Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 4, 1908, p. 1

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00w tyfat jvifon sttt ft volivmu xxxiii no uraiy hubmilminn rli in ailam acton ontaiiio thuiibbav mollning june 4 1008 mitimc n single copies thrbb cents b ttoit jut fhesa hvisuy riluilsday uoitnlnq a yum irw mimtum osaa hul wllkbt acton ont crvtlt- lor which 1 rii i 0100 til in u6d wlld in tlm iy titfv lieu paid ma r data to which vrv sub torlullorf la pl la denoted on lb ad pi red aavxrtialaa uaivatr anal ant adyew- umilt 1 ont per nonpareil una ley first nnytloti if oanta mr lln for inch ubuunl iwarllon aovartlminaptrf without apmlrte dl- raalton will t naartad till forbid and ehrjrj opordlnirty rrariaunt ad s varttaement muat b bald in aovanoa j advrlumanlm will b cbd one aoh unpin if dird iror ohaiuf eftenar lean above mentioned tha ton toaluon mutt be iald for at raaular rale chanaas for contract advartlmtrunt ntuat ba in th onto by noon on tut day aooounl bavytbl monthly rnsllah ortlo so vi t btrj un ion o whir utwn b and j hardy at co will roaiv far u nwi ubearlpllon and advertisement and whar our reader can fr of ehare our paper when in knglana ii p uooltbl bailor and pfoerutov kustrtm mttdotv t 11109 gitay m d c m mcgill- ij iu0 1 uninaaaoh mahkam bam uamoii aasociiriokl btc 3fnvadruk mra mien obl 1t1 d ault m d c m pnwrmiiin illotk eon iflll and john ruuti omm hooraq to uani j 1 u s and v to 9 d njtleilaaiiawir4frari reslaauee dv aoton ont s rb a l lioitb graduate of unlianllf of toronto offlee at rasklano on willow mreet be tween auretient i llatik nd towo hall mione no bo aotom ont john w uaodonali ud ou 1 roprletor and huueilntaudatil uatthbv iiobwtal dlmum ol women vovpartuularahloaeeoiuodallon u aaoiem mob 1a uuiir to oil d tt dryden mi bah tsaoiv ino moan corner woolwlab and llaliai iiimu ouhim ovrics bocae 10 nt to pm ends to pas oavava it am to 1pm uroax 3 haokimhom a luauaraa bouorroa oauvatamosn orrionuui htraal in a blaak 3tan hraiieh-11- jrt and tatdkii 3 uonadd wlim vonrtb division ood county ol hl- on qoamanoaraintvuapdulaahnranm taalkituuagaiii nuonaytotoan au jl larrymano o dxjftal d wtl j u dell d d b l d b dawytat aotoh ouaa al uwldanm ooinav hill and vradaruk traata uohob obaboath o toaomto univaamv tha laual aaamtbaufl uaad if daahad al boektfood t uaadaji l viscxllammoum tci ahd j hardy a co advbmtibiho c0ntractoa ahd nawa corlrirovblhta jo flmt st root london u c england a vila of this papar eau ba wan ftuof abatm by vuutora to loudop to whom advlaa araoa nil ba tlvan if raqultad 4noi0 nunan hooulimdbb wyndbatn b jglbai wyndha aaaoonl booka of all klnda mad ordajr uariodiaua of vry daaorlptlonaairaralll boum tmllavnaailvana prontptivdona ex vtarriaob liobnbes ii p uootui mvhji 0 afiauasn llokhkai pflyauoolaa mowltnaamavaaalrad laauad m ravidttdatln tha avaatng praa pram otfaa aovou tjc hemfltreet ijiolllud acotiomub voy lha oonntlm of walllmtou and ualun 6raatafval lb trann i aaaa oihaa aaton ev mwyvaaldanaalnaatoni will b prowpuy at au monayto loan on iba umi f avaaabu annaand lha lowaat kaus of lmaratu twaaor mooaud upward vrr hull licshhsm nuununn u ordara lafl with tha vaan run aaton will taealva iminadlala atiantlon ik james modokald llokhikr avotiombih voviha aoanllaa ol wflilntton halton wiaffoa waatworui and tba oily of wiwbiaaj jywuoxl hslwss r kebr llcihsib alotiohhkr cm tb othwilm of walllnatan and hajtow laa aondnetad ltli aatufaauon and upon sanlivlauairtomlhioaar o ulanuftmla loaa or oaprlni or uli at raav vaaai a aaton will raoilva immadlata aitaauou nwtagawe lu mitts lnrabor lath and 8hlnlaa alway on hftod ehasp bltlilofleutloonur j your cliopping will bo dono quickly and well on cither platen or stones if taken to the rockwood ohopplng mills fjour oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harris aoo llmlud georgetown floralt go omud georoetown cut flower growers funeral and wedding orders a specially all onlar plicad with mr b a robaflton drugfliit aelon will rclv prompt allenllon new pictures