Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1908, p. 1

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zlji wm m volume xxxiii no b2 ttwr ahatlptoa raid la ada acton ontamo thlubbday mobntngr june 28 1008 dafacrlpltaa tncm ifm t tanm single copies th1bee cents ijb 3utoit jfrtv fires is thwlmm kvbrr trunsoxf motutflmq a nx vrnsirr agtoh out item irtwilh t strictly b4vnw all esby lfnu4 wimh u v tsna dueorrtlnu nnpumli pale is re v rrrfrvtlnmrttoa d mh subeequant liusrhon isssgsra- assatiffsmsi mitt atemd amordibbly traalal ad- vdjuaaamala mtwt ba mid laadama ldrllannta will m burnt aao 4 wmto laoath it dddlrm for ondaddd mmk than abvamnmda4 utaooak a mttufn nyt b mid tor ad nniw icjd aoata frdja m a p hoonn fe kdllor da prpprulor atashuu slmlorp loomcdx mi0b gray m d c u moctll rjmorvsminieatf irifaaoludaa mmmmbmttnllb1hoablm0ouvuh sm j t mm dfrtumoafc b d aolt m d cm ijrarnaa dldvlr oraar hui dad wsawtluili afl aiudam 1 la dad la ladddwttal trdm rmldrada vrawa- 0t felf jjb a l hore a ofdaaala df ttelwnlly dl ydrdato vplnmiifbm ft a0iq j ww 1 jom h macdwmktp w cm hahbt boaflyet t saeameaauce sir m m ro oaf v yt deyden frf r mm voohrkb ana bsfcst wrests yi iifii ll yoilwii mubitmtotlybi ww 0sttmo lilntfiihlla bmdli ambb i jpjv wnr li i haiipyco my wriuko csimueo- akp mcflmmjfmifwirn ijjtmiai yonr chopping nil be done quickly and well on either plates or stones i taken to the rookwoop ohdpplog mllfa flonr oatmeal bran shorts the best at lowest prices harri8 oo umttd m we guarantee pronipt delivery is it footwear you ar look- ins port if thats the case go to williams shoe store i carry a fall line of boots shoes rub bers etc for people of all ages and sizes oar large summer stock now ready for your inspection wm william tba sfco wan aonamat aotw w h walker pahrtcr hpir hapfer dccontor ioib twtartduiod opioalla btapbanioiii dudumllb allwfl ojmbmi csdbuea k ttsuaicadd tha wotlt i jtoo ptoof of in f ordari w at a t brawn drug store will recetva prompt altabllon w h wauer axtor ouufm business oiletfe fdddaduddl cffir wmua w cadlaaoal gauiiual gonversatlpq td altdamkauaiat daamabnmil alvvau ouslph iiminau oouo ibaqtlwbiiii jkt ul mu tmiaivambus wjstitution oaeltvmmiiaamb mijx rjabtsttlii bwbj aitmaj saajvaitbm mwff bwdna excelsior we aw hi teri in acton for bread cakes pas- i itrifietc offlrsl- i5 w also a spjendjtftocitio gtcdrieakndsconv ri f i jlbillv vvs l soreen doors screen windows lawnkowers lose v garden tools i hammocks letting- betrlgerators freezers oar r ard alaaya hldl the bosd hardware co unltd hduuvhoed 07 ouilptr indirect result of eyestrain wban lha ty ira noi ptoparly fcutad tha cflon lo aat batir vliloo wutm aoargy which alooa tbould be umd in hoawlor tltma tad raulnliig the alraflgth o the coqmlttnlon tbttt iba indirect vita are irraalar ttiao ihe dlract oni we ara thoroughly equip ped tp mature aye inperleb too and topreectibe lo proper ebfraclloa we gttorj our an lam a d sairage guelpbt exclatlve optician phone 571 ouelph summer school 1 ohthal ualssh ooukob jjjjjr aw inuduo et city conveniences brouqht to y home yoo would eoter a bilb room la yoar blime wublwt and oold walar nadar pnuum whatever keoetred wbjr aot tuve- it aad be up to data by ha c6ubmwm ask byftyauc his u anecaeifally ictkmaplubed avaa tboagh yon have no wmitr works ayetant wltblo reach uihulnlemurotiwrlietodiiy ordart nay be eft with mr spmcer 1d6adraetm for fortlw wttoslin wtiu glrob b gwhyeh 8r 06 niubbiajr uid hwuimr oetttvimtwm oubuh out gpeit tgjsmjjj ykfiik oirden tools s16ve ind ranrm granite ware tlnwireihfcv mcqtarjr oparairges lll lfoai popaldt aad bdtirfijgtoiry repairing neatly and prompt- picture frames in siqck and p partrtj jumb into thla night there atala m aareniuie homa wllulng eong or dryads lata of gold ijoiiis junotlma love that in us srave it laid hut foniilvm eotnh to thrill me m vrnd- v whuiit iki ciijc where tbe tender 1 niopn hakei- alwer pager ihe btreben taev lie score 111 whtln malidlea tbl awotkn all ineanmnilad upon tbe atarllf ltetraw xinvee own aweet wavlles on lhs uplahd valea the htarrir helgtita whuh men of eartlifaudrerri as avnauts upon webt- purplt tktaite our liearu boiut to teat thf ueas- tited lhiut ffllipi tvoiild aotlle wben oooneeitb hirtlttghbtir irtrtut would tarry while it say uoodbye u i v hald iunatlm ill thelralleat flowr there navaf need be any rue oralgli on upland valee the