Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 4, 1908, p. 2

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jwmf v 5 ah in m i fiiiiiwwt mini amtmai allfll i y hv ki nllr a ttoruha iutmliurr v ullhttfm ai4inai j jin- i y it mr nlll tor lo couatalu jusle j wiiijmw- in cunrnitl iwi w if wiumiii martha ourjihihu ml wlllauu aaadmytiara ije retort yr jvis5 thuubday ium i 1 ttdltoiliab notbo auoniiioitnuiijiillffniik i hutiiluy luiyor dllhir li in in if iui 0 on in montrcnmiy iiim hqi i i iihnii tm uimlon on n mint htvml y urn priviuu dutoollvu round tkii uilgui kotopuri mplllntc tlqil r nil i 1 ly flity m phndfil riillf i iooin llfoy fnninl fcl mm diul f nr luirthmlerasorvlnif tin n ilrnnt hrlrnlnv fliwwl unlit i llio indduiiublp in lit i il i 1u bonlon oil iifnnl nnbliitf twnl night kiiniu mi ii immniuil niui n tin olytla anil twinty hu liiiil iiui ijii ulu knots 1ii tin rnntlniniii- uiiiiiiiiiik trial thl- in tint wat alilp ibnt wlu eonviy tlio irllico nf u nl mul uultn to tli t r cnittohhl y rim mill n nt qimhoo in july tlio hpilng nml lpmt niimlir or tho otmimllnn orour with atilkliiir tltit pufffl ill mlttlm hlll hiuilly hlii tmtoj mul orowiuil with tutmlil ulattrr of kftn intuival t nil k i in tlio grocery fruit provulim mul klndroil trnilna it i- coitiiinly lilully crudltnlilfl to tho mclim iltlilulilnjr 00 toronto who uo tlio uitiili piilillatieta tlio busy mnn miialih- c j is admirably llltiatriuml nml lins tlnm ly rrforencas to tlio nppronclilnu mid slimmer vacation aimmin which lts n outing cltnrtiotor to tho imnihi i thrra nro lovurul hi lulu hi t iy krtlalos tolling hi hfo stiirlns of pro mlnont ounnilliuib- mnn w nn do lng tlilnus and imw nnmuiiiin ntlior hccoptnliliicontilhiithinu will 1 1 found within urn red covin of thn limit 1 mho whllo crop ropoitn fiom tint wmt nro exooddlntily itrlhut tlmp of ontario conditions nro ullifhlly lona mi tlio provincial popnrtfnont of apil culture lint iuued n otutoimnt which on tlio whole doolduilly fnvouihli tlio oropi nro nt prosont iilinilt two wooki ahead of inst ymr and urn growing well tall wlaut emu through tho wlntoi willwut uiucl dsinsgo and recant ml on linvn dun much for pasturnpn nml tho liny ciop cold water 1 nn anttrprulntf iiihb in tli county or hlmcut ulilcli inui january mloptoil 1ncnl optloii a cold water mnn tlioy ro nil coldwntui man now writing to u friond in lo ronto ittit wcwk bayu i oui lioti u ro doing liualnoau only hir tlnuicl nn drunken men now hatuiduj nlglltn no lonfori at hotol doom no profano inngungo hunrd no lllthy trooti with tolmcco nnd no driiukeii man going homo ni uiuur tin lieu unit yitom flouear now that it la known tviivhiro that in tho roennt furoru mui tin onfnrofliuont ot tlio lotd nriy act in winnipeg that nil tho alllunco nukul for waa tho impartial mid rcauonuhlu nforonmant nf tho law mid that th alllaneodhl not glvo infomiutlon nm complaint in one alnnl cauo lh poopla oro plnolng ho teaponiillitllty for tit fake ensea where it lightly hu long and now whim tho ronson sblenou of tin law hna heen doliion trated it i looked upon hy thn people nn admlrnhlo inw m m it liqultu ovldont that uonio iioili men hnvo no intontlnn or oliuiivlnn the provlilomof tlmuquorlltnub act under whloli their ucoiisoh nro fi an ed ilev mv wlumi itntixl frmii tho pnl pit on ft rooent bundiiy tint utiihllnu nd drinking woro holh puimulid in one of our local linlfllu nn u i oct nt hun- dy it repnrtud that thla hunday