Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1908, p. 2

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mmm e ntwlonipe m luo mm of llttltt tiiunnt cfi jentuatj meuaou a koeais at um trmldanew of lb brwe mu 1m avmwula iaemue ktrword on wrflm moore etiier otmdlmi um- mv acobio eon ift ii i moot nl that rtt frtvt our wtnftotd uuiw of jo sad of join il nt gi on jfrw tnuiianxy juni at iuo kedttnial h or it a th deputy mlnlatnr of iwlueatlmi for ontario iimh noiwlrjl the county ourk that lltci amount lipoitlttllh in halton forrquipikniit timl tco mmuml t uon of rural nohnole ik xwl the county 1 rstjulrc j lo rain itn wulva leussurrt at tintlntf of the county ouun ell last week it wm tledltfixl that lite revenue front tho town nrul vlllagee in the eounty of halton from the iqvy of otw mill on tlw dollar for mllillng ooouty roaila ba dletrlliuteil at followi milton and oakvlll to trftfaltter aotoo and qoorgetowu to kit ueelrfr darlington to nelion stocks of milling wheat in fjsnaili re about one third of what was in torn thla lime a yeamgd this mnm bard wheal will bo scarce untlulieiiow eroplektaldy and that tin id wheat wln to available for liiendlnr with the new crop a leuoual at the flrat of the season juttlo or no hard wliuat le now offering for export the laafc atateibeiit of the canadian chartered bank eliowe an innreaao of ovrt000a000 uie total deposlla ol he canadian public such ah increase u usual at tbu time of tho year and it ebouldnot bo ovev eatlmaud ae indl eatlttg buelnee recession commercial loan in canada decreased 18700000 daring the month which may he taken a doe to general business conditions now that the municipal offloer haa bean relieved of tho dutlee of erliool janitor he will have more llroo tj de vote to tboee of constable the drunk eo frequently to be teen on the strefcte will no long be permitted to parade their drunkeunea and foul mouthed taguage with impugnly the muni ejpaj officer will have several hour vary day when he will lie able tohnvn the conduct of the atrta under re vtw hie strong nrrti mats hied hy the strong arm of the law will no doubt have tho result of righting these itbnaae and protecting indies aud ehlldren from orae of tlto indignities from srtlloli they are at preaant nut jeot to the deorgetown herald anyei vo really bed not thought or the toinper- an question coming into the cotituat until meeting numbor of tho electors of appwby and freeman dlvlajona tan oonoervatore offered and gave ttwir ettpftort beeauae they had no live for mr whitney e threefifth h flu ill oap thee votee were a rare reception faowem for when mr whitney passed the threfjith atatute which be did fo the purtkme of pleaafag the lloented tlotuallere lie knew at the tame time thai unfold hie tatnperamje friends would with isolated enoeptloni vote ida by de with the truffle they had always talked age i nit and had so often and so fervently implored divine providence that lb be removod jj v oki obunvatioh u raooval by dmtli ilurlng tint mk ol two win ol plonow amnio ooeulou lor tbtt dieting of many of lb omtlm frlaoda anil aomialnl boa ol tho dapartk on and riioaa jot mr time it w lodohlng to e y iv wonntb ol btmii02 undar thaao h eltlttinutuion slid alraoat pathetlo to boarnlehavomark a waro getting monad off and the llko ibo tatly mtmro ul tbetr lamlllm are lut paa dag and aoon tberu will arie a genem o4 ul a oltlaanihlp who will know vary little ol the mali and aolilevo nafcntaof tba loundara ol our oouimun qor ralber and raothira ultoil ol thooiur atotoib nowa da we talk oluotrlo etornn howirar it waa ugbtplog than and lightning now and the natb waa oe bright and the onab a terrifying probably then a now ii w heio wqnder that aomo ol obr j how helplna doee vain humanity aeinj at a tlow ol tho exhibition ol tbeae powerful and awe inaplrlog ol natural kbi h j1 to dp with tho young one mt a problem which la feeing ihany a w wir ponds- im m bylba maternal hall ol the board r ss pphlng mllnilid fcj wl already op nr a great bl mi bojuynabrlni and hand r ar not golpg o real even ii re r and it i juat open to ton ii tho ggditeatfan pepart- joonferrlngabenelll mm lr plher nwt lb prwint lewojetobeaj jtratlilv jnujnyawjli at the head of the