Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 18, 1908, p. 4

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i i i t u j i viaaxkiivik tvv frrc tcitb jim joihh kim up it hidf past four in mln nr alilno or njd and inavnu 1 lio paper at the li am ha only twvlvw f ir old lint my 1 htvs big end mnkniitn wuli i had some work like lit ls ip to me poor kid i of courso you il ilk tny joli oh will i if you could hear tin thlnga i iinr and see tbe thins i mo whan i ant up t half past four mi 1 wleb lht you wea inn 1 ii anoints lit- eyes why chub hesaya 1 owu tb whole hlrtmti t trol i and if tnir kiiv llf tliliibu i know yond uy they re hard to bant olt jim many plsaae th hi now what mil ththlou oun lw mutyet mvi jim l votiro tola lo younic wnlttltl yumro m llko mi m jlrtii it must h awful cold in winter when it h d irk 0h pure ijn ifttypf d linn nd kid ip juab n pi funk lii i k tf cobra i never ditlb t ltuili riif ffirnty face will crack t nor 1 omiu frown for it wilulrt frietr snd tarn nn nwfiil bluck tia i just woaru halfway arln nnd if my fett should freono id ha h i right to look at with n clionr ftil smile to plmuo toil poor youutf kid he says real sad i m enrry mm can b your pa won i lt yif u to work soo tho thing i sro i arom my heart they re true he aaya eaoh limn i talk with lilni oh dar i why can t i r t up too nl hair put four- like jim v louise ayres oarnutt in woman a home companion b johnny knuw hlstf little johnny hyloa hi in un brought up call fully mrs ptirmuntoi bykea feels that aim 1 rfisponall lo f r tberaetuudi tf iiih onmlnot uttd plum tndtllvar all tlmt thn fdr cnlu for qh redl him mm day fmin a filtiu tloh too mmptloatwl for hnr with hnf mmf alfthtd ye to ntmlyw nnd annt him to thn bntli till to 1m improved whll all awklltd iiih ruturn alio d acrlhwl th nffrny to lila father jt wm parfaotly tarrlbla i alio aald tbtra were at laaab half a dosen boy all in u maaa fighting ehotherlk htu mnlmala i couldnt l mw johnny waa there but i knew archl bald gray waa fori aaw hie red ault zuwm dqwn qn hl back in the road and aoma other boy waa clawing and poandlntf blm why ulobard you wouldnt believe a human being could be eo brubal aa that nthor boy waa when johnny aorta down perhape hit oan tell u who it- waa nnd wo can have him arreiud i am o glad johnny la not auoh a hrutu na that 1 juat than jpbnny entered the room yweet and freeh from hla bath and newly oud lo hla latest unary hla mother turned to him johnny ah cried tell ua who it waa that waa pounding archibald johnny looked up in delight aw now ma ha aald did you we that t i waa afraid you ootut too lata say dldn 1 1 do lm fine r that waamepouodlng im lu uifd i wtm a aley ao i plnohed him und nil tlui other feller tailed into each othnr for fun we wouldn t a quit only wo thought you waa the polloe a carefully erepared pill much ume and attention weie expended in the experimenting with the ingredient that enter into the composition or parmolma vegetable pi it before thoy ware brought to tha tate in which they were flint offered to the public whatever other pill my be parmo lee vegetable pill the reault of much expert atudy iiud all peraona ufferlog from dyapepaln or disordered uver and kidney may confidently aooept tbeui aa being whtthoju5 wpreeent to be ernollina the aaay going nlmoet ohlldjrfi tern per wbleh dutlnguuhee eo many colored people eapeohthy the older on at the south i happily lllu trated by the now orlean ftti- democrat a lady of thla city happened to meet an old da ky whom hu had known in richmond why uncle georgb ahe oxoulmod bow ln the world did you get