wutheflnt nftor tlio niettln of thn lleenie commlmlnnoni huio laut montttt when thoy ndvuud tho hnul men after with holding tholr llcouum for a month tlmt iinlteu thuy kvpt hotel their lleenaei would ho oiincul led latt sunday a vult of inapootor trtwy proved thnt nnotlior locid hotil perrolitwl iti bar to ho frtiimnilid ot sunday ilia hartendot nnd rom mini being found thar vorlly ir the people of thu good town iluo up tml unitedly ilatorniluo to intrnduoo iunai option hud banluli thn imi who will berespomlhlflp it in mirtitnty tlnn far a change tlieeloolloncontoutu going forwaid in title county quietly nniv with com mendlbte good nntiiio mi h i warren tho ltlmrnl oandiilnti lull ble aoton mooting inittliumday uvtn lng mr warren wavtliadtiitspcnkit and life otenr biiilnem like hiuidllug of ttteleadlnofqlimtloiiiortliodhynrmtud tory favornbln impieaalonn luapikillnir bli ability in iho dluniualnn or pulillo qutetloni nnd hlu nhli qnnlklimtliuib for the fulfilment of tluidutloann lng to moiphorihlp in thn iglatuturi mr warren acquitted hlmsilf with marked credit and hi frliiid in uitu mtlon wer quite pnl or him hu waa mild in hli ertloluiuu hut sti ong hi nil deolarnf lona for good otoan govern mont in the twit inicrokth or tlio pnopli of the provlnou ui whh mippnt lint in vlgoromjepeeahhymiil m mount k 0 nephow of the into ah ollvni howat mr mitwat touched upon many live queitloni at proiont nt iisuh sihowed the iintennhln pmltlon of whltnoye government in numor poaltlom taken hy them dr kuone meeting wai in progrtiii ny wo wnb trt preee laafc evening ho had two vary able peakere to wupport hlui mr j it l burr k o of toronto and mr w- elliott k o of mlunn icu hoped thnt the eamhgn will eon duo to the and with the initio goo1 natawj rivalry and tliai it wll be iolntely devoid ot the vpfehanimo slltgl acta altaged to h4va h wrwtratad m bont luthli a splendid convention the oathefinar of ountly sjohool worhan nt umlllnarad ittoou ful nnd lntitlnat vbuy hklprul ad dh baa vs i lie oventeeiithauiiuhl convention of kuqm ulng hiindav hi huol amiutton liolil itt llalllumraij ktlduy nftur- iioon and ovenlng vmm gmtiryngly fmllfitt in hotjiful iiiiiin and nuggai tloul lbs nttondaneo wiu largo and roprnaeutnllve isvery iponkor on the protiraniinit wim preiaut nnd their nddreiai u nnd the dlicilulona were full of intereit uijinty itfove llinininon of aih kiovf tint pros id a nt took thn almlr mid duvotlonal i xnrolae wuro eon ducted 1y ituv i a o wlllouglfhy 0 utiritalnutu- sutrmim ippulillliien t at pniumlttviw ituv 0 w luiknr acton rjivn hla aildnai an the aifnlt 111 hit clma mnvdideiit iiin addreaa ho until wm iitggoatlvu rntbrr it hauutki within the pait row jenra thfro huvu cmiifl into hlrth in the cliurolifu mitferaljirtho ureitteat uvnn holuing uoiiclja butory notably thoro hnvo wen tho yuung poploe rnrwnrd mnveuient i tlio woinub mlnhiiiary moveiiient nnd tho jmy- moue mualonniy movement lately tho adult dlliln olahi movement hai hoiii organhunl mid la proving a most imp it tout adjunct to hunday softool miimoih it b tho power which uhul niiiko for tho huiuhty hohool of the future it rtlluvea tho adult olau tianher from a large flhara of reapou nihility while it dotii not rduco hit lulhitince it la a training work for the omcora of thn cliiaa nnd preparea thorn for larger work in the acliool it create a klndnd spirit and ita in inlierahlp nro in aynipathy with nna iiiinthor it caiitralkea the ineinlwra