Acton Free Press (Acton, ON), July 9, 1908, p. 4

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l iabfa -n- ft yi vr v v iff- she mott jtrce rtss tutaftat jufy 0 100s vhatb th uas you ojvnt paddle with i n inmurfdtt youoanlly wnn youre reeln esvi wy every feller limny v t trown up cant ut lu m what pqtn uw o grow hi upf you ojvnt paddle with i mir toe i yell tlra wall r ttnirvv a brown up cant ut lu we i qoti t want to tie no older wbatethtthiap ii what e the bee o fro win up t whn rn bbj i don t euppoee biptortn would be rlabt in a neaghbor field el night i dont uka to get my oloe i don t ilk tu be no older whatethciis iii what the um o grow in tip p yon eouldn t ride the oow fin the rabbit an the pig son uke you abuse votfa big t rn oomfoviablnt now pvao i mil rimtu t i dont want to bfc- no older- whletheis iv whatvtfaeumogrowln upf when yecgrowed why t vary day all wwennelon jrtlc you juet have to one thing tan a pirate a king r oow boy i oan nlay 4 dhat i tn anything i cliooao i dont went to be no older 1 what the iimf onuaiu ftbere u a young medic etudent living in jhwtport kane whd bae deeldedlpot to epeak to a girl he know he wu calling on the young an recently and during the even fhe ounteered to elng when he d concluded hie ungbe turned to the gjrt im thinking of taking olat enhur be mid do you know of ft good teacher whoa charge are raaeonablep x know the very one for you abe replied hi name 1 taylor olva dm a card and 1 it write down hi tele phone number for you m the young man gava her a card the next day he called taylor up on the telephone i thl mr taylor the vooal teacher 7 he aiked ihe what y eame over the wire the vocal teaobor p naw was the reply i dont faaefa noutln i file saw nodd thadocko bnye we moat be careful of qnr boy brain todd why not keep him entirely away from all mental excitement p nodd that onr idea were going to eend lilin to university mtai aaoum btjt hee her intended in he notr mis kewltl oh no he intended i bellev but chafe a far a it got mr hrlndellrnow mary i want you to be careful thl eome very old table linen that he been in our family for two hundred year and mary ah euro maam you neednt worry i won tell a soul and it looke a good ae new where hay yt been thl evenlup naked o huey of otoole 8ure i liave been playing hrldget wuut eald otoole nrtdgf whtlp atl how du yev play thai i- nib in thv kllohen wld llrfdgefc ate pi an cuke an cbloven an whin bridget hurrtftn tu issue coulln whin urtdgft bean the tnluuv ootnlo ehe aye blit a jmovb at laarr a noted humorist heul often petition ed theooutioll of the town where he resided to fell up a ittudhole near hie boumhut without result one night he heard a spluttering houe and ultidry ejatfulatons unlit for pobjlcetlon end galng to hie door he found a retpectiml member of the town council floundering around in the mud hole good ovenlng sir i am gled to eee you stirring in title nutter at last and eo saying he oloeed the door and left the poor councillor to extricate blmeulf ae best he could m how about your umoonmciou iminluamoa tour lofluenee la a large a your aslft a very email proportion of your time u epent in giving good advtae to ittom about you but when you are uaat oqotoloua of it an influence wpjcb radiate from y6u ilka beat itmv flr oomnaela other to taka uw ittbpaib or the wrong jsometlmee yrbmjfaa tongue say one thing thl toammaefou lnfluenc aayk another awl upt though it eeeoii it ebunor djoyrna out tb aouod of your words wbl ypo art epealis ao loud that 1 cannot jmar what yqu eay do not be muaflad bacaue your spoken coun- eel fa on tha ld of what la honorable andparaand uplifting what about the other that uneoowloua influence whkh la not tha expreetlon of eob- vntonal atandard but the radiation j vraalaalf wl4lu wtfat von bboih my ow gtmdmofbw had a way of h maung bar chlldreoflnuh their work 7 v tbay began a thing tby muafe eofn ptawlt if tbay undertook to build a eobhonavv they must not ttave it until i j itwmdoofc and nothing of work or uj puyto vfakb they set their