Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 28, 1908, p. 2

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v al on uumlav villi may lo fafc it luililar ilnsaly monday uay cnxi iuialr amiur w kv mallu it rt haaatiawiya mi wadnaaday may i mi id mr nit u o uraam a daoatitar liihtrw iuardnia ftraaaanl aaton n uriioalitv butli uay lo ur iil lln v ii iirinr aifaiinliur umkii joiiuhtuui- auliiii uu al1aulilaroi wllllau julinatoua lubarlhib hc rtoit jfi cc sfi tiiuhhday may 2h bditorial not cm a uiblo tit op ilcli from fnifun mi tho kiiikj uppmnrhiiiu visit to i hi caar la whim thlohdimilknropa n pnllluiil v nl of irtu llrtiiiifltud uluiinlhkl hchilly ift inut 01 l ifynfftho iatnliluliuiiit of m triple cfntofitu width udl iiilltmu ili troiitft it liftff nulhiiiiil rtuilhlnuflutl over orknulcti it ulil iiiuik thiicmn phhlonof klii lmwoids prwit wmk lwmi fain ymm ik hh fcjk h chain df wui unnjnd uioki 11k- land hat ritoittd tlipuinioiiiictinuiitof tho rouiditf mooting with almost un- nitwit j tut is fact i on a rtcunt amendment to liu quubeo llcmieo liw prohibits license holdars miultft 11 penally oftaior nonth in jail from ensiling or ok changing oligiiiuii omployute ccrtilloatcs or t slips a prumlnont govornmont official whim scon by an ottawa clluen re run tut regarding the new clause stated in factory towns and elite ncli n law wau uicessnry in fact essential to thi fuuilllus and those depending on tho worklngmcn ho wont on tn show that in many casus factory man who won addicted to drink simply went to tin lmtol or saloon tho mlnutu that rln v ii i ilwd tin ir wages and utnyod hi t umi tlxli uiiuo wfli all spent h ii hi nun tnliiiont would iw moat kiiluini in tlu pinvlnca of ontario woll in acton for instance doxunsof tliu clucks j m id at the tanneries for wagon idiicti tho bmiki through tha i ciil hutclt tub bowliho ssmamon opknkd an itnjoyable koeai bjeuyke on aoton bowllnlt amii on vlotori day afternoon aoton bowling green wri imoued for tho reason on monday with a very civ joyabte game by local players tim now part of tha lawn which wai con atruoted two yar ago ii now in splon- did condition thla addition gives aaton a lawn which will accommodate eight or ton rlnka or slaty to eighty playore it is now ono of tho iwst lawns in tho province and will be high ly appreciated by v lilting teams ir is ox pooled tho tournament of tho con trul tlowllng association will bo hold hero next soasoi tho following were mondays scores vi hut uyik james monro- j ii kennedy john olhumia h miircliinunt ouo llynda i truuclu jou ilolmou a j mackinnon uklp ii7 skip 10 a k nloklln or ino lawunn w ii htowart i m ilunderaoit o iluyward ii p moora j mclntoih skip 1 skip 15 hiaon ivmk jam on mooro jno gltihona jos liolllloh geo ilynds ult i p a k nlckiln ii v mnorn i m ifonilenmn aklp j h kennedy it march inont a j muck in no n i irancls ib skip dr j lnwnon j mclntoih g hay ward 1 ski fwai p va tho llrst match with an ouuldo club will bo nlnyod with hiisholnie iload toronto on saturday nfturnonn next throu rlnku will piny to camp nlaawijun iflth orders liavo boon glvop fnr the flotli iteglmont unlton iii flea to proceed tn nlagain on tho 10th juno for twelve days instruatlon company l- aoton will drill at tho nrninry boro ovory tuasdiiy thurtdnynnd fcjatuihlny ovon ings until tho day of departure for camp hocrtilts desiring tnonllst will moot captain gmnhlo tharo on thaio avonlngt nosldvs tho ofllcnrs nnd non anmnilaslonod odlcors company v will have ih mon this yoar mr wtmnl moating mr it d wurron has been holding wall lit tended meetings at various points in tho county during tho punt wook ontuofiday bo was at ilronk- vlllo wodnosdny at oampltallvlllp thursday at kilbride friday nt noi on on tuonday of this wook be was at postvlllo i laut night nt laleriiio and tonight bo will hold his mnia mooting in tho town ball aoton tin meetings itnvo nil iwttm woll uttondod and full of intorost mr ii m mnwat and others will nddraas tho meeting horo this avonlng in mr wnrrons ho- half the ponplo of aoton nnd vloln ity will no doubt lie