rose forever tlowai there june is endlw and dlvlnat there fetlhy clear atream in even tenor flowa and ell thla joy la your lovr your and mine i h a wlirru in the canadian mag- aalne tud 3famll0 juamnjj ohoti1v maynard was laying ihe table for supper and as ibe paaaed t and fro between pantry and dlilngroooi abe glatieed appreltenatvaly from the window tbtre outue father out of braces saloon again mother ihe aad at last bomatlmsa i think i cannot live through the aha ins and dagnue of having father do me be u doing i am gattlng so i hotunhy drvadto twe him oomlng towaida tlie lioue peetally when there- la company for he la ulmuat alwaysi hunt to haveheendrlnk- lug have lost all patlenoe with lilw antlfvel alritnel if i ahould never ear to spand souths r vacation at botm- ikmauremlm wild lias notload it and must despise us all for father notions thare waa no anawer and dorothy not looking at her tnothsr could not ate the look of pain in the wistful eyes that- were gsalng ihrongb tlie window at tbe sbahhy form coming up tbe back walk with iow uncertain ateps as if dreading to antar the hotiae ouulde the window mt the vlne- oovered porch hlse whi tbtf uiitnmer boarder bud overbeutd ijoixilliy ouj- breatt and a sudden nilatloeae blurred or a utomettt har view of tbe peaosful green fields and woodsbeyond the vll lag she aeemed to see again bergltl boode humble borne and because tb memory caused ber heart to aohe with keen remorse isbe teeoived to tnlw n effort to save the girl iruloore from fate aitoh a ber own aoootllngly after th tapper dubee weirewiubed iihedrewporolby toavtj hr on thevporob and aaldi dovotbyxoould noiltalp bavirlng what you aatd coaoitrnlng your father till eyanlng and because i kpow eu well hriw ajoti feel artd vrabt to save you if aaltale a remorsw that has been tnlnal am alqgib of a bit of my own life which baa hitherto r malned closed y hen i was a glri of your age i ilka yourself waa awsiy from my home trying to eornmpney uyplijaobwaa til pay off the mortgage which tilted uporfour itttla home o that father and inother who wen growlng old and feebe might never be homeless wr afewyfarafl want well faiheraaved all poaslbl frdmlhla sarnlnga to betp with the wprtgaw but ae he grew roore feeble and litcatjab ula wage ware diminished end he mm obliged to contrmtdabufov the ordinary neo eealtleaof life this be did not coobda to me not wishing to add tomyelifeody heavy burden i but through weakness pnddlsoourngcmsntbeyulded to letup tatlon and began dunking l shall never forgst with wliitt hof royan iwlhtad the sltuailon jin tba itniugthol youth i eoujd not ttnditnubd and pity tlie wsakreea or age when surrounded with poverty artd mlefortund idld uotatop ooiivtha atlurahmtb won hold forth to lalopt weary dlsoounig ad men to forgat their struggle and dlmburagement wra tltni nt least ti trtottaimhr ing home beupurand tiore attractive lloved blm devotedly through it 1u that thought u my ferileomtort now hrtcfw rioijl mio0rtwi9hirtl affeolloit pr atva to wlt him back to hghie bqdjqya inte when he oams infco tlje liouse rtb unsteady jw wffh sw gln toe itorwwohhe wmtauvei ihd fu tlng a tue ogblrteee liapdliises frqm oqr uvea and ruajoulqad a- moody eunee a ble bqeupt raehog a mose of relbrf whm iri fess neasl whso not under ihalnflusneeof liquor i often caught a wtetlttl look in hid ayei and a tender note in hie voice as he culled me bla own dear girl who know but i might have pleaded with hlru lovingly and- established helpful relatione between ua width would havebaieu amfguard in hlmf l recall one occasion in particular when i discovered tkat tbeallvsr waiob fie bad cherlalied ior so many- yeeve was missing i asked ra wh4relt was arid lialliiever forget tbe look in falsyeitr tin llravtv effort at chsei fulness with which lie replied i oh i owe brown n iftttii bill for grpcerlaa snttut hlni take lb fov aecurttyj llf httve t beck ih a short time dsan i dont really mtd it you know it is oneoftbt kevufsfregreu of my life that i did not y tiieblljlt was email and thua mriua fathers heart tbrlcef glad in thepia relief from debt and in the proof of my love but i did ot do harriet wlldev voice wu cltoked with emotion and she was silent for a moment then abe continued t 1 remember telling mother at that time that fathers wrongdoing waa spoiling my ufa and unfitting me for either work or pleasure that not only were tnf vacations