Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), June 25, 1908, p. 3

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far rttf ithtfrtf we are lisidquarters few v 1847 rogers knives forks and spoons wddln praeante in solid ftltver silver plat out glass and panoy china wkddlno ft i nob marries ltonaa issued geo mill street hynds acton rjbe jutoit jm flrtss thursday junk 5 um i tatep local items isohools out shovtbungnirrsrnionarepopuier now therein hut week tld the erape lmbanse good tfh boys at cabin- niagara havi had a hot time tb put weeki neitmeetlngof ksquealnp ooun- ell will be bald on tba 2hh july anton ffratuau demonstration k next wednesdayionilnon day saw theriisrcurylba bean hovering between eighty and ninety the part week tha teachers and pupil aald good- bya to school work on tuesday rifter noon for two full month tba masons ara at work on ilia foundation of mr john t rowna naw resldsnce on mill 8 treat lwllovit wara old hara laat wed nesday for llalton farnasre institute rxcarslon to tha o a o oualph mr fyfa bomsrvlll ha bean ap pointed pelhmasuv for division na 6 mr john roberteotl having resigned qlanwlllam and acton junior played a football match in tha park on saturday evening the glen won by 3 too put it to tha taat 1st your teapot pro to you that for purity flavor quality end reliability balada i su preme dr gray waa away laat wwak on hu annual flahlng excursion to tba 1 a bauble rlvar ho had a vary enjoy- jr abla oumngj vj an interesting oblulten day aar- vloe will be bld in knox ohureh bun- datsbobool nefc sunday afternoon at utraa oclock hth laat meeting of ksqueslng council voten 588 to potar gibbons and 9b to win russell for abaap klllad by dogi i bockwood and acton klddisaptay- aujd bamball watch in tba park bator- ist dav aftarnoon tha aatona war ik vlouaby7to6 i anton i o i baa decided to fore- h td loml demonstration on tba 18th july ithay will go to onlednri haat ftr tha eatabratloa thr j a farewell hour will ba apant with v hivud mr i franc tbl evening y v ak lh otoaaof the weekly prayer meet- 2 in the mathodlat church a wbowa tba exalted individual who rang tba lira ball monday night forth qra below tmmebousep too bad tourin timid cltlsana nedliy fjrrttieantranca examinations chut- jamuomyntarday morning and wilt eontlnu until tomorrow principal bwahlstbprldlngexamlherher bar geow barker will preach rwst baoday a mtattonary aaruon having for iu earftml thought thalir ol in bphim band who became ptaaber v tbba ball match id tba park j ooiljwdntiay morning batwean the aeton jablor and dramptoo larl borowuibbnor tha faataat gania pfthaaaaabn rphraair thirtybin oandldatae pwrltlngai the entrance aiamlnatlone fat theoantlnuatlnn bcluwl her trfntyarasvoniaetonnlneteenfrom onteid mhoo vthraa young cattle belonging to rvivmr una were mft ttled by lightning during monday m fwojoai itorm they were wltbtn a wjoplof bnndrad yard of til barn iobmiplalnu are noad by frequent isapftbelab houte of indaoent x ojoatu nd profanity at lb awlnv jdhouatthapark there maybe yffljajia iieottr over i hii conduct of the vriaiaet xjmton aqd bmunptott tb two i x haltonpf v will play thstrnext matcb hare rdy afiamoon it will b and our oltlmo will xawm4u largely vdmd the newly in- umpwmorof roekwood will ooq kdbo tba preparatory aervloa in knox cbuwhop friday evening at eight lj tbe bcrawnt of th lord ftivlll be dlipenaad no bnnday ingatuocloolt a b7oiivlnsar ifcimliig docu u utttotworjmtnlj duughur ot mr or vmitoir biumm owunt ti4 lito tbmwtpptton ijairt i arilog ijoni tt itufi to noils w wl tha u mqftnitif wn ucmud but jfattvmwi smdwiaien mrloyi tbboriplijiim oui ooontjr ot uiinmtii lofvwtor mo- 4iiwiiiiihrottrom iowudnflwuifpmt jljwglijul hombct news op local import thai down flw raataty during tha heavy aleolrloul uirm on monday night tha machinery at tba powtr houaa waa abut down for an hour or an tha lightning waa piny- log all aorta of freaka with th wli lt and connection aajiia ltad laapr tba township council paaaad the following account at laat meeting d modougall grading on 22 aide road oon s sto00 putting in