at waters bros new jdeas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always fresh and of the best quality water bros cuelph art storm nicb turnouts to hv a nlco turnout in ilia prlng whan iho rcadi ara good you anould wnd your uufohaa to cnkilils orriaai works omrgelown nnd hive lham paint ad now whan yon do not nsod than you can leivo tliom liera dblll lb roads nra good 6lbiohs rnd cuttbrb a aw sat oirieaiura slatflha on hand yat also low rood sacond huu cntlara and heavy dob buiihi will sell cheap to claar j is omoilals ckrrincb works omanoastotaen ont city conveniences bso0gbt to y bomb you would onjoy a bslh room in your homa with hot and cold walor under presaun wherever required why not have it and ba up to dslt lly lha 00uprk88xd air system ibis is enoomftully nccompllihed van though you have no water works system wllhla raacb iithlslnlarastsyoii write lo dny ordara may ba ln wlih mr spcncar huiband aclon for iiirtbar particulars writ geo e b gr1nyer co plumblrar auid haaunjr oorttrewtoini oublph omt wh paper our 1908 stock better vaues than ever shown before papers from 5c per roll to 75c borders same price per roll as wall mill st acton i r jjlnoleiinr kii1 oilclotli our 1006 haljlcbi bbbak am nteoorida anoihar largo ot of lnlaldnll tecalvej departmant on ground floor ifnlranotr from wyndhsm gt rut oedri t bqiiira m uramanta liken and prompt do tivary j ourprtet ara alwaya ttlsht lattry the bond hardware co uraturt nauupbona7 quiilpii ttrerc is nothing so satisfactory to a watch wearer as to take out his watch and know iho cor rect time if your watch docs not run well it is not always tlil liult of the watch but the repair ing wo pride ourselves on doing the best watch work in the dominion no apprentices savage go iiuuor of marrlaga lliatims guclph ont summer school jan july and annual it i into our rail term wltliout any bra fctnut an tliti new eauloflu free will for it loday odntral busihkai oolxibtab tha urgut moat vallablo of ontario elections o au readers of the fkkk rausii vour vote and inriajence are rtipaclfully sollcllad for r d warren electionmonday june 8 08 old iron lutfi tmd rabbon oooil prlceo paid second hand stovee and repair for farm maoltlnery aupplled morris saxb bon 430 acton out rutlbdgbs t ttttpt v 1 i v jcjxi x roton hotbi strbuiab m blrael acton stvuibh rios double or injlo upplled on iliortht notleo couubrctal travellers or- der6 given epeolal attention w hrutledge proprietor the way to mliskoka this summer is by the lake shore exprmes of the canadian north ern ontario rail way write for booklets describing mualcoka the maganetawan and the best country in six provinces for the holiday maker and busi ness man opened up by the six railways of the canadian northern system to the in formation bureau head off ice canadian northern rail way system toronto bbporb it ib too latk ir you linva a grity haired mother and froii home you itro awny hit down nnd wrltn thn loiter ynii put tin tiny by day don t wiilt until her tired atapa homo 1 1 he ivnn a pearly nate hut allow lu 1 that you think of iter llotaru it la too lato if you hiivn a tender mmaur orn 1 wliu word in kay don t w lit oil you fajrget it hut ivhlmwf it today who ittiowe what itltur mamnrlof mny linitnt you if you wait hit 1v1 ike your jnved onra happy ijoird it istoo ihte the teiiddr word unepoken tim letter mwgr aent k tim lorifc forgotten miimfts ttij wonllh ol lova linapant rnr thao aome hrlavta am break rtff vdr tlifao tnma lovad nne walla i wo ahnw tliom that you flare for then ilamio it i ton late r1ti yamllu limbing g0gk2aaiigiqjtlageqqga i the supremacy of mrs dunn i by carof tvatia ffaaafat chqlgigfcglaiggctg ltvjr nny one i mil naked mr nmin j which of hoi two children alia loved the bettor it is propahla that the flood woman would hava been bonified nt tha eiikijestlon that aba might core mora for one than for tha other nnvorthfllem thnra was eer tulnly it ilirferenco in her attitude to wmd thn twnuhlldren film had nltvaya hail taaaon to ba proud of ileanor who