Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1908, p. 3

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m0l y we are hntlrurtrtior 1847 rogers knives forks and spoons wedding present in solid silver jlver plata out ojaae and fancy china wbddino rings marrlaeje licensee issued cbo mill street hynds acton be rtoit jfree rm a thursday junk w 1008 brief local items junerose are out trawborrlee are plentiful vto villa le really tlta good old slimmer timer loh these delightful slafcry june nights- the pie nte beaton la now ori lit earnest the season for bass flablng opert d on tuesday the 1ii wheat la now well headed itftble vicinity j the pretty field daisies ere now blooming in profusion the long summer vacation fbr teachers and pupfl is insight about a vacation ths moat enjoy abla thing la tile planning thereof acton baa a- splendid opening for a flretclas chopping mill business rev j lslder preached again in th baptist ohuioh last sunday vsry aeospably improvementeln home end home sarronndlngs are being effected by many of oqr eltlsen tbe wild strawberry patohee out of town are attracting many of the young folks just now it le elated that the village of burlington may install u waterworks system at art estimated coat of 160000 messrs george agnew j smith end w kenney jr went to camp as membare uf the regimental band on tuesday rev j o wilson a sprained hie right ankle at the garden party monday evening lie is able to be about however the first rain to fell in june aenie on sunday afternoon it was of vast benefit after the fourteen days of eon tlnunua dry weather lot week principal w ii stew- art was notified by the deputy mia- later of education that he had been appointed an associate kxamlner for 1008 those athletically inclined arc busy thee days baseball football tennis lawn bowling laorosse and cricket all have their friends and supporters in town mr i fraiiola will sell a quantity of furniture end household goods at his reeldsnoe on saturday 27th june at on oolook win hemstreet auctioneer julle at number of clthtens took their children toouelph last thursday to ebow them the circus of course they didnt oare for it themselves not a little bit it we juit to please the mr j cheater matthew writs from hesron oal i eee by the fox piumh that acton bae a ball team this year ir they play the game they usually do they will make the other teams hustle the johnstown n y herald but week gave a very interesting review of the m tended trip of mr park dills eon of our townsman mr geo dills to the mines of colorado and idaho he was accompanied from chicago by david ooatee exgoveruorof colorado a imuj van treat tuesday evening wae girl night at the mealing or the bpwortu league and provided a very enjoyable time fqrall present the programme eon- atsltavfwding instrumental music gaographleal questions and a general kundanaka at the eloee dainty homamade candles pleklee and bs- eulta were served maw fcarexma house wstmlm- tuladlas aid or the metbodlet ohipefa will hold a social at the new pareonege on thusday lflth july this will give the members of the con gregation and tholr frlende an oppor tunity to see the pastor and hie family in tbefr pew home and to spend a eoclal evening together john moor ha- passed away mr john moon who has been spend log the past few months ab the home or ble ton mr a ii moors toronto passed away yesterday morning he bad been in poor health for the past year ot so and about ten daye ago poeumnta set in and tbla was the lm- tuedjaie cause of death the remains will be brought to acton friday morn ing and the funcralwlllb bald from moorecrofc thebomeofn p moore ets80 in the afternoon mtss hsllanwndhapna beetle btipectlog the recital of miss basel news op local import lamt fore binder t first joint while mrs t i martin church street was washing on friday leallo the little three yaar old sun got ti fore finger of ble right band in dim gearing of ths washing machine mid it was crushed off at the first joint boenlnlon day deupden farty kooa presbyterian church ueprge- town has secured tho ifllh hlghlandero hand of toronto to give the pro gramme at their annual dominion day garden party at the georgetown park tbu means considerable vtf psnse to the oburoh people and it is confidently expected by them that their enterprise will be rewarded by a very large attendance nu better way can be desired of sending th evening of that holiday beute41anljnlew ohansrea hamilton conference bev tltqa celling of port blgln who wsa lvea usui ot hamilton confsrsnc is a halton men and was bom n nelson township it w smyths goes to milton rev j magwood to oekvllls and rev dr geo dark to george lowi rev c t bennett milton will go to wlarton nov dr rpaa oakvllle to hanover and rev ii a cook