Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 21, 1908, p. 4

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tlfukhday mav 21 lttlh thlfl vililactk tllaoksmitii under w rt uimuliiui uju tlio wjifnun wmltliy utiinilu tlia mnllli m nlliflity mini in lit now in mrnl ti inwot iltiiiiiniiu for irniiijtrrhlin intuitu milk- maguatoa nilt m lutlin iiihiiiw lanka new parts for miry known mix ohlnuj full atouk oil iiiitlti niiltltlt kollno and all tho muacloa of liu brawny aim ar alrong ua iron bund hie hair le orlap anil blank nnd lontf ills race la ilka tlielimi hla brow la wot with lionet nwcit lie earns wliatvrr liu ohm viilontiuliik ilvulluir iixliir of rtullutnr oluicli oyllmltir lior- inn inner utwffo trintmt tuitalias llrca jultory cells lirk lilijk coll and lift idolv if ivlioln world in tilt luce for li owes not anj ninn tolllng-rejolclnk- mh nwlnir onward ritrtwiili lir li if i koh rooming a na onto irntk luklii knob ovnlnif aa it cloao tlrwrntoovaiiul whnil rotund ml joctloiml and mint nntiinaf alutplmiinurnxlnjft roiwfraforntlli ator mud gilytlas atncvul com t ovsrllununtf atid uiijiiatintnt if every deaorlptlnn i on initirt duy and night irvuldiini tldnl limn to right imiiiiiii hclinnmmubp imtroiiaga of aiilniiinhlluib roup lnvlted- something nttomntod bo mo thing done ilea earned a night a mpngo anhoootal tommy riggbutor bonu klrkml my dog yesterday but i got on u li h him you bet johnny brlggs how p tommy flgg i mixed quitilno willi her face powder candidate yub aa lvo ulrcndy told you gentlemen you bpu buforo you n self made man voice from thn back iloltor lin put tba job out mlttort a woman on tin trnln entering grand zupida naked tlm conductor how long the care a topped nt union station lie replied t maditn wo atop just four minutes from two to two to two two tho woman ttrnod to lilr contpnn- ion and aaldi i wonder if ho thinks ie the whlitle on tho engine after flra wlllali recently oaourrud in south walee an aascasor feont in blu report to the insurancu corporation n portion ofwhloli ran aa follows t the junior partner informed mo that the ore woe causml by nn nrd lamp on the flrat floor i tho aonlnr partner told mo that the flro was oauaed by an incandescent light ou tho aaoond floor i hut in my opinion it wna oauaed by an leraollto in tlio tuuo- ment do not delay whon through de bilitated dlgoatwo organs polaon finds if way into tho blood the prima con sideration la to get tho poison out tin qulokly and thoroughly na possible delay may mean d urn tor parjnowa vegetable pllla will be found a moat valuable and tffocllve mnllolno to assail tha intruder with thoy novor fall they go at onco to tho eont of trouble and work a permnnont cure how to wih if young mondoblro siiccosb in life in tba purest and ttueat bciuo of tho term auooeea that auhnlnntea in n noble atulnleea life enduring oxitltlng and iniinortallxlng even after paualng pr the unseen it la certainly vory essential that their oharactora ho founded unwavering upon tho brand and enduring principles nf religion an unbeliever may iwoome a grant man without doubt if ha hue tho energy ambition and talent i but nn intellect of the hlghoat order muab ho bated upon curia tlnnlty tlioraexuta in the pretent age en many tmnptii- uone to lead tho young tho ponauro loving and the tlioughtloaa aatrny and auohan uttordlirogard of honesty virtue and truth among tnnny of our leading men that a wldo field of uae fulnaae la open to the honoat and up right inlieart why ahould not you young tned juat atopplng upon the arnaof ilfo bring your influence to bear with atrong band and a clear bead in the correction and punishment of many great evilfp will you do it p very many peraant die annually from cholera and klndied aummur oomplalnte who might have iwen oaved if proper remodlea hitd boon uaed if attaeked do not delay in getting a bottle of d j t