present in largo numbers to do nil posslblo honor to mr wnrron in his boyhoods homo and tn henr llto duoussinn of the ques tions of tho dny a b6imai aotonlansi addles itaferrlng to tho convention in con tieotlnn with tho forward movement in missions in tho ilaptlst church bald in toronto last week tho canadian nup tial says i tho closing nddrssos wu by nn honored oxonnndlnn who re oelved n warm woloomo from many who lind known lilm in earlier days rev charles a cook pd of bloom- field now joroy n former pastor of parllnmont st oliurah toronto now super n undent of ghrlstlnn steward ehlp anmng tbo baptuta of the united stato dr cook apnko in demonstra tion of the spirit nnd with power he ttnitnalfttod and snbstfintlatod tha prop osltlnn unit god is tliu ono nbtinluto ownor nf nil nnttci ll tbdigu in sjhihk- ingon tbositbjool thnhtownrdshlpof money ho lofonvd tn mniiyuiitiliig drthuiirinlsltlnniifpinpuily in wealth to nionetilmtf mtbo pcpfr admln- ist rati on of mnnyi and mineyglvng thai if fclmuld be on tln givnind of atawnnlslilp not of mvnuiltlp an far m ib relalpa to men tiiim ftvt visit of ift pooit in this capacity to the land j of tils birth and early mlu ui rr was a freat delight to nil and wo feel aura will be product in days to aomo of ajivonieaaurtji of profit and insplra- on a re proawoua the mtutar buth a tragic death ycstcrday dmu twt aldmt d- tfhur or wil liam j3hntuno umlartakvr dl frown cmrbolla a old- was in kxohttknt iibaltii ouo of tlin uidmt iniglmil duuiliu thut uvur took puoo in auion ocmirmd y lortliiy at noon wlinn alias llnssli tin oldnxi tlaiigliier nf win johnwtono uudnruker brtiitbd lift lout as the result of u doso of carbollu acid taken about un hour ihfoiw tho fiicts surroiiiidllng tho sad oveut are shioudod in mystery and seoin to bo boyoud ixplauntlon miss john ston o win about the bouso as usual yiisttrdiiy uioi uliig nnd iippoarod to w in tliu hmi of lienllh und spirits about too dvlockuho cam down town oil nil uu and for her uiutbert called upuu in i bohum frltiul miss jrfan ilynds i iuud if sbu would btf up in tliu ufturnoon and chun called at the h1 upltco fur tho mull c tlw street sin wont to ii row its driifhtoi und purclmsaa two oimilus of catbullo iicld from air hurry frunkmu tlio clerk yho carefully labelled it curbollc acid und nilded tliu rod pulstiu lube hhv tlirh proceeded boiile to6k a wrpuuo bur i n other und wynt upstklrs to her room tho carbolic acid was purud ififu a tou cup and slm drank nsailytno whole of it and then laid down upon bor bod in about half an hour jior mothnrlmdocoasion u go up stairs wboro shu found the poor girl lying unoansciniii hho was alone in the house mid run to tho doof and sent a messenger for air johnstone anddrs ault and gray who were promptly on band and administered the customary antidotes but without avail hho was already beyond human aid no cause is assigned for tho unfortunate act miss johnstono was in bar eighteenth ysar very popular with the young iwoplo in town nnd dearly loved in this esteemed homo the terribly sad event has boon an overwhelming sorrow to tho bereft parents nnd family they havo tho deepest sympathy or nil the funeral will take place tomor row afternoon at three oclock hassaoawidya tho pic nlo of nussagawoya town ahlp held at ilrookvllle on victoria day was n merry ovont for tho widely- gathered crowd in attendance a good numlwr of actanltes wore in ovl- donco tho baseball matchos lidon mills 12 nrodkvllle 2 1 and arkel 8 llockwnud l wore two very entertain- intf and interesting contests the ilockwnnd pitcher deserves special uantion i ho was the heart of that teams play but bo was fighting a bard uiomy favorable remarks wore made by tho onlookers ro the absolute ab sence of profanity on tho grounds dancing was conducted in tho avonlng under tho managomont of oapt chas gambia latton womans insrritutbj annual maatlntf at tha homa nt tha waalilant kfra or bannatt o aj rjra to w tt rim itiidinil mi tillngoftbu lniortilit ngkiilution of l tin indie of tbu tminly wan linlil in oeorgotowu on tuesday ifternonn mid with