georgetown to port dover mr lloyd a smith fdr several year on the staff of the merchants bunk hare and who waaat vlotnrhi unlvor- alty last year baa entered tbti ministry and was atatlonsd on kerr circuit rev j m uagar m a formerly of acton was superanuated and will leave canada shortly to aettle nt los angeles oal another oell by ataptlat ohuveb rev joseph gott who preached in the baptist church here a couple of wrrks ago has been given it call by tbe congregations of acton and georgetown rev mr gott hsa beou in canada about six weeks ho cams from england on a trip for hie health and being favorably impressed with canada has about atinoludad toncoept a charge here hie last paatoratv wae at northampton prior to which he wae tatlonedat lepwlob neiirlnndmi ten years were epsnt with gratifying success dn ths two helde rev mr qotteeollegedaya weroaitent at mid land hd at university college at nottingham he la a lancashire man end knows his country well he la an excellent preacher and the members nf the two congregations who hnvo met bltu are highly plsaaed with him both in the pulpit and in social olrelea mrs gott has accompanied her husband and during her recent vlxlt on tble field made many warm frlemli a cordial reception awaits rev mr gott u be decides tp accept the call extendod dominion day damonatrauon the demonstrations exploited by acton plre brigade have always been markedly successful they have in variably provided an attractive pro gramme and the popularity of the brigade with outside fire companies has brought to town eoms of the beat of thai volunteer brigades of the prov ince tbe demonstration arranged for dominion day this year is intended to eclipse all previous gathering held under their auspices splendid prhtee iampndmapo formerly o acton ths battle creek newe eaye i the largest audience yet present at the series of conservatory graduate recitals wbloh s i hive beet occupy log- the attention of 7vv music lovers for several weeks past g lilted mite haser leraomhmenn at thsoonssrvatopy of mualc thursdky evening the fact that every seat wei occupied and many were obliged m iuii4wk irtboto to hie pop tilt uh w ttnpmte4 pplnom m n idnc lettfmntt tui ptqgmm oonlf td i a 5oz4 pnl4 m lntprutloh vwkwfullorhnta tb ant is by 1imuii wm oiow hrimtmt tbin u otban nil rnatw tha plp4ld of ui ppnolo th jfftbmophtl mn naimi yrtth fructtt pj4ton if blob broafbt out idoilonvwoh lb eompomr j tbtmj mijdb ijlta xtr full ipi voto are offered for competition by iremen and a long hat of aonteste lies been ar ranged for uthlutto sports lliero will be a football mstoh n bsaebiill match and a grand parade of firemen through ths town and tp the park acton oltlsens band will enliven the proceedings of the day and there will no doubt be other bands aocompttnylng vlsftlng firemen the committee in charge messrs w h smith chief b ryder secretary i p motittosh r beott h masalaa w d anderson thoe gamble and s hornby is a guarantee that ths proceedings will be euoetaafally carried wfy a mats wsdatnst bssrt wsdnssday aeomswhatnnlque buta very happy and interesting wsddlng took place last wedneeday lihh inat at tho home of mr ale smith mill street when her second daughter 111 maggie and vemoh woodwsrd or st williams wars joined in the bonds of holy wsdtock both bride and groom ere mutes and both are graduate of the lostltutu for the deaf and dumb at belleville the cere mony was performed by rev c wilson b a with mr wlim and mr alien smith as interpreters and took piece fn front of a bank of feme and fldwer ths bride wee attlrod in a costume of dainty white organdie trimmed with lece and insertion her oouvln miss btta mcdonald was bridesmaid and her niece mies lsfferty was flower girl mr james smith was groomsman mr w s ohlaholm played ths wedding merofa as the bridal party proceeded to the parlor after the ceremony dalrity refresh ment were served tho groomx gift to the bride wae a handsome watoh and ohan ths bridal present were numerous and useful mr and mr vwoodward left jx lnb enlng train for their home a st williams amid ahpwars nf rl and fmffltu and heat wlebss for great joy and happiness anstliav sjuasesnsfp oasdan pasty the cool weathsr on mqnday evening did not deter a large attendance at the garden party on the beautiful grmndi of mr robert campbell- near pnhy lake tbe demand for ice cream was not as lafg a it would have been on a warm night but everything else was in demand and the large oompany thoroughly enjoyed the proceeding ths social intercourse and the bright moonlight nigh the programme was lnchargeofrsvjo wilson b a tbe pastor it included a generous number of sejootloria by mr harry bennett or toronto the popubjr humorist end entertainer i several numbers by knox church quartette meesre mann and mallmde