sands both men and woman who do not take tlmo to eat properly lhey rush through llfo and aa a result wo have an ago of indigos tlon nervousness irritability sleep less nights nnd morose disposition our national danger is stomach weak ness due to the strenoua life ml 0 no tablets strengthen the walto of thu btoinnch and stimulate secretion of the dlgostlvo juices thoy maka the stomach comfortable and euro in digestion sick headaches palpitation yellow skin nnd coated tonfliio nro a few of iho many dlslrfsslng results of indi gestion that- mho im nevor falls to cure a t brown sells ml o im in r0 cant boxes 11ml guaranties to refund lln money if it does not glvo ooutpleto satisfaction noottuiood a rouulog meet log wan hold here nn saturday nenlng hi h inteiests of mr rywii thu ilbtial candidatr llm town hall wiim riondid mr itobort mrkay of toronto waa iho vpfakrr of the 1 vi olng with mr tyson i llpbnrt ouelph hint nionod a jowi try hindm au hi th1 vllliigo miu ttiyloi whouu hg was fiaelur id u cmiploof wpiibu ago lu pmigrft ing favorably the chopping mill hero is stilt doing a rushing business ita patron are coming from long distances it is understood that arrangements aio about complotod for the sleho gas co of toronto to loeato in georgetown mr ii p lnwson wo ballove has been instrumental in dlnctlng the company this way they will occupy tho vncant church on wvhyanst herald absolute security genuine carters little liver pills muat boar blgnstur of am feelatuj wrsppsrlmlsw veer assail ssswsv totakaaasauraa irok humche carters rai oiniutm ru nuouuiik rokyoimduvtt nn eoiiirtio roi uuaw tui jrajiniiceohnuioii mokeiisiiohi 1905spring1908 gas damp r m fan lo j m null ins lui rnscar mans pro tut man lo il fiirnsfd parts sgsl ntl evil kttteo tsof liat does sunshln r mmdn to sunalilns ihhissliolder moans furnace dsn b p opcrstid without faaraf lo puftlng gasi furnace can lm ian wlthotit jouw as to wliureabtulh of gas ihlna coql account 7 ii maans l of owner wild orilininy fiirtiam fasr having to ke fbdrmtl iftitenmirly cti im aft nvfun idere s twoutlril fir is piilngo chimney draft c l coul kltvell fur amulisr day ilny m vsjkoovw hiolltoa cw good cloth 1 no made tn order repretcstit oood cloth good lining oood workmanahlp oorpaot atyle arustta cutting perleot pit all llieue qunlltlcti cemhlned with close prices for cash at r e nelsons 93 wyndham st ouelph 1 constipation vwivlujskmjt mitb vtuh mi uhidu ai rmlljillis inmi ii cmbimnmcmurkalcrf ttlinb tuumj inmnauiu ikiyix tvtomiitminnil tvnnnluuiiviii iwfjtir ihmiufimi u ilxy mull vu id b nt ih mtuu yau uv ixml tf but au im uj mmwuilavw vllmimnukim fcmwjifctmwi w hfunisd wmatitllmirtum oat buill imliul vmk cmos b bettik than pius for liver ills is a a uwu mudu co stloullho h h unssarorth anotiibr blhpuent of new rugs new curtains ar muslin creton and art sateen just to hand ladiks and ciiildrbn8 hosiprv biceptlotially inrff new mock intludlnfl tan and white iadie gloves ifoiik wlilto and black mule thread qlevon at jc a pair ldnk tan colored glove at 60c a pair ladiis8 jackets latolt blyleln black nnd colorod lhdies mumn1sry anothei shipment of latest fashion millinery hft to ha lauies parasols and umhubuas new rtetk at ronuonnhle prices icxtra spucial bargains ao genuine hnrgnlns throughout tlio store wutch for the red lolteru during tlio next week h h unsworth rcton mgns rhincohts ae ar as looks go you would novor know that our raincoats nro raincoats thoy aro perfectly showerproof and perfectly stylish as well they hava all iho grace and smartness of an extra pood top coat and aro appropriate for wear anytime you shouldnt be without one thcso days pricos ten twelve fifteen and eighteen dollars including coats of tha 20th century brand boys cloth i no it is not so much what n