haude pip 7 he aiiow then to abandon in- vj extaiuau i epmetlmee wlah i had been grained in this way how mock of hfa la ytuikd in unflnubed work i v mafx nu up bla time u the labor de- lfjocofnlneaoe tn thing and temi naelees would flnlsb five of tad make thtn proflubl and tx flqb jtn work life la iume u abort fltop beginning wngind go back and flnlsb rotuflstu obaorreri a pleasant medicine there are some pill whloh havo no othr pur pose evidently than to beget painful internal disturbance in the patient adding to his trouble aod perplexities rather than diminishing them one might a well swallow tome uoroslve materlml purmeloe vegetable pill have not thte disagreeable and injur ious property they are easy to take and not unpleasant to the teste and their action le mild and soothing a trial of them will prove this thuy offer psnee to the dyspeptic i it i bettor to be born plucky than rloh and unlucky there never yet waa a milliner who could do much toward your heavenly equipment lroubdattoa prlaalplaa slrat i when w undertake to all your buoeerlptlon we give them our undivided attention and beat earn the patlente welfare te our firat con- eldoratlon second i we guarantee our drug to be or full strength a well ae pure and fresh third t our ouatomom ate auppllod with juab what they aak for i eubetltut ng la never allowed paintoe ckucny compodhd if you are a sufferer from kidney dlaeaeo hver complaint blood trouble rheumatism neuralgia or nervous prostration we confidently reeont maud the use of paine oelery com pound jthui reliable and never die ppolotlng medicine to a true dlseeee banlaher and system builder we eupply the genuine palnee oelery compound at brown acton ont jojwro am a tot chance eettle the question lufwork do not drift into inpejilin baeapea uutpurrent aet dlreotw iit to true that it mtp waiting for exaetwork for which yon are fit- 1 wisto u wwwt to lake tftwiraruy employment that to mtumnnlrw j6ng th4 hat of cbhhle ju should atlll be tmmfltt a waltlog for the place for j wtiplsoware fm jfa i ltle credit majyongfpeoptowban they a eettla a question thiost thoughtful eonalder- iwto- j sswj f fawnbett tlatal allow which aju hard thlbg comwto seem sta impoealblllr tbroufflr belhg feou tha mere waiting 1 the otoqrnerva the habit of jojrrange itaelf on the aide of r original telwtfcqoe ter never on so suyalurontor doing a bard ling a tbhrt nnnt it i poeilble do tf thoee who nut it off till the jilnuto only add to their dlffloulty jtil from thejr stren mtm pw 9 bm w objoot uhh soma uili have mony to btlrti to aaum thrdontbunilt to ooaa k oaua in own uv vo prvnt bill oolloator from n noylog you py ror 11 bood wbvn tby mr ordsred tvatn isaggifeitt we alway feel aorry for a mart who has to act aa chaperon to a poodle dog its not much use talking of loving folk unless your living make their lives lighter orat thing prom little cause glow it take very little to deratige thestounuch the cause may be slight a eold touisthlnjr eaten or drunk anxiety worry or some other simple cause bub if precautions he not taken th simple can may have most air- loua oonsequenccf mnny a ahrnule- elly debilitated oonslltutlon tnday owe it destruction to simple causes not dealt with in time keep the dlgesttve npnaratus in healthy con dltlon arid allvlll be well parmalee vegetable pills are better then ny other for the purpose ohdljht mbibdsl ill sell you 1000 worth of this mining atoek for 60 cent urges te promoter m a life time within a mopth it wh be sell irtg at a dollars abare thaniwhy dont you hold on tq it f aake the canny hian m would but i need a hatacut and a ehave how will i look if i wntfc i month t a sinking hollow all- qone sensation at the ptt of the slomach v is dysmpsia cores enolq burdo fwhlo mi tjwwm to promottstfeillonjchmrfiil- wmandhwtontaln nettmr opmnfmorptiliu nor miocial mot nam o otic j4atajr aftuect ncntedv ftffif- lion sour slofooch durrnoea worms convulsions revcruh- mimblqssoribuep tesuww sinur eg utacr carrot wriavn castoria tor infknu mod ouldran the kind you have