eo fin aay from richmond r welti mlmui voplled tho old iimu in the deliberate nnd dlgnlllud manner peculiar to the negro of old virgin ny i jew klonor itrollad down hynv rlong wld u old oman yo aee tlmee waa mighty dull up lar hlon mon an we coma to new leane to neo if work wai nio plentiful dn twaa at le that eo replied tbci liulyt nnd what becamft of your wife p well do old ontrth she didnt llko 4 way bb dear gumbo nlggph hynh an aba jeefc atrollad bnak to luobmon i dun got aoina wlnil ot drre iwlng anoder union ob de veterane lu da die town but got u little job elae id atrou back dar ter ee bow dom ole doulcde wua gwlne ter do spec eome day 1lf get tlred myao f ob de gumbo atock down hyar an den x ii troll back tor itlohmon ngen on pen fie reet ob my day whar de old mnr ter dun aleepln good by intuu hope 111 aee yo noon liia iu nlhainoi it hom d to him the valae of an ohjeolleaon i tug gted y tho lewlhoii journal by n the experience of a sullivan man iij wboae young eon bad a bad attaok of w imlke fever f th faner intend bin boy tho neo 1 1 wv floltaw with which to ffimbtf pwvlde4 im weuld trananort t hv jtm i teouaand pound of paving uluoka li to hardwood bul on the a t r beiweeii february 18th and ibjtbj wlowf the hid of bore itoijpls ajtonbtthal two w linen wnro iundra to oanh ntlior nl a reorptl n afttr a few nu niffi u draultory talk tile urat uald i illiir uiril1ouhy i i don i know wlmttha iiiittlrt with tlmt tall ftlr in in ovttr theru lie waa ho iittoiitlvn wwlillotigi hilt hit wnti t look lit nio now iuiliupii mild tbi olhar he uw inn loiiiu lu un a my huaband put lind got hurt not nutoh more until a aerittflh it la true hut bu oin ploy or lid vtul tua of tialng roni pt llrd to kwp him for ii ff miu had wlopud the wlaecouraaof aondhighlni nt ohtlirtn the bwpllnl aftat- oit- iioufo aurgeoii had eauralnail him cure fully im ld tiv tie mlrae j ah hill culalirqui mraa in im nut ohunrval it- i d i wit think jllffr im nity reaunn o apprahrnd uguinwotul le itru ill m f thn wound llii n tunilng to the iwltont lip ntk i d hilxslcnuy i whab do jroii thlnb ititr hiirralr atld pat youie a vt ndarful tliotmhtrflrtdwr dontor v n rook lh iy word out t f uiy un ili tlmly juut what i wmh g dug to any 1 jlmro nnvtr wti uu nvr will v a iiiilvcrual niiorti in on6 ninndy for nil hi u which lloah la mmlr whnt would rillev one iii in turn would aggravate the other w hnvn however in quinine wlm when ohtwhiud tn n aouml unadtiltei utod atnto a remody for many and urlmoti ilia uy iu gradual und jildlclnua uwi tho frallfrat ayatoiuu art lod into convalomonco and atrfinuk uy um inlluouue whlah qhlnlne eaurt- oii naturua uwn roatnratlvae it re lit vua thoa to whom a chronic utat f morbid diauondency and lank o ititirmt in llfo la a dlaa and by tranqtillliilng tho nerve dlapoaea t wound anil rtifruahlng sloep impartm vigor to the notion of the blood which imilng tlmulatm oounto through uiu volnt atrcngthvutup tho hoalthy ant mini function of the ayatora thernhy nuiklnji activity a necoaaary reault atrongthonlng the frame and giving llfo to the digestive organ which nnturally demand incrcaaodaulmtonce romilt improved appetite north rop lyman of toronto luvvo given to tho public their superior quinine by tho opinion of aolontlcta tho wine approuohe neareet perfection of any on the market ah drugfrtaj aeti ii when yoti htar a man deacrylng hie good you ulay know he i discounting what he cannot acquire toauhbacwej3inomj day tl a iciawllva llromeqajnloa tablet all 1ruftfluu ntum ih taoamf if it lalla to boh k w urovaa alcnatartida mb oo tsttuu happy is he who la