cliarartnristlo lu- pltallly tb bomn oftlionnergstlo iirsl- dimit airs or r h ilnnett was thrown open for the gathering tho attendance was very gratifying but would no doubt have been larger but for the rain which prnvnlltd all forenoon mrs dennett who by the way has iwen president for the past three years gavtt an interesting resume of the work of tha institute in ilalton spoke nf the pleasure it had given her in visit the vai ions branches and learn of the im portant work limy aje doing and thanked all concerned for the courtesy and kludness ey tended tocher heporlb from the branch worn five i by digiilts4fmm iliirllngtou lallliihfad morval acton nutlgeorgri- tuwn the most thriving braucb in hie county is that of durllfngtoti which has a membership of about iqp has pur chased a piano for the mo of ho tnsli tute and is now aiming at securing a eat of dishes for mo at the meetings the election of officers concluded tho business of the afternoon there was evidently a lack of etplrunts mrs l p moore was nominated for president and mrs goo ifavlll vice president doth these ladles declined feeling that the time at their disposal would not permit a eatlsfaotoiy fulfilment of the duties the flections were therefore deferred for the present during the afternoon miss maggie mcdonald rendered a recitation no bodys child and miss maw sang little girl good night at the close of the proceedings the delegates wore entertained to a dainty luncheon served by the young ladles present acton branch was represented by mrs goo luvlll president mrs spencer nusbaru vice pros t mrs n v monro secretary and mrs ii p moore another quelph team ohejleiurea hales darker guolph writes tha fiikk phiuiu a team from guelph would like to arrange a game of liosa ball in acton for soma saturday after- noon for further information writo to hut iihnvo at m park ave guelph out pootball mateh on monday tho scots football team of guelph camu to town on victoria day for a match with aoton actons regular players were out of town and a scrub team was picked up to accommodate the visiters the result was 7 to 1 in favor nf guelph two baolunsr djuuj ball natehm on saturday the isiixaboth st juniors of ouelph and tho aoton juniors played an oxoltlng base ball match which lusted for twelve innings the score being 11 10 in favor of acton tho aoton team was superior to tha guelph team throughout tho game ml played fast ball excepting in the fourth innings when gilelph scored llvo runs plant pitched good hall throughout the wliolo game especially during the last three innings whon no quelph man got past first base hat- terioai guolpli toiinsy and fioh- ntiskyt aoton plant and ramshnw on victoria day tho actnn team wont to dramptnn to play against the jun ior team of that town and were do fonted by n score of 110 although the score wan ono sided the game was vory exciting tim gnme would cor- tnlnly hnvn boon won by actbn but for tho partiality of tlm umpire to- word tho homo team lie wis vary erratic tn his decisions always favor ing tho hnmu team the aoton boy are highly pleased however with tin mnnnot in which tho lira inp ton lioya treated them and hope in the near future to bo nblo tn roturn tho com- pllmont aoton baeer ball olub tho aaton base dull club appolntod tho following for tho officers of their olub for tho season nf looflt hon prosjnhn clarke presldunt a j aiokinnon vice pros ii s ilolmos sootytroas bd ryder managing com m mcdonald f mofntosh nnd g ilynds jr umpires ii joans w j gould and n patterson scorer dl j ala nubb tho sohediilo fnr the unlton peel loaguo was formed in george town nt tliu clark house last satur day afternoon may silrd delegates present r from milton m m telford i nmmptnn w o carson aaton ic rydort georgetown w m mckay nnd g wrlgglosworth the follow ing are tha dates on which- tho teams are to piny t juno q aoton nt georgetown drnmpton at milton juno illmilton nt aoton george town at brampton jiino0aatonnt brampton milton ajj georgetown juno 37 ihamptnn nt aoton july i aaton nt milton brampton nt georgetown july ibqooigelown nt acton