hi connection with tint church or uhilit nnd tho work nfood rov mr durkor ouplnlned the method of organ lint 1 1 i nnd dutlei of officer nnd ehow od that iiich a clmi le powlhlo in any school nnd induced thn adult mini hora nf tho church to unite with the wcho i ail intureatlng duousalnn followed lit which ilavi ii a miicphtrunn jrti turner and john mune and ux iteave nnnr mid measra j v ilonderaon w i hauipahlre nhd ii v mooro took pnrt itov ii a mnopherann of ohnlm oiuuhuroh toronto dellvorod n itlr- ring nddium on what nro wo doing with our opportunity mr mno phvraon nxpressod great ploasuro in rliiowing acquaintance with tho knquoalng hunday school workers and tho convention gavo ovldunce of a mclpihiclty of tlio feeling the prea out opportunity la he aald tin heat ovor onjoyod hy sunday school work- oih nnd it entnlla thn bringing nf tlio hcholnra into the fellowihlp nf all that in goniuatid true the reapnnilhlllty for tlio boys and glrli who go to their clnauoi ii largely with tho toaolian the anlvatlon of tho scholar and ida conversion to chrlat la alwaya to bo nl mod itl to accomplish this there niuut lo moro poraonnl tnuch t a tak ing advaiitngo of tho opportunities uirucil a uttlo more of sunday spread nil through tho week wo mint got after thorn know them intereat them wo muat make sicrl floob to emhrnco our opportunltloa cmichidlng ho anld tho work ot oiki is just us easy in nallluaftid aa it la in loronto nnd it is just aa hard in to ronto na in balllnafad helpful dlsauaslon wlm followed this mtdroaa tho queatlon drawer wa con- duo tod hy ii i moore many quei tlous pertaining to sunday school wnrk wore handed in and nn undivided interest was manlfostod in tho answers given mr w j l hampshire tho oner gotlo sec rotary then gavo the statist oal report which gave interesting ln- roimntlon reapoctlng tho twontyono schooli or tho townalilp tho nttmhor or tenolioraandofflcorsissiloi scholars uadi tho amount contributed for missions 111110 tlionfflcnni eluded for the coming year werei president- john ilunter nurvnl i 1st vice pros george wll unit hornby i jud vloo proa dr watson georgetown bno troua w j l hampshire hootch dlock at sin oclock tea waa served hy the ladloanftheproshyterlanhnd methodist olmrclma hi the temporanou flnll and a very bountiful spread is was their waa mi nhiiudmido of the vary choicest viands t tlio tables were highly attrao tlvc mid tho organisation for serving wns pvrfoet at thd close of this splendid repast n cortlal voto nf thanks was moved hy r d warren nnd ii p moore and tendered to the imlloabymr vb nonr at llio evening aeaslon the cnpuclty of tlio church was tuxod to nooomiuo date tlio people who asrotnhlfd llovi mr milne thn pastor conducted the dnvoilons president thnmpann then intrfmliioed his successor mr hunter who iiftnr afow words of npptoclatlnn of ihu houoi conferred took the ohair tho mhlreas hy itov mr wlllmighhy on pmctlonl iqnelta of sunday hohool work was a splendid deflnl thin of siihlinth fiohnol work and he honefltti derived sunday school work inouiia the training nf the mind nf tho young mlddlo ngnd nnd old impmta lng tho truths nf iho word or god tltfrdovlnplng ohamoler outside tho homo tho sundny school la the gioatost plttco foi ohnraolet building nnd omphnslalng upon the sahnlni hit duty to gihi and to his fellowmon thn honoflta of sunday school woik ncaruo tu tho tench nr the scholar hih ohiirch tlio puiouta nnd tho aiiiiimtn ity the