always bought bears the signature of use for over thirty years yh wv ukuti una to oitoh mr spadlong began tha youth banging hie hat on the back of tb chair i will occupy only a few mo mente of your time i have ootne to ask you for you daughter i young man m eald the elderly bank er doyou- yejrlr i realise fully that eh baa been tenderly nurtured and that she i very dear to you 1 also that her home is one in wbleb she has been surrounded by evsry luxury bat eh le willing to leave it oan you no air i cant quite maintain hr in the style to whloh ehe be been aocuetomed but i have a good salary and i am ready to chance so is ehe will you y elri i will keep my life insured for a bum sufficient to provide for her if i should be taken away m would you no sin i woutynot expect to live with the family i am able to buy and iurttuh a modest hotn for her young man eald mr- spudlong looking at his watch rather like your style you can have her oood morning sir h london bpreee a oood a a pot it u curious ho w many people are in ignorance of simple little facte in con nection with everyday life which would save them a large amount of unneoee eary labor and fatigue take the case of carrying a htavy beg or portman teau for instance we all know the ahnoyhsg way in whloh it knocks against our legsand the almost lntoler able ache in the arm that if supporting the burden pw people are aware however that by folding a couple of newspaper and putting tbeui kinder one armpit a urge amount of the strain and i neon v nlence le im med lately removed try it next time you are hurrying to catch a train chartered by dominion government ustsbllibed 1ba4 the merchants bank or canada head office montreal inioreal added four ilrnee a year 1 to branch president sir ii mowtaqu allah vice irealdantrjohatlun hooatom esq general manager e f hxmdkm capital paid up 0 000 000 00 deposits over fs 009 000 00 surplus coo 000 00 toial asteta 5300000000 avinot bank dkiosits one dolur or upwards will open an scconnt money wllbdrawable any time no delay raftmstlt 9alk motiw we have special facilities forcollectlng these we wut caab tbmt once if dealred al a low rale of interest joint accounts w hen requested we will open accounts la two names to that either one may draw the money husband or wife etc aoton branch w s chish0lm manager k0drk everything in kodaks cameras andanpplieb always in stock fresh practical instructions are given to all learners with out charge pringles wyndham st guelph ont good clothing undo to erdw cpremiit ooodolollia oosd worinnptuhlp oi mtyitm amuu oumu tut all the qimlltlmi comhln with clou prom for cash it tr r e nelsons 93 wyndham st guelph ho alok person shoulrl look at- the new moon over the left shoulder he la apt to not feel well when he doos ad was weak and run down woulb very often faintawav m x ii anwtnms port etealvi out tiu or ber xpf flento with mtbtnurs bsakt asdtreuve fiiu fbf wrltoa 1 i u with jrnutud i iu how your ilmrt wnl rrw hu i wry wolt uul mil down had hmdachm ttmrly vory day and very 5s wj m w doctor wild ut mnwtuno 1 would iuvr mm out ol tb llnt it wu thnuth pn ol your tnivtuini ajtnu that i waa nduootlto try mllbum lleart and norvo rllu anil aflar tokliui thra bow iad to ralat it ha boan number ol yoan alnoa i had a mntlng pall and ntnoaly ver hov rawdwha too much oannot ba tald injnlh of mu- buma hurt and nirvo pulattor in m tlwy hay rlooted a parfont an iwoa jo oenta par box or t boxaa for lasatalldaalanortlio t mlibum co rlnnitm toronto ont itukraift v6ry elover plotogrpbar to produw apwhlng hkmh o it dumb pwwn wwwaaaefir9wnweprasrar99 altliougb 1 may not gat muoh emllt ihm woman bohlod th broona ralara a lot of dual o start uu clputam it lsitoiii4 imlliivx lira unit tllo lwat tlma to indulg in a faat for ybur atomaoh aok la when you aro out of onah and ther la no pay day in light tbea two deelrabl quallfloatloni plaaaaut to th taato and at th auw hoi ifmtual ar to be found in mother gravev worm hxtormlnator ohlldnn ilk it tb mau who ha a plaaaant way of being dleagrtoabl