too rich in faith to worry over a fortune a huooeafnl mndlotna hvrrynni wlilioa to im uoaiaful in any nnd or taking in which lie may eigago 1 u thirofortf extremely gratifying in the proprietor of parnndeee vg tahlo pllhi to know tlmt their effortx to compound a inedlolue which would prove a blessing to mankind have bauit uuccesaful beyond their expectation the vndnnwtlon of three pill by tin puhllo i the guarantee tlmt a pill liu lieon produced which will fullll ovry thing olalmed fur it bound doctrine joan not cure a du chu1 heart suffering women who find ufa bwdaaj aaa kar haalui sad atmbui ratlamcl by iha ttaa ef mllburns heart and nerve pills tha dtmmi bmamueo ef wodm bad tbli kvo mora tkan utalr sluua of muarr wllk aim ii u banmumian mad pavuuoa wllb auiwitmali iuiwajdfalaunapalbuiwluj 1 athan thare la e lanaral aouapaa ef um ayiiaw ullburn uaah sad nam wu taaa up tb aarvh airemhiw uta heart and maka ii baas btranii bjm naular araate aaw tad blood eoa iiumim sntllnpaft tha aapaa of buayaaay u tba tplrlla that m ika raault of woawt maaul ud rkyatesl titer um d 0 daugava ottota oat wrluai vor uvar a yaar i waa tronbud wlui aarvaua m an i liaarl treubla t dsetdad to atv lltt- bum a heart and msrra ptua a bu aad af u ualn flva bok 1 fnand i was aeavalataly aurad i alway t6pnibtttid than to nty iriabd im so aaata par box or tkraa beaae bff i tm all daaura or the t lufcttra os uautad taroalovoas it duespt take inuoh fortitude to litf nnothei misfortune baantaa a a man title to glory doee nob de pond on tha glory of hla title you never lose your own jpy by lending an ear to another woe z- a 1 preachers opinions juv p x weltoe vmk luddeok fttti alway aount it a pleutir te waoramondthe dr plcoum itomedlat to my parlsblonera i bellevo there i hothisg bettor for throat and lung trouble or weakueea or rundown sya- tem for apcakor acre throat i have foqod poycune wry boneflelal iter w ii qtovens palaley ont i psycliuifl seomadjuattheitlmulantmy aystom neodod i shall add my tetumeny a tb it efflaaey at vry opportunity jj na paycblita 1 o bore for tb trul castor i a tho kind ton havo always boncht nnd which haw beeat in uae ftw ovor bo year haul borne the ejgnatnre nf n has beiiniuioander his pr- zjtahe75rm wpervialon alnoe lta lnftmey ci4tam ajiovnotroetodewiteyonliithhi au oothitorfolta xmltatlonb and j aure btitl suicporlmeuita that trlflo whh and endanctrthe health of inrtuau und chudroo exporlonoe ognlnat bxpiimeiit what is castoria ooatnrla la a lmrtnloaa anbatltuta for ooattor 611 laro- nurlok lropn hnd woothlrior sympa it lg oaaant it coiituhim noltlior oplura morjijiilne nor other nnrootla iiibatauuu iu ag 1 lta guaranto ijfc diroya wolrsnaj nudauaya eovaruhheea k onraer imaihoba lund wind co lc t rcllovea toothing- trdubloa enrol ootutlpauoo and flatulency it aaalmllate the food ngrnlateav the 4btonwolirnd ijowela blvlngr liealthy and natural etleept tho children tapjioa tbo mothor ifvlond oenuirie castoria bon ha slenatora of always the kind ton me always bougnt l in use for over 30 years waaaabaaawabaaaabbbiuaaabaaiwaabbabbabbabbibi clurkradby dominion uovernmani palabllabod ib64 the merchants bank or pan i j had office monthual interest addsd four ilroa a year no unutcba i rat man l sia 11 mohtaou allah vice lraaldaot jomatium hodoaat ua pmsral uanager k p iikbdin capital tald up a 000 000 00 depoalls over 41 oos 000 00 eurplus 4 00000000 x a 3300000000 savings bank diooiiti ona dollar or upwards l open an account money withdrawable any time no delay fafmir 8alc notkt we hive special facllltlas for collaetlog lhaia we will cash thtmt