highest ideal was tho topic of itov mr maophereon who deliver ed tho closing addreas it waa a flt- tlug ellmnx to a very successful pro gramme and the vmry strong appeal of this suroeasful mini tor to all engaged in sunday school w ik to accomplish the salvation of the toholare waa most impressive and inspiring mr mac- pherson wua the only outsider on the iirogrhimua and his addraases wore ilghly piactlonl and hflpful dnhng the convention a uplon oholr led he singing with much aooeptanee tha aburch was beautifully decorated wlth flowerf ahdilattta bvnry delegate praaent waa wade to feeithat ftvery oordlal welcome wa oitcnfl4hy the balllnafad blends dr nixon and r d warren many hlbotorsi wssnb phieohnt llio nnuilustloii of catidldutna for tho provlimlhl klnntlon for h til ton wk held in miltmi on monday thar whs a large hlloudsnca of tilectorafroui all p irta of tho county dr a w nixon thnmemhtrortli parliament juat prorogiietl was nomin ated by t a wllloughhy and aeeond wl hy samuel dice it d wnrreu waa uninitiated by i inglohnrt and aeoonded by ex warden wrlggleaworth mr h dice was appointed flniliiclul agent for dr nixon mid mi j h ptueock for mr wsnui aftt r tile iiouilnstloii tbti cnitdldatra iiddieusrd thn i lector aild th umls nf noli wetit tll ntutlhl with the nuiniier in which lliey rvajieot fully ac quitted thriuhtjlvea mr d himideraout m i nfterwaid hika in itelialf of dr nlxou and mr ifm aowat k 0 ohnuiplnileil mr warrens cauiduturo maich itaunsatr a well known anthnrrty on hheu matlsip givia the radcr of a urgs new york ilally paper the following valuable yet simple nud linrmls proscription which any one can easily prepare at home i fluid km tract dandelion one half ounce t com pound kargun one iiunco i oonqmund syrup saras purl i in lines ounces mix hy shaking wall in a liottle and takn a tvaapoonful aftar tmch meal and at bedtime ho states that tho ingredleulb h lie obtained from any gooil proscription pharmacy at small cost and being of vegetable extraction nro harmless to take title pleasant mixture if taken reg ularly for a few days la sold to over- enmo almost any caao of ilheiiinatlam the pain and swelling if any dlmln shea with each dose until permanent results aie obtained and without in jurlng tho stomach while there are many so called rheum allani remedies patent medicines etc soma of which do glvo relief fow really give prrma noitt results nnd the above will no doubt lie greatly appreciated by many sufferers hero nt this lime inquiry nt tho drug stoma of this neighborhood elicits tho information that theao drugs are harmless and can ha bought separately or tho druggist hero will mix tho proscription for our readers if asked to oaumjm ror alarm bpldsmlo influent orippa catar rhal trouble ptieujmonla inovaaalnir a marked increase in troubles of tho breathing organs la noted in many localities if you will only have nyomel at hand to use with the first attack of cold in the head pneumonia ctild bronchitis hoarseness sore throat croup in fsot any respiratory affliction the troublo will bo quickly overcome if tlio attack la neglected ami be enmea severe speedy relief will canto in most cases and n persistent uvo of hyomel will cure the directions for using it vary but the principal is always thn same that of destroying all tho germs in the air you brentho and having it ronch the air passages with dry medication from tho pino and eucalyptus forests remember that liquids or moisture is