Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), May 28, 1908, p. 4

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r rr v tiiuuwjay m 1w tlflcawiui juholk j lin iiurtilnw im mi il u till iu i iurotii u yiumjt i itinrfmiidvlltin jmi ii ii t fur lliiilddii 11 tlhiulruol uul ll hl i wlonami turrlbllniie toon uut thmijh tuilluroull kliulty jlhi mllkwutil mill lntl hii doelde you lilddtti 1 hit lltll the ik hi u iw r i ik p to urab til jou ixhlnl lfutt willi tlhirlllliui hhukhmi nun and iny i whul in lfiiud iirmluu pnae on liorao iii u i i ni f mt their turk a l mix u whip in tlin km tlioy m ii iiij 1 ill m ilwnml aiiduiltti himnhm pl-hi- not willi wind uutm wiiih i cut yui thrnuffli now maybe indian pin dun t num a liniyld hnowlx igil and think i hun tn ulatouti to im com itorrtflclffiitly duitip tell yoti i till t uulnw i k whoro rnuvly ivuu y ii in h row i sinclair imuju u in iiih lltim companion fm m i a houbk oivioicd most urionu hn ima tliti ixpfrf enc of wrilkliip wlfli n filiml out of top arid tiylnii to wlilf jim it il lriomnl whan thn ftknd iinii iimki tlio attempt ihiul mi inuuinco of thwatrtml huilinniy ntiu li w unit which appoint in n hlny inll liy v 0 ofaifeldirlyintipu i h u ililld uaa nnil had nuv i ii i o tinltul hy tin boudofutlitr liim llnuit with tlilr own hy thiiy wi umliv ij in n tutu of woll bred iullui im nt on tho iihjvct if in nu j lit dli i oj llinrniiulily tun h uimlly unu bmtmlhdlbliftr lliu hunliiy diniui whloh thoothu did n t iippiok on fiaturday tho limn mint ii mi fioni market with n hnuki t you neudi t wmiy nlnut tumor row dlnnor noy noii mnrln lie got it and nnlinn i i k a nn were d undecided undechlid v i til n wlmt i wanted well iimnnyu ilulnldiuuiisi did bo i boujtlil km why o imvu i 1 tm ui 1 1 ilko a goose wall now vioiiih nun il fni onrn anyway ytandlaiiipwu m ii lni rulil ffooeo and atowiiil iptohu fui tlio ii two waoka they rein paid into huh il ilflllce sunday fnroiinm thn nlfo nki d do you want n littlt uuhui in tlio apple sauce with yom oohi your rooi you in mi no i don t itw ind uo ilnunl hi hvo two gpcuo in tin luuimf llnit i mlit mlno to aunt fiuu wlmtl lanut llllni i t in 1 an impoiitant oubbt whon miuu riini in avnulilnkion t turned in her wddhijt lluoiy l tin iionaa whoro trim innl m lentil iiu cook for bavornl yniiu uln iiiinoiinci il brlufly unit biu tnnl hiuiiim f whl if mid tn i nnil iiiih limit to ward kkplniiiithnih nut ii i in tn xi bvanlilg ivhon hiid itnhtnd nt il in i hoarttntlu himium of tin h ni in id noluidy m udn 1 1 vt r j tl affatn ditt tlinlliin nhi t u t irilil onluoky nttmhur m1m okmui ilin aid glnnnillyr i jiiumh i unowu now how onluoky mm uiy win thuttaan puiiuoua mlwu juinmy utiny woddlng yuatdny und d it uiddlii riohlwr oanio off t nil 1 why phnoho how htiiiiigi ho vary ttrango i innl thn lady lonki il moat vympathdtlu hui whiiuvni bapponod uljo mild mnimili ntlunuly of ooumo you know itntln thn faobof tholr iwliiu thlitiu n piiimiuu nl tho woddlnff couldnt lino hud imy thing to do with it dood it did muw cluiuiuy nud phoalioa fnoo took on itu niout ditwr mined look a in yon linilnrutond tho fotaonth puaaun would w luou dnt trioingbaiimil id uxpoollng to iimiryp hi wai alive tho granadhira of tlu fniuoim old guard wilt mover ho forgnlton in france aa long rm thn mommy of bravo nion all nil o in tlio nntlouiil beart but unimi of dunn nl ikiihi woroaa bright no thny who hinvr an tlio fallowing ttiibtwoitliy nntcdoto beara wltnotat ono flno nioinlng iiftii pittno hud boon concluded hutwunu 11111100 und buaala tlio twooiupoiom