made mteereble but after returning to work my thoughts were constantly with him dreading aome new ebarae and disgrace resulting from bis habit of drink i can are and hear yet the sadness in her eyes anil voice as she answered me yes i know dear t 1 have it to bear too 1 can understand now how wrong and selfuh 1 muit have been not to ftillse that her sorrow was afurnll greater than mine and sn- drtvor tit bring about a brighter slate of affaire instead of dwelling solely upon piy own discomfort and accept ing the darkest view of the ease with out milting the least effort to brighten it it wtis not long after this that i went to my work one bright june morning with a letter from home which 1 read on the way it was from mother end in it abe give me fathers message tiu time tt waa tell my own dear girl t hut i would love to eee ber tell her i am falling my first lidpulim waa lo go to blm im mediately limn my heart rose in re bellion as bitterly i remamhertrd that liquor was undoubtedly haetunlng hu infirmity that waa the lam meeaagu i ever re cewedfrnm father a few days biter i held tit uiy hand a telegram your father died this morning there was nothing more but all the uenulon that bad ever come into my tlfo wfore was ae nothing comuareil with the anguish that filled tuy heart at eight of those words and which has never quite left tba since that day after hours of weary travel i stood by my father casket in the gray dawn of a june uiornlna my hot tears fall upon ble quiet face how i missed hlu greeting which had never before failed me i i bad not known what a large place he occupied lib my heart until he had slipped away ffotn me the faults that had seemed so grevloue to me in the patt were email now eomtared with the many acta of laving kindness atidunselnsh urea i could recall i reallaed as never before uoftthe dear lire tow gone out forever had been full nl way epf poverty and disappointment und hard work so pitifully empty of anything like raw or plwaure or even the ordinary corn- forte of life and i might have warmrd and cheered and ailed it with my love hptber bad done best 81m bad bravely and lovingly filled the wifes place but abe could not do the daughters part that was for me and the opportunity was past 1 lifted the hands that had tolled to make uiy childhood comfortable and bappy and in my anguish i called father ob father apd than 1 reshsed the klod vbloe would barer answer my call again te dpi that had eo often glvert me tba kiss of weloome were mtofefareyir iorer and ovaragaln i eobfted out my ipve for him but it was too fate the dull vara heeded nut the iga that might have meant so much to him in life tbat seems long agol dofothy twloe a year slnoethen i jourueyi to the llttuveoontry ohurehyard where weuldblmltbdrlaos flowers on ble grave often i hnetl above the wound trying to look through tat the kind face berieath always with the amine blttor remoree for the work of love teft un done an harriet wilde supped peaklng a slow uneartaln step waa beard on the baot porch dorothys face was burled in bar hands through wil teare were streaming j ube arose onor and- placing a quick kse bn n frepde obek wliban earnest tbtnk you went ewftly through the house a moment aur mies wltdte heard a chary greeting i is tbatydu daddy r taw b wai dorothy seat btraelf tn thetop step beside her father and heard br eay tj vi am glad yoii on me hobie early tonight because inntber has gone to the nelghboni and 1 shall want you toigo with me u bhng her honso by and by and harriet wilde loaely clasping in her bsttdan v sllrar satoh uew that bf story had not ten kdld in vain t and although ber jmswtwas aching with thb rropehlng of the old wound sbs wse ailed with joy siwfila flneee mid through hav her wand irilghtlhe tught the tbemucb btaricljlite rwaidlzatioh and morv the measures of anticipation cotn- parad with those of realisation how tbe tlmcwom subject recalls the the old com position dsys the sheets of ruled latter peper covered with care fully haded writing and tied together with jblt of ribbon the mingled agony and delight of reading ones sitoit before the class the pride with which those who poeeeased a gift for this particular form df intellectual dl eljfllne lingered over heir gracefully turned sentences and the familiar ease with which they quoted from addison oatapbell and for i above alllt recalls tbe conviction with