barred from the bronchial tubes and lungs its the dry nlrof nyomel that roaches the spot a t drown guarantees it complete outfit ii municipal council doings piimhihili hmv j h cntejiun canadian rfvaiai northwest excursions june 9 23 autf 16 july 7 21 sep 1 ib 29 return 2nd class tickets preim all ontario lutlen to winning 01 wry htfhanam snd nrlheipar petnu i n jjtif skihia very low rates ttokiya aooo ron eo days berths in teurtat mpnm oars at small htra 4t irsmursaui dvanos apply la mty aw n ttahst acsnt ur full lirrmlln km fre oepy rhamttmur nunpm erwrn 0 b rostm du nss ajsat tstsole rnrrishx oahadiah buuihstasj toronto iimi d i iilo ma court rhortiibbd or oommar alal autjr mlriuu uon tsba aumniar torrn wlfer 8 mautlia sioby uiili knur any ay addrmi a suggestion for june a present for the bridb a u bjwaapef a aauw of canrauw a est of h irona a parlot lamp or a niee of ibvl rear tons silverware the kind thata aruarsintsced silver to kpep tfio kind that laiti from mgff one generation to an- fiy other coin but a df you trifle more than jbv cm tell the common aw e by the kind a v tradctrulrfc m wasuts kpf we commeitd it m owrswtiir r p johnstone co uarowabal aotom tho council mot oo mmiday even lug in thw pruu library during tlm piogieas of tho ii pilrs to thn otiuutf uhaniwr they luiyi huuii unetlng li various quartern in tho niidluirhini on the stage lu thn tllirnry pcrhs m the next meatlng will im held in thu plremeiispailoi tho iiioniluirs worn till present itreie hwnokhnnier in tho chair tim coniuiltton i n ununcu pisaent id thnlr loviuth ivpnrt mid ricoiii oieudmt pityuimit i f neroiinta as fol no on til 901 1ui nijmi ivdiu on utitrfils lel jh i inwor ahoxwull re i mm t dross p alasnhis woi u on hi rita preston metal hl iiulo k sid lng on- loiranpojk wlnelii oxpuaa w whltr wnrk at town hall ai moilmirsim shovi lllng snow tho npiit was ml qilid dipt clmu imiihlf wnltid umn tho council to i quest lh usual gr int foi milk nnd hutli for company p arton wtiun in can p chilli mnn aglw nf the hoard or kducatlon walled upon tho council to consult with h ft r ii uon to tho duties tho junltoi which nro to hu pur formed by themunlolpiilomner the your engai uunit of thu muni clpal ortlcfr does not oxplre until tho oth tuat it was thercforn deolded to ilefer tho mnltor until next meeting chairman williams sliggitstod iho purchnso of uindarn ih rtrolliis for tlio council chanihur lu order thut tho furnishings may w jn keeping with tho impiovcd stirroundlnga nowolootrjillors will he noourod thotown hnll nnd pirk cmiimlt- tecs submitted a now nln dutu uf latoa this wna ncoeptid and copies of iho now acludiilo uere oriund to hn print oil council ndj liirm d bofnru ten o clock 8urpri8e ian hand laundry chas suey proprietor to my patbomsi i have now a wonderful new method ol dolnv laundry woru o all uinaa work ia wall finished and no injury or damage done to iho fines roods bhlrts collars cuffs veils my ipeclslly collars ironod so as not 10 be broken in the wing and finished so thay will not hurt tha neck work for both ladles and gentleman succuted with promptness and emirs sails faction and equal lo ihe best the chits can produce chas huey the old ci i lion acton willow street rear of llendorson a cos summer session for teachers and other during july and auarusc eluott toeohto ont itamaidb open llir nmh ui iti aumriar and many siu una rnilur u inta uuip ws navs arastiir ktlvtiiltnas ilil yaw than ar tfors uraduatm