mil ton nt brniiipinn july 2rtalllton til anion brampton at giiingotuwn aug 1 aaliiti nt georgetown binmptui at milton aug fl georgetown lit aotun milton at biiuujitou aug ifiaaton at milton george- town nt brampton aiig 22 milton nt georgetown brampton at aoton aug 80 actbn at brampton georgetown at milton a latioi- frtim tha spafdlng co waa i read kl the meeting stating that they i would present it pennant to thlsleagtta bmow mr pnoor that la what hyonial will do in all forma of catarvk and trouble off tha braathlnar orarana its iot a quostlon of ilyomel having cured some ono else but will it resell your own particular ease if its cold in the hood catarrh bronchitis pneu monia croup or any affection of tho breathing organs a t brown says yen and will refund the money if it falls no other preparation for the same pur pose can successfully do this because the ilyomel system of treat uiont is different from anything else you simply breathe and inhale its medication in dry air form which destroya tho germ life that catisea op pressed breathing nasal catarrh throat irritation and lung troubles it brings to theso suffering organs the balsam lidon air they would got in the pine and eucalyptus forests tha air that stampa out bronchial troubles tho prince of entertainers marshal p wilder says i ilyomel le easy to use and awlft to cure it insures against coughs and colda it gives you pure air aud kills tho germ of disease it helps tho voice uyomel oomplote outfit 9100 aiiejnhw population 1807 the recent housotohouse canvass by 280 workers from tho city ohurchoe for sunday school purposes showed the population to be 12047 and the church preferences given us follows t motbodlsta juab i presbyterians 0154 t church of england 2228 1 roman catholics 2005 1 baptists 003 1 oongro- gatlunallstaflooi julians u00 luther ans 2i8t dlielples 103 1 salvation army 100 1 ohwstadelphlims 12d i ply mouth brethren tj christian scien tists 29 hebrews 81 1 greeks 4 frionds hi seventh day advents swiss and unitarians 2 each spirit- unllsts 1 1 no preference 200 rkcipbj roa rheumatism dlreeuena to prepare mlrapla yet remarkable homa mlatur there is so much rheumatism here in our neighborhood now that the fol lowing advice by an eminent authority who wrltoa for reudora of a large hasten dully paprr will ba highly ap preciated by those who suffer i got from any good pharmacy ono half nimoa fluid kxtraot dandollon ono unoo compound kurgan three onncos of oompoutid syrup suranpa- rllla sbako these woll in a bottlo aud take in teaspoon f id doses after each moalandatbodtlraei also drink plenty of good water it is olatmod that thero are few vic tims of this dread and tortuous dls- euau who will fall to find ready relief in this slmplo home made mixture and in most oases permanent euro la tho result this simple reolpo is said to strength en and cleanse the ellmlnatlve tissues of tho kidneys so that they can filter und strain front tlio hlood and system the poisons aoldu and wuste matter which causa not only rheumatism but numerous other diseases every man or woman here who feels that their kidneys uro not healthy and active or who suffers from any in inary trouble whatever should not hesitate to make up this mixture us it hi certain to do inuoh good and may save you from much misery nnd suffering after nwhlls our horn druggists lay they will either supply tha ingredlenu or njlx the prescription ready to take if our reader aek them the township council byleiw oommuunff statute labor -sk- y brat- murray olmk appoimtsjid ktmieslng township couiiall sat in rrgulsr kmiion last wk tkw iteev in the chair all the nis mbera preaanu lllngbani cook that robert krwln bo paid the sum nf 0 for erect lag fences on lot 20 con 0 and filling in washout on htu line that w i dick be paid t2 for advice to compel acton tannery tn abate nuisance of fouling the suroum carried thompson alulllu that the treas urer pay the following accounts g 11 thompson balanco of salary mm asvessor suo j a trauy raut for c unci chamber w j a truey e penses ro m butler to guelph si t j a tiacy