league avion win flrai mm by defaaumr brmmpton oil atufdai bhampton lluut next satur day i litatott hum h ill ti mi act rrd its third rnnattcntlve victory on hntimlay winning from uminpttmi tttlli it town by the bitlulnnou uo r of 1 1 to v jnitll wmvoii tlmrithlwr for thai onu and at thuolfatart our loye f iitnd hla ttnlliigh tiih ihltm and mvenlh inn ingtf wtrrti t frnce in the tye f the idchi rvoterit liiithilallghtlotho wh le ant i tew 111 iiit ugh rutin i til tig ncnrd u r iiimm thu vulu ru to fttal happy nd uttlihi 1 llie x in wm nevni in dmtl t and iilthoiiph llithluile tfaii lookfd dmiigmroninl tlinex hyodn wmtt iiiiil to tht retiring th ldt in two inning with tht unity full tim iilllfm pluynd hrllllftnt ml ail wuiuiiih th jiinl 1 in rlgdt gum i u in ilt lug gum i v thu hut 1 and nt the i mt ltu fratlitpa of till guli u wutf 1 nylor w litihie run n ljt ninth net ring 4hnt mim nnl iihiit h ng throw fium rontro klihj uniting dff thu imii lurnttlihtl our hnyaj are imylng furt iiiiiiiuur hell noil mntlwivlug t ihn ail ttit of nil lovers of clean t 1u uct tit as fellow i holmes o v httlmutkay u wild a lit hydtr jh taylor e h arthurs 1 l mclnttihii i f wllllnnim r f llymli p tnul atm a ii ii ii i ii a v ft 2 j j i 0 i j i it l o ii 1 j j ft i 1 l j 1 2 i 1 1 0 i it 0 j i in u ia 27 i iihamiton a 11 ii ii i ii a k 4 0 1 j 0 1 1 ft 0 j u 0 1 nil it j ii l i it ii l n o l u o o 2 10 ii o j 10 j 1 0 0 0 0 i a ii in 12 h oiiluttp i f mooiiiiuick i 1 uarroll p klhl ler j h w heatllu ii h campbell o f oreenswnnl putt c it uosttlr r r total lly inning atmin loociioioiin 1iiiaui-tn-0kxek0- ft hummsry i two hsie hlti artntim williams i lmmeriina taylor l anorl floe hlu wllda ityiler mointohli uynde oreenawortl i atoltm hitape bchnuoy 3 byder molntoali 2 hyide moollntooli oroanawordt first haao on lialls off llymla 4 oly ourrnll 7 1 stritok out by hynda h by unrrol 7 umpires uasaldy and jean itaittm pttki lkahuk niuxtun vom uwr i v autom h 0 1000 uluultoh 2 i wo miitiin l a tci uttonoktmwn 0 j ikk atsquksiho court ob hb vision the court of kevunn for the town ship of enquotlng far the your 1008 wusheld ae nnnouncod the following appfsla wera roaenl edi the bell telephone ooiupany eom pulnad property not aaseesahle the assessment too high end tho company not liable for tho atseaauient nude agalnutlti j it bmwnrldge complain ml that assessment too lijgh on lot 1 con 0 george hume complained pot assveaed in proportion to neighbors and top high the following palpable errors in tho bsseesment roll were corrected vis i that tho asmsnivnt of it modonald be inaerted roe 0000 that the auoeamont of llorbort csaleyt pt hi eon hi lie inserted for 1200 that the aikcssmaitt of geo herns rd veu v that o aaaessuiant of tuna w hatch e 1 li con 10 be inaerted far 100 acres anfl thu mine lie deducted from the eaitntrnent of itobort noble 100 the assesainant nf george wlnfleld w 1 14 con ii be inaerted w 7 w la con 0 that tho hasosinient of kllsaboth hyde be changed from owner to ton atit that the asaeaament of henry bayers be added for 2000 thifc tho assessment of janiee price dog to be atruok off that the assessment of w g bouloa dog to be atruok off that the assessment of win lsne dog to be struck off that the atseaauient of george mlfihle lot ft to bo ehnnged to lot 10 that the assessment of lafayette huffman sseinignt to be sdded for 1700 carried the tforgolng appeals having been heard that the tppeal of the bell telephone company be dismissed tbtt uie oasessnienb of j brown- ridge and of george hume be eaaqrra- ed that the mseaament roll ae now finally revised be passed by the court ant that the clerk is hereby author ised to certify to the said roll as so passed ahil that the chairman innltlal the changes matte in the said roll carried ihere being no fnrt rbualnesa the court iwiroee disastrous thunderstorms thandbk and llarbinlnar and rkun on monday and tuaaday arn bukh lko and is1libd oattljb tohonto kxhibitioh the price llab of tba canadian na tional uahlhltlpn toronto ont aug soth to bepty th hat ootne to hand tt has been thoroughly revised from beginning to end and in some reatwota preseote a mutter and inore eohvenlent appearance than formerly several iniporuiit addlilorta