hail hcn a benullfiil hahy n inlereetlna little girl and who aa n atudont left notlt in a to lw deulreil flennor hail alwaya seemed juiit n little hrlftlilar and prtttlar thnn nny nthor ftlrl that bar mother lind nvor known mrs dunn was fond of htophen of course but wbllo nho hnttd to lmvohttriffobkatlnp for fear ho might he drowned alio whs forced to admit that alio had known tidier nnd morn atudlona lioya than htephen who it aeenietl to mre bnnn 1 nlwnya doing tha inovt inooucvlv aho thlnga stephen h itud to wilte 11 ida oop imoki ahuuditiilly tnatlflotl 1 but ida hnndkorohlefa worn alwaya aineared with ink and so were hie cuff indeed to judge from tha atata of hie linen ona might rationality lirtve supposed that tha hoy m solo occupation waa cleaning pent fleanor who wrola a beautiful imnd hnd never lwon known to uaa any of her garnionuaa pen wlpera stephon wore out hie stocklnga and torn hi otolites kloanor outgrew her in a ladylike fimhlon and left llieiu in n oondlllon to ba handed down to the he then utrplion collected all klnde of thing nnd turned not only hie own room bul the entliohousoand thumljiceitt iwrn into n museum for hi 1 11 muelllng trcasurca fleanor o tlluutcd iiullilug but knrtwledgo whlohahu stored neatly nwny in her well ordered head mrs iltlnn could understand eleanor but stephana behavior at that time aaomed to boiitterlyinonmprehenslble then too stephen a appearance waa against hlui ho had freckles bla bunds nud feet were too hip for hlhi and ho looked nakleanor punned gwriy like tha last dunn of tha batch made out of thn odds and ends of thn dough that was loft from the baking kloanor was moio llko n fingerroll dainty of filter nnd with u smooth o en crust mra bunnhorselfwas a phtln person yet aim had pleauant oyes it whole some complexion nnd bar home ntado garments wore alwaya neat she waa a thoroughly tinmen lo woman there waa lint on attlstlo hair in her head and the only houk nho enrod for were cook irooks poihnps it was liecaufo ahe horaelf was ao very plain that she an admired is lean or a evident promises of beauty mia biinn lovetl to fit dainty garinenta to the girl a trim flguit nnd to brush tholong fine hall thitttmilud an softly behind iho pretty enrw as ao ninny other tut here have dona bhh went wltliout finny huruulf in order to have the mnro fin icioimnr whan aha com piired her dnugliler with other girls of tho a midhge it was never blvnnor who suffered by tho coinruiibion mrs dunn hntl hud few advantages isieannr nt sovoit oould spoil words that would bnvo drlton hor molliar at thirty buvuii t lln dlnlloiiiiiy by tho time list glil waa fifteen mra dunn wnu quite curtain that the world eon imhiod few brighter uilnda than klea ho ghmt was her faith in bar duugbtaie kuowlrdga that she uncon sciously acquit ed the liablt of consult ing fteannr about everything thus it was not surprising that the glil be gan to feel that she was a very import ant member of the household tba bonne gave up onion because eleanor did not like iheirfi buckwheat cake were abandoned for the same rason and stephen could not clean hie bicycle with kctosoue itecaiise ieieanor object ed to the odor in abort the bunni were all antwrvlent to kleanora whims for even mr dunn had fallen into the custom of talking thing over with his young daughter sometimes when mr dunn saw the two heads together over latter that had puntled mr bunn or when she heard mr bunn ask ifilvanor opinion upon some little problem she remenv lured tmenslly that she had once been the person to whom he had alwaya turned furailvlar she oould not help reeling some alight twinges of apprehension it came to her suddenly that the wan being left out in the cold t that kleanor with heir bt aufy and her superior learning waa supplanting her with mr bunn t yet mra bunn would iia been indignant bad any one suggested that ah h in daotr of bfoomlng jealous f her own precious daughter when mr bunn consulted fleanor about palnllng the house and allowed bar to select tha colore without saying a woid utmut it to