canadian kxprem cmii- pany lt5o t c brewer hoard of m hitler fit dr iiilott examination or chas klrkiitrlct t 00 carried bingham cook i bat flcorge mlno be appointed to mil the road grnder lo nortlieeotlou of township this yrar varrlrd mullln thompstm that the treas on r pay hie following siiiiisi the munioiuil woild slo t assessment hull ii7lt ii p miiiv smallpox plucards 7m curii d cook illrigham that tho npunt- incut of chas g murray us clark of tho tow iiili i p of kloslijt as set forth in tho ngreemetit mndo by j a tracy dated this elghleonlli day nf muy ba und tho same is hereby con firmed and the seal of the corporation be attached thereto carried bingham conk that the by law to re arrange the road dlvulons com mute tho statu to lalior affected by tho good roads bylaw of the county of ilalton and lo repeal bylaw no goo of the township of kiquealng com muting the statute laltor in t lis villages of olonwllllams norvnl llmehouso nnd stewarttown bo rend the rtmid and third times and passed curried cook mullln that tho following sheep claims bo paid mng two thlrdi value of sheep killed by dogs the ownors of which are unknown i d s mcdonald 1 shoep 0 r s hender son b sheep 2 lamb s3 thomas moffat 1 sheep 80 ftcarrled mullht cook that when this coun all adjourns it stnnde adjourned until friday tho fifth of june to moot ns court of revision and transaction of other business carrlod the council then adjourned onbwronr oonhbraj tho holiday passed off vory quietly here a few went to broqkvllle but tho majority stayed at home or went fishing tho farmers ate busy preparing their corn and root ground miss jennie crewson of toronto was a welcome visitor to her home dur ing tho holidays mr win nollla and little son or guelph spent the holidays at mrs wni nellls mr and mrs win miliar and mr and mrs wm laird of acton spent tho holiday at mr jaa gambles mr aud mrs n mclaughlin of knntohbull spent the lth nt mr m crewsons allsa annlo duff la visiting friends in nassagaweya mr robert g blown of hsspeler spent tho holiday with air w lamb aud other friends brrribjh- oaha0ian buallmium coll bob toronto iu diploma cannt take uuouw m eu for o meuuis sloby njsll auistr sy dy addr bunbobidud bt ca lfl30mi thb wbllinoton mutual inruranob company bsubllshad 1840 heart offlee audlph ont vmhuhakoaeocmhsriit uutust plsa any 1 lusuranas required will b promptly ntubcf- w dbmnv anl vooms fft aetoa vha tin inn i hnilsna st alums ghorcli aiv we do what we say afmaiaammmmmmaammbimmmmamhaaamwaaiwmamafaaahm one cent brings it furnace 7 xlkni bow ccffttt pdncirls ty ii ctwdt would- youuketorcadthestory of iltoulj ba so fit true 1 1 jutf why no oisef pi in of con- unutkm will do juu wbrsin lies iii abilny to be suy en fuel ojuick in scuon umple in epwsllent the story if brisfly i old in a lull boallai csllsu poriuce facif noi an adver luenunl no furnace rums ii mniionf ayoocanrtadihsvvkoisuofyinsminoist to the pirtyeeniefficuiing purchsilns a furnice ii poiniiouilks maaj and pufalli und ihowi auacily what lo dmnd of an schl iscf eomrador ordaaltf in furnaca cotulmciion and imiallalion vancouver bt john n ft hauiltoh 0 caloary m zenouum dip and disenfegtant kills lice on cattle and hogs and ticks on sheep cures mange on cattle and sheep destroys parasites and germs of all kinds is tho best disenfcctant known provents disease ask us more about zenoleum e a robertson aoton druggist stationer optician the palaee drug store learn dressmaking in a week imoh how la out at end mil tomlhar ear wit ahlr wu in svary taaoh tio manl rorn tiwtl tbuorala drtu you dont ney unt sr llirauahsnd parfwlly mtiilu thli et oourm in canada hat tha whou hmt a by onamambfcr taking it up wa n in hualnau fnr tn vaara and tauiht ovar 7000 and suarantm to slv to anynna liatwoan tlu ihi el 14 and 0 sannot laarn uawnraoflmluiitwiaimarauuua en tui baffi vruiwn tn copy bur adva end svaai alalmad wharo thay ware net known l bs the lira wu saodam lnvaater sod ifta surprise canadian hand laundry bwejsa chas suey proprietor to mv patboks i have now a wonderful new method of doink