wmi taking aaborb wolb firm hi iirm immild the palaco park ut kittm ax thoy approantiad thn m 11 thn i who xtimd nt the foot of tlm hi uul uinh nut tin man who win a guniidui of ihumd preiantod armv tlio kuipmoi nf franco turniid ami u luting with prlda to n grout aont thut tllvldui the gronadlora faoi and xithi t what do yon think inj hrothai ot anldlara who run kiuvho auoli woundi mi that v and you nnawiiod ahxnuilui what do you think of uolillua who rati infllat themr whiiout atlrrlng un lucli fiom iih poaltlon or ohiiuglug thilxpimnlitu of bli faob in tho luiml tlio utiun old grenadier mmaolf 1 4 piled gi uvoly j tho man who did it i doiut wimmino ft u hntli krnalhfo mid hiimann tn ntgi upon nil whi imvn tha pliyalcwl liiluhg nr itnym und glru in dhurgo hint lln y it in h thitrtd young hnpta thn 111 1 of wlmiiiliig tim fot that watvr u not thn 1 ml 11 ml oltimwnt in which wo llvti n hrgiiiiiont aiiough tn un on thu p dnt wutnr occuplna an largo a pro poi l ion 1 if thn mirfaca nf thn glnuo that no oiuicnii li tvtd fur without having to rrimtu liv r lukf or ocean lln utility of thn ncroiupluliiuant hppeura in a painfully atrong light whan wo lend thn rrpartud wrok of it mtfiiniir on thn oonat of hootlatid whore unyoua who oonld awliu ths dlutiincaof alxty font waa altln to av hluihilf and it ilghty llvra war inat mii of lln puldlo aflhoiiu in kug innl nir irnudd with n itwlniillliig uiiktu hiidllm irulning u not lft iptlmtil vlth tliu boya th thuaa urihikilanthir rlvpw wierti luutllng u n form nf oxnrclaa and recreation the imijn pro obliged to uua d awlnuulng tost imifnra they am nllnwd loantar m hntuonthfl rlvir it a a id that inr ihfgiuniuinr aehivil f oheater a lury iiuint fo uhlu to uwlm in hi clutheu finirtluum round tlio city awhnmlog liitli iiafora ho fa allowed to go into m lmt u citiw oil tho doo hiioh trqulre iiiunta would ihi aa kaaonahln hara aa tht y utf in kngutui hecauaa our lioya urti mu wt ii worth auvhtg aa hugluh liuyu voubtwuoii kvlnalplm ilwt 1 wlun wo undortnko to fit your aiinoorlptlniibj wa give thoin our nndi vldnl atunthm and boat care i ho putlonta wolfaro la our first oon uhuatlnn hncond t wo guarantee our druga to lionf full atrongtb aa woll aa pure ami fruuli ihlrd 1 our oubtomora are atippllul with juut what thuy oak for t aubatltut- nig it uovm allowed rainbb dkuiny coiroum if you aro n aufforcr from kldnoy 0 isoabo uvor complaint blood troubli rhnunuttum neuralgia or nervoua prostration we confidently rooora- mond tho uao of palnoa oelory com- pound tlila reliable and navoi dla appointing mcdlelno la a true dlaaaaa winlnhor and ayatem hulldor we uupply tho genuine palnoa oolery oomihiiind at drown aaton ont wanted a domonstkiatioh jfohn anld mm mukppouci com ing out on tho back porch whoio hoi buabandant lllttd imok in ida ohitlr hta fttoton tho lulling didnt i lliar you tat tlio nilnuttu wliun ho wnw huio that you waio imply lutnitialud in temperance ipitviimontu r yoamr mnkopiitp 1 1 pi i oil 1 uthui itltsy laatdao und jou know that i am wall baiii mc mnknpuaoo up poaeyoti gonnd imiko 11 row of thuui on the pumphand to i w nut 11 pull of water ijiuly duff gordon used to have for u pot a pale grwn anaka thn moat popular phi thn pill la thn moat popular nf all klnda of mad iclnt nud of pllla the moat popular ure piruialoaa vvgetable pjiis boaauao thny do what it la aaaertod thay can do nud iirt not put lorwnrd on any flctl- tliuu clulma to axcallance tlioy are compact and portable they are eaally taken tlioy do not nauaaate nor gripe nnd tlmy give relief in the