mr bunn who had hitherto always attended to auoh mat tera herself mrs bunn decided that tho time had coma for her to asaei l hur rights the family waa at 1 reakfaat and tba painters were already at work outside ilolert said mrat bunn with dig nlly perhaps you fllilii t know it hut i hare buif the color for this ijouati eelectvd u r morr lmii two- waekv i want it intl with tluk hjrdwn trim mlnga o niolhcrjciltml lonnui what an kaater eggy cpinllhtatloh 1 oretm la all lb rajfe hi year thinks how much prattler i be house would imi in two shades of uroen a nice ft eiign- graaii with tt i iduw shade to inatch l pnt you rt ify think it would be prattler molherp yooaadni1ttad mrs b111111 weak ly i tlon t know but it would i guess 1 d just as soon havo it green after all ahe thought as ahe pick ed tip the brertkfnat dishes there a one thing i can do better than flennnr i cant talk french 1 vo never lieen good looking and my taate in colors may not be the beet in the world but i can eook there un t another woman in this town that cun make such good bread such light muffins and auch fl iky pie ci ust a i can if i do say it th pre isnt another woman in tho statu thmi o in feed a family of five ns will as i cun 011 as little money when mrs bunn bad reached this happy conclusion he felt that ahe hnd at last resinned her rightful plare ns the in n 1 uf lite bunn lmuaoliold bho w u even able to view tba grcou av tarior of her domicile without nny hit tomes but poor mr ttiinn wns not allowed to rem 1 hi long in this millsf ictory state of inlml f u before thn week wis out klviuor hnd invaded even the kitchen when pkanor announced a few day after tl e paint episode that the girls of her eel had organised n cooking club and that the had joined it seem ed n rval calamity t mr bunn who however received llu blow in silence and gave no lgn ii it when kloanor had rushed a iy to convert the red and white gingham that the club had ohossn as it uniform into nn apron of unexampled gorgeouanrss mrs bunn tared gloomily at her plain reflection in her highly polished dish pan nnd gavn up hnpo idldnt mind having her prettier than fever was mourned mrs bunn i didnt mind hiving hor hcp her father with his buelnese letters better than i ever oould i tlldn t uven mind having her pick out tho colore for the houie when i saw bow much better it 1 was going to look 1 hut it does icon a if it wuuld break my heart to have itoltert bunn ilk anybody elw uilmigh nut better than nine it never occurred to m111 bnnn thnt bet accomplished daughter could by any possibility fall in anything that she tindtn took it waa a foregone c n elusion with mr dunn thatlf flouunr made doughnuts hordoughnuts would be juste little bettor than nny other that had ever been made it was not doughnute however but lemon pie thnt rleannr selected for j her maiden attempt nt cuokotyi but thl prospect wus even loss cheering for mr bnnn to contemplate for if there waa anything that mr bunn preferred to doughnuta i was lemon pie eleanor without n suspicion or hor mothers unhappy forelwdlors listened with rapt attention tn tho restntirant chef who had lieen engaged to instruct tho girls she wrote hie recipe for lemon pie with puff pasfe upon a slip of paper and tuokod it into hat belt on her way home ahe purchased lemons for remembering btepbene fondneaa for lemonade nt unseasonable hour ahe knew that sho should hnd no lemons in the cupltonrd she found tho linuso demrled for mr bunn was nttondfng a meeting of the sewing old the dignified ohof hail antil that it wna impnualbln to make puff paste without a ninibloslah so nieaunr reunited tho uuulllo top from the old fashioned table in hur liiothet a room carried it to the kitchen and cleaned it carefully than ahe felt in her licit for tho ellp of paper lienrlng ihn reolp but no ellp could she find she imtl lost it on tba tvny homo no mattel said klutuor compla oently i can vemomlier perfectly woll bo putting on the red and white aheckod gingham without which no member of the cooking club could hup to 