kollogga dyaontury cordial the medicine that never falls to effect a cure tlioao who havo uaed it aay it aote promptly and thnrhughly ubduee the pain and duooae the uondor it la anld onn fnut 10 dayi the dutch are tho grcutowt nf nil ooffeedr1nker undertako dellberaloly but having begun pareevere wren wherei the wngo determines tint work the work neyer worth it could hot rool hbr bllae amellu woa vlaltlug rofntlvea hi one of the inrgu oltloa for thr flrat time liar exporlonoea intrreated hor o uiueb that aha wrote long lottora in her monde at home among nthore wa one in which who doaorlbfd hor vlalt to the bualiiee part of thu olty we went downtown to day alio wrote and ooualn wjilloin took ua to tba top of ou of the tall hulldlnga a man who haa an office in tho building went with u 4 thli country round her he aid whore tide populmieolty atandft waa under the lake once where we are aumllngp i aald ivm all thli under wler yea he aald thl wm all under water too thin k looked at tliu gravel on the roof and on the ipoati itf a mia other rorblcm fenomdh home lirterctliif iicltnona of foi- olfhra icngluli lav recently iiuu to light a nillflitn irntti of ucumrr foi idfctitocc writ os to u uhlmigo join mil- ut i hiiiiii gtt in yout city hi fuhiunry ami i think tho mxl tlum i nm in ohlmigo i uhnll fix tuyff a drinmi ghl who la milking kuil- tout progrcas in the litngungn for thn diinovalwnyehirtrn kngluh qulokly told her mutrcie how aba had llppd mid ftil ion on the eldewalk and hddcdi it ahamoe me vory hartl tn think i did fnll down juat na long aa i nm i a now yurk puperaftye thrtt iimal- clnn in floriuany wroto to it frlond rorihitly tn ncknowledgo thn gift of houiit niualfl t ijioh him rnrned to gniublo tho pluct t we ihttcii to iwlhlnk ue fit you wllvtuh tbakerrt loft imoo jfjttlo turn will douhtlflafi bocniuti a aclontlat alroudy lie iimm bgun fo see the oouueoflnn iwtwcon cnuap mid offoct lit wne looking anya the nmv yik tlinoa itt a drop of watn through th inlmoscopo iltrit and tlicrunnd ivory whero were darting anliimloulht now i know aald he wlwt tlg when thi kettle bolls its thosu little- buga pounewtlon prlnolqleoi plrut t whou wi utjduruku u till yuuraiinocrlpuuiui we give thmn out nudivlditd attention and iwwt cart the patlonte welfare la our flrat con- uldorathin bocand i wo guarantee our drugs u hoot full etrongth aa well aa pnro and fiali thlnl i our oubtomera am auppllw with just what thoyoak for t atitwtltut- lug u uovor allowed paimich cklbhy ouyihiund if you are a aufforcr from kldnny dlaoiuw llvor complaint blood troubloa rliouiuatlnm noiirolgla or nervous prostration wo confidently recom mend tho wbo of palnee colory com pound thle rollablo and never dis appointing mellclne le a true dloeoao banlahor and ayetem bulldor we supply tho genuine palnea celery compound at drown acton ont a little eomp la put into certain foi me of puff paate one trial of mother oravoe worm kxtennlnntnr will convince you mint it had no equal ne a worm medicine buy a bottle nnd aee if it dnoa not plihho you the placn ahould not honor the man hut tho tnati the place ageallnuw dont neglect a cough or cold it can iuvb dot onb result it leaves tjie timoat or lunoa ob both affected dr woods norway pine syrup is the medicine you need it la without on equal aa a remedy for cotigha colda dronohitla bora throat rain in the cheat aathma whooping cough quinsy and all affeotlone of the throat and iunga a single dose of dr woode norway pine syrup will atop the ooagh aoothe the throat and if the oough or oold boa be come eetlled on the luosa the healing properties of the norway pine tree wilt proelalm iti great virtue by promptly eradloatlng the bad effect and a panlit- nt oae of the reraedy oonnot foil to bring about a eons plate cure do not be humbuggod into buying en- ealled norway pine syrups bub be euro and inaufe on having dr