inoit atuln luiru caaaa ih u guild dinil eiimlei to write guide uonku to hcuveu than it la to make good roada there castor i a for infanta and children ylia kind you han always boaghl beara the bpiatora it u eiiay to allp up on pollahfd man tuira toourbaooldinohb dav taka a iakali nromoqnlnliia tabut a liruaauia raluodlbaiiioday if llhlli to eai i w orovmsifbktaraonaaeli ho feom the tartura have the atrongoat tho clilnuto the waakoat voloct of all na tlona cures dyipeptlabollaj plnplei hsadaohn constipation low of appetite gait rheum eryalpeui serofuu and all trouble arising from the stomach llvof bowe or b would hava been in hn 1 vraarun down to aiieh an axtont uiat i ooulil aoam ly move about ut houaa iwuiummi to ttrura bftiilaoiiaa bwkaoboa mm dliul- bmii my aoriauta waa aona annf i waa botuaa ol i found mv illrmatemlj mot without honolt dxos1pt a pratty good ator u told of nun n general frenoha wtttif li ia niild tiiut bo wlert to individual riftut to lliat r pwntd hlmaoir ju full ugliiimniitla rv to m wife apd llttlo daughlc tho lut- pwpvilnutjtuhitml i uuv niothvf w0 jwiiyoj ntt a high aim may fall abort but it novcr fall hlgnnla ftf danger have you loat your oppotltop have you a coated tongnnp have you ao unpwaaiib taato in the mouth p doaa your head aahii and have you dlailneaap if ao your atomnoh la nut of order and you need 111 ml loin he that prafar alok- iiohm to medial no inuat auffor but undnr tlio clrcumatanoea the wlao man would prooure n itox of parnieloo vogotahlo pilta nnd apeedlly got him- keif in health and alrlvp to keep ao whan the fuilu of aaoret alna coma to theaurfuco the hypocrite beglna to talk hbonb tlio myaterloua waya of provhlonoo the famous pedestrian ooritlamani i wa a martyr to eatarrk of tha hoad tltroat ami atomaeh i waa ao bad tlio doctors feared flouatnnptlou i tried limny physician and modiolus a friend auggoated fayehlna i tried it and it waa tlio only tblug ever did ma any good i am now perfectly wall tt la tho greatitat remedy the world line over known i do not need let for my health now but i use tt he a itrongtlionor for my walking matches x owe muolt of my physical enaurabea t jychlne james bbtnozids 1 1 prt hop oat t raychlue la the greatest tan for fcntarrli of tfco ltadlhroafe w atommb lp thotworld it la awoboarfal tobe iji- jmtttbueprtpvalloalbraa- slmllalli hefooitmintiim- tag ihe slowda nnd bowels of ptomoteadljmllonchmirul- kmand hnt coohiliu ndlhcr odmmorphine nor mincal ncrrnjuioptto abofecl remedy rerconua- llon sour stomkhdlarrhoe worms convulsions teverish- lua midlossor sujep vusimw sttfi of new york exact copy or vmameia castoria for infant and children the kind you have always bought bears tho signature of in use for over thirty years chartered by dominion government eataullitied 1ba4 the merchants bank or can huad opficlt montruau iniereit addad four ilmas a year no qranchaa preildenl sia ii mowtaoo allan vice praildant johatiuw hodgson vv general manager ii p ilandbm capital paid up 6 000 000 00 dapaita ovar joo3 0oooo surplus 1400000000 total aitels 15100000000 savings bank deposits ona dollar or upwards will opan an ace aunt money withdrawable any time no delay parmer bale notes wa have special facllltlsa for collecting these we will caah lliemat once if desired at a low rate of interest joint accounts when requested we will open accounts in two names ao thai either ona may draw the money husband or wife etc acton branoh w s chisholm manager i lovrc wo invito you to exmino at your dealers a pair of storeys cowboy gauntlets they are one