000k kleanor proceeded to muke her pie two lemons auld gloanoi when her pie crust had been mixed and rolled to her satisfaction two lenione or waa it flvep seem to meyos of course it iriuat have wan flvu the rliid and juice of five lemons and half a cupful of powdered augur eleanor did tint teste the sugar she found in a bowl on the pantry shelf but measured it and etlrred it into the double boiler with the lemons egg nnd corn etareh the corn it arch having been put in dry adhered to the bottom of the poroelnln boiler and re fused to mu eleanor scraped off what ahe oould and added an extra tpoonful to make euro of having enough later when ahe went to the ice box for her ball of pi crust nho found that it had dlssppuiml sho i bought ac euslngly of stephen still hungry a he always wait it seemed improbable that the boy would have devoured any thing so uninviting oa a lump of raw pleerust further investigation die- etoaed the fact that the lump of puff paste bad slipped off the lo into a con veoleni pan of milk eleanor fished it out adding a little flour to eoak up the moisture with her dough she lined two pie tins whloh lie neglected to butter one pie was intended u a sorprls for i he bunoe tli oywhbuu amen tho follow- tlaj ing day at tho cooking club drat ban quet when the crust were properly liked fleanor mado a meringue of tb whites of two eggs and some grannlut ed sugar for the top of her pie hh lunniiibered too late that she had used ell thn pulverlxed sugar for the interior of her pies instead of saving it for the meringue 1 hut sho trualed that it would not greatly matter why they look just hko pla i t said khianor di ahe concealed her j mesterplecoli under two inverted pant 1 m utr glad i decided to make ploe in atead of attiffml laked potato or any of thflao eay thing mothers plea are good of course but she cant pect to make crust like thl when she doesnt tisea marble slab ooodnee i 1 m afraid the butter has oaked into this murbt in spotet i dont seem to be able to got these dark patches out fleanor removed the other trades of her afternoon s work and restoreillhe stained marble slab to its place that evening toward the close of the men kleanor loft the supper- table with a mysterious air and returned in triumph with one of hor pie to be sure she would have felt more jubilant if tho meringue had not shrunk to a tiny nasi in the midst of a golden doaort hut otheiwls it looked llkean admirable pie mrs bunn feeling that the day of her awn lemun pie wore numbered mitdo an honest effort to appear plsas vtl at her daughter succas 1 but she could not hoping that pie wee not help quite as good ns it looked i mado it snld fleanor proudly all by mysolf ao i guess id batter cut it will you have a piece grand r a small one unld grandma bunn somowhut skeptically this knue remarked kleanor nfter a moment seem to be dull try this one suggested mr bum gravely handing his tlaiighterth tarv ing knife kleanor puff pnetn wa certainly be having very queerty shall i get thecnu openerr offered stephen politely you might cut thn lln into section you know and pnui them with the plu kleanor persevered in dignified 1 silence and finally succeeded in dig glng out five mangled portion for on rigrettabla moment mrs bunn the conk hud felt n thrill of i tilumph but it was of abort dura tion at the first sight of eleanors distressed countenance the mother 1 soul was up in arm and soft hearted mr bunn was ready to weep with sympathy becausober daughter first pie had stuck to the pan but there wna worse tn come stephen nt the first generous bite rose hastily and fled from the table tho other were more cautious but tliulr wry fucoe mnde a study in expres slon thnt would have delighted an urtlbt tho ambitious cook however wna anything but delighted kloanor bald mr bunn laying down her fork i m afraid youve mad i the whiting i had on the pantry sbslf instead of sugar and youve seasoned thn meringue with rook salt dldn 1 1 you taste the filling while you ware making it i never thought of it said eleanor