Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 28, 1908, p. 3

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wall papers window hiiaimcs curtain 1oiiks i tine e bail lii cull in end se our new tlal in whii piper from 30 ptr rait uarclr txma price s wall gbo mill street hynds acton kljc ttvn jfrec jbs thuhsijay brief local items the election in ton day 1 iiim h blossom tluiu indeed next monday virst of juno aflb blossonpi are hero nglir th vagrant lilac ere blooming awlniinlk nnd liontlng are favor ite pastimes iignln luelph will 1 hi imi ttt000 to make it old home week n success won there ovut such a wealth uf blossoms hucli if promise of fruit the vic tor lit ibiy holiday- on moil dsy brought numerous visitors to town thnfrwiuimt tains ilurlntf hie past month will no doubt rcault n a boun tlful hay crop patriotic sermons mid by nine characterised tin hoi vices in tho churches generally inst huudjiy tho ladle aid of knox church intend holding tholr nnnunl garden party on monday a von inn 15th june dr a vilxqrt the conservative rand id at was in town on victoria day shaking hands with tho elector itov matthew wllion m a of bt albana and itov clowes noxon hector of hornby will exchange on hunday rev a l hurch prusbytorlan and rev jojin lennox baptist of orangevllli have resigned their charges the old time potato plnnllng on on the 21th of may prevailed uiual on many farm nnd in tho liomo gardens 1 acton company of the 20th ueghnont will boron ft or bo known company v instead of no 0 ne formerly ksquealngunday school conven tion at ihlunafnd tomorrow afternoon nil evening all workers will be welcomed vieltori aro freely compientlng on actons beauty tho lino hornet well kept lawne and tidy it root call forth this expression milton u making a big bid for the location of manufaoturere there a wide awake committee of oltliem have the matter in hand georgetowns mlnetrol company will give their big allow in tho town ball next monday evening plan of hall at orowne drug htore lost a ladlce black broadcloth short coat on hitlurday in acton or near the town kinder will oblige by leaving at the khru piikhh office it g drown houpolsr la thinking of taking overt ho lieardmore chop- ping mill karniore would appreciate e prompt settlement of tho matter ue worth while having a canadian wlntoi to iiilvo it followed by eneli a glorious dliplny or blossoms foliage and greenswaid as now obtalne every where the georgetown lawn howling olub have decided to open their green to day when a match hotwcoit the president nnd vice president will be played dr j pooghhin uontlut guelph invitee hie aotou friends to call and see lilm in hie fluo new purlnts over the guolph nnd ontario havings co ouelph john hosann proprloler of the victoria hotel guolph while lotting fi off a duplay of firework on monday night had liu hande very severely burned tho detere of st josephs hospital guelph doelro ta thank their many friends in actbn for tholr liberal flnan- elal support dining tholr annual can vass lait week tho plumbers uf guolph chain plane of the league or hhr7 wilt play the acton seniors it gamo of iwuebhll in the park hare on saturday after- noon at u oclock the fiibb phwmm hue iteeu invited to attend tho conservatory grad uating recital of miss haxel isinond mann thte evening at the annex hall battle creek mloh the ouelph hovers football team will play acton a league game in the park here thli evening nt eeven oclock acton will play tho hoots in guolph tomorrow evening for sale a pair of lawn bowlers white ahoee with improved rubber soles almost as food us new elite 0 eoab 9210 will bo sold for 9100 apply khuh pukum office rev g v darker leaves for the anntml conference to he hold in ham- llton on tuesday or next week meters j h oolonian and ii p moore are tho lay delegates from aotan it lookod rather suspicious tn see four drtinuan man leave one of the hotels on sunday evening and drive out into kaaiagawoyn of course they bought their liquor on saturday before seven p tn mr s r brandon g t ii agent here has pivrohaiod tho laqd on which the old kirk