tile culvert 1380 1 wm mlno grading lot 20 and si oon 1 s9000 john crawford jrradlng lot u oaaj 11700 w o aotbony 10ruhlntllax00chpgu- ootuv paying aukaruirnt tha canadian road machine do t blade for road nvlnelto00 xaai ohnah neatai par fuv j o wltaon 11- a praaohad the last of th eerie of aerntoq on savn paadly bins in knox church laat sunday avanlngt th topic was fllotb and th sin of both material and spiritual aloihwab emphasised theaarla baa bean varypplnted and helpful net bunday evening mr wluon will priaoh on tbtng that lea than h bomlaloai day oawan rarty ramamhar tba preaby urlan church garden party t gorgetown park pn avenlogof dominion day programnta to b glvn by th 48th ii ifrl landers band of toronto aaalstad by 20tb lorn mam band it will b almoat tba enact programme given by th cele brated klltlas band whn on thr recant tour of th large cltle of tha united state and will include high land dancing by th champion alex monro and three other song by several voeallstaofthebandand music fay major beaton champion piper etc th publla are aaaurad that tbl will b th cboloaat and most enjoyable open air concert given intb part in year in ease of rain the concert will be held in the drill ball ad- biualon 83c refreshments extra hpur wedded at atvatferd- a very interesting event took place st stratford laat thursday 18th in it at on oclock when mis wlnnlford morris second daughter of john morrte bsq and edward jama moor editor of thaoanadlan grocer toronto only aoo of h p moor of th fnxn paaaa were united in the bonds of holy wedlock tba ceremony w performed by rev geo f balton pastor of central metbodlat oburcb at the family residence 101 avondal avenue in the preeence of lb mmed lata relative the wedding march was played by mia freddie dlngmau the bride was beautifully attired in a dree of white silk trimmed with lace her travelling costume was brown 111 with walafc of point doeprlt over allk with hat to match alter the cere mony and congratulation a dainty breakfast wa served under the skill ful direction of mts lillian sister of the brld mr and mr moor lf t by th 420 train for thslr homo at lid fern avenow toionto they are raclplcnta of the moat cordial eongratuiatlonand yood wish of their liomts of friend way mr oots a m yaafraf the baptist ohurofa is to be cougrat uuted upon it good fortune in having th vacancy caused by the retirement of rev u o priest b a aatlsfeptor- lly oiled rev j- j gott who waa tendered a call laat weak preached last sunday afternoon from the text he that wlnneth eoul hi wlw at the eloee of th service b formally accepted tba call of th church to he- come iu pator and in a few wu- chosen eentenoee expressed hu earneet desire to be made a blessing to th church- end to the people of th town ofaetou the member of tbe acton church feel grateful that they have raeoeededtn getting auehaeueeeeadr to rev h na priest in parting with mr gott tba mlnlaterul aaaoolftlon of northampum bogland with which hir wmeohnee expressed tbelrgood- wlllin a teailmohui in whloh they eomsand mr gott a a faithful and aoceptabfe preachsr of the gospel wnd as paftor to wboh the people if hui cbarmware greatly atteohed and ex- eaeiljdgly6rry to mparatr tfce tau jhn maotw the nmain of th late jobrtmoor whoa jeathlntorontooi wadqci 17th inat wa rfrrd to jot week arrived jo aeon on fruaymnrnlnb and th funeral wa held fronmi croft at 20 in ths afternoo eertloe was oonouoted by key wilson aautdhy o wv ker meesr m f moore w dowdy tt t lpae h- p moore a a be- cord and a t brown wre tba pall bsarers deoeaaed via th youngmt eon of the late thomas moore on of tha esteemed plonwrs of this vicinity he was born in th township of nlahol county o well ington slxtyelx years ego and cam to eaqueslng with his parent in 18w when wv young man b wt to guslph to learn tba plastering iratlne with hie brothrlnuw myor gowdy he returned toaotoo in th sixties and was for saver y ear a member qf tha arm of moor bro- and moore k bmllb luith ihlnilt and lumber bnaloa thirtytwo yrs ago he wsht to mmehous and jut thirty yemrawaaihe very eaen oj here ai obnploftre go