once ii desired at a low rale o interest joint accounts when requested we will open accounts in two name so that shber one nay draw the money hatband or wile etc acton branoh w s chisholm manager ves b ii iltown xnlwii ha 0 for trnblei you fmlfy all or lh warmest kind for cold weather tougw iiomehide will never be found because the tent ii used or storeys glove and gauntlet and yet the aldn because carefully tanned by the chrome procemi m made pliable insuring extraordinary wear resistance waterproof and thsk ireproof the beat working glove ob the srirah nrktt sold at all stores insist on storeys biirdtkk b lood tarns bad blood into rloh- no other rsmsdy peastnii sued porfect elonmlnjr beallngr suit puri fying eropsruts exlornally nsmis sera ulcers absoomes and all eruptions intornally retort tlia stomach liver bowels and blood to healthy action if your appetite is poor your enere gone your ambition loit hdd will restors you to ths ful sajoyraent of hoppy vigorous bfe only the ttiarslly utlamstle see ly leg as tile only rehigeln time of trouble yf attsoked with ebolera or summer eetnpuint ot any und send at onee for a bottle of drkelloffge dysentery cordis and use it anwrdlng to dlreo tlon it eflte with wonderful rapidity in subduing that dreadful disuse that weakens the strongest man end that destroys the young and delicate those who lisve used this cholera raedlolne ssy it acts promptly and never falls to effect a thorough euro the man who cannot and a god in the unlversadlseovers ons in a mirror ussas a surt deal has omtblng beside harp edges and aiigle to ft castoria n tmreiwta md itmumb1 ft t7 1 faaseaaaesajeaai aiqauid medleljsajrdr l i g dr dsllttla4ls many mistake fault finding for fidel ity thos 0hblii tigllnton ilwa 1 removed ten odrns from my feet with h61owaye corn cure beajir go thdu and do likewise the woe if irkeotqe only when we try to climb it a a pedestal xi jroffitj 5fflsskto on youxsuoesriptlonstwegtva taein our undivided attention and beet oan ta patients wetlaro is our tret oon- ildaratloiu heoond 1 wo guarantee our drugs to bsomufhatrength as wall a pure nod wltwhauhyaorstuv f tmb day or hie votrm when mr porson the proaperou dry goodti niarobanta went to aes hla nw ilampablre fwlatl ra on hi way to the while mounts iria many things wlilnh nniuud and plaaaad him ware shown to hltn why i haven t seen wreath nf itreasad slitumn leave or a hunch of wax flower for thirty rv years lis said genially 1 d forgotten thare e such things and if hare lant the ramlly album with gilt clasps i i guea there are some folk in that album you 11 remember said his cousin lavlnls opening the book and laying it on hie knee while she bent bvsr hi shoulder to net ss abnwman itscollact that flrrft tmocv ttliat auht oy hoiiltrd the vfaltor and thats you next td iter with lima fldrkserew curia l tlioy wmw natursl aald mue tjivlnla slirtrply arid tharee ooualn abljah as sillt asa ramrod continued lbs city man and william i now 1 ii leevs it to you xaviiiih if you vr saw hny iblug groan r that william in that sleture unleaa it bam hare in hi muti ny clothes r thar m one picture 1 vo ulws con aldared shout the greeneet of the lol aid ula levlnm a with unstring finger she turned to the fadtd photo graph of a thin aharpfeaturetl boy wltb bulging eyes snd a pair of enormous band dangling at hi sides the dry good tnerehant looked at the feature nf thla discouraging youth and a slight color grew and spread over hi usually elr satisfied countenance lavlnla he aald closing the al bum with a crash that neatly caugbt hla cousins finger i think 111 go and sas