whieb all the laughing rosy faced girls declared it their unfailing esperlsnce thst the pleasures of reei- tawtloh never equaled those of antici pation looking bacvt h seems strang a that tbe other side of the question the comparison of realisation and memory was never dlsimseed was it alt because we were young then even our teachers the other day- hlllloent cante horn from a long anticipated trip mllll cent is young young as those girls of long ago but her compositions re nailed essays end she never writes them on ruled paper or ties tbem with blue ribbons the world has changed slooe we wrote about anticipation and realisation mltlleent embraced the family eol- lectlvelyv as nearly as she could manage it then individually then with a long long sigh she dropped into a cbalr to think she said that tbe time to which ive been looking fore whole year the loveliest time i everad in my llfo is all overt lanfc it queer what a little while things last 1 i tried to hold every minute of those two wesks and i never knew any to fly so fast why do things have an end anyway r from ber corner qrandma mlllleent looked across at her namesake with twinkling eyes mercy child it isnt overt she exclaimed thf pleasures only just begun i if you have any faculty at all you can keep on enjoying that trip as long as you live people ought to realise that theres just ae much knack about making good times last as there is about clothes and furniture there are memories that ive been enjoying for fifty years and the pleasures just ae fresh today as it waethe bret time i thought it over 1 1 dont think much of anybody wliu cant enjoy a thing any longer rhan ic takes tot happen i i call that real downright wastefulness 1 i i never thought of it in that way mllllnent answered thoughtfully grandma nodded briskly i think likely lots of people never do think of it but youre young yet theres time for you to reform theres lota of pleasant things in llf bub take it nil in all i dont know anything that will give you more comfort right straight along through bard times and easy onee than learning to enjoy your own memory there thats all i never did believe lit long sermons but mind that you dont forget 8v wfiajdtaw f m mmv rotrr orrton brvarrgmiica tbe olerke in the foreign branch of tbe post office all west and morton etreets new york are langhlng yet over two episodes of of the holiday sea son one day a modest young man after tnepsctlng the mall slot marked foreign city and momestlo ap tiroached tbe dark at the window and asked i where do you mall letters y ascertaining that the letter was for city delivery the clerk told the man to drop it lit the slot marked city the modest mar want over read the inscrip tions and came baok to the window with the letter still in fall hand i wall did you mall ltt inquired tba clerk vnov replied the man idout krjow what to do you ue this way ehs lives in the city but abe is a foreigner and a domestic on the am day f man approached the wlhdow and tbvustlhg in a rnonsy order asked for the oaah the elerk hftae ltpeotlng it banded it hack re marking m dont cash these har this is the foreign branab the matt leaned over pud tald con fidentially i iknowthtele tba foreign braocli tlwta why i oa me here that order jf fptnijityfalburvlulaw in 0n- clnhatl leaning bvertha window h la a foreigner imiisnapohatorios tt new inlnlstsr or thefiret church itvbenburyvwe consulting tho organ- let as to the mualo to ho suqg bo bli fratbunday and beeldes the hymntunesv tald the orgabut wliose dally oeonpatlon was that of plumber and iceman for ttia village vn ulwaye have two twleotlooe rromthe oholr from on of handels or haydns oratorios why that is goo4 news said tbe minister who waa no tnuto- musician and had cultivated taste tid ear but dont you and thtv mutto rattier dlfroult for untrained aibgenf v weill they arent untrained for i train m mid thsorgabistwlthsamf veseotraen and beeldes that vbare the musics difficult i alter it for em t wtriba out alt th eadaimui and trill and uuoge of tbaf klbd and whsreiunensipo low or too blgb 1 either mt lb up or down an octave or if i cant do that i just hive m slop singing arid rpqt on the vox htttna atop and puy the tons ullit be4lntotqgejialq 1 twbmtv yiars ago mr thoe olaffey a wellknown character in aotons early history died at pbaron ivon on juns otb aged to years hs waa one of the beat known business men