and misses holmes and graham mrsw 8 ohlaholm end mies bete smith eangeoioewuhmuchsooeptaoe miss laura pray wa the aocompanhit of nounoenientoffthe conferring of the degree of baebaforof mpalo upon tbla talented ypungc mthnouinnhtyitend- ing ooagratutatldtib npon the high tsward sf v mo uw bjombl osmslrvattomat in giving an invited address iwfui company of american brltlshsie in connection with avlotorl day cl- bratlon samuel lv clemuna coin ntnnly known as mark twain la re- ivorttwl as saying after extolling tha vjrtuee of victoria and the prince con sort albert and also thelrson bdward viii some people moot the questlun of war between america end britain but therell never be war white we r main sane and tbe eon of victoria and albert site on britains throne this was surely a wise joke a lit morons incident came recently to my notice ocourlng in a town not far from acton it appears that a company of leading cltlsene ware die cnwlng the advisability of haying extra constabulary force in the pawn on ac count of recent disorderly occurrences one of the company ab m d well- known for bl economical ideasregard- lg public affairs remarked that really apart front drunken men on jhti fttreete he kttew of no town of its tjlfca so orderly in tha discussion whlob waaeontlnued a burly bnnlfco present referred to the medicos state inent and remarked that like his medi cine it needed to 14 taken with water as his own premises bad been broken into two or three times very recently thametrefvvlla howevergvve theve tort and iiuwil the laugh at mine hosts expense by saying tbab even if his medicine did need watering the trouble evidently was there was not enough water in the hotslnieue whiskey on a recent visit tu nur iteatitlful cemetery i was impressed with the ex cedent vesult of the woik potform wl this spring under the supervision nf caretaker oarnaihan especially in ihu matter of trim ml tig up the ttvergrthina nnd removing the accumulated rubbish at the roots 1 had previously jheard tu any approving refwrenrmisafwork done and they were dsdi i vnlp how- aver npart from these and jvanlitgup tho welks thw projected improvements of n year ngo ere mliiint nil as yet now tlil summer i fefl hmiii thu rstspayers wuuld not nhjct to u unit- able urchway lietrig erected over the entrance tearing thu immw nf the piece in character large enough to be seen from tho road indetd it might be that a neat wire fenae replacing the delapldaed tumble down irregular itoartl fence on the weet side of the avenue approaohng would also be en dorsed and might i also say the pur chase of a narrow strip of the adjoin ing held in order to give more room for tied teams and other purpoeee some people venlura tn viiy tiki if out municipal rntsrsbud fnlluwed the let ter of ths law in tt past tho income derived from the cemetery itself would have given tble already beautiful place a greatly enhanced condition of course we who do not know cannot we all of us ahould remember that acton la becoming no email potatoes in its importanse in many respects and while munlolpal economy la a plutidld rrelt in munlolpal iwdleaatlll efficiency tn the condition of public matters demand strict uttantlun and in tho long run pays il4rltjlas tub viturr homu oauar aoten defeated milton in ths lssarus derie by 14 to i tbe first home gume in tbe hal ton- poel league serifs was played in the pnrk on saturday there was a lino attendance of oltltene aotun out classed the county town player from aturt to finish the sours was i acton holme o f 1 1 1 1 111 helmukjrt 0 s ii 8 ia i o wild b li 5 0 0 1 ii 0 ryder a b 4 1 2 ii 4 i tuylor arlltun 1 b melntoeb 1 4 112 2 0 ii 1 0 ii u 0 4 ii ii 0 0 0 wlllunie r f 4 1 2 0 ii 0 uynde p 4 2 8 0 2 1 total 88 14 16 27 12 2 lflftom au h ii ku a k toller s b 4 0 0 12 1 4 0 0 1 o 1 uarl r f u 4 0 0 0 0 0 4 0 2 0 0 2 sphngey 1 b olilholm 1 r 4 0 0 14 0 0 4 0 10 0 1 flmloo 2 b p u 1 1 i 10 lutttey o f a o o i oo urub p ee o f 8 1 1 0 0 0 total 11 1 6 21 14 5 social and personal mr robert nlclitln has been crltl- cully iii the pest week mrs alex becord spent thursday with friend in guslph mrs dr gray vlaltsd friends in toronto during the week mlaa queenle malntyre spent lest sunday with frlende in brampton mrs rev g w barksr and murlal are visiting friends at canning mr john matthews of toronto has been visiting actop frlende the past week mr a j murray of rockwood was the guest last week of tbe misses lalng mrs sarah little has returned from the wrat and i spending a few weeks in toronto muaee jsnnle and bilaa drier of naseagawoy vlalted acton friends over sunday f mr james moore and mr alex- beoord spent thursday with mr jobu mroor toronto mrs lawrence hunter of toronl was a guest at the home of mr w u denny this week mr t jaute