hay been itiado iticlpdlno an offer of 110000 divided into six prtwu tor the beat flora design to eovr not hint mn 800 aqimre fitit of floor apcr tue pmnlnlon blioi-t- hpi association ilveuooaoosndtlt gjydesdhlo aseoofatloh uo0oo tj tho eeii himt tin c violent ihiindertftornia within five dsye an umiiual record after the dry weullmr umrllur in thn month tho luikvy mln torni on imday even ingwtts irtuoli sppreclated but the hoavlsratorlntf with utalr vivid light nlng and heavy thunder on ftjlonday night and tuowlay iflortiuun were rnlliisr terrifying ii ith thu uturalt rma wtwnttendwd with mimwiimt sarloui lota from the lightning and the hrevy rains iwat down- th hay and fall what n many ptscea during iho progrosa of tho atorm pn momly night no lne than flvi urge fltrvwere vautu fii in alon th r nit of the lightning ravmgsa the nirml of theim was at lliaehonse where the viwiittld bnnft burn on 4he xaniio 1 intltuiy liu iimruml wai ttally iljvtr yi d tliu was t n nf the hntjt biriih in the county it waa qpxlot and wit inodtirit lh all ita ellpu ent tin oontttrita i f the luirn iucfkimi nimny it the farm linplaluehts 9000 biihlioiiiof whintt a large ipiantlly of oitls anil hay slid a valuable bbll in thetnll the it will reach 000 orsoluo wlthfonielnturanoe aooiv si lerahle portion of the lose will fell timin william newton who haa been worling the farm on ahares three young cattle ware killed by lightning n the farm of mr w a htewart of tbeaeoond line on tuesday afternoon the lightning was nlnrmlngly vivid and close in town the tower of st joseph church waa struck part of the mould ing torn off and the crosa at the tp f the aplre splintered thu big poplar true at the rear of the wibu puma office and adjoining mr john cameron s residence was also struck and apllntcred a number of persons in the vicinity were stunned by the hock but soon recovered how mb moor thai la what hyomel will do in all revmeiof oatswh and trouble of the brecthlnir orereue it e not a queatlnn of hyomel having cured some one else hut will it reach your own particular case if it scold in thu htind catarrh bmnchltla pueu mnnla croup or any affection of the breathing organs a t brownsayayee and will refund the money if it falls no other preparation for the same pur pose can successfully do this because the hyomel eyatam of treatment is dlf ferent from anything ulae you el reply breathe and inhale lie medication in dry air form which daa troys the germ life that causae oppress ed breathing nasal catarrh throat irritation and lung troubles it bring to these suffering organs the balsam laden air they would get in the pine and hucelybtus fnrfste the nlr that stampa nut bronchial troubles thn prince of untertulnera marshal p wilder sayn hyomel i easy to ue and swift to cure it inauree against eoughu and eolde it gives yi u pure air and kilts the gsrm of dlseaso it helps the voles hyomel complete outfit 91 00 successful at tournament aetotta three ulnfcsi win out in rtra reuad at brampton a j maoklhrtoltm prbb1dbht the annual tournament of the cen tral bowling association opened on the beautirul lawn uf the llranjpton club at ted o clock orf tuesday mern ing the attendance was urge about no or 00 howler participating th weather was very inf but ktrmay hot in i be morning and the bowling proceeded merrily all forenoon and until about bnlf past two whenafterce thunderstorni camr up and the rain continued to full in torrent for couple uf hour title of course stop ped the bowllngmlnlll wedruwday for noon xctoa ntred lliree rink in the phy comiitllit and in the first i mini mth rink wee uooceufiil an a pvrlenou eujnyd bv no other town in tte dlatrlct in ili forenoon a j masklnnone rink went up against iurovll of duelph und won by 1j ta 111 president cilmm rink puywl a track gnlt rink hi d won out by 11 to in anil idtheafternmln a a meoord ink played wllllihiie of bramptoni id won with a acute of itto 14 t nest round la in progress a we go to prvss and acton es far on the wiy to winning the trophy a any n her club in the ill trlet the score of um acton rinks will he published neat week during lb ruin ttnrm the annual meeting of be association wae held in the uramptqn ci lib house at the election of