laundry work of alt kinds work is well finished and no injury or damage done to the finest goods shirts collars cuffs veals my specially collars ironed so as not lo be broken in lbs wins and finished so they will not hurt ibe neck work for both ladles and nntleman executed wllh promptness and nilre satis faction and equal to the best the cities can produce ciiasbuby the old cltltsn aoton willow street rear of handsrson a co good clothing made to order represents good olothaj oood lining good workmanahlp correct btyiea artuua outtlnsf ipenaet nt all tlteae dualities combined with clnuo prices for cash lit jr e nelsons 93 wyndham st quelph variety our store oflsra you hie mon eslenilve thawing of mona and bov shirts our drind the w c r- bhirt0 ara spiclslly smart and full of character erncily soiled lo men who uie bood laite in their selec tion aiu lo see hie w q evr coatbhirt gte j ysrallace mens outfitter mill street acton old iron rags and rubber sairntgd good prices paid second liaan stoves and repairs for farm machinery supplied morris 9axi boxjo acton ont holloway iwui now the first class imported clydesdale stallion will msks lbs season of 1000 as follows i thursday ida llui lie will leave his owi stadia tot v rui llnu llrin al m nne o aleak prooaoj to ilia camu uousa aaarastowo am remain over nlalit day will i renisluovsmlalit llaiurdsy will laava in tits forsnoen itmndlni tlio noon unur aoroat and home tor nlsht rniai tolnauraalli payable ml uauaisis and efllmtoh kodkk everything in kodaks cameras and supplies always in stock fresh practical instructions are given to all learners with- out charga fiw oouiinllllgn lot tho gentle breeze of summer wait your w vs gooper to me tho heat of tho summer is at hand be ready with clothing tojiintch a light summer suit or perhaps a pair of trousors would fill the bill and fit you out heason- ly call and see us thetaiiior agent for the standard rotary bowing machine mill st acton aoton hand laundry james webster having purchased the laundry buslnesh of i clave desires to solicit the contin ued- patronage of tho many customsr who bnvo favored the business with their orilorw strict attention wql be paid to careful fl iii hjjo fall orders anil the excellent claim of work which has always boertjiirued out in tlio past will ba continued jambs wbdster mill street acton ueaiatbilhd glydcsdalo stallion king edward 6b ov matiliei i iii rudjgrbb biro ooraawalla flrandioi lltnsloader o o uram irliioaol waist stm dm ntlllafyarodju flflu alrad b j obi rtawtlltarandion ami oraud dire mil hire ln of kalvln jafty bill hire sunday mini sunday cicnlnh i lraacliir krv ci lornby illu obtrtidtinrnto p l cociii an ml fltiri tail lnaalal in lila ikiw cor liaio miml jotu tiumt mupiiii lualnh outai i inn u i l ulwfad dlfltm of kanlua illolkim joll hale anuutlku l ililt ii 1 iloalllcs hot or u vi r ui ihuluulaia apply to wh litnv iouiki kucyclophlia lliitftiulca at antat nanoaiu rihu kuefbloplu iiiiibiiiidb t x iii vnlunisa iii nmdam ton i aold lor aold far i alaijxuo lilo hinule aat men will i a staal ji lor ilia tl ulloahoumor sin no i vuanoim caih of thanks pllli pmlalljim in icljalf fcf liaraalf aud m laiully ilialrai lo ipraa ihlr iluuara i bail if in ilia many f leu ja aut mliililioia wto mlnlsuraa lo liar tale liutl ami rluniiia lila lout idnaca and wlio silasctixl iliilr unitm ajlitp- lltiaa wliatf lia iutl away ilila aiul ilia bind allabtlnn and prraaiicmtdl ilia uiaultiait ol uia maaotlla onlar wt uiurli arprailara i klllm i10iiuktacinkw acton usy luril iwf 1aiu a summer session for teachers and otharaj durlnar july and a usual tins opan tlirriiiilioiil ilia iu hi mar anil many alu lama nidar al tlila lima wa liava a oraalar tllandanca tlili yur ititn afar iiufiiro irailualaa raajlly aaaura am ploy urn nl writ levday for luinlioma caialntiua it a lo aliand lliabml w j ttmott i rlnolpal coruor oihj tnj alaianjar uia niaoaita oasip lflob tuesdayunk 10th nouoe la hereby alven that the both reatlmant lome hltlaai baa baen or- derad to oamp at nlajrar on june 10 por 12 days instruction all