moore city clerk of quelph was a guest at hie mothers borne uvar sunday mi hsssl and lottie masap re turned from tbslr fortnight visit at- alton on saturday mid jennie b matthewe spent eavfriil days days during the weak with friends in oalsdon bast principal w 11 stewart mr stew- nir and daughters were guest of mr j s deacon p s i and mrs deacon last saturday messrs john porbe and lester rice have gone to saginaw mich to lake sltuatlona and intend to remove their families there mre john leavens left on monday to join her husband at parry sound her slater mia ida johnston accom panied her as far as toronto dr and mrs robertson and mlaa jean megeunsll and master jack ufo yesterday morning for their eutnmer home at bala mtukoks muton re former mr james l warren left last wel fur oalgai y tn join the surveying party of ha tttiple mr jams warren d l whale doing work for the govern ment in alberta mr john klrstbmok and family have taken tip their quarters at tbe pish pond for the summur mr first- brook will come up from the city and spend the weekend here each week lorhv rohool the following le the report nf the last examlnatloneheld at lome school those whose names are marked with an asterisk were not present for all tha exams i jr imary maealee 107 lottie johnston 101 laura mcdonald 140 herbert dron 40 total 200 br iblaleorlppa0i robbe dun bar 141 total 2m pt ii annie snyder 210 vera orlpps 105 john watklns 00 total 800 jr iibarbara plank 221 john lambert 212 totnl 000 sr ii weiieymasalss2a2 margaret snyder 970 lsohlan mcmillan 374 orwell johnston 221 total 800 jr illvlrtma masalea 205 bertie davidson lit haggle orswson 144 bthal damper ms herbert hassle 101 total jr ivblls orlppa ltl total 900 brivmagglehodhutld20a lutal 000 loir buick teacher absolute security oeifulns carters little liver pills must bear ignaturo of m gee fafrsualle wrenesr duw summary a base hhs sohnuskey taylor mcintosh and wllllsms i struck out by hynde u i by fleming 1 1 saorlboe hits taylor and arthur first base on ball off brush 1 1 umpire jeans aoton play brampton in that town on saturday thess two club have each won two games oatamrh mpw oumawlb hut never by medietas rhvallowed sinufas slpv doushss caterrh is not a blood disease and that 1 why it esnnot be cured by any medicine taken- into the stomach catarrh i m germ trouble contracted from the germladen air you breathe inward these germs fasten them selves in tha tissue and sir cell of the breathing organ multiply by million oauss sneealog oonghutg raising of mucous discharge from tbe noes diffi culty p breathing hoarseness dryness atld stoppage ot tha noes tickling in the throat and other symptom that can only be reached by the dry air prin cipal of hyomel it medlcatee ths air you breathe with tha curatlv properties of ths austral- ian eucalyptus forest whsrs cetarrb ts unknown ths reason you gat relief in a minute or lwc from hyomel s because it de- stroy evevy oatarrbaj germ in ths sir you breathe and lie dry penetraung aroma will rsacb ths lamnrmost i w of the air passage killing piltllonr of ijnliy ball rubuimm niwoiiiai wutniiif raitmmiimi raitmttthwnu miaiuwiuit mm n ntaurvulm one cent brings it wolxovuuwtonbadthbstoilv furnace rjmuu be cmwjctadt just why ne ethar pbn of corf mtuctlon will del juai whemln lu in sbllrty to be ssay en fuel quleti in seilan ilwplv in oesrtllan the ttxy la briefly told in a uils boeuet sitted purnsee fsetc bt not n sjvw ttiiiest no njrn4e4y name la tesmlened end yoe can rees the whole aery in 5 ntlnue te the mceeuthpuilng ansa and pefatfa ana thews test eefsneterer desw in purchasing fvnuee it eelntaeut die tntualywhu leestiumef ajfartm fumscv ceeetrtktlon and inas vjmoouvu sr johh u j uamiu0m tutmmt 1908sprinc1905 ladibs spring jackets an extensive range of natty stylish mckin- non made jackets in black fawn and lancy tweeds prices will bo found much easier than in the cities for the same class of roods spring jackets will be in much demand this season sk1kts ns i myrtle brown black and fancy twecdu those pretty pleated styles will be hot favorites millinery the millinery department is in full swing we are making a big effort to give you this season the most uptodate creations and the beat values to be found in the millinery trade we solicit inpection and a comparison of styles and values henderson tfe co mill street acton lmij for liver his sjrtsrvs saney u tki jtus abu wwes h a njfci y l ite smmmk d pytateiu ouiwm at uw see uihlsls trtcutt jtsw ust ts sawrt tfa sw uouu it hum is ihi s4muji saj eunhm stmuth ee uv kuuer mi y jswiuf see mloaitmslmrm- yi nrntssiaa ihnrt w mtlatmljit ska for sale by e a robertson dniftut acton anglosaxon bugkiller kills potato squash and cuoutaber bugs i gecasberry ami tomete werme or any insect