whoso eye had filled with tear doarmo what an awful pie i what hall i dor i promised to take one of those to tho cooking club tomorrow there isn t time for me to make an other for i must write that essay to night 1 never mind said mrs bunn gen erously i ii make one for yeu yea eleanor eald mr bunn push ing away his plate yotid better 1st your mother do the pie- making you cant hope tn rival her why your mother makes the beat pie bun t itobert said mra bunn torn liotween her pleasure at mr bnnne appreciative word and her ympathy for her chagrined daughter dont say another word eleanor will cook as well a i do one of these days i doubt it said mr bonn ditt there there little glil you neednt look en ilka a little hotcrose bunn tiboilt it for thero arent many hint can cook ns well a your mother can ntbrtainino hks uofstfl an englishwoman of decidedly snob blah instinct hut socially entrenched behind gicat nnd new rlahs onoo engagod the lain onrney grain to give an dutertalnniont nt hat country home she left instruction tht the entertainer when he arrived was to dine with tho servant the butler who knew better apologised but uornoy wa a man not easily tllscnn ceiled say jerome k jerome in a recent ekalali ho dined well and uftei dinner rose and addressed tha tha assembled company well now my good frlsnd said be if wa have all finished and if you aro nil aggreeahle i shall be pteased to present to yoiriny little show m the servant oherd the piano was dispensed with and oorney eon trlved to amuse his audience very well for half an hour without it at ten oclock came down a message mr qomoy 6 rain kindly come up into the drawing roorop oorney went the company in the drawing roam were waiting seated we are quit ready mr grain remarked the ijnste ready for what t demanded oor ney courteously for your entertainment answer- the hoiteea but ive given it already explain ed oorney nnd my engagement waa for oil performance only glvsnltl where p wbn r an hour ago down stair but this la nonsense i exclaimed the hostess it seemed to me somewhat extra ordinary oorney replied but it ho always been my privilege lo dine with the company i mm asked to entertain x took it you had arranged a little tttafc for tb nrrvartu tw1ntv vibara aqo in the municipal council the tond ore for macadamising anil gravelling mill st woru considered win lundy hindered to supply rough atone at 70c per load nnd gravel at iuc per load delivered a ij wright tend cdtodu the whole work of grading itnrtada mixing hnd giavulllng mill st from1ino t ii depot tn mjn st to find all grnvol and bvokun atone for 1004 die latter tender wu accepted on motion ji t councillor ivm hmond and w p illown a neat now funcn hns lwon reeled in front of the methodist ptlreousgo howor ay ir lowry 1s imrfouudlng hu nrch nrl and gronu is on hop 11111 with a neat picket fence mr geo so per has m proved his rasldoncu wltk a coat f pnlnt otipt sttihlwandtjout clement of the hilvatlon army have tnkon charge of thn corps here drayton council put a cow by law in force in one weov a man had a black eye another man sold hi cow in disgust and another man was fined for nsaault in addlth n to supplying his toron to customer with milk mr a hem street hns commenced local milk de lit cry a most lieautlful and picturesque view is thnt to ih had now from monti ment hit fulrvlew oeniolery annthrr cnae of drunk nnd disorder lyon monday eienlng the anthorl tlon are finding nmple ronult from the repeal of the srntt act meaara w ii storey acton 1 d wlieelllmn oamplwllvlllu 1 ami s i inn nan r br milton are arbitrators in the ense rf town of milton and time inmh re right of way for mil ton waterworks and innd for reaer voir workmen nre engaged undur the iporlntondonceof mr ichton ken ncdy in building n substantial fence round the old cemetery perman onoo oem to lie aimed nt to the ex qluelon of lieauty something like 200 ha been auhacrlhed messrs monab on hnva pur- ohnsed the merchant tailoring busl neaa of the past end clothing store th ateam heating apparatus pieced