store says about its boys clothing as what tho clothes do iftor thoy aro bought and worn that determine mothers whore to go when the boy needs dressing up tho hundreds ol motliors who are coming to 1i10 lion or boys clothing this spring is good evidence that our clothing proves right in the wearing motliors profer our pricos too fwo piece suits 250 to 87 c throe pleco suits 350 to 81000 spring jackets an extensive range of natty stylish mckin- non made jackets in hlnclr fawn and fancy tweeds prices will be found much ensier than in tho cities for the samo dais of goods spring jackets will be in much demand this season skirts in navy myrtle brown black and fancy tweeds thoso pretty pleated stylos will bo hot favorites 4 j mill1n15iiy tho millinery department is in full swing we ate making a big effort to give you this season the rooiu uptodate creation and the itcsl values to be found in the millinery trade wo solicit inspection and a comparison of styles and valuoi henderson cfe co mill street acton spring stock of footwear unusually attractive george stoubl hab hm spring mock now completed and is satisfied he can delight all customers his nohby ntw lines of this springs tans patents nnd fancy footwear surpasses all previous seasons the daintiest kinds of new spring goods for ladies and children splendid heavy solid stock or firm and heavy work also good stock of his own make prices auvii right here repairing and special orders promptly attended to geo- stoel mill sr acton kodak ever tiling in kodilcu cameras and sopplici ikvnjs in stock ir h practicil instrui tion u kiven to all learners with out charge pringles wyndham st guolph ont the right house hamiltons iavohlte shopping place reduction sale of carpets tremendous oulpourlnj of carpets at absolutely reduced prices carpets rugs curtains bedding linoloums draperies upholsteries and beds all join in a great reduction sale prices are clipped a fourth a third and more than a third there aro vast varieties for selection presenting a golden saving opportunity to anyone with a home fur nishing need to ill this bpring youll save your fare to hamilton many times dont dolay get these excellent qualities while prices aro reduced 100 wool carpets reduced to cgc a yard 115 brussels carpets reduced to 89c a yard 165 pile carpets reduced to 1 23 a yard 23 to 43 room rugs reduced to 20 to 3225 45c good printed linoloums at 32ic 125 to 20 laio curtains 8gc to 1488 a pair an j many other linos of home furnishing gdodsin proportion thomas c 1st atkins oonmn kino br ear huuhom hamilton ont yg emacd0mugbros xooods liiifiliiillilmi guelph goods and fjj cotw the standard rotary u the only eewlnn midline which with lie own mecflls nlim produce both a lock and chain itlioh perfectly the chain slllch li a modern necsbilty eoturitig lite elaatlolly in uimi required by the many new crea- tbni 10 enaure comfort infante and hildreni wear cannot be auflably made without the chain bilich to change the illicit wllh the standard rotary irom loci 10 chain you almply change the bobbin eat and bobbin or the ipldereailly done the standard hotarv hu proved tt upemortty and buppemeoy through ita art tlrullnmt proved it tov twentythr ymim vm have i ha eiialimlve aaenoy in aoton for thle world renowned standard hotarv mac111nu and under our economical way of etorelteeplng are able lo deliver one of thaw maohlnea lo your home at ihe lowwt poiilble price we are alas able to make naolal tai ms to ulfc your qonvnlenoe we want to invite eviry woman inter eiietf in tewing lo rail andlel ua derhonaiiaie ihe many apeclal advantagea that are to be ound only in vhe standard rotary sewing machine w gooper the tailor raajfskw ji cofwr mill nnd main qu aoton ont ilyl

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