example of the velvety softness combined with greatest pliability and toughness imparted to our gloves and mitts by our chrome process perfect fitting warm com fortable buy storeys and invest wisely insist on storeys at all stores gloves made at acton ont by canadas oldest glovers wa storey a son heaven nioaaurea our wtaltli by tho love wo invest in other liven wo hnvo no hobltntlnn in saying that dr ktllngga dysontory cordial lo without tlnuht tha leat ntedlolno ever introduced fpi lyaoiitory dlnr- rhoer eholorn and all aiunmer eniu- plalnta ufa alnkneaii nlc it promptly glvoa rfllnf anil never frilla in iffct n otire mothora uhoiild novti bti with out a bottle whon tholr children nro toothing ho who la not afraid vt sinning had belter feat itifforlng seatstka sctaaet y hw ahwyt batf hfaatate af itu hard ollmhhtg tn heaven with a load of hatred in tho huart mixbuhns laxa liver pills ffia uott mlual vontua nmsslm grw jbbtebeust the life that la full of work gtvoa the wooda email chance to start thoro nro no grent opportunltlea for times who regard any as ainal oatohia seats tka yt kloit voh kltl ilwijlt olgvatsm t you can du llttlo fur men whon ymi think of them w thomauaes a lady writes 1 i was enabled to re move tho corns root anil hranoh by the use of hollowaye corn cure other who have tried it have the same experience there la almost aura to lie eomo sin tugging at the heart airing when the saint ha a long face there never waa and haver will be a imlvohial pamioo in ono romedy for all ilia to which flosh la heir what would rellovo one 111 in turn would aggravate the othora we have howovor in quinine wine when obtained in a aound unadulter ated atate a romihly for many and grlevoua hie by ita gradual and jtidlolou uao tho fralteafc ayatem ro led into oonvaleacenoe and atrongtb by tin inlhii nit xv hhb quinine overt on natures own reatoratvoa it re hovoe thoeo to whom a obronlc etatc of morbid doapotidenoy and lack of interest in llfo la a dlaaeae and by tranqulludng the nervea dlapoaee to aound atnd refreahlng aleep inipahi vgor to the action of the blood whloh being atlmulated oourae through the vein atiengtheitmg the healthy anl- uial funotlona nr the ayatem thenby nmklruj ootlvlty a heoeaaary reanlt atrengtbenlng the frania and giving life to the dlgeatlve organ which naturally demand inoreaeed aubatanoe reault improved appetite north rop lyman of toronto hay frivat to the public tbelr auperitf qulnne by ub opinion of eelontlate ihi wju npproabhee naaet pf lrfaa tibe fiaarkel aqdnijnfliiii avkd bv hi kitb tha naw york news prlnlv a atnry of a hoy twalva yaara of ago rmniml jamea qrhnaa who went on the roof of the a pur t turn t hoiiae whore ha lived to hy m ku llo awung th kiln over the rear nf thn timi and atnrtud on a run toward the front lo glvw the kits a rim the kite aoared grnccfully upward but jamea in hlu raoltrfmaut forgot alkiut tha open air abaft und alappad into it lie allot downward through apacf ft dlatanca of almost fifty feat when the people reached the cellnr they found the boy unconacloua with the kite tugging at th string graaped in lila tightly shut hand a dor tor waa immediately summoned who declared that beyond the great ahnck the boy was unlnjurad ho revived fitd aoon waa walking about tha room tit doctor fhprthuwd aorprlaa nt the boya aactip from inataot death and accounted for it on th theory that the pulling of tlio kite broke his fall uohoi md wohdbre familiarity breeda commonplace ik nor nee tha wonderful harara hound table illustrate tho fact t one of tho american lino