by king co georgetown in the methodist church here ha proven a great econo miner in fuel over the hot ir furnace formerly in use last year only a fraction over one half a much wood and coal was consumed as formsrly and the church was comfor table in tho severest weather considerable excitement was caused intownlastwsekbythearrestof mr o h ryder an suspicion of arson in con nection with thn fire at hie tailor hop the arrest was instigated by the insurance companies waterloo town council has passed n by law requiring nil children under a certain age to be off the streets by 0 p in ilore is a painter for our own council warden bra llvorymen lot out a horse and rig a week ngo monday ostensibly to go to pergus to return on tuesday on tho wednesday mr john word cn atnrtod for pergus to lit vestlgate but could got no traoo of the property llo visited orange v we shelburno and other points notices were sent over the country word ha since boon received from grimsby walkerton and shalburne of possible clue mr warden went to grimsby and st catharines but up to going to press the horse and rig had not been recovered an unprnfltalilo hnrso case is report ed ns being settled in a special sitting of the division court here the caue had three juries eleven witnesses and tho horse hoarded for nearly two months nt tho expo mo of the plaintiff who won tb ens the caste wore more than the wjirth of tho horse the hamburg cordovan tannery nt tho toot of elgin si la a hive or in dtistry under iho efflolent manage mnntofjulrwm smith jr mr jacob proprietor has added u num hor uf improvements new machinery has been put lu nnd nil addition is being built a base linll match between the elm leaf and saw mill club wa played at brook villa last saturday score elm loafs swi saw mill a mr tho j speight who ha been transferred to tho g t it junction georgetown has removed to that town mr t jams moore has resigned from tench ing at leslie school in tending to take a oourse at the normal hahool donald d m inn formerly of acton has been awarded the contract for building an extension of the manitoba and n w r 25 mile beyond tho present termlnu at langenburg he will start work at once mr arthur lnlng ba engaged in the be business nnd commences with a number of colonies wa shall ba pleased to ioe hie apiary a success fnblo school examination for may mr moore department not being given they being engaged in special high school entrance work t 2nd dept sen robt slnolalr ohater matthew fred ryder int frank molntoah bessie cameron rolllo smith jun annie foulkee uorbo phillip agusu bell o md- phall teacher flrd dept sen minnie edwards charlie mooann hettte mcoann jun arthur moore allan campbell roy mcintosh nettle oohbon d oorrlgan teacher or dept sen buxxle storey rtiseel cameron john robson int charlie tower nellie holme george robeom jun lile creech mabel oralne roy maintain lena dor- land teacher an aim in hfo i the only fortune worth finding 1 and it is not to ba found in foreign land bht in tha uwut llvrutri l stevenson oh do not wait till aftnrwhlle today a thn time for deed and rolle just now dispense your gifts of grace i just now na you meet face to fao to morrow grluf can not atone if we have fall d to lova our own or lt a bit of eunihlno fall along our path for all r if in lie worth to ma and you will always iu in what we do for other with a touch of heart ab day by day we meet and part tho new asauuut in thefreo kinder garten wa feeling out of orta that morning tho llttlo folks around tha low table hnd never seamed so resile jutnmy puclien a sickly boy with heavy eyee wna even mdro than un usually incapable of receiving an hie severn of the children had sore throats and wore flannel rag around their tuck maggie mnrlaty had for gotten to wnsh her hands and faoe be fore leaving hnmn and it wa neoeo- sflry to ovorson iho operation th new assistant found herself wondering if it paid she had taken up the work against tho half laughing protests of her friends liecuaso she wanted to feel that she was doing