ohuioli etood but which was removed eoiuo thno ugo nnd will reot thereon a lino bilok residence the foundations farwhloh has been dug reformer a bylaw was voted on at oakvllle on monday of inst week for tswooo to erect n high tohool building and car tied by a majority of 100 plniis and specifications are ready the alts pur- abased and tho building will be proceede with at ouoo babmnapad the sunday sohool coo vent ion to be hbld here tonmrrow li being lookod forward tn with keen htterest the balllnafad people will not inok in their usual hoipltnbly a meeting of ilalton womans instl- tutewlll be held in tho temperance ball here on the utb june ml qovenlock brsaauofviiwnmiuiieyriohooland r fv blw jjtprlonoeddoaouo by wrt news op local import nt oonrinr to acton ltv a o whuoii win wum tn fin ly tendered iirhtnlnioim cell in acton and georgetown luptlut churchcr linn accepted a chii k victoria out ml will utile there at ones cmptre dy mt the mehoole xmui krldey was loyally olttervrd lie empire day in he tchoole hero a programme of pelrlotlc songmniid rucl- utlone waecarrlhl nut and the eplrjt of the day was well amphaslxod truatee krancle vulted encb or tbr d pertnients and delivered nddreeiei on petrlotlem ta the echolure the ci u bene lmud seenede as has iteen cuitoinnry for a uiiuilwr of years acton citlxeiik ii mil undrr lbs lesdenhlp of mr c w manor uahrrod in tbd victoria day holldny with a general sereuado iurly in the jnornlng laey eeenibled at tho poet ooice and played at various promliliint points between tho o x- u station and main street the citizens and vleltors klwsys appreciate tide loyal serenade took m tewuito mfett to do il a new rope was put into the msg staff at tlto public school tower last friday afternoon by mr alex h watson of toronto who vrnu vultiug his brother in law mr honry clrln- dell it was a difficult piece of biul nes andreqhlred the kill nnd uervit of steepiejack to kccoinplkuu tho former rope bad only been in n few months it was cut down by n pair of smsrt alecs lnab ilalowoen tlie prank cost the town a k the lp vms club at liome the at home given by the voting ladles leap year club in the town usll last thursday evening wne well attended fend is reported to have been very ntijoyable a preliminary pro gramme of ilx or eight mi mix re wne rendered by miss uortlo johnstone mies inmsn and miss rome or ouelph nnd messrs harry jeans and w stark mrs ed uyder mis john mckaohern and mrs ilorbert pickard were tlie pstrouseses of the afftilr impyovtmr the oounetl chamber the embossed metal for the celling and walls of the council clismher arrived last week and contractor wbl to is now putting it on itepalre to celling and walls wero found to be necessary and chairman williams decided that this important room of tho hall was worthy of iwlng well done the plaster was therefore nil removed and metallic material of obits to designs are replacing it whan this and the woodwork of the chamber are painted tho room will be very hand some and beflttlnfir tho august assem blages so frequently held thure the ttswot ftlbls mature mr w k dyer of toronto tho general manager for canada of the american tlssot society exhibited with splendid effect 120 inn torn vlowe of old and new testament subjects in the methodist church lust wednos day evening under tho ausplcre of the ladles aid society this collodion le a reproduction of some of the inng- nlfloent paintings by j jamas tiusnt the worlds greatest dlblc artist till le the largest and most complete selec tions of tlssot colored plates ownud in canada and they are tho mnstoxcellunt obtainable mr dyers lecture tn very lucid nnd interesting traaia death or mis jeaaje oray one of tho ihrio persons who inst their lives in the disastrous fire which destroyed the queens hotel nttllson- burg lust wednesday was miss jess in gray milliner of stnyner who imd many friends in acton miss gray was for several seasons bend nillllnor of messrs henderson it co nnd dur ing her stay in acton formed ninny warm friendships miss gray was in stantly killed she whs fnixcd by tlio flames to jump from tho