olhctrt non oomiulmlonad nueart and llilrty nine mau ol company v will iarade al ibesrniourlm aoton al elnlil o oloek on the dioriiinu or ilia lllli j una iui oouirny v botli uoniniiiiil drill avary tuts day tlinraday ami haturday tvtolns al the drill tliad rulisi ilaorulis daaltliib to anllit aro rflauaatad 10 do so al onoa auuranom ar ntvau dial tlia ratlout tlila yasr will ba iui all luipiaved and tust ultra will lis an luuraaaa lu ay oharlkb s oahdle captain commamliufl company f dolu numsnl ijornalllilm ood bav1j tilt kino i tha 94000 thoro ored stallion tragedian will aland at ma own i parmjtown llnr namtitv luhbhnavanil fill4v uuhday tiiuiihiuv and hatuitdat dominion uoun uuiw wkui 6n 1 he will lie al i aalou dlhcii1ption trasadlan la mia of ilia inuareii ikouhtt and lianttaomaat linlil liloo i ttalllnualn canada mr kaasrim ol wattrloe ono of lua baal hrtadara of llslit lioraat in llila oounuy aaya r 1 fliiblil trasaillau in hit utatta and paid loaoal forhlni wlian nnly out yor old ha iirevad biniialf a uoiail raoo liort snd ouatil to lie a flrtlolaia lmrta lo braid from anil sa flrateutalialfbraada ttasattuii liaa liann but tlitte ittn lu tba atud aud list iirovfd lilmulf an tilra mit foal sttiar the latest riort ilicwi a lindae of bbtoo in uia vlallila lutnily ol hnriai for ramounu in the ilrlllali array flila oliu alwaya lihnaa big tdiiuh hlnslt aarvlea sum tayatiloat lima of tar- viae i aaaton inaret in nil iai ulilo 1st julr 1uh i lo lnaura 1000 iianhblt lit kauruaiy luou inaurad marea muat tm raliirnad rasularly le ilia horaa or ihty will lin clumpd i aaton inaraa rartladliioalnaof lliair inaraa barare foallus lima j- not at rlak of owntra ol mttm i a ir bllvarflirlii farm lotui rara i in all aoeldeati oublph jjuslqcss poucflc afaaodio lltuote upper xvyuilbnta bt gnvlpti oaf gousual goifvcrsatloi ii ofttn ilfliiinoani and imtnxiilv way tuunn rooaiitly two jouiia niai follows i wlist ars jou ilolim now at a rail- at a n imwa i u hi- rt aik ti iandlnsuit oublph dusinuss colleob tliatatlulitl i liava two lirqllitrp iradusltt of rrinoliial uiounrmaoba cltittt otis is tarnlna tlxtatn liumlro l dollars a vtar and as- ptiihta aiaooiiiniaralallrarellnr iliuouiarliai ariua voiliioti in tlio lioml oillaa of the tarns firm this famous institution it continually iiraparlnu ami imtuus lu the way nl tuooaia ambitious youim man and woman out of lit uriahs yonna wouioii for akabiple hnilnat- m maocortmiokra prlnolpal spring stock of foottszsrear unusually attractivb oborob stowbl has his spring stock now completed and is satisfied ho can delight all customers his nobby new lines of this aprjng a tans patents and fancy footwear surpasses all previous seasons the daintiest kinds of new spring goods lor ladies and children splendid heavy solid stock or farm and hoavy work also good stock of his own maku wees always right here repaying awd special ordem promptly attonded to acton geo- description klnn rdwsrd it a baiuttful ilatay bluk willi botli lilud leas white aud strip on faea lis u a lions with ultntjr of tlst tlaudlng iu bauds blub hsliuroodolaau flat bout with rlsqi of fliiatlliiy iialr and lias the better feel lletiaia knod dliivitlilqii aud displays sty la ana aollon baaliubuay lit won ltl al tba ksqasslua and bad al his halion oouitty hrtb bliowt thumb to insure foal p payable 1st fab luo pr- tons iluunslna of diarae baore foaliaa lima miiil pay iniuranae wnatbay in real of not all socldaiita tomaraset rukofowntrs nhlioiitiiba lropiu6r hpoyslitr 1 o v sfl7 kcton pringlaess gueiont mill-st- acton- bus lin6 the undafslfrned respeclfully sollolis lbs patronage ol he pub- ho and informs itiem that wall btmlnned sind mpluh ntarsi can always be secured at ms tables acomtortable bus meets all trains between 1000 am sod flio p m careful attention given to every order tha wants of cow meroldl travellers faly met john anziluinms i wall paper our igos stock better vnluos than over shown before papers from sc per roll to 75c borders samo prico per roll as wall iliy st acton

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