the cows this ariob or lim henry claws the banker and author was talking at the union club in new york about a certain financier no wonder the man is so auceets ful said mr olewi he is the moat earaful the moat auspicious ft how i ever heard of in faet he reminds mar of a staffordshire farmer my father d to tell of it waa said of this farmer that whenever be bought a bunch of aheep he examined each sheep oloeely to make sure it had no cotton in it h milburhs laxaliver pills arc knutumre and aafa and amaperfae regulator of the siatem tuy gently unlock tb aeismuotu obey away all sffat and waste matter from the araum aadgw tone and vitality to the whole inuatltial treat wiring oonaup- tioo wok nsadauba ulliottanmsi dyspap ale ooatsd tonine voul bcsalt jaaa- dlae heartburn and water brash mrs b ogdsn woodstock nb wriusi my bosbind and uyasu have used mil bnm l4iauvf pius for a number of years ws think we oaano do without them tbay are the only pllhr we era take prios uotnu or ave bottlss for h0 at alt dealers or direct on receipt of prloa the t milbtiro go xjttltsd toronto oatv when a man tails the truth about himself list anxious for some one to call him a liar mother grave worm exterminator bas no equal for destroying worm lb children and adult seo that you get the genuine when purchasing too many giving the poor trusts on ms street are stealing their bread in the alley sain tie mssjiaii thr would be llttlerellglou infidel ity in this world but for our attempt to force tb forms of one mans faith on other mtn jtls blattttearybos ol the tsaahu uutivo bamisoquiti mi naasar isai wm m tm esse slary he who bellsves notblng until he um dersinndi it fully must have a limited range of knowledge religion never makes a permanent ly powerful impression without steady practical expression dont neglect a cough or cold it can havb but on bb8ult it lbavb8 the theoat or ladriob ob both afpeotbij dr woods morway pine syrup is the medicine you need it is without an eouel ss a leeway lor oegha colds bnnebltu bore throat fata m the akettiaathiia whooping cough oolnay sad all aawtloas el the throat and tangs a sutgls does of xv woods kotwey b byron will stop thi ooege kothe the ihieal aa lf the bough or sold has he- eossj sstuei oa the laags ths heellug nparueiol the norway pin tree will prooulat iii gnat virtu by promptly on hiflsjtjkfwvoods ii if lvj house work thousanda of aroerloan women in our homes are dally as tnou uvea tor duty in order to keep the home neat and pwtty the ohtwron well dressod and udy womcii overdo female waaknosa or uuplaoemeni is often broiiflhton and uioy suffer insucnoo drlfung along from bad to worse knowlrut well that they ought to have help to ovoroome the pains and acbeswblch dallunake llteaburden it la to these faithful women that lydiamnkhams vesctabu compound comes rut a boon and a hleitslnff iu it did to mm w barrott of m moroau bt montreal who writes to mm ihnkhnm vor years i was a great sufferer from female wssknssa and deaplte every remedy given me by doctors for this trouble i grew worse one day a f rfsnd advised me to try lydla sl hnkbam vegetable com pound x did so and am thankful to say that it made me strong and well facts ror sick women for thirty years lydla e ilnk- hama vogotalilo oomponnd made from roots and herbs nair been the standnnl ronwly for female ills andhaapmltlvolycnrodtbouiiandsof women who havo boon troubled with duplfloomonu tlon fibroid tumors lrregnjarltles periodlo pains bofikiohe that bear- lnpiownfoellnr tutuknliiduwft- tiondliwwornortousproatrauoii whydontyoitttrifc mrs plnvhara invtteaj nil slek