alonmere landed ita paaaengera in new york the other day just after dusk among them waa a son of ireland whose friend a lost no opportunity to point out tha wonder of tho city j and aoon they had the poor fellow simply daied with admiration and willing to believe anything suddenly he caught eight of a street aro light on ita pole and pulling up abort he graaped the arma of ida frlanda nearest him and exclaimed 1 faith ita wondere end wonders ure i if my eyea dont decave ma yea have tha moon atuck ou a atlck bey ant here tlmellaateatad it time teste all things that which i worthy uvea that which la inimical lo man wel fare perlahea time liaa proved dr thomas eclectrjo oil from a few thousand botlle in the arly days of of ita manufacture the demand hoe rlaen ao that now the production i running into the hundreds of thousands or bottles what la ao eagerly eought for must be good there la only one way to find a in your work and that la to put heart into it three trying times in a womans life when milburns heart and nerve pills are ruavl aa t hulas 1 aas toward w futum kaalth tie ural whan aha la tut tuddiaa from aaed late tha full bloom of womanhood th aamai period that eoruutulaa a apaolal vein ea the tyatas fa tjodae tmawy th third aad tha ea moat liable la uv aaartaiidb4ntfeubtmladttriaa ahaafaef ufa la all utraa parleda wllburaa ilsail and herri itue will preva of wonderful value to tide aver the tlaae lira fattm kin oarnvall oaltwittaai i waa troubled vary hutu with heart trouble the eauae balng to a treat extent due to sheet of life i have been uunj your uaatl aad narva vuls for bobm una and mesa t eentlaua doloa ae aa i eaa truthfully aay thay era tba beet f4mdy i have ovar ueed far bultdldc up tba syauaa yeu era at libetty t tee this eutataabt far tba beaafll ef other aajfefare prlee so state ear baa ee three beiaa for 1 1 u ait dealers w tv t wlbura oa lhaile tareate oat the recreation that ruakoa conscience aqulriu ta almoat aure to bedoeeoratlon o jav sb w xt 3c ua u beats ti tstlnj llfiapu f sa saw vm tmim a ism ita alow bualnata carrying a crooked yardstick on the atralght road worm derange the whole system mother gravea worm exterminator derange worm and give rest to tho sufferer it only coata 2s oante to try hand be convinced it you cannot truat your frlondo you cannot to trusted with friendship la alnau aia anr bear el tki laxative ikoaqthirifle o raaaadr thai aaa a m tat 1 rarrca taaaaaulat tabw when heaven put a emllo on your face it take more than a abower to wipe it oly bvery rook we hurl at a good man is torn from the foundations of our own roputatlon more terrible thanjwar hors terrible than war famine nr pea tueoe la that awful destroyer that hw haadad monaher ootuambtlon that qntiftlly iveupa away more of aartlia in- kabjurtu than any other alua diaeaaa known to the human raea it la only a old a trifling oough say uta earelesa aa tha irritation upon the delloata mttooua wambrana eauaoa tham to bwk away with an irritable tlokling of the throat when the irritation aattua on the mnoou surfaoaof the throat a oough is the roiult to prevent bronchitis or oon- abruption of tba lungs do not neglaot a eoogh however alight aa tha irritation praadlng througboub the dalloau lining of the asnstuve air paaaaaea anon leads to fatal rasalta if en tba lira or eold a eougl i you 1 tlrat appearance of would take a fw dr woods norway pino syrup yeai would av yeenau a great deal ef naaaoaasary sugaring dr wood a nor way wa hyrap eoatalai all th ufa giving moperuee of ifi pin traaa of korway and lor