wooda it la put up la a yellow wrapper three pine treee the trade mark and price 24 oto lira henry seabrook ilepwortb ont write i i havetued dr wooda norway pine syrup in our family for the poet throe yeare and x oonalder u the beat remedy known for the onre of cold lb bxa oared all my children and uyaeu wo often do more good by our aym pa thy than by our labor parrar to curb a oold in onb day tab till ii rouo- quinine tbut all druuuta ntaaa lb monay ii u falls t ft u worofaaalahaliireenaeb lloteeuu a good life la the readlaat way to procure good name wlilchoot oabtoitla the only wuy to get rid or your pott la to got a future out of it brook a tho improvement of a little time innkoa a gain in life whlchoot tho crown of wladom la blighter tliiin a monnroha diadem- gough fjyf put tft gravel kt preachers opinions iter p jp mollae parka doddeek 0 di i alwaya count it a pleasure to recommend the dr sloeum itemed lea to my parleblonara i bellevo there la nothing battel for throat and lung trouble or weakneae or rundown aya- torn per eneakera ooe throat i have found paycnina vttj boneflelal llev w ii btevena palaley oati faychlne aenmed juatiheatlmulautmy ayatem needed 1 ahall add tay teatlmonv aa to ha effieaey at every opportunity itev it m browne amherat ilead nb i have often reeomniended payohuw alnae taking it myaelf for it i a euro for the uoublee you apeolfy itov cbia stlrllag bath nbi i have uaad peyahlb fn my lamtlyi the reiulta were marreloua i have vlalted people who etate that ihey never ueed jt oqual i itrongly recommend u boy j s i wluon uafkdale oati i havo taken two bottle of paveklna and am pleased o eay that i am greatly improved n health 1 waa troubled with my throat bot now x and u about reatorea to ita normal eondlmon i flndmy work rry mtiab leea taxing x belief paychue la all clolraod for it thoee are earawi preoeherg pf the gospel of ptyohloa l kn6w -where- 8f they apeak parefihie curea all iroat wbgiwd otoiohtronbloa ii la a great ye oerimnftitqar acflag castoria ir tho kind von itava awny bonaxhc and which baa been in ua for ovor 00 year line borne tho iffnntnr of and lias boon modi under hla per aonnl niiporrlalon alnoe ita infancy allow no one to dceivo you in thl all ooiiuusrfblu imitation and jtiatgodnr bat xsiporlmonu that trifle xvlth nnd endanger tbo health of infanta and obudron isxporlonoo ngnlnat bxprlmont what is castoria jotorlrt im a t subi tltnut bw ooator oii pnr rorlc jlkropa mid hmthiiurbynip it la v4onnt it cmuitnlrih neither opium mophlne hoi ntlior nnrcotlc aubmtanoe iuago l 1u ttimrantce it deatroyai womiai and allay foverlahno it fiurc dlfirrbost and wind oplla xtrellovea toothing- iroiibldsvuro oonatlputlou t nnd flatulency it aaaltutlnlom oio fmnl kffulntiw tho t istoinaoli and lkowel plvlirt libaltbyand natural alop tho children ftonaeoatiio mother frleid genuine castoria alway8 1 boars tho signature of the kind you have always bought in use for over 30 years cliariaredby dominion government hblbliliihed 1804 the merchants bank or canada iibad onice iniereat added four ilmji a year praadant sm ii mohtaou allan montr ual 1 10 branchea vice 1reaideni johathan ilonoaov han general manager 1 i iirudkm capital paid up looooooooo papoaliaover 4100300000 surplua ioooooooo total aiula 5300000060 avings bank depotlts one dollar or uwardi will opan an account money vrilbdrawable any lime no delay rarmkr sale notes we hive apaelal faelllllaa for collecilnj thaae vve will caah them al once ii daalred at 1 low rale of interaal joint accounts- when requeated we will open account a in two nernea ao thai either one may draw ihe money huiband or wife etc aoton branch w s chisholm manager jacksons jacksons onr new byatem of ooeh buying and oaah solhntf buablei un to ofroryouthuweolc soma big bnap 10 dot mens black denlm overall with bib nlioahiocku to match regu lar sjo to gioo