lit aeton fmi 1h30 tu 1wh he was riil- way oontraotor and linllb the greater pari of the grand trunk from toronto- tn hernia also tbe northern from toronto touarrle bring the trusty business manager of the hhaoleys lie also built the spunad toronto in 1800 he owned totf acre of land in endmround aotorf and assisted many- people by purchasing material and supplier tbe roman catholic obunb at dublin owes much to his generous subscriptions though not having mrtch wealth when hs died in lfmi he bad 960000 in the bank prof wen brawn has resigned from the o a 0 ouslpb the menae and glebe belonging to knott church are offered for sale many drunks are to be seen- on georgetown streets these days verily helton has her liberty t onee more herald out of 000 boiler explosions in tbe new ungland states all but 18 were traced to the engineers earelesensss mr a h wright hi making mill street one wblolus commending gen- erallkdtnlrmuon iter it b cook left ue a bo of the bret strawberries we have seen this yearmanchestere a letter from it w king jt co georgetown referring to catalogue and circular work printed for them in the pnktcpnvaa office concluded i it is evident you intend to keep up tbe reputation for good workmanship with which you pre honestly credited the commercial travellers base bull olub and autoti pastimes played here on haturday fine playing was not remarkable but the score was kept within respectable limits acton 6 bommerclal travellers 8 anton players warner wordan kelly white kenheyistorey ooov barry speight a number of the toronto b b club in the evening conducted themeelvee like city hoodlums they paraded the streets singing ribald songs insulting ladles and otherwise misbehaving themselves end their noise going to the elation waa almost unbearable we have had too much of that kind of thing from toronto athletes a lengthy report le given of tbe farewell exercises connected with lb close of rev h phillips putorpte in the methodist oburch here able eddreisee were given by mr phillips on sunday both lo the pulpit and in the sunday school bis evening text was fear not abremri t am thy shield gen 14 1 1 on tuesday evening the sunday school room was ailed to it utmost capacity with mem- here o the congregation and friends from the sister churches anxious to spend a parting hour with one who had been a friend to all after tea remarks were made by ueve 3 w itae b b cook 3 walton and messrs d hen derson w p brown and h p moor rev mr phillips pastorale has been marked with spiritual and temporal prosperity and anunusttal spirit of harmony has prevailed not only among the membership of th church but also with the bister churches rev mr phillips died a couple of year ago kd revsg swenn and r ii barnby farewolled on the rookwood circuit on sunday both reverend gentlemen were much endeared to their charge o h ryder was discharged from custody the charge of arson being dismissed as the evidence was only circumstantial mr morlcy bryars while en route borne to xteamlngtoit from nspanee high sohool i vliltlog anion friendit mrs ut lepage of 0harlotteton p h l isvlriungattbebome of her brother the editor of the ftuut pitka mr duncan uadonald left for new westminster b 0 to visit hi hrotbar oapt alex mcdonald of the salvation army who 1 very iii mr atid mr john moconnell after a pleasant ocean voyage of twenty- three clays have arrived at sydney fromguelpb hamnikd at th residence or the bride father on june 20tb by raw john walton mr donald mann sot of mr alex mann to jessie eldest daughter or mr hugh mcdougall all of aoton vicinity bohn in anton on juae bind to mr and mrs edward forbes daughter athldtl6 imoiprttf an exohnge print a preuy attd pathetlo atory imld to have bean relat ed by professor gallaudet th well jtuown tnstruotor of deafmute tbei professor has a favortu pupil ft utile doarmuts boy exceptionally bright mr galuudvt naked blm if he know tlio etory of george washington and the oherrytre with hi hlmble flngar hiuttlon esld be did and proceeded to repeat it the noualoa gestloulatlpimi continu ed utitll tha boy bad informed the pro- freso of the elder waahlngtona du- oovery of th mutinied tree and of his quest for th mutilator when georgae father asked him who hacked ble favorite cherrytret signalled tbe volwleesohua george put bis batohet n hie left band- atoh itpted mi profeeeor vwhere do yott get ydur authority for