raodllr fmureanptaymsnt writs iodsy far landaoma eaialns h ff a lqalaii1 ibobmt w j ul i i0ri rildaliml uorner vongo an i a ianilr ut cuqlph guslpess oolleitc afasouio iljoolr tfpper wyudhata 8i guelph out gousual gonvcrsatloii ii ofian bliulflfltnt ami lniri rtl eitsilon rseanilv ton tminu tutu ws i wtial are you dolus now t ins tha oublph ousinbbs collhob itiisiotlalitl j have two brniliaira grirlusua at lflnelufel uaoooioiaoks cuimb on la aarulnaautmn liunrirw dollar t taar atid si panaw sinimaralallra6llar tlianllibrliaa h hna poaltloti in tlm liaa i ornoe 0 i utnu thib famous institution la donlliiusllv i ri srlna and i mil no fn lbs way of bnemas aiiimlluus ynui u man an i wumm onsni it- at a roll spnka aa wnisl effii doll en una iffa qttli or addr llrul to iba lial 1st uppar wvnilham htraar j us lull af maoooruiqk oa prlneldal tips on stinjmer sits interestincx store news for fridky hnd skturdby iinutli k wo received iio yanlu of n tills slilpiim nt figured a sateens ajale of kmafured cushion comfort and ourtaln 1 lirno art httleuim upon ojnuldb wadlhtnvered that they liairtmieil dninnpced hi trim li wore slightly nil marked on atteos only we have been three months halllhig this clnlm with tlt0 1u at lanl wo liavo auccoodod in extruding oflttlng ullowaiilu this lot will 1a offered fr the flrnt ami only time at rod mod iirlcaa on ptlday and knliinluy fiext reud an pes imkiirellbntheu rejt ajc ipiullty f r lc o places hut tu u reg jc quality for il jd 4 pieces hntean regular loc jiiauly for asc there in wry little wroti wllitlbm hatsoiih krlduv and hfttorday will bo the only opper titnity ol uimvo plces cut hate prices on ru for fuiuav and hatuiuay hfutmmlm asmlnaur and mool rua a few descriptlnu one only nil w nl art hmmto slxfl i yin x 4 yds colors green nml iold tegular v 13 m one only nil we iimto slxfl 1 yat ild regular his no for om one only nil wool art tjrturu ulial 4 ydi colors green nnd fawa rsgulor sa jolorao oo iiui pt jicrii 111111 iiiwii lag 11 id 1 an jh nn pu uu ono only kngllsti hvaiulesii axmimter kug alio 10 ft bfu x i3ft colors green and ecru regular tin fowmeux ounonly ragiu hrusmla bquaro slio j ft x 10 ft 6 in colors grey nnd fawn regular if so for vlzro ono only in il i wll uniiiaelsbqtiare huu ii ft 1 in x is ft colors fawn and cardinal regular 33 oofor iooa una only in x 11 t regular 17 no for s10 bo no only itugliih ilrususla hqtiaro ulivnft j 1 in colors fawn and uinllnul all ol llnon and cotton pattern robes on iltlllav anil haiukimv while linen kmbldard drew whlla hull kmlifmuril nrsswm colored mull knibroldered vemmmt in mh huuisjiu vnruty or tlija ffaah ionfa vord fobm hito the way tin y j 7 75 itiui fiirahnn ii mi ln 1 ku r- r sr7 70 m 15 an lsi 3 ivwiiqrfmoft 4i sir nml n k lr foi 10im iflniil divo nn tr sail a 10 7s un 1 tl 1to4- ihr hit 06 an liujortntit ilnf tin sudretimsafs part ly mudu i liny if iliw vry llllla a1nsskri uftltuuhii t iflakft tllaju u tfuu fit u t vou cuklilale this fuitucu in tliri cot of yilr drass ultra in an urlklnul 1 lmnirtr nnd fcwlug at nut the wi h l 1 ihf whlili lswflli wk ik lluve 1 nirtlilni dlifai nt in t minilifr dfnm t1in hu on hny ii f tin haeailitsivo linen nrlflt- n li ml en 1 1 mlrit lilui spoolal lino of colored muslins to be otferad v iubv and lurday vat 12 1 3pnrt dunly crd muslins in u loantlfiil virltly ft pretty patterns twenty jiuvrmit itt ry 1 offend in lhs new dimity iniihn whmi tin pncals uj a yanl vor lflfl