ha retired mrs mowlpr two and a half yaarttlieirlfonlcharlea at laioaar oh lo dr oeorg at frank iorfiivub iiiivi yiaitt wmor wo priori to bit dhw pqmaopl m id fai u mmdm kmmt wam ti ww uu atlick on a trip to atoartaod mr o k and misses mary and gsr- truda uollfiiraka leave milton today for montreal whence tby will sail on saturday for bngland where tby will visit relative aftar which they will go to parts and other continental itlae they will coma home via naw york in about two months cham pion presented with at ma jewel at the meeung of walker lodge a f ft a m last week mr isaao franela was preasnud with a past mastsr jewel the preeantatlon was made on behalf of the lodge by w stark p m mrvfrancls voiced his appreciation of thlfc generous action on the part of the- brethren in aneaispaech ami wuhad walkvv lodge continued sue- csm v r francis was mad a nienibsr of walker lodge on sept ljtb 1bh0 he held theuhalr of master dudntf tbe year 1h0s and ha since occupied the office of obaptalif most of the time- mr- francis leavs for bis hew home in toronto nest weak a une rota camp hlaara company f arrived at camp jo the afternoon qf last tuesday after a fin trip via georgetown to turlington islake f lllrmewr p1wdmk1 lite oce by boat to nlagareonrthi tnth were put in camp abap quickly and everything mad comfortable for tha nlghr before dark the health of the company haa been good aqd cspt gamble i u admirable drillmaster attherlr hutts whvre the shooting of th companies was tested last week at 10q yards company f received tbe standing of being tha best com pany making a higher score than any other company thst hnri hn at the butt the company haa bven warmly complimented for l heir sbootlnu your truly tilu oouiany sjthn- msa en deed haadsi aeeeunt at th meeting of th county coun cil last wk county treasurer an drew reported that he had rttotlved flfl front th 1rovlnclul treasury a ill first government itrant to hal- ton good roada system for improve- nisnta slfttolsd ths pt year the amount wa distributed by the follow ing motion t moved by h swaek- hamer aecottded by j c ford that the county treasurer he authorised to remit to each municipality the equalis ed sura of th government grant r good road for th year 1007 as fol lows l burlington 130667 nelson 110809 messagawyasaooob ktquea- ing 9910000 oakvilt 90000 milton 70800 acton 11300 georgetown 10007 trafalgar 101304 county l0110ttoarrid anotbeir tvouay so aaftom ihrepoasa the milton papsre are publishing the following legal advertisement t notice la hereby given that en appli cation wilt be hindi- 1 lb leglautura of ontario for an aut i noorponlt rig the milton radial railway company with power to construct and operate an electric railway lietween hilton and bronte nr oakvllle with power also to extend thesainw to acton and to brampton with a branch ho from the aeton line or the brampton line to georgetown and further extensions with all th uaual corporate power of electrio railway companies t 0 livingston for himself and associate it la to be hoped this hue v111 material- is more promptly than the two or three unas previously projected for similar route a trolley from acton to th county town will it very popular- th voir and th aw dun boys in town sometime come into poaaeealoti of air gun and use them without realising perhspe that they are guilty of an offence huh inst the law for which heavy penalties are pro vlded th criminal cod eayst every on who be upon his peraqn a pistol or air gun is guilty of an off no and llabl to a penalty not exceeding 8000 and not less uian 2000 nr to imprisonment for a term not exceed inn three month every oh who without lawful xous point at another person any firearm or air gun whether loaded or unloaded is guilty of an offence and liable to a penalty not exceeding 10000 and not i than 91000 or to imprisonment wtb or without hard labor for thirty dajr tba law evidently deem tha alrgun to ba dangerous better not become poeseesed of tbemhoydt pemutoffw4amsnleknu allttlaoverayearsgomrandhv robert ntoklln ratumed hom from manitoba wher they had resided for