that feeds upon the leaves cf plants it terulues ths plants it makes larder yield sud proolaosi bettar quail ty 6 lb package 35c panoleum ths oreat bhootly preparation ths oowa viiand and the dalrymana honaymakr this treparallqjt ha been trlsd and provsn by dairy speotaluhl to make a differ ence of increase in butter production of ft so a week in a herd of eight cows a all can maks gallons r f jolwstorte go mill street ftirdtfure acton laces and embroideries for size variety intrinsic worth and beauty of patterns there is no better lace and embroidery stock in guelph we cannot depict the beauty of these new trimmings so we ask you to see them the rare beauty and variety of these designs will amply reward you for their inspection whether you buy or not if you are ready to buy you will find many unequalled values like those below embroidery specials tao pieces flouncing embroidery 8 to 13 inches wide good assortment of patterns worth in the regular way 35c on sale now at 10c yard sold orlly in 6 yard lengths the right house hamiltons favorite shopiino place 400 lace curtains at 800 a pair buy your lace curtains now and get them at half value these goodwearing swiss point curtains would grace any window pretty bow knot and scroll designs on fine net neat pretty plain or pattern cehtres with dainty bordbr effects full largb sizes a special purchase brings these highly desirable curtains at just half valued worth 400 a pair sale price a pair 250 lace curtains 159 fine cable net curtains that are dainty enough and pretty enough for nny room they are the goqdwsaring iorts that will stand both wabh and sun and give every satisfaction plain or tilled centres with very effective borders lull large sizes good 350 values sale price s59 a pair freight or express charges will be prepaid to any point in ontario on all orders ol 500 or more thomas c watkins oornih kino st east huohsom hamilton ont kodhk everything in kodaks cameras and supplies always in stock fresh practical instructions are given to all learners with out charge pringles wyndham st guelpb ont spring stock of footwear unusually attractive j m geo stovel has his miring stock now completed and is satisfied he can delight all customers hiu nobb new lines of this springn tans patents and fancy footwear surpasses all previous seasons the daintiest kinds of new spring goods for ladies and children splendid heavy solid stock for farm and heavy work also good stock of his own make prices always right here repairing and special orders promptly attendod to v- geg- mill st stovel acton jacksons jacksons our maw byatam of gash buying and cash belling suable tu to offer you this weak soma bjtf bnap 10 do men black dsnlm overalls with bib also smocks to match regu lar ago to 9100 tbu week 890 n doe lies work bhlrubtrlped oafords sledlum to dark shades regu lar go to 65 this week 43a g dot uebe work skirts black drill with white stripes and spots reguar igtoqso this week loo so de ilea feumuhahd ties 19 do shield nock tlei ta doi dow ties all graad finality silk new designs and rich colerlog regular ago this week a for sgo do you net now wish to select yeur spring underwear and hosiery while our line are complete 7 you know if yetf come uow yeu can choose from a larger una than if yeu come later we wish to begin selling our spring underwear and llsslery early ws are marking the price oa these goods low so that we shall not have any to carry over when tbe selling season i past can give you 1 these are the value ws pgl iei ladles bmbroidared black cash mere hose o 9t and 10 regu lar ago this week sio ladles black caahmsre hose ribbed r plain rise 6 o ol and 10 regular jg and 40c thu week sgo ladles taffeta gloves new brown and hw shades regular see this week 330 drhbb goods bpkcialb black uelrose cloth regular tigo this week gjo cream lustre fancy pattema regu urlgctkuwsek gbe satin finish prunella cloth regular 100 this wesk 7jo striped crepeeti regular 8gc tkls week j satin cloth regular 7s0 this week 40 pcerl battens doien go corset cover embroideries this week ago patterns 17a 350 patterns tje 4go patterns 31a coo patterns j 43c 5 isoh silk ribbon best quality all ootwrsregularaggthiaweew oo 4 lush silk rlbben regaler soo this week 160 3i inch silk ribbon regular 17c thl week i a bhr showing of lace embroideries end dress trimmings all at bpeclol fig j h jkckson qborcbtown quelpvs qld home wteek dont fail to mark the dates but also if you need any kind of fine furniture carpets oilcloths hori beds springs mattresses baby carriages etcto mark well the stand lao wyntjhara street and call and get prices special until sold sideboard extension table five diners and one arm at ssttji regular drlce 9485 v fl

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