aril ity j ittern batlstr 39 frkbs wl i in 35 different ii itti run and tou rmks nrat elftct 1 uilljril trio tlittk and 1 pulltrti for il a yar 1 st thu u line l tow iprt gbryanco j hy wuy f inlroluc ins biifjtflv io a few mtra men wo snv a pao1stllnf balbhgan underwear 20c li ta en mens store g b ryan co p we do what we say stationery stationery stationery writing tablets ruled and plain writing paper by the quire ruled or plain envelopes all prices fino box stationery calling cards inks wax mucilage picture post cards wo carry a complete stock of fountain pens watermans and others e a robertson druggist stationer optician the palaoo drug store phint aoton not tha following polut i i vu rin almlton i tha hbrbolaaanllomnr tha oartalnty or oonvefe atylaa tho larraat mmmf woru tba abova fal ahould in4uoo you to mak your suit aelaotlon bar gb j wallace mens outfitter mill street let the gentle brcerc of summer wait your time for a change half price hat sale going on hall price cap salo still on hall price and less for some shapes must clear out ontire lot bags for sale moth all sizes furs stored insured remodelled etc lafontalnes fur establishment os quebec street guclph ont w h walker painter paper hanger decorator main slrest aclon opposite stephensons ducksmllh shop ah work rutraniwd tho work of yesrs in aclon is proof ol us ok cells nc orders taft at a t drowna drug storo wljl ncslvo prompt sllenllon w h walker aoton wmgooper to me tho beat of tho hummer ia nt hand be reidy with clothing to match a iht summer suit or pcrhapu a pair of trousort would fill the bill and fit you out season- ly call and sec us the tailor affotil for tho btnndnrd rotary bowing moliihio mill st acton kodak evcrj thing m kodaks cameras and supplies iilwib in hack fresh practical instructions are given to all loarners with out charge wc guarantee prompt delivery soreen doors soreen windows lawn bowors hose garden tools hammocks netting refrigerators freezers our prbm at away rlhl the bond hardware co umlud null phona07 otmloh pringles wyndhom st guelph ont udoobtoibd at oi lasoomio thb whul1noton mutual insurance company aukllakad is40 p otmih out old iron raja nnd rubbers whnted oooil prlotik paid socdml hnntl itoveit hnd ropnlrs fdr farm mmhluery supplied 1i0briq 9axb c g- speit dkailik in hardware carpenter tool farm tools garden tools stoves and vanges granite ware tinware etc mcglorys pandora ranges halt popular and baltofaclary repairing neatly and prompt ly executed picture frames in stock and made to order st ai ghuron hkctok ths s mthht wtfsm ftumlay ktrrlajf hsrk ia 3 bnody evanlntf ssrvm 7 balaei holy caiptnakum lako jvantbf i fcta b af fvw naw 144aiw dft f 1 titiav liyuttttrt fil mi f ttltikm 1 i nv if lvl i w w imtdtwliiimf in- fkj w frokkilty fhit hmk l unrw vf rr aiiut l w mh r t i im himmw foim tftl f tt n lirn 1n m rt a r jiiimnurs o itaitm nl rt tr iwr tufc 1 w 4f mar 1 rru 1 um hm rwrm avawil wut u l irtt iakloit l hkater for hale jrn irwtk aiflth c n if cnmpilirw mai duwi niauara 1 vhp 1908 tuesday 11 ni 10th notlo la htrthy ulven that tho soth rsvtmont lorno nirl htua bn or- did to samp at nlaffarei on juno ia von ia oavs instruotioh all cmotirr nnn en iinltdnn rfflniv tad iniisiiy v will m4 k ii tlull oclook on iti 1 ir itih coermmr v sailt 11 1 avarr tnei 1ar tlirtmlay snl b irjuy iveolon al ui drill bllbd aowri orsqumudto do llilrly nlaa ths simon ru mnrnlnii ot his till anuhmim ar olvbii 11 at il