bu 111 mi of a mighty big etlok for that hrad faellng try an mity tomaab applhul internally and p alatad in for fortylght iioum tfare nevor wu aid novar wul b a uulena panaoaa in on ranady for all lib to whloh flnh la hair what would mil oniulihirt muld aggravato tha other w havo bowovr id quinine wine when obtained in a aound unadultar- nid atat a romy for many and grlanua ilk by tta gradual and judlolooa uao tin fralleat ayatanil ara led into onpabjampbo owl atmhgtb by uiu muuuuim wbuh ijnlnlno aisrta on nature own rtratl it w liana thoaa to whom a ohrbnlo atatc uf morbid dmpondenoy and look of lotemt id lltv la a duuwto and fay iromtwa tha porroa dlapowf io being hrquutbotirmtbfm alfunouoiw orjbeiyajroyfi had weak back wesu ut ti m m kays am vu arlr aw t tern liniments and plasters did no good but doans ku- hby pills cored mr arch ffabnan duak point m a wtttmi vor yeu i wes treabled with weakhtek oftoumiuvllaiats4 for day bslnf eeareely able to tarn tay self and 1 have also keen a great ensarer while trying te perform my heombom dtttlee 1 had doctors attetdn me with out evallr and hava tried ualnente sad plaaien boa nouuag seatav to- do aw any good i wu aho to 0t qp in depafr when my haabaad tndwed see te try doaa kidney du- and after neb two boua x aw now u and able to do tny work x w positive doans kidney ptlu ate all that yea elalai for them and i would advise all kfabwy eoflbrers to aire tkeai a fair trul dean e kidosy plua wlu en all kind of kidney trouble from baekaek is urljtht disease and the prlee is only m eenis per box or s boke for 91 85 al all dealan wallod dlreei en rrwlit uf price hy the luu kidney puioa totoalo ont borne men gat suce fright in their knee every time uieyseeapolloemar- castoria lor imfanta ut caluitn miuymhillalfltlbhtit bear the btgnataroof a woman care not who listens so long a ahe is permitted to do the talk ing a merry tieart doe all the day bnt one cannot have a merry heart if he has a pain in the back or a cold with a reeking cough to be merry on must be well and free from ache and pains dr thomas eolectrlo oil will relieve the pains muscular otherwise and for the speedy treat ment of colds nd ooughe it is a splendid medicine the little yellow bird of north am erica flies to the arctic xteglons a die taom of 8600 miles sctfjcfrv jea e enrj beet of ta beanie mta emeetav oont aak for a stone and expect to to get bread wben all other porn preparations fall try hollewaya corn cure no pain whatever and no inconvenience iri uklng it it is neoeswry to place some wen behind the bars in order to induce them to live the simple life aruflscrupylous druggist willtry and soil you a sub stitute er dr rxwlers extract of wild strawberry why became dr powlora la tha o1dt and bt known euro bawno bn on tb market for p years for df aajrriau dysairraitv cont craawi wlw im th sroiiioh cjuouu isratrriimi cholska mpabuajsuimw pomflaiirt sua siputtm and alt pluxss otf ths btjwki thla woman aayg xydla xl tnkbama vogntable compound eared bor xtead her letter mrs j alallbort artlllerlo st quebec write to mrs ilikham i vor bim year x liar been doctoring for female weaunea heart and nerves liver and kidney trouble but in lydla k plrikham veoubh7 obtaponnd x can safely say x bavafoitnd a burs i was oontlnnally bothared with th moat distressing baekache beadaebe ana hesngdown pelna and i kepi arrowing tnofr and more uervott 1 xivdla h jmakham vcgeublovoom- notmd relieved ta of all iheee dlatreaa- ing syaptonm and made ma a well woman would ad la all euffering woman yonng or od to oaw lydla k linbbaaie vegetable compound racrs row sick women vor thirty jfoara lydla k ilni- hama vagotablo fompoond mado from ronta and herb haa bean tho eveht0h555edehmill8 the o mllty et manitoba tamtlir and aartvy flour for at lowest prloos qerows maka wwu lafls chopplnf tteo and 0u kolled every day peed for ui otojvdeataedbait j henry h0rt0p atandard remedy for femalo ilia andhaapoaltltoiy oared thouaandaot women who havo beentronbled with dliplaooinenta infuuiunatlon uloora- tlon