eighteen yar mr nlckln wa in very poor health wis offering from rheumatism and the effect of a alight stroke some urn before he dd not improve in health and the sd death of of hhf youngest son karl in the o p r yards at brandon pn the 8th of may ws a heavy blow to him from whloh ha nvr rallied for several week past he fiiedrpldly and last friday khortly after noon be breathed his last tba funeral was held on sunday afternoon from the bora of hi brother mr a r nick- lln j p revs j o wilson and g w barker conducted the aef vlor deoeaesd was th eldest end of se late bdward nleklln and was born aeton 64 years agobls birthday anirerary being the day before bis daatb he married margery mann daughter of rqneld manpt falrvlaw avanna who eurvjvea him t as do also the sons kdward of portage la fralrlsand fredsnd holland of bran don ownsral sympathy ls extended to mr nleklln and the family lb thblr doubl bereavement eutwhatyopwkr u i hrt tblnffdo in tb case of stwgihan buschir walls of th social and personal mr d momackon of hlgubjate was in town yesterday mr d momurohy left on monday on a trip n the north west mr and mr w r kenney visited rrlands in kilbride tbl week mr robert rlgle of the g t it is spending tba week at cayuga mr malcolm mobachern who i now in toronto waa home over sunday mr snd mr n p moor and john visited friend in krln over sunday mr chas r aklns of midland spent a wy or so last week wlthfrlende here mr 8 u wart young of oweo bound as the guest of acton frisnde this eels mr hllaabath gray of toronto b spending a few weekewlth her eonat afoofwirofi i mrs thomas hlalr of ktlbrlde b spending a week or two with her daughters here mr gaocempbell is toronto attendjiig the marriage oi her oaurin ltly k ulddlaton mr garfield kamabaw bf west toronto spent sunday at the home of mr alex ramshaw mlsellama4phersonlbspndlngbr eummsrholldaysln rochester wlibbvr saur mr oharleettrwln mr a iu1i of hamilton waa her un friday attending th funeral f hl ft lend the late john moor master melford collier has gone to spend part of hi holiday at hi uncle henry campbell west toronto mr jama a matthew of orwnge- vllle was here on sunday attending the funeral of the late robert nleklln mr tho ramhaw of west iv ronto has been spending tho past two week with friimds in acton and vicin ity aid ahdmr r k nelson and their son and daughter of guslph attended tbefunsrelofthelaterobertnlcklloon sunday mis clara k moor returned home on tuesday after pending a few day with he friend mr dr f j il pnrstsr stratford mr and mr h v moor ml lott la speight and mlsa clara k moui were at stratford laat thursday attend ing the wedding of mis morrl and mr r j moore miss nellie maodougall left tuesday morning for an extended visit to seattle wash kb will also visit friends at reglna hanley and calgary on her way out mr j j pearson end hi lit lie daughter olive arrived on saturday from portage la prairie man and will spend a few week with mr j b pearson and other friend mr t g anderson asst supu of mills training school new york city apent a day with hie euter mr gvo campbell vi u toil viiih mr antler- eon 1 on a vscattott trip thttiugh tbe thousand island to muitlreal and quebec a setalstevst vtett to aetost j h faull b apii d assuelate professor of botany toronto ttulver- slty visited fulry lake and the ponds here last monday in search nf vege table growth upon beetle while ut fairy lk h cam- across i water plant which grows wet of minnesota how it came to acton is a problem probably som water bird carried the seed the professor wa so well pleased with the prospect for ipecl- mene in thla vicinity that lie purpose coming again during tbr midsummer vacation buy real photo poet ordof aeton for sal by all dealer fluecleaning o dirty hmrtfcrtakjoel lob dtd fluecleaning clean rrxwfwaakfaf fob thst nuk doom situated singly m overfeed door on fonie furnaces situated doubly tame diuance ffpm each othcseip distance from feed door on suntklrw rurnace t sunshine advarlfaae va opctorcan eully deui vry bit of iqoc out of rdltof tub opratiom flrput out lmokplp pulled downon tome lumtott