thlaweck 690 6 dox mono work shlrta strlptd qxfordu medium to dark shades regu- lar so 1065 thl week 430 0 doi mena work skiru ulnck drill with white stripes and spot regular 73 to 95c this weok v 90 so doi mens fourlniidml ties ij dos shield neck tlei 11 dox how ties all grand ipmllty hiiu now designs and rich coloring regular 35c this week a for ago do you net now wibii o select your spring underwear and hosiery while our lines are completo you know if yau come now you can choose from a larger line than if you come later wo wish to begin selling our spring underwear and hosiery early we are marking tho price nit these goods low se that we shall not have any to carry ovor whon thu selling season ik ptist these are the valuea can give you ladlea embroidered black cnsli mere hole bj 9 q and 10 regu lar 350 thu week aio ladles black caahmero hose ribbed er plain aliea 6 0 ol- aud 10 tegular 35 and 40 thfu week 95c ladles taffeta gloves now brown and tan shades regular 500 thin week 330 drkss goods specials black melroso cloth regular 9130 this week 93c crenm lustre fancy patterns regu lar 85c this wook 5fle satin fin uli prunella cloth regular 81 00 this week 730 striped crepeeii regular 85c this week 53c satin cloth regular 75c this week 480 paarl buttons doson so corset covor embroideries this week b5i patterns 170 3sc patterns 1 1 030 43cpnttorns 310 600 patterns 43c 5 inch silk ribbon best quality all colors regular asc thiaweek 190 4 inch silk ribbon regular aoo this week 100 3 inch silk ribbon regular 17c thla week 130 a big showing of lacee embroideries nnd dross trimmings atl at special fig ures j h jmckson ceohobtown milburns laxaliver pills are mthl sure and safe and areaperfeos regulator of the ayatem they gently nnlook the aeoretlani clear away all effete and waste matter from the eyeum and give tone and vitality to the whole inteallnal treat oaring constipa tion slok headaohe buiouanaaa dycpep- ale coated tongue ffoul breath jaun dloe heartburn and water broth mrs r ofldan woodatoek nb writeai my husband ami nvuolf have used mil- bums ixijvir 1llla for a number of years wa think we cannot do without ihetn they ore the only pllla we ever take imoe 88 oanta or five bottles for 9100 at all dealers or dlreot on receipt of prloe the t hilbura co umltedv toronto out wa would willingly have uthore per fect nnd yob amend not our own unit a and thuu it nppoarotli how seldom we wolgh our nolghbnr in the sido balance wlthouraelvea thonine a kompls castoria for inftsti ul ouurta the kind you him ah au beogbl btfftiture of pillliiitlplila ha tlm lonrmt tut ofuny olty in tho win id lux lb ll vw hilt mwft btltu thntio who awtili no glfta from ohanoe havo oonojuored fate itloher chirtltm tment le natural wfalthi luxury urtlnolal poverty boorateii no alcohol in itoatoohol or any tttber volalllo titatter wlilob would im pair strength by evapprathin does not hi nny obnpe enter into ihe ninufao- lurenfdrtuomiiaboleitrlpoll nor doe otlmatlo obnngm awoob it it is aa aarvloahla in tba arctlo circle m in tfca torrid zune porhapa tiiore uieful nlhe higher latltudee tf fcr rrtsh li mprv ufijnt to oolthwroiq ewpoeure replnonnti tlio dlsmppnlntmeiita of today often prove tho bleaalnga of tfl- mnrmw thomaa a kemple thore novor woe and novor will be a universal panhoea in oho rotundy for all ilia to whloh fleah la heir what would rellova ono ill in turn would aggravate the nthore we havo however in quinine wine when obtained in a sound unadulter- ritod state a remedy for many and grlevoue ilia by it gtwdual and judicious uae tho frailest eyetems ro lod into odnvaloaoenmahrl strength by tho inflnpmo whlali quinine exerts on naturee uwn reetonitlve it r llovoe thoaa to whom a chronic state of morbid deepondenoy and lack of interest in life la a dlaeeee and by tntnqulllslng the nerve dlapooee to sound and refreshing alep imparts