officer ur a j maokln non wae honored with election to the presidency of the association tba tournament next year will he held at gnlt acton expected it but gait alleged a prior claim ml landed the honor acton a invitation for the fol lowing yettr was received with cordial appreciation and in 1010 the bowler will meet in this pretty town onfeweklnm corn br the halton excursion to the o a o on the 17h was well patronised by this vicinity mr kdwln crlppa ha received the contract for the frame work messrs lelshmnb of acton the atone work of the new shed in connection with tho uothotlut church her the work will commence at once a pretty juue wedding took plaon at the method lit church hockwood nta thursday june 11th when ilev u ii taylor united mr w o murray eon of deputy lleeva a b murray and miss ulda mann daughter of mr and mrs john mann krln in the holy bond of wedlock after the ceremony mr and mrs murray left on the even ing train for woatifrn points on their return home on monday night a recep tion ws held in their boatitlful home on tholatllne kiquealug when their relative and friends nitt to aongratu late thvni after full justice had been dune to tho bountenuarapnat prepared the guests spent tht evonlngln various amuaeinenta until an early hour when they left for home all wlahlng tbla very highly esteemed young couple many year of happiness and prosper ity tho bride was thn recipient of many anally and uaefnl presents alma ladies college st thomas ontario ibdjooo endowment hence edvaalegeeatvery ibaooo hrtciam rr a i n fcoflo pw cltarges for regular course tjj including lstlu prench german science fiawofortcthewlng with board room laundry and library for one year separate apartment for younger pupils pure phris green guaranteed government standard e a robertson the palace drug store kodhk acton be everything in kodaks camoras and supplies always in stock fresh practical inbtructions are given to all learners with out charge pringles wyndham st guolph ont summer session for teacher aud other durlujr luly l and aujriurt tobohto w pmm emieabjqjieaai f id llal4 b la rirjrb aaa learn dressmaking in a week t aaatku ta bars lwbm btujag i cmgium to ctttst sirwaihtsisri mat from the nuuivmt iwrt vmfai tult mock htdqfam orsm ypu dtm i pay poly tamtm lacs3 utsmbvitiou allmni bmnullnluutituutwmtla -i- ru tlb dobs ryans building sale notot in progress great response to a great event thcrjcarc genuine bargains and in order to make this chance your very own you will have to jet busy at once after days of hard work in preparing for this groat site there is an excuse in showing gratification at the immediate enthusiastic response to our announcement it showa we have exceeded our records in value giving and ia one of the biggest moneysaving oppor tunities m the history of our business dress goods and suk department t pieces of check voile in drown blue mauve and rrea regular prlee k aalarli tic 3 pieces of plain lttavtr la fawn and green regular price 6oe kale ftrlce joo jrl pea otblscli drs oeods la serge vqlleef uobalrs plain and fancy regular pries oo to aji jj wle price 30c lo7w s pieces ot fsscy crssrtt berg reguw price vi oo sale price 6js a pieces of honey grey luelr regular prlca tl oo sale wrlee ajo 6 pieces of plain vol in brown grey and green regular price goe sale price tjc 9 kanoy suit iengtha regular vis go saje price 9iooo 3oo aole price so sal price regular kegulsr regular price price eo sale price 3 so 4 7s sso piece of drey striped tweed s wide regulsrlioo sale price 45c s plecsa of tweed regular 7jc tale prion 4m 4 pieces of cblt veil la gry sad wauvfl regular 60c ssle price soc 4 pieces fancy btriped lustre in grey grn aud cream regular joe sale price aoc 6 places of plain bellennea in pink green grey cream aad black regular 636 sale price 30c 5 pieces of pin check drees ooods la irey brown green and navy regular 1 10 sale price 6jc silks ispsuese slllta in cream only 97 in wide regular joe aj price jsc raw tjltk lu black brown navy and copeahsgenregular 600 sale price 300 1 piece of fancy blue raw silk regu lar is go sale price f 1 go 1 piece brewn check rr r i 00 lie price jjc 9 pieces of plsln and paney silk la jprlt 3 pieces ef fancy plsld bilk aw