aautfa oroap whooping oough and ell throat and long aflaetlanalt la a apaol- so be aarawaaa yen ask for dr 1 wnotte norway pin bymp to gab it den t be u into takloa aoaiathing el tliln woman tuny tliat jydln 1 j vogoiulilo compound avtml hor llfo mmn km inn- cliatxl vnlloyhold lluorivvr tjuobec writca to mr mnkjiam 1 1 wan- to tell yoi that without lydla h l vcgutahle com- pouud i would not bo alive for month i auffarad with painful and irregular porlpd and tn ft animation of the feminine organ ijolor oould do nothing for nifr anil aald i muataulw mlt to an opeaatlon aa i had tumor oae of mjb ooualna olvlhed in to lake lydla k ilnuhama vegetable oompound aa tt had cured her i did ao and now i have no pain and em entirely otireif you remedy la deserving of great praise ratrt ron sick wdttten for tlilhy years iytua ic plnk- liama vtgotanlo omimiuiid imulo from roota und liurlw iirh mm tlio hlnttdafd romody for fomalo uln nntllianpohltlvclyrurtdtlioiiruitxlhof women who liavo ih i 11 troubled with illmplaoomonthinflammntlnnulonrn tlon fibroid tumorn irn gulatltloa porlodlo pnlnn biuknrho lint lor- ing down ftollnpf llittillnrylndigch tlondizzlnchornorvouhprohtrtttlon wliy dont vou try lt mru l- invito nil alck womaii to write lnr for ndvlco hlie line cuhlod tliouhniidu to lioaltli addrchu ij 1111 mas victoria day sports can ba mail mora anjnyall by v easing nnaof our hals or caps in al colors and ahapes all 50c caps clearing at 25c all 25c caps clearlna at 15c fllifi and k0 hals ia than coat of malina we are fiolng out of kalell hal and caps it will be inleretilng lo call at 01 quebec st h if you will need a itai or can belore neat xmas gel it now and have half tha i rice tilt grand trunk railwav karuicnoell tiiainb lli wli h is il u hi si mill eiitv moth baft for sale fun stored lafontalnes fur establishmnet 95 quebec street ctapii ont rutlbdgbs 1 j v hj x kotoh hotbl btrbldb mill blrct aclon stvi1sii rigs double or ilti upplld en itorust ntlc couuercial tkavellisrb or durs glvn pmlal attention w ii rutled6e proprietor the standard rotary is ilia only sewing machine which with its own meclia nlsm produces both a lock and chain stitch perfectly the chain stitch la a modern necessity eniurlna ilia elaiilclty in seams required by tha mamy new crea sbbbafahbbbbmkkau tlons lo ensure lhlbaaadai nj children a wear cannot be suitably made ablbibibblbsillbbdibbbt wlhoul the chain bllich ijhatam tochanseilieailichwlihthaatandardrotarv from lock lo chain you simply change th bobbin case jfaakflblj and bobbin for ihaaplder easily don wt asl th atahdahd rotary ha proved itai maaaaatnu superiority and upnmmeythmucblui greater jasubrsmi uarullntprovd it for twetttythrae vaeww bbbbip wa have ilia eacluslve aaaney in aclon for ihla world renowned standard rotary machine and undurour economical way of storekeeplng are able to deliver op of those machines to your homo ta ilia lowest- possible price we ar also able te mat paplej terms to ault your qonvonjanoe wfl w 0 lovlie evry woman inter ettadln sewing 10 call andlet ua demoniirate ilia many apeclal advontagea that are to be found only in ill standard rotary bowing machine the tailor wn- gp corner mill and main bu acton ont is it footwear vou aro look ing for if thats tho caso go to williams shoe store i carry a full lino of boots shoou rub bers etc for pcoplo of all nges and sizes fall and winter stock now ready for your inspection wm williams th sbo man kill strut anion the old and reliable granite and marble dealers excelsior bakery we arc headquar ters in acton for