vigor tothe notion of tho blood whlob iwlng atl mu is tod coarsen through the vein strengthening the healthy ami inal furiotlona of the ayatem thereby maklhl uotlvlty a nooeeeary remit strengthening the frame and g4vlog llfo to the dlgeatlve organs which naturally demand lnoreaa aubatanoe result improved appetite north- rop lyman of toronto have glvih to the publlo tbelr ayperior qnlnfno byuibopinlon aolentlai tbewlne approaobee nareat pexfeouoo oiaohoajino jruorjhv oasiar whenever mrs ivoka family show- ed even the fitlulel lgn of slllng ue always mtinl poutlmate for tlm fiinilly doctor who fnrllitmttdy fur all 01111 cernod lived within tlm aitiiim block thst contained hla umut nuxloua pjitrmi one night mr inioka aiiinll jndllli whose nppttlln wrtw mindly in tarnl- lent working order rnfinud tn oat hrr slipper mr ivoke nidtlinrly ftiire autre inalautly aroiuod thoro waw certainly somolhltig wrung with judllli the child hnd roconlly iwnn uiikiio- oeaafully vacnlnnted nnd waa in conao i linnet living in hourly terror of un dergoing a aocntid vh col nn ling impir lenor an mrs ivnk nonaldurfd it expimllaiil tohiuiiggl thu ilnuior into the hotiifl without fmitivariilng unt unfo glr well anld doctor urnwii cplir inghla a until parent and aonllng her op iih iuiui i linnr ymi didnt eiittiny aiiphir wiatif the tioillder ootildut rilmd judith why notr dmit kiiiw jtlat cmtldnt lidivt you a wi 1 11 any wlmre p doea you in n nolit t la yoilrtfiront aoro nuf then lot me aim your tongue hum nothing the inntlor wth that tonguu hud iinythlug to tut sluco liwin p yep siild judith brightening ut the remeinhrauaev wlpii foroksmplor well ndmlttpd the piitlnnt i amppl at kittlti pwgoe nfter school her mother waa having a party and kittle and i at all tbo ice cream and cake there was left til on f went to tbo church fulr with kittle and thoy gave ua dmighnuta after that wa met ftnaaln hake going with her uncle for hut ohocolato and we had that and soma nice tittle wafer bealdoa then i wont hmno with fjoaslo and ate five of the wnfflea that tholr cook waa making for enpper i guana thats nil except the banana that grandma gave me pollowino thb fueoipafl aaldollght onoharaourcoinoafroin a cooking school by the way of the new york tfinoa there are wonion snd the inatruot- or who whon tho realpe cntla for a toaapooriful of hot water will go to a teakettle and attempt to pour the water dlroetly into tho teaapoon prevent disorder at tho first symptom of intortm dlannlor parmo leoa vigetablo pllla ahould be resorted to immediately two nr tin 00 of thoao salutary pel lots taken bpforo going to bed followed by doaea of one or two plllf for two or throe nighta in sue- ceaalon will aarvo ua a preventive nf at took a of dyapopala and alt tho dis comforts which follow in tlio train of that fell dlsnrdnr the moans aro simple whon tho way la known whon two grow angry bo who la silent flrat la tho wlaer steele suffering women who find ufa m btutlm aaa bv budlfa sad atranath matored by toa um mllburns heart and nerve pills tba imimi lanarbtloa ef woman sod thta kav hwira lh unit lue of mlwry wjtb hint li li parrouiom sad pslolutlon wllb elhwi muk djaay aad falallna apelu while wllb ethart itwe la a kwwmi eollanaa of ua ayium ftfilburaa hurt and mv ihlia ion up tba aarvai itratiilbaa tba haul and mike u bast atrons sod raeulsr ataau haw d blood wr ttumlu aad iwdbrt that aaaaa ot buoyancy te lbs tfilrlu unl la tba mull raaawad nunul and pbyalas vlter lira d o deaetbua ortllla ont will mi per over m year i waa troubud with nartoiuk mm and bear twubla- i didd le alv buraa haul and karra mis a ihal and fi ottos five boiaa i found i waa eampuuly eurad i alwaya reeommeud ibam to my frlanda ptlm m eanlb par box or three boiaa far ii ell dr er tba t lfllbura 0 usalud f oreals oat it is our duty to preserve oheorfuh nose life 1mm its sunahlno and plea sures