silk ragit- regular eu pi a prtci ilnk red aud mauve regular ijc ce49c mlinnery department hats r 1 lot ef hat shapes fancy atraw chip and moailr ragulsr price 1 as to fa so sale price soc 1 lot ef hat shapes aud plops atrewv chip and leghorn regular price ii so to chip end leghorn ficojiairprlce f lowers lot dalales roses popples ete regular sge ta goc h bunoh aal price igc 1 let reses popple foliage grass mounts aad violets regular prices 7sc toga 00 half price ribuons 1 lot of plain and fancy dresden and stripes 4 t s inches wide regular prices too to 11 00 a yard llslf rrtc merry widow velu alet net with borders regular 1 so sale price tjc regular i ag sale price 60 1 lot of pohcy hot buckles half price 1 lot black white and colored tip aad leather half price l lot cliltdrea a silk and embroidered muslin lists aad bonnet regular prices 1 si to s300 half price trimmed hats dress she ribbon tofgoo ines trimmed with plowera illne special prices 95 ribbon veiling etc ja yards veiling conilatlqgofchlrori in plain and dots plain meatr vsncruasb and bots in sll colors brovn navy gray reea purple black an1 black tot white regular price from 3mxte jmj sal price isc and ijc 1 61 yardsof rlbbot checks stripes roman stripe dreed la all saleable colem 4 te s inchee wide regular price up to 40c sale price tgc staple department dfebss uuslins 1 004 yards en spaclsl sala bs yards regular lie lc and ijfl a yard sal price ale 49s yards regularigo and 10c a yard aalepriceioa 410 yards regular 9oc je and 30c a jsrd sale price ijc 30 yards regular tale price lie rase and jjo a yard 179 yards dreaa ends of mualjn worth up to 7gc a yard tale price sjc 30c and 4c w1iitk lawn 110 yards of victoria lawn rsgular too a yard sal price be las yards of victoria lawn estra value regular 18c yard ulsprlceiao dress ginqhaug 4so varda black and white red and white blue aud white check glaghama fast colnrs regtilsr ito a yard sale price lie li hen tabling 1 6b jnrds of bleached all linen tabling 70 in wide regular price 750 a yard sale price 30c 300 yards ef unbleached lluen tabling 00 in wide regular price 300 a yard sale price aac ba yards of unblucbed linen tabling 71 in wide regular 40c a yard sale price aoc 177 yards ef unbleached linen tabling 79 in wide regular s5j a yard sale price 30c 133 yards ef unbleached kiiro heavy linen tabling pure lluetr 69 in wide regular sso a yard sale price 39c cushion tops a special line of taputry cushion tops uerraau manufacture extra apeo lei regular oo each sslenilce loc a bpeclal line of bilk tapestry cushion top french manufacture beautiful designs regulsr tjo each aale price sjo mens and boy clothlrir depart ment 1 only uea a double rreuted tweed suit regular price ih sals price tia go 3 only men s double breasted black worsted suits regular price is aale price io 7 oaly mens single breasted light and dark tweed suits rtgular prices laandsjm sale price s jo 4 only mens single breasted light aud dark tweed suits regular prices 7 go i 00 and o 00 aale price to 00 7 only lien a single breasted dark tweed and serge bulla regular prices iidooand ti 00 aale price tl 30 t only young mens single breasted fancy wonted suit regular price elj aale price 10 4 only young men a single breasted q b ryan co medium tweed sulla regular prices ta add 13 sale price 179 only vettng marie slagle brssted satt double breasted black nd navy serge suits regular price 10 sal price 4 only young man a double breasted dark tweed ifillu regular prices 0 and 10 sal brlc7 ot s only young men e blagle i bressleat dark tw4 suits regular price m 00 aale prlcefsgo men 8 hummer coats 7 only men a striped luatr coats regulkrprlc 9 00 aaleprlce 1 a u price i 3 only men a black luilrecaits regu ur price 1 go aleprioeoa men s bummer vesttf i only mens colored week vests regular prlcm 3 jo 3 f and 4 00 sal price s go 6 only mens fancy whit wash vests regular pricesssaleprieesi as jo only mn s plain black and striped lustre coats regular price f7s aale st allans ghurdi aqton ectoil ths kv mtibw wluoa ma lth bpeclal anniversary bervlcss jane aul boadsy mornlnff ssrwloa 10 jo buodsy evening aervke 7 oo kw 1 0ta bbfiusmfntv phopkrtyjok sale a luubil ol ferae ilul d1lls boom a raw c rr