o rallnnb tlila ksr mill ba mrati iiiirrtm 1 i hist tlitr will a luareua in j oh all lbs b oamdlb cptln comraan hi a tionipauy p oolli ntimb corns llltf ood havd tin ktvo i holloway iioiu u040 ihe iiiistcllss imported clydesdale stallion wlu unlie ii o anion ot 13 h ai follows i tbnnday ur mi to vlil taana bla own ubr loiu kllillrim i rln at nna o eloeh and prool to tha cum u tlous uoralown and vrldav will loavaat j udorii raatilna dali nana llil 1 i l ii rarljr in i a afiarnoan and ttaiiiia- win itava in ti arorartoan rwndlns ui hmd lirnir anront and liotna lor n la in terme tolnnroh rayatla in vib 1bo0 vat faiflhai a honiara laa larparmulara j laroa imulai iusui llakltoaniu unara an 1 ooltceto tha 400o thoro drod 9lalllon tragedian will land at lili farm town linn niiniwoyt on wkdnrflnavanl llllty on tu 8da1 tiiuiihia an l n lis will lie at tlo uomiuloti kou ndav will lie at tlo aoton dbbcniption tragedian ia otin nl the anjnartbt itronvmt and uandaouiml tin ill blood tallloda in canada ol ilia immi mr uawjrain or walarloo n of llalit lionaa in ilili country uin ngtil traaejlau in lus hlataa an i paid loo lor biro wlian only on- jaar old lis brmdtr 1 uoiit 1 00000 lor blm wiian only o rvad hlnimll nntnl mm ti ft first elua lioraa flratelaaa half b remit trat milan uib bon but tliraa jaart in tbt stud and baa i toted hliiiivll an tilra aura foal tuar tba lauat raiiort al owe a alierttea of sroo la tba villi liruuli i prlm tniluh ulnelo aarviof snoo i ayat la at tlma of iv- vlos i laaion maraa n0o lavablalat july nua to ininre 1000 iiayabla lt kaliruary lootf ininrad maraa mini liorelurntd rasnlatly la iba if imliu itarea are in foal or i prion all aoeldanta al riali ot ownora ol war or iii ack oani if lop t saai bllvareilu karu sahuiawaa utaihtnitrd cldcsdalo stallion king edward bjsl iiaublr will malio tin ica uollj i lila o- toils tint llur i a i laali f iudicuu1 blreonraawall adraulinu ikm oran1 htra rlnjlmilar lluja it 1 mm otaaial j0 ulhlklu tnattih hlrv ninaiaadariuid n i oraniulra 1ilneiof waliit3 damnalllantfvn iiln uwil iicwl ly jail lae irliio irjut ti i v kiniiio lum tkil llld dalit lollr ilitfl by latlotonl i hill doll ilrat liv u ihit rt arntla tm iti and bam doll ilrat liv unka rt arnrle by oliami inn tin it i dam jaw tirad by anrloola bli be hy putty ulllir ilt rhisckipiion kin a itilwanl la a litmiltfnl gloaav black oil i ind leal wlilin r- ipraowttli i loniv ol iioib find leal wlilin ipraowttli i lonlv ol il ui lis hi laula llbti tin liaa oood olaar llm 1 ono willi l lonlv oi hna allay balranlliaail a lumriiat itatia aoodduoltiiii nu i hiuin hiip and aailon llbaftbaaliiiar h won ut al ii o i mil all a ai i on 4 at tlis lalton oounly h tins hiiowa tlrmb tolnm foal 10 iiyable tallob inoo par aona dliuoalua nt iiiatop inlaw foallnu til y iniurams wlialliar in foal aaoldulatotuaroa j s wbatlibr in foal or li atrilinlnwnri nmiiotltdhh 1 roprutnr ifejri v g gspel4lt acton w o mill 3f 1t indirect results of eyestrain whan tli u uvea are not properly focuieil tlioeflort to gat boiiar lnlon wmtas ansrn wlitoli nlono ilmulil ks ussd in rrntivlna iliina anil relslnlnr tlio strength of the conatltuilon thus tho indirect evils nro nresiar than ho direct onai we are iliorouglily aipjlp ptti to measure eye impirfeo lons ant lo preiorlbo lo prefer corrootlon ws prlnil co orvn lenias a d savage guelph exclusive optician phone 571 aunlph t i v

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