ita cheerful halgbtawhlchanyono may climb if to havo but courage nnd faith kondrlok feustbe ihlltiajv thrift floret ucsslln the comeano see sign think all you speak but speak not all yon think thoughts ure your own t your words aro 10 no mom deuny 8a alfnatoj n avanr box of tba faaulae axadve biwnooulnjae tsbute man line no lnrdehlp to command thooonsotenoe mihon hard and soft onrna cannot with stand ilollownya corn omvi it le vffeatual uvery time get a boltlu at nnoe and iw happy isvnrynna has blu place and vocation in thle earth gladatonv burdock r lood turns bad blood into rich red blood no other remedy possetae tucb perfect cleonslng- beallno and purl fylng proportioo externally heatf sores ulcere abioeueiand all eruptions internally restores tba stomach umn bowola and blood to healthy action if your appetite is poor your energy gone your ambition oat bbb will restore yotf to thi fuj o hanpy itt0rof approaobee nearest perfeouooof any lpvv p happy vvqrotf mttymmrkjrt ab dniothrt mil 1 jh bi- tiiim nlgn ih imiriiiflijoiitly ntlnrlird u thn front of mm iniiln itttllding ut uiu lydin imnklmnt movllcino company lynti mhmm- wlwt lon tiim hlun monn it nioniw unit publlo liiajpouinn of tho jjihomffiry and niouioflm of doing hmlnflw j lionomtlyth hitoii itmcnlm that tnoni in nothing ulnut tlio biw- inoflfl which iy ttt opon and ftlwvo- bortrd ifc ivinnnfi imt a jwrmnnrnl invita tion im uxtondod tn iiiiyonn ui como and verify nny nnd nil htotomonu madft in tuo tulvortlconmnlh of lydln- k mnkhnnih vigotnhngiiinotind ih it a purely voffatulilo compound mrulo from roouuiidhorlifl wltlu out dnigh coma nnd non do tlio womnn of amorlra rontlnw ally iihoob much of itiw wonro tol v com a nnd boo wtw lioro ovor surn ft portion nu iydla k rinklmm mid ih there nny mm rinkliftm now to whom oltk woman aro ankod to write v come and 8e is tho vast prlvftto cnrrctinondrnco wltli nick women roudiuttd by womon only and nro tlio loiters kept ntrlctly conudentliil p como and nee havo thoy icully got letters from ovor ono million ono hundred thousand womon correspondents v come and soo havo thoy proof that lydlri i plnkhams vom table cvnniiound im ouivd thoiuantla of those uonilii v couin and dec tills advortlsomont ih only fm doubtore tlio ffroat army of womci wbo know from tholr own personal experience tlmt no medielnu fn i in world oquftls iydla te plnkhams vogotohlo compound for femulo lib will ntlll go on using and being ln ofltod by tt hut tlio poor douttting bufforuip woman must for her owi sftkobotnughtconlldencofnrhhoolh might just afl well regain iter heultl jai kyxoisik of anad1an nojitiiwlsflt ikjmkotead htlaulattfone anv llliibrfc4 mollrit lf luial u iida in uxilbilo hubllim n4 aiuru meilibtnul fta ra immihi mar lmtllltlllmlmllmt ifvatiy lfmhi wia i ll fl haul ot m uniur ut any mil in to ilia tnl cf jii jiiuf iwllw rf l urm nibraorlwi tlia liowillr l rlr4 ut ttit o hdtlllllliiim oil i m 14 unwut hhth iii it iu tuhowiuu iti i al itul all iiiwill rt 4 tlllhwllllll til iii lau j in w1 yti fit l year u a tiotnmlifuf may if i r imlfx ti nun tliraulrwtfiuiiflhj t p tlth 14 rn fanulnu lar i riwnal n al jy i ho i iliaii luliiy m3 km in aual in 11 mi m j lit liomaalaad lnl wiimiiiu lit kr wll inl in uiu idlviifl 1 1 m ih falliai c taa tl ii u fait tt if iim1mi at a tiaitiklavw iim him1 liiw qm unillttm limit timr4 vttr uiim u0 la than llilr jnjj ir u uii if a vladillr nf ttia mm 14 m w hmunhri aiilmad to by 111 111 in lti vmlnlly mfibl lioin- ala4larmaypafarti iiim nwm ri4iia dullh by jltliib wltli tiijiai ormoiliwj 0 flialarim vlalnlly in dm iweiu1f a itarksrai lia u fliim u niaanlnu dai ilm tliau uln mllaa la a lur una lualv l ilia wlili u ot rotit allowan aro- n ida till iluni rrunk railway wlilla llfiwit wltfi iwraitu r on raniiluu uni owbmi by blunjliiimti nouly ibo aooui for ilia dulrjat of bubii intautloti st wniiltia notloa