twae mos vtwget atoe holloway wf luan lilli likitof 439 imported glydefldalefitalliou will msss lb aweeou el isji sf fella r h my uu be will ueve tile bwj emad i tlyp coin yeimf anwlewi tuti sr bleb t 4nitlesmaiaeu loftit aewn r i recsaun evr nttht aletuy wlq imv in u tcvilob apeaaisa lb noon homf tarotiw phi iwnm far might tftml ta4tmmrlll mbuutvseiatm eure end tul the f000 thoro brexi lallon tbagbdian jwwar tpabdv thuksflii tx regular 1 5 only ueps plain and white vests regular price go and 1 m 1 o suit 1 euly bey s three piece ugbl norfolk bult regular price 9t price 4 00 7 only beys two aud three piece suits in serge and tweeds regular price is 50 and gjg aale price 3 go 6 only boy e two and three piece suits lo wool serge and dark tweed regular price 4 sg 475 and s 00 sal price 3 00 9 only boy s two piece norfolk light tweed sulla regular prio weed suits regular dark it so 3 7s and 4 so sale price lego s hlldren e buster style dark tweed suits regular price w50 sale price fs 3 children s buster style light and aad dark tweed suits regular price is 7s sale price i4 go s chlldrn butter style light tweed and navy berge suits regular prices is oo and g go sale price j 90 1 only children buster style medium tweed bult regular price 4 00 aale price f j eo 4 only children a buster style brown and navy velvet suit regular price g 00 and s so sale price ij so 4 children a sailer suits navy barge regular price i4 00 and s 00 sal price so 4 children buster wash suits color ed and white regular is bo and 3 95 ssle prce i 73 4 pulu white buater wash bull reg ular price b 75 tale price irso 9 blue caambrsy buster waab suits regular price 9 00 sale price si 9 j blue and rest buster wash suit regular 1 30 sale price i 00 men s furnishings 3 ties men a linen and tweed hats regular price 30a aad 7je sale price 39c i doieu man s negligee shlrw regular prices it 30 and 1 73 aale plica i 00 9 dos men a negligee sblru regular price i 00 and i 30 aale price jjo 8 dos silk derby ties regular price 300 sale price- 3c men s shoes we carry two lines is 30 and 450 thebeattnatcaobehad for the money altogether we have 300 pair your choice of these while this aale lasts far 73 nod is 73 gbttelpli we 00 what we sat sotnettitog new aik lot be celtic the latest touch in a summer collar worn and popular in all the american cities r q j wallace mens outfitter mill street acton 2pari8 0rcen hellebore in8e0t powder buo death and everything to kill insect and pelts to for sale by e a robertson drtiftut adon qqod clothing hade to tdm tepraaeatl qoodolaijtf oae awylaa amiatu oumbur in all thee qualltlea eoublned with elaee phem for cash it nelsons 93 wyndham st ouelph li let the gentle breeze of summer wait your smumep shits to me the heat of the summer is at haqd po ready with clothing to match a hgh own iuu oltsfiay uui utuftpv demliiuim ueam nasbu iomi dksoniptiomi vkr 4oimwwabeomlr ate wiwdbltuawti bud nf btw sad ettel le o inhlim twee le breed freoi sod eje bntelse hl nteerli treeetjie liu bri be thrss test la uu etaa sod ties bvoved bltumir sa siir van loej tb utee repert ibfl we s ebortees ef antes i s blntte eervle um eareltle sv urns ef tr mesoajnrmfao ired tea time m not p at rlas of oeeere of wsraw o i buenr qer i rerbpi nalrsrot loiifeoii v keseaes ia bepammenaef batlweir and canal trbnt canal holland rxveb bbanob notlok to oontraotoiw uckd tfdi6flll rjseslwllle irsmltevsl i qeioeli tw wedoelr uie i lomoausiidtiv lleuadfauw 22l the esel brsaab uisreal uuw dndrard ramatai bellebtl lsndlbf vlsne ieeiaeeuetii esd lbs ftwas ef the eeev use to b entered into eeu be eea so aad esuvuslawmro the ihtmmltaeat of lauulea snayattieje jjuaws st ibe emeey4 ja aiyle- aad aiui oaee of in oirinea ussamr mim knufest 01 si bub plseee fstnts otueew may be cntelnen oonttsetars on reaseetod to bear i bbld tbmtettdmtllliit4beeimlasd iwleestssd trletlr la ebordavse wltb lbs priuet imm 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flower growers funeral and weddlnf orders a specialty all order placed ullh ur e a kcbertun dtumul aolon will receive proml attention the best ever our brands of flour will make the best breid you have eaten yet y kf

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