women to writ tier for ndvloe ilded to 1121 he has gnlded ih addkaaji tynn mas oublph quslriess ollcijc jaraseatfe ajoelr vppmr wymdh bt outlpb out gausiial gonvcpsntlop is cttaa alinlltaanl as4 laainvetlvs ik a rail way auuos rmaauv uro yptuuj ub spoke as follows wbalarfvoaaaragbowr reus ubdlns the this famous institution la eodunnallr praptrlna sud patuo in tha way mr addraas h haooohmiok ra frlamloal rutlbdgbs koton hotel btkblja mill street acton stylish r10s double or single supplied on auorteat uetlee commercial tkavullekb or- dbrb given ipeolal attention w h rutujuge proprietor a paper makers osobostowhoilt i100k nbws and ooloitbd papu118 jkonbaubhil new pictures at waters bros new ideas in v framing artists supplies oll and water colors always fresh and or tbe beat qualih waters bros queiph ast 8tobi tbe old and reliable granite and marble dealers is it footwear you are look ing fort if thats the case goto williams shoe 8tore i carry a full line of boots shoes rub bers ctc for people of all ages and sizes our large summer stock now ready for your inspection wm william the base scan iflultnet acton the grand trunk railway the berlin steam granite aid marble worts caapkr bhavm pibphato- daajsiiarsridnulliiarsollsltm uaus ouurni vrmdmsnta markers kn4 md- stdnas stftl all klnia at t artistic cemetery work w win 11 hcutstreet aknl aeloaj learn dressmaking in a week hyawm lacaildliura e ta t sj m sssslumom aa mora uaa the best ever our brands of flour will make the best bread yon have eaten yet we have seeds for you yet cora turnip rape millet grain wanted rn0bxb wsahaul aoton fead and seed store surprise canadian hand laundry chas 8u proprietor to uv patioh i have now a wonderfal new method o dohulsntwlry workofall mod work is wsllllalsbsd and no injnry or damag don loth finest sooa sblrts collars clios vests my spadajv collars ironed eo a not to be broken in lb wbg and flnlahed so they will not hort lbs neck work few both ladlee and leoltamao sjiewtsd with pcomptiisss and wllre utls- facilon aad eqnsl to tbe best lb elllsa can produce chas buhv the old atlraa aelon willow slreet rear of haodataoo a co a evert0nswe0enmill8 the ausjft quauty ol manitoba ratnujr and watey flour for ante at lowsst prloss our own maka chopphtg done and oals rolled every day feed or sale cash for wheat aad oals henry hortop stfa bymolis ok canadian n0sthwe8t homsbtkad rroulation aurta7eaaaes a awtml ney rsastra nay kommuajmmr say ij i ss to lbs wtaaa et eeasrlsr aaa aataa amsees lass litivff awassss al wmwiosetmbs issmt lnaanralvtatma inim linrta fef s ss4i ttwl tn all inuna atop at acton sjipn aoton pump and tile works o b kbbagb proprietor our prsmlua are now fully equipped with all the latest michlnsry and spmlsoess for manufacturing puts pm mud pump sapplltt mauwej7a otmtmrtu eulvrts ete stmtn jipa ntuatt toolm aarf bappu ordars promptly filled main 8titbut actom time for a change half price hat sale going on jxy hall price cap sale still on half prico and leas for some shapes must clear out entire lot moth bags for sate all sizes furs stored insured remodelled etc lafontalnes fur establishment 95 quebec street guelph ont r w gibqsod painter paper hanger sign writer picture pramer t shop mill st acton op- postto repairs promptly made to furniture tinware etcrner unnecessary delay knives ground soissor sharpened courteous attention and reasonable pnoes wgimson woodeciravinct dhotoenciraviniii halftones mmlyciauortiioaavswmsrsnmssa puiipmsfitalowrmuaaiaiisevc ijljoncstno m 1 bo veuurar patents pafents tvii

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