in wrlllntf alinul i a rlo lo iii wfii 111 union of poxilnlnii stmu al ottawa c liitaniloa a apply tot iwtatil w w couy ingulf tit tba ulnuuruf iliajfntarlor khunbtilliarli bumlaallon or rt ail varlhamini wilt tioi ba paid lor we want a reliable local salesman for aotoll and adjoining country to represent canadas greatest nurseries largest list of commercial and domes tic trui tillarge ami small 1 ornament al nnd nhatla tree floweriflfl ilirubs vidcii roues fine heed potatcs one ot our specialtjeu block tliat fa hardy cornea from us a permanent situation fer right man for wliom territory will rnil iay weakly free aiulprocot writ for particulars stone wellington ponthill nurwrlrt ftjoaeret toronto ontario- of pliable yet tough you miglit begin yotir ncqunlntnnce with storeys goods bj itulhting in a pnir of these ilorschide mitts theyre excellent cxaniplcn of how tough nud plinblt mltti may be made by our chrome process with the added sitisfnction of knowing they will not become stiff u hen scorched or bcaldcd dont forget to buy storeys aud thej 11 remember jou by wearing longiht nt all stores w h storey son limited acton i- is it footwear vou aro look irtg for if thats tlio case go to williams shoe store i carry a full lino or boots shoes rub- bors etc for pooplo of all ages and sizes fall and winter stock now ready for your inspection wm williams tb flho uin uiu btrmt anion paper makers anoxubtown out dooit n1cws anil ooroitko ialuith tnoitijataijcn excelsior bakery wo aro hoadquar- tors in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of first- class quality wo also carry a splendid stock oi grocories and con- lectioncry t statham a son iii btrmt aoton the old and reliable granite and marble dealers aoton hand laundry james wobstor ilvlug piirchaflcl tho lnnmlry builnviw al i ctavt dmlren to uollolt tlm oontln- ud pstronoff oftliainniiyoualonirwtto uava favoril tlio bullum with thlr ardent strlol mttnllom trill bo paid lo oareful fllllmgolall ortlm aotl tbo xosllnt ctam of work whloh hu rlwajr boeti turnm ont in tho put will bo oontlnsri v 7 mr ciyoi will rm wlihmoull land law aiilta 1n ordar ta eqit4 ilia ursaal aud iwl itoofi of draalta in tha immjnlan r wora tliaa aayliraa daafara la ttia waal wa ara lw ill mat daalara and aw- 1 laslllm ibddo u ploy no ajiabtf and do no i annoy or pall qua onisrs ur asndlng out lanorani asan ordara wa atuploy maeuaniea oulj y orpaakqua inia to aollofi ity aud dary hamilton sons cor norfolk swoolwlola bu ouhtifn hct0n li br v bus lino liblv acomorhblbil ohio all lltf mwwbuo00 am nd 0 10 j i com- t iafl i ik j ii iiiainm uha m in ii w the beilm item granite aid marble warts catfku uuauh fraprt ileiljiafasnjl 1 t i t ia mua- riri wrr irnr uri r l f krnv an afl inr millie gni8tery wort w ii kti ui fjciimtrcet acrf aifn aoton pump tile works o b eddaor proprietor our nr m r y juppj witli ill if o mininr y iniapjliancaa or rninufiu ir vuwpm m6 i t ump sajplitm tllm tcr wji cltfroi calwrtm isrraam iti a rtitiaz tocta mad rip huppljfj otitrt rr trjl y fll mm s7kut acton evertoh ihl eden mills tha dt ouallty 01 ivianitoba r rally and ratry flour for salo at lowest price our own malta chapping p na anj oau rolled avary day rd for caah for beat and oat henry hortop w- gibson painter paper hanger sign writer picturo cramer shopmill st acton op posite williams livery repairs promptly mado to furniture tinware etc no unnecessary delay knives ground scibsors sharpened courteous attention and reasonable prices w gimson w69deciravin4 photoengraving r tones or anv clam or cngravlnataanwbmsma purpose sifltalofiues haoazwcs c jljotjesenoi 00 years bxpbrirnoi mem iatsw twlahilisisltr avirylwwhillosfj mssxsltfk ly llrumciilvil by ua wv liny tqd 1w1 jn i tuntnal kw inviiriroi bjljwra dlathtedhwinm3 s fl fawk lfaaaaa 1w lftw jstjijr

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