bread cakes pas try etc of first- class quality we also carry a splondid stock ol groceries and con fectionery t statham son siutstvmt aton wtaci mara mauufaeturara and dlreel imported all klnda of uonumentalandllaadalone vve aall dlreel to our ouatomera al whole work ve aala prleaa aanl we only mselu at pnauukuo tools properly wa oau ylvi refereiiam frurn hundreds of our euetomaie li toronto and oilier plane where ollrnre have l nd law auita in order lo eolleot we liavi laraaai aud beet a look at i ran he id the k op i a by leas tliua aairlut bur oiiatoniera 0 par l iiava til heal ailliauaea and lie ilka in the uouilulou who eau oper- lue tools prirly we oau ylve torn hundreds of our euetoinai jito and other plane wliar ouinre liava id law auita in order lo oolleot we have omi oirdl eodipslltl its and do uol auuoy or ueal out idiiui out tanoraut aneutain solleli wa aniiuoy luaehaulea only aad defy i hon hamilton sons oor norfolk end woolwlohbu qubtiph paper makers oxorostow n our dook nbwh and ooiomtd papers jnoilbatlilen we want n1cb turnouts to hv nlc ttimoul in tlio prlntf when 111 rotli r good you abotild lend your dugfrlo o onkilla oarriaab work corrlowni and hav tlim palm ad now whan you do not nsed lhni you can lave them her until 111- roada are good slbiohs kniwjuttbbo a w at of ileaiur blalitha on hand yt atao a aw good aeoond hand cullera and heavy bob sleltha will aall cheap to clear j tm ojnleills crnnmca uiorks ofseuwol la rosbkn i a reliable local salesman for aoton and adjoining country to represent canadas greatest hurserles jarsut hat or commercial nnd dome lie fruit- lain nil jnau ornament al nnd ehnd tree nowrlntr ehruba vine roaeai fine a4 potatom one of our apeolltle slook that la hardy pornaa from ua a parmanent altuatlen far rlalit mau for whom territory will b rmwrved pay weekly l rreo iulpmcrif writ for particular stone el wellington ronlhlll nunwrlh fao mc toronto orilerld tin a nil ho rjti no tu tin j allr4litilci al a i i ill w 1 hvrlptd n t n m tt the berlin lleam granite and marble works caspkii bliaum proadate detldnera an i ilulmars ul huluee 4sus oleums monumenk markers and llaad- atones and all bindetf artistic cimalery work wiiuh hc aficrit aclon acton pump tile- works o il eddaof proprietor our prcmlka ar now fully equipped wllli all i be laleelmachlnory anil appllancaa for manufacturing futvpa mud iutup supputm til ta wilt osfarna eujrafts a bfam ftp rittiuw tooim aad pip suppjiei orders promptly filled main street acton everton mo eden mills the uast quality ol manitoba pamlly aittt ipaatry flour for ealo at lovvoat prices our own hake chopping done and oita rolled every day feed for aula cash for wheal and oale henry hortop w- ginqsop paintor paper hanger sign writer picture kramer shop mill st acton op posite williams livory repairs promptly made to furniture tinware etc no unnecessary delay knives ground scissors sharpened courteous attention and reasonable pricos w gimson wsmecravint4 photoengraving halftones cngnayinawaovttimma atuoguuhuazwts cvc jljoneseno0 patents sbssss8ti been aucceunuly iimeecujtd hy u eaaduct fully aiju nned effifaa n montii nd waibliibloui ihleirtmufleailalonretti 1 rilapalch work ahd quickly auraau itmmdarttialiiveiiuilii ufhalrafnai iniuhed f rataiile procured lhrmin uarleii at je on reealv epeclat natlcawut out cmmeta rr loo newiapare dlelnbiiled throob faesihyipatent 1hi1ihs j hanmlw- trara emu uililiiears marion marion patny kaparta jnd bolloltarai bnslgaatel a t v miklklimtiiim

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