flbrold lumora irrogularitloa kriodjo pain haokache that near- gcdown fooling ftatuumoyinulma tlotldkrinoaaorrioiyonflriroatrauan whv dont you try hv mra plnkbam invito nil alok women to wrlta her for aulvlce ehe haa guided uionaanda to ealth addreuxyiulnilual weaavm9s9rabnawibvnrafwwwerbwiakvsai aoton hand laundry i james webster llavlag pttmbamd the lout try buifceai of i clanl dalfajtooollih i ccnllo u patmiaa of tha many cuttomr who liav favontd tka wnalntm with their j strict allaatlob will be pal 1 to careful fjlllagof all oroara aad tb excellent clam of work which haa alwaya uctn turned out in tbepaat will be oontlnut i jambs wedsthr 74111 utret aclon i i the grand trunk rail paulmgcr tkajh ml wttfeta ptvf mnf 1 mm f m aiei tlm otlowine u iii i train mil at antoo aoina mkwr fa 4 n- iou a- n la m an ke 22 all tijolt buu the berlin lean marble oabpbh mraum dealgnere aae-flslji- obome uoonraentr mao imsee a4daliiladiof artistic- cemetery work wllllaa hcmbtreetl agent aclon acton ptjml an rtj tile worfj o b bbbaoei lropi warm and- strong u you want a pair of glcr aa oij rhitta iri horaehide calif or buclteldn sheep ot muletldn be oertam lo speciry storey in no oth r way will you set equal value to prove it abp qp 1 storey ulut aaytbe wool knit wriat and luied kiod 1 down belowl warranted genuine horaehirle watrrproof and fireproof juet the ting or warmth and comfort sold al all stores every mitt u tagged sroreya insiat on storeys i w a storey 4 son united i acton j ontario justness ollegc afamaf aioelr vpppr wyudbtm at eaalaa oaf gaiisual gortversatloi u ana ilaalfleaat aad lattn war matiau iii tweypaa fallow t wbel av you dsta a ut dlbttneum at a tall n nan bmee aa down t aublph boeinbss collbos avaudgalilmn faiummd delkr a yeer ana ea peosm m ammneraal travail w l taeotfaarbaa i lu poaluoa is tbe bad etas ef tu amt una this famous institution is eoatlbuallr prapariateantl toulilntf id tbe mv mmhi ambltlooa ytwag koao ud w one el lu bilgbl reap vouwt for tu haeoormiok bjl ps4naloaia you crint0ll by thb looks of our carriages thai ihey are easy riding there is a alghtoeai and grace about them which tells the lory hut there la more than p pairs to the eje about our buoaibq there if a slteauti wblcb coma iimnodinalsrlslanilbkllledwork- tnanshlp thats hal makes them the lohietl laatlog and cheapest in the and vehicle on the market i handle mccormlck machinery el ill binds cocltihutt pleuryand wllkloson plows blnwr sewing muhlaae chatham kitchen cab- ineis xtondon hayfork roods etor- headquarters for all kinds of carriag repalrloi j n oneiljrs cfrp2rincb9 lalorkb obonaatouin ont new pictures at waters bro ne ideas in framing artists supplies oil and water colors always ttm nd ofthebestqualityl 3 wh walker painter piper hanger peconrtbr 1 1 uakt bxraat aeloa oppetll auphaseooi dlackimllh r gbce all work aaanuueed th woik ofyaui la acton t pnol ol iii onur tan ata t brown a drug blora wul ncelya proaapt atlaallon w ii walkw mtoh the old and reliable oranita and itarble dealers hamilton sons ow htrtaui awl vrwlalah ba oublrn omobubp btook oarnab am mm tub wtlunqton mutual insuranob oompan atemliblollaao baadoew stnura oht itifa oor breriaa ot flour llftwdle bes wd ouibftve eaton wtmv fillet bre our premla4 are now fully eqnli rllh all lb lalett maolilntry and twffleirftei it mannfacturlnx pilmpa ad pump sapplitt main street ct6 atm tip rfttia tools mnd j soppil orders promptly fillad is it footwear vou are look ing ror 1 if thats tho case goto willlai 8hoe store i carry 4 full in of boots shocu rub bcrs etc for peopl of all ages and sizei our large summ stock now ready your inspection wm wllllama tba shoe men iuiatnt ill f j i w painter paper hanger sign writer t pictdre frarner shop milf st actor posite williams live repairs promptly ma furniture tinware etc unnecessary delay knives ground soft sharpened fj courteous attentionr reasonable prices i w gimfsgn woomm motpm r 8vciakotd bptoesstauj on puri atents taacjk v immkhaaa

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