something worth while 11 the world bub now ebe wondered if it wore worth while she had been to n concert the evening be fore and it would have been very pleasant to indulge in an extra nap that morning instead of eating an ear ly break f is l and inking two street car to get to this poverty stricken section of the city she hnd a sudden craving for the big leather oasy chair in the library for tha daintily appoint ed luncheon tablo with nn immaculate waltrvas moving shadow like from chair to ah ilr she confessed to her self th it itho was rnthor 1 irod of these reminder that thero was such squalor nnd poverty and ignorance lu the world one of lha llttlo girls dropped the piece of paper she wa folding and leaning forward put hor lips against the table tha new asulttant stand ing behind frowned with impatient wonder but it was another of the children at thn table who asked the question in hor mind whatever are you adolo annie p i m a klsiln miss kftloe shadow came the prompt unswor t an im udnln it causa i lova hur an im agoln to lie nlco and perllte just like he say always tli eye of tho now nulstant blurred suddenly her question wn answer ed hnd it pnld to inspire such love in thl starved little heart had it paid to awaken in thl untaught child an impulse to better thlnga hod any thing ahe had over done paid quite a wellp a chord atruck on the piano caused tho children to look up and having looked once tboy looked again for there was something in the new assutanta face that bald them like a magnet to those keen young eye it seemed lo ho ehlnlng now wo ro going to sing children aid the now assistant breathlessly and i want you to choose your very nicest song this la such a beautiful world tmndlcn and tbu squire bsnaon way often consulted in oaaoa of family difficulty resulting from the storm end stross of time or temper and ho derived a good deal of amusement from tho tale told in hi llttlo office is it true that you threw some thing at mlko that caused tha swell ing nvor his eye v tho squlro naked a llttlo wiry irishwoman who appeared sobbing ut hi door ona day half an hour after her husband hnd departed yib i did bald tho little woman catohlng hor breath but in ivor mint to hurt him and ho know it well wu d just come home from me cousin wedding nn i wa foaling kind of eoft to mlko nnd i axed him if he loved mo oa much as ho did tho day we waa marrlodi and and ho wus ao slow answering mo that i up wld the mop an flung it nt him squlro benson 1 for if wo poor womon dont havo lova our heatta just break inside of us i diuoatb ohildhbn all peraona who have delleata child ren in aeton will be later- mted in thl aruele rapidly growing children need a great deal of vitality they grow fast play hard and too hard at school then tho appetite becomes fitful their night are real las and they soon be come weak delicate and sickly we want to remind the parent of every sich child in acton that our dallalouu cod liver preparation vlnol will correct theso trouble and moke for each child new vitality sound fleeh and muscle tissue strong bone struc ture and pure rich red blood it will build them up fill nut hollow cheeks and make then strong robust and roay mr o allon or new bedford mob wrlteet with two puny ail ing children i waa very much worried i had tried almost everything without uooea and a a last result tried vlnol tha benefit wa great in a very ehott time they gained flesh and strength 0 rapidly th reason vlnol i so far euperlor to old fashioned cod liver oil emul sion and other tonics for children i because vlnol i a delloloui modern cod liver preparation without nil made hy a mlontlflo extractive and concen trating procos from fresh oods liver combining with peptonate of iron all the medicinal healing body building element of cod liver oil but na oil and ohlldren love it we oak parent of aoton who bave delloate children to try vlnol on our guarantee to return their money if it fall to give ats- facllon b av robertson druggist acton

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