ftreitry in imouplp iioiyt up 4 on suninln- funuca be cleaned out any time in season any t fear of chilling the houte furnace can without trouble london yomjohvo momthmaj wimmiree mxiary vanoouvan tjohnhb hawllton oalaanv spring stock of footwear unusually attractive geo stovel hits hi eprinii stock now completed and is satisfied ho can delirlit all customers hi nobby new lines oc this springs ms patents anil fancy footwear surpasses all previous seasons the daintiest kinds of new spring goods for ladies and children splendid heavy solid stock for farm and heavy work also yood stock of his own make i ripes always right hero repairing and special orders promptly attended to geo- mill st stovel acton bank of hamilton oam o bisj crg riffm4 h lb huriovo oft a hw oot georgetown branch w n mokay aent h h un8i20 july sklb comnnnom thnraouy july 2nd a chance for every man woman and child to save money remember a penny saved is a penny gained this is not only a chance to save the pennies but the dol lars as well genuine bargains throughout the store in mbtaety v carpeto curtslm wtu pjierl v dreu goods mnisat prloi watatt v skirt jstkeu cortd covert dniwew ucm enanmerle he r t men sad boyf two andtntee mece suld ceati furnlthinft straw and felt hat cap etc the groceries will also receive- their share of the price cutting a genuine sale of genuine goods with strictly reliable and honest dealing h h xiiiswbrtll hcton u- ajvjs anglo bugkiller kills potato squash and cucumber bugs i geoseberry and tomato worms or any insect thst feeds upon the save of plant it raiullaea the plant it make lartfei yield and prodaoes better quality 6 lb package 35c panoleum the great bhootly prplnutoa the oows vrland and the dairyman moneymaker this preparation has been tried and proven by dairy spoclaluts to make a differ eno of inoraass in butter production eftiftb a week in a herd of eight cow a 91 can makes b ballort r f jopstone go imlll street horrjware acton m capital paidui reserve fund 2500000 ache taafjsst fabffl fail pi fad frst gttelplis old home hteefc dont fail to mark the dates but also if you need any kind of fine furniture carpets oilcloths iron beds springs mattrestes baby carriages etc- to mark well the stand iao wyndham street 1 and call and get prices special until sold sideboard extension table five diners and one arm at s87ts regular price 48jjd cine sillc parlor suite ailover upholstered very hanaaqine 4 pieces special until sold mm regularprlce 8000 telephone 353 j m struthers guelph made to your order the bight house hamiltons favorite 8hopp1mo place r6mnknts at less than half price hundreds of short lengths of dress goods with prioes oupped a half to twothirds remnants remnants i remnants 1 hundreds of them suitable for skirts waists dresses adits and childrens wear useful snort ends of 1 to 7 yards in plain colors and lancy weaves the very newest and most fashionable of the seasons dress materials are among them kinds suitable for summer or fall for tailored wear or more dressy garments jc yard formerly t5c to 85c ifc a yard formerly 7sc to 125 50c 1 yird formerly 100 to 175 mew stripe and check effects fancy weaves and plain coloru in every fashionfavored material that the season has brought forward just a few of the weaves are panamas voiles cashmeres eollennes worsteds henriettas armurea poplins venetians taffetas serges broadcloths thomas o 12statk1n8 ooshsbklho sr bst huohson 1 hamilton ont ivf 190b spri nc isos lhdies mwm l v chances for m shrevypmbn 1 for lfc we will rnako to your measurea fine ughtweigbt summer suit of tweed exaot duplicates ln tailoring and finish of our regolar a5 iliub f vohaveh suit lengtha of these thanduome tweeds tp clpap jiktbiwpwtijinset vi p iuj cickuitciiejgtiihip jailblaet jujitbpwj ayuilefira jf n extensive range of natty atylisli mckin- w non made jackets id black fvfnandjanyvv tweeds prices mrlt be found much easier jpvin v the- cities w thoraesasi ijahkets willbe in much demand this season tfjt 8eirtsionyrijyrwb blmfcan4isjlorif tweedwthoaepr j

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