syiogbtitokvb hatchet in ml left viidir i jr v- j jwhr dinill ihborh hm hi rlgtthdnil to un hid f dtht uituj thi alasrr luixary the ahepbard moon toolbar ber abln- ing sheep tbe little stars that elustsr close and deepl and soon they slssp the bowers wings are folded to ber breast i she bears a whisper from tit darkling wstl v howputo hsr reel i dim droop the dhiwelng bird upoa thetimi the houghs are still as they t- no un- qulslbreeae troubtes tht easr the fall and- tonaly waters fesl the spell v whose mnnotonse sound slowly out and tall their awaf and swsll u all nature- is apleep m dreaming dreams aglow with wonder that on wg seems uut broken gleams so 1st my spirit sleep the lep of daathi class ey est be idle handri lend silent breath i walt what it sauhl okotulu hubukh cljuut y eft m oloararrtm sllumob thsy are very often roads of turkish tobacco into the composition of wwob opium saters largely th effect ottbv constant inhalation of thla naroptlo l exceedingly injurious it acfe tureetly upon the nsrvet and the liver ab4 the constant smoker of socalled russian o turkish cigarettes soon beoomee pau jaundiced and llstlees the srmtattnfj drug mpplng up the llfeof thaemoker and at the end of a few year tsavhltf blm unfit for work and a veritable obt jeot of compassion in his inability to fnrtblmself fwmthebanefullnhoalwet of the subtle poison another deleterious effect of clgsun stte smoking arises from the paper its which tnhaoeo i wrapped iuum manufacltmi of this peculiar peeahf white lead forms oris nf th compotmat parts and this is a deady pojoott which absorbed into the system prcp duces blotches on the race injure th teeth and makes sores on the lips these results may be seen frequently in a days walk startling warning against the pernloloue custom th bafrguerd whowmtoiuhiv a baker living in a village not far from quebec bought the butter be used froni n nelgborlng farmer on day lie became suiplclou thai the bitlter was not of the right weight and therefore decided to satisfy hint- self its to wbetw the farmer waahotv est or not formvemldayshe vrelgtv d the butler and then found thai tb volt of butter which the firmer brought were gradually dlmlrrishlnig in weight this angered him o tha he had the farmer arrested for frando lent dealing i presume you have th aoaleelf tbe judge mid inquiring ye of course your honor and welgbt too 1 presume no sir how then do you mansg to weigh the botur you mil that easily explained yobr honor said th7fermer when the baker commenced buying ble butter of me i thought id gat my bread of hlm and u the onepound loaf ive been using ji as a weight ror the butter tmiwwmzw th weight of the butter la wrong isww ii m i has himself tq blame jl auahiu th shark uy benny wtiep hts teacher told him to writ a oontpo- itlon on that ash la a large musoular aah that lives in the baa and baa- uetb j ilk two row or icicles it mouth a toward the front end end on the under side of the body if i had been making the world 1 never would bv mad a sbprk t but w know not what befors ue what trial are to aouiand it is our duty to be resigned thp ehark live on mllors ol whleh there are many in various parts of the world once there wma hark tbat made a mleteke end bit a thans wooden leg off the ma u aaid that th ehark wanted it for u tootbplohf but i think it i wrong to decelv any body we should always tsll tits truth and be kind to those about us when you see a shark coming niter you the best way la to otlrob up the ld of the ship with touch hast sallota magaaln w to botne people before oasting twr bread upon th water uk thtnires but will it be sure lo bemwtlonfid in the paper tmsrbiahosrorsrr m m m bo many paunt uidlolua tn dd- vrtueileurinrnow offardul to tba publlo ihdt vn wnt to call tho jac idl dttdhllon br thawpkof anton to th faat tlidtvlnol liina la my mow d iidcrui or imunt nmlfaln for nturlw huhilwi bon th woru ow hd iwgnlwi th gndi lonlodlijcurdllv dltadntd oootdlndd in th oodd llrrlinb hbw to xtnw m mwjjnijmbkl wmmuvlrimt omih ana wphuiotl rhlhnt1 apm thdm bad bd0 th profclm blllwrto unrowdd thl ribdliooopbluil two amlnntfrnoh on jolfc and tba xvg wbjt i vjnol ddlolou modro osj lifer pmpdrdtloo wltltout oil ttuld t slmb iwu mtlw and ooomtrt7 ysf tttboddoliial h bidbi luiow pt 4 ldroiititi oil t i v k t h n a body kulldrdiii ormr foe al iwpbv lm tokmt m

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