third stm y of the hotel and in falling her skull wne fractured miss gray narrowly men p ed drawing in hamilton hay a oouplo years ego when the boat in which slio and her companion wore sailing wne cnpslsed the young man was drowned but miss gray was rescued much sympathy is felt lioro for tho bereft parents vlatorta day and qussns weather for more than half a century tho 21th of may has been tho favorite summer time holiday of tho year it come at a time when all nnturo is stirring nnd showing forth spilng- time beauty nnd loveliness outdoor sporti are at their height and outdoor pleniures are thoroughly enjoyable monday was an ideal day querns weather prevailed in wry truth as a result all the people or nearly all lived outdoors during tho day family parties plontced in the woods lovers strolled through the glen and sought forest flowers nnd shady places i some went fishing t many went driving and outdoor omploy- mentsworaeverywherepopuhtr thorn was no public demonstration in acton but a quiet loyal spirit prevailed many homes war decorated with thu flag wo love so well visitors wero bore in largo numbers nnd hundreds of our oltlsens took in the attractions at outside points the day was a delight because of its venial fresh ness i the fragrance of btoaeomu and flower and the joyous sunshine which prevailed from early morning till late in the evening vounar people forwaist movement rove f ii langford and george h purchase student from vlatorla university toronto visited tho bpworthlesriis on tuesday evening and gave the young people quite an inspiration in the matter of intelligent ly supporting missions a series of very interesting lime llgfit views wero exhibited showing the numerous edu cational institutions of the mot bod lit church which occupy positions at strategic points from the atlantic tn the paolflo every ono of which le edu cating young men and women for aggressive work for christ in the home and foreign flold ptctiires worn shown of the life ohnraotor and customs of the great variety or peoples coming to our shares from euet and west aw the opportunities given for winning them to christ interesting statist los showing canadas growth the great ratio of inereaee nf popula tion and the multiplied opportunities now open for the spread of gospel truth wer given lite young vnen also had on exhibition a great variety of missionary literature the splendid many victoria day visitors mny vlatoil ly coming onhiindtty uik jiiir momltiy was used for thu mote iirous iiiimi vuuoe of this lunch im ml hulldiiy mid hh a result saliuduy ufumiomi and sunday went thrown in and gave npuirluultlit of holiday vufung not uvuluble when ibu dwy comia later in the week of the numerous visitors observed in town and others who went loouulile points our reporters oheerved the following j miss lena ivsreoti outlph mue lottie a moot toronto mr william t mills or toronto mus wllda mccrelght at guilph miss myrtle mccrelght at berlin mr and mrs andrew ilsus toronto mr and mrs t i aklna at berlin miss myrttw matthews from cutodou kaiu mr ntiil mrs puguley and uoiii toronto mr vincent gootlv was here from toronto miss ifdllli wilson wus biiie from hamilton mrs anna mad jock is bonio from hamilton miss leiia huhnss spent tjie holiday in guelph mr a fred mclean visited filoiilw at detroit mr nolson lluiier was with filomln in toronto mr k j moo it toronto was homo on monday mflts myrtle watson of georgetown high sohool mrs charles ii jcunir w- home from toronto mrs lulf of ilrantfunl ilsltid acton friends mrs richmond onoidwlch vhtitid acton friends messrs william and howrt mo koown toronto miss qtieenls mclutyra wne at her home at lutowel miss griffith visited her home in toronto this week mrs ii k mckerrlheu of toronto visited bsr mothur miss k m ilammoiiit went to her homo at brentford miss mary masalas ouelpln visited miss mamie masalas mr rollls lee of west toronto visited acton friends miss kdlth plank of toronto was home for the holidays postmaster matthews visited ft lends in hamilton this week mr campbell clark of tho central business college toronto mr d henderson m p was home from ottawa over sunday mr a ii haik of toiouto whs at mius moores wilbur st mies anulo wallace visited frlouda in fergus over the holidays mr and mrs j a mcgiii of arthur woro gnosis of acton friends miss annie oram toronto tho gut tit of mls icthol coleman mrs jackson of fergus vlilud liar sister mrs principal stewart mi win ii shaw of toronto was in town renewing itcqiialntnnous mine annie l hudson enjoyed tho holidays with frlunds in toronto mr thomas i price and meta and hobtit visited filuiule in toronto miss jussle atkinson of toronto visited frlumuhuieover tho holidays mis hnbeit creech of urantford was tho guest or her slslor at idylwlld miss letta m bigg of stratfunl vlultid friends lioio on vlclmla day mr nndmiafieduturey ufglovura villv n y aio gnosis ut sumli iland villa miss stewart mosboro whs guqet nt tho homo of mr i snyder this wuok mr and mrs john konney and fam ily vliiltud biaiupton filuuds ovur tho holiday mr james moore and miss clara spent saturday with friends in toronto mrs o o speight and miss bertie visited friend at murkhum during tho woek miss k white or brampton was tho guest of mr and mrs wm white lake avo mr d mcdonald of braeebridge spiint a day or two during tho week in tlio old lisino miss minnie walker or itothsny wns tho guest of mue florence holmes dining tho week mr and mrs a o chapman and children or toronto spent tho holidays at his home here mrs murray maodonald and babe loft last week to spend a month with frlonde in detroit mr and mrs w b ohlsliolm and children spent several days with fi lends at london misses lottie bowers of berlin and mabel sliilli or waterloo wero gnosis or mrs dr hare messrs g j wallace and w duff spont thu holidays with glencoe and st thomas friends mr and mis alex sword and miss bertlo smith visited relatives in wuterrord this week mr and mrs w h gurnsy and babe or wlngham paid acton friends a brief visit on saturday mrs robert mills hr went to fergus on saturday to visit at the home of mr william gurney mlsa mamie mawlas will attend tho annual june meeting of the disciples church at st thomas this week mr and mrs john w bewe and mis dorli of milton were at the home or mr william ilsraatreet mr and mrs obrlu arrostroug and children of fergus were guest or mr d m henderson tbls week mr a l purvis of niagara falls nf y- and mis clarice of toronto spont victoria day with acton frlonde mrs w h kenny misses nora and francos and mis laura sprowl pent victoria day with brampton friends mr john cook wbo baa been spend ing several month with bis son in st thomas returned home thl week mr james abraham went to powassan on tuesday to spend a few weeks with her daughter mrs j b lake mr william snyder and matter archibald of klora spent several days ijurlng the week visiting at the old home mlse daisy campbell of west toronto and miss mafcgl logen ol toronto vmted at the home of the formta yraitdphrenli over the boll- day i messrs jiiiph ihlppet field and john mm i wt anton on thty fur vitimonvi i ii i i wht it i bey umpiut to slilllf mm hniiiy lln i lilian of ktuurt nob mtrul it tonnlti of wifts nt ber iiidiimim hufiiii 1 1 ii r i hui mother mte m llnii ti turned hmiin with in i mid ltlpuid mm miimner there mi aimlmix a dlggs unci mrs win oi all mi lift till morning for moiitiiii finiii whence lby will sail tntiinirow fui knglwnd pi r stemuer ouskhniliii on a vult in filuuds ouathu mi- w o uuwsomo of burlington ilnimnnriia thu engsgoiuent of her olloat iliiiigbl ki alice oorlt udf to the itov john inkstir ii a of the fiist presbyli linn church london out tlio ninriiiti will inkw place very qulutly in jmw r rimeoiiaokkhsi banssrul work the ulaekemlth shiop nt rvlrttn deetroyed by plr irtst wednesday evening a uumbt i of loye with luttlng off llrecrackeis near wllllniii hmlths blacksmith shop nt kveilnir ivutlng tho night tbt- lirsinlssweio completely destroyed by lire it in kiqrposikl the origin o tj are wan n entoiiuli ring llrecrucker thi tlhilgois ujuked hard to erne the niikjure but tbflr efforts weroun viiilintr hi iua will be asovero nno to mr suit ii specially nt this time of the yea i bat what vou want nut rind the wsyto dljtet what vou do ket iho first tiling to do in tho case or in digestion tn utnmaoh weakness la to strengthen thu muscular walls of the etomach nnd intestines so that they will care for tlie food that is eaten in no oil tor wny can this lie done an well as by tnkliig a ml o tm tablet beforo uachiiiial litis ristores strength tn tlio stomach niiisclos and stimulates the pouring nut of gnstrlo juices then the food dlgtstu leadity anif you begin to got iho full bonoflt from what you eat uso ml o ua whuuovur yon have sick henduchc lienrlbiirn bad taste in the mouth coat id tongue spots before the eyes sleeplessness snd the many other symptoms i hat nre iho direct result of indigestion a t brown gives with every fio cent box of ml onitn guarantee to roiuml the money unless the remedy cures vlreoraolter cauaetl damaare thu by in iv pioblliltlng the iialo and firing of crack ore litis bton fairly well ibsei ved ihoio werea fuw violation hnne wire sold without kimwleilge of the by law prohibiting tbuli sale lime and the police wire evhlenlly lenient an illustration of the danger which is frequently the outcome of these fiery plaything was seen on mill stnet near j c hill storo on monday night siiiun of tho young fellows who had hi on spending the duy at georgetown brought a supply homo with them a latge numlter of thorn were let elf together and the mis crennt throw them at the feet of a passing team belonging to mr mc loan uf iln the t ruin win liadly frightened uml sprang auay iuiauhlug tho tongue finm his cunliige ilu poimtralora of the fonlluh net did not conio liatk tn iiscorttiln atul settlt foi die iltiiuago tin y litem i ed publicity makes a piolinl iolid qiinllly inlugh fume hiliida tea is i with noted and famous v3unir iru snnoylnhmrftilmnt whllflwkuo forrmoijliusnrdsarmesomsrkbilniulslbe uvtt sad resume the bowtl iftsnutuayotuy lkghuu weniskoa r cwittisiitl oor pills cuislt wuc cuhuhh liter rtlts im very smsll too ytnuxd oesertu- a tow mli bill sen bulmfc 1905spring1903 h h unsworth anorinil siiiimeni of new rugs new curtains art muslin creton and art sateen just to hand iadih3 and c1iildrkn s hosiiry kxcctloiiiiliy larko v tnek lnlulti tmt and wliltc ladies gloves lone wlilta and dlnck luic thre id iivoh nt jc a pair lon tan colored blows at oo a pair ladies jacket iatet nljlo in black nnd lolorcd milliniilv anotlin hliimentof lutout fnuliloti nillllnary jut to iiand lad1ih pauaboi t and umbbellab now ktock nt jcai ilile price isxtrasprci i daroainb 3o genuine linrnalnu tliruiitiout tlio htore wnttli for the rod lettom tlurlnp the next week h h unsworth hcton afjiira cures constipation dyspepsiaffheumatism qn bcel thin pills fif cota25rt box t l t rt t3 mumiic js s fvrrywlnri aihuzwis medicine cttstljqljis for sale by e a robertson ttwgzkt acton back at the old stand j m struiliers wishes to announce to all his old ciihtomers ind mn number ol new ones that he la a jam at the old ueliablc furniture stand 120 upper wyndham street guelph where he is openini up nnd pulling into slock a full lino of parlor diningrdom hall bedroom nnd kitchen furniture carpels and oil cloth call and see them a full ranre ot childrens carriagob gocarts carriers et special prices in iron beds matresses springs nnd j m struthers guelph shirt whist suits lhdies smart fashionable drewty ceol comfortable low priced popularity of our shirt waist suits a few of the traitu responsible for the intelligent openeyed buying has given us an fuwomhlnge which is in ounct harmony with enoh of dame f millions most exacting rules durable and stylish linens serges and many othor as desirable fabrics aro reproeentod in a diversity of tftytea in this gathering prices of macdanalda persistent lewneis shirt waist suits and dressbs in linens mushim ginghams and prints te attempt description would mean to detail scores of stylen ko cenulder this an invitation to come ami inspect our stoek wh1t1s l1nun suits at joo have iwttn one of the lilts of the senion colored muslin in pink blue and mauve from 975 to 9ia oo white lawn and muslin suits ince and embroidery trimmed 9s bo to qis oo linen dresses in blue and natural shades ut s so glngbnmi plalp and embroidery trimmed f j oo to 9o oo print drosses nt 3oo 3 60 4 00 and fs 00 spring jackets an extensive range of natty stylish mckin- non made jackets in black fawn and fancy tweeds prices will be found much easier than in the cities for the samo class of goods spring jackets will be in much demand this season skirts j navy myrtle brown black and fancy tweedrt those pretty pleated styles will be hot favoriteri millilnelry the millinery department is in full swing we are making a big effort to give you this- season the most uptodate creations and the oest values to bo found irt the millinery trade wo solicit inspection and a comparison of styles and values henderson cfe oo mill street acton the right house hamiltons favorite siioppino place reduction sale of carpets tremendous outpouring of carpets at absolutely reduced prices carpets rugs curtainb bedding linoleums draperies upholsteries and beds all join in a great reduction salo prices arc clipped nfourth a third and more than a third there are vast varieties for selection presenting a golden saving opportunity to anyono with a home fur nishing need to fill this spring youll savo your fare to hamilton many times dont delay get these excellent qualities whilo prices are reduced 100 wool carpets reduced to 6gc a yard 115 brussels carpets reduced to 8gc a yard 165 pile carpets reduced to 123 a yard 25 to 43 room rugs reduced to 20 to 3225 45c good printed linoleums nt 33lc 125 to 20 late curtains 89c to 1488 a pair and many other lines of horrie furnishing goodsin proportion thomas c w atkins oonnin kino st cast hudnai hamilton ont jacksons jacksons our new syatom of oath buyintf and cub selling enable tut to offer you thleweok borne blfl snaps 10 doimens block denim overalls with bib alio smocks to match reyu- lar 85c to 910a this week 690 s das mens work shirts striped oxfords medium to dark shades regu lar 50 to 6j this week 43a 0 dos mens work skirts black drill with white stripes and spots keguar 75 loose this week 90 oodoi- mens feiirlnhand ties 15 doi shield neck ties ia dos bow ties sll grand mmllty uilk new detletit aod rich colerlnf regular ajc tbls week for aso do you net now wish to select yeur spring underwear and hosiery while our lilies are complete you knew if yon come now yeu can choose from a larger hoe than if yen come later we wish to begin selling our spring underwear and hosiery early we are marking the price on these geeue low selhat we shall not linvoany to carry over when the telling season ik pout these are the values we enn give yeu ladles lerabroidored black cash mere hose 8 o gland 10 regu lar 35c this week 110 ladies black cashmere hose ribbed or plain sites 61 n ol and 10 regular 35 nnd 40c this week ago ladles taffeta gloves new brown and tan shades regular 300 title week 33 drk83 goods specials black melrose cloth regular 150 this week 030 cream lustre fancy patterns regu lar 83c this week jss satin finish prunella cloth regular 9i 00 thlsweok 73c striped crepeeu regular 85c tkls week 53c satin cloth regular 730 this week 4b0 pearl buttons doxen go corset cover embroideries this week 50 patterns 17a 330 patterns aso 430 patterns 310 oocpattonis 43c s uch silk ribbon best quality all colors regulnr aso this week 150 4 neb silk ribbon regular aoc this week 160 3t inch silk ribbon regular 17c tbls week 13a a biff shoeing of laces embroideries and dress trimmings all at special vig il res j h jmckson ceorcbtoinen aooo iron hi pry goods and cothinoi js- j3 guelph lacqueret good nut wood makes old soiled and marred furnituro woodwork look like new anybody can apply it it dries over night and wears wonderfully it is translucent nonfading nonsettling brilliant harddrying sanitary and durable it is sold in seven exquisite